The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 14, 1900, Image 1

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Southern Oregon's Leading Newspaper.
No. 38
Vol. XXXI.
lord Roberts' Army tnlers
The Middle of-thf-Road Populist Put
Forth a Characteristic I'latform
and Name a Presidential Ticket.
Transvaaler.i Have (lone Northward
and the Tree Staters Are Scatter
ing to Their Homes.
iwNioN. May H-'. The war o(!ic re
ceive I lha following d'epatch from Lord
Kohtr'.s :
"Kroonsud, May 1-', 2 p. m. I en
tered KrodnsUd nt 1 .''0 p. today with
out opposition, when ihe I'tilon Jack was
hrstcd amidcheeri from thf few British
! l ., I...., Kt.-vn llcil ! !
evening, lr vrf.ii !y midravoiins to per
suade the bnrghtiM to tontinuo oppifci-!
tlon. Tl.0 Tiansv.mleli H.iidthtv could ;
no longer light ,'r,,' t-""
Boil, liiuK:' fur the Vital riwr.
The Free Staler uccm-ed t!nr Trans
Viial i.H nt having MsfU ne of hrin n I
then dt'Bertbiwr. Mi"'v ? lifcl ' "'M
Htaters have g " e ir hemes.
"Tho ;rotv'-sio:i nvriiu the town
was head'd by my bodyguard, all of
whom colonials, and ufur ri;y ft u t!"
an I foreign oll-teis cuino tho North Som
erset Imperial Yeomanry, ful!oed by
Pole I'aicw's ilivit.t.n. co;H' i tb.
Ou.inU und the Eighteenth NuVi! Bri
gade, the Eighty-third, 1 I y-f uuit'i
an I EightY-ftfih Batteries, two inch
gotis manned by tin- Uoral Artillery
Company. and tho Twelfth Engineer.
The llrs. of the force cnciinptd around
the town.
"Before leaving Krounnidr Preaidtnt
Ht.'yu isiued a proclamation making
' Lindley thui eat of government of tin
Freo Stale. General Botha and Ieet
accompanied Iho Tramvaalera."
Lo:ion, May 13, 4 a. ro Tho situa
tion at the eat of war in South Africa is
as satisfactory from the British view
point ut the Hunguine friend could
have hoped u week ngo. The occupation
I Kroonstad praclieully places the
whole Orange Free. State in British pof
eession. It I nvideut fro n Lord Kobets' lait
dispatch that tin' disintegration line
commenced. Tlio Free SUtcis are scat
tering to. their hutnfe. while. Iho Tranr.
vaaltiri have t?ime northward, declining
to fl;.jht loner in tiio'Orunno Tree State. lit'.la rrintanc the former a'.tll In
likely to moko (ennia to he centering at
Lludley, where 1'ruHldont Steyn ban
transferred hia scat of Koverimient.
It is evident that tho atratrxy of Lord
Kobiirts and tha rapidity of his advance
Lave bewildered and disheartened the
Uoers, as their resistance since the Brit
ish reached Zand Kiver, has been elitfht.
The only point where they emiously at
, teiu pled to check the advance seems to
have been uu tuo l!ri' is!i llatik, whi re
they defended with tsoine viyor two
kopjes which werw eventually carried by
the l'last Lancaphina and Susexes, tho
Hours finally retreating, l-avlntt a roup
cf t-'unnersi 'lead un top of one of the
Tho only point in the Fret Htato where
the lloers senui in any force, eicept at
Lord Kobe rts' front, ix ou the Huutheaist,
wheio General Uundle, Campbell and
lirabant arj hoblintf them in check, west
of r-'icksbur and Ludybrand, and are
gradually pushinK them back as well as
el!ctnally defeating all their ell'ortd to
hi. uk through and threaten Lord Uob
erts' couinuiaicutioiK.
Thero is no fiutliBr news retfurding the
advance of the relief column to Mafe
' kint;,.but il,U powsibla that Lord Kob
erte' success will result iu fordo the
Bui-is to raisn tha sienw.
I'retoria advices vl Lonrenco Mr
4jues sta e that fhe Boer' supply of
a eiuokelesa powder is exbaUHted, and
that all attempts to mnufacture a fresh
supp'y have len unsuccessful.
