The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 17, 1900, Image 7

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Kdited by D. 1'. Fikiikr.
Thin column ha boon .f iiro.l nii'l la pal'l for
by tint lOfnilar IVniiln I'nrly nticl tha maiiaKit
tiumt of tlili t'MH'f I In Mowlw miTonlilu lor
Ilin mutlur appeurltur, under (hit head.
Of latereit to the Railroad Doy
fllaring Inconsistency of tbe
Union Party.
My follow laborer bow doei tble plank
ia tha union platform atrike yon? "Wo
pledge ourselves to w,Ka an uoceaain
war against truste, tbe money traat, the
indaitrlal trust and tbe international
trust." Let's take tbem as they run; if
they were aincere would they have pot a
national banker in the Deld for congress
whoee speculative capital bad Just been
increased 10 percent by the action of the
banker' congress?
Tbe idea of denouncing tbe banker'
congress and then trying to send another
bauker there to make iawa for the farm
ers. What waa tbe matter with Vender
burg? lie polled more votes In tbla
district than any opposition the republi
can! have had. What was the matter
with Veatcb, Old Honest Hob? Why
tbeee fellow were men, and would do
something for tbe people to they had to
be killed off and tbe place given to a
banker, who could legislate money Into
hiaown pgeketa. Great reformers these
0ocratic fellows ! Next the ' industrial
trust. What is it? Ilia this. An in
dustrial trust is a body of men or indi
viduals who band themselves together
(or the purpose of advancing their own
interests In the way of maintaining
waxes against the encroachments of
their employers. For instance the II. of
It. T. is an iuduHtrial iruet. The Broth
erhood of Locomotive Kogineere, ia an
industrial trust. The Brotherhood o(
Locomotive Fireman ia an industria
trust. .So is eliw the Knights of Labor)
and every labor organization in the
world today. Now my populial friends
what have these railroad boyii, who have
gone lutl these labor organizations, dune
to yon tnal you should pledge yourselves
to wage an anceuaiug war against themT
What have the Kulghta of Labor, the
Federation of Labor or any other In
dustrial trust done to Hie populist party
of Douglas couuty that you should en
dorse such a plank in the democrat plat
form. Why, the Farmera' Alliance and In
dustrial Union waa an industrial trust
and was tbe father of the popaliet party.
Are you so carried away with the lnit
fur otfico that you pledge yourselves to
wage an unceatibg war against the be
ing that bronght y u into existence?
For shame! Tbe democratic party has
it iu fur the labor unions for it was Ibry
who ainashed their idol four years ago,
and ever since then that party has had it
in for all labor organizations; in fact,
Cleveland tried to stamp them out of ex
istence in his day, but thoy have grown
in spite of all they V-oulJ do until now
nearly 2.000,000 men are in these Indus,
trial trusts in the U. 8. alone. And be
hold our populist party of Douglas coun
ty have gone into a combine with the
Lilliputian leaders r the democrat party
to wago an uuciutt;: ' war against these
two million who are growing ly their
thousands every month, and it is right
that they should and I hope to see tbe
day when every I.Jioring man and
woman, too. iu three I'nltfd Status can
uttuid shoulder to shoulder un I demand
and receive their j'ist aharo of the wealth
they create.
They can do this by way of combining
and no other. io through Uoneburg
from store toBtore, price any .article you
may want to eat, drink or w eur, and
wherever you go it is the same price,
Waut a little job of work done, then
what? Why, man utter man bids on it,
each lower than the other uutll some
fellow doea it for nothing and throws in
the material. The painter'a on the
asbool bouse addition about to be built
bid from 1500 to (1400, and this ia only
an liiHtance. The man doing it for T00
would have to steal the material from
the public or use kerotene oil instead of
liiiHi-ed and the job when done would
have been no good to the public, where
as, if cn Industrial Truat had been in op
eration 1 1 400 would have been the price
paid and the building would have been
properly painted and Out public would
have U en ahead. 11m our f union giauta
stand there and say don't you dare or
ganize or we will wage au unceasing
war, and you know what that meaua.
Look what the great popocratio-ailver-union
governor of Idaho done. Took in
nocent men out of the mines, clothe
wringing wet, abut tbia in box car,
wouldn't even give them a blanket to
keep them warm, men died ot axpoaora,
lutLlvg loans tvtar to retwoaca their
Cass Street Market.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
F. S. Godfrey,
Phone Main 353. Prop.
