The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 17, 1900, Image 4

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    County Clerk's Affidavit.
Office of County Clerk of Douglas County,
Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 14, 1S9S.
furniture, furniture, furniture.
rabMhel4Mondy aud Thimdajr.
Take a look at our' line of
Bed Room Suits and com
pare the price aud quality of
the goods with other linos
even with Portland prices.
Sec our line of DufFet Side
Boards, Combination cases
and Ladic's Desks.
TV. C. CONNER, Editor and Publisher.
I hereby certify that I will turu into the Douglas
K, D. STRATFORD, Associate Editor.
County Treasury from my salary during my terms of of
9utcrlplton Krttea.
fice, the sum of $500 on or before the first day of rcbruary
Oue Year. .. 00
Sli Monttit 1 00
1S99. J. r. GAZley, County Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day o
September, 1S98. J. S. FiTziiUGH,
seal Notary Public for Oregon.
Three Month M
MAY 17, 1900.
w T
a w
Why do not noma of thi states where
tbe Democratic party has undisputed
sway set the couotry an example in its
opposition to Hosts? The;e is not
democratio state tbat does not charter
trusts. Tbe party is gret to war and
complain, but iuflnitiral in practice.
It yon read it in tbe fusion aheet Uday
it la invariably tbe case tbat you will
read an apolo- for the same in tbe
next issue. 1 Eugene Guard and
Roseburg Revi -- bear the unenviable
reputation of I 4 two of the most ir
responsible ihw in tbe state. Ttiey are
kept busy correcting false statements.
It has been conceded by men in both
parties that Geo. W. Diinmick is entitled
to and will te re-elected treasurer of
Douglas county. He Las faithfully per
formed all tbe duties devolved upon him ;
he lias rendered a faithful account of ms
stewardships and tbe people generally
recognize in him honeety and integrity
consequently wi 1 retain him in his
pretent position for another term.
In order to some hit justify bitmelf 'or not returning one cent of his salary back
into the county tieafory, a he pledged himself as aboye to do, Mr. Uaxley now,
with brazen effroutf ry, sets f jrth lhe claim ot bting the author and finisher of the
bill passed in tbe legislature providing for the reduction of lbs salaries of tbe offl
cere of this county. The facts are the man, through whom tiasley claims be urged
tbe passage of the bill, Representative Wilaoo, opposed the only measure intro
duced for this object, which bill wa drafted and introduced by the Douglas county
republic n senator, the late Hon. A. W, Reed, aud it was only through ILs per
sistent persoual efforts of Mr. Reed and the union representatives, Wonacott and
Conn, that Mr. Galley's right-hai d roan was prevailed upon to support tbe Reed
bill, ever word of which can b proven conclusively. Tho Itoseburg Review even
reputes tbe claims of Mr. Gazley in its issue of May 8, l'JOO, wben it said :
THE review's admission:
"Senator Reed introduced a bill reducing and rc-ad
justing the salaries of the officials of Douglas county and
in order to insure its passage the Union representatives,
Wilson, Wonacott and Conn, introduced xonicasure. but
came to the support of Mr. Reed's bill."
The fact tbat Hon. Tha. H. Tongue
baa served two terms as congressman
from tbe first district and is a poor man
is evidence sufficient that he is an honest
man. Some men become rich in con
press at a salary of $5000. We have
known tbem to become rich in ooe term
they go there to make money and then
retire that is their constituentr retire
them. Mr. Tongue does not beloog to
this claa and tbe people of the first
district Instead of retiring him are going
to return him for his faithfulness. Lake
"View Examiner.
- It is rumored that a number nf miners
at the Gold Bug mine in the northern
lar of Josephine county, have reins
ured to vote in Glendale precinct in this
county, and, if their votes -should be
challenged that tbey intend to create
eerioos trouble. It is certaioly not very
consistent for tbe fusion party which
poses as a reform party, to advise its
alherents to vote illegally and it their
votes are challenged to create a riot or
Bfcriout disturbance. Tbe law should be
enforced to prevent illegal voting and
lhe fusion party should aid in its enforce
ment!. '
Again the fiuion orgn over tbe way b&
ing unable to offer any argument to refute
our btatouient regarding tbat hobo letter
epiaode.wtth the low instinct of thu puny
cur, wuo guides ita deft nies blurts on
something about tbe editor of ibis paver
beiug a liar, and that such a communi
cation had never been presented to this
paper. In proof of our a'.lf-gationa we
bej to refer the Review aud our i eiders
to the union candidate for coot-tattle,
Sam Tool e y, who knows a great deal
more about this letter than he prob
ably cares to tell. Sheriff R. L. Stephens
is also fully aware ol the existence
of this libelous letter and the traitorous
and treacherous motives prompting its
origin and presentation to the Plain
dealer. Fisher will now pruti :o ef
ficient evidence to refnte this statement
or we will b) undr tbe painful necessity
of branding him a liar and provit g htm
as such, and Ihui add another Uurel to
his growing reputation for unreliability.
