The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 10, 1900, Image 1

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Southern Oregon's Leading Newspaper.
i 1
Vol. XXXI.
No. 37
r 1
tach Performance a Duplicate of
the Other.
ft AO rant! misrepresentation
Democrat Posing as FusionlsU
Reformer Swinging; Round the
Circle Small Audiences.
A general report of the cnvi by the
deniorratlo candidates consisting ol
Messrs. Dewey, Gsz-tey, Hie, Abraham
and Lenox, will do rather than make
separate reports. ,At each place the per.
formance was a duplicste ot the other.
At i'erdue, shout the only real good
thing had was s bucket ol baked beans
furnished by J. J. Farquar of Iloseburg.
There was s small crowd to greet them
so aumll they are all loth to speak of the
place. At Days Creek there was a very
good attendance, cotnpowed of Dearly
one-half republican, attracted by curi
osity to eie the curious combination who
constituted the celebrated aggregation.
At CanyonvlHe the attendance by actual
count was 4", being shout one-hall re
publicans and ttiH other half-mongiels.
At Kiddle the atteudancu as small and
interert uot as was expected. The re
ception as a whole in the south part of
the county, was a very chilly one, and
there was a noticeable want of confi
dence on I ho part of both candidates
and elector.
Our friend Frank Gaeley was prolific
in his claims that be was the suthor and
finisher ol the law providing for the re
duction ot the clerk's salary. At Days
Creek he went so fsr ss to say that Bens
tor Heed wss opposed to the measure
and fought it throughout the session,
lie did not tell the people though that
bis pet upon whom he depended for po
litics! support and favors wss W. W.
Wilson, aud that Wilson was opied to
the redaction bill and was induced to
support it only when he was approached
bv ".Senator Reed and Representatives
Conn and Wouacott in a body to. do so.
He wss opposed to the bill and fought it
up to that time with all his limited pow
er. The presumption is that as Wilson
was the representative of Mr. Gazlev and
was supposed to act as desired by him,
bis opposition was inspired by the
county cletk himself.
Dewey was hard at work using all the
blandishments he is capable of to gala
votes, but we look for a realization of a
ylalon bad recently-"Dewey stood upon a
bill fend in the distance was a wagon
coming. It came in sight, pausing by on
June 4tb, and consisted of a red painted
buggy with a I'arrott as a driver, which
drove to the court bouse. On or abont
July 4th the I'arrott went to roost in the
aherilT's office, poor Mr. Dewey beiog
left oat in the cold."
Dexter Rice was the orator of tbe day
at all points sod wss free in criticisms of
ths past conduct of our legislative bodies,
but be failed to explain wby tbe demo
popocratto members of the leglslstive
fiasco of a lew yenrs ago sold out and
stayed out to preveut the organisation ol
tbe legislature.
Dot poor Abbie (?) Abraham. How be
must feel ashamed of bis company.
Reared on republican pap, nutureu in a
republican borne, taught only republi
can Idess, be bas sold his birthright for
a mess ot pottage. I'oor boy, he is
young and innocent, but will live to see
'and learn more as the years go by.
It is a shame to send out a man like
Mr. Lenox to cope witb our George.
When the votes arecouuted and the re
sult published the young roan will retire
to bis ranch in Keut Unlch a wiser and
earider man.
If tbe canvass ol the county In genersl
has the same effect as it baa so far io the
south tbe success of the republican tick
et is assured beyond any doubt. In the
speeches attempted there Is no argu
mentno attempts at argument. The
whole thing is demogouuery, deceit,
falsehoods snd vllliticstlon of dead and
jiving. The whole aggregation is a liv
ing, moving falsehood. They claim to be
fusioniets when they are purely and en
tirely democrats arguing democratic
bosh, boasting democratic principles and
gloryiug In democratic failasies. Give
tbe poor, nnfortuusts boys rope so they
may bang themselves, lor at every point
tbsy contribute to tbe success of tbe re
publican ticket.
lion. Thos. H. Tongue Severely Ar
ranges the Opposition to This Very.
Just Dill.
Washington, D. C, Msy 2, V.lOO.
Isaac V. Mos-uian, Ksj.,
Rosuburg, Oregon,
My Dear Fir: Yours ol the 15th inst.
has just been received. I'ermit me too
state briefly the present situation of the
Indian war pension bill. Yon will per
hsps rmeiher that in ISM, the original
law was passed which this present bill
seeks to amend. That law provided for
granting a pension to the veteiaos of the
Black Hawk war, Pominole War, and
ssversi other Indian War. Wby the
Oregon were were not included in that
Isw, I have uot been sble to ascertain.
