The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 07, 1900, Image 3

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    Badly Hurt,
New Spring Goods
Y The Mild Winter lias brought forth an Karly Spring and
arc now prepared to show you an elegant line of
in Grey, Castor, Mode and the New Foule Plaids,
have a very swell line of Silks, Mouscilline De
Come in and look tbem over.
have enlarged
services of an
Our Millinery Department
Will be quite a treat this Season as
this Department and have secured
Up-to-Date Milllincr direct from the city.
In Gent's Furnishings
Wc still continue to lead and have received all the striking
Novelties direct from the Manufacturer.
I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor.
A careful analysis of our
Drugs and Chemicals
Will prove them to be of
Full Standard
Strength and Purity.
Our Stock is unexcelled in Quality and
Medicines arc absolutely reliable.
The Byron Horse.
Ttid Ilvrcii !ior?t- now owned by J. H
Dix m will mke lh seiaoti at Wilbn
Vedne:d;iv ami ThiiiH.l of each trt
At li'tceli'iri: Fridav ;:d Saturday and
t tie remainder the time at 'til home
of 1i' owner on the North Linpcjtia.
terms ri-ssonahle.
our ,
i Purity
1 Accuracy
iwunriod Day uu.l Night Jl UJI&l.
Snow. Flnkiv.
. v. . . . ..
.A.i i ; W' v- Wi .' .. n.-- -I
xJ Wfi, v ,. ...--j
I 19 '4)i.v,.,v..,j,...f; -.
k .17 - . '
Hi B
) Vr' ' t '. " V," '" f-"'"-1 J,.i"ij
The Best
The Cheapest
The Best
The Cheapest
Cleveland Imperial.
These wheels are better than
nvrr while the nricc has not advanced. Come and see.
All goods fully guaranteed and sold on the installment
plan. Hand Instruments, Guitars, Baujos, Mandolius,
Violins. Accordions, Autoharps. In fact almost auything
in the musical line can be found at
Stray Horse.
)m buv horee, lout 4 vears old.
branded "II" on right clioiilder, weight
about !K)0 or lOtX) potindn. TakPU up the
1th of March, at my piano in (Jurden
Valley, 2'..' tniles wcit of ilbur.
a::'jp . LaHait, Jr.
Fifty Bood tiralrmen, wages $2 ier
dav. Fifty general laborer?, wages tl.oO
per day.
Comatock, Oregon.
We wili Bend you the semi-weekly
l'LAiNKLALEit and the Oregon Poultry
Journal, the best poultry journal in the
Northwest, both for f 1.75.
Roseburg Bakery
Were yon ever in a baker
shor? You would see the
difference m cleanliness and
voti would understand tne
purity of our bread.
I can't take plain cod-liver
oil. Doctor says, try it He
miiht as well tell me to melt
lard or butter and try to take
mem. 11 is 100 ncn nu
will upset the stomach. But
you can take milk or cream, 5
so you can taKe
Scott's Emulsion
It is like cream i but will
feed and nourish when cream
will not. Babies and chil
dren will thrive and growd
fat on it when their ordinary J
iooa noes not nuuru ukih. a
Persons have been Known to gain e
a pound a day when taking an
ounce of Scott's Emublon. It gets
the digestive machinery in working
order so that tne ordinary rooa a
properly digested and assimilated.
SCOTT BOWNB, ChMUu, hrm Yoift.
TIih new K. t.f 1'. bnd Is proKrecioi
Orexon Btrawbetnes are in the market
frfiiu KosbtirK. Portland Dispatch.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lillin(fS have re
tnniMl from their vieit to Kan Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ulackwell left Jat
nrday raornina for CottagH (irove to reside.
C. E. iiasaid, a prominent merchant
of Drain, was a business visitor, in Rose-
burg Thursday.
Miss Millie Heflfner, who has been at
tending the convent at Jacksonville, has
returned home.
Mrs. J. L. Scott of P.iddle, came down
on Saturday's local for a brief visit witb
Irleuds in this city. ,
MUs Lule Sa-ry left on Saturday
morniog's local for a month's visit with
friends in Ilarrisburg.