It is reported that the Dootb-Kelly
Lumber company lias employed l.'U J tip
anese coolies to work at their p:snt at
Wendling. Mr. Hooth is the roan who
is running for joint senator on the Re
publicau ticket. Junction City Itulletiu.
Here is a lie made out of whole cloth.
There Is not a Jap nor a Chinaman em
ployed in any department of work hy
the Boo b-Kelly Co, at Wendling. This
is on a par with the campaign method
employed by other fusion sheet in the
county and ii a boomerang against the
party of fusion that reins without an
isue and legitimate argumr-rit daily
parades the weakness of it canto hy un
furling falsehood and mi"reprc!trtu
ti m to the breeze Kogene RenMit-r.
Wc carry a good line of Baby Carriages aud Go Carts
for your babies. Call and see them.
A new line of Bed Lounges and couches just received
and the tariff is down to bed rock.
Our line of Furniture is Up-to-Datc and the prices
arc extremely low, compared with the quality of the goods.
Roseburg, Oregon. ' The Furniture Man.
Can be combined in the same pair or
Shoes, if correctly fitted. We arc prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown in our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe Facg
tories in the east. We should like to have
a chance to make you acquainted with or
stock aud prices as we feel assured that boili
will please you.
The spectacle of a full fledged license J
brokerage business being conducted in
.connection with a "reform" county
clerk's office, is enough to paralyze a
marble statue. There are a grat many
tax-paying voters who think they are
jastasmucb entitled to an occasional
f nvestmeut in county warrants as is this
licensed county clerk broker. However
aa long as tbore is a two per cent com
mission in sight, the warrants are going
to be all gobbled up in tbe clerk's office
for the bank. Anyone doubting tbat tbe
clerk's office is in tbe hands of money
changers have only to investigate. Are
the voters of this county coin,; to perpet
uate and encourage this kind of thing?
We think not.
Tbe republicans made a ie choice
when they nominated A. R. Mattoon, as
a candidate for the legislature. Mr.
Mattoon, our farmer candidate, in a gen
tleman of exceptional ability, a ready
aud convincing speaker, and is cloely
identified with tbe industrial interests of
the county. Mr. Mattoon is an untiring
worker, belongs to no faction, a in' o'
raatore experience in public matter and
of whom Douglas county may eie-t
much good service In the legislature.
His election is one of th certainties of
the Jnoa election. No lees caur be said
dC. Boss King, the bright, young btni
titBM men of Yoncalla and republican
candidate for representative.
Vote against Japanese competition
with white labor by voting for tt e unkn
candidates for congress and the legisla
ture. Roseburg Review.
Tbe fusiou pre?, grat-pinz ot every
straw in its sinking agony, ii just now
endeavoring to make political capital out
of the increasing JapamrH immigration.
No party is more bitterly opposed to
pauper labor than is the republican
party an its history in connection with
the Chinese exclai m tct. will pr vj vni
clusively. The republicans ciu he dr
peuded on to solve und remedy this Jap
problem just as promptly aud cllVeiiveiy
a they did thu Chine problem wi'b
which we were confronted a few yers
ago, and the Eirue may be said in rar l
to tbe Filipino. At any rate, what has
tbe democrats ever acconichehed a'ir
this line of which they can hoatt?
Nothing! And what asMurmc hav ae
tbat tueir future record will he n im
provement over the ptst? Noue!' iurj't
be fooled in democratic promise. Tiif y
are expensive, iiu the t,l';vnlun l panic
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
whole country.
