The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 10, 1900, Image 8

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United states Lend omr.
Koskbcro, Oregvn, April 4, IWO.
Notice it hereby given that In compliance
wlth.the provisions ol the act o( Congress pi
June's, 1878, entitled "Au act tor tho sale 't
timber lends Ifi the States of Cellforala, Oregon
ovada and Washington Territory,"
r( Aberdeen, Covintv ot Chi -halls. Htate of tt ash
lnton has this .lay filed In this office hie .worn
statement No, 914, for tho purchase of ifco H
K WU and lots s aud 4 ot Section No. 4, In Town
ehlpo.29 8. Range No 9 W, and will offer
l.roti to show that the land sought 1 men valu
able for it" timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim ' eM
land be fere the Register and recclvtr of this
office at Rosvbunr. rvgou on Friday the li day ot
June. 1900. He names a witnesses, l.twge B.
Hopkins, P. M. Littler, t. Karshner, J. K. Karen
tier, all of Aberdeen, Wash. Any ami all per
sous claiming adversely the alioveKlescribcd
Inodaaro requested to tile their claims in thu
(lice on or b'.foro se!d litb day of June. 1.
a5p Kcgisver.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Ortico.
Rosbbcbu. Oregon. March W, lttOO.
VoCce ij hereby given that in compliance
with tho provisions of the act ot Congress of
jund - INN eniuien ah act ior mv i i
tin her land In the States of California, Orecou,
Nevada au.l Washinghm Territory,
Of Ash'.and, Couuty of Ashleud. State of WIs
...oi.iii. ha thin (lav filed in thin office his swora
statement No. Wi, for the pun-haw of lh Nfc'4
of eevtitui No. 24. in Townsnip ro. 21 r, Kaniie
No. 8 , and will offer proof to show that the
land (ought is more valushlc lor ita timber or
atone than tor agricultural purrawe, anu vu
tabliih hit o'.aua to Mid laud before the Regis
ter and Receiver of this office at Kosebnnt, Ore
son. on Tuesday, the 22nd day of May, I'XXi He
name a witnesses: L. G. DcWoll, of Wood-
land. Washington. James McCuily, George I.
IfeCloud, Daniel D. Kennedy, all of Ashland,
W tconin.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Bbeve-dewcribed lands are requested to tile their
'aim In this office on or betore said 22nd day of
Jiar, ISfAI.
J.T. Bbidobs,
United State Iavad Pffiee.
Ro8KB(.ai. Oregon. March ID. 1900.
Wotiec it hereby given that in compliance
Tilth the provisions of the act of Congree of
June it, 1S78, entitled "An act for the Kale of
limber land in the States of California, Oregon.
Nevada and W asbngton Territory,"
Of Ashland, County of Ashland, state of Wis
consin, has culsdav filed iu this office his sworn
statement No. sss, tor tho purchase of the NW ,
of section No. 24, In Township Nl. 24 8, Kange
No. NW., and will otter proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for ita timber or
ator.e than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said laud before the Regis
ter and Receiver of this onice at Roaeburir. Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 2Jnd day of Mhv, i au. He
names ns wiuiesses: I. (.. IVWolf, l Wixvlland.
Washington. Ueorfre H. McCloul. Bllaa H.Han
m, Daniel i). Kennedy, all ot Ashland, Wiscon
sin. Any and all persons clalmimr adversely the
above-described luuda are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before said 2Jnd
day of May, l.'.O.
J. T. Bridges.
Notice for Publication.
United Htates Land Office,
k Roscbi'bu, Oregon. April 4, t'.uO.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisiona of the act of Congress of
Jane liTs, eutitled an act tor the vale of
timberlands in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
of Aberdeen, County of Chebalis.btstc of Wash
ington, baa this day tiled lu this office his
sworn statement No 1)15, for tho purchase ol the
!!iNE1.tanU lots 1 and 2 of Bee 4. In Tp No 89
R So 9 V, and will otter proof to show that the
land sought is moro valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim go said land before the Regis
ter and Receiver of this otlice at Roacburg, Ore
son on Friday, the 15th day of June, lvoo. He
names as nitnesses: James II. Fuller, G.
Karsbner. V. M. Littler, J. B. Karsbner, all of
Aberdeen, Chehalis county, Wash. Any and all
lierMins cluiming adversley the above acscribed
lands are requested to tile their claims in this
oSice on or before said Lilh day of June, 10.
A.'iP Register.
JSjticc for Publication.
