ADDITIONAL LOCAL. New Spring Goods T The Mild Winter has brought forth an Karly Spring and arc now prepared to show you an elegant line of SPRING NOVELTIES we Q in Grey, Castor, Mode and the New l;oule Plaids, have a very swell line of Silks, Mouseilline De Come in and look them over. We Soic, also Etc. AS. T A -- - -' ihtr - .-1, V- Our Millinery Department Will he quite a treat this Season as we this Department and have secured the Up-to-l)atc Milllincr direct from the city.' In Gent's Furnishings We still continue to lead and have' received No cities direct from the Manufacturer. have enlarged services of an all the striking tjt I PEOPLES at. I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor. m a I A careful analysis of our Drugs and Chemicals Will prove them to be of Full Standard Strength and Purity. Our Stock is unexcelled in Oualit' and our Medicines arc absolutely reliable. Purity 7 A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Druggists. The Byron florae. l'ro8crition corn- X otiulol Day ami Night 3 if t t I IF. BARKER & CO. Git 0 (SERIES! 2' Fl.'ikivOats, G;LSSWisRiE. MITCHELL WAGOMSi J. I. CASE PLOWS. --oi- l') "4 1 i 4 lit t -"-r-" '-f f- - - i it. i Pianos The Uest Tlic Cheapest The Uest The Cheapest Organs l$&tlf Bicycles mt- ityl Cleveland Imperial. a These wheels are bet I'll" Jiy r.m lnrc lion owned by J. II. Dixoiiwill inalc-j t U- nsori nt Wilbur Wediithdav and Tlmr-.J-y l each week. A t liist'lturn Friday und Saturday and the renuinder nf the tia.e at tint homo of the owner oti ifm Nortb Uiup(ia. 5trcv Horse. One bav liotPB. ubout 4 years old, branded "II" ou riabi hhoulder, weiuht about il ) or 100J punnds. Taken up tbe !tb of March, ut my ouire in (nrrieii Valley, ruiien west ot Wilbur. auOp.) " N., Jr. Wanted. i-illy good tinihertneD, wages f- per day. Fifty general laborers, wages ll-r0 jer day. Camphei.l A Alkxasdkk, . Comstock, Oregon. W'e send you the semi-weekly I'LAisiiKALEii and tl.t Oregon Toultry Journal, the beet poultry journal in the Northwest, both lor $l.-75- Roseburg Bakery CARL 5CHM'KSTE!N. Prop. Were you ever in a baker shop? You Mould see the difference in cleanliness and von would understand the purity of our bread. These wheels are better than ever while the price has not advanced. Lome and see. All goods fully guaranteed and sold on the installment plan. Hand Instruments, Guitars, Baujos,, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. In fact almost anything in the musical line can be found at T. (. RICHARDSON'S. Try a box of Chocolate Creams and lions Hons -J PROM THE ,, KAMDY ITCHErt. and you will understand why our CANDY is so popular. 5. CARROLL. F. H. WOODRUFF'S liarber Shop For a prompt aud first class shave or haircut. Baths in connection. 418 Jackson St. Win. Lovt of (f.rderi IJoitom was vis ItitiK In tlio cily Wednesday. Lxarninntioti (or rion-coriiiniftiooed officers of Co. K will be held at Armory j noxt Thursday nitrht. ' TIih I'i.aimkalki now haii tiie rnnht i Rouiplcte 'ih oepartMient in I'.osebnrif. j l'H on us fijr job work. Mrs. Win. Iyer, of San l-'rancisco, is vlsilin with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Taikr, in Kdenbower. L'jcttliun notices of both ple(rer aod lode claims and all other kinds of blanks lor a'o at the 1'i.msikm.kii office. K. K. dykon has received a ourlnad of uiHcliiuery and also the new surrey 01 dered for Barker & O'Neil'a livery stab e. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Uelts left Ashland fjr (irants Taoe, Thursday evening. Mr. Belts will fill a position temporarily in the S. 1'. trtat'on there. Tidings. Mrs. JT. Jobephsou has a ' very neat drees goods display in ber windows this week. Jimmy chows that he can dresj show windows as well as fit kid gloyep. A. M. Oxley has accepted 11 position as cierk in the Racket store. Mr. Oxley has had much experience in that lino as be was employed in the Fair store at Ileppner. The Novelty Ktore has a very neat dis play of underwear in their window this week ; tue design M a three aast schoon er; LawBon always keeps things in "flhip-tliape." T. h. tilodgett, the harness maker has inove.i his shop irom the Hetclier r;ear the depot, to CJO Jackson street, the (wilding lalely occupied by 1". J. Uor.d the watchmaker. 11 parcni.x jijardi:trja of .school children Fhouh! make it a point to viait the schools nt least during each term of school. Vitits frooi parents are pleasant and profitable to pupils and teacher. Hv. J. T. C'otiuii, of this city, left on Tuesday morning's local for Junction City, to Bssist liov. .Sibert in a series of meeting1) to be held rear that place lor a period of about one. week. Mrd. Cotton and children are visiting ia Myrtle Creek. Goy. T. T. Geer has accepted an invi. tation to deliver the annual address for tho Native Kims and Daughters on the last day of the picnic in this citv. Other k'ynl speakers will he secured and a giaud time is assured. r.rownBvill Times. MOKI TEA l'OSITIVELY CUKES sick headache, indiiesion and c oneipa eiou. A deligbful herb drink. . Re moves all eruptions of the skin, produc ing a perfect complexion, or money re funded. 