The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 03, 1900, Image 5

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Ice cream signs ro attain in evidence.
Many strange faces are seen on our
Kirnwbcrr In and cliorriv are in the
nierket. y
HememUr t tit dateMa? lO.itose
Festival Dpnra House.
Henry Conn end wife made lliis ollice
pleasant null, Wednesday.
Ice cream and cakeMusical Program
1 tore Festival, May lOlh.
The Morrow Coattt r brake on K a Hit
ler bicycle le not an experiment.
For II rut clans dentistry gi to l)r.
Little of Oakland.
Advertising I a spring Umiu (or busi
ness. Try an ad In the 8ernlWeekly
See our window display for 2 valaea
in ladies' Oxford ties at only $1.50.
Novelty S'ore.
J. F. Darker & Cj. have told a two
nealed hack and a bogKV to Darker A
O'Neal the Iivttrymen.
If you want a squirrel poison I hat will
kill both cotninii and ifoiriif, oil onA
I'. Marstora & Co., tor it.
Mr. and Mrt. Fred Hatfield and baby
were in town Wednesday, trading, and
wro KAtiat of Mr. W, C. Conner.
A bed of rosea? io to tb? Opera
Howe May lOib, eojoy some good music'
est icecream and cake, and admire the
beautiful rofoa.
k.-....... 1 1... i.. i. ....... ... .. l::,.
(fen panes every week for only $2 per
annum. Many new name are being ad
dud to our lit daily.
Mrt. M. Stewart of San Francisco,"
will arrive on tonight's overland fjr a
eliort visit with tier mother, Mrs. Jat.
Wright of this city.
Hun. K. K Hierldati held lurky No.
lit which drw t'.io handsome oil paint
Jtig of Mt. Hood, wblc'i wet ralltsd off
for the benefit of the C.nh ilio church.
Kepnbtican headquarters have been
opent-d in t!ir olllcsof lion. A. M. Cra
ford, rhairuiiu of the county central
committee,, ovir T. K. Kichardson'a
aausic store.
Dr. J.(i. t inblu, the cp'iciao, will be
el the McClalluu II ou do in iCosehurg or)
Monday, April 30th. At Oaklinl on
Friday and Saturday, May 4th and 6th,
at the Hotel.
Luther Mooie, ex-sta ioa g"ut id
Ilotebtiri;, now stationed at Junction
City, came up on Tuesday 'e IucmI from
that place to ueniflt 1'rof. Appclhoff's or
chestra play fur the 15. of K. T. ball.
1-ieher iV. Uelloe of the C. I. K. Btore,
are to ho complimented upon the die
piny in their window thia week, coiielbt
icg of variom culored ribboue wound in
may pole (aahiuu. All of our murcl.anta
Lave begun to imke a speciality of win
dow dresjiug.
A. K. NichoN, luu'.h Douglas couuty'a
popular republican candidate for county
commiarioner, ia in town today shaking
' bauds with bia many friends. "Chub"
oau ta i of about as many good sub
stantial friends aa any man In the county
and they will aeo to it that a good round
majority n rolled up for him, Juno 4,
which wlli "itly i" a proper recognition
.ftrKouth luglae mnty.
N. A. Richards of t'ie Salt cruk auc
tion crew, watt in towu today and made
oe a pleasant businc call. He Bay the
tuaionihts won't be in it In hie "section"
(f the lo inty. He also report lively
t'mm in the Cow Crek canyon, where
the H. 1. Co. are laying very Itpuvy new
etecl rails, aud much railroud wood ia
tmg cut.
T.i oiuke your wife lovo you Pjy a
itacino buggy id K. Hykes.
Joliu Diahop, a prominent and proa
perona farmer residing butween Wil our
and Oakland, waa in town today ac
coiupaoied by bia wife. Mr. Uiahop
made ua a ploaafnt call and carried off
with bim a receipt (or the Flaindkalkr
oneyesr in advance, l'roeperity Lit
ovidently Hi ruck bia section of the county
aa we learn be also carried home a tax
receipt and ia juit completing a Urge new
turn on bio farm.
"Leave your baopy horaa" and
enjoy a trip In a Kacine bugy pnr
chased of H. K. Kyker,
(Jeo. 8. HolllH, o( Dea Moinas, Ijwa.
who ia making a tour of the Weat.epaul
several daye In Rosehurg tbi week
lieing an old newspaper man and a
practical printer, he soon found bia way
to the P.ArNiikwt.KU ofllue, and we found
bim a very genial and interesting gentle,
laan, Ha ia very favorably impressed
with (Southern Oregcn, having also spent
tome little lima at Medford, visiting
with bit old friend and co-worker, F. W.
Hoarm, foreman oa tbe Jltdford
Hide a Hambler.
Political pot Ih simmering,
(larcicn truck is booming.
Apploj are n dear at oranges.
Candidates are abroad in the land
B. F. Walla of Olalla, ia In the city to
(irain looks fine tbroiwliont the
county. .
Call on Caddie liros. for hny and oats,
at the liualiey burn.
