The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 17, 1900, Image 6

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Several Questions Which Are to be
Voted Upon on June th.
At. the requeBt of many readers we
print the constitutional amendments
which are to be voted upon at the com
ing election on June 4th. They are em
bodied in the following resolution:
Be it resolved by the Senate, the
House concurring That the following
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Oregon be and is hereby pro
posed :
"That Suction 10 of Article XI of the
Constitution of the State of Oregon be
and the same is hereby abrogated and
in lien thereof Section 10 of Article XI
shall be as follows:
Akticlk XI.
"Section 10. No county, city, town,
tcbool district or other municipal corpo
ration shall be allowed to become in
debted in any manner or for any pur
pose to an amount including present ex
isting indebtedness in the aggregate ex
ceeding five per centam on the value of
the taxable property therein, to be as
certained by tlie last assessment for state
or county taxes previous to the incurring
of each indebtedness.
Be it resulyed by the Senate, the
House concurring: That the following
Imfnt ta the Constitution of the
tate of Oregon be and is hereby pro
posed :
Article I.
"The elective franchise iu this State
shall net hereafter be prohibited to any
citizen on account of sex.
Ee it resolved by the Senate, the
House concurring: That the following
arnpndment to the constitution of the
State of Oregon, ia lieu of Section Ten
of Article Seven (7 1 be and the same is
hereby prspased. to-wit:
"Skctiox 10.
"The Legislative Assembly may pro
vide for the election of Supreme end
Circuit J adgea in distinct classes, one of
wliich c'assea shall consist of five Jus
tices of the Supreme Court, who shall
not perfnrrn circuit duty ; and the other
class shall consist of as many Circuit
Judges as may rs deemed cecessary,
who shall hold full terms without allot
ment, and who shall take the same oath
as the Supreme Judges.
"The Legislative Assembly may create
as many Circuits as necessary.
Resolved y the House, the Senate
concurring : Tbat the following amend
ment to the Constitution of the State of
Oregon be aod hereby ia proposed :
"That the Constitution be amended
by adding Article 19 as follows, to-wit
Article XIX.
"ectiou 1. The necessary us a of
lands for the construction of reservoirs
or storage basins for the purpose of irri-
ga:iou or Sor rights of nay fur the con
struction of canals, ditches, flumes, or
piped to convey water to the place of use
for any useful, beneficial, or necessary
purpose, or fur drainage of nines or the
workings thereof, by meaDS of roads,
railroads, tramways, cote, tuniieln, ebafts,
hoiatict; works, dump or other necessary
meaus to their complete development of
the natural resources of the State or
preservation of the health cf its inhabi
tants, is hereby declared to be a public
use and subject to the regulation and
control of the State.
"Section 2. The right to appropriate
the unappropriated waters of any natur
al stream to benenciai uses snail never
be denied.
"Section 3. The use of ail waters now
appropriated for sale, rental or distribu
tion, also ol all waters originally appro
priated for private use, but which, after
such appropriation, has heretofore been
or may hereafter be sold, rented or dis
tributed, is hereby declared to be a pub
lie use and subject to the regulation and
Control of the state in a manner pro
SCr.Deu oy law. cut me rigot to urn
and appropriate t-urh. wateru bail be
subject to euc!) provisions of Jaw for the
taking of privatn property for public or
private ute a provided in Section 18
Article 1, of the Constitution of (lie State
of Oregon.
"Section 4. The right to collect tasn
or compensation for the usrjof water sup
plied to any county, chy, town or water
district or Inhabitants thereof, I a fran
chise, and cannot be exercised except by
authority of and in a manner prescribed
by law.
Pioposing an amendment to the Con
stitution of the State of Oregon by re
pa:icg Section 35 of Article 1.
"Resolved by tie Home, the Brnate
concurring: That Section 36, of Article
1, of the constitution be and hereby is
"No free nrgro or mulatto, not resid
ing in this state at the time of the adop
tion of this constitotioQ,ball come, re
side, or be within this state, or bold any
real estate, or make any contracts or
maintain any suit therein ; and the legis
lative assembly shall provide by penal
laws for the removal by public officers of
all such negroes and molattoes, and for
their effectual exclusion from the state,
and for the punishment of persons who
eball bring them into the state, or em
ploy or barbor them.
Can the inconsistent attitude of Ad
miral Dewey in tho face ol his protesta
tion of admiration of and affection lor
rrejiJent McKinley, be explained by his
steppiog into (be political arena as a
doss i bio presidential nominee, than Im
pairing the strength of W.JJ. Bryan?
