The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 14, 1900, Image 7

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IMitod by I. P. I iHiir.n.
This colum n Im been s ircd and Is paid for
, hv Him Kifiilar People it I'urtv it 1 1 ' I the manage.
ni'Mil of this paper Is In MitwNn responsible for
Him iiimIIi r i i ut ( 1 u under this head.
How proud Ilia spirit of Abraham
Lincoln iritiat feel at BcelnK a party or
KHDl.od lu liis name, eruii!Ruorlng to pin
Unci f on a thn riecond tail Co the demo
cratic jackals.
Towno onys (hoy muiit appeal to the
patriotic orderi, ami Sht-ridan, Fisher A
('., will now proceed to organize the A.
P. A., Mollie MefJuiroa, Fenians, llinh
binders, etc., nnd union! them all for
the nake of harmony. No Orangemen
need apply.
Watch Ilryan accept the nomination of
tho popH. lie dare not doit openly or
our friend (ieore will wipe the earth
with him at the democrat convention.
Tiify will nevor accept a pop at the head
of their ticket. 1M me know where he
jjoea to accept tho popoemt nomina
tion. good democrat Inform me that the
republican! aro making all kloda of fan
of me for trying to defeat the fusion
achome. Thal't all right, it coat ine noar
ly f5()0 to furniah you democrats ti little
fun the laat two , and the republi
cans don't tnx me anything, bo I am
going to expose your gang and have a lit
tle fun mvpolf.
Oh! Any oM thing could have secured
tboea railroad cut rates could they? 1
supposed thn pjpocratie state chairman
was the (inly man on earth who could
get them but then, ho was booked for
state senator and thn pops had to le
eluded did they? Circumstances ulter
ruses, and as he didn't get the nomina
tion of counte it changed your tune.
Ob, when will you get all your old crow
Well my p )p(llil Iriotid:! what do you
think of tho fusion gang now, ain't f.hey
good democrnts? At their con
.ventiori, liit-li Was only democratic
tilde show, they nominate 1 tliyao and
Towne, a silver republican who claims
the silver d-a-ie it g'tll-td for tlm present.
Die democrat boises tild them not to
put up u popuimt fir vice president and
they didn't. .Such toudim, and to call
thomielve the peoples party. lUx
Simply n tail for the democrat jack
as. I will give you a nice littlo present if
you will tdiow me u mini advocating
(union ticket who dm-fl tiot get a little
ral;e ;ir of nomo kin I by its election .
They are cheap men, if they don't get it,
and they think they will, so its all the
name. They have been after it eo long,
'just watch then eras I to got it. Some
of them aro mo email you can hardly see
them, and they are ashamed to let you
see them but will c. awl anywhere to get
out of your way. Why can't yo'i be
men, fellows? .
"Poor old Jimmy Sterling" is tho cry of
the organ of the A. I. A'e "aggregation
of PuaUnnimuj Asses," commonly
kuoan ii peoples democrat silver repub
licans. According ;i their argument a
uian niiiHt own thousands of dollars
worth ot patent tilth:-1, ntoeks In gold
mines and bond?. Pursers it is a dis
grace to worn and e o.i an honest living,
and a man w io does it is hot entitled to
live, let alone bold iir oillce today,
(treat brads have theso follows, and
hearts filled with love for thn maases.
Watch them knock their brains out
when Ihey drop on Juno 4th next.
liemocracy and populism is posing be
fore the ciluetia of Douglai county, the
state of Oregon and the United States
under the pretended name of "Fusion,"
a mongrel without principles and clear
blood, a mixed breed, claiiuiog to posaeca
nothing but pure motives and more of the
grey matter than t tie ordinary being.
Thin mongrel, heado! in this county by
the Review Fisher, the dictator, would
have you believo that all the mongrel
type are perfectly lovely beings and
without a selfish motive to prompt
them to do you the lesst ol an injury,
and all others who are no', mongrels iro
eelllsh and not to be tnnied. Will this
detno-popo-Bilver-cratio mongrel ride in
to power? If it does, w hut will it stand
lor? It claima to be a reformer .'roni
hway back. It jumped upon the silver
plank, and the initiative and referendum
plauk and limk her, and that hs all It
did Do not think you will get any
thing from the mongrel or you will get
left. If you vote as the mongrel lteylew
Fisher wishes you to, you may succeed
lu getting into office two or three or wort
Cass Street Market
Fresh and Cured
'Phone Main 353.
