The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 26, 1900, Image 7

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    Notice for Publication.
United Htatc Land OUli'K.
ltoHiiu Ore., April 11. t'.MK.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance
Willi tlio provlaion of tint act of Congrca of
,11111011, niiMca "All act fur tho null of
limber landa In the Ktatca of fill I (om In. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Tnrrlliir? ."
Of Mnntraano. County of f;imliall, Hlale of
Waahlngton haa Ihl day llled in tlua oltli'o hla
worn al.itoimiui No. IUJ. for the purchase of tlio
N'KJiof HiH tlon No. .'12, III Tuwiiahlp No SH H.,
KauguNo. WW.. nil will oiler proof to ho-.r
lhat tli liinil aonght In inoro valuable for It
timber or atone oiaa for agricultural purposes,
mid to establish liln claim to aald IiuhI before
th HUter and Receiver of thiaofllonat lloae
'inc. Oregon, on Wcdnraday the atlth day of
Jiiim, I90. Hi! liampa aa wllnoaacs: Hogor Mc
Neill of Aberdeen, Washington, Amu Camp.,
hall, of Montosano. WnalihiKtiiii. (1. I.. Onllil. i.r
Roaaburg, Orcgoo, W. Thompson, of Camas
v miry, vriwi'ii
Any and nil persona claiming adversely tlin
abov-dacrlla'il Innda aro relocated toiilo thalr
i-tHiuia in mm onice on or before tald JOih day (
.lime, into. '
(alii) ilcglatur.
Notice for Publication.
United Hlates Land nillm,
KoKlirKU, OrcgOII. Anrll 11. 1UNI.
Notice l hereby given thai In compliant
.im fnivinuiii oi inn nci 01 i;ingrca of
una. i, imn, cniiui'ii -aii aei lor me dale of llm-
icr iwm in uio mama or i.a liornln, Oregon,
.rviwjn phi l. HMrniTir rr;ji jcrriuiry.
Of Miintcaailo, cuuuly of Chahalla, State of
Washington, liaathl day llled in thiaoltlc" liln
worn atatiiiiont No Ml, for the purchase of tlio
Hi;4 of H.ftlon No ilJ, In Town. hip No. 2 H.,
liango No. S W and will oft" r proof to ahow
that the land sought i mora valuable for Ita
u inner nrsinno man lor agricultural purpose,
itinj i.iininiiii.ii io ftani iaTui uf'iorc
in iicgisicr aim ueeeiverot tiiia ollliio at Koao-
hunt, Oregon, on Wrdneaday the .tuli day of
iuiw, i, nn name aa wiinrm: Kng-r Mc
Neill, of Aberdeen. Washington, . Thomnsoii.
of Cimaa Valley. Oregon, Charles Iavlit, of
'IIIUKKItOO, "Mil., II. Ullllll, l U(MH)ljlHtt
Oregon. Any and all ieraona claiming adverse-
ly mu atinv-d-erllcd land aro rt-iuiwUsl to
memoir claimant uuaoillco on or before mild
j no uay oi no, j'jou.
(!) J.T. lllllUflKfl.
Notice for Publication.
I'sitii) Rtt:s t.Asn 0 ri ,
Kiwebtirg, Oregon. Kebmsry lii. 1MJ.
Notice la hereby Riven that in compliance
inn him pnivinoua oi mo an oi i;onifrea of
jo nn n, riuitieii -All ait lor tlio anio ol tllil
l.r 1iinU In the matea of CalKornln, Uici;oii
Noxuda ami WanhttiKton Territory:'
MKUIll.N (I, FKi K.
of A'Ii'.rimI. Ciiui'ly of Aalitaml, -Into of Wlik'on
aln, hat Hi l ilnir liledln Ihla olllce hU wurn
klafnnent No. ml, lor the fnrchaao of the NW'i
of 8-Tllon No. I'l, In Tnwiialilp No. 21 H, ltiumtl
No, a W. and will ollurjirmif to uliow llmt tho
land aoiiKht la more valuable for Ita limhcr or
tone than for aurlculuirnl iirxio. and to imi
l.lillali Ida i-lutin to anld land livforu itici Ki'Kl
t'lT aud HetvU er ol thla nlllci! at Hiwcburo, Ore
K'oti.on Krhlay tho 27lhdayof Airll, liwi. Ho
namoaaa wlineaa-a- T. W. I'otler, or Ahland,
(Mmoiiln; l.dwnrl .'. Htevrim, of Wanhluini,
Wlwon.ln; J. f. I urncy, of 1'orllmnl, UrfKou;
I.. (I. licWolf. of I'nrllaiid. Cr.H"ii.
