The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 14, 1900, Image 4

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    v- t. . ,
Pnbllnhtsl M.mrtny unit Thur?dT.
County Clerk's Affidavit.
Oitick ok County Ci.krk ok Douglas County,
Rosk.durg, Oregon, Ski'T. 14, 1S9S.
I hereby certify that I will turn into the Douglas
County Treasury from my salary during my terms of of
fice, the sum of $500 on or before the first day of February,
1S99. J. F. G.zi.kv, County Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before 111c this 14th day of
September, 1S9S. J. S. FlTZHUGii,
seal I Notary Public for Oregon.
Furniture. Furniture, furniture.
Take a look at our line of
Hcd Room Suits and com
pare the price and quality of
the goods with other lines
W. C. COXNKU, Klitor aud Publisher.
E. I) STIIATKOUD, Associate Editor.
Mutcrlpt!on ltut.
Uno Yesr ,. t- 00
Si t V.Kitbs 1 00
I'lirec Months - 50
fp even with Portland prices.
Sec our line of Uuffet Side
Hoards, Combination cases
aud Sadie's Desks.
It Is to be a trade-off rampaian, from
the report?, ! the "Tnic-ii" party.
Knowing that they crm't cunv the coun
ty in atquare tight the still hunt is re
BorteJ to and trades are ctlerod, especial
Jy for their legislative ticket. Me publi
cans, be oa yoar guard for the smooth
tongue of the tuao who would sP off
his friends.
Editor Nuttir?, of the Alhany D.uiy
Democrat, is . little too l road-auced
for the fusic Tor spoils combination,
and they are I ng a bard time keeping
"him in line. Mere is his latest bad
break: "An Albany man told his rela
tives east, that every man anJ woman
here in Oregon wanted ex
pansion and propperi'y. That in what,
and we are doir.g our best to get it. It is
the kind of expansion we tieed."
The republican joint and county ticket
Is a clean one aud merits your support.
It is composed of men true to every
trust, free frr ,m demagog and chronic
office seekitir. They oelong to no ring
a-.d are . pledged to na one. They
stand firmly on the principles of the
nartv. and are in favor of a strictly eco
nomical and business-like administra
tion of connty affaire. This ticket cou
trasla admirably when compared to the
faaion for spoils, anytbing-for-oflice com
bination that is beiotf paraded before the
people nnder the guise of "union"
It is observed that the Review is not
Fa. inn much these t-ya about that
'fk)bo Letter," which was conspired
a;ainst Sheriff Stephens by the demo
cratic ring of this city, and a bold effort
made t have the libelois effusion put-i-hed
in the Flaixbealuk, in order to
more easily defeat Mr. .Stepbeus for re--.:
initiation in the demo-pop conveuiion.
Ic nhould be remembered that this high-
tun Jed, traitorous treachery against
Sheriff Stephens was planned mid its
execution attempted bv prominent
lniocratg, one of the ring leaders at
present being a candidate on the union
ticket. Thus we have a fair illustration
of the material composing the Uaseburg
ring, over w hich Ecss Fisher presides
a combination eo corrupt that treachery
33 practiced against even its most tried
and true servants. The principals in
Ibis notorious affair will be hroaght to
lieht in due time. Dawn with thi- gang
of boodlers and conspirators!
In outer to souienbnt justify bitnvelf for not teturning one cent of hid salary back
toio the county tieasury, as he pledged himself as above ti do, Mr. Gn.ley now,
with brazen effrontery, sets f irth the claim ot bring the mithor and finisher of the
bill passed in the legislature providing for the reduction of th sulaties of the o di
cers of this county. Tho facts are the man, through whom iar.lev claims he urged
the pasMJge of the hill, Representative Wilson, opposed tits only innure intro
duced for this object, which tiill wan dratted and introduced hy the IXxiglus county
fepublican senator, Hih Into lion. A. V. Heed, and It wim only through tho per
si'tTit i; r n l t llortrt ct Mr Heed and the u:iioii representative?, Woimt'olt and
C itm, tha' Mr (l,t?.V V i ilit-haiul inuti was prevailed upon to t-upporl ths Iletvj
tod, ever or-l nf which ca:i hi proven conclusively. The Ruseburg Kwvlew een
r'-puten tho c! of Mr. t ia.ley in its iesue of May '!, 1'KKI, w hen it said :
THE review's admission:
"Senator Reed introduced a bill reducing and re-adjusting
the salaries of the officials of Douglxs county and
in order to insure its passage the Union representatives,
Wilson, Wonacott and Conn, introduced no measure, but
came to the support of Mr. Reed's bill.''
carry a good Hue of Uaby Carriages and (o Carts
babies. Call and see them.
for your
A new line of Hed Lounges aud couches jnst received
and the tariff is down to bed rock.
