The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 10, 1900, Image 7

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I'MRl'd by l. T. VlNIIKIt.
'I' hU i i il u 111 Ti Inn hi'iMi aoejired and la pah! fur
by 111" Heenlar Peoiilo a Parly ft it t lliu innnaae.
iiH'lil ill thla mx'r la III imwlao reapntiallilo for
iho iiiHticr appearing under thla head.
lie Would Catch Them.
Ji1k Trney, formerly CongromD
.from the Kt)iKH City district, eald in a
.cunt InlvrvUvv : '
"We will bavo to vote (or I'.ryan, bat
it will not liurt much. We Democrat
have Iimmi voting fur l:u, vision! and
jnck-o-"inti?rns bo lona we are naml to
it, and it does not hurt in any.' True,
Jiryan repteiouln the Nilver iiniition,
tint avrryouo knoaa that It Is a fettled
ijuctitlon, and no one will get
Hctrrd ovr it. 1(1 had the writing o(
that platform, opposed a I am to the
Hilvnr cr.f, I hylievH that I would put
that M to 1 busine; . in, juat tj catch the
wild-eyed Mlo-aft who can not under
tand anything elo, anil know hut little
about that."
How do you like that my populiat
rionda? Will be catch you? He has
some of you wild-eyed fellows now as
Rome of you came into that to called
poputist convention wearing Bryan
marls in the shape of a badge. Great
populists you are.
CRAT. Thos. Ruck roan, who was nominated
for joint senator, subject to the concur
rence of tho Curry county t nd slate con
ventions, declines to lie considered as a
candidate, Ja those convention; have
endorsed Dr. Keep, tho democratic nom
inee. Myrtle Point l'4i'orprif .
My populist friends how il you like
this? .My eor.rtuble fees from July 1
iS'JSto April 1 l'.KX), allowed by the
counly court was $17 30. The democrat
epeciat constable imuk received $470.00
during tho tmina time. This Is the
criminal Imaineaa alone, slid if on record.
(in and look for yonrael vea, and yet
these txihiictl cut throats want you to
endorse their thievery at the poll. Will
you do it? I don't think so. I don't
think Aineric in manhood has bocoino
eo pro'itito'ci. i)wti with the fusion
Fusion bus such au abnormal appet ito
for olllce that its iirrel is abnormal.
The populiat party at its primary in lleer
creek precinct nominated, "not recom
mended," a man for road aupervbor, in
I'iil. 'Si. Wo chose a republican for
the simple (net that there wan not a
radical roul man in our party that
wantod it, in this district, and in having
the intorc-t of the roads at heart, looked
above parly (reed, and nominatod W,
It. Uuzell, a man wbo has aliad un ex
toneive 'experience in road making, l'ut
when the proceedings of our primary
was publishod iu the Bomes imjier, tho
Heview, the name of our candidate for
road supervisor was left blank, and has
not yet been published, nor does the
"boss" riel;cr recoguue him as a nomi
nee for toad supervisor of said dietrict
Will Mr. tiay.ley or Hum Fisher ex
Not'ce t Contractors.
f-'mtled bids will I'h received by tho
hoard of directors of eehool Jb'at. No. i,
lit tho contract of .i four room addition
to the present school building, ulao re
modeling toof and Maim, iib per plans
and HpHcifScutioiis furni-hed by C. II.
UurggrafF, srehitect, Knid building and
Iteration; to bo completed by Sept. 1.
I'.Wi). All bid must lie accompanied
with icrtlflad rhec: $.'00. All bids
miiHl be in the hands of tho clerk by 1
''clock, May I:', MM).
Contractor will he exiwutei to give a
bond for full amount of bid.
l'lansand specifications can be seen at
the office of C. IL Hurggraff, Albany, Ore.
gen, and at Churchill & Woolley's, Koee
burg. Hoard reserves the right to reject
all bids.
Uy order of board of directors, school
Dial. No. 4.
Claim 1ii.lahii,
a3d.) Clerk.
Notice for Publication.
UjllTKO XT! I.AMI Ol'Kli R,
KoaoiiurK. Oregon, April, 4, 1'.HKI.
