The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 30, 1900, Image 5

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llerasmbor tbs data Mar 10. Rutu
Festival Opera Hons?.
Mrs, Ait Green rtiini lioroe from
OkUmf on Friday 'a local.
Icecream ii ml cake Mtidcal l'roiparn
Koott Festival, May 10th.
Tim Mono CoaiUr brake on Ramb
ler tlevcle la not no rswrlmoni.
Mis Nanolt- Whitsett nturnod Ktiir
'lay Irom a mouth's viit at Kiijtene.
lion. Sol Abraham left on Saturday's
)ul tor a month's visit in California,
For firat clss
Little of Oakland
dentistry g' to Dr.
Conducota Rlew, l'reblcr and Yealch
aro la) inn cff this week doctoring; for tbt
Advertising la a sprlrjit took, for busi
neaa. Try an ad In tna fcernl-Wi-ekly
SVe our window display for (2 valooa
in laditV Oxford ilea at only $1.50,
Novell y hors.
Tlia mau with a fishing rod, can of bait
and a Ionic atrioic of prevarli:atious la now
Sa Irequiirijt sight. (
If yon want a riuirrel poison that will
kill luili comic mid Kolog, call on.V
;. .NUmtera A Co , tor il.
lVuf. Whittlesey of the Kosoburg
Academy, returned on Saturday's local
from a visit In the Willamette Valley.
This office acknowledges a pleasant
rail and kind favora Irom L. I.. Mathewa
a republican war bono of North' Deer
E. P. Tynan and family left Thursday
for liner City to lolt Mra. Tynan's
parent, Dr. and Mr. Jackxon. ( iranta
I'ass Observer.
A brd of roses? (to to tho Opera
Home May lOdi, eojoy some good music'
eat Ice cretm and cake, and admire tbo
leiatiful rosna.
Subscribe for ilia 1i.isik w.i:rt. Six
teen pairs every week for ouly 2 per
. annum. Many new names are being sd
ded to our lint 1ilv.
S. 1. Mont., who was n.tniuated on tbe
fusion ticket for representative for tbe
district composed of Lake, Klamath,
Crook and Waico, tlerlintil tlio honor.
K. A. Keane bss resigned bis position
in the S. 1'. round houo at thia place
and will act, us clerk in Miko DeVaney'e
ii'w confectionary sarlcr, the "Sham
rock." Majir IUstwIok, Ut major of tbe
Third Battalion. Becond Oregon, I'nited
Mates Volunteers, was a passenger on
this morning's local from s'in Francisco
to 1'ortland.
Dr. liob'e, tho optician, will be
atl'.hn Mrt'lallen IIonso in Ilosohurg on
Monday, April .13th. At Oakland on
Friday and Saturday, May -lib and rth,
ut the Thomas Hotel.
Mrs. Miliken of Tacoma, past grand
tnititresibf lb Ladies' Auxiliary of R.
It. T , accompanied by her daughter,
visited Loyalty lodge of this city Friday
and Saturday evening.
Isaac I.aawell, an olj Kiddle friend,
came down on tho morning train and
made ns a pleasant business call. He
says lb prune growers are looking rath
er blue sinco tbe late frosts,
A. C. Cor, better known as "Cam,"
who wat at on.-, ''iie city marshal of
Kosehortf, was Mimic. hands with bis
old (r ends on the n'mets Friday and
Saturday. Mr. Cox now resides at
A g'Sj'. deal of amusement has bten
accorded tbe pedsHtri.ina on .lack
sou street lately bv watching imtue of tbe
boys try (o rldo on an old fashioned high
birycl tel' ning to Kltner Wimherly of
the Racket Mtore.
Hon. a id Mrs. J. II. Uooth lett thia
city Sundiy for Cutiagt drove uud Sag
inaw. Mr. Booth roturned on the even
ing train but Mrs. Dooth will be gone a
(sir days visiting with friends In that suc
tion ol the Willamette valloy.