Any and all tv'wotia t lalmlni; advnoely tlio
tfiliw rlln"! lamia are resile. ted to flla their
i lalina In thla ol!i:o on-Actx-fon auld 2"th day of
April. l'AW. J. T. IIUID'iKM,
aJCp UckI.Iit.
I'xitci Stati:m Lanii (Ii i u i:,
. i:iM:iiritu, Ouiuios, April 11, Hhmi.
Notioo ii lierebv rivcu tliat in ciniiiili
jiiico witli lln iiriiviiioiiN of tin: ni't f
I'oiinn-M of .liiti s, 1S7H, utitlihl '-Aii
net for tin Hiilu of tiiiilxT lainln in tlit"
StuU'H of C'aliforniii, lln-izoii, NfViii;i :unl
lUNIIll, f)UUlSU,
of Oilonnli, ( Viuiity of Aililainl, Stud' of
Wwi'oiitfin, liaH thiM day liliil in tlii.4 of.
ii-t! Iiii Hworil ftatcinoiit No. !W, for
tlin titircliai of th of NW'j. lotn
mill 4 of Section No. 4, in Townxhiii No.
.'I .s K No. :i W , ami will offer proof to
nIiow I hat tin1 laiul Hoii'lit ih iiioro
nal)l( foritn l.iinlxT or Hloin tlian for
airrii-ultiiral purpoM-c, ami t-i i'
Ion hum to naul luml lH-fcirn the Keis
tcr n ml Kccciver of thin oHii-f at. Uoh-
liurjr, Orison, on WiilnoMilay, tli L'Ttli
lav of Juno. 1!MHI. Hi iiiiiiii'h tlx wit-
iiimki'h: I.. Di'Wolf of l'ortland
Hrcoii ; Lnwrcnru lVrdtiv, of Oakland,
l iri'H'in ; i-.diar Koiu, of (lakluml, Ore
k'on; Joint J. iMhiTty, of Oiloiinh, W'i-
Any ami all jh.thdiih cliiiiniiiK iiilvrTM
Iv tho nljow-iltwfiljivl lainlHaro nMtuM'
I t lili t hoir clainiH in, thin oilico nil fir
!M-foro ciiitl L'7th ilav of Jnnn, 11KX1.
(alllp) 'J. T. JSKIlXiKS,
Is called to a
At our store. With every sale of one and one
half pounds we give
I?or strength and delicious flavor and all goes to
.ALL 1900 MODELS..
make a perfect cup, these brands cannot be excell
cd. Ihrcc fancy Blends. Peerless 3 sc. Mcnado
30c, Oriental 25c. Remember the week
Monday May 7th to Saturday May 12th.
pletc line of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
. . Many valuable improve have been made in theee
wheels over the '9! models, while tbe price ren-.ains the
flame or even lower than last year. Before Durchafiinc
WHEEL be sore an1 call and examine rny line and tret mv Driceq. 1Sirv.
cle Repairing a BpeCialty. . Bike .Stable. Hee our Chainless.
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Mining Application No. 99.
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
F. S. Godfrey,
Opp. Post Office.
Roacburir, Ortiton, April 10, 1S0J.
nereiiy irivun inai in puraiiance of
Notice la
l.liapf-r HX of Tltlo ThlrtT.twn ni thn ,
atatutcaof the t.'olted BtaWa, tlin I-alx-U Minin?
'Phone Main 353.
Hints to Housewives.
lrcsh (groceries, and to get them promptly
when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. iSr,
lor good goods and good service.