Notleo In hereby K'vn UiHt 111 compliance
with the proilalnu ol tlm mil of Uoiigrow nl
Jumi II, l7n, enlulod "An net (or tlio aula nl
iIiiiIm r liiiiila In Ilia Matea ol Cullfoi u'h, Orei;nu,
Nevada aud WaahliiKiou Territory, '
lihKK A Kl K. K A KHUN Kit
of Aberdeen,! 'utility ol Oludialla, Muli if Waah
lliKloit, baa tail tiny Il!i-1 111 thin ollleu Ilia aivoru
l .lenient No VH, or lliu pureliaHanf the mv.
ofMeuNo 4, In Ti No HUH llanifo No WW, and
will oiler prool to allow that tliu Uuil oiixlit In
mora valuable, (or Ha timber or atono lliuii (or
agricultural purpowN, n J to vulnlillnh lilaeUIni
lo nutn limj l.i'lc.lo tlio HiKlnler uuil Keeelvvrot
llilmiflioo at ItuM'burK, im uiiii, un Krlilny, tlio
l illidavof Jnue, 1KM, Ho imuicit an wltnesite:
Jaineall. Full-, J. Ji. Ksrdiuer, )'. M. Llttlur,
(.uorxe H. liiipkinn all til AbcnUvn, C'heluUU
County, W hlili!ton. Any smt all iniuiiii
'.lluiluir tul-r.'ly tlio abuvo dCHuribuJ htujt
a r U (ur-) wLia iilU Uuy ol June. Jnou.
j, i , oni uiir.m.
Cass Street Market
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
F. S. Godfrey,
fPhone Main 353- Prop.
Pealer In
Flour, Feed, Groceries, and Coun ry Produce.
Highest price for Country Produce.
Roseburx, - - - Oregon.
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. i8r,
for good goods and good service.
Umtf.d KtatKh LaKI Of Vt K.
KoneliunCi Oregon, Muy I; l0.
To whom it may eom itii:
Notleo In h'T liv llvi n tlinl Hie Ort goil Af'ul
Knnnia I!IIrn.l Oonipmir ia 0ixl in llila odlix)
aliil ol lamU ullnnP'il in tliu townnlilpii le
hcriifl IkIow, ami low apli-l (or a paiunt lor
lil lamli; tbul Ilia ll-t l opaoi lo tie pnl.lli' (or
1 11 afHH t Inn and a ropy tlH'p ol l.y dewrlptive
milIl Iklom, mid ban iol-'l In a coiivi. 0-
plwe In tliu ollhc, tor tln Iiikm lion ol all
l riMin liiti'ivjiiixl ami lo Mo? pnblM' K'-m mlly.
Hou'li olbaw line ami Wnt of WUluinvilo !
T. 'ti. It. '.. '
NK'i HVi'l S.-C. 3.
T. .rt, K.
N'3 N K'i Hit' .', rice il.
T. . H. n.W.
Within tho iii'xl bo (Iny (olIovrlnR iln IhI? of
thin tiotiri.'. prol'nl or i '.iiu t iniiii.: tho cIkIiii
of lh roiiijutiv to any ira t or miUlU Mon
within any iK-pilriii or pari ol urnlon, dofi rltxi.t
In III.' lint, on Ihi' ground Ihn! tin- nni l lu(.r
i aluuMi' lor nil ii ral tlmii lor ax'i''ll'irnl. pur
ki ., h III Ik ri-i' and noi.-d for n'lxifi to
thi (. ni ral Land Olllco t Wanlilnston . li t'.
J. T. HKIDUE.-',
J. II. IHiuTII. Ki'itmb-r.
K iw-r, nil')
Notice fur Publication.