Csitid &iaTi.9 Land Officc,
Rosebnv, Oregon, April 13, 1500.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June .t, 17N entitled "Ad act for the sale of tlm
bur lands in the States o! California, Oregon
Neva-ia and Washington Territory:''
of Minneapolis, County of Hennepin, State of
Minnesota, bat, this day tiled in this ofhee her
sworu :iiU-rneot No. ixxJfor the purchase of the
T.'inl fccction No. 24, in Township No. 23 b,
Range No. :t W., ami w ill oB'er proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for ita
limber or stone thau for agricultural purposes,
and toesisblish her claim to said land before the
iu-glst-r and Receiver of thisodiceat Roseburu,
Oregon, on ta urday, the 21st day of Jul), lvoo.
fwie usmea as witnesses: Edward D. bouthmayd
ol Kiiyrii id, WLscuusin; V. W. J.-xfcll of Minne
apolis .Minnesota: Mrs. A. K. testof Minne
a;o'.is. Minnesota; Frank Marion of Onkland,
Any and all pirsons claiming adveist-y the
above-Its' ri'ot-1 Uud are requested to Ble'their
claims iu this ofiice on or before said Vlst dar of
ap itegister.
Notice for Publication.
Lasd Orri) r,
Roseburg. Oregon, April llsjO.
Notice is hereby given that In eompllam e
with' the provisions of the act ol Co rig rex of
June:;. 1tx. entitled "An act for the sale of
timts-r lauds in thetitatea of California, Oregon,
Nevada, mid M ashlngton Territory,"
Of Bayfield, County of Bayfield, Htate of Wis
eousin, hut this day filed in this ollice hia sworn
atatement No. -Xj, lor the purchase of the north
east quarter, of section No. 04, in Township No.
24 euiiii. Range No.'ti West, and will oiler proof
to show taut the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural j,ur-
I mi-. audio establish bis claim Ui said land
M'fore the leister and Kecciverof this ollice
at R isebiirg,Vgou,on Saturday, the Hit day of
July, I'Mn. He names as uilut-ssei W.
Je-Tt .( Miuueapidls, MinneotH; r . VsiTDor-i-s
of Minn,-BoI, Minueaoia: Mrs. A. K. West,
of Miuiieapoiis, Minnesota; Frank Marlon of
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Auy Hudall persona claiming adversely the
iMire-describeil lands are requested to tile their
claims in this ollice ou or before said 1'lst day of
United states Land Ofiice.
KosBBt-Ku, Oregon, May 4. I'jOo.
Notice is hereby given that the following
stained settler has filed notice of his intention
touiMtc tinul nrouf in suuuort of his claim, ami
Ihsi ssid proof will l made before the feKisler
aud Kec-ulvcr United btates. Land Office, at
Jtoaebur Oret-oii June 14. lixjO, vi.:
Oil H. E. No. 7773, NWK N F ' 1, N E' 1
NVV,. hectioa 2 T. 86HK. 4 W. liu names
the following witnesses to prove bis contluuoua
residence upon aud cultivation of aaid laud viz:
o, Atterbury, ol Oak Creek, Oregon; J. Atior
bury, ot Oak Creek, Oregon; T. Day, ol Oak
rcvk, Oregon; Ueorge Ukruut, of Glide, Oregon.
J.T, BaiDoaw,
7p RegUter.
JUnlted Btatea lnd Office.
RosiHi au, Or., February St, 1900.
Notice Is herct-T given that lu eonipliauca
ith the provisions of the act of Pnniireaa of
June . Ists, cntithil "An act for the sale of
tlmlier lands Inthvritatea of Dallfornla, Ore
ron, Nevada aiwl ashliiKton Territory,"
t HARI.K8 A. MKI1.1N
Ot Mnrshrield. Pounty ol Cooa, Htate of Oregon,
baa this day tiled In this office his sworn state
ment No. for the purchase of the 8Wi of
t-e. No. Hi, In Tp. No. J8, R. No. 10 W, ami
wilt otter proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable tor its timber orstono than for
aKTlenltural purposes, and to establish tils claim
o said laud frefore the Register and Heci'iver of
this oltice at Rosebui. Or., on Tuesday, the th
dar of May, l"i. He names as witnesses:
Vt illlam Wtenn, Krans. Rogers, J. Yoakam. R.
Weelen. all of Marshtleld, Hn-gon. ant ami all
Mrsons claiming adversely the above accrlhd
and are requested tollle their eiaiiua In this
oil Ice on or before slu stub day or Mar, l'fl.
p RcKlslcr.
Notice for Publication,
Ros.burg, Oregon. Feb. 24, IMi.
Notice is hereby given that In coiupllatice
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 137, eutitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington TerrlUirv,'
Of Sfarshficld, Countv of Coos, (State of Oregon,
has this day tiled In this ottice his sworn state
nient No, sip, for the purchase of theNW'4 of
Pec No In Tp N'2 a W, K No.lo W. and will oiler
proof to show that the laud sought Is more
valuable lor its timber or stone than for agrt
eultuial purposes, and to establish bis claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of
Ibis office at. Roseburg. Oregon, on Tuesday,
the au u dar of May, laoO.'He names ns wIIucsm-s
Charles A. afetlio, f. HaUey. K. Weeden, Wil
liam Wrenn, all of Marsh held, Oregon. Any
and all persous claiming adversely the alxvi.
describe,! lands are requested to (lie their claims
In this olllce on or before said JUlh day ol.Msy,
P Register,
Notice for Publication.