The Review veslerl.iv renrinted from
the Junction City Rul.'etin an iten stat
ing tbat the Baith-Kellr Company were
employing Jap. Mr. Henry Eso'b in
forms us that the item is erroneous and
tbat if there are any Jaja in that vicinity
tbey are r.ot employed by tbe company
in thi mill, but hy tbe 8. P. contractors
on tbe new railroad. As we have no de
sire to do Mr. Booth or any other man,
an injustice, even in the beat of a politic
at campaign, we gladly make tbe corret
tion. When the item wa reprinted we
tupiiosed that the Bulletin, which is
puuliehrd in Line county, was cognizant
with th3 facts, en I our antipathy to pan-
l"r moor competition induced us to give
it publicity. Daily Kvview, May
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drills l. ilut .rtiw, I'atent Medi
ci ti, Ciara, Htationory, Toilet
S mini, Paints snd Oils.
photographic Supplied.
The celebrated Mi
Cameras. Triumph
Is it Bribery?
We hear iiaiiglil but kiu i- words for
our able and riikient card. date for aiate
Sinator, Hon. A. C. MarLert. He in
We des!r to call tbe attention of
County Clerk Gszley to tho following :
Under Section 7, "Provisions of the
Constitution of Oregon delating to FJcc
liona" Election Laws of Oregon, is
found tlie following . .
Oftkii i'F BaitiG oa Kkwaij. A prom
ise by a candidate for county olllce to
the votcrsuf hi co'inty th it if electeil he
w ill pay a certain part of the salary of the
Uli;e iuto the county treasury, though
very or jectbnable n the grounds cf
public policy, is not an offer of a bribe or
reward witnlo the meaning ot this set
found to be one of ihw loniuwii people 'ion. unlets the voters sought lube
fluenced thereby ure taxpayer of the
county, or would in some iy li bene
fitted by the performance of tbe offer.
State Ex Hel. V. Dustin, 5 Or. 37o.
razine Cvrlotif 1'lntr 4t
- j
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. S
Ciill and Kxamine tbotD.
Is called to a
At our store. With every sale of one and one
half pounds we give
For strength and delicious flavor aud all goes to
with a wide knowledge of the i.eed.j und
re"".irements of our eo'jr''y pi! -'ii'e nnd
no one doub's his ahiii y to HccompIiHh
much g'l for this couuty and fill the
respousiole office to which he Mirrs
with the greatest credit to hiruseif and
the fullest satisfaction of our people.
His affiliation with tue peopU has entirely , n0(i John i. Woolley, natinnal prohi
changed the erronius imp'e-:ous , hi-ion speaker, will aldress the citizens
created against htm by that irrenporisihln i c RjRfburgat the court houne Haturdav
Public Speaking at Roseburg.
fakir vbei.-t, the Keview.
The Michigan experiment station gives
the following resolU from a comparative,
tsal of broad und narrow tired wagons.
On good road, the draft of broad and
narrow wgm w-e about equal; on
plowed land h uaxxu tired wagon palled
45 per cent harder than a wide tired
one ; on a road with sand two Inches
deep, 23 per cent harder, and on tod, 10
I er cent harJer.
Tlie registration of voter according to
reiorts will eoo a reiriancable;
of vote's over two year ago. In this
Coooty the roll already show a total of
4215, tbe Roeeb;irg precincts alone foot
iog up something IiUm ltW2 voler. Tbe
same increate ia ri-oned from other
parts of the state.
Tbe government provided for Puerto
Bico ia far more liberal than tbat given
to Louisiana, wben tbat state was ad
mitted to the union, A little experience
willasenrt the Puerto Rlcans. Citizea
eveuing May 2', at H o'clock p. in.. Mr.
Wotilley ia an orator, one of the ablest
public speakers tn the country today and
a tare treat will be a'fforded all who go to
hear him, whether of his political per
mission or not.
Hon. Tilraan Font will addiesa lhe
citi.ena of Roseburg, In the court house
Monday evening, on tbe political issues
of tbe day. Mr. Ford Is an interesting
and forcible speaker, and all should hear
Mark tbe prediction, lion. Ueo. M.
Brown, will even carry Coos county, tbe
home county of bit opponent, "Grandpa"
make a perfect cup, these brands cannot be excell
ed. Three fancy Mends. Peerless 35c, Menado
30c, Oriental 25c. Remember the week of sale,
Monday May 7th to Saturday May 12th. A com
plete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
We have a complete line oV
Which will please you in both quality and
Price. Give us a Call.