I'ealer in
Flour, Peed, Groceries, and Coun ry Produce.
lligheRt prico or Country Produce.
Roseburjc, -
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, aud to get them promptly
when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. iSx,
for good goods and good service.
demo-popocratic mongrels. The silver
mongrels will never get in the trust.
Did you ever know a democrat to vote
for any thing but a democmt? The
democrats are not to be blamed for dis
liking the name mongrel, but must take
their medicine with tho popo-mongrel or
they don't get their vote, see? JJeroo
tnonitrels, don't tnke your medicine Un
til after election anyway, then you can
kick out of thn mongrel hand if you are
not kicked o':t before ty the genuine lib
erty-loving reformer. Populists, what mongrel done with our
money plank split it into kindling
wood to make torches to light the way
for democracy. What has tho mongrel
done with the plunk on g'vernnu-nt :oc
trol of railroads, telegraphs, ttc. That
plank they never considered (it
even for kind'ing wood. There, my
popolht Oieud, '-tup, look ut this iiiou
griil ' tuition ) and tee if y;Mi cm nee sny
real gnuifm reform llinre. You may
look yoursc!! blind and you will look in
vain. You will find hoodie aud not!iing
more, and the only way to kill off this
mongrel is to defeat its representatives,
and if tho geniiino reform spirit is still
alive in you as of old, you will on June
4th. purge this mongrel of tho bad blood
and Ktart anew with puro t hoi) .'lit aid
Kusiilairv. Ori-Kiin, Miiy in, ismo.
Nn'iCi' l hi'rcl.y kImii Ihut llin folloulna
nuiii' il Kltler )iai llli'U nutliroof hln intcnlloii
to make Mill IT'K.I in vi i . f r t ( It i a claim, iml
tl)l mIU proof will l- inaile Is lore lli.lior
tut Id-' h it ('. H. I.nii.l cilice ut JiOM'biiri;,
inuiii, on June '.M. rni, viy
On hln II. K. No 7i.?-.', for the N',' hK';, HW; SK
';. HK' I S Hoe 'i. T ill H, K 5 W. tiume
lb.' (iillovvlint Hiliiewto prove hi continuous
resilience upunauil cnlllvmloti of ul'l laiet,
vl Wllliaoi rarUi'c, Jirniin K I'li kutt, A F.
steams, J. Willimn llronu. Hll ol l-'nnvnnville,
Orilfoii. i. T. HKllKiHS.
tMH) l!ei;Mer.
State of Oregon for Poughis Comity.
I',. i. Young, A. i. Young and lieo. J.
Stcnrn-1, partner under the (inn name of
i;. i. Young Co., Plaintiffs
James I'.. Manning and Minerva I.
V.. Manning, I tefeinlants.
To James K, Manning and Minerva
I.. K. .Manning, nlnive named defend
ants: In the name of the State of (Ire
gon : You are hereby re.iiired touopear
and answer the complaint hlco against
von in the alsive cut it led action on ox
Iwfore the first day of the net regular
term of said court, to-w it : On or hefore
t In- 1 1 tli dav ol June, PMKi, ami u vmi
fail so to answer the plaintiffs will tako
judgiiient against yon as prayed fur in
their coiniilaint, to-wit: For the sum
f tiS.'i.4' with interest at the rate of HI
Iter cent per minimi Ironi trie lt day ot
'ebruary, I'HMl, for such attorney's fees
as tho court shall adjudge reasonable
and for plaintiff's costs and disburse
ments, and for an order of sale of tin
following deseriltod attached real prop
erty, to-wit: W )?, ofNK 4 of Sec 1
Tp '-' i S Itti W, Will.' Meridian, Lots 1,
2niiii:i, thoSF't of.NWand S.'.j i.f
NI-:4 of S.-c ,r in Tp 2") S K .r W, save
and aeeepting therefi'oin acres hereto-
fore deeded l'm-Ua l.islge I.O. O.