I'MiTKn 8r4ii:i Land Ori'i' k,
l:osfl,iir, tinruon. Kdiruary W;
Notii'o Ii iit-n hy givtMi that In rouipllaac
(Villi tho provision of tho m i of I onar; of
Jnuo 3, lis, piitlilrd "An ai.t for tho e ol Mm-b-r
lauda In tli(-HtnU- ol California, Orawn,
Niivnda and WmhltiKtoli Territory;"
of MurnliUi'ld. :oniity of StBlo of OfKuii,
hM thin day tilcl In thin o(lW- hli om ui.
inciit No. b, for thj ptirrhaj-cof tho loti I. 'J, ' j
SY.'i, of motion No. 2, In To.Blinhlp No. Ji
U..n ir v., low an,! will oIlrmnHif to ibuw
tlmtlho land aoincat l mora vuluahlo for Ha
liinbor or alone thun lor aurii'iillnral purHwH,
and t- eatalillah Ina I'lulm to uld land U-loro
tlm H'-KUUir and Ilwuvrr of thl onico at nolo
t,iir. tln-L-on. on Salnrdav. the l.'lli day of May,
I Ml. lie naiiu-a ax wilni -mst: Allx rt K. H' ll,
of Marvhllvld, iir.iroli; A. h. Kardfll, of Hiinli-li-M,
r.-K'"i . W. 11 Binltli. of Murahliuld, On.'
K..n; liiro. If. Ilcrroii, of Mnrhllld, n-Ktn,
Any and all imtoii iilalinlDir advxmoly tho
Uivt!-l.TlUl lauda am n-qui-aUil to tllf their
I'Ktina In thla offlc o on or heforfl laid I'Jlh day o
May, I'JUD. J. i. llltllXiES
in tiii; t iucrir coriiToi' tim:
State of Oreoon for lioulim (.'ounty.
i:. i. Voting, A. (!. Vnii)f mi' I tiin. J.
Mearnn, partner tnnler the linn name of
I!. i. Vomij,' A Co., 1'luintillit
.laiue.-i i:. Miiit'uiikC anil Minerva L.
II. ManniiDT, Defeiplnnt-.
To James I1'.. .Maiiiiim.' ainl Minerva
I.. K. Manning, nlaive nameil deieipl
ant": In tlio name of the Stain of Oiv
Kon : Ymi are hereby npim! toa;iear
ainl uiiMWer the complaint lileil auainnt
;.. !.. ..K. .v.. ,ntitli-,l net ion on or
before the lir-t lay of tins next regular
term of naul court, t'l-wit : nil or neiore
lliellth .lav of June, l(K)i, aipl il you
fail ho toaiiMver the plaint iiTa will takf
jmbmeiit nuaiiiKt you an piaye.1 for in
their complaint, to-w it : For the cum
of f iS5. l" with interest at (be rat.i of 10
per rent per ttniiuiii from tho 1st Jay of
February, I'.MKI, for Hiich altoriiey'M feeH
an the court nhall mljiuljft' rcnsoiuible
an.l for plaintilf'M efiMs ami ilinburmy.
mentH, aipl for an order of sale of the
followinn ili scrilKMl nttacheil real pro
ertv, to-wit: W 'i of NK of See 1
Tii'2' S Hli V, Will. Meridian, Lots 1,
2 and 3, (ho SK'.,' of NV'4 and S,'' of
NK'4 of See 5 iu Tji 25 S It 5 V, hiivc
and inveptinn tberel'rom 11 acres hereto
lorn deeded l llitxiuil IkIii .'17 l.O. O,
F. Al excepting il strip of land 30
feet wide Ix'cinnintf "t the willlhweht
corner of said land sold VniMiia 1.ik1h
37, ruuiiiiiji north lo south line of 11a
l i i.oi ii i.m I iuid Claim, tiience west said lino 80 rods oontainhiir 2
neres. Also excepting I noit in the X
K 'j of said See 0 hcivtoloiv sohl I . IV
ManniliiZ, the deed for which isofroe-
" .... ' l r. 1, I.
orl on pao l'H, "i "'wni iiini
for liotmluH county, Oregon.
This numinous is jmblishcd by order
of lion. .1. W. Hamilton, judge of said
court, which order is dated April 23,
11100, and the time prescribed iu said or
der for publication in moo n week for
nix weeks precedinn the Hrst day of aid
I tdu dav if tho tlrst
publication of this summons is April 20,
Attorueyfor J'luiutiffs.
nnd Retail Dealer in
Vmtkii Htatkh Lxsit Okkick.
