The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 10, 1900, Image 4

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PublUhtxllMonds; ami Th milaj.
W. C. CONSEK, Editor and Publisher;
E, D. STRATFORD, Associate Editor.
!tnOcrlpilon Kateat.
Ona Year- -
iIX Moil tilt .
fhreo Months.. ....
..12 00
.. 1 00
MAY 10, 1900.
Wa don't hear talking about
voting for "change" thU year.
Djath snl tares are scarcely more
certain than tbe election of K L. Parrott
for sheriff of Douglas county.
There is Dot mucti likelihood that the
dincer pail will figure in Democratic
campaign speeches this year. They are
noieo foil of wind as they were four
years ago.
Even live et is benefitted by Ke-
tmhlican Drogue, ry. The value ot live
Btcck on farms Feb. 1, was (2,553,
030,030, an iicrease ot t'.3,000,000
over tbe tame date in 1S95.
reoDla who did ait medJle with trusts
will soon stand y aud see them go to
eternal smash. Ibey built ou fouoaa
lions of sand and tbe sen J is crumbliog.
Enainaaa bailt on tbe solid rock of repuh"
lican prosperity need not fear tbe com
fog storm .
County Clerk's Affidavit.
Oi-fick ok County Clerk ok Douglas County,
a- . . O O
I hereby certify that I will turn iuto the Douglas
Couuty Treasury from my salary during my terms of of
fice, the sum of $500 ou or before the first day of February,
iSnn. T. F. Gazlkv. County Clerk.
"77 ' -
Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 14th day of
September, 1S9S. J. S. Fitzhugii,
seal rsiotary ruoiic ior uregon.
In order to Bonienhxt justify himself for not returning one cent of his salary back
lato tbe county tteasury, as he pledged himself as above to do, Mr. Uaaley now,
with brszen effrontery, sets forth the claim ot bring the author and finisher of the
bill passed in the legislature providing for the reduction of the salwrir of the offi
cers of tbis conntv. Tho facts are tbe man, through whom Gazley claims hs urged
the pasge of the bill, Representative Wilson, opposed the only measure intro
duced for this object, which bill was drafted and introduced by the Douglas county
republican senator, the late Hon. A. W. Heed, and it was only through the per
sistent personal effort of Mr. Reed and the union representatives, Wonacott and
Conn, that Mr. Gaaley's righl-lmod man was prevailed upon lo support the Reed
bill, ever word of which can be proven conclusively. The Roseburg Review oven
reputes tbe claims of Mr. liazley in its issue of May 3, l'HX), when it said :
THE review's admission:
"Senator Reed introduced a bill reducing and re-adjusting
the salaries of the officials of Douglas county and
in order to insure its passage the Union representatives,
Wilson, Wonacott and Conn, introduced no measure, but
came to the support of Mr. Reed's bill."
Two years ao Tongue carried Yam
hill county by a majority of 231 over
Veatch, the fusion candidate of tbe dem
ocrats, populists and silver republicans.
Unless we are greatly mistaken he will
wio by greater odds this year. Sheri
dan 8jo.
Orator Toff, who speaks from the
smokestacks of manufacturing and com
merce, will make speeches night and day
all over the country in this campaign.
For full particulars address his "advance
agent," Wo, McKioley, White House,
Washington, D. C.
Hoes. R. A. Booth, A. C. Marstere, A.
li. Matcoon and C. Ross King, comprise
a representation of which our people
in Ay well feel proud and in whose hands
tiiis section of the state will be care.'ully
KUnrdcd and advanced in tbe Oregon
legislature. No moes back, calamity
howling agents of advereity and demo
cratic hard times about them. They are
men that stand for prosperity and good
government and each and all exert every
energy and influence to bring about each
conditions. Vote the republican repre
sentative ticket straight.
The nomination of Hon. Thoa. H.
Tongne is a just tribute to an able and
conscientious public nervant. The pec
pie of Oregon ara beginning to under
stand that if tbey would be a fac'.or in
congress they mut bate a man at bar Of
ability and influence. They are obesrv
jng the course of o'.her states and are
profiting by theit experience. It has
long been a noteworthy fact that a
number of tbe small Eastern states have
for many years had an overshadowing
influence at the seat of government, and
simply beeaoao tbey selected men of
ability aud kept tliBtn there. It takes a
number of years of active life in a fixed
and prominent position for a man to ac
quire national notorioty and influence.