F, Also excepting a strip of land :tt)
feet wide beginning at the southwest
corner of said land sold I'mp iua Lodge
S7, riiuuiiig north to south lino of Ra
ker Donation Land Claim, tlieneo west
along said lino SO rods containing 2
lien's. Also excepting 1 acru in the N
I) '4 of saiil Sec 5 heretofore sold C. P.
Manning, the deed for which is uf roc
ord on page 14, Vol r) Record of Deeds
for Douglas county, Oregon.
This summons is jiiiblislied by order
of lion. J. W. Hamilton, judge of said
court, which order is tinted April 2:1,
PKK), and the tiuio prescribed in said or
tier for publication is once it week for
six weeks preceding the first day of said
term of court, iind the day of the lirst
publication of this summons is April 2t,
IMOO. ' ,
7 F. W. Ji F.N SON,
Attorney for Plaiutifl.
and Retail Dealers In
Fish and Game in Season,
5. Godfrey,
I'mtkij States Lamj Omen.
Uoseburg, Or., April 12, 1!MX).
Notice is hi-rcby given that in compli
ance with tho provision of tho act of
Congress of Juno 3, 187S, entitled, "An
act for the sale of timber lands in tin;
States of California, Oregon, -Nevada ami
Washington Territory,"
Ai.M:k:i) ii. i;i:own,
Of Oakland, County of llonglas, State
of Oregon, has this day f i 1 I in this
oflico his sworn statement No. !)24, for
the purchase of tin- SIC'.,', of Section No.
2'i, in Township No. 21 S., Kungo No. :5
W., and will offer proof t.i show that
the laud sought is more valuable for its
titnlxT or stone than for agricultural
purpose, and to establish his claim to
said land hefnr the lt"gister and Re
ceiver of thi" ollici; at,
on Tuesday the oi'Hli day of June, p'oo.
lie nariies us u il iicsseH ; I!. Hunt, of
Oakland, Or., i. Tavh.r, ..f Oakland.
Or., II. A. .Miller, of Oakland, Or., P.
Oar liner, of PuM'burg, Oregon.
Any and all p t-oiis claiming adi'r-e-ly
tin- ahovc-descrils-d lauds nr.- iv-ijitesti-d
to Ii U- their claims mi 1 1 i i ofl-ce
hi or bef.irc -aid 2'ith d.iv of .dine, p.niu.
J. T. P.IMIxiKS,
'aP'p; K'eciwter.
L'mikd' Status I.ami Ort i k.
Roschtirg, Oregon, April 1", ltMJtl.
Notice is hereby given, that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June M, 1S7S, entitled "An
act lor tho sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"
Of Wo-t Seattle, County of King, State
Washington, has this day liled i i this
oiliee his sworn statement No. for the
nirchiise of the SW'4' of Section No. :u.
in Townshiji No. 2't S., Rango No. 2 W.,
and will .fler proof to show that the
lami sought is more valuablo for its tnu
br or stone than for agrii.'tilttiral juir-
tsises, ami to estaiiiish ins claim to saiil
latnl before the Register mid Receiver of
this ofhee at Roschurg, Oregon, on
Thursday the 2th day of June, PMKI.
lie names as witnesses; William T.
Neshitt, of Machias, Washington, Swell
Johnson, of Machias. Wa-diinirtoii.
Orant Tayler, of Oakland, Oregon, John
liardiner, of RuM-htirg, Oregon.
Any and all ktsoiis idaiming adverse
ly the ahow-descrtbed lands are reiiest
ed to lilt their claims in this olliceon or
le fore said 2th dav of June, kn).
j. T. RRIlMiF.S,
'aP'p) Register.
I'mtkii Stakm Laxu Okkick.
Rosehtirg, Oregon, April 12, PHX).
