The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 07, 1900, Image 6

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    Oakland and Vicinity.
(From the Owl.)
MissJalia Uayruond went to Salem
Friday morning to epenJ the euaioier.
Born, ou April 23, to Mr. and Mra. A.
J. Dear, a aon, this being the fourth.
Jenoer Page commences teaching near
Gleadals Monday morning.
MrB. L. McFarlanJ is quite indisposed.
Her danghter Mrs. Crouch of Portland is
at Ler bedside.
A neat and imposing monument has
been placed over the grave of the late
lloc.G.T. RusBell.
S. J. Chenoweth's barn at Wilbur was
destroyed by fire a few days ago. The
loss was over $1200, partially insured.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Louellen ol Seattle,
has moved to the Pike place about 12
miles from town;
. V. R. Kease has sold Lis meat market
to Jaa. Batty and 8. S. Dimmick. The
new proprietors took charge May 1.
Mrs. Carrie Whitacre ar;d little daugh
ter of Koseburg are visiting friends at
this place.
Seyeral Oakland people attended the
box eappei at Calapcoia school house
last Friday evening.
The rush for timber claims near Oak
land still continues. Parties are going
to the mountains nearly every day.
Mrs. L. B. Stearns and daughter, Miss
Ethel, came up from Pcrtlacd yesterday
to visit with relative.
Mrs. Iaaogene Tooiey of Rosebuig
visited at the home cf her father, S, P.
Houser, a few days this week.
. E. G. Young & Co., shipped two cars,
and P. 1). Betkley one car of sheep and
hoga to Portland this week,
' I). K. .baoitrook, the popular nora
inee for coauty clerk on the republican
ticket, was treetlna hi many friends
here on Saturday.
Oje hundred and. fcixly tve money
orders were issued by Oakland post-office
in April, amounting to $:3l.W; fees,
S.S2 ; special war tax. $3.30.
Lawrence Perdue Las just received ad
vices announcing the death of his broth
er, Arthur W. Perdue, Friday morning at
Needy. Oregon. He was 25 years old
and leaves a wife.
Douglas Camp No. -3S. Woodmen of
the World, will give an old fashioned
picnic, May 25. Beautiful erounde have
b-en selected, where t (neaant time
may be enjoyed.
Mrs. Kate Mediev and danghter, Miss
Mary, who have scjoorced at Aebland
for eccce time, will return to Oakland
eocc, to remain during the summer.
' Mrs. Iiczaila Pelland, one of Douglas
county's oldest inhabitants, died near
towa May 3, aged about 80 years. The
remains fere buried in the Nonpariel
cemetery Friday.
Judge L. C. fctearns and wife cf Port
Porlaad are vlEiticg at the home of D.
ftearns. Ty are just retorning
from Sao Francisco where they rpent the
During the week E. j. Youotf & Co.
shipped to tara of wool to San Fran
cisco ai'd one car of sheep to Portland.
An eifilu pound girl tame to the home
of Prof, and Mrs. J. II. Cochran cn laet
Thursday, April 2G. All well and hap
py. C. II. Brown, who lives cn the Cooper
place near tow n, Lad his leg badly in
jured tjy the ' horse he was riding falling
upon hiic. The .aniaial'ij neck was
broken by the fall, and Bert narrowly
eecaptd a more serious irjury.
TLe school teacher, James Norman, of
Kellog, resigned bis position last Friday
and wf-nt home. Being but eighteen
years cf eg?, says that the trials and re
8,oDeirii:i!ies of teaching caanot be en
dured by a man of his age.
Charles Miller, who has recently re
turned from Manila, having gone to the
Philippines with the first troops, is vioit-
icg hie parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. T.
Miller, in Old Oakland. Mr. Miller
brought uite a few relics home with
Lien, among them a bedgtead which
formerly belonged to a .Spaciah gener
al. Wedded! At tim Nw York Backet
Store, April ?0, l'JQ, G. D. Norm and
Mies Effie Longbiake were united by B.
J. Eovingdoo, in the preecce of Kelly
Iianna and Mtes Myra Zachery. Ben
aays marrying is a easy as eiliug calicj
at cost. Who will c e the next ?
Here is an advertising pointer
Elmer Wimberly cf thia city. Ed
Olalla Odd.
His Pearl Hiqjmons, 0f Oakland, ia
visiting relatives here.