Dealer in
Flour, Feed, Groceries, and Coun ry Produce.
Highest price for Country Produce.
Roseburg, . Oregon.
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181,
for good goods and good service.
onion befoie they could get work, ate
Tla troe a great crime bad been co intuit
ed, bat bese men were proven innocent
of the crime. But the union governor
had it in for the minera because they
did't vot for him and waa waging hla
nnceaaing war against them Just aa these
unionist baye pledged themselvea to
wage an unceasing war against 01.
Railroad men, look np tbe onion party
platform, read with your own ees that
pledge to wage an unceasing war against
you. They cannot smooth it over or ex
cuse themtulvee in anyway. Look at
the men on tbe representative ticket.
Why you would think they wanted to
start a kindergarten at Salem by tbe
looks of it. Look at the two men who
have written every resolution and plat
platform of this party with three heads,
and walk np witb weother laboring men
on the 4th day of next June and we will
end forever, as far as these follows are
coucerned, this unrenMog war sgaintt
labor organizations.
Notice For Publication.
I.'nitko Ettm Land Ofxk t,
Ho.clnirK, Oregon, May 12, I'JUO.
S'etli'ii In hereby givou that In compliance
with the provl.lon ot the act of Congnia of
Juni' 8, IhTS. entlllml "An art lor the aie ot lira
Imt lamia In the Hlatea ot California, Oregon,
Nevada and Waahlnaton Territory;"
Of IIiKUlain, County ol Chehitll KLale ol
Wah , ha thla day tiled In thin oince hla aworn
taUtim-nl No. loit, (or tha ptirchaao of the
NK'i, of Section No. i2. InTownnhlp No. 2H P,
Ran ko No. W.,and will oll'ur proof to aoow
thai iho laud noiiKftt l mora valuable for ita
timber or atone than for agricultural purpoatu,
audio Luiaullia hia claim toaald land before
tiie KcglUir and Hurolvcr of thla ofnew at llnao,
burg, On-Kou, on Tuemlay, Iho 24th day of July,
lirnu. II name at witm-niaa : K. Orecii, 1
HJoUelt, Albert M. Dahl, i. K. Bthrr, all of lio
iuiam, Waxh.
' Ah j and all rrona claiming adversely tlio
aiovcdtcrllel landa are requeated to die tbeir
calm in thin olllec on or before ald 2 1 111 day of
July, J. T. BIUDUKS,
mlTp Kcglater.
Statu of Oregon for 1 Mights County.
K. U. Voting, A. i. Young and tiro. J.
rStcnriiH, partner under tho firm name of
I-:. tS. Voting & t'o., l'laintiffs
James L'. Manning and Minerva L.
K. Manning, licfendants.
To Jntiit'H K. Manning ami Minerva
L. K. Mainline, aliovc naiiii'd defend
ants: In tho name of tho Stato of Ore
gun 1 You are hereby required toapcar
and uiiHwcr tho complaint tiled against
vim in tho above entitled action oil or
before tho first day of tho next regular
Utiii of said court, to-wit : On or U-forv
tho 11th day of . I nne, VMM, and if you
fail ho toniiHwer the plaintiff will Uiko
judgment uiraiiiKt you ih orayeil for in
their ciiuplaint, to-wit: Kr the xuin
of ftiS'i.4.r with intereht at the rate of 10
per cent jier milium from tho lut day of
February, VMM, for Htieli attorney'H feen
as tho court Khali adjudge reaxonable
atid for plaintiff1!) costs and tlihburije
ineiitH, and for un order of sale of the
following dencr ibed attached real proj
erty, to-wit: W J.; fXK 4 of Sec 1
Tpl'.'iS H1 W, Will. Meridian, UU 1.
2 and 3, thoSK ofNWand Sj of
NK.U of '"c 'i Tp 25 S H 5 W, fave
and 'iicceptiug therefrom (I acres hereto
fore deeded Umiquii Ixxlo 117 I.O. O,
l A Iho excepting ll ft rip of land ill)
feet wide beginning at the font liweft
corner f fiiid land fold .l.'nipiiua l.Hlgo
:t7, riiiining north to foiith lino of 15a
kur lunation Land I'laini, tlieiico went
along said lino HO rods containing 2
acres. Also excepting 1 aero in the X
K '4 of said Sec ft heretofore nold 1.