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June II, 1S7S, entitled "An
net for the sale of timber lauds in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"
Of West Seattle. County of King, State
of Washington, has this duv liled in this
ollieo his sworn statement N'o. !'2S, for the
urehiise of the SW', of Section No. S,
in Township No. 21 S,, Range No. 2 W.,
and will offer proof to show' that the
laud sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, mill to establish his claim to said
land before the Register nnd RiM-eiver of
this ollieo at Rosehnrg, Oregon, on Tues-
lay the 2tth day ot June, 11)00. lie
names as witnesses: M. P, I. unionist,
of Seattle, Washington, K. A. Mattson,
of Seattle, WasliingUin, M, Peterson, of
est Scuttle, Washington, l.dd Ruling,
of West Seattle, Washington.
Anv and all persons claiming adverse
ly the alkivo-described lands are rentiest-
ed to lile their claims. In this ollieo on or
before said 2iith dav of June, 1 WOO.
uUWp; , Register
I Mining Application No.
Csitso Ki atx f.5r Otvur,,
Kosehiira, Oregon. April JO, V.M.
Nolleo N liPriiliy eiven I hat in iorsiinri': of
('ImplerHlxol 'Mtl') Thirty. two, of tlm n-vlwl
ttiiU.. of the i; ri I lr) Htatc, the ImU W Mliilni?
C'omimny, nrlval! eoronitlon, "July ereHtol, '
orsiiriluil and exlllm unili rand ly virt'iu of j
tlm laws of tho KtaUt of Oreiton, anl )ia iri In ,
prlnelpal oillce anl Dla'c of huslnewi at Tuunel !
on tho SoutlHTii I'aclflc Co.'s rullsray, In I
Ilotcjlai County, Orciron, clalmiiiK hiai'j lint iir '
feet of tho Inaliell ( imioljilHtv "1 iiftrl, rani", i
vein, lode or mineral l'isHlt, hearlns Kol'l, il
n r aiel other iirwrloim metals Willi surfnri '
Srouml feet In wiiltli, helnn Mi feet on ea:li I
neie 01 me eerie r ol fal'l vi lli, lode or mineral
rtepo-lt, lylnar and Is-lmr nituato within flic t,v,w
" k nilnini; ilintriet, eonnty of I;oni,'lii, atel
stHleof Onifori, l,t A. M. rnwford, Its duly
anthnrizi'd ai?i-nt, wliono ntildi nee in In theelty
of Kowlnirir, louKlaneoioity, Oregon, has thin
iliiy liled hln application for a patent for
the aald mltiliiK; claim and premlseH which are
mops fully descrlijcii a to metes and liourida ly
the ollielul plat on liln In this ofliei-nod by the
Old note of survey thereof, now filed In the
ollieo of the reenter rt tho JJi-tri'-t of .ariil-,
mihject to i-ale at Uonctiu nf, Uonslaa e,unty,
hnon, whlrh Held wiV h ol snr ey dciiL-nute
nid mining claim and premli(e, m Mlni-ra) Hur- I
ver No. :un. and d'-seribf the boundiirieii and !
ext;nt of iald claim on the mirla'-e v.irh me-!
netle viirlatlon at 'J di?recit to j degre ", :1J !
mill Knat a follows, to-wit: I
ruiKVK) . as:;, ujwj'ivkrv
lli'iriniiine at Cor. No. 1. fdeniieal with N". E.
wirmrof location from which1 Hep. cur, '
tween Sees. 27 nnd 21: Tr H nf K 7. W ol Wil-1
Inmettc -Meridian Ore. hcarn N 7 deir. P. I Vi f.-et.
Thence S eld"-. W Var. I'f d-it K -V) l" t to cen- 1
t- r o( on northerly end of J-dsoovery Jde,
feet to corner No. 'I.
i henoeH 11! dee. So min. W. Var. 19 dee. In min.
l'Klft to cor. No. 3.
Thence si 7", dee. K Var. 19drir. id min. K S-rO
feet to center pout on hontherly end of Uiicov
fyslo. Tlience H 8.1 de(t. K Var. 19d-g. Z 300 f"-t to
or. So 4.
Thence K 12 deerees 5 min. K Var. ii dee. K
Vt) f-cl to cor No. 1, and plac- of rx-iriniiinir.
Var. 1l dee. K.
BeKlnnfne at cor. N'o 1 identical with location
and cor No 1 of Discovery lode of tblssnrvev,
whenee 't Mec cor. b"t. Seen '27 and 2S, Tp f.', 8 It
7 W, benra N 7 dee, K l',VJ fr-et.
Thence N 2.i deK K, Vur 19 dee, E l"i 0 feet to
eor No 2.