Uisa Carrie George, tbe 1'oital tele
graph operator, will leave Monday fur a
aauuth'a visit with relatives in Chicago.
Arthur Muboney, brother ol Wallie, the
Western Union mire manipulator, will
bars charge of tbe I'uatal ullicrj during
MIhs George's absence. -Medfurd Mai),
Willis Martin came down frum .Uts.
WsClallen's miue ou Lees creek Friday,
aao will return this morniug. Koy Mc
SXalleu. w.ho bus resigned bis position as
aaasl clerk at the IhCl.illeii Mouse, will
Ma luck aa a iuiir w ill return
I the mine with Mr. Mar'tiu.
It always gives ua pleasure to speak of
. tfuwd article. Uaciua road vagsns au4
aggie aud Uaio. wagons are acknowl
S(d to everybody all that is star to
last lius. They bar tb rsputatiou of
slag tlia best mad. Though Isultsttd
y aany they ar eoallsd by sen, sad
ars'aslJ by i. X, Bykss.
Aide a Ham bier.
Call on Caddis J'.ros.
for hnv and oats'.
at tue usriey r:nrn.
Hemember the dste Msy 10, Kose
Festival 0Hra House.
Icecream aud cke Musical I'rogtam
Hose Festival, May 10.
Judge H.L. J!enson Is visiting with
his brother Frank In this city.
Hoisi; Fok Itr.Nr. Five-room cottage,
furnlsned, for rent. Apply to I). B.
fiovernor Allen has arrived at Kan
Juan, Porto Klco, ami assumed bis offi
cial duties.
The U. of H. T. will give their grand
Mayday ball at the Opera House to
morrow night.
Marriage is not a failure when yon ride
In Uacine buguies and road wairona
b j'Jghtof 8. K. H)kes.
Mens' cork ventilated bats at tbe Nov
elty Store are jost tbe thing for coming
warm weather.
$1.2r)buvaa good pair of heavy shoes
at the Novelty Store or better ones for
1.50, 11.75, 2, etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Ixng left on this
morning's local to visit a few weeks with
Mr. Long's parents at Cottsge Grove.
Miss Leona Lenox of Dilliard, arrived
oo Saturday's local and is visiting with
ber sister, Mrs. L. Koblhagen of this
Bargains in Quaker Bath cabinets
Factory price s5 each. Trice this week
while they last $'t each, at Rapp'a Drug
E. DuGas. M. I)., member Hoard of
Tension Examiners. Office. Maraters
building residing corner Douglas and
Jackson street.
A bud of roses? do to the Opera
House May 10, enjoy some good music,
eat icecream and cake, and admire th
beautiful rotes.
Mr. aud i'.rs. Chas. Olstui and son,
and Miss Wionis I.uelling, left on this
morning's local lor a two month's visit
in L Centre, Wash .
Dr. Chwadle, the dentist, in littlo
brick opposite .Slocum'a hall. ') and
see him when von want good work. His
prices aro reatoiiHb'.e.
Mr. end Mrs. W. F. Ilenjimin re
turned from an extended visit in Cali
fornia (n Suuday night'a overland.
Both are much improved In health.
For job printing neatly and promptly
executed at reasonable prices, patronize
the ito.sburg Book and Job Office. Work
usually turned out the same day order is
received. If mibv E. Lovkm., Manager.
Dr. Goble, the optician, will pay Myr
tle Creek a professional viil Wednesday
and Thursday, May 3rd and -1th. Those
wishing their eyes examined and glasses
fitted will fiod him at tho
"Missouri horses are dying aud tbe
farmers say that it is from eating grast
bopper'a eggs laid in the hay. The next
thing we know, the veteiinsiries will be
operating for graashoppercatia." Klam
a.h Falls F.xpress. .
Reports from South Douglas as well as
otber parts of (he county indicate that
J. L. Dewey, the demo-pop nominee for
sheriff, is not half as popular as be was
two years ago. It hi amazing bow the
popularity and reputation of the Dewey'a
la waning.