A. E. McCulloch was over from Doe
f reek, the first of the week, looking sfter
lig Interests la this placs ; Ac is quite
stockman, but be doesn't let the grass
grow under his foet.
An electrical storm visited this section
last TediieeJay evening, and for about
an hour our town had electric lights
equal to those of any city in the
Prof. F. B. Hamlin, our next school
superintendent, made us a flying visit,
this week. We forget him on
election day, whether he comes again or
We understand that a petition to
change the locatiou of our voting place,
ia being circulated. If it could be moved
to the head waters of Bear creek It
would be very convenient for some of our
voters, but perhaps a better way would
be to put it on wheels, as a good number
of our people seem to have wheels in
their heads.
J. S. Welle, one of the earliest Oregon
pioneers, was laid to rest in (he church
yard, Friday. Many old as well as
yung friends, attended the last sad
rites for leverjbody kuew "Uncle
Jimmy." He had not enjoyed good
health for several months, and died
rather suddenly, last Thursday morning,
and now he is at rest. An abler pen
than mine will givo a sketch of his life
and works.
"Annie Laurie" we are sorry to find
you in such a fearful condition. With
feathers turned the wrong way and back,
npyou come charging in through an open
port hole. What is the matter with you?
Oh, one shot did hit you. Well you
should not havo been standing in the
way. You remind us of tho tjuaker who
went us a Eoldier, when on the firing 'ine
he raised his gnu, peeped through the
siahts,' and eaid "Friend I am sorry for
thee, hut thou stands riht where I am
going to shootr' Your position seems to
haye4i?en tmnilar to that of the ijiuker's
frienJ. This writer endorses all that
waB said by "Briar," we are near cf kin
you see, belong to the samo family us it
were. Bat "Briar" did not accosd yon of
falsifying, you were probably looking be
tween the lines for something yon did
not want to find ; it their wai any accus
ing it wns your own conscience. Yo:ir
brazen challenge to point out one in
stance where in you falsified is too email
for us to bother with; if you will make it
half a dozen we'll go you. You could
g!t a valuable lesaon from the message
that Pennoyer sent to Dewey, your alllic
tion is 'he same as Dewey 'a. Without in
tho least doubting ycur veracity, I will
ask you to do a little explaining. Ia
speaking of the action of the county
court, you say they threw into the waste
basket a remonstrance containing more
names than did the petition, did you not
make a mistake? Can you 'give us the
figures? You know thai figures wont
lie, in that they differ from OlalU you
see. Now "let facts be submitted to
candid world." The other day in the
store we asked, a deaf and dumb man lor
his opinion of ttiat statement, for answer
he tainted to a can on the fchelf ; all that
could tee was "Concentrated Lye'
printed in bi white tetter, tho other
bevg laughed, even Jerry Simmons
laughed, and Jerry don't laugh for not li
icg. Still I couldn't see where the fun
cams in. can you? Laurie, 1 am real
eorry that we don't agree, for I have
known the people of Ten Mile more
years than I have fingers and toee, I am
not one of the cloven footed gentry you
see, unu 1 am giail to teetily that there
are many many good, Christian people
there. Now don't charge me with ac
cusing you cf belonging to that class; far
frcm it. Liurio, we're a had lot over
here, please don'v charge in through any
more port holes, we might close the
port and compel you to crawl out
throogh a knot bole.
Our line of Shirt Waists at 50c to $2.00 is ouc df the strong Hues wc offer just
now. You are doubtless in need of a Shirt Waist. Wc can please you for less mon
ey than anybody. Arthurian Fancies, Mercerized Fancies, Dimities, Lawns, Per
cales and Silks. .
In our lines of Rchdy-iuadc Suits for Gents, wc show some of the handsomest
patterns the season has produced and at prices which will commend themselves to
you. We arc doing a rattling business in Made-to-Ordcr Clothing. Get iu line
boys, you went go wrong if you place your order with us.
That's what there is in "Hildebrand's Foot Form Shoes," they arc made right,
of the best material obtainable at Bopular P rices. Thev arc iust what wc kav thev
Scores of people are wearing Hildebiand's Foot Form Shoes.
qu I rrel Gopher Poison, j
Squirrel and
Gopher Poison
(In-parvl hi nt)
T!io k'(it au.l li. npt Remedy
1 yet flincovr red fir the Umtnic
(ton il tl-e orchanl and
raui li p'.'iln.
on Tin:
hp-rdy nii't Kll.itiiiil lti He
lton nl
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists,
Rose Festival .