Idw'oburu, Or., April 12, V.XJO.
Notice is lien' by given that in compli
ance with tin.' provinioiiH of tint act of
ConirrvfH of J mm 3, 1S7S, entitleil, "An
act for tlio naif of timber 'liinl in tin;
State of 'ulifornia, Oregon, NeValaaml
Wanhinct'in Territorv,"
AI.FJiKI) JI'. l'.KfnV.N,
Of Ouklmel, County of Uonirlai', HUttu
of Oreuoii, Imih thin ilay lileil in this
oflico liif Mvorn Htiitement No. 021, for
the iirclian of tin.1 SJv4, of Section No.
J'l, in Town-hip No..2t S., Kano No. 3
W., ami will offer proof to liow that
the laii'l Hoiiolit i-i more valuabl; for iti
timla-r or Htone than for agricultural
purposes, ami to I'Stablinh bin claim to
Kaiil laml iK-fore the Register iiii'l Ke
ceiver of thin olliee at Koseburjf, On""n,
on Tuelay the 2i'.th ilay of June, I'.HHI.
lie name" m witnefi'ee ; Ii. Hunt, of
Oaklaiitl, Or., ti. Tavjor. i.f Oaklun.I,
Or., II. A. .Miller, of 'oaklainl, r., 1.
( iilpiilier, of ItoSebup.', Oregon.
A i iv a ii' I all pernoiiH elaimiii adver-'e-ly
the aliove-ilcM-rilM'il lainl are re-itie-t
il to lile their claims in tliin ollice
on nr before vai.l I'i'.t Ii ilav of .luue. I'.HKI.
.1. r. 1:IIIh;i:s,
I'mtku Status Okfick.
Host'bur.', Oregon, April 17, ltHX).
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with tho provisions of the act of
Congress if June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territorv,"
JACOli 1.". TKiK,
Of West Seattle, County of King, State
Washington, has this'dav lihil in this
ul!le his sworn htfttenientN'o. !M4, for the
jiurcbase of the SW'4 of Section No. 34,
in Township No. 23 S., Kange No. 2 W.,
and will c.fter proof to show that the
hind sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural jmr
tioses, and to establish his claim to said
land I lei ore the Kegistcr and Receiver of
this olliiv at Hosehurg, Oregon, on
Thursday the 2Sth day of June, pWKl.
Ho names as w itucs-v ; William T.
Nesbitt, of Mttcl das, Washington, Swen
Johusoti, of Macbiiis, Washington,
t iraiit. Taylcr, of Oakland, Oregon, Jnhn
(iardiniT, I.f Koseburg, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversi
ly the above-deserilx1 1 lands are nUes
ed to lile their claims in this oilieeoii nr
before said 2Sth dav of June, WOO.
J. T. i:i:iiKii:s,
'alfp) Jiugister.
I'Mtgii Stm:ks Laxu Office.
Koseburg, Oregon, April 12, 1.KK.
Noticti is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act, ol
Coiign-ss of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An
act lor tho sale of timber lands iu the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territorv,"
lil'STAK If. LlNlMiKF.N,
Of West Seattle, County of King, Statu
of Washington, has ibis day tiled in this
ollice bis sworn statement No.92S, for the
jiurchnse of the SW,', of Section No. S,
in Township No. 24 S., Kango No. 2 W.,
and will otfer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tint-
lier or stono than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to said
hnid before the Register tfnd Ueceiver of
this olllce at Koseburg, I Iregon. on Tues-
dav the 2'itlt dav of June, PK1. He
names as wit iiessvu : M. 1'. Lindouist,
of Seattle, Washington, K. A, Mattson,
of Seattle, Washington, M. Peterson, of
West Seattle, Washington. IMd Hilling.
ol West Seattle, Washington.
Any and all person claiming adverse
ly the ubove-detoribed lauds are request
ed to tile their chums in this ollice on or
before said 2i'ith dav of June. WOO.
