The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 07, 1900, Image 5

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Mrs. J. A. Mc Hon gul I In quit urtioiia
'y ill nt her lioino In tliU fcily.
T,i nuikn )ur wife lovo you -liny a
Kudrifl hii,rcy if S. K. fyk: a.
Tho Mcrro Uoauti r br.iUu r KatnL
lor Meyilcj in net an exinrltiutit.
l'or llrst cIiihr il.tntiHUv ij'i to Dr.
Littln of Oakl.un!.
Mrs. VV. J. lirnml is slowly recovering
from a cevero a'tsck of the la grippe.
AdvortlHlnu Is a spring tonic for Imsl
ui'fS. Try an id In the Nemt-vekly
"l,ave your haiipy home" and
onjijy a trip In a IUi ;no hujrgy pur
chased of H. IC. Fyltei.
Mrs. Win. Iyer of Sin I'ranrisco, la
visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
I'lirkur, la lvlpnbofjr.
Mine Molly Juno loft on Thursday
night,' ovurluud to Visit with her lister
Mrn. Allison, of I'ortldnd.
If you want amjtiirrM poison that will
kill lolh coming and Kolntf, call on A
'. Marstsrs & Co , lor it.
Leo London, sod ol V, C. Loudon, bat'
iho misfortune to run a nail in his foot,
lest ok, and as a result is quite
li, S. Shipley, the Josephine county
miner and politician, visited tbt city
Saturday retarnlnK on the overland this
MiMPnloeeie f . Htiaiubrook went to
lier home at (Jrurxi'ia Ferry Friday
iiiornlntr, wlog to the eevero illness of
hor muthfr.
Thfe Kpworth Laue annlrerssry will
I rslobratwi at thn M. K. church, next
Sunday evening. Krsryhody cordially
invited to attend.
Ira l'lllcington, the blacksmith, is
carrying bis urm In a tling this week, as
his hand was badly bruised by the hand
ling of a wild hore.
Subscribe for thu IVunukiiak. Six
teen pafs every wk for only f 2 per
annum. Many tsw natn?s are being sd-!
tied to our list dsily. !
At Monis, hanker (?) of Sumpter,
arrived in this ciiy Friday. A I'ttis
dkalkk reporter tried to see hliu but be
refused lo bo Interviewed.
"Farmer" Frank Calkins Iru par
chased a 300-pooud U. A. creamer sep
arator of Churchill it Woolley. The ma
chin was on exhibition at their store
Uort lirown and Stonewall Hutberlin
of Oakland, were in Uosebnrg Friday.
Burt is walking with a stiff knee, the re
ault of .having n horso fall with hlru a
short lirr.e ago.
Dr. J. (J. Goble, the cp'.lcinn, will be
at the Medalled House in Uosebnrg on
Monday, April 30th. At Oakland on
Friday acid Saturday, Mar 4th and 5tb,
at the Thomas Hotel,
T. i. Kutb and I). Lynea 'were at the
t'ouuty-Siint Monday. The lormerisen
g-U I in mining near Tolo and denius
that he will engage in the newspaper
bitsinnss again, Ashland Tidings.
ien. W. II. Jlyars arrived from Rose
burg Sunday, and left lor the mountains
yesterday, with a party cf six or eight
helpers, to complete the survey of Tp.
S3, S. H. 14, W.-Port Orford Tribune.
J. W. Cook, the proprietor of the Mu
sick ruin in Bohemia, accompanied by
his wife, and Nat Martin of Cottage
Grove were in Uoeeburg Friday
on business before the United Slatee
Land olflce.
Mrs. Wo, Cuchaiu:, of Corvallis,
wife of the .county clerk of 1'enton
county, visiied Mia Dora Wilkins, of
tliis city Saturday, and went south on
tho local that evening to visit with her
sister In Ashland.
The Hpworth Ieagu social announced
Sunday evening to bo given at the M. H.
church, will bo held at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. Geo. II. Arnold, next Friday
evening. All members of the League
and their friends are invited.
Tbe Native Bona of Dutteville have
built genuine log cabin for alodgeroom,
tolls the Lebanon Express-Advance. It
was dedicated Friday with a number of
the grand officers la attendance. Butte
vllle also boasts of the oldest native son
In the state, be being 82 years or ago.
M. McCoy received Haturday a pair ol
thoroughbred Belgian haren from the
Golden West Belgian Hare Co., of Los
Angeles, Cal. This la the first pair of
bares that have been imported to this
town, and now we expect aoon to be fat
ing hare in place of chicken or turkey.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kicks of Junc
tion City, who have bn visiting rela
tives in tbeclty, returned home Saturday
morning. They were accompanied by
Mre. Protiman, who will reside with
tbein for some time with the hopes that
the change of climate may Improve her
Hide a Uainblrr.
IIochu Foil It kmt. Fivu-ro.jirt,
furniphrid, ,for rent. Apply to J). H.