Our Hue of Ftfrniturc is Up-to-Patc aud the prices!
are extremely low, compared with the quality of the goods.
Roseburg, Oregon. - The Furniture Man.
The lusiou sheet over tbe way being
unable to conceive of a real united, har
monious party movement, since it has
thrown its own party into turmoil and
bitter strife, marvels at the harmonious
manner in w hich lh republican leaders
of this county aie conducting the prebent
campaigu, and alleges thai nil kinds of
trade and political juggling is being re
sorted to in order to tiring about such a
result. The, Review seemi to have for
gotten tbe very HU-husiaalic and har
monious proceedings ol republican coun
ty convention, at which time and place
all party difference wera forever buried
and the resolve made to work eariie-tt.y
together in one common ciose ".he suc
cess cf tbe republican party an I triumph
of republican principles. It will ts re
membered since the Keyiw aim -tinned
tbe name of Judge Fullerton in mi-t con
nection, that it was tbis Haunch ai 1 able
exponent of republicanism that gave
Hod. A. C. Marstera the nomination in
tbe republican convention for stale sen is no wondjr the Review is grealy
alarmed at the harmonious aclim m i:
of tbe whole
Made to Apologize For Pursuing the
Usual Fusion Tactics of .Misrepre
sentation. Windy Veatch made nn assertion over
at Coburg in l.iscanvafs that he apolo
gize I for up at WaliervMIe tho next day.
He b:uJ the railroad had a p.eci of land
adjoining his own on w hich the company
was assessed at $1.50 an acre. Veatch
said he bought it and the assessor con
cluded it was mora valuable after it left
the hands cf tho railroad company and
immediately assessed it at $2.j0 au acre.
When the candidates returned to Eugene
from Coburg the matter was investigated
and it was found that Mr. Veatch was
assessed on that land the tame an (he
railroad company had I'te.i, fl.oOan
acie. The fact was sprung mi Vettch at
Mohawk hy liobt Smith, the hgbtniug
striker from Grants I'aa-), aud Mr.
Veatch was under the paiul il necessity
of gettiug up and apologiiiug. When
they reached Wabervillo Veatch took oc
casion to get up and apologize for his (.'.
burg assertion in advance and then,
turning to Mr. fMnith, pieadiugiy nked
him to fo.-ega further mention of it.
Veatch still owes Coburg an apolugy.
Eugene Kegister.
Mr. H. A. Booth is a gentieuiuu w ho is
well and favorably known to the ptuilu
of Josephiuecouniy aud.the w hole district
in fact. He bears the reputation of til
ing a bueines man of ability and his
reputation us a mun is beyond reir.u. h. j at tiiejr j
Not only is he keenly aiive to the inter
ests of our people, but is also extensive
ly interested in their welfare by having
a great interekt in the property which
be owns arid controls in this county. As
a leuislator he will be able to accompiisii
as much as any man whom the people
could select. Ho is well aud favorably
known throughout the state and iloutt
ItsHly w ill have a host of .friend in the
coming session.
Mr. Cooth is a speaker of absiity and
will tie aa able a man as his honorable
opponent could hoie to Us should be be
lfeceil. and wilt have tliu support and
co-operation of a strong prty, and a host!
of friends to aid ami. asi-t. Grants Pass '
Robert A. li.vj'h tlm candidate on tho
repuMicau ticks' for j int senior of
Doiivla", Jackson and Lice rotuniee. is
a rnau ro well and favorably known all
over i l.o B'.ate, that words '( oma can
ecMrcely add tv bis nopuluiity. He is
a man of the highest e'anrhirJ of moral
ity, of purity, cf thought aud action.
Whose best rtcommeiu'ati n is to be
found inside the ideal home of which ho
i the beloved and honored head. Next
we see bioi in the character of a public
benefactor. His well-known lundx-ring
industries givii g employment to some
thing more than eight hundred. We
bave visited several of his .mills and
wood camp, and have noteii with pleas
ure the harmony existing umi.g his
employes. Ho pacscs arcuu l among liis
hired hands with kind and g.-titl words
and wo'di of commendntioi. mor'i like an
elder brother, tho j iint owner of
eucb a vast iu-luotry. Thu result is hi
men almost id- liza him, and Mjnh an ot
curance :ii u e'ike is ui.heard of in the
Booth-Kelly ii.iilmg and lumber tiusi
ness. In Mr. CootU we find a pur!;c
beuefacioi, whose ' utmost endeavor is
to extend his business ho as to give em
ployment (o almost n thousand men
rather than retard prois-i by
ira "bid tin. eV Mr. l!.xi!fi in a re-
j pabii -an a genial intelligent gi-tstlemiin
I wha has prospered exceedingly tiy his
I own hoiies'. endeavor, ui.d who has
I brni ght prosperity to Southern Orejm
by eulerpi ije nad j;enernsity. T.'ie af
fairs of our stare will he very safe in the
hands of Mr. Booth an I w feel sum he
will lie elected ty a Urge mjrity.