Rostnuau, Ore., March 8, VMX
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June!, 1878, entitled "Au act for the sale of
Umber lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
of Oakland, County of Douglas, mate of Oregon,
has this day riled In this oftiee his sworn state
ment No. N5. for the Durchaac of the H. W.
of becilon No. 10. in Township No. 24 8. Rane
No. .1 W. and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and toes-
labiisn nis claim tosaiil lanu Dciore tne Regis
ter and Receiver of this office at Rwburg. Ore
gon. onThuisday the lutti day of May VMV
1H? names as witnesses: t. K. "Thornton,
CTiarlts Hunt. Orant Ta'lor, and If. II. Miller
all of Oakland, Dougla4 County Oregon. Any
and all trsuna claiming K,tvers4lv thcahm-o
described lands are reiue-ted to tile their
ulaims in this office on or beiore said loth day of
May UW.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office.
Rosinrito. Oregon. March la. I'.so,
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cougiesa of
June 3, ia7s, entitled "An act lor the sale ol
timber lands in the (states of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territorv"
Of Marshtleld. County of Coos, blate of Oregon
has this day tiled in this office tils sworn state
ment No. iajl, for the purchase of (heBEJi NE',
L'. r r. wc u, b s n n 1 ' i BW Bee.
14, In Township No. 24 a, Range No. 11 w ., and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said (and before the Register and Re
ceiver ol this ollice at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Monday the 2 1st day of May, l'ASl. He names as
witnesses: w llllam Turpen. of Empire, Oregon
Charles K. l-.dwanU. of Kmnlre. Oregon. d
ward E. Hinckley, of Marshtleld, Oregon, Jen
nanseo, oi larsnneia Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad verse I v the
above-described lands are nsiuested to file I heir
claims In this office on or beiore aaid 2.1 day of
iay, imj. ,
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Orlice,
ROsEBi KG. Oregon. March, la. 10.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act oi Congress of
June ii, Dt7, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds In the Mates ot California, Oregon,
SEttuimu nmitUKlou territory,
Of F,mpire, County of Coos, (-tate of Oregon,
has this day tiled lu this ollice bis sworn state
ment r,o. Kjt. tor tne purchase of the H1, HE1
Sec 14, N1 i NE'i of bection No. 2JI iu Townshl
No. '21 S.. kauce No. 11 W.. and w ill oiler nmof
to show that the land sought is mure valuable
tor us timber or stone tnan lor agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this
ofiice at Koscbnru Oregon, on Monday the 21st
aay oi stay, vfti, au names as witnesses
Aioert Btt-iiimcruiaii, Charles E. Edwards, Ed
ward E. Hinckley, Jens Hansen all of Marsh
field, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deM-rilied. lands are eq nested to (He their
claims in this onu.-e on or before said 21st day ol
Keg liter.
United HUtes I .and Office.
Kosbb;b. Orevoll. March A. 1 00(1.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, 1j8, entitled "An act for the sale of
umoer latins in tne btau-sot California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory.
Of Ashland. Countv of Ashland. Klste of Wlsmn,
sin, has this day filed lu this oltice his sworn
statement No. b7, for the purchase of the 8E'of
(section No. 4, In Township No. 24, (4., Range
No S W, and will oiler proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for Ita timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish disclaim to suld land U-fore the Regis
ler aud Receiver of this oftiee at Roseburg, Ore
gon, ou riaturday, the 2nd day of June. l'JOl)
He names as witnesses: J. 0. Turney, L. O. Dc-
woii, oi roriianu, Oregon, I- reidue, ana ta
ward Rone, of Oakland. Oregon.
Any and alt persons claiming adversely tbe
above-decriU. lauds arc requested to file
their claims in this office ou or before said 2nd
tlay ol June. l'AA).
, J.T. Bailors
Notice for Publication.
Uwited Btatis Land oi i k
Roseburg, Oregon. Msy 1. 1'XiO.
Notice is hereby given that the lo, lowing
Damco SHtllcr has filed notice of his intention
to uiHke filial Dr(K( in suoiKirt of his claim, and
that said proof will I made before the Regis
ter and Receiver, United htates Ind I Office at
Roseburg, Oregou. ou June 16, I'.HJU, tU:
On II E No 7t4, (or tbe NK'i, Hoc 27,
T 27 , R o W. He names the following
wilneascf to prove bis continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Bel
Abraham, Richard Klcbme-nd, Free Johnson,
John Drown, fc.l of Evaebura, Oregon.
(mlipt KegUler.
Unltel Htates l,and Office.