A dispatch from I'ipe Town, dated
May; 12, lays that Lird Btrathcona'i
Hore have gone to the front, and that
Lord Castletown has been appointed
irmiBsndsr c( Iht Wapeoar district.
('i.M in n mi, MaylO' Tho Middle
of tho road populist's convention re
sinned its labors In Kobinxou's hall, in
this city tliia morning at 10 o'clock. The
nomination speeche-t fur theotliceof (ires
ident anil vice president were limit
ed tii ten t.iinu'cri each, a thorough pUn
of p'tly organization was adopted. The
committer on resolutions, who had tho
duty of forming n piriform, havo present
ed their work tn th onveotion. It reaf
lirnn thn old ) na!in platform, demands
the initiative and refi'mndtiin, th public
ow m ri,lii) of (he railroads of the county
as e! no tho ti'lvrnpli and telephone
lin-". I he coal rniiiui, i:c. A scientific
and iibniliitt p.ipi-r iimhv syrtesn, lissed
In the Hands cf the
Mcdfoi:ii, Or., May 11. The prelimi-
nary healing cf Hamu'.;l Murray, city I
. - l . .. 1 r. .11, V..r W I'ini, nil a niiui,iiOiii'' j .t
Money! If . Ifombrev. charKiiiii thfi ue of
j 8-ene lanK'niKe, was hell today. The;
I ninshal will stand trial in the Itecorder's '
Court Monday. A warrant will be (-worn
I out later charging him with asBanlt and!
ENTtRPRISINO f LSION Of f ICIUS lMtt,ry by "'e,",'ne;omp'aint'
i A Trunk Lost Value $130.
obMcBride's Bill for Indian War and
Philippine Soldiers.
The County Clerk's Office Turned
Into a Broker's Office.
rusted in a conspicuous place in the
oflice of County Clerk .1. F. ( lazier h a
government lien e urantins authority to the lHa:;aKa room, but i' seeius was not
('iilvin Thompson, who has been stop
ping ut Iho Central Hotel in this city for
some time. cluimB to have had a trunk
stolen from the depot night before last.
Mr. Thompson is said to have ordered
F.xpressman Davis to take his trunk to
the depot, which wan done, the trunk
being li ft on the platform at the rear of
Hon. Thos. H. Tongue Working Val
iantly in the Interest of the Old
Indian Fighters.
conduct a brokei's ollice and to carr.' on
ou iho emiro wealth and puliation of 1 tin-u.eM 01 . nroaer, rormorinun
the nation and to ho hmiu-I by woven,- )-'r ' !' "ll'1:H ,:f th" eouoty clrrk of
mrnt authority v.PInu! thb intervention ! -"nty. bnilt.fnrr.isbed, warmed,
,f trnnki, U Uvored. but in the mem- i lifted and swept out at the expense of
iim.. tbepl.vtf.r.u f.voith freocoitiHUei'bo taxpayers of Douclas county, has
reported to BDy one aVound thn depot
Mr. Thompson expected to leave on
Saturday night's train, but wan detained
and when he went to the depot Sunday
nielli to et his trunk ohecked it could
not tie found. He i:n-nediately reported
Wars at the
- . m. al hal k k af '
Grand Tribute to Our Soldier Candidates.
I'ohtlan'o, Oregon, May 7th, 1;00.
Ki.iT.ii; l'LMNDfcAi.KU. Sir; 1 et-e by your paper that the liepublicans of Douglas County. Oreoa, have
p!;ited oii I'.ieir ticket to bo voted for at tin coming election in June next, the natnea of Lieutenant F. II. lltfmhn tor
I'.itoiiv Si.hool Miperintendeut and Serjeant Ij. 1. Fliambrcok for County Clerk.
$ 1 ,h 'ply appreciate this, mark of respect hbawn these excellent ollicers and soldiers of the 2nd Oregon. It
Miwn that tun residents of your counly are not indifferent to patri tisin, and they are willing to recognize the ser-
ices of these splendid younu men. They sered with me all through the campaigns in the iland from the begin
J mug to the icd, and I can sny to the voters of your county that there Hew no better soldiers ever served under the
colors of any State thau these yonui; men always attentive to every order, prompt to respond to the call for active
service in thn field, kind and considerate of the welfare of ttieir comrades, and true patriots and soldiers.
