The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 17, 1900, Image 1

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Southern Oregon's Leading Newspaper.
Vol. XXXI.
No. 39
Smallest Appropriation f or Expen
ses Since 1889.
Useless Commissions Were Abolished
' and Much Judicious Legislation
Was Enacted.
Il is said that there are two sides to
every atury, and this la soiustiuios Iruo
even l a legislature. It ia the purpoao
of this review to lull tllO people' at
tention tc,;h better aldu of the utory of
our lust It-untlut tiro ; 1U latulln and niturl
coraiug huvo been well told t y othera.
First, as to public, money ; It appro
printed less l r tlio nxpt-utifa of tin; elate,
than any Ii-jU!atur eiwe liia'.t, though
I ho disirici ttttunu: 8 uf Ihe stuti fi-ru
for the tirtit mtici jilau. d uniif ly on liiu
Salary 8i(i'in ni.d p:tid wholly from llii
U!o tri'HHtiiy. Tl.c iUofini i.i ll.e
record uf t'ltul a,ppin'fiitiiia y t aeli
legislator" siuce lhS7:
157 7H4.CJS !
18SU J,0ttf.SI 0'-'
1S9! l,:)o:i,7ul t. j
IS!) J LVJll.tlUti 37 J
1S05 l,3.l,WU 0 i
I'" 1 l'!'3,--')l 15 j
iH!)j , i,:';j.o.'s it I
Italticiiug from tint expropriation i f j
19) ifjj.OuO lor dittrict attorney "a Bal
arion, which was n now appropriation,
and tho tola! is but lilt lo morn than one
lis!! Itiu appropriations of l'jo.
Of the ball million dollars iiicroaw i io
1SJJ over 1887, $100,000 ia in li e imuue
peulleiitiary and judicial luods; these
are expenses that necrauarilv grow with
iucrease of population and wealth, aud
tbe population and assessment lias near
ly doubled in Oregon during tbe past
Now, aa to tba laws it niado aad re
futed to make : First, It delected mora
than Lur hundred aud fifty Liile. This
entitles the body to some credit from
men who complain that too routiy )4ws
' are made. Mauy of tbe rejected bids
were goad measures, but it Is imiotuible
for any member to etudv and judtre
fairly nearly seven hundred bills in
forty days, it rejecyd tbe sugar buunty
bill and tbe artoHiav well experiment,
w hich would bar cost tbe state f24?,-l
Tbe legislature enacted cne hundred
and seventy lawa. Ninety were of i
local nature city charters and amend
nients, ealariea of county ollicera, etc.,
all relating, to questions which will be
settled at home uy the voters Imuedi
atoly Interested within live years after
tba adoption ol tbe iniative 'aud referen
dum amendment to our constitution
1 be state legislator ought never to be
troubled with tbeae purely local que
tlons. Fifty-eight lawa were changes in
the code andjjeueral laws, commonly ho
lleved to be Improvements. Only about
twenty of tbe general laws enacted
caused much discussion or met with
Vigorous opposition.
Tbe legislative body that enacte 1 the
Bingham registration law, aud lawa for
tbe election of road supervisors by tbe
people, tba school book commissions,
with a referendum provision as to their
more important acta; tbe practical aboli
tton of the useless and expensive grand
jury system, reforming tbe clerk-hire
abuse tn future legislatures, prohibiting
the maiotaiuanca of armed bodies ol
mvu by any private person or corpora
tion, reduction of interest to 6 percent,
on school fund, placing district attorneya
and clerk of supreme court on salaries,
codifying and simplifying the law of
negotiable instruments, abolishing com
pulsory pilotsge, not to mention other
improvements in our law and last, but
by no ineana least, the constitutional
amendments for t ie iniative and referen
dum, aud for a fixed term of residence
ia tba precinct aa a necessary qualifica
tion for a voter surely the legislative
body that did these things Las some
claim to be bonoied by the peopl of
Tola lenUUturo wsa falily free from
bitter psritmnalnp. Moat mpanrires
were cnnf-iileiH'l on their morits, without
regard to prty line?. Jlxcept ori the ap
portionment lit'1, rn i:i. heard h pnrtis
an speech l im ttmUm, and bo it
remembered r lhn honor of tbi mem
her it who vnr.' I Hiiniit Iliu IniUative and
referendum iwiirrnlriii-itt timl not. one of
them t r (.! to ilelf.t I' by aroiiHH g party j
prejij'iii'i-. i-.x.
Umij'.ruiils Froni Texas.
i There arrhH en I t"i nidia nvrrl tnd,
lj a rtprtUl rliiiiii-r c.i, fiom tlm central
part of Tt sak, (.nr f j n i Ii-m I'o.iii ri-tttt
28 people, wlm i io I it:.i' perma
nently In iJ'ii" t-'ir ' .'. tin- forroDijiilng
country. i ih i( Hi-hwuilte are
aa fullowa, S. .1. Ith. k .ml l;ui.;iy, tj. C.