Manning, the deed for w hich is of rec
ord on page Hit, Vol ft Hecord of leeds
for Douglas county, Oregon.
Tills summons is published by order
of Hon. J. W, Hamilton, judge of said
court, which order is dated April 2:1,
Hum .i,i.l ttu.titiu. itisiucrihi'tt 111 muIlI or-
der for publication is once- a w eek lor
nix weeks precoaing 1110 iirsi uuy 01 kuui
term of court, una the day of the tlrst
uublicatlou of this summon is April 20,
lWW. . .
Attoraay for flulutH.
U.vitei States Land Officii.
Koseburg, Or., April 12, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with tho provisions of tho act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled, "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"
Of Oakland, County of Douglas, State
of Oregon, has this day filed iu this
oflico his sworn statement No. 021, for
tho purchaso of tho SK'f , of Section No.
2ti, in Township No. 24 8., Range No. 3
W., and will offer proof to show that
tho land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purioscs, and to establish his claim to
said land In-fore the Register and Re
ceiver of this oflico at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday tho 20th day of June, l'.KJO.
Ho names as witnesses ; IL Hunt, of
Oakland, Or., !. Tavlor, of Oakland,
Or., H. A. Miller, of Oakland, Or., I'.
Oardiner, of Roseburg, Oregon.
Anyand all persons claiming adverse
ly tho above-descrilfd lands are re
iiuesied to file their claims in this oflice
on or Is'fore said 2oth dav of June, l'.KHJ.
(t'.l'ip) Register.
I'xitko States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, April 17, 19W.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled ''An
act for the sale of timber lands in tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"
Of West Seattle, County of King, State
Washington, has this dav filed in this
otlieo his sworn statement No. 944, for the
purchaso of the SW4 of Section No. 34,
111 Township No. 23 S., Range No. 2 W.,
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
rnses, and to establish las claim to said
land Ix-foro the Register and Receiver of
this oflice at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Thursday the 28th day of JumT, 1900.
Ho names as witnesses; William T.
Xesbitt, of Machias, Washingtou, Swen
Johnson, of Marhias, Washington,
lirant Tuylcr, of Oakland, Oregon, John
Gardiner) of Roseburg, (.trcgon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described land are reiuest
od to tile their claims in this otliceon or
before taid 2oth dav of June, 1SXH).
(alitp) Register.
I'nitkd Stages Land Okkick.
Roseburg, Oregon, Airil 12, P.HH).
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance witli the provisions of tho act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for tho sale of timber lands iu the
Stiites of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"
Of West Seattle, County of Kiug, State
of Washington, has this day tiled in this
olilco his sworn statement No. t28, for the
purchaso of tho KW) of Section No. 8,
111 TovnshijNo. 24 S., Range No. 2 W.,
and will offer proof to show that tho
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
iioses, und to establish his claim to said
land Ix'foro tho Register and Receiver of
this otlieo at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tues
day the 20th day of June, 1N00. Ho
names as witnesses : ,M. V. l.inuiust,
of Seattle, Washington, li. A. Muttson,
of Seattle, Washington, M. Peterson, of
West Seattle, Washington, Kdd Holing,
of West Seattle, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to tile their claims in this otfico on or
before guid 20th day of J one, 1900.
(al) Kethfter.
Mining Application No. 99.
(;sitd rtatc 1,1 sd omri,
Roacbtinr, Orron, April 10, VJOO.
Notice Ix hereby RlTen that fn pumuano of
Chapter Hlx of Title Thtrty-two, of the rt-riti
nUUxUm of tho United HinU-n, the Imbnll lllnln
Company, a private corpomtlon, duly creaUxi,
orniilx:l and existing under and by virtue of
the lawa of tho state of Oraron, and having tta
(rlnrlpal ofTloo and Dlace of bualnc-aa at Tunnel
fl, on tho Southern Faclllo Co. 'a railway, In
fouilaa County, Oregon, claiming SGOfc linear
f:ot of the Iaabell (JonaolldaUil tArU mine,
vein, lode or mineral dtrpoait, beartna gold, all
T'T and other prnclons metala with aurfiico
)t round em fnet in width, belnK 300 fwt on each
Idnofthn center ol f aid veri,Iodeor mlncrnl
dapoxlt, lyh'.K and being ituato within the Cow
Cw.'ck ininlnf dlatrlct, connly of DourIm, and
atatoof Oniton, by A. M. Crawford, lta duly
authorized aent, whoso reaidenoe la in tbo city
of Koaehunr., l'nntrlaa county, Oregon, haa thin
day liled hia application for a patent for
theaald mining claim and premise which am
mora fu!ly dcacrllxsl m to me tea and bounda by
tbo official plat on file in thla office and by tbo
Held note of iurrey thereof, now Died In the
oflico ol the nlater of the ill strict of Lands,
aubject to aalo at Boaebur, Coufflaa county,
Oregon, which field note of aurvey deaignato
aoid mining claim and premlx. a Mineral Sur
vey No. and deacilbn tha Mundarle and
extent of nald claim on the aurlaco with tnaif
nolle vnrlatlon at 19 deirrcca to M degree, M
mill Knat a follow, to-wit:
BetOnnltig at Cor. No, 1, Identical with N. E.