Oregon is young, its destiny i jJ9t shap
ing, and it needs the best talent and in
fluence it can command to stand in tbe
breach and plead its demand. Xu bet
ter man than Mr. Tongue could have
been eelected, and voter should see to it
!that be is elected. Med ford Mai!.
As the reports come in from various
parts of the connty regarding the can
yass, being made by tbe republicans, the
fact presents itself that ons of tbe mott
popular candidates on the ticket is Capt.
F. B. Hamlin, nominee Jor counly school
superintendent. Tbe captain is a gentle
man without a single olemiah of charact
er, a true patriotic American citizen, and
man eminently well qualified . and
equipped for tbe office to which he
aspires. The manner in which he wis
deprived of the office alter being elected
by a large maj ui'.y at the last election,
j intly entitles him to tbe suffrages of the
people generally at tbis lime.
The Eugene Guard with tbe character
istic deception practiced by fusion or
gans, beads its account of tbe Willis
Crawford preliminary bearing held re
cently in this city, 'District Attorney
Brown Had to '.be Ordered into Court,"
and then goes on to state that "Deputy
District fAttorney Sawyers did not ap
pear," Mr. Brown'slname nowhere being
referred to in the article, hebei'i at
this time in attendance at the regular
term of circuit court in Cooa cuuntv.
Eat what does tbe Guard and its ilk vr
or a little thing like perpetrating a ma
licious lie or misrepresentation ?
lion. E. A. Booth, republican candi
date lor Joint senator of Josephine,
Douglas and Line counties, and Dr.
TTo), Kuyktmi..!!, 0! Eugene, will ad
dress tbe citi.4ii i Drain, on the politi
cal issues of the da , Saturday evening,
May 19:h at 7:30 o'clock.
A. M. Chawtoed,
Chairman Republican Connty Central
Tbis is going to be an aniol hard year
for the fellow's who's a democrat in Spo
kane. He can't hurrah for the soldier
on Decoration day that's militarism :
be can't help hoist tbe flagon the Fourth
of July that'a imperialism; he can't
tell his friends ta come Webt and take
up land on the Colville Reservation
that's expansion ; he can't welcome tbe
Nation's President to tbis city that's
McKinleyism; he-can't cheer for the
Queen of tbe Industrial Exposition
that's 'be pomp of monarchy ; be can't
eyen get in witb tbn rest of us anil brag
about the wonderful way Spokane is
gaining in population, and wealth, and
industry that's prosperity. And when
tbe election returns come io well, he
can go away out behind the barn and
cry. Spokane Chronicle.
The circulation of the 1'laindkalkh
extends from Dawson City to Manila.
It is tbe advertisers uiatcot.
W. L. Cobb of DillarJ Irft on last
night's overland for Portland to j io his
brothers, Tom and Sam, and sail immed
irtely for Cape Nome.
Bashfal Harry Clarke, tbe womin
hater, and F. W. Jennings, two promi
nent traveling men, were registered at
tbe McClalleo Houe Wednesday.
W. T. Emery, ot Uinpqua Ferry, left
for tbe famous Klon like, thiukin the
chances for making a stake in that sec
tion of Alaska, better than at overcrowd
ed Cape Xome. The Flaisuhalkr will
fiillow him.
HUh'b I'a-si'lv and Jauguter, Kate, of
Gardioer, who have been in tbis city
with bueititts before tbe land office, left
for their home on this mormoit'a local.
Before leaving Mr- CasaMy left orders
for the Pi.AtMjEALEit tj osssnt to hii
Mies Minnie Fisher, who spent the
winter in Arizona f.jr the benefit of her
health, returned home last night on the
overland. Mies Fisher is very much
improved in health her many friends are
glad to hear. She wa accompanied by
Mins l'bilorueo Champagne.