.1. T.' KHIDGKS,
(aWp) Kejiater.
I Mining Application No. 99.
UniTtn Ktt I inn Crni,,
Kowdinrir, Ofiyin, April Hi, J M0.
Notion l liendiy rlv!n that In puriiiiic of
Chapter Kl of Tltlo Thirty-two, of tlio n-vl-td
ntatiitt'iof the L'nIUjd HtaU-a, tbn Jalx'U .Mining
Company, a prlvaU) i;or)oriitlon, duly vrvuVM,
oriraiili'd mill i x Istl nnderand byvlrliieof
the lawaof tho HUto of Oreiroti, and navlnit ta
priii'ilpal oil loo and blare of ouhIiipim at Tiinmd
ii, 011 tho Houihcrti Pacific Co.' railway, in
lion i; I ax County, Orcifon, clalinluK hfiiji linear
fi't ol the J km l' 1 1 ConaolidaU'd (aartz mine,
vtdn, lode or mineral dvpoait. Iicarina Kold. ail-
Ter and other prx:lona mdal with aurdici;
;roniid io foot In width, Ismiir arm fs-t on each
aide o (ho c.-nU'rof aald vein, lodnor mineral, lylnir and llnif altnato within the Cow
Caepfc mlnlnir dlatrlft, rounty of Oouirlna, and
atntoof Oreuoti, IitA. .M. i:rawlord, Ha duly
antlioriXMl arent, whoae reaiijenco la In tho city
ol Koacliiiric, HouKlaa county, Oregon, liaa tliia
day tllod hla application for a patent for
thoaaid mining chum and prciiiiaa which aro
moro fully deaorllied aa to inetea anil bounda by
th olliclal plat 011 lilo in thla oflico and by tho
field nolea of an rvey thereof, now (lid In tliu
oirico of tho rei'iatcr of the UNirlct of f.anda,
hiibjectto alo at Rochiinr, tionfrlaa county,
Oregon, which Held nof-a ol aimer doaiiriiato
anid mlnlriK claim and prcm laca. aa Mineral Sur
vey No, 3D!, and dewillxi tha liotindiiriea and
eatcntofaaid claim on tho aurtaco with matr-
nctic Variation at lir deirrcca to M deurcca, :w
mln Kaat aa followa, to-wit:
HI KVK V No. :M, Ulri;oVKRV M)DK.
tl'-Kitinliisr at Cor. No. I. Identical with N. R.
corner of location from which 'I Sec. cir. be-
twf!n Hcca. 27 and 2S; Tp 32, H of ft 7, W of Wil
InmctU) Meridian Or, bear N 7 der. K IVi) feet.
Thence N Wile. V Var. Pi d'-a; E :J0 feet to cen
ter poat on northerly end of lilacoTery Jyode, t)
feet to corner No. 2.
I hence S 12 dea. .K mln. W. var. 19 dez. in mln.
lV)ft tooor. No. 3.
Thenco B 7. to. K Var. 19 deir. 10 mln. E 300
feet to center poft on Southerly end of liiacov
Lode. Thenco H S diff. E Var. 19 den. E 300 foct to
Cor. No 4.
Thence N 12 di'Krcoa tr mln. K Var. 1 j detr. K
lilt) ii-cltocor No. 1, and place of beginninir.
noi.uaiA.MlAKU 1IUK,
Var. 19 dci?. K.
Beirlnnlm; ul cor. No 1 Identical with location
and cor No 1 of lIvovery lodeof thiaaurvev,
wlience 11 Her. cor. bi-t. r-ea 27 and 21. To il. 8 ll
7 W, beara N 7 doit, E l'.VJ feet.
1 lieiieo N Ti de( E, Var 19 dei, E l-VJO (cct to
cor No 2.
Thence N 75 d W. Var 19 de 10 mln E. 300
feet to center jKt on Northerly end of Uold
Stiiiiderd lxsle too feet to cor. No ?..
Thenco H 2J deV Var 19 dec K 1-VOO feet to
cor No 4.