Miss Mollie Livingston left on Satur
day morning's local to vieit in Albany
for an indefinite perioo.
Mrs. A. Parks of this city, left on Sat
urday's local for a month's vieit witb
fiienda in Albany and Portland.
Location notices of both placer and
jode claims and all other kinds of blankB
ior sale at the Plain-dealer office.
J.T. Gear, of Puyallop, Wash., who
recent v visited Koseburz. will opeu a
bank st Coquille. City at an early
E. T. Long and wif r turned cri Fri
day evening's local from 11 brief visit
with Mr. Long's parent at Cottage
Dr. Twitcbell hasi ist returned from
Doe iretk where he wn9 ciiled proles
sioiiilly last wek. Several of the bnys
in the wooif rump are fiick, we learn.
CIibk. Cho and wife of AVoodburn
wore visiting in the city Friday. Mr
Caso was at or.e time in the ftu ploy of
the S. P. Co. aa engineer on thisdivieion.
Jas. A. J. Yckuru came down from the
Cracker Jack mine in Cow Creek canyon
Saturday and made ns a pleasant rail.
lie reports operations about over for the
eeaeon in this mine.
A special from Red Bluff, Cal., says
the north peak of Moun-t Laesen is
thought to b in a state of activity.
Rumbling noisvs and a heavy column of
gray Bmoke com from the mountain.
Ciiue. Cbitwood of the?IIaaiilton Dru
Co., has returned from his trip to Klam
ath county. Charles reports businees
good in that section of the country
Miss Cbitwood is visiting with friends in
Mr. Good has assumed charge of the
Hotel Josephine, J.O. Booth and family
moving to the Western hotel. Mr. Good
was at one time-proprietor of the Per
kins hotel in Portland and is said to be a
thorough hotel man.--Observer.
Tames Rintoul, jr., of Portland, was in
Oregon City Tuesday, visiting his par
ents. He is now very busy during his
spare time as a member of the eeuior
contest rlaes in the Portland Rowing
Club. Oregon City Courier-Herald.
are Hold ou a positive guarantee. Cures
heart burn, raiding of the food, distress
after eating or any form of dyspepsia
One little tablet gives immediate relief
25 etc. and 50 cts. For sale at M
Rapp's drug store.
sick headache, indigeeicn and conei pa-
Biou. A delfghful herb drink. Re
moves all eruptions of the skin, produc
ing a perfect complesion, or money re'
funded. 25cts. and 50 cts. M. F. Rapp,
Di. A. Sharpies, the well known fruit
man of Pleasant Hill, Lane county, says
he will have a half a crop of prunes, and
ays that smudge fireslfniade this posel
ble. If he had knowu how to have ban
died them he would have had a full
crop. Eugene Guard.
Oregon farmers and orchardists f l.onld
DUt out more winter apple trees. The
apple is the standard fruit for tbe Web
foot state. It has the world for a market
either in its green state or dried. It is
not as liable to injury from lata
rains in the spring or early showers in
tbo fall as other fruits. Set out more
winter apple trees.
Miss Laura Gardiner, wbo lives on the
Umpqua, was thrown from a borso on
her way home from school last Friday,
and severely hurt. The young lady is
said to be mentally deranged from tbe
shock of the fall. She is the daughter of
Thos. Gardiner, who is well known ia
this city. Cottage Grove Leader.
California Seeds Given Away.
Until Auguht 1, 1000, anyone sending
name and fall address, with 10 cents in
stamps to defray postage, packing, etc..
will receive Free a package containing a
choice selection of first class flower or
vegetable seed. All ere of the finest
California variety, grown at this place
All we ask of you is that wben they are
grown and matured, you will tell yonr
neighbors or friends that the seeds came
from ns. State which you prefer, flower
or vegetable seeds.
Raymond & Rorebts Sued Co.,
a2Gt4 Box 28C, Sana Paula, Cal.
A Glimpse of Tangent.