At the InsWcongress Senator McHrlde in
troduced a oill in the senate, and I in
troduced one in the house, to amend the
laws o( 1892, so as to grant the same pen
sions to the survivors of the Indian wars
of Oregon ami Washington, and some
other wars throughout the United States,
as whu given ta the survivors of the In
dian wars named inthn law of 1802.
The bill paeeed the seriate, as it bad done
in th previous congees, but met with
docided nppoeitiou in ibe lionse at tbe
hands ol the speaker. When I begau to
look into the matter and came to con
gress It ai-d impossible to convince
Speaker Heed, or tbe members of the
committee having charge of the bill, that
there was any real merit in it. Alj
seemeJ to labor uoder tbe impression
that the Indian wars of Oregon were
aimetbing like tboee of a later day,
small ueigblorhood affairs, lasting bat
few days, and that they were in defence
of large valuable farm, which the gov
ernment bad given to the early settlers
without money sod without price. One
msrked advantage, at least, has been
made. I have succeeded in convincing
the spesker of the bouse, or ratber both
speakers, and tbe members of the com
mittee, that the bill has real merit.
That these Indian war veterans, instead
ot defending their own homes, went
hundreds ol miles to defend settlers in
other locsiitiee, and to perform duties
that the government ought io have per
formed, aud which is sbsmeleesly neg
lected. I have further convinced them that in
stead of the government giving to the
early settlers of Oregon valuable farms,
that the early settler of Oregon gave tha
stale to the government and to tbe Flagt
They are satislled now with tbe justice
of tbe bill. They would be ready, I
think, to report it and pass it ii it was
believed that the bill conld fairly be
passed at tbe present Bession. Demo
cratic hostility two years ago wss so
marked that the democrats refused to
give unsnimous consent for me to ad
dress the bouse on tbis bill before the
committee bed reported. I have not
lii l s'ich a request refused on any other
sut.ject, nor is it usual to refuse such re
quest to any member ol the bouse.
It is believed that il tbis bill should
come before the House, there would be
an ellbrt to attach to it important and
serious amendments that would either
force tbe defeat ot the bill, or would
make it extremely odious. Tbe question
now is whether there is any way to pre
vent such a catastrophe. I am hoping
to be able to procure tbe consent of both
sides of tbe House, and if the bill is re
ported, and brought up for action, it will
not be attacked by any attempts to load
it with thii class ot amendments. That
cannot be done unless democrats con
sent to it aa well as. republicans. I am
doing eyerythiug 1 can looking towards
securing such a result.. What the out
come will be it is impossible for me to
definitely say. The nearness of the elec
tion, and especially tbe nearneis ot the
election in Oregon, will, it is feared,
make the democrats extremely anxious
to tuke such a course as will defeat the
bill, or will make its passage extremely
obnoxious through tbe character of the
amendments that may be attached to
I am thoroughly convinced of the
justice of this bill, and am extremely
anxious that il should pass. It Ought to
have passed years ago. livery hour ol
delay is a continuation ol tha iojustics
these veterans have suffered yesrs and
years ago. They were abandoned to tbe
mercy ol the tsvage in the early days ol
Oregon, and tbe injustice ought to be
Assuring you that I shall do evsrytblog
to my power to secure tbe passage ol tbe
bill at tbe very eailiest moment, 1 am,
Truly and sincerely yours
Taos. H.Tonuib.
Will Nevermore be the Tall to the
Democratic Kite.
Democrats Took Up Their Was Cry
to Create all Possible Con
Cincinnati, O., May 0. Tbe Middle-ol-the-Road
Populist National Co vent ion
was called to order at 1 o'clock. Neatly
700 delegates were pretent, representing
every etale except Arizona, New Mexico,
North Caiolioa, South Carolina and Ver
mont. The ball was elaborately decora
ted witb banners Waring tbe mottoes of
the parties.
Chairman V. Clem Desver, of Nebras
ka, called the convention to order, and
after the reading of tbe call by Secretary
J. M. Parker, of tbe National committee,
ODened iro efdinas in a lensthv eneacb.
I He was wildly cheered.