The order of A. O. I'. W. give grand
tu place on ton
evening of tliu 11th which whh well at
tended. Tney gave an elegant dinner at
Hotel ilendal-, and alt-o had provided
the best iii'mic. The nianageuient was a
success, a-nl the oci-asion much enjoyed
by the urn crowd presi-nt.
ieo. K'ier.u a:id Uj-h-1 Welsh, of the
Gold Bug Mine, came in to attend the
A. O. I'. buP.
Kev. N. F. Je )ich of (irauta 1'aHS,
preached at Wooilford'a hail on Wednes
day to a f mull congregation ; Mr. Jenkins
is a V.-ry ithle speaker and his sermon
was much appreciajud by all who wore
The Utile ion of Mr. and Mrs. Kd
Can be combined in the same pair 01
Shoes, if correctly fitted. We arc prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown in our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe Fac
tories in the cast. We should like to have
a chance to makeyoti acquainted will- our
stock aud prices as we feel assured that bth
will please you. ,
IRoseburg- Pharmacy
M. F. RATI', Prescription Druggist.
Druj,". Toilet Ariiclf.i, I'Hlent .Modi-
ciiiKH. Cinrs, Slafionory. Toil.d
S iMps, I'liinta 'irnl Oils.
photographic upplie...
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph C"t Film Cameras.
urnl 1'iXHtiiinn ihoti).--
That little mongrel sheet at Junction
City, the Koileiin, alleges tha- many
It means the utter defeat ; Jap are employed in ini'i a) out the
(noion lor i-ooils aud b i l- i Wendlinir baw Mill in which Hun. H. A.
licit combination, which the U-v e ! Booth bolda a joint intercut. Ibis is
plainly foreees, hence nn frautii; ell'orta to another campaign li pure and simple,
revive the old long buried, anti Jlei- The only Japs employe.! in that virin
rrann and A. 1. A. i-sues, whicti in no- ity of Line county is on the i-pur of rail
wise figure in the pretent campaign, road beibg constructed from the H. P.
ltepublican harmony will surely win the railroad to these milia hy the S. V. Co.
day airainst fasion inharmony. . The fu.ion pi-a lias ecome io irrespong
Card of Thankf .
Ide;ie,"-xtre8 my sincere thanks
to )!- neighbors aod friends
l,. - .'eiit -. . i land sympathy was
ach a tc - .. . onsolation to ua in our
la, sa ' u-vem6nt and losa of a true
od fa mJu! companion and mother.
I deairi especially thank the pupils and
teaciie- - tbe Eoseborg Public Hchools
i r the mi -ndant oontribolion of flowers
i d nan) u .pressiona of ympathy.
Jora Biv.
Wallaoe died at the Urfteuback mine on
the evening of 12th of blood poison.
Th iutcrmeut took place at the Wolf
Creek cemetery .Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Levens of Galea
ville, attended the A. O. U. W. ball at
this place. We acknowledge a much ap
preciated call.
Dr. Darrin, so well known til over the
state, has rooms et Hotl (ilendale and
is doiug a large btii-ine.
lr. J. V. Strange of Uoseburg has hie
i. dice at Hotel tilendale and is crowded!
...1.1. .1 ...ul U-..VV
.Mr. iSoun!mau, of lbs well known
t'.rm of Sounemau V ICiicg-1-, called a
Is called to a
At our store. With every sale of one and one
half pounds we give
For strength and delicious flavor and all goes U
make a perfect cup, these brands cannot be excell
ed. Three fancy Hlends. Peerless 35c, Mcnado
30c, Oriental 25c Remember the week of salt,
Monday May 7th to Saturday May 12th. A com
plete line of Staple aud Fancy Groceries.
...MRS..N. BOYD;
iDietnaiineo... os ,! special meeting firth con
to be follow. : "If you read ! , . . . (i. ,
it in a fusion sheet it is no: true." , JJo(( Abrahim h
I donated three lots. Mr. Bonneman Je
3rves great c-i: for leading oa-. la tall
Dr. J.C. Twitched siandi high in tbe
medical profession of this county and is
witball a genial and whole aouled gentle
man. No better choice ooldbemade
for coroner. Hemeiober Lim when you
are makiag out yoar ticket
laadablt enterprise.
Advertialng la a spring Ionia for bad-
Try an ad in tbe Semi-wetkly
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
We have a complete line ofs g
Which will please you in both quality and
Price. Give us a Call.