Remember tbe date May 10, Koto
Festival Opera Hoooe.
Ice cream and Musical I'roift am
Hose Festival, May 10.
Hwallows and stroet fakira have put In
tholr appearance on schedule time.
Tbe timber land boom goes on unabat
ed In this county and is extending to
IIol'hi: Fin Kuatr. Five-room cottage,
furnished, for rent. Apply to D. 8.
Number 1375 wina the f 25 caah prize
for April, at Mrs. M. Josepbson'a Cssh
Miss Lutie Sacry will leave on Satur
day morning's local for a month's vibit in
A fine refreshing thunder abower re-
freahed the atmosphere aod vegetstion
last night. i
Marriage is not a failure when you ride
in Kacine buggies and road wagons
bought of 8. K. Sjkes.
Mens' cork ventilated bats at the Nov-
elty Htore are juat the thing for coming
warm weather.
$1.25 buys a good pair of heavy shoos
at the Novelty Store or better ones for
1.50, $1.73, $2. etc.
"Cotton jumps to ten ceufs," aavs tbe
Savannah Tribnne. Thus McKInley
prosperity invades the south.
Isn't it time the women woke up to
the fact thHt their right to the ballot in
Oregon iaio be decided in June?
Itargaina in 2ik-sr Hath cabinets
Factory price i5 each. I'rice tnis week
while th-y laH H eai-b. nt Itapp't Drag
Jack Chapman end ( imily of Wilbur,
who have been visiting iu lliiacity, re-
turi.o l to their buuio on thin morniug's
JC. Du(iu. M. D., inotubcr Hoard of
Peiirion Kxaminerii. Oflicc, Marsters
building roHlditig corner DougUa and
Jackeon atrtft.
A bed of roues? (Jo to the Opera
Il iue May 10, enjoy some good music,
eat ice cr:aru aud cake, and nJiuiro tb
t)faatifiii ro?e3.
Oeo. Haynes, of Portland, brother o
Dr. F. W. llayne. of this city, arrived
on this morning's overlaud, to attend tbe
funeral of Miss Agnea Jones, today.
A v.ite for the republican representa
tive ticket will be a vote iu favor of d!
fct leuiuUtion, tbe preliminary steps in
this direction being taken by tbe last re
publican legislature.
For job printing neatly and promptly
executed at reasonable prices, patronize
the Hoaburg Book and Job Oflke. Work
usually turned out the same day order is
received. Hauhv E. I.ovei.i., Manager.
The Minnesota barbers' commUeion
liw, similar to Oregon's has been dt
dared constitutional, but the unconstila
tionkl defect In both lawa is that tbry
don't probiiiil barbers from talking while
at worr.
Kemember tbe rose featival Thursday
evening, May 10th. liandeouie prizes
will be awarded aa foliowa: First and
second pi Iza lor most hand-xmie ootjuet
of single variety roffls. First and second
prlza for beet mixed boijuut of roeos, not
less five varieties. First p'i.s for most
uni. juts boijuet. First prixe for most
handsomely executed lodge emblem.
No pains will be spared to make tbe ex
hibit first class In every particular, and
better than that of laat year.
Jese L. Dewey of (lendali, came
down on tbe local, this morning.
Mrs. A. H. LsUaut left this city on
this morning' local for Eugene to reside.
Mrs. Harry Plnkston and daughter.
Lura, of Oakland, are in this city,
Kditor H. I). Stratford Is spending a
few days in Portland, looking after busi
ness matters.
Mrs. Milliken and daughter, who
have been In this city in thn interest of
the ladits auxiliary of the V, of II. T.,
left on this mornings local.
I j. A. Sanctuary is always a prize win
ner. J lis latest conquest was for the
handsome kodak view album offered by
the Hamilton Drug Company for the
best kodak picture. Mr. Cbae. Cieven-
gerthe Grants Pass photographer was
the judge.
Barker A O'Neal took possession o' the
Carlon Bros, livery stable May 1st and
are now busy renovating, painting and
making a general cleanup of the premis
es, they have purchased new stock and
seversl new rigs and are more able to ac
comodate the traveling public than eyer
Col. A. M. Baker, of tbe Equitable
Savings and Loan Association, of Port
land, returned to this city from Crents
Pass Wednesday. He reports business
for tbe company good. He and Ray
Carlon left for Oakland thia morning to
try and enlist the citizens of that town
in tiiblr cauee.
Tuesday being the anniversary of both
City Recorder D. 8. West and Mrs. II.
Stan'.oo, Mr. West proposed a sum-
tuous repast iu honor of the occasion at
tbe Kandy Kitchen of which a few
fritnds were invited to partake, which
included Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Staalon,
Mr. and Mrs. V. ti. West. Miss Pearl
Wright and Mr. and Mm.W.C. Con
ner, lo cream acu cake were among
tbe principal delicacies and each cf the
guests united in wishing Mr. West and
Mrs. Kiautoii luany pleasant aod happy
returns of tbe day.
May :ay Ball.