Sen oar window illiiplity for 2 values
in ladies' Oxford tis nt only f 1.50.
Noveliy S ore.
Marriage is not n failure whtn you ride
In lUclne buggies and road wagons
bjught of 8. K.Sykes.
Mens' cork ventilated huts at tuo Nov
elty Store are Just the thing for coining
warm woather.
Howard Calkins loft for Isadora on
this morning's local and will return
horseback tomorrow.
1.25 buys a good pair of heavy shoes
at the Novelty Store or better ones for
1.50, 1.70, 2, etc.
Cam Cox returned from Dillard this
morning. M r. fJox will go to Kumpte
about the 15th of this month.
Bargains in Q' Cat'i cabinets
Factory price 15 each. Price this week
while they last 'l each, at Rapp'a Drug
Tbe Novelty Store ad in which a fine
new line of dress goods, millinery, cloth
ing are made a specialty, came In too late
for this ivsoe.
E. DuQas. M. D member Board of
Peuaion Examiners. Office, Marstere
building residing corner Donglaa and
Jack son street.
For job printing neatly and promptly
executed at reasonable prices, patronize
the Hosburg Book and Job Oflice. Work
osually turned out the same day order is
received. If Altar E. Loviu., Manager.
Next Suuday evening at tho M. E.
church will he held the anniversary ol
the Epworth League. A special and
interesting program is being prepared for
tbe occasion. Everybody cordially In
vited to attend. ,
A letter containing an ad from Dr.
Darrin arrivnd to latu. for this issue,
wberein be states that he haa been pre
vailed on to visit Olandile before return
log to KoHtthurg. He will be at Hotel
Olendale from May 7 to May 25, 1000.
Virginia democrats have inaugurated a
movement for holding a constitutional
convention the main object of which is to
diafranchsre the negroes. Here is anoth
er loutanue of where Mr. Bryan's party
believes the National constitution should
follow the flag abroad but not at home
If there is any truth in the purpose of
the Boers to migrate to America, it will
be a hard jolt for the antis, Is it poeai
ble the burghers are ignorant what a
bloodthirsty crowd of conquerors and ty
rants we are in this conntry? Atkinson
and Window have been neglecting 'their
Our Exchanges have already begun to
advocate the usual Fourth of Joly cele
brations at their reseclivo townr.
What is Roeebnrg going lo do about ai
propriato observances of Independence
day? A great success was made of tbe
celebration Inst year, can it not be re
peated ?
L't-t-snator Charles Cogswell, formerly
of Lakovisw and now of Portland, was
here last week on his way to Lakeview to
take charge of the baok at that place
during the absence ot its proprietor, IT.
Daly, while caovassiug the district for
election as congressman on the fusion
ticket. Klamath Republican.
Thomas Uuthrie'a large barn on his
place at Winchester, was burned to tbe
grouud Friday night, ut 11 o'clock.
With it was burned IWO Ions of hay, 200
bushels of grain, two carts, one hay rake,
a seeder, a chopper and a huree power.
The origin of the lire a unknown. The
barn was insured for 00, by Agent V.
C. Loudon, of this city, in the London &
Lancashire Co.
We are Indebted to W. B. Clarke of
Millwood, for the following news item:
"Saturday morning altont S o'clock Mr,
Samuel Heboid, who was employed in
Clarke fc IBaker'e mill as oll boarer, let
hit right arm come in contact with (one
of the large sawscutting a fearful gash in
the muscle of his arm between tbe hand
and tbejolbow. No bones were broken
and at present Mr. H. is rrating quite
easy, It will be some time before Hr
bord will be able to work again.",
Prof. Win. McOneen, principal of tbe
Kiddle public school, was a Koswburg
visitor Saturday and favored the Plain
niui.KK with a pleasant call. He reports
tho Kiddie school In a very flourishing
eon Jit Ion, there being 71) pupils enrolled
and' an average attendance of over (!t).
We have been trmiul!;' acquainted
with Prof. McQueen for mitny yeara and
know him to be one of the uioai thor
ough, competeut and successful young
educators In the country, and withal a
gentleman, in every sense ot.tho word,
tilt hwiBS is near Cottage drove.
Otto. II. Wixs?n. of Brockway, made
this ol.'ire a pUtnnant call today.
Mrr. Frank Andnrpon left on this
luortiiug'u 'oval lo vlrit with her mother,
Mrs. Bob Garrison, cf Portland.
NorriD t K,j?'h b!g trailed dog and
pony hhow is tlm attraction in Koscburg
today. Tho street parade at 11 :.'30 a.m.,
was very creditable.
A special feature of llo rose festival
Thursday evening, will bo tho musical
program by the best talent of tho city.
Program will appear later.
II. G. Householder will open an ica
crxam and soda water atand in the room
mads vacant for him by tbe removal of
tbe Roseburg t'ook & Job Office to the
oflice of the We wieh
him success.
