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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1900)
ADDITIONAL LOCAL. New Spring Goods T The Mild Winter has brought forth an Karly Spring and we arc now prepared to show you an elegant line of SPRING NOVELTIES in Grey, Castor, Mode and the New Foulc Plaids. We also have a very swell line of Silks, Mouscilline Dc Soie, Etc. Come in and look them over. non-com rn it tioried be held at Armory .X, T Our Millinery Department ( Will be quite a treat this Season as we have enlarged ) this Department and have secured the services of an Up-to-Date Milllincr direct from the city. In Gent's Furnishings We still continue to lead and have received all the striking No cities diicct from the Manufacturer. PEOPtfS II. I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor. i i : A careful analysis of our Drugs and Chemicals Will prove them to he of Full Standard Strength and Purity. Our Stock is unexcelled in Oua'.ity and our Medicines arc absolutely reliable. I I Accuracy V A. C. MARSTERS & CO. The Byron Horse. I'reMcriptioun com ponmleil Day ami Night . Druggists. it!' v-zt. xs-w -V J. F. BARKER & CO. (;K(KR;IES; Wit V--A W 4W WiJ W-rf.a . At-- TMfer Snow: Fin kev k.uJ ...... y (Ms. GlLSWARE MITCHELL WAG0M5I CHANPIOfl HAYRAKE5 0 ft-; The Best Try a box of Chocolate Creams and lions Bous -Tl PDdM TH P M1 ' ( I I I IS III IU 1 j. ne ncapesi v - o rVlTPHF The Best The Cheapest The Famous Bicycles Cleveland imperial. ,iv4;',U?atStN' These wheels are better than ever while the crice has not advanced. Come and see. All goods fully guaranteed and sold on the installment platij; yjiaiid .Instruments, : Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, ' Violins,' Accordions,1 Autoharps. Iri "fact almost anything in the musical line can be found at , : , . T. (. RICHARDSON'S. i , I'ln- Myron horsu now owned by J. It. I'ixon will niiiku tUn ti.'iigon Bt Wilbur Weduimduv and TlmrHilay cf each wt-ck. At K istrlmrt; FtiJuy nm! Saturday and t!ie reniiiiii'lcr '. the time at the home of tln owner on the North Umpqiia. terms ifiioiiable Stray Horse. One hay tinrsi1. hIkmiL 4 jfears old, Lrandml "H"' on rixbt hhotilder, weiatit about !K)i) or 100J poundi). Tnkfeu up the iHh of March, at my pliwe in tiariten alley, 2';. iiiilt-H f st of V ilbur. Wanted. Fifty j;ooil liiuherujeu, waxes 2 per day. Fifty Knerl Uborers, wages f 1.00 per day. Ca.MI'IIU.I. & Alexanuek, Comstock, Oregon. We will you the neoni-weekly 1'laindkai.kk 'and the Oregon Poultry Journal, the tet poultry journal in the Northwest, both for $1.75. Roseburg Bakery CARL 5CHMRSTEISS, Prop. Were you ever in a baker shop? You would see the difference in cleanliness and 3'ou would understand the purity of our bread. r- ITCHEM and you will understand why our CANDY is so popular. S. CARROLL. Co to F. H. WOODRUFF'S Barber Shop ;For a prompt and first class shave or hair cut. Baths iu connection. 418 Jackson St. tiny ilia mioce8 fickl'! urinder, o-ily Kxarriination !r oflitprs of Co. i; will next Thurmfay night. The I'i.AixnKAi.i;it now has tlje moaj rornplete job department in V.otwhuTg. Call on M I'jr Job work. jet price on wagons, baggiea, binders, mowers and hay rakes of H. K. Hykea, bi.'fore buying elcewbtre. Location notices of both placer and lode claims and all other kinds of blanks lor ale at the I'laixiikalkk office. Mi-ef e Mable Munn and ; race Stmpo of this city, attended the Y. I. 8. C. K. dintrict convention held at "YoncalU last week. Scott Lander of Ibis place left on Fri day night's overland far Portland, where h will take