Asa Perfect, Durable, Easjr-run
ning Roadster the
is the leader that always leads.
The High Grade Clipper Chainless
--the wheel that made the chainless
a success. Price $60.
A full line of Bicycle Sundries.
New wheels on installment plan.
The republicans have taken all the
wind out of the lusion sails in Oregon by
passing an enabling act at tbe last aession
of tbe legislature k'v'nR the people a
right to vote on a constitutional amend
ment providing for the initiative and re
ferendum. At that is tbe pet scheme of
the fusionists they will have very little
to fall back on ibis campaign and, judg
ing from present appearances, we lie
litive that the larger part of the opoliHi
party will vote the elraight republican
ticket iu that slate Mount Idaho Mail.
GILLIAM. To the wife o( Creed (Jll
liaa at their farm house la Garden
Bottom, at 0 o'clock Ibis morning, a
7vpeund boy.
Theeievimlli ununal ball of tbe I'.oho
burg lode No. 314 b. of II. T., wai tela
tirattid Uht Tiiriaday May 1U at tbe Opora
bouse in tbi city, i riu bail wwe a fc'ii-
ci'gs both socially and financially. The
hall wut quite tastefully d'.orated with
the railroud colors, bunting, flowers etc.
The orchestra stage wat a perfect biwer
of ferns, calia lilies, flags and rotes: rail
road sigual lanterns we e bung in all
parts of the bouBe as was also the ' em
blem of ttio ordrr. The poet iu the cen
ter of tbe hail wee beautifully draped
with streamers of tbe national colore,
forming a huge May pole.
Promptly at 9:15 o'clock. Pruf. Arpe!-
holl'a unexcelled orchtetra struck the
first chords of tbe grand march and the
fun began. At 12 o'clock tbe happy
dancers suspended thoir pleasurf and
adjourned to Duffy's restaurant fur the
pleature of partaking of one of tbe mott
elegant lunches ever spread in this city;
the tables were loaded with eveiy eatah'o
it-was possible to procure in the irarket.
Immediately after supper dauciug was
again resumed and continued until a late
hour. It is useless to say that tbe ladies
and genllamen of the B. of 11. T. caunot
be excelled as royal entertainers.
Republ can Meetings.
ColptnWa Ciiaiolesd 00 an ! 7o. Columbia Chain Wheels $40 au-1 W0.
Hartford Chain WLeeU 3t) and $35. Coaster arwl Drake oa hdv wheel ?5
restra. LVnaants ?20 and ?25. Stormer Sol) aud io.
The caudidatei upon the republicau
tfeket will address the people of Douglas
county as foliowa:
May 3, Tnuraday, 2 p. in., Higesa school
May 4, Fridat, 7:.'i0 p. m., Coiustock.
" 5, Saturday, 1 p. n., Yoncalla.
" Saturday. 7:30 p. in., Drain.
' 7, Mouday, 7:30 . p. m., Myrtle
May 8, Tuo. Jay 1:30 p. m., tialesville.
" S. Tuesday 7 :30 p. in., Glendale.
" 10, Thursday 1 p. m., Millwood.
' 10 Thureday, 7:3') p. m., Coles
May 11, Friday 1:00 p.m., Cleveland.
" 11, Friday 7:31) p. to., French
May 14, Monday 7:30 p. u., Looking
May 15, Tuesday 1 :30 p. m., Ten Mile.
" 15,' Tuesday 7:30 p. to., Olalla.
" 10, Wednesday 2 p. m., Camat
" 17, Thursday 1 :30 p. m., Brock way.
" 17, Thureday 7:30 p. m., Civil
May 18, Friday 1:30 p. m., Watson
school bouse.
May Id, Friday 7:30 p. in., Blakely
school house.
May 19, Saturday 1:30 p. m. Oak Creek,
school bouse.
May 19, Saturday 7:30 p. ta., Wlllia
tctool boat.
m c. i. k
New Goods Constantly Arriving,
to yon.
Just iwbivrtJ our spring Hue of
Step iu. (Had to show tbeta "J
Men's, and Boys' Suits. T
A splendid line, it'll do yoa H"X1 to se them, whether yon
want to purchase or not. They were made lv Friend LJros. - Co.,
of Milwaukee, Wis., and aro jailed the "Perfection Clothing" Ihey
lit as if your tailor had made them for you.
Our Btock of Spring Shapes m Men's Hats in now complete.
We re agents for the celebrated "GORDON HAT.'VJjThey come in
all Shapes and Colors and are worth $3.0O.
Our stock of
Men's Furnishing Goods
Was never I it.tter or cheaper. Iu fact every department of our
business is now.'n perfect shape. We carry everything iu 'heJDry
Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions itad Gents' Furnishing Good Lines,
also Hoots, Shots, Hate, and Caps.
Oar btifinefis ia growing. Every month it is larger, aud why ?
Uecauae we give good Goods aud Honest Valnes.Nomisrepresen
tatiou. Kverythinjf as reprosented or mouey buck.
Phone Main 185.
1 1