I cjti Khsure your people that they will have the same diligent caro for their public duties as they showed w hiie
they eeived with the 2nd Oregon, Vhluh hai added so much to the public record of the State as a military body.
Kespect fully,
Lrevt. Brig. Gen. and Former Col. 2nd. Oregon Kegt., L . S. V.
WAKfiE.vroK, May 12. Senator Mc
Bride has introduced a tiill amending
the law which allow- ?-:tate Soldiers
Homes $100 a yeai fo- ie care of each
veteran of the Civil v. ir. so as to admit
the Indian War voter and veterans cf
the Philippine asd S.
same rate.
la sn i on india:.
It. is a pretty wt I
Washington that t:
of a show of passing
eran petipion bill, : .
erans, tlter long ;
cordicgly turned tl; -
of silver and gold. It holds for an in
come tax, and the election of president,
vico president, federal judges and cena
tota by direct vote of the people.
Wharton Barker of l'hihididphia waj
nominated for pr.iidL-nl, and Ignatius
Donnelly of .Minneapolis for vice presi
dent, on the second ballot.
Opworlh League Anniversary.
The celebration of tho eleventh anni
versary of tho Epwoitb Lesguo took
place ut the M. K. church, last nigbt.
T o chinch was heaulilully decorated iu
ltd and whitrt roses, ivy, locust, honey
suckle and asparagus tops, red and
white being the League's emblematic
ivlors. After the customary rung service
and prayer by Mis. A. C. Maratere, the
piiHtor, K.'V. G. It. Arnold, iu hid
splendid and ab'lo manner, gaye a short
address, telling cf the foundation of the
league and tho good it has aecomplished
iu the past elevon yesrs. He highly
complimented the Koseburg chapter ou
its past aud present record. This league
havlug a meuabetehip of about 73. The
select readings by Hunel Jewett and
Berths Estea were splendidly delivered,
aud tho recitation by Miss Auintu S:nith,
"The Healing d Ihe Daughter of Jari
us," was exceptionally well rendered iu
Miss Smith' usual pleasing manner.
The vocal sola by Mrs. Guo.J I'Ntes.
"Just, For Today," deserves especial
mention for tha excellent inuniier iu
which it was extoulei. Tho select iou
by tho orchestra was wi ll tecnived aud
The meeting was presided over by the
president, Frank S. Godfrey, in a very
abld maniier. Altogether it was a decid
ed success.
Edwiu Kean, who has been in tho em
ploy of Mike DsVaney of tha Shamrock,
baa resigned bis position aud returned to
bis home at Man Francisco, but the
Shamrock is still lacded t ;hs same old
been un ollice where men w ho are paid a
regular calary to transact the peoples'
business have regularly and for their
own personal benefit traflked in counly
claims aud county warrants.
Just ho much money this oat it: aro
making out of this business no cine
knows, but this is certain : That many
thousoud.s of dollars of the cmuty's in
debtedness, the indebtedness of the tax
payers, has pass'-'d through tho hands oi
this firm of money changers during the
past year. Just "what the profit of the
year's business has been, no one knows
but tho members of the firm, but from
the aniouut of business they have trans
acted It is probable that tho proGts of
this buBinesj will eijua), if not exceed,
the salary paid them by Ihe county.
Theeo statements require no proof,
because almost eveiy in an who has
drawn at the county clerk' desk duiiiig
the past year, a warrant ngaLiet the
county, has been badgered and im
portuned to ssll bin warrant to this
"Re'orm Trust," which en account of the
fact that the business must pas through
their hands, have, practically, a monopo
ly of tho business, and 'his is "reform."'
It cornea high bet wv have tn have it you
HOW (MgLEY SAVED $2G0d I'OU llli: I'ol'NTY
Senator llced baying pledged himself
at the time of hid nomination to do so,
introduced a bill teducing the salaries of
county ollicialaat the hist Bttsioii of tho
legislature. Tho hill was passed by a re
publican legislature and having lieen
suncil by a republicnu governor, became
a law, thus making a saving of $2000 per
year iu the utile of the conuty clerk.
County Clerk J. F. Oazley permitted
this tn be done, therefore, c is entitled
to the credit aud ehoukf lie re-elected
county clerk, argues the Review.