Draku ry.d f-iiiy, .1 .t'Oi-n-on
and lumii, .1. II. -i and .1. 1'. Knck-
er, u pronprrtor. Air, !'.' ;.' '.h i n utive
Of the Viii--h ! I 'il'. . mil- to
this rcelion t r . 'i-i . ! 'wo
yeurn .i:(n m il i r, i ! t !' I
Mr. Bl n'k i x ir ... ;! p.. i ai.lcr.ihle fr'ir-
Boers Considering the Advisabil
ity of Surrendering.
Boers Said to Have Been Repulsed
After Some Very Heavy Fight-injt.
London, May 10. Tb rnont import
ant developments in today's war new t ia
a Htd'emetit cabled from Capo Town nn
noniiciua tnot the IJner dulegatea hmi ad
v:ed the Tranivanlera to anrrcnilor if dt
fettled at the Vaal. TbW remarkabli in -
Montana's Governor Accepts Clark's
Appointment as Inevitable.
sax I-hancmco, May lo. The Kxami
tn r prititB an interview from Wadsworth
Xeva.u, with (joveruer Smith, of Mon
tna, roneeruinc the resignation and re
appointuienl of henator Clark :
"f r.nntf t California on business
the (i.veror aid, "and never though
Hi it such a scheme would be hatched
Itnitii inv ahsence from my executive, or I woold neve- have left tbe
hair in the power of tbe Lieutenant
G )v-rn r If the appointment is made
liefo'e I reach Helena, I will have to ac
cepl thi inevitable."
DAVIS SCIJ AD. At the home of the
otttciH'ins minister in this city May
10. 1000. Mr. W. E. Davie and Mies
M iiie S :hd, by Rev. S. A. Douglas
r -.
prise when told 'hat there was scarcity a
vacant hotisr in thin city, and those, that
were vacant er at u premium.
The I'lainpkau.u in ylnd to eh-ome
theee intelliKcot people to thin city,
and feel confident that they will be
pleased with the surrounding country
May we see more of them.
Aire. Allort O'Neil lelt on this morn
ing'a local for Klce Hill, lor a weeks
Isadora Abraham has purchuKed from
6. K, Sykos a Racine three change trap.
It iajone of the prettiest nt ever ceen io
We understand that a horse belonging
to John 'Dowel, became frightened and
ran away, about noon yesterday. The
horse was Moppe I tn lbs l);er t'ek
bridge, by 11. I.. Parrot t, the republican
candidate for sheriff. Very little dam
age was done.
James Wharton, aon of Thomas Whar
ton of West Jtoaatxirx, waa ad bulged in
ssue edi eadav and taken to tlin state
hospital by Mieiilf Stephen! and Joe.
Wharton on thla iiiHruinit's local.
VA. T. Naghler, representiiitt Kobler
&. Chase, a;)t that thla lown dud .Mid
ford are about towns that are
not talking "hard timet." N'j need ut
It here Brother Naiihltr. we ute doinj
well and have better prottiiec a in s'uht.
Ed. T. Naahler i h' ui announce
that be will retnaid at the McCUllen
House for two days and an? ona wiaainu
tnelr piano overhauled. aaiid ami
tnned by a first cla mettrtanic. ebould
ooi (ail to see him. IIj aili mak i rain.
lar trips to K irg iiHiier
nouncement is vouched foron good an
thority, aod evidently obtains more cred
encemt.ate iown tuan would a mere
The occupation, of Uiencoe waa merely
a logical sequence of General Buller's ad
vance and tbe Boirs' retiring movement.
At usual tbe Boer are reported to be
flying, bat also as usual, the accounts
add that thtir transport and gaoes were
removed in safety, which in Itself is a
contrsdlction of any statement that tbe
Boers were panic-stricken.
About 1100 more troops have arrived
at Beira, Portuguese, East Africa
Among them is Lord Dunraven, who sc-
accompaniea the Dunraven sharpshoot
ers ass superoumary captain on the
battalion staff. .
Lokkxnc'o Mariivh, May 18. A Tor
togese official dispatch savs an encounter
has occurred at Mafeking, and that the
Boors have been repulsed with heavy
"Iluhe" and Frank Shields, college
studenta of Boston, gave two of tbe bene
street exhibitions today in trick bicycle
riding ever witnessed in this city.
"Hub" aa tbo hayseed trick bicycle
rider and comedian, kept tbe crowd in
the host tf humor, while all marveled at
the wonderful skill aud feats of the
younger brother. Among (he most start.
linn teats performed beinjt that of placiog
a bicycle upon two high stools, while
various tricks were performed upon il
and last but uot least, costing dowo a
flight ol stair.