1 hence N 7.', dee W. Var 10 dee 10 min V.. fine
ftt to center ist on Northerly end of Gold
Standard Ixsle wio feet to cor. No .'!.
1 hxtice S itl dee W Var l dee E Mm fen to
cor No 4.
Thence K 7" dee K Var 19 di-e I1) min Y. mtUtX.
Io center pout on southerly end of (.old Stand
ard !.odi. and Northerly end of Di'ooverv Lode
of tola survey isoufeet to cor. N'o i and place of
Kl.fK I.lK.
BeKiiinineat eor No 1. also cr.r No 2 of Gold
-tandan! Lode of thin inrvey, w in nee ' ; cor
bet wen 27 und 2S, Tp 7.2 S Ii 7 W'.lj ars N - di i;
J mill V X tect.
Thence N" 2il dee ?Q min K Var 19 !'- M min E
P et to cor N'o I.
1 hence N 75 dee N Vnr 1 1 d"e K. .'WO feet to
center on iiorthi-rly end of itin k Lod-, too feet
to corucr o .5.
Theneo H .ti deerees 10 min V. Var 19deK
IVXlfitct to cor No I.
TheticeS 7'idi-e i: Var 19 ihn E ECO leet U
tiler S)t on Mintherlv end of Buek Lole and
Ideiitie l with northerly end of 'iold -tandard
lnleiyjO feet to cor No. Land nlaceol rjot'in-
Ilek'lntiine at cor. No. 1. id-ntleal w ith 'i-a-
tloti .-or, and cor. N'o. 2, of liuck Lode of this
virvey whence'. S-e. eor. net. 8--CS. 27 and Js,
I ii. ..I H. 11., 7 V., tjars f. 12 degree l ' iniri'ile
tt . .l feet.
Tin nee N. .12 d gn;es : minute K. Var. I Jde-i;ri-c-i
K. l'kl feet tn cor. N'o. 2. Th,-r,c3 N. Tj de
an es V. Vnr 19 dejrrcea B- - feet to center
pot on Northerly end lloo-ier Lole, OC'J feel to
corner o.
Thence S. :t decrees rv) inlnntes V. V.,r. 1J
crei k K. 1 "(Wl feel lo corner No. 1.
I henee s. 7'i degrees K. Var. 19 decrees E. MX)
feet to center post ol southerly end of 1 1 o'
I. ii. le nnd Northerly end of lic k lulo of this
urvty D'O feet to curaer N'o.l and pltct-nf hi-irin-
lll'.nWN UEAK I.ODE.
' lli'elunine ut cor. N'n 1, Ideniictil with I.k h
tion cor. and cor. N'o. 2, of tho Hoo'icr Lo-J ol
thli nincy.
1 hence S W dega-es E. Var. 1.1 deerets E. l.O'i
fc'ct to cor. N'o. 2
l hence N. . nlegrets w. ar. r.i depp.-ea 20
minutes K. sun feet to center post oa Norther
ly end of llrown Bear Lode.
Thenee N. '.: degni W. Vnr, 29 doqrees :X)
minutes t. l"el tocor No. :,.
1 hence S, 10 deerees V. Var. 13 deu-rees
minutes I", v.'i hit to summit or main d -vi le
t'.E A.W. Var. l'ii!ei;i-es E. lloj feet to cor No. t.
'I 'hence H. 7" decrees K Var. 19 deerees E. :)
feel to enter post 01 Southerly end of Brow n
Hear and Northerly end of Iloosier 0l ; -. t,to
cor. No. 1 and place ol rs einuine.
K-r'nnin at cor. No. whence a pine 10
. -. ' '" art N. 47 degrees E. V) feet
u -io 1 . l.. I, M. 8. llsa, B. T.
'I i.. i ce N. .V decrees E. V ar. 19 degrees 20
minutes K. fi-et tocor, No. 2.
Thence N. ;f2d;ri-es W. Vur. l-Jdegn-es E. .10,
leet lo center )iol of Easterly einlof Black Bear
Lode, which is a Cedarstub, 12 inches In diam
eter, hlaxd nd scribed M. S. Bvl, W feet to cor.