Former Congressman M. W. Howard,
ot Alabama, was then introduced as tbe
temporary chairman. Howard, who bad
been moat prominently spoken ot as the
presidential nominee witb Deaver for
second place, wan received witb great ap
plause. He delivered an eloquent ad
dress nd sroused tbe delegates to con
tinued outbursts of applause. Howard
spoke as follows:
We bave reached tbe crisis in the his
tory of the people's party. By your ac
tion today, yon are to determine whether
Ibe party is to live for a glorious future,
or to die an ignominius death. By your
action today, you are to light anew the
beacon fires of hope in tbe breasts of tbe
people who have heretofore followed our
flag, or to soood the death knell of tbe
aspirations of those who bave' labored
long in tbe cause of reform. When I
look into tbe earnest faces of those before
me, I tbiok I can read what your answer
will be. And if I make no mistake, that
answer will le that the people's party is
born to live, and not to die.
Tbe chaotic condition. which now con
front our party were brought sbont by
oflice-holders and office-seeking politi
cians who were willing to fuee the life
out ot onr party in order that tbey might
obtain petty office with its emolument.
Tbe folly ot 189G, when we beet me tbe
tail of tbe democratic kite, baa brought
ns to the verge of disruption, and the
only thing today that can avert the dis
ruption, and the only thing to
day that can avert tbe disaster
is a straightforward course of independ
ent action.
Too long has our party been cursed by
office-seekers, cranks witb wild theories
and demagogues witb alluring sophis
tries, aud if we would win tbe confidence
and etteem of thinking men, we must
adopt such a platform of principles as
will appeal to the millions woo sre today
seeking for a eolution ot these great
questions which confront us.
At the forefront ot tbeee stands the
financial question. Bight bere I want
to say tbatfone of our great mistakes bas
been in accentuating our demand for the
free coinage of silver to such an extent
that tbe democratic party took it up as
their battle-cry, and thus produced con
fueion4n oar ranks, when, in fact and in
truth, it is one ol the least of the reforms
which we seek. Beyond tbis is he
broader and greater queston of j govern
ment paper currency, issued not through
the National banks, but directly by the
government itself. Let us plant our
selves firmly upon this proposition.
Another great question which I bave
already suggested, is the trust question.
Tbe true, bas come to stay. It ia an
outgrowth of our industrial system. All
talk ol controlling tbe trusts is mere
nonsense. Wben we attempt to legislate
against tbe trusts tbey will take the
next step in the process of evolution and
become monopolies. What is to be done
with tbe raouoply ? Wbea one man or
a few men control absolutely any given
line of Industry, all competition is
crushed, and no individual can bope to
ever entr into the same lioe of business.
As I said, tbe trust is the nstarsl out
growth of our political condition. Capi
tal has lealized what labor bas not yet
found out that competition is not the
life, but the death of business. There
fore, c a pi tsl bas ceased to compete, and
is now doing the more wise and sensible
thing of co-operating. I believe that
whenever any. line of induatrv becomes a
monoply, there is only one solution pot-
eible, and that is for the government to
control the monoply arjd to use and ?p
erste for the benefit of tbe people.
Chairman Howard at tbe conclusion ot
his speech appointed tie committee on
credentials, which immediately retired.
Tbe convention then resolved itself into
an "experience meeting," for tbe inter
change of views of tbe work of delegates.
The nomination of the National ticket
will not le taken up until tomorrow.
Alleged Murderer Will Surrender.
London, Ky., May 9. Jim Howard,
the man accused of firing tbe shot that
killed William Goebel, came in tbis
morning, from bis borne in Clay connty,
and took the train lor Frankfort, wbither
he goes to surrender bimselt to tbe
autb.rities. Howard says be will bave
no trouble in proving his innocence. '
Republican Meetings.
The candidates upon the republican
ticket will address the people of Douglas
county as follows:
May 3, Thursday, 2 p. m., Bog&ees school
May 4, Friday, 7:30 p. m., Cometock.
" 5, Saturday, 1 p. m., Yoncalla.
" 6, Saturday. 7:30 p. m., Drain.
" 7, Monday, 7:30 p. m., Myrtla
May 8, Tuesday 1 :30 p. .m., Galea ville
' 8. Tuesday 7 :30 p. m., Glendale.
" 10, Thursday 1 p. m., Millwood.
10 Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Coles
iMay 11, Friday 1 :C3 p. m., Cleyeland
" 11, Friday 7aO p. m irrencb
May 14, Monday 7:30 p. m., Looking
May 15, Tuesday 1:30 p. m., Ten Mile.
" 15, Tuesday 7 :30 p. ra. , Olalla.
" 1G, Wednesday 2 p. m., Camas
" 17, Thursday 1 :30 p. m., Brock way.
" 17, Thursday 7:30 p. m., Civil
May 18, Friday 1:30 p. m., Watson
school bouse.
May 18, Friday 7:30 p. m., Blakely
school bouse.
May 19, Saturday 1:00 p. m. Oak Creek
school bouse.