A, S. 1'eters, brother of Capt. l'eturs of
Oakland, died at Kellogg Sunday, and
will be buried at that place tomorrow
uuderlbe auspicea of the Oakland lodge
A. O. ('. Yt. Mr. 1'eters mhi a gentle
man of advanced ago und is well known
in this county.
The Arago creamery was burned to ti e
ground l.tat Sunday evening. 1'lie orinin
ot Die fire is unknown. It was fully
Covered by insurance $3000. Tbe
creamery belonged to .1. II. Hcbroeder
and had not beeu lu oicration thia sea
Soii.r-MarshUeld Sun.
Wbil working on the bicycl track at
the Uobu Grove Saturday H. (J. House
holder's horse became frightened aud
ran awn jr. At tbe corner ol Cass and
Jackson eirtet the horse run against Mrs.
ltnnM, m jU ernl Mra. J. (i. Flook, knock
lowlier d1w.ii. Mrs. Host' injuries were
very tdiaht. No futtber damage was
done outside of lreukiiig tbe harness.
The rural pout ottlce is surely doomed.
Tb depsrtuieut intend to discontinue
more than a lliousaiid during the coming
year. Fanners wi.l get their mail de
livered at their bousee, and lb
postal rouie will radiate (rum Itie larner
loaus. If freo rsral ileiivery is to lie
mads a tioaiicial succsns the drpailuieut
Duds it necessary to abolish Iba small
o tikes. Tbe.e ia every iudicatiun Ibal
tbara will be a grai ubauga iu tbacuu
daotUtk postal basica in the best
fW years,
Dr. F. W. Ilaynes Is moving into bis
cottsge which be moved from Terrace
1'ark addition to bis lot on Uone and
Douglas streets.
Lester Wright, tb) popular 8. P.
brakeman, bas purchased a Hartfo.d bl-
cycio oi j.imer wimheriy. I. ester says
tbe bi-ilckle cnts a wide swath in the
field of pleasure.
airs, w. Ii. Gordon, who went to
Healdsburg, California, to attend the
funeral of ber father, Mr. Hendricks,
about tbreo months ago, returned home
yesterdsy morning. Mrs. Gordon also
spent some time visiting ber daughter
Mrs. A. II, Flournoy, in Oakland, Cali
fornia. Laurel Lodge No. 13, A. F. & A. M.
gave a reception to the Masons and their
families and tbe Eastern Star at tbeir
hall last Friday night. Cards, dancing
and otber games were indulged in, an
elegant loncb wai served and a general
good time was had. Prof, and Mrs. Ap-
pelhoff furnished some., very excellent
H. F. Bates Comedy Co. gave two
performances at Armory Opera House
oo Monday and Tuesday evenings, but
on acconr.t of poor houses and previous
bad luck the company has become tern-
temporarily embarrassed. This (Satur
day) evening Company II give them a
benefit, trusting that through it they
may he able to continue on their jour
ney. Mining Journal, Grants Pass.
Rose Festival.
The V. P. S. C E. of tbe Christian
church have decided to hold the "Rose
Festival" in the Opera House, on Thurt-
day evening, May 10, aa it is expected
that '.be rosea will be in full bloom by
that time. An excellent program is be
ing prepared, ice-cream and cake, and
coffee and sandwiches will be served, and
a very enjoyable evening is promised to
sll who attend.
All rose culturists sre invitid to co
operate with tie committee, to secure as
large a display as possible. Suitable will le awarded for tbe best ex
hibits. . This hoi iety is to be comuieude 1 for
its efforts in this direction, and ehould ,
and no doubt will receive the p.itronsue
of all those who desire, to see our town
made more beaulilul. Eugene, Salem
and other of tbe valley towns are mak
ing arrangements for floral shows, with
a viow to eucoursging the planting aud
cultivation ol more flower gardens, and
we "believe ltosebnrg can make as
large and as beautiful a display of roses
assnytoan, of the rame population,
iu tbe state. j
Almost a Fire.