No. :i.
Thence S..VS deirrt'i V. ar. 19 decrees E. 1..XV
fe-t to cor. No, 4.
Thence M. 82 degrees K. Vnr. 19 degrees 20
minutes E. iWOftto ceiiP r post in renteroi South
erly end of Black Hear and center of Northerly
end of llrow n Bear of this mrvcy tksl feet to cor.
No. 1 and place of lieuinning.
Net area liiscovcrv lxidc -2'.M acres
Net arem.old stan-l.ird Isle 20 acres
Net area Heck lxle -el isaer, s
Net au-a l!oisicr I.ihIc 1 ' neies
Net area llroarn Hear I.O.I.- 11. 7 ucp s
Net area llluck Bear Lode hum acres
Total lit',. .".1 acres
The said minim; c'aim and uotiees of location
iH'inof record ill the otlice of thet ouniy clerk
of iHnetlas County. Oreeou, In Vol.6, of records
of mining lis'atious.
Discovery al pee , 1,7
Hold Klandaru at page tv
Buck al pace 4t'si
Homier at page -cil
Brown Bear at ivko -ici
Black Bearal page 101
The presumed general course or direction of
the said Kaliell t onsolidaled . J i irtr t .'- Mi 11c vein,
lisle or mlueral deiiosit being shown noon i-ail
plat as near as can Is- determin"d
Irwm present developmentM this claim
being for mVi linear feet thereof, together with
the surface ground shown upon the oilieial plat
filed herewith, the said vein, lode aud in ill
Ill',' premises hereby sought to be patented, Pe
ine bounded on lite North Wesleriv end tv va
cant government land. On the East side bv va
cant I'overninent laud and the Oregon aiulcal-
liorniu Hall road land, oil the Southerly 1 nd
bv right of way of said rail roa l and oil the
est side by vacant government laud and rail
road land. 'The nearest mines are the Victory
Placer on tho South atidtheVolk mines 011 the
West neither udjoiuiug.
Anv and all uersona eliiiuiirnr adversely the
mining ground, vein, lode premises, or any por
tion thereof, so described, surveyed platted and
applied lor aro hereby notified that unless their
adverso claims are liled as according I" law and
the regulations thereunder, within sixty days
from thedate hereof, with the Kcgister ol '.lie
United Htates Land Olliee. at ltoscbnre, in the
County of Douglas, Slate of Oregon, they w ill he
barred in virtue 01 tne provisions 01 mo liihoi
Suites Statutes.
lv S. llnaby, of the Canadian customs,
received telegrunhic advices that the
Yukon la break Iihj for milea and milea
near Selkirk, and that Lake La liarge ia
beuoinini; honeycombed with airholet
and getting more and morn dtintferom to
travel. He was also advised that the
polica hsvo stopped travel at certain
place sa t ho river.
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Olves eiioiec of IwoJ favorite route", vis
f.VION I'At lFIC yt Mall Lin ;
liirj fiRANDK Hcenic Lines.
No Change of Cars
I'ortlnnd-f.'hirago Fciul, "Uie finest ia
On tli
tho West."
Ccjulpped M'llli
Klegant Standard Sleepers
l ino New Ordinary (Tourist; Slee;.gri
SiiTb Libniry-Puffet Cars
Splendid Diners (meals a la carte;
1'rerj Reclining Chair Cars
Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
Kntire- Train Completely Vestibuled
Fo, further InformaMeP apply to
J. F. tilVANS, Agt., IioseLcig.
R. Nagel, W. E Coman,
Trat Pass. At.
121 Third St .Fori aro. Or.
l.'.viTKi) Status Land Offtck.
KosKiiuno, (Irkoo.v, April 11, 1!MH.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of thf; at of
Congress of June :;. s;s, entitled '"An
act for the sale oftimher lands in the
States (jf California, Oregon, Nevada r.nd
Washington Territory."
I'AM K f , MOiilifsOV.
of Odonah, County of Ashland, State (-i
Wis-onsin, has this day tiled in this ,,f
tiee his sworn statement No. :;;. for
the purchase of the S,.J of NW'4'. lots 3
and - of Section ,,. 4, i Towiisljip No.