May 19, Satuiday7:30 p. m., Willis
school bouse.
VV. F. Jewptt came down on Wednes
day's stage.
E. McBroom was in town Fiiday even
ing enroute down river.
A bear bas been killing both sheep and
goats on tbe farm of tbe Butler Bros.
Tbe candidates bave not aa yet visited
yery etrongly. We do not propose to be
slighted in the least.
Prof. Mulkey has announced that be
will hold . services in tbe Long Prairie
school bouse, May 27th.
The appointment ot Geo. Benedict of
Elkton, as census enumerator, seems to
be the right man in tbe right place.
Deputy assessor Robinson ended bis
official labors for tbe year, in this vicin
ity, last week and returned to bis
We are sorry to learn of Miss Laura
Gardiner a accident, by being thrown
from a horse, and bope it is not a perma
nent iojury, and that she will noon be
entirely recovered.
James Butler and family came down
from Klkton, a few days ago, and went
down ibe river to tbe borne of Mr. Glass.
Mrs. B. expects to visit ber daughter,
Mrs. F. Jones, belore she returns.
Oscar Hinsdale was called to California
very suddenly, recently, by tbe death ot
bis uncle, Geo. Hinsdale, an old time
resident of tbe Uiapqua country. Thos
the old pioneers are passing away one by
Some of the Free Staters Are
Roberts' Advance Delayed by Burned
Smaldeel, Msy 9. It is reported that
the Federals are quitting Zand River and
it ia variously stated tbn tbey are re
treating towards the Vaa. .md are taking
np their positions at Bosh rand, sooth of
Kroonstadt. A large number of burghers
bave come in and delivered tbeir Maus
ers and bsrses to the B'ttieb. Tbey af
firm that there is a bitter quarrel be,
tween the Free Statei -nd Transvaalers
which is likely to end in the speedy sur
render of tbe former. General French
bas arrived bere.
A dispatch from Maseru, dated May 8,,
ssys the Boers bave deserted both Lady-
brand and Ficksburg in a panicky condi
tion , owing to reports that tbe British
bad occupied Zeenikal, thus threatening
their retreat to tbe Transvaal.
London, May 9.-6:30 p. in. It is an
nounced in a special dispatch from Lo
renzo Marques that tbe government ot
the Orange Free States bas been moved
from Kroonstadt to Ileibron.
London, May 9. A special bulletin is-'
sued by tbe war department etaus:
Tbe Boer forces are offering little re
sistance to Lord Robert in bis advance
in the Transvaal. The bridges wirch
they destroyed, across the Vet and Vaal
rivors are being repaired, but this work
will take several days, causing a delay in
advance of a portion of the British troops
for that time.
Rose Festival.
From toe preparations being made the
Rose Festival promises to be tbe mom.
successful affair of tbe kind yet held in
Roeeburg. Tbe committees in charge
bave spent considerable time in decorat
ing the Opera House, and have trans
formed it into a minature rose garden.
Tbe program as given below will com
mence sharply at 8 :15, to give those irt
attendance sufficient time to examine
and admire the rose display and partake
of tbe refreshments. An admission fee
of ten cents will be charged at the door.
Tbe prizes for the different displays
are now on exhibition, and tbe number
of exhibitors will probably exceed that
of last year. All tboee who are entering
roses for the competition should haye
them at tbe Opera House in sufficient
time to give the committee ample time
to arrange them.
The following program will be render
ed: Vocal solo, "Asthore," Miss Georgia
Recitation, Selected, Miss Kate Fuller
ton. Vocal solo, Selected, Dan Langenberg.
. Recitation, "John Maynard," Mies
Vocal solo, Selected, Miss Lena
Tiano solo, "LaGavotte," Wm. G.
Lsuvlett, Miss Lena Kearney.
Vocal solo, "Anchored," L. R. Trayer.
Gage's Store Burned.
At Dillard Monday evening the store
of G. W. Gage, formerly owued by G.
H. Leonard, was destroyed by fire. It
was caused by tbe explosion of a lamp
between 9 and 10 o'clock and the flames
spread so rapidly that scarcely ar.ytk eg
was saved. Tbe family bad living- ru-ms
in tbe building and Mr. Gage was just
preparing to retire, although he was not
in the room wbere the lamp was wben
the accident occurred and know of no
cause tor it.
Li is lose is about illXX) or $1500, with
$500 insurance in tbe Fire Association of
Philadelphia, J. W. Wright of tbis city
local agent.
Tbe building was owned by ex-Sheriff
ST C. Miller and ia a total lost, witb no
I ;