A regimental brass baud is to be or
'ganized at Eugene.
Dainty silk ebirt waists just received
at tho Novelty Store.
Advertising is a spring tonic for busi
ness. Try an ad in the Semi-Weekly
Mitts, tiff, bsauty pins, belts, hand
kerchief , you'll God a good assortment
at the Novelty Store.
W. E. Whitlow a wail known travel
ing man of Ban Francisco is registered at
the McClallen House.
Don't forget the public school enter
tainment at tbe Opera House, Friday
evening. An interesting program is
promised. y
One of the features of the musical pro
gram, at tbe public school entertain
ment, Friday evening, will be a
whistling duet by Miss Helen Willis and
Mine Ernie Collins.
Julia Abraham's Cabin Native Daugh
ters elected aa representatives in the
Grand Cabiu which masts in Portland in
June. Mrs. E. J. Siroud, Mrs. DuGas.
Mine Kegina Bast, Misa Lena Kearney.
A. C. Keller, brakemau on the through
freight between Boeeburg and Ashland,
wbo with bis family lias been occupying
one ol the Tolles cottages, on tbe corner
uf Lu ue and Jackson street, removed to
Ashland to reside Tuesday.
At tbe annnal meeting ol the stock
holders of the Thos. B. Kay Woolen
mills yesterday, O. P. Coehow, Rose
burg, waa elected director, to fill the
vacancy causad by th dwth of Tboe.
Meets In State Convention at
Declares Against Influx of Japs and
Other Asiatics. Early Construe
tion of Canal favored.
Sacramento, May 15. TLe Republican
State Convention has passed into the po
litical history of California. It met this
morning, hastened the r.ffairs which con
cerned it, and adjourned tonight. Dele
gates to tbe National Republican Con
vention have been chosen, the adminis
tration of Preaideut McKmley has been
indorsed, and tbe republicans of Califor
nia are ready now for tba battle of bal
lots which will take place ia November.
It is furtuiv.ite that tbe party enters npon
his serious struggle, which means so
much to the people of this state and na
tion, nnder conditions so favorable.
Delegates at Larife U. S. Graut Jr. of
SanjDieno; George. C. Pardee of Ala
meda ;Geore A. Knight of Sao Fnn-
Cbco and N. Rideout of Marvsville.
Alternates E. S. Babcock of Sin Di
ego; Alfred Ujavier of San Francisco;
Waaren Porter of Santa Oraz aad H. G.
W. Diukenspoil of San Fruonisco.
Republican 5tate Platform.
The Republican party of tho Slate' of
California, by it representatives, pieces
itself anew to those principles of domes
tic and foreign policy which under a
wis aJministratiou of public affairs,
have brought us prosperity at boiue and
honor abroad.
We declare our coutiuued a iberecce
to tbe policy by wbicn (lib republican
party has proved iteelf in fact, aa in
theory, tbe friend ot labor, . and nnder
which our manufacturers not only con
trol the home marker, out are taking
firat rank in foreign tnarkeis throughout
tbe world.
We are ia fat or of the construction of
the Nicaragua canal nader Goverment
control and ownership.
U" fully appreciate thr iiienance to thit
country, and etpecially to the raciiic Coast,
fwm the continually increasing influx uf
Aniatic labor, and ue call upon Congres
by appropriate Icgitlation to protect us from
thit inipendinij danger.
We heartily cooimeud tho patriotism
and valor of our soldiers and sailors who
have upheld tbe honor of our flag and
country and emulated the glorious ex
ample of tho men who preserved tbe in
tegrity of tbe Union and woo tbe lasting
love and adumation of a grateful ueoole.
We heartily indorse the administration
of President McKinley, as exemplifying
tbe highest type ol atatesmauebip. and
gratifying in every particular the confi
dence .reposed io him by tbe American
people. We declare ourselves in favor of
tbe continuance cf the policy of tbe pres
ent administration aa essential to the
public welfare, and commend onr presi
dent as meriting renomication and tri
umphant re-election aud hereby inatruct
our delegates to the National Convention
to give him their hear'y eopport.
We indorse the fearless and economic
al administration of state affairs by Gov
ernor Henry T. Gage and express our ap
proval of the faithful manner in which
he has discnarged tbe dutiea of his trust.
Hotel Fire.
Ouicaoo, III., May lu Two perona
are killed, one is missing and 14 are in
jured, as the result ol a tire which erly
this morning destroyed the Hotel Hel"
ena Five of the ir jured will protaoly
die. '
The Southern Pacific has recently
placed orders for a total of some 3000
cars, including box, Hat, coal aud. stock
cars. These are te be delivered aad
placed iu eervioe'aUout the latter part of
t .