II. C. Mabon organized a cabiu of Na
tive Sous at rieasant Hill, Tuesday, with
a charter membership of 15. Tba title of
tha cabin will Ih Elijah Biiatow Cabin
No. 80. Janet loo City Times.
the los to Chief of Police Piilard, who
at once investigated the case and found
that an uncalled for trunk answering the
description was at the S. P. depot at
Montague, Cal.
Mr. Thompson left on last night's lra:n
to identify, if pcssible, the trunk which
claims contains $S0 in cant and clothing
valued at sfilO.
'ecognized fact in
it not the ghost
Indian War yet
ruaoy of tbe yet-
ot waiting, ac
fforts in another
direction, and are now urging the pas
sage of another till in their interest,
which provides for giving a land warract
for 103 acres to each of the survivors of
the Indian wars of Oregon, and other
Western states. This bill would un
doubtedly have a better chance of pase
iog than tbe pension bill, for, in tbe Cret
place it clo js not rtqaire au appropria
tion, and, secondly, does not tetablitdi a
precedent for service pensions. Om? cf
the arguments advanced in favor ot the
Indian War pension bill was that the
survivors are all out men, and that de
rive any benefit from the legishi'ioti, it
would have to be enacted at aa early
Bepresentative Tongue, who intro
duced such a laod warrant bill oaiiy in
the session, has been called upuu to se
cure its passage, and is cow Eeekiog,
through the aid of Representative Moody
to secure a favorable report on this bill,
in th hopes that it may be passed bat'jre
Surveycr Briggs Endorsed.
West Roskhitru, May 11, luDO.
Mu. Editou: 1 notice an article in
tho popViist column of the Pi.aindealeu
wan'ing Mr. Gazley or Either to explain
why the name of the man that was nom
inated by the populist, in Dist. 22, Peer
Creek, was left out. They will doubtless
not tell you that they wanted to keep hie
name out of sight until the republicans
nominated the man that the Review
push imported from our district, because
there was no place here for him, when it
came to an election. The Review putb
uninitiated a man that they bad already
turned dowu in the previous January ap
pointment, and placed the imported man
on the throne. But now they nominated
him, tho mun they had turned donn, to
butcher himself for tho imported ,
but by sotii,' way or other their scheme
fill through, as far as the republicans
nomination went, for they nominated 1
another man. However undaunted by,
this, they had gone to far to recede, and :
proceeded to circulate a etitiou to have '
their iuipmted man placed on the ticket. :
Now if anyone thinks they wont :
butcher their on nominee, who is a
good citizen aud a lax payer of Deer !
Caxyonvii.i.e, May 10, 1900.
Eo. Pla'ndkalek : Wc. F. Briggs
has been in the field as a surveyor thirty
three years aud during that time ha. at
intervals held the ollice of county su'vey
ir about fourteen yeiirs altogether. , He
hasals held an appointment from the
I. S. deputy mineral surveyor for
twentv-;even successive years.
He has also received the appointment
of several Fpecial contracts for govern
ment laud surveying, and has been ap
pointed by ihr surveyor gereral of Ore
gon, inspector of government contracts
of public land surveying.
If he should be elected to the oflice of
county surveyor, be will endeavor to fill
the ollice without prejudice or partiality
toauyot.e. A veto for him will not be
lost. '
Letter List
Remaining uncalled for at
burg postoflicj.
Bradley, Chas.
Chapman, Mr. Th
Hawkins, John
Johnson, W. II.
Joiner, Will D.
Persons calling
the Koee-
Montague Helen
.'3. Northrup, F. S.
Sar.-mau, Mr. T.
Shatubaugh George
' Tipton, M. V.
for tbeie letters will
please state the dato ci which they were
advertised, May 11, li'OO.
The letters will bo charged for tlie
tate of one cent each.
V.i. A. FrukUvP. M.
creek di,tnct, just count the votes after
Yours res'pectfully,
A Sikh:ke Ok Vkry' Pooki.y Woku
Public School Program,.
Tbe Imperial saloon and tha barber
shop, on Cava aud Sheridan street, have
placed new and neat awnioga in front of
tbfir places.
' The public school program will be
given ar The Optra House ou Friday eve
ning of this week. The .pupils will be
assisted by our local talent and a splnn
did eutertaiuuaeut is being prepared.
The proueeds uie to be uted to pur
chase ruore bo. La for tbe library.
The admission is 15 rents, 25 cent) for
reserved seats.