Thenco S 7ri dee E Var 19 dear 10 rein E .) feet
10 center pot ru aoutherly end of Gold bland
aid lle and Northerly end of Discovery Lole
ofthiaaarvey UK) feet to cor. No 1 and place of
neiriniilnic at cor Nol. alaocor No 2 of Cold I
Standard Lode o( thla au rvey, v h'ice J I ace cor
tx;i firea a nnn , i p sj n i. i .is-ara . ii ueir
2a mln W l-'ii fwt.
Thenoe N a;dee 30 mln E Var 19 deif Vi i.iin E
tram leet to cor No 2.
Thcneo N 7r. dea W Vnr 19 dee E. .M f- et to
center on northerly end of Uncle Loti.., toHect
to corner o ;.
1 henco S 2f. decrees :!0 mln W, Var l'j den E
l'.iOfect to cor No 4.
Thence H 7.". dee V. Var 19 deir E SfK) feet to
Center pot on wmtherly end of Buck Lode and
identical u un iiortneriy end ol Hold standard
IxnleOjo fi-i't to cor No. l.mid jdaceof bev'in
nlnj. UOiMIKP. LH)K.
I'.CL'luuinir at cor. No. 1, identical with liga
tion . or, and cor. No. 2, ol liuck lxxte of thin
anrvey whence 1 , Sec. cor. bet. S-ca. 27 and 2,
1 p. . K., 7 W., bears . 42 degrtca 1", iniiiutea
W. liW! feel.
Thence ". .12 degreea 30 uiinutea K. Var. 19 de
erei' E. IMel l,-et to cor. No. 2. Thenco N. 7", de-xrs.-a
W. Vnr l.l denreea K. :; W feel to center
poat on Northerly cud Iloeicr lxxle, "CU Jtet to
corner No. s.
Tliene S. :12 detrreea.10 ininutca W. Var. 19 de
grera .. I O feet to corner No. 4.
'I hence ri. ; j deRrw-a E. Var. Pi di prt ea E. "u0
feet to center jst ol Smtherly end ol r
1 xj'lo aint Northerly end of fiuek Ixxle of this
survey iJ lo corner No.l aud placeof Ix'Riii
llrginnlne at cor. No 1, Identical with loca
tion cor. and cor. No. 2, of the Hoosier Lo-Je of
1 hence N 30 dereeH E. Var. Ii degree a E. 110',
(eet to cor. No. 2.
Thence N. 7i degree W. Var. l'.i deer"' 10
mimitea E. 300 (eet to center ist on Norther
ly end of llrown Bear Lode.
Thenco N. 7 degrees W. Var, 20 degrees 30
mlnulea E. :!U0 f'?ct tocor No. S.
Thence S, :!) deKreea W. Var. 19 decrees 30
minuti-a E. SuS feet to summit of main dovide
t'.l: AW. Var. lSideareca E. 11U5 (eet to cor No. 4.
1 lieUce S. 7.', diurees K Var. !9detrreea E. :w
feet to center pot ol southerly end of Brown
Bear and Northerly end of ilooaicr Geo ieet ;to
cor. No. 1 and placeof beginning.
Hvtnnini? at cor. No. t whence a pice 10
-or liear N. 47 derreea E. .V (eet
! n .. . C. 1, M. ii. 3K3, B. T.
i ...'lice N. Uereea E. Var. l'i degrees 20
minnlea E. l"a) feet to cor. No. 2.
Thence N. 32d'i.'reea W, Var. 11 degreoa E. .1,
feet to center poit of Easterly end of Black Bear
Lode, which Is a Cedar stab. 12 inchea in diam
eter, blamed nd scribed M. S. 3s:!, J0 (eel to cor.
No. :i.
Thence 8.SK denreta V. Var. 19 doKree E. 1'iOOe
(eet to cor. No, 4.
Thence H.-32 degrees E. Var. 19 degrees 20
minutes E. :xlftto center iost iu centcroi riouth
crly end of Black Bear aud oeulcrot Northerly
end o( Brown Bear of this aurvey 000 (eet to cor.
No. 1 ami place ol beginning.