This morning about 10 o'clock. Mr.
Beckley, ol the Beckly & Howard meat
market discovered tbe interior of bis
back room was afire but as tbe Hi rues
had made but very little headway they
wero promptly extinguished. Tbe fire
evidently caught from a lot of paper
which was in tbe wood box behind the
stove, an there was a very hot fire in the
stove. But for tbe timely diecoverv and
prompt action a large conflagration was
Mas It Caught You?
Sinco becoming a victim ot the dread
Stllictton la gripie we quite agree w ith
City Recorder D. 8. West, when he
says: "For tbe onligbtment of tho fel
lows who have thus far escaped this
Ireud malady I will ay that it does tot
always take an enterprising, wide awake
fellow to .:atch lagrippe it's like agraeo
widow who realizes what a good thing
sbe bas lo-t, and ingratiates herself up
on tbe unsuspecting man before be real
izes there's a microbo wilhiu a block of
him. No two people are effected in in
exactly similar way. In the incipient
stage a man will, feci like he'd been
"out" the, night before have a "deep
brown taste" in his mouth aud other
symptott-s kuown to all men except those
who live in teuiperuuce cjinmunities like
this. From this il will tun the gamut
aud the sufferer will Imagine be has the
smallpox, yellow fever, appendicitis,
tape worm. ingr'jinii toe nails or a
mother iu-luw. lis wiil feel line putting
a rtd flannel rag, soaked with keroeene,
about hia neck aud a luueturJ plaster on
bis abdomen ; will lose his appetite and
forttet t'i swear when bis wife tells him
It ouly a cold. He'll lose interest iu tbe
Philippines aud South Africa aud forget
that Congrees is in aeeeiou. He'll be a
dead wan iu hi mind before the first
inning Is over. Ku; he'd gel ovtr it,
and theu for tbe next live jests will lay
very pain and ache that alll iota his auat
oa.y to "that confounded grip I bad la
lUuO." It doesn't come often,' but it's a
"lain" when II bas poiaseaioo of tbla
an lily tsaasBt."
"Asa Perfect, Durable, Easy-running
Roadster the
is the leader that always leads.
The High Grade Clipper Chainless
the wheel that made the chainless
a success. Price
A full line of Bicycle Sundries.
New wheels on installment plan.
Colombia Chainless 00 and $75. Columbia Cbain Whefk 10 an l
Hartford Chain Wheel $30 aaJ ?3.j. Coaster and Brake on any wheel ?5
extra. PennoDts'") and ?25. Storrrer $30 au 1 S35,
m c. I. k.
New Goods Constantly Arriving,
to you.
Just received our spring line 'of
Men's and Boys' Suits.
A cplendid line, it'll do you good to sec thorn, whether you
want to purcbaso or not. They wern mad.i bv l-Yiend Bros. & Co..
of Milwaukee, Wis., and aro jHllod tbo "lVrf.-oti Ckithinn" they
fit as if your tailor had mad them for you.
Our stock of Spring Shape m -MenV is u..w complete.
Wo are agents for the celebrated "(iOBIK)N J I AT." jTh-y come in
all Shapes aud Colors and are worth $3.iH.
Our htock of
Men's furnishing Goods
Was never letter or cheaper. Iu fact ev.-ty department of our
business is now 'u perfect shape.' We curry everything iu 'beftDry
Uoods, Fancy (Jood, Motions and (leu'.s' KuniUhiu ;Uood Line-,
also Boots, Shoes, HaU, aud Capp.
Our business is growing. Kvery mouth it is larger.; t.uj; why?
Because we give good Good aud Honest Vhlue.-i.'ojLuiM-epreKeu-tatiou.
Kverythitig us represented or money buck.
Phoue Main 1S5.
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle iu goud cookiug, is u, kuve goC Groceries, aud to x, xhem jnnupthr
wljen yo order them. Call up Tke No. 1,
for good goods aud
Step in. (ilnd to show them
good service.
C. W. PARKS & 0.