Rosetiurg, Oragon. March , lfOO.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the protlaioim of the act of Oongresa of
June s, 1h;m, entitled "An act lor the sale of
limber lands In the Htates of California, Oregon,
iui t,in hum i uioTTiKioii irrriMry,
Of Cleveland. County ot Douglas, State of Oro
gon. has Hits day tiled in this office his sworn
siaicmcm no. iK.i. for the purchase of the W!
NV' of tk-etlon Nu.H. inTou'uhln No. l'T h
Ramie No. H West, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is moro valuable for Its
timber or stone thau for agricultural puri-oses,
and to establish bis claim to said land Is-lnre
Iho Register and 'Receiver of this rlllee at Hose,
bur, Oregon, on Thursday the 7th duv June,
no oniius as miucsacs: r.uwani von
resi, i an neeger, John Bet-ker, and Frank
o.ierniaa ol i iivelaiiil. Oregon.
A, n:i i all persons claiming alversely tho
above-e rlbtHl lauds are reuiiestixt to tile their
claims in this oilica ou or before said ith dny of
1. T. BLfDQKS,
lTnitcd SUIes Land ODice,
ROsKHrart. Orviron. MrtN.h In l'lm
Notice Is hereby given that lu compliance with
the provisions of tnu act ot Congress of June a.
1(1.8. entitled "An act for ih salo of tlmlx-r
moos in ine Mates oi caiiiorrjia , Oregon, Ne
and Washinglon Territory."
Of Ashland, Couniy of Ashland, btate ol Wis
consin, hss this day IIKil In this offlen his sworn
statement No. Will, lor the purchase of the NK'i
of Section No. I, in Township No. 24 H, Range
No. aw, and will offer proof to show that tfi e
land sought Is moro valuable for Ita timber or
store than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land belorothe Register
anil Receiver of this oltlco at Roseburg. On gou,
on Tuesday, the ilnil day of May, 1'Joo. He
names as witnesses: L. j. DeWolf, td WoimI
land, Washington, James C. Turney, of Tort
land, Oregon, James McCully, Daniel D. Ken-
u"i, vi nnu'Hiiu, n ISCOUSIII.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Bliove-deM-rlbetl lauds are retuested to tile Ihclr In this office on or be (ore said md day
of May, VMM.
J. T. BBIDflBs,
Notice for Publication.
USitkoBtatsb Ijisd orrica,
Rocburg. Oregon, May 2. I'JCO.
Notice is hereby given (hat in compliance
with the prov islous of tho act of Congress of
Juuea, lsTK, l-utitleil "Au act for i he sale of
cimocr ibud in ;"e states California, Oregon
sov aiii, auu vinsMingion icrriiory, '
Of Ho.iilsin, County of Chehalis, Mtatoof Wash
ingtou, bus this day tiled in this oltice his sworn
ssaiemeui, ..o. wi, lor the purchase of the
northeast quarter of beet Ion Kn.t4, In Town-
shin No. 2Jt south. Range No. West, and will
Oder proof to show that the land sought is more
vamaoic lor Ita 'imhcror stone than foragrt
cultural purKM-s, aud to establish bis claim to
said laud beiore tho Register and Receiver of this
euice at Kosc imrv, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 24th
uny oi vuij, ivv. tie names as witnesses:
D. rijolset. A. M. Dahl, E. Ojolset, O. HJolsct, all
oi uixuinui, vtasiuugion.
Any and all ucrsous clalinlnv adveraid lln
above-duscrlbel lands are requested to die their
claims iu inisomee on or oeiore said 21th uav ol
Juiy, i'ajo.
.1. T. Bit I DO EH,
Notice for Publication.
Unitio ktatbs I.AxnOrrtcr,
Kosuburg, Oregon, April 30,1900.
Notico is hereby given that iu .omi.llauce
with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of
June.1, lf7s. entitled "An act for the sale of Urn-
Dcrianus lu the ritatrs ol California, Orciron
Nevada and W aslnngton Territory:"
of Aberdeen. County of Chehalis. Htato of Wash
ington, has this day filed in this office bis sworn
statement No. isj:i, lor the purchase of the Ha 1 :
of M-clioii No. , in Township No. ;2n Houth
Range No, V West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
or ns umoer or stone man lor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim lo said land be-
lore the Keglster and Reuetver of thisofflne at
Oregou, on Tuesday, the 21th day ol
July, l'Juu,
He names as wlttanaes: J. H, Fuller, of
Aberdeen. Washington: W. M. Thorn sou. of
tan i as vsiiey, uregon; joscpu inoatpson, ol
Camas Valley, Oregon; Frank (sallivan, ol Loa
Aiixeies, i.aiitomiu.
Any and all iieraonsclalmlna advem-lv Iho
above-descritjed lands arc requested to die' their
claims in this ollice ou or be'orstsaid 24th day
oi July, I'-siO, J. . BRIDOEr-.