Net area Iiiaeovery Ixxie 50..M acres
Net area odd htAll'l.inl IjhI.' 20 64 acres
Net air Buck Ivle so acres
Net urea Hoosicr l.odi VJ. 00 acres
Net area Blown Bear Lode II M acres
Net area Black Bear Lode I'.'.a l acres
Tola! 1K29 acres
The said mining 'uim and notices ol location
tieinu ol record iu the ofli. e n( the County Clerk
of lioii'tlaa County, OrcRon, in Vol.6, ol records
of mining locutions'.
Dixcoirryal pane
i, old Standard at page 4S
Illicit at pane 4"U
Ilooaicr at iai!o 4til
Brown Bear at pu.-o 4.!
Black Bear at page 46i
1 he pri siiine.1 aeneral course or d;rct:on of
the said latoll I Dnsoiidatol uart : -Vine vein,
lisle or mineral dejaistt iadiig shown upon said
plat as near as can be determined
Iroin present developments; thla claim
being for sx'si.1 linear feel thereof, together w ith
the surface ground shown upon the otlieial plat
II led herewith, the said vein, lode and min
inif nreinlsea hereby Nought (o be patented, be
ing bounded on tiie North Westerly end by va
cant government land, on the Kast side l v va
cant l'o eminent land and the Oiegon ami Cal
ifornia Bail roud line! on tho tiouthcrly end
bv right of way of said rail road and on the
West side by vacant government land and rail
road land, I lie nearest mines are the Victory
Placer on the Koutli and the Volk mines oil tho
West neither adjoining.
Any and all p:rsona claiming adversely me
mining ground, vein, lotto premises, or any por
tion thereof, ho desetibed, surveyed phttted and
applied lor aro hereby untitled that unless their
dvere claims are liled aa according lo law and
the regulations thereunder, w ithin sixty days
from Ihedato hereof, with tho Kegistur of the
l ulled Blatea Land Ollice, at Koacburg. in the
County ol Douglas, Male ol Oregon, they w ill bo
barred in virtuuof the provisions of tliu Culled
HUUes Statutes.
K S. I'.usWy, "f the Oaii.idian cuvtomw,
recti vod telestratihlo advices that the
Yukon U brenkinu fur miles and utiles
near Selkirk, and that Lake ha Burga is
becoming honeycombed with airholes
and getting more and more daneroua to
travel, lie wn leo advieeJ that tie
police have stopped travel at certain
placM on the river.
i ii nr.
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Gives choice ol twoj favorite routes, yla tho
t'NIOM PACIFIC Kast Mail Line,' or ?!ie
No Change of Cars
On yio Portland-Chicago Hpeclal, "tho linest la
the West."
IZqulppcd Willi
Klcgant Standard .SlccjiurH
Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Heepcra
Su perb Li brary-P.nffet Cars
Splendid Dineri Oneal.f a la carlo)
Frco Reclining Chair Cars
Comfortable Coaehou and Smokers
Fjntire Train Comj.letely Vestibulcd
fci inilier lnformatlco apply to
J. F. OIVANS, Agt., Ro8ebci.
J. R. Nagel, W. E Coman,
Tray Paaa. At. ir ,
124 Third St . Poil;aro. Or.
I'xiteii States La.vd Offick,
RohEnuno, Obkoox, April 11, 1kj0. '
Notice ii hereby given that in compli
ance with the provision of the act of
Coiij.Tes i if June 3. 187s, entitled '-Au
act for the sab? of timber lamli? iu the
States of California, Oroardi, Nevada and
Washington Territorv,"
hwii'i MVrPTiiv
of Odonali, Ciitint v of Ashland. VtaW- of
n-: . , ... i ...
jsc'insin, mis tins aay iiJifi m tins ol
fico Iii-i cworn Ftatement No. !'. for
the purchase .f the S'.j of N""i, lot. 'i
anl 4 f eetKlll .u. 4, in Tnwnship No.