Thos. Dunseath aod V. E. Wilson of
Galesville, in ado the I'LAi.vnKAi.KR a
pleasant call Monday while in town
looking after business matters. We
found them brth genial gentlemen and
they will hereafter read the I'
Parties residing at Galesvillo who are
In town today, after having heard the
snouting of the fusion candidates at that
place last week, state that if Roaoburg
cannot produce bette" speakers for the
fusion cauee than the candidates in ques
tion, little good will be accomplished by
their canvas of the county. Mr. Gs.ley
la reported as taking np all the time al
lotted him in explaining why he did not
pay that 500 of his salary back into the
county treasury as be promised to do.
Elkton Notes.
Mrs. R. Haney has gone to Gardiner
to visit . her daughter Mrs. Nettie
The people of Elkton and vicinity
were made glad last week, by the genial
face of our friend, Mr. .Stratford.
Wm. Roberts cf the Commercial Hotel,
drove the stage for J. A. Culy, last
Mrs. Coborn, who had a display of
millinery goods at tbia place, returned to
Drain, Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm. Bell, who has reeti viabiog
in Roseburg for pome tim, has returned
to her Lome.
Some young ladies of our town have
been soliciting funds for the itarving
people of India. Let as (hope tuat every
villa .a in the U. S. may do their beet to
help the needy ones.
J. M. Rjbinsnn, who ba been asess
Ing In the Scottabirg vicinity, baa re
turned home.
Elkton will soon boast of a mill, as
some timbers have been brought and the
work will soon begin.
Mrs. Gray of Gardiner, passed through
last week with the infant child of Mr.
Chandler, which she id taking to its
Mr. Jewell, of Gardiner, who lias been
in California for Hie part two months,
returned last week.
Oscar Hinsdale, of Garainer, was
called to San Francisco, last weok, on
account of tbe death of his nncle.
J. M. Stark, of Cottage Grove, spent a
few days in our midst, last week.
At Smith brought a laid of passengers
qp from Scottaburg one day lam week.
The roadu aro being workod andmuch
improved, the stage wilt now be able to
travel much faster than lc(ore.
Ewing Powel was in town, last
Mr. Ilamptou aud wife, who have
ben for several jears in Washington,
have returned to this place, and will take
charge of the- Buckley farm.
To the Public.
Believing we can do Itetter by our pa
trons and ourselves by selling strictly for
cash, we have decided to keep no books
from May 1, BlOO. Hoping this may suit
the convenience of tboee who wish to
deal with us, also at all times soliciting a
fair share of patronage we are
Reapecifully yours,
(m70 Gauuis Bitot.
Letter List ,
ltsmaloing uncalled for at the Rose
burg poalofUce.
Andrus, Mrs, Orphelia
Fisher, Wm. L.
Bowman, D. J.
Carter, Amon
Dow, Robert
Jones, Will
MeOMUu, Lewis
Roth, lbert
Wilcox, Mrs Mary
Kshoiu, Mrs. Lilbiti WaUcriueir, Joseph
Persons calling fur tbttee lottera will
please state tbe date ot which they were
advertised, Hay 7, 1900.
The letter will be charged fur at the
rata of ons cent aach.
Wfi.l.l'AA-rica, P. .Nf.
Asa Perfect, Durable, Easj'-run
ning Roadster the
is the leader that always leads.
The High Grade Clipper Chainless
-the wheel that made the chainless
a success. Price $60.
A full line of Bicycle Sundries.
New wheels on installment plan.
Colombia Chainless X) and $75. Columbia Chain Wheels $0 an 1
Hartford Chain Wheels $30 and 35. Coaster and Drake ou any wheel Sm
extra. Pennants $20 and $23. Stormer $30 and $35.
m C. I. K STORE. I
New Goods Constantly Arriving, tilep in. Glad to show theui
to yon.
Just received onr spring line of
Men's and Boys' Suits.
A splendid line, it'll do yon good to see them, whether you
want to pnrchaHo or not. They were made by Friend Bros. A. Co..
of Milwaukee, Wis., and are called the "Perfection Clothing" they
fit as if yonr tailor had made them for yon.
Oar stock of .Spring Shapes in Men's Huts is now complete.
We are agents for tbe celebrated "GORDON HATV'GTLiey come in
all Shapes and Colors and aro worth $3.00.
Our f.tock of
Men's furnishing Goods
Was never letter or cheaper. In fact every department of onr
business is now ;"n perfect shape. We carry everything in heDry
Goods, Fancy Goods Notions and Gents' Furnishing JGood Lines,
also Boota, Shoes, Hats, and Caps.
Our business is growing. Kvery month it is larger, aud why?
Because we give good Goods and Honest Values. No misrepresen
tation. Everything as represented or money back.
Phone Main 185.