(iu.p) Register.
Notice for Publication.
United htats.- Land Owk i.
Roseburg, Or-gon, February l". 1'fJO.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
With tbe vrovlslous ol the act of Congress ol
June i, IS, 8, entitled "Au act for the sale of tim
ber lands lu the Hiatcs cf California. Oregon.
Nevada aud Washington Territory:"
ol Markhflvld, County ol Coos, Htate of Oregon,
nas tins uay meo, in mis onice nis sworn state
ment No. 842. for the Mirchase of the HK't of
hectlon No. Ml, In Township No. 2 H, Range No.
U W., and will oiler proof to show that the laud
sought Is moro valuable for its timber or stone
thuu lor agricultural purjses, aud to establish
bis claim to said land before tbe Register and
Receiv er ol this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on
Saturday, the 12th day of Ms v. I'.mu. Ha names
as witnesses; Win. II. Bmlth, of Msrshlleld,
Orce-on, Geo. U. Herron, of Marshtleld, Oregon
E. W. Ksrdell, of Marshtleld, Oregon; A. E. Kar
deli, ol Marshtleld, Oregon.
Any and ali persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile theli
claims in this office on or before said 12th day ol
ijwi. j i.,
United Htates Land Omcc,
ROh st ai,, Oregon, March 10, l'JOO.
Notli-r' is hereby glved that in eomnliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June a 18,8. eutitled ".411 ai t for thu sale Of
limber lands In the Htates of California, Oregon,
i,ci wii, inn n.,iimuia irrriiory,
Of Ashland, county of Ashland. Htate of Wis.
cousin, has this day hied In this office his sworn
statement No. hiiO, for the purchase of thu Ki
N! i Ixits I and 2 of HccNo. 18, In TpNo. U H. B
No. 2 W, aud will oiler proof to show that thu
land sought Is more vsluable for Ha timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo ea-
laoiisn nis claim io sain lanu beiore tbe Regis
b rand Receiver of this olllee at Roseburg, Oro
gou, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of May, lms). He
names as witness' s: L. (.. DeWolf, of Wood
land, Washington, James McCully, ,-llss II. Han
na, Daniel D. Kennedy, allot Ashland. Wiscon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds sre requested to tile their
claims in this office on or before said 22nd day
of May, lwo.
J. T. BHibOBN,
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice Is hereby given thai the undersigned.
executors of the elate of A. W. Reed, deceased,
have filed their Dual account as such executors
lu the Countv Court ol Douirlss i.'ounlv. Mute
of Oregon, and that said Court has set Tuosdsv,
tbesthday of May , I.SjU, at the hour of loo clock
a. m.of said day st the Court House in Rose
burg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the tlniu and
place for bearing objections thereto, and lor the
ilual settlement of said estate.
DsU-d this 9th day of April, 1900.
can Lini ss.
txecuters of 4be Istate of A. W, Reed, De
CBrrd. (BMB4
Notice For Publication.
I'HiTKn Htat Imno (imd.
Roseburg, Oregon, February In, l'n.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
junc a, in,s, cntitiefi "An act lor tbe sale ol tim
ber lauds iu the Httes of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Wnshlngton Territory."
Of Marshtleld, County of :ooa, Hlato of Oregon,
hss this day filed In this office tils swnrn state
ment No. B44, for tbe puiehaaonf the H'-s NE'i,
M' N W'i, ol (section No. 28. in Township No. St
Houlh, Range No. V west, and will offer proof lo
show that the laud sought Is more valuable for
Its timber or stone, thau for agricultural pur
noses, and to establish his claim to said laiul be
fore tho Register and Receiver of this oftiee at
Roseburg, Oregon, on Hatunlay, the l'-'lh day of
May, IMS). He names as witnesses-, Wtlllsm II.
bmlth, of Msrshtleld, Oregon, Albert E. Bettys,
of Msrshlteld, Oregon, K. W. Kardcil ol Marsh
tleld, Oregon, A. K. Kardell, ol Marshtleld, Ore
gon. Any and all versons claiming adversely tbe
alHivu-dest-rlbol lands are requested to file their
claims In this ollice on or be lore said 12th day
of May, r.sjO.
J. T. BlUlWEH,
United Htates Land Office
Roskuuho, Oregon, Feb. 24, 10.