24 S It N. : W, and will offer proof to
show '.hat the land sought is more val
uable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural pur.oses, and to e-tabl.Mt
his claim to .-aid land Is-fore the Ueris
ter and Ilecciver of this oiiice nf Ili-e-burg.
regon.(,n Wednesday, t;l, 27ih
day of Jim,-, l'.ss). II,- luune- a-- vtJt-ness.-s:
L. i. lieWolf of Portland,
Oregon; Lawrence Perdue, of Oakland,
Oregon; Kdgnr Pone, uf Oakland, Ore
gon: John J . I l iberty, of Odonah. Wis
consin. Any and all )er-.iiis claiming ader-t-ly
the aNive-described lands are reipit -t-ed
to lile their claims in this ntlliv ,,n r,r
before -aid 27th dav of June, pss).
apip) ".i. t. i;i:iim;es,
Posfbiirg. Or., April 12, VW.
Notii1.- is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act 1 i
Congress of June ;;. Js7S, entitled "A;i
act for the -ale of tiniU-r lands in tiiO
States of California. Or-gon. Nev ada at'.d.
Washington Territory.''
Of Seattle, County of King, State f
Washington, has tin's ,i;ly iH.-.l in th
otlice his sworn statement No. V2". for
the purchase of the S'., NW'4 Lots 0.
4, of Section ",i, 4. in Township No. 24
S., lJange No. 2 W., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timlicr or stone than for
agricultural purHses. and to e-tabli-!i
bis claim to said land la-fore the Regis
ter and Peceiver of this .itluv at IJmSl
burg, Oregon, on Tuesday the 2iith d:'v
June, VMKK I Ie names as witnesses : I"'.
ISoling, of Seattle, W'a-iiington. K. Vi :i
Norman, of Seattle. Wa-hington, .1.
(iardiner, of l!o-eburg, Oregnti, J. A.
Kngdabl, of Now Whatcom. Washing
ton. Any and all per-ons claiming adverse
ly the alsive-ile-crilnvi lands are request
ed to lile their claims in this otiiee on , r
U fore said 2'ith dav of June, liloo.
J. T. i;i:iii.;i:s,
'a !;! Kegister.
- VIA -
Southern Pacific Co.
Trains leave Kosebtirg for To rllati 1 au lwa -Millions
ut 10 u 111. and IJso a. 111.
Ma. u. I Lv.
si I-. a. j Lv.
t c. u. I Ar.
PorllHiid -Koaetuirg
eiau Fraucisco
Lv. I 7 :00 i'. u
Lv. 4:1.0 r. M
Ar ! 11:. Ill a.
Ar. . 1 '.' v. 'i
Ar. j U:.iu a. U
I 'O i-. a. 1 Ar.
7.4'ii.n. ! Ar.
1 1 p m 1 ir
y:uo a m 1 ar
7 l'ri a 111 j ar
7:.Vi a 111 I ur
l .Jii p m I ar
Dcuv er
Kansas City
Los Am.-, les
11 Paso
Fort Worth
City of Meic
' Houston
N v Orleans
New York
11 4i a 'i
J 00 a f
7;g . '. a ; " a ''
' 7 'ihTi" 1
li.lio p :
ilsui a e.
II V !
I 1S1 a
ii.ii a :'
ti:4.' a v.
li l l v !
6.0U i 111 I ur
fe Ul a 111 1 ur
a.V, a ni , ar
4:iKI 11 in ; ar
i'i '-'"1 a 111 I ur
ii 41 a 111 , ar
U' 41 p in j ar
I'lillinail 'aud Tourist cars on both tiait.s.
Chair ears Sacramento to Oudcn iiiul 1 I.'l 1'aso.
and tourist cars to Chicngo. St. Louis, N' ..
Oilcans nnd iih)n;:loli.
Connecting at ttn Kranciseo with sevcni
steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan. Chili:'.
I'liilippincs, Central and South Anu-iica.
seeJMr. tM, Estes, agent, ut Koseburg slaiio i
or advlivki
Ci. If, A hasa. Agent.