L'4V K No. :, W, and will .ffer to
snow mat me land sotii'lit is in. ire val
uable f'irit-i tinilier or stnie than for
agricultural pui-ises, and to- t-.-tablisk
bin claim to said land beiVire the Ris
ter and Receiver id'this olliee tt Rie.f
btirir, t nion. mi Wedne-dav, the -Xx
day of .luue, Mix). He nain.-s wit
nesses: L. Ih-Wolf of Portland,
Oregon ; Lawrence I'erdue, of Oakland,
Or(Mii ; lvl.'ar lionc, ,f Oakland. )ro
jron ; .lohn J. Puberty, of Odi.nnli, Wis
consin. Any and all persons I'laiiiiin- adverse
ly the alH,ve-described land-are request
ed to lile their claims in this nt!ice on or
liefore said 7th ilav of June. l'.K.
(al'.tp) "J. T. RRIIK.KS,
I'mteii Statks Land Onirc
Rosebiirir, Or.. April VJ, 1'.h.
Notice is bereliy e;iVen that iu compli
ance? with the provisions of the act 'f
Conrcs of June '5. lTS. entitleil "An
act for the sale of timber-lands in the
States of California. Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territorv."
Of Seattle, County f Kim.', Slate of
Wnshintoii, has this day liled in this
ollice bin sworn statement No. !iL'-3. lor
the purchase of the S1.. NW'4'. Lots :,
4, of Section No. 4. in Township No. :!4
S., Ratine No. 'J W.. and w ill offer proof
ti rliow that the land sought i- inure
valuable for its timber r stone than for
agricultural purposes and to e--tabli-lt
hir) claim to said land before the
ter and Receiver of this ollice at Ro-e-bnrg,
Oreoon, on Tuesday the li'itb dav
June, 1!KH. He names as witnesses : if.
Rolin;, of Seattle. Washington. K. Von
Norman, of Seattle, Wn-diinoton. J.
(iardiner, of Rosebur, l.)rejou, J. A.
Knplahl, of New Wbateont. Wa-hiii j
ton. Any and all persons elaiiuin adver-c-ly
the ulHive-deseribed lands are req nest
ed to lile their claims in this ollice on r
before said 'iitii dav oi June, pMn.
j. t. r.i:uxii:s.
v'ali'p) . l!ej;ister.
Southern I'ucilic Co.
Trains leavr Ilex litiicr for I'o rli.ta I and war
ataiiensat in a in. mid )- .!' u. n.
a:. 10. . l.v.
,'i:.VI P.M. I.t.
l-.':::t r. at. I Ar.
..;i) v. M. 1 r.
7:1'). M. ! Ar.
Portland - l.v. ; T:o0 e. M
Kiwetiiirg l.v, i 4:1.0 r. If
Ah'.aod - Ar j 11 V
Stei:inii lit." Ar. j I -a. "a.
lie.u Kraueisro Ar. I A. t
.", ; t", p iii jr o.- l'-n nr ; 11. J", a ri
n ml a in ar lUn er nr . !i-00 a ft
T '.'i ii ni air Kanaaal'ity iir T:'J a rt
":'A a in I r t'l'ieaso nr '.' a i i
f id p in ar I. Angeles nr T.o." a ri
G.iKI p m ar i:i )'ho ut i.:i p r.i
tVaO a in nr KoitWoilii nr r. Si i'.i
9:V a Ul ar t'ilv of Meieo ur , ;:'. a r.
4:00 a HI r Houston ill- 1 00 ll K
a in ar Xe OrleaiiH r ii :J' a m
C. 4'1 a in ar Waahintoii ar t -1? a i i
U:41 p til ar New Voik ur l.Mlpin
Pullinaii 'and loiiri-t earn on belli
Clour cars Saeraincnto toUsd'
und t.nirii't eara lo t'tiU'aK'i.
Orleuua and W ttti)ir..rtiMi.
il an I Kl Paso.
SI. l.oilia, N n
t;onnee;iin at Van Krutietseo with sevei 'l
sieaurship lluea for Honolulu, Jai'an, China,
Plalippliiea, t'enlral an.) Somh America.
m.;Mi. tieo, Kslea, axeut, at i'.eel'Urg talloi
ut addreaa
C. n. MARK 11 AM,
ii. V. Paaa. Aonl.