Notice Is heteby given that in compliance
with thrp rovlslons ot the sot of Congress of
Jmiex 187H, entitled "An act for the sale of
tlmherlalids In the (states of California, Olegon,
nvvstiii siiu nasrnnsiou lerrnorv, -
William a. wkknn
f Marsh field, Countv of Coos. Mate of Ors
gon, has this day tiled lathis office his sworn
siaiemi'iii iso. ior ine purcaase oi tnahK
ol Oec. No. 20, In Tli No. !M H. R No. a W. si
w ill oiler proo! to show that the laud sought I
unite valuable for Its timber or atone than foi
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land tioiore the Register and Receiver of
this office at Roseburg, Or. on Tuesday the
20th day ol May. l'JUO. Heaanicaaa witnesses
John Yoakam, John lleiron, Charles A. Mot
tin, rrank Kogcrs, all ol Marshtleld, Oregon
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
BiMiYtirscriovii lauu are reqilesian io ma
tbelrclalma In this ollice on or before said -Jo Hi
day of Maj', l'JOO.
J. T. BlttlWKS,
P Register.
Notice For Publication.
Vmitkii KTtTra Lamd Orricr.
Roseburg. Oregon. Februarv lu. 1:0.
Notice la hereby Klven that in coniollauee
with the urovislons of the act of Congress of
uiibj, jn.n, uuiiiiv-,1 - aii act ior ine sale m iim
Ix-r lauds lu the Htates of California, Oregon
Nevada aud Washinglon Territory,"
Of Marshflcld, County of Coos, Htate of Oregon,
nas inisusy nietl in luis omce nis sworn state
ment No. bhl, lor tbe purchase"! tha lots a, 4,
H. NW of flection No. 2. in Townshln No. 27
Mouth, Range No. 10 West, and will oiler proof
mj ihuw nisi ins isuii miurdi ii more vsiuaoir
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
before tho Register and Receiver ol this oltice si
Roseburg, Oregon, ou Hatunlay, the ltth day of
mi), ww. nu names as witnesses: Aira'rl
Bettys, of Marshtleld, Oregon, W. If. Hmttli of
Marshtleld, Oregon, t-. H. Herron, ol Marsbticld
Oregon, E. W. Kardell of Marshtleld, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-desert beil lands are reoui-stcd to flic their
claims In this office n or before said I2lh day of
way, iisai.
J. T. B R I DO E.i,
Culled Htate. l and Office.
Roseburg. Oregon, March 10, 1'W).
NotlCA Is hereby given that In eomnliance
with til" urovislons ol the act ol Congresa of
June S, 1878, entitled "Au act for the sale of
timber lands In the Males of California, Oregon,
Ncradn, and Washington Territorv,"
Of tshland, Couniy of Ishlaud, Htate of Wis
consin, has this day filed In this ollice his sworn
statement Na (MU, for the purchase of the Es,,
HW'. Lots a, 4, ol section No. 18, In Township
No. .1 H, Rauge No, I W, aud will offer proo I to
show thst the land sought is morn valuable tor
Ita tnniier or stone than lor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim lo said land
before the R.-gisu-r and Receiver of this office at
Roseourg, Oregou, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of
Mar, J'joO. Ho names as witnesses: L. G lie
Wolf, of Woodland. Washington. George II. Mr-
Cloud, James MoCully, (Silas II. Hauua, allot
Ashland, Wisconsin.
Any aud all iersons claiming adverse) the
aUivs described lands are requcsttd to tile thel r
claims In this ofiice on or beiore said 2!ud day of
aiay, iwv.
1. T. raits, as
Notice For Publication.
Unitkh HrtTrs Land Orrn.K.
I Iftoseburg, Oregon, May 2, 1'JoO.
Notice Is iiereby given that ia compliance
with the nrovislons ot the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of lim
ner lands in ine Htates oi caiiiorhia, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
Of Hoquliim, County of Chehulis, Hluteof Wash
ington, has ibis dsy tiled lu this uttlee his sworn
statement No. 994, for tbe purchase of tha NVVW
of bectlou No. U4, in Township No. 28 south,
Range No.9 West, and will oiler proof la show
that the land sought Is more valuable for iu
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of tins office at Row
burg, Oregon, ou Tuesday tbe 24 day of July,
19U). He names as witnesses: A. M. Dahl. K
HJolset, G. molset, I'edur E. father, all of Ho
quiara, wasningum.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descrloen lands sre reuueatetl In tile their
claims lu this office ou or beiore said 21 day ol
July, won. . ..
J, 1.,
(m.",,) RegUter.
Notice for Publication.
L'MTCD States Land Orrtt b,
Roseburg, Oregon, A pi 11 30, 1M0.
siotlce Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
Mm her lamia lu tbe Htates of Calllornla, Oregon,
Nevada and V) aanliiglon Territory."
of Uis Angeles, County of !os Angeles, Htate of
California, has this day Died lo this office his
sworn statement No. 992, for lbs purchase of the
NW'i, of Mellon No. , in Township No. 28
Mouth Range No.9 West, and will otter proof
lo show that the land sought Is more valuable
lor Ha timber or stono than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to said land be
iore thu Register and Receiver cf this office at
Roseburg, Oregon, ou Tuesday, thu 24th day of
July, Hani. He names aa witnesses: J. H, Ful
ler, of Aberdeen, Washington, W, M, 'Ihoiup
soli, of Camas V alley, Oregou, Joseph Thomp
son, of Camas Valley, Oregon, O. F. ( lerm, of
Aberdeen, Wsshlngiun.