passage on the BtearnBhin F.lder about the "1th of this month for i Cape Nome. Dwight Keerf of Oakland, one of Do'ifl lar county's genial native sons, was in Koeehurg Saturday on business con nected with the settlement of the Hill estate. We acknowledge a pleasant call. Prof. Waido Green, who was atone time a momber of the Grants Pass band, was a passenger on Saturday morning's local from Han Francisco to Portland, where he goes to join the Norris & Kowe dog and pony show. Albert Fmher, a couein of T. B. Can non ot this city, waa a passenger on Fri day night's overland returning to his borne at Silvertpn from Manila, where he whs a member of the hospital corps with the 14th Inft., U. .S. A. ACKLMS' DYSPEPSIA TABLETS nre eold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepeia Onn little tablet given immediate reliei "j cts. and 50 cts. I-or ea!e at M. Y. liapp's drug store. MOKI TEA POSITIVELY CUKES sick headache, indigesion and consipa- sion. A deligbful herb drink. lie moves all eruptions of the ekin, produc ing a perfect complexion, or money re funded. L'jctS. and 50 cts. M.F. Kappf druggist. A bcx social will be given by the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church, on Tuesday evening, May lotb, in the church parlors. Boxes will be Bol 1 for 25 cents each. Each lady is expected to bring a box containing lunch for two 1 12.) Secretary. Hereafter the forest raogers must pass an examination, but it will be as to their fitness for the position in connec tion with their knowledge of the ceuntry, abi'ity to ride and take care of a horse, etc., and they won't have to have a knowledge of Latin and trigonom etry. The remains of the infant child of Kev. and Mrs. F. L. Mocre, which recently died in New York etate, arrived here Thursday evening and were buried iu Belle Passi cemetery, Friday. The Irody waB accompanied by Kev. and Mrs. Moore and her mother Mrs. Layman. Woodburn Independent. lice. II. Graves, (he uxu ' who sells everything to everybody and cares not who gets swindled as long as he holds bis job, was again on our streets Friday with his bunch of brooms upon his buck shaking bands with his friends and customers. Graves is a good, fellow and has many . friends and customers here who have traded with the Harry I'nna Co. for years. J. O. Stemmler, a prominent farmer and stock man of Dora, Coos county, ar rived in town Thursday, in company with other stockmen, with a Urge band of fine beef cattle for L. Kohlbagen, the butcher. Our old frieud Stemmler made us a pleasant call, and reported every thing flourishing oyer in Coos, except the demo-pops. Republican prosperity has completely demoralized them politic ally. Epwoitb League of the M. E. church held its regular business and social meeting nt the bonis of Kev. and Mrs. George K. Arnold, Friday evening. After the conclusion of the business ses sion games and social converse occupied the remainder of the evening in a very pleasing manner. A very novel lunch was served consisting of salted crackers, Saratoga chips and lemonade which was thorougly enjoyed hy all. The Oregon National Guurd election heldiu Portland Thursday resulted In the cbosing of the following officers: Third Kegimeot Cohnel, Edward Ev rutt; lieutenant-colonel, K.G, Jubita; majors, F. F. Kelly, G. C. Vou Egloff ttein. Fourth Regiment Colonel, Geo. 0. Yorau; lieutenant-colonel, John M. Foormao; majors, K. H. Leabo, John L. May. First separate battalion, Frank- A. Urad, major, Unanimous except for ttitjgt ol tepautt fcatUiiju, REPUBLICAN TICKET. K'K rsfcffjKVTMr. fi.i:ti.. J- ' ''"ll.TtMii , j,,,, O. V. I-H.xli.n of Multnomah ' " "" fi D-nton V. J. nirui.lj ,,t i;mti:u T- " y"r, Of Marlon t')K H l-J'.f.MB JITX.E. '. K. Uolvcrtoii, j)i T.!:i FOB YmiU fOMMl-!i.VK. J. . Kiii ley 0 Multnonwri fO.VRKjiMA.V-.riI!T tMTKl'T. TI101. It. Torigue t,t VnUliijt'oit FOR I'RO'Kf'l;TIVl) AIT'.KNKV. Ceo. M. Hrown of roi!K'1 . FOR JOINT srVAT'iR It. A nK)tll Of Jr,M.W,in.) FOR .JOINT RKI'RKSKNTATIVF.. K. Ij. Hrlirs of Jek,it COUNTyTepFbLICAN I TICKET. FOR ITNATOR. A. . Miiroter Of Ktwctmre FOR KEPRr-ENTATH K.. A. I:. Mattoon, '1: jrjK,ki"ii- Giasn '. l!o" Kin? Of Yonrulll FOR SII RR IFF. ' ' K. I'arrott of Boseliuri? FOR CLERK. I. It. ."hninlirook of I iuj.o,nii Ferry FOR TREA-.I RFR. fi. V. fiiminf k ..Of Klkton For a.ii.ok. J. A. HtrrliiiK 0:irraiii FOR M.'IIOOI. HI I-F.RINTENDF.NT. ' F. ft. Hiiinlin Of ftowliurs OMMIssloNERa, M. J 1. Tliompson, OfHr-dttnliurit A. K. Xkhols of KirMln FOR SCRVEVOH. William BriKR- Of Cauyonville FOR '.'ORONI P. Ir. J. . Twit, hell .Of Rowbu r Roseburg Precinct Officers. K. J. I'.obinett Iii'iice of the Peaco "ly .SIK imi Coni.tatl Notice. HG, Ore , , May 14, 1000. To the voters of Vcptjua precinct: I have accepted Ihf nnination by the republican party ; -oad supervisor in district No. :''. 1 ill promise the people of al! parties, if elected, to make them a faithful servant and the best roads possible with the means avail able. Yours with regards, Cyrus Powell. Y. P. S. C. E. Rose Festival. The second annual rose festival 111, der tho supervision of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Christian church of this city was celebrated at the Opera House Thursday evening. The bouse was tastefully dec orated with the C. E. colors, wreaths, emblems of orders, etc., in solid mitsses of roses. Directly in front of the stage was a large arch of roses with "Y. P. S. C. E. Rose Festival" in gold letters across its face. Two lorg tables across the parquet were weighted down with beautiful roses, as was also several smal ler tables on each side oearing the em blems of the different orders and huge boquets. , 4 The following program was rendered in which each number received the heartiest applause. Vocal solo, "Asthore," Mies Georgia Jacobs. Recitation, Selected, Miss Kate Fuller ton. Vocal eo!o, Selected, Dan Langenbetif. Recitation, '"John Maynard," Miss Noll. Vocal s-jIo, Selected. Miss Lena Kearney. Piano solo, "LaGavotte," Wm.G. Sauvlett, Mrs. I. Wolionberg. Vocal solo, "Anchored," L. R. Trayer. The following judges were then se lected: Mrs. J. C. Aiken, Mrs. M. Josephson and S. C. Flint. After care fully examining every boquet and emb lem iu the house the judges awarded the prizes as follows : Single variety First paize, Mrs. Y. Willie. Second prize, Mrs. G. W, Bales. More than five varieties First prize, Mies Gertrude Kast. Second prize, Mrs. F. V. Benson. Most unique boquet Mrs. F. W, Ben sou, Best executed lodge emblem Eastern Star. There were about SS entries lor prizes besides the decorations, which far ex celled that of -lust year and shows tiiat our town people are fast taking an inter est iu celebrating the reigu of our most beautiful tliral decoration; After the awarding cf the prizes, vvbka were donated by our liberal merchants aud business men, elegaut refreshments were served upon tin stage from which the society retted a good round sum aud made the Rose Festivul a financial suc cess as well as social. Wanted. ' A good reliable man, married or single, to milk and work on farm. Must b honest; steady am! reliable. Steady em ployment and right pay t proper parties Addresi 34, ((m7,, Rtlftafj