The V. P. tf. C. E. of the Christian
church have decided to hold the "Bose
Festival" In the Opera Houee, on Thure
day evecioK, Slay 10, as it is expected
that the rones will hi in full t)looiu hy
that tinoe. An excellent program is I'O-
J ion prepared, ice-cream and cake, and
coffee and sand wichee will be served, and
a very enjoyable evening is promised to
all who attend.
aii roee cuiiurims are lnviteu to co
operate with tl e committee, to secure as
Urge a display a possible. Buitahle
prizetf will he awarded for the h"n' ex
hibits. THk eociety ie ui bo uum .iji .i for
iie ff rts in thi-i direction. il ould,
and no doubt will receive t"i- p .t.unaKH
of :i those who denire to ae our toa ri
made more beautiful. Eugoiie, Stirn
aiid other of the valley towns are nmk
iou arraoKemetitf for floral shows, with
a view to encouriginu the planting and
cultivation of more flower garden, and
we believe Hoaeburg can make as
lines and as beautiful a display cf roe a
as any town, of the aaaoa population In
the stats. 1
2 Mi R.R.
"Snlc Line ol the World"
The Favorite Tranhcoiitinrmtal Kon'.o
between tli. NorthweHt nod all
I'oinls Kaet.
Clioico of Two KouteH
Throniih the Faiooue
Rocky Mountain Scenery
And Four Louies East
of Pueblo and Denver.
All Paeaenifers granted a day etop-over
in tbe Mormon Capital or anywhere be
tween Oudnn end Denver. Personally
conducted Tourist Excursions three days
a week to
Omaha, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago
and the East.
For Tickets and any Information Re
garding Kates, Routes, etc., or for De
scriptive Advertising Matter, call on
Agents ot Uregou Kail way dc Navigation
Co., Orejion Hhort Line or (Southern
Pacific Companies.
General Pass. & Ticket Agent,
Notice for Publication.
Unltcil KlaN-ii l.atiil Wtv.
Kom-hurK, Uri'inm, April 1'.', 1'JCO.
N'nllrc U liei l.y (tl vi ii tlot In con.iiliauuc
tvilh the provInui "I li - act of t ontine, ol
Jiinr ., t-iitltli'4 ' AO act lor i lie tale ol inn-
U;r!u.lln n Mutr. ( (annum, urtxuii,
Nt-vwla anil Vi l)lgloii Ti-rriUiry,"
Of H- ultli-, Cininty ol Klutf. htaluof tilUKUn
htm lliin day lilil in l omi'v lis awiirii tiiaic-int-Mt
No. WJ, fin tli pun lin-t of the NW4 of
HiK'tlou No. a. In Towimlilp No. 21 M., Kanau No.
1 h and Mill ollur pnioi lomuiw mat u.i; iiiuij
nouKht l niiin: valuallc fr ll liuibrr or ktouu
lliau lor arii'uniirai 1,11 ri"-- wul1 i-.taousu
liU claim to aalil Unit U lorn liiu kvaU'i r and
k.-c'lviT of lliln olllre at KowliurK, Orvuon,
on Mon-lay Iht- VMb ilay of Juno. VMn. lit
nanifn a wiim-ati : innin ,-. ,.iiiiiiu:i, 01
BialUf, WaablOKlon, K. I.uuilgrtll, Kiid
MollliK, M. reusriuiii, 01 m ri-m, nnuini.
Anraud all Mraona claiming ailviTil
Ibe aoovc-rleatrlbed land aru rwiielnl to file
Ibrlr claim In till, office on or U. lore aald 2Mb
dar of J one, I'M).
' f T lllllVlVil
y ,r ,c...
- v'
Why Hplit Lairs on a fow cents in ince-look to qqality. Htiidelmk
ILe jiroofs uro all around
er WaprotiH and Jtupgiew are the best
tueru at
Churchill & Woolley.
Huest Candies and a complete line of Bottle Goods of
all kinds. .
Our Stock of COFFEES, and
Are always fresh, as we are constantly getting in new
goods. Remember we can save you money.
Sheridan Mock.
P. Benedick
Any Job Work done at
UndertaP end EmbdlmeP, $