comer of location from which 'i Bee. cor. be
tween See. 27 and 28; Tp SI, 8 of R 7, W of Wil
lamette Meridian Ore. bear N 7 deir. E l.ViO feet.
Tbenco N 78 deg. W Var. 19 d'-g E WO frs-t to cen
ter poat on northerly end of liiacovory Lode, W0
feet to corner No. 2.
Thence S 12 dcg. so mln. W, Var. 19 dog. 10 mln.
lSOOft to cor. No. S.
Thcnc 8 75 dcg. K Var. 19 dcg. 10 min.KgdO
feet to center boat on Houthcrlv end of Diacov-
Thence 8 83 dcg. K Var. 19 dcg. E 300 feet to
cor. No .
Thence N 12 degree 45 mln. E Var. i dcg. t
14iXl feet to cor No. 1, and placo of beginning.
Var. 19deg. E.
Beginning at cor. No 1 Identical with location
and cor No 1 of Dlacovery lode of thla survey,
whence li Bee cor. bet. Sect 27 and 28, Tp.i2, a B
7 W, bear N 7 dcg, E Via feet.
Thence N 23 deg E, Var 19 dcg, E 1000 feet to
cor No 2.
TbcuceN75deg W, Var 19 deg 10 mln I, 300
feet to center post on Northerly enl of Wold
Standard Lode COO feet to cor. No 3.
Thence 8 23 dcg W Var 19 deg K VM feet to
cor No 4.
Thence S 75 dog E Var 19 dog 10 mln E 300 feet
to center poat on aoutherly end of (old Stand
ard I-odo and Northerly end of Diacovery Lode
of thla anrvcy 000 feet to cor. No 1 and place of
Beginning at cor No 1, alao cor No 2 of Gold
Standard Lode of thla urvcy, whence 1 aec cor
bet acca 27 and 28, Tp 32 8 H 7 W.bcan N t8 deg
29 mln W 4S) feet.
Theno- N 20deg 30 mln E Var 19 dcg 10 min E
ISO feet to Cor No 2.
Thence N 75 deg W Vnr 19 dec E. 300 feet to
center on northerly end of Buck Lode, UK) feet
to corner o3.
Thence 8 20 degree 30 min W, Var 19 dee T.
1500 feet to cor No 4.
Thence 8 75 deg E Var 19 dcg E 800 feet to
center pott on aoutherly end o( Buck Lode and
Identical u un norineriy ena oi uoia Manaara
Ixle COO feet to cor No. 1, und place of bet-inning.
Beginning at cor. No. 1, Identical with loca
tion oor, and cor. No. 2, of Buck Lode of thla
urvey whence Sec. cor. bet. Beca. 27 and 2H,
Tp. :i2 8. It., 7 W., bears H. i degreca 15 minutes
W. 10O1 fet.
Thence N. 32 degreca 30 minute K. Var. 19 de
greca E. l'KKl Icet to cor. No. 2. Thncj N. 75 de
gree W. Var 19 degree K. 300 feet to center
pott on Northerly end Uoonier Lode, 600 feet to
corner No. .
Thence 8. 32 degree 30 minntea W. Var. 19 de
gree E. 15uo fex-t lo corner No. 4.
Thence 8. 75 degreca K. Var. 19 digr-e E. COO
feet to center poat of Southerly end of IlooMt r
lxxle and Northerly end of Buck Lode of tnii
urrcj lA) feet to corner No.l and placeof begin
Beginning at cor. No. 1, Identical with loca
tion cor. and cor. No. 2, of the Hooaier Lode of
tbl aurvey.