Ray Cr!on has accepted a position
in the S. P. freight department at Cottage
Grove and left last night for that place;
J Ray :s a deserving young man who will
be missed by the citizens of, our town
very much, and we are afraid the Cot
tan" G rove people w ill wonder a great
deal at bis peculiar ways, but never the
lees he will get there just the same.
Willis vs. Crawford.
I notice that tbe Review claims to
have been informed in eomn mysterious
manner, that I have signed or made an
anti-Hermann pledge, in case of my
electlou as representative of this
county. This coming from tbe Review,
I bardly thought it worth a denial, bat
as some people not informed as to tbe
Review's reliability might believe it, I
denounce it as absolutely false.
A. R. Mattoox.
Some democrats seem to have forgot
ten that in tbe two democratic platforms
made at Charleston and Baltimore in
i860 was this plank: "Resolved, that
the rieruocratio party is In favor of tbe
acquisition of the Island of Cuba, on
such terms as will be honorable to our
selves and just to Spain at tbe earliest
practicable moment." Dallas (Tex)
Missouri populists are holding a state
Convention Kansas City and will put a
Straight ticket in the field. They declare
that fusion with the democrats will ntfv
er occur again in that state.
The arrest of Hon. A. M. Crawford on
list Saturday At tbe instigation of Wm.
R.Willis, wH'i as follows: In January,
18'JO, testimonv was taken in a civil act
ion between Wra. R. Willis and A. M.
Crawford and the case is now pending in
tbe supreme court. It is alleged that
Mr. Willis recently demanded some kind
of a fettlement with Mr. Crawford in
tbis long pending case and upon the lat
ter's refusal Mr. Willis swore out a war
rant for the arrest of Crawlord upon
the charge ol perjury. The district
attorney, Hod. Geo. M. Brown, being in
attendance at circuit court in Ccoa
county, bis deputy, Attorney J. E. Saw
yers, examined all the testimony in tbe
case, and declared there was no grounds
for tbe charge preferred by Mr. Willis,
end moved to dismiss the case. The
preliminary hearing occurred before city
recorder, D. f. West, who over
ruled tbe motion. Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Sawyers declared in open
court and in his motion tlat he was well
satisfied that the prosecution was solely
without cause and from malicious mo
tives, however, Recorder Weit held the
defendant to appear before the circuit
court. From tbe fact that both parties
stand high in social, legal and political
circles in tbis city this case has created
considerable interest and it is freely
charged on the streets that political de
signs, or motives to influences tbe higher
court is behind the whole affair, but as
far as the Plaisids Is concerned, it is
in no position to maka any definite
charges lo this direction.
furniture, furniture, furniture.
Take a look at our line of
Bed Room Suits and com
pare the price aud quality of
the goods with other lines
even with Portland prices.
Sec our line of Buffet Side
Boards, Combination cases
and Ladic's Desks.
We carry a good line of Baby Carriages aud Go Carts
for your babies. Call and sec them.
A new line of Bed Lounges and couches Just received
and the tariff is down to bed rock.
Our line of Furniture is Up-to-Datc and 'the prices
arc extremely low, compared with the quality of the goods.
Roseburg, Oregon.
The Furniture Man.
Can be combined in the same pair 01
Shoes, if correctly fitted. We are prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown in our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best aud largest Shoe Fac
tories in the cast. We should like to have
a chaucc to make you acquainted with oaar
stock aud prices as we feel assured that boili
will please you.
jRoseburg Pharmacy
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drug, Toilet Article, I'atonr Medi
cine, Ci'ar. Stationery, Toilet
Soap, Paintfl ind Oils.
photographic $upplie$... 5
The Velcbratcd .Magazine Cyclone Plate C
C Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. S
. Call nod Examine thern.
Is called to a
At our store. With every sale of one and one
half pounds we give
For strength and delicious flavor and all goes to
make a perfect cup, these brands cannot be excell
ed. Three fancy Blends. Peerless 35c, Mcnado
30c, Oriental 25c. Remember the week of sale,
Monday May 7th to Saturday May 12th. A com
plete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
...MRS. N. BOYD.
We have a complete line ofs
PDPAH AMH TDfiDir A I E?miinr? l!
Which will please you In both quality and S!
Price. Gve us a Call. t