It reQUires skill and experience to suc
cessfully manipulate one of our coble
hattla sbiDB. cut of a different order from
that required to navigate the ship ol
state. The leader of each may be pre
eminent in his line. One requires sea
manship, the other statesmanship.
The grandest office now held by man,
ia that of president of the United States.
Not from autocratic or despotic power as
wielded by czar or emperor, bat because
be has been chosen by Lie fellow citi
zens, and Is, or ehould be, the exponent
of their individual eovereign will, pre
eminently fitted for the high position,
the ruler of a hundred million of people.
How careful then should we be in our se
lection of the man, letting no accident of
place or special achievement, however,
worthy, blind us to the necessity cf the
more important and ntcco?ary qualifica
When AQmiral LVey omej to him
self, when he is again the sensible, mod
est and noblo commander he was when
on the steps of the Ciy Hill in New
York, he received the plaudits of a mul
titude of his admiring countrymen, and
when the political misleading of the Mc
Leans and the Perry Belmont have lost
their charm, be can take advice and
comfort from the noble utterance of the
grand old sailors, Lawrence and Perry,
Don't give up the ship."
R. E.
Rockies, Or., May 10, 1900.
Republican Meetings.
The candidates open the republican
ticket will address the people ol Douglas
county as follows :
May 3. Thursday, 2 p. m., Boggese school
May 4, Friday. 7:30 p. m., Comatock.
'' 5, Saturday, 1 p. n., Yoncalla.
' 5, Saturday. 7:30 p. m., Uraio.
" 7, Monday, 7:30 p. m., Myrtle
May 8, Tuesday 1 :30 p. m., Galeeville.
" 8. Tuesday 7 :30 p. m., Glendale.
" 10, Thursday 1 p. in., Millwood.
" 10 Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Coles
May 11, Friday 1 :00 p.m., Cleveland.
" 11, Friday 7:30 p. ro French
May 14, Monday 7:30 p. in., Looking
May 15, Tuesday 1 :30 p. m., Ten Mile.
" 15, Tuesday 7 :30 p. ro., Olalla.
" 10, Wednesday 2 p. m., Camas
" 17, Thursday 1 :30 p. m., Urockwey.
m., Watson
in., Blakely
17, Thursday
May IS. Friday 1
echooi bonne.
May 18, Friday 7:30
school nouxe.
May 19, Saturday 1 :30 p. to. Oak Creek
school bonsn.
May 19, Saturday 7:30 p. m., Willis
echool houje.
May 21, Monday 7 :30 Roeeborg, Wm.
May 22, Tnesday 7:30 Myrtle Creek,
Booth and Briggs.
May 23. Wednesday 1 :30 Wilbur.
" 23, Wednesday 7:30 Calapooia.
May 24, Thursday 1:30 Nonpareil.
May 24, Thursday 7:30 Oakland. ,
May 20, Saturday 7:30 Gardiner.
AlCfl'S DrCSS SllirtS he newest and prettiest yet shown. The price Is One Dollar each and
5 Vafara'c tlnr Hlfc A new aod complete line, embracing the newest things out, They will
1 J-'ICII IIU.V 111 IS please you from any point of view,
1 Q f WlcIl Pfliirir'Q All we want Is tbe opportunity to prove to you, what can do,
1 i&MIWVI TTUOIl 1 UUI IWJ. in this department, and we don't ftnr the results, como and
look over onr line. Values unprecedented.
2 DfifOCnlc A look through our line will convince you that It Is thoroughly Vp-to-Date. New and Hand
f "VWi Bome Creations, at prices to suit all.
Trying to do better elsewhere is like trying to find the North Pole.
In Marion county the canvass is being
made this year jointly by all the candidates.
Notice For Publication.
Uim-hurx Oregon, May II, I'ni),
Notice U hereby jdven that In compliance
wllU tho proviaionn of the net of Congrrwi of
June arcl, 1H"K, entitled "An act tor the Dale of
tlmlx-r lauua ill tlie hlatm of ( allfornln, Or'gon,
Nevada aud Vt anhlnglon Territory."