25cts. and 50 i ts. M. F. Rapp, druggist. Dr. J. W. Strange, dentist, will be at Glendale on May 10, to remain one week, lie will be pleased to lee thoee who desire hi services. Only the best of work done and fully warranted. Gold crown and bridge wurk and fine gold work a specialty. I'rice3 very reasona ble W. L. Hood, the South fork woo! grower, was in town Tuesday, having come d'iwn to register, lie reports Hocks in better condition thun ever be- loro at this season nuu tho increase un usually lare. The warm open winter has beeu most favorable to the growth of fleeces which will he the larg?st and best produced in many years. Mr. Hood expects to realize 24 cents per pound for his wool this year. Myrtle Point Kuter- prise. Marsters Bros., of Roseburg, i iteud establishing a marble and tombstone business in Ccquille City about the loth of May. Their representative, Mr. Tcz- ier, is here, and in sizing up the business situation decided to locate in this place W. E. Marsters will move to this city with bis family the first of June and be LOCAL AND GENERAL. Simon Caro, I he Oakland merchant, was a business visitor in Uoseburg, this week, returning home on Tuesday' local. Judg- Lyons, ifo and children, cf Drain, witnessed the'dogand pony show, Monday, and retorno ! to Drain 00 Tuet day's local. Miss Dora Ieis, of .San Francisco, who has been visiting friends in this ' city for tho past week, left for Portland on Tuesday's local. Attorney C. y. Jackson returned from Canyonviile, Taesdav, whete he has been visiting. Mrs. Jackson is still visiting friends ot that place. Win. Chadwick, of Myrtle Creek, was a passenger on Tuesday's local, for Pott laud arid then to British Celumbia, where he expects to reside. Gus Taylor, owner of the Taylor block in this city, was shaking bands witn old friends here Tuesday. Gus represents Glass & Prudhome of Portland. County Commissioner M. I). Thompson of Scottsburg, arrived in this city Mon day evening to attend court. Tbis will not be Mr. Thompson's last trip to tbis city for that purpose. At the last meeting i f Joe Lane's Cabin No. 10, N. S. v., the following delegates to tho grur.d cabin, wbicb, meets at Portland in J; , were elected, V. C. Londor,, H. T. .::Clellan, M. F Wright and J. II. U v h. Geo. Eyroa, Harry Slocuni and U iy Carlos were elected alternates. Chinese Lecturer. - 4 At the Christian 'iron next Friday May 11, at 8 p. in., .f- . Hawk, superin tendent of the Chri - . n Chinese mission at 1', au : minister in the Christian church, a ;1 lecture on tbe customs and religion ut China, bis own native land. Admission free, aud a cordial invitation 19 extended to all. Collection at close of lecture. W. A. Wood. California Seeds Given Away. Until August 1, 1000. anyone Bending name and full address, with 10 cents in stamps to defray postage, packing, etc.. a ill receive Free a package containing- a choice selection of first class flower or vegetable eeed." All are of the finest California variety, grown at tbis place All we ask is that wbeu tbey are grown and matnred, yen will tell your neighbors or friends that the seeds name from us. State wbicb you prefer, flower or vegetable seeds. Raymond & Roberts Seed Co., a?6t4 Box 80. Sana Paola, Cal. Gilstrap-Oilstrap. W. G. Gilstrap, of .he Register, and Lillian Gilstrap were re-united in marriage at the residence oi tbe bride's parents in Oakesdale, Wash., Saturday, May 5, 1900, at 10 a. ra., Rev. Erarn of the Methodist church- officiating. Mr. Gilstrap, wife aod little daughter ar rived in Eugene yesterday afternoon, coming by way of Spokane and Sound t-oints. They will reside temporarily at the familj residence on West Sixtb street. Many friends cf both the con tracting parties were at the Oakesdala depot to witness tbe departure of tho couple for Eugene. Eugene Guard. , Early Closing. cuius a permanent resident. They come recommended as first-class people and The l'.ulletin welcomes them to Ccquillel Mr. Tozier will be the outside metier and general business manager. In another item iu today's paper be found an announcement calling attention to their business. Coquille Bulletin Noma A Roe's big trained animal show gave two performances iu this city last Monday. The sbow has greatly im proved since their laet appearance here 1 and have many new- and novel fixtures, among them being Major Might who is I undoubtedly the smallest man ever eeeu j in this city, beii j, but 39 inches tall and 23 years old ; it is laughable to bear him j and bia partner "Sbrim" who .is orly 1 four feet tall pud 23 yeara old. tell their : troublea about being imposed upon by! other member! of the show. The band 1 tbougb small plays excellent music and j far excels most traveling snow banda. After tbe evening performance, (tie B. V, O. E. lodge No. 32ti gave a social session iu honor of the metuter of their order who are with the show in wbicb a tr j enjoyable lima was spent. 1 We, the undersigned merchants of Roseburg, Oregon, do hereby fcgree to close our respective places of business at 7 o'clock. p. m.. except Saturday, when we agtee to close no later than 8 o'clock p. m. For any violation of tbis (ex'.ept in case of funeral or death) weagree to pay into the city treasury for the im provement of streets the sum of twenty five dollars (25). Tbe above to take ef fect Wednesday, May 9th, and ontinue in force until Oct. 1, 1900. SUNDAY CLOhl.VG. We, the undersign 'd merchants ot Roseburg, Oregon, do hereby agree to close our respective places of business on Sundays aud not to sell any goods except incase of death. For any viola tion of the above, we agree to pny iuto the city treasury for the improvement of streets, the sum of fifty dollars (f.0. Same to take e fleet from this date ud continue in fore until Oct. 1. 10O0. Mk. M. Joseritsc.v, I AllKAUAM, FlOllEK A Bkp.uws, Rick & Rick, Woi.LKNHKBit Bros., CaiKcimx & WooLtv, 11. W. Strong, Pahbott Bros., ELMKB WlMllKHLY A Co., F, M. Bkard, W. C. HlLDIRbBAND, Jtt., 8. K. Stkks.