The editor and family t. tried one dy
at Tangent bc.'cre comics home, and
soon discovered (hat lht people of that
thriving little town vr inteiested in
Oakland and its inha'i .cts. We ma1
U. W. Settlcmire, the -. -teran nursery
man ho has Po!f m. v fruit trees In
Douglas county. He
ness'and hopes tn f
from here. Prof. W .
siding in Tange.'-t ar '
u ceighbori:-,: di-
hrotlierj 6'i.d reai
and family. J. E. .!
to tho M. E. chur'
meets in Roseburg u
still in the busi-
re more orders
v. jIcGhee is re
eaching school in
t. The Jenks
o Rev. Thomas
ia is lay delegate
onference which
:ast of this month.
He will perhaps attend and stop at Oak
land before returning home. Mrs. L. J.
Houcfc, mother of Dr. Geo. E.
Houck of Roeeburz, is managing the old
farm and proves tr be & better financier
than many of the sterner hex. Like
mobt old Oregoniaus she woald be nn
hoppy if not jconEtantly employed. Al
fred Blavins, an old friend of Dave
Looney, has au eye on Douglas county,
and may yet invest in Oakland realty.
At Tangent we uit D. L. Curl, a relative
of Mrs. S. J. Jones. In fai t we met sev
eral wbo have passed through Oakland,
and all speak well of the town cud seem
interested in its welfare. Oakland Owl.
W. R. C. Entertains.
JONES-HARMON At tbe resilience of
the brides parents, in this city, May 2,
1900. J. O. Jones 'andMiss Alice
Harmon. Rev, C. W. Hayes officiat
ing. G RIM HS-TIIORNTON At the residence
of the bride parents in this city, Wed
nesday, May 2, l'JOO, Claud Grimes
and Miss Allie Thornton, Rev. C. W.
Hayes, officiating. Grsnti Pass Ob-aivf
Reno Corps Js'c. 10, W. R. C, royally
entertained the old veterans of tbe Civil
war and their younger comrades, the
veterans of tbe Spanish-American wcr in
tbe Native Son's hall last Friday even
ing. A fine program waa excellently
rendered, including addresses by UuW
rades McOov. Judge G. W. Riddle, J.
W. Wright, Piof. Traver, Lieut. F. W.
llijnes and F. S. Godfrey. Every nam-
hoi- mi thn nnii'rriin vvha m i'pmW TV.t.r!r.?
is m, especially, '.be recitation oi iui9a
Jessie' F'look, "United at Last." "Tte
Faded Coat of Blue," sung by Mr. aud
Mrs. S. C. Flint, was highly appreciated
as was also the piano duott by Misses
Helen Willis and Roso Bitzer.
The Corps preset ted Mrs. H. C. Stan
ton with a handsome rocking chair,
showing their appreciation of her faith
ful Eervice as secretary for a period cov
ering tbo past ten years.
Immediately after the program the or
der to "fall in" was given and the entire
batallion" marched into the banquet
room where uu excellent luuca was
waiting. No one was slighted iu ths
least, as tbe ladies ehowed themselves to
be past masters of the art oi entertaining
and it would have given a commieary
officer the "blues" to see the way the
good things disappeared. Mrs. Boyd
was highly complimented on the excel
lence of her coffee, which was simply d
licious. Games and conversation were
indulged in ufitr lunch and to say tbat
every one enjoyed themselves is nunecet
sary. We tiopo for a repetition of tbe
same many times.
Following is the program :
Chorus, America.
Address by the President, Mrs Mc
Clallen. Sonif, America, Pride of tho World,
Lily nud Flossie KiJd.
Addiest) by the commander of the
Post, Mr. Howell.
Soug. Ttie Fadt-.l Coat of Blue, Mr.
and Mrs. S. C. Flint.
Recitation, United at List, Jessie
Vocal duott, Pictures iu the Clouds,
Ellen Flook and Edith Fetteison.
Tiano duett, Roee Bitzer aud Helen
Recitation, Hurrah for the Anericao
i Bolo, Love's Old 8eet Song, Edith,