Thence N 30 degree E. Var. 19 degree E. 1105
fe't to cor. No. 2.
Thence N. 75 degreca W. Var. 19 deep JO
minute K. SOU feet to center Io-it on Norther
ly end of Brown Bear 1-o.le.
Thence N. 75 degree W. Var, 20 degree 30
mlnuto E. .'W0 feet to cor No. X
Thence 8, .'10 degreca W. Var. 19 decree 30
minute E. 565 foet to aiimmlt of main devidc
C.K 4V. Var. 19degn-ea E.1105 fuettocor No. 4.
Thence 8. 75 degree K Var. 19 degrees E. 300
feel to renter poHl ol Southerly end of Brown
Bearand Northerly end of Hooaicr 600
cor. No. 1 and pluce of beginning.
Beginning at cor. No. 1 whenee a pine 10
I-ielir In diameter bear N. 47 degree E. 55 feet
1. .... . 1, M. 8. 3&i, U. T.
i ... .ee ..jei E. Var. 19 degrees 20
mliiui i E. 10 feet to cor. No. 2.
The nee N. 32 degree W. Var. 19 degree E. 30,
feet to center post of Kaatcrly end of Black Bear
Lode, which i a Cedar f tub, 12 inchea in diam
eter, blazed hd acribe! M. 8. 383, COO feet to cor.
No. 3.
Thence S.5s degreca W. Var. 19 deirrocs E. IjOOo
feet to cor. No, 4.
Thenec 8. 3 degree E. Var. 19 degree
mluutc E. 300ftn ceuter poat in rcnterof South
erly end of Mack Bear and center of Northerly
end of Brown Bear of thia survey 600 feet to cor.
No. 1 and place of becinnlng.
Net area Dineovery Lodo 20. M acre
Net area (.old Standard Lode 20 64 acre
Net area Buck Lode 10 :ss acres
Net area Hooxler lode 13.96 acres
Net area Blown Bear I-ode 14 87 km
Net area Black Bear LihIc 1S.3 acres
Total 116.29'! res
The said miniiiK e'aini and noiiwa ol locution
being of reconi in tho oltiee of the Couuty clerk
of Do ii la County, On'goa, in Vol. 6, of record
of miulug locatiou.
Discovery at Pace 457
(iold Standard el pagu 458
Buck at page 46)
llooaler at page
Brown Bear ai page 4ul
Black Bear at page 464
Tho presumed general course or direction of
the said lsabell CouiplidaUvl Quarti Mine vein,
lodeo. mineral deposit being xhowu unon said us near a can U) determined
from present developments; thi claim
U-lng for S605 linear feel thereof, topetherwith
the hiirfaco ground shown ujkiu the o-.cial plat
lllod herewith, tho said vein, lode aud miu
ioi; lin'inlnes hereby sought to bo patented, tie
ing btiunded on tna NorOi WesU-rly end by va
cant goverumeut land. On the l-u-st side by vu
cant Kovernnieut laud und tho Oregon and Cut-
lioruia Kail road land. On the Southerly end
by right of way of said mil roml and on the
West side by vacant government laud and rail
n.ail laud. The ue&ivst mini tire, the Victor
1'lm'eron the South and the Volk mines on the
West neilher adtoininir.
Any aua all persons ciftiuiing auvcnauy mo
mininw ground, vein, lodo premises, or auy por
tion thereof, o deseiibod, surveyed plutiedaud
applied for aro hereby nolitieJ that uulesa their
adverse claim are tiled a. according to law aud
tho regulations thereunder, within sixty days
from thodalu hereof, with the Resistor of tho
I' ni led State Land O nice, ut Kosoburg, iu Itae
County ot Douglas, State of Oregon, they will lie
barred in virtue of the provisions of tho United
Stute Statute.
J. T. BRID0E8,
A good reliable man, married or tingle,
to milk and work on Una. Most be
boneat, iteady and reliable. Steady em
ployment and t!bt pay . to prepei
pgrtlM. Addrtia
ti Rasaa(A t.
UK fit
Montana, Utah,.
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Oivt choice of two; favorite routes, yia the
UNION PACIFIC Kat Mall Line,; or :tho
RIO GRANDE Scenic Liar.