Of A bi'idi-cn, County of Cheball, Hln'eof iVhi.Ii
liiMii. I. in I liny lilwl In thlH ollii v hlh voora
iitH't'iiii'lit No. 1IH7, for the pniriit-a'. o' the
HKJof Hf. No. mi, In TowiiHlilp Nil 'i MMitta,
KaiiKU No t Went, and will oiler .r...l to ahoa
thai tlie laud aought U MO'e valuable for IU
limber or atone than for agricultural purnokra.
and loeatabliab. li tat claim to aaid land hofore
Hib tu.glau-r and Receiver of thta office at
ttoacburjr regon, on Monday the Sib, da of
AUKual, liMJU. He nainua a wltuaa: William
Biilllvan of Loe anK'ca, Ca If.. M. 1.1 tiler of
Aberdeen, Waab. K. Green of Uoiialam, YVaah.,
A. KIUurdoii ol Iloqulajn. Waab.
Any and all peraona clalmlmr adveraely the
above-dtwertbea land are rwioeated to flle tbelr
cUlnie lit Ihla office on or before aald 6 lb day
of Auiiut, I'AO,
i. T. BHIDOK8,
!Ul7p iLeguilcr.
i ueii nini mi ill iir ii.
We give rJKCHABE STAMPS with every purchase, when you have traded the required amount, we give yoo
Made from any Thoto desired. This ia entirely new work and (Superior to anything you have steu. Remember, ev
erything free, you Rive ns the trade, we give you the stamps.'
Store Closes at 7 P. M.
Saturdays at 8 1'. M.
aaAatAAaaaAaiAAjgAAilAalAMAgAAalA A AgAAa AM i (fcAaaAAaaaaaaaatta a. am a am am. am.T
opher Poison.
Squirrel end A' Vt ' 'v 4 A ' it ,"m
Gopher Poison. WWl SQUIRRELS.
(Prt.arf,l Wheat) . y -V';VS ;-
yet 1lcov. red f"r tho d itnic-
tion oi uitui orvnani ana
ranch ptnta.
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druirirists.
need not lose flesh in summer
if you use the proper means
to prevent it You think
you can't take SCOTT'S
EMULSION in hot weather,
but you can take it and di
gest it as well in summer as
in winter. It is not like the
plain cod-iivcr oil, which is
difficult to take at any time.
If you are losing flesh,
you are losing ground and
you need
I Scott's Emulsion I
and must have it to keep up
J. your flesh and strength. If 4j
f you have been taking it and g
prospering on it, don't fail to
' continue until you are thor
9 oughly strong and well.
joe. andti.oo, atldruggitU. f
f SC0TT4 DOWNE,ChtmUu, Km York. J
Notice for Publication.
iioaoburK, On K"D, May 14, 1X
Notice la hi""by givL-u that in i cjui.llanct
with the provlalona of the act of Coukh-m ol
Jmuu 8, etili-'rt "An ant for the aala of
limlwr landa In the alalia of California, Oregon,
Nevada ani WaxblnKtoti Tt-rrltor-;
of La Angclua Oounty of Ixx An'la Ktalu of
Calif., baa Ihla day fllod In ttila olllc bla aarom
attttcim ut No. 1016 for the purvhawof tho NK'i
of Kcctlou No.:!, In Towimhlp No. 2 h Rantta
No. U W., and will o(Tir irNf to ahow that the
land nought la more valuable for I la timber or
atom than for amlculturul purixiat'i, anil to n
labliah hiarlalin to aalil land before tho lfi'la
t r and l:ui ver of iiii- iilllco at Koaebarg, t)i
lion, on Monday, the rlny of AuKUnt . 1'ajo.
iio iiauiea aa wiuiim: r. w. t.ittiur, oi aimt
rlecli, VVali, W. Kaatmali of AlxTdccn, Waah,
K. lin t ll of lloiiuiiiiii VVaaM., A. Kllingnon of
Ujiiiaiii, Waih.
Any and all iioraona tliilinlng advurncly tho
alxno decrlld landa are ri-ijnc ud to IHo tbclr
cliiliox In Una office on or before anlil i(h day of
Aug, l;0. ' J. T. Hlllb(K.S
lnl7p KiififUr
W'by epht Lairs ou a few cents iD price look to quality. Studebak
er U ap;6nH and liuggma are tie bnt. Tbn proofs are All Hround. 8eo
tbem at
Churchill & Woolley.
Finest Candies and a complete line of Uottle Goods of
all kinds. .
Our Stock of COFFEES, and
Are always fresh, as we are constantly getting in ncr
goods. Remember we can save you money.
Sheridan Hlock. jm. CURRIER.
are aold on a positive guarautee. Corel
huart bum, raiaing of the food, diatreet
after fatitiR or any form of dripepaia
One IfitlH tablet Kir liuroediate relinf
25 cto. mod 60 eta. For aale at M. I'.
Kapp't ilrog store.
P. Benedick.
Undertake!1 end Embalraep,
& Any Job Work done at
f Reasonable Rate