Auy aud all X:rsoiis claiming adversely tbe
above-described lands are requested to (liu their
ulstmslii this office ou or before 24th day of
July 19-0. J. T. BRIDGE,
(map) Reglsttr.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of tho Ktatn of Oregon la
and for Donate County.
In the matter of the estate of Geo. W. H unter,
deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate of the
above named decedent, has filed in ssld court
her account In final settlement of said estate
aud that Ihe said court by order made on the
19th day ol A prll, I loo. and entered on the Jour
nal of said court, has fixed Monday, tbe 2nd day
of luly, 1IHJ0 at 10 o clock a. in. Ior bearing ob
jections; If any there be to said final account
and to tbe Hettlemeut of said estate.
Done br order ol Hon Jussrob Lyons, Judue e(
said county court this 19th day of April, A. D.,
Bk Adalnssteater.
Notice for Publication.
United Hta tea Und Oftiee.
v . Ibbhbii Ore., April II lias),
Notlre Is hereby given that in compliance
tvl III the provisions of tho act of Congress of
June H, 18Ti l entitled "An act for the sale 'of
timber lands in the Htates of California. Oreo-no.
Nevada and Washington Territorv."
lf Monlesano. Couniy of t:hehalls, Htate o
Washington has this dsy (lied tu this olllee his
sworn swtomciit No, HI2. lor the puroliaaa of the
NE'i Of Hei tlou No. R2, In Township No. SH M..
Range No. V W.. aud will oiler proof to shovr
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
tlmlier or stone than for agricultural purposm.
Btid to establish his claim to said land beiore
the Register and llecelvurnf thiaofllceat Rose.
burg, Oregon, on Wednesday the Hh day of
June, I'Jtf. Ho names as wllnekses: Roger Mc
Neill of Ahcrdcnn, Wasliiiigbm, Angus Camp
bell, of Mouti'sano, Washington. I,. Guild, ol
Roseburg, OreguB, W. Thompson, of t'sffiins
Valley, Oregon. m,
Aiy and all persnns claiming adversely W
shove diim rlhed lands are requested tolllw their
cIhIiiis Iu this ortu e on or before said .Dili day of
J il tie, l'.4)0. '
(lf) Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Htates Land Office,
Kosr.ui-Hu, Oregon, April 11, law.
Notice Is hereby given . that In compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June II, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of tlm
bcr lands In the Hlatea ot 4'aUforula, Oregon.
.-v , ni. aic i,i,iiiniuii iiTrifory,
Of MoiiU-sano, countv of Chehalis, Htate of
Washington, has this dsy tiled lu this office his
sworn statement No CH, for tha purchase of the
HEiof Hectlou No. H2, III Township No. 28 H,,
Range No, 9 W and will olt'ur prmif to show
Ihal tha lanil i.llt'lil U mnrn ,.IhmI.I. f.. It.
Nluibernrslone than for agricultural tMlrnosn.
and to establish Ids claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this otttoe at Rose
burg, Oregon, ou Wednesday the IMIh day of
June, luuo. He names ss wltnessi-a: Hoger Me
Nolll, ol Aru-nleeo, Wssblngtnn, W, Thompson,
of Camas Valley, Oregon, Charles L-aslit, ot
Montesano, Wash., i. U Oulld. of Hoii-h'jrg,
Oregon. Any ami all persons claiming adverse
y the alttve.descrihfd lands are roquclrd to
file their claims tu this ollice ou or before said
2oih day of Juno, I'A-o.
(alii) J. T. BRIDGE.
Notice for Publication.
Kosgiu no, ore , April 11. 1'sc
Notice Is herelir given thst In i-omiillam-e
wllh the provisions of the act of Congress of
June a, 1;bi entitled "An s t for the sale ol
timber lauds In the Hates of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
Of ADcrdccn. County of Chehalis, Htate of Wash
ington, has this dav tiled lu ibis oftiee his sworn
statement No. 940, for the purchase of the N',
H of Heritor) No. 8, In Township No. 29 H
rtaugc s,o. ., ami U offer proof to show
that the laud Bought Is morn valuable for Ita
timber or spine thau for agricultural nunuan
and to establish Ids claim to laid laud la-fort)
tbe Register aud Receiver ol Unsettle at stow-
durg, Oregon, on WiMucs.lay the 20th day of
luuo, IisjO. He names as witnesses: iiimi
CsinplH'll. ol MoMteasno, Wash , Charles N svllt
of Montesano Wash., n. I,. Guild, of Roacbtirg,
Oregon, W.Tboniaon, ol Camas Valley Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming advi-raely the
above ih-scritx-d lands are rrsiui-stisl lu 11 lo tbair
claims In this oftiee ou or before said snth day ot
June, rm.