No Change of Cars
On the Portland-Chicago Special, "the finct la
the West."
iCqulpped WIIU
Elegant Standard Sleepers
Fine New Ordinary (Tottrit-t) Sleeporg
Superb Library-BufTct Cars
Hplendid DinerH (meals a la carte)
Free Reclining Chair Cars
Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
Entire Train Completely Veetibule1
Foi further lnformalCD apply to
J. F. UIVANS, Azt., Roeelon.
J. R. Nagel, W. E Coman,
Trsv Pass. At.
124 rhlrdKt. Foil am. or.
United State9 Land OrncE.
KoHEitUBn, Oeeoon, April 11, KJOi.
Xotice ig herebv given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
ConcrresH of June 3, 1878, entitled ''An
act lor the palo of timber lands in tu
States of California, Oregon, Nevada nnd
Washington Territory,"
jami:l Morrison.
of Odonah, Countv of Ashland, State of
isoonain, has thia day ft led in thiii of
fice his fworn statement N'o. 030, for
the purchaso of the S.; of NWL'. lots 3
and 4 of Section No. 4, in Township No.
24 S R No. 3 W, and will offer proof to
flhow that the land soujrht is more val
uable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural pnrioses, and to ctabi.k
ins claim to Kaul land before the Kejrt?
ter ancl Receiver of this oflice ut Ro-v-bure,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 27 Ih
day of June, 1!00. He natiK-." as wit
nesFes: L. i. DeWolf of Portland,
Oregon ; Lawrence I'erdue, of Oakland,'
Oregon; Edtrar liorte. of Oakland, Ore
gon; John J. loherty, of O loiiah, Wis
connin. Any and all iK.-roii! claiming adverse
ly the aboveilescribed lands are reunit
ed to file their claims in this oHice ou or
liefore aid 27th dav of June. l'.HK).
(altfp) J. T. lUlllKiKS,
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Or.. April 12, HHW.
Notice is herebv given that in comijli-
ante with the provisions- of the act of
Congress of June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory."
Of Seattle, County of King, State of
Washington, lias this day died in this
otlice his sworn statement No. !2-. for
the purchase of the SW.'j, lits
4, of Section No. 4, in Township No. 24
S., Range No. 2 W., and w ill offer proof
to show that the land sought i" more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purioses, and to establish
his claim to said land before tho Regis
ter and Receiver of this oflice at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Tuesday the 2'th day
June, ItHW. He names as witnesses : L".
Roling, of Seattle, Washington, K. V ri
Norman, of Seattle, Washington, J.
Gardiner, of Roseburg, Oregon, J. A.
Kngdahl, of New Whatcom. Washing
ton. Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to lile their claims in this ollice on i r
before said 2'ith dav of June. P.hHi.
j. t. r.KinoKs,
(alllp) Register.
Southern Pacltlf To.
Train leav Roscliurs fur lo rtl.'iml ami way
Uliouaat It) a in. aiul lL':.i" a. m.
8:10 a. M. I l.v. 1'nrtUuil Lv. T:(Wi. k
fl::l r.u. I Lv. - Ktwourg Lv. I l:r. t
12:'l r. M. I Ar. - Ashlan.l - r lllr A.:
SM V. a. I Ar. - cram.'iit Ar. l::ii .
:'i a. .! Ar. - 8n Kraurisoo Ar. I 'J:M x. a
.V4'i p in j tr
y .(M a in I ar
! JS a m ar
7:.V a ui I ar
! lell
lf uver
Kan City
l.'l Aovlts
Kl Paso
Fort Worth
City 'i Mexico
' IloiiKton
New Ortean
New York.
H 4 a li
j !l nl a !
; 7:i'.' a p
: y : Jo a r
1:20 p iu
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0;:U) a in
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X1A3 p ui
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(". : : ill a I :
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12 .H p '
ur I
ar ;
I'ulliuau 'iinJ Tourist mr on both tialn.-,
Chair car sorameuto t.i 04ihn ami El lo.
ami tnuriat ear to Chicago. St. Luuia, Ne
orUaus aiul Wahm:Uii.
CAinoocliug at dan Kru'irLneo with Kevera
teamahip lfu' for llotioinlu, Japan. Cliinu.
rhilippiuca, Central anj South Amcrioa.
SxMr. Geo. Ksten, Mtut, at KoM'Uuri tUtto-i
01 auurvsa
0. r. m raw. At.