(alii) J. T. URIHGI-H.
Notice For Publication.
I'nitso Hri-rn l.Axn orrn r,
Roieburg, Orrgou, February 16, luuj
Notice Is hereby glvrli that in cumollatice
with Hie provisions ol the act ol Conarnvi ol
Jin-e nl, 1878, eutliltd "A-n act for the sale of
timber lands In the Htates of California. Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
ii iu.ia)i ii. nun ii,
Of Marshtleld, County of cos, Htato of Oregon,
baa this day tiled In Iblsomc his sworn state,
ment No. 841, for the purchase of the N', ME1.',
NiHVt!i.of Hw:llon No. 2s. Townshln No &
Houth, Range No. 9 West, a lei will oiler prool lo
show that the land sought Is more valuable for
Itattmbrror stone than for agrleultttrat pur-
Ksti-s. and to establish his claim tosrtid ls.nq he
re lbs Register and Receiver of this office at
Roseburg, Oregou, ou Hatunlay the 2lh day of
May, 1-jCo. He names aa wltiicw. Goo. H.
Hereon, of Marshtleld. Oregon. Albert E. Hrttvs.
of Marshtleld, Oregon, K. W. Kardell, of Marsh
neia, Oregon, A, K. hsrnrit, ol Msrshlield. Ore
gon. .
Anyand all persons claiming adversely the J
alovdescrlbel lands are requested to n lo I list r
claims iu this ofiice ou or before said l-'th day
of Msy, luw.
Notice for Publication.
United Htates land Office .
Rosbbi bo, Oregon, March I... 1'JUl.
Notico is beret, a-lven that lu comollauee
Willi the iirnvlslous of the act of Conuma of
June!, .m. eutitled "Au set i.r the sslo of
tlmlier lands In the Htates ot I sliforTila. Or, ir.m.
Nevada aud Washington Terrlton-,"
Of Umpire, County ol Coos, Htate of Oregon, Las
thladay tiled lu tills ollice his sworn statement
KKi, ior ine puranase oi in i-- ew , ret:. Ii.
is. a r" i ociiou iso, -ii, in iom iisuii ISO, ,'t
H., Rsnge No. II W., and will oftur nrixil to show
that the land aotight Is more valuable lor Ita
Umber or stone thau for agricultural mirooara.
and to establish bia claim to said i nd beiore
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday the
21 day of May, l'JUO. He names as witnesses:
Allien htuinmerinsn, lens Hansen, Edward K.
Hinckley, Charles K. KdnanU ail ol Marah-
field, Oregon.
Any and all tersons claiming adversely the
hove-descrlbcd Innos .am reuiiostcd lo Die
their claims In thla ollice on or before said 11
dsy ol May, 1V.
Notice for Publication.
Ukitkd Htatbs Laku orcii i,
Riswburg, Oreguu, May 2, 1'sKi.
Notice ia hereby liven that In comuLame
with tbe urovislons of the act ol Coinrresaof
June I, 1878. entitle,! "An hcl lor the sale of tim
ber lands In tliehlab-sof California, Oregon.
Nevadaatid Washinglon Territory "
Of lliwitiiam. Countr of Chehalis Hlata of Wash-
logtou, has this dsy llled In this ottit his sworn
siatemem No., lor thu ptirt-hiisi) of the
HW'i of H--ilon No. 84, in Township No.
28 Houth Rsuge No. 9 West, and 111 offer proof
to show thst Hie land Bought is more valuable
for Its limber or stone than for agricultural
purpoacs, and to establish his claim lo said
land beiore tho Register and Receiver of this
office at Roseburg, Oregon, ou Tuesday the Uh
yay of July, ll0. liu names as witnesses;
eder K. Halbcr, D. rilolscl, E. hinlset. G. HJolsct,
all of liisitilaui, Washing ton.
Auyanu an persons claiming advetselv
Bbove-deseilbeJ lauds are riui sled to Hie their
I claims In this ollice on or before ssld 21th dsy ot
July, 1900. J, T. BRIIMiEH,
mP Reglsler.
Notice for Publication.
United Klates Land Ollice
Roseburg, Or.. Msy ft, 1000.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has llled uoticu of his liiteutlou
to make dual proof In support of bis claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Rsglster
and Receiver, United Htates Land Otlleo at
Roseburg, Oregon, on June 4. 1000, vis:
On bli Ii. E. No 744.:. for the HE1
bectlon 12 1. 21 Houth, it. 7 West. He
names the following wltiiessua to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol
said land, vis: G. W. Dlmmlck of Roseburg,
Oregon, Eugene Perrott, of Roachnrg, Oregou ,
P. V. Bmlth. of Oakland, Oregou, U. 14 t
Uallfher, Oakland, Oregon,
J.T. BSfDfcE,