Company, a private cortwraliou, duly created.
omnlii arid eilating under and bv virtue of
Hip lawa of tho Htato of Owsii, and havlnir ft
principal ofl'ice and olace of buntm-aa at Tnnn..i
, on tho Hoiittiem Pacific to.'a rnilwav. in
uouxiaa County, Oroton, clalmina; l;o llnf-ar
K't of tho Iaaboll (Jonaolidatcd uaartz mine
vein, lodo or mineral depoalt, bcartng eold, all'
Ti r and other orccloua nwrni. xtih
ground ! feet la width, belnx m luet on each
Ida of tho center of unlit vi-ln. lvbn.
dnpovit, lying and tielDnaituato within tbe Cow
Caeca mlninir diatrlet.nnnntv nl nimria.
late of Oreiton, by A. M. Crawford, Ita duly
authorized agent, whom residence la in tbe city
TT if .1 1 ..1 1 , . . . I "wwuiiix. I'nuKiBHconiiiy, ureKon, haa thla
Halt the battle in good cookiner. is to have exiod iU, ppction for a Patnt for
. 0 oi k the aald mlnlnit claim and prcmlifea which arc
more fu:iy di-acrlbod an touu-teti and bound by
nc OITJClal Olaton filn In t hla nfli.... Mn.l fc Kn
Held noteaof turvev thereof, iuw .md 1,1 ti.
ofRco of the reclatcr of the District of J.andi,
aubjectto alo at Koeburif, UonKlaa county,
Oregon, which Held nou-a 01 aurvey dejenate
auld minln claim and premise, an 5f Irn-r.l Bur
vey So, and di-aoiibe tlia Louudri... .n,i
extent of .aid claim on tho unaco with mag
netic vuriatlon at 19 aetrrecu to W dDgreea, .a
rain Kaat ni follow, to-wlt:
ml k t. v .mi. ui.sctlVERV LODE.
B'-t'innlnir at Cor. No. 1. identleal with V P
conn-rot location from which'! Bee. cur be-twi-cn
rteca. 27 iind 2S: Tn a. H ,.f'fi 7 w n wn.
Inmette Meridian Ore, beam N 7 det E l.ViO feel.
Thence N 74 d.-g. W Var. l'J di-R E .UK) f.s-t to cen-
wt !oai on norine.riy end 01 IJiwovery Lode, i00
feet to corner No. 2.
1 hence S Uirteir. 31) min. W. Var. 11 W. in ml..
1 .TOO ft to cor. No. 3.
Theneo 8 7 deir. E Var. 19 (leg. Ill rain. K aw
feet to center DOM oil Southerlv en, I ..I liiom-.
Thence 8 83 dog. E Var. 10 dee. E :HYI feet tn
eor. No 4.
Thence N 12 decree 45 min. E Var. 1 i iW !-
lli'iiJ feet to cor So 1, and place of beginnlni;.
Var. 19 Ai-'. E.
HeKlnnini; ut cor. No 1 Identical u ith lneti..n
aim cur .ioiui uiscovcry lone ol thfaaurvev
wneni c ;i fee cor. ot. '.7 and 2S, Tp:v, H 1
, m'uni 1 iieg. e. leet.
1 hence N ''I dec K. Viir 19 dear. K 1:. ni fet in
cor No 'L
i hence N 7." deir W, A ar 19 deg Id min K1300
'v., ..vow, ifuvi.i, j.iirLiiirri v ill ivftifi
Maiiiiaru ioiieixjo leet 10 eor. .No X
jiieni fnii aeg v ar 19 aegi;i.j) feet to
cur ,u a.
Thenco h 71 deg fc Var 19 di-a 10 min E am feet
to center iHt 011 noutherlv end of (iuM nnH.
aid 1-ode and Northerly end of lliacoverv lide
of min survey iWHcet to cor. No 1 and place ol
BUI K 1.1 IDE.
Beguiling ul cor No 1. alto eor V",,r r;.,l,l
rmuunrn i.iriu 01 huh in vey, n'ncc '1 ei' cor
oei cc zj una in a; s it 7 W.bcani X 11S dec
Thence N 'JO deg 30 min E Var 19 dee M min F
1500 leet to cor No 2.
1 hence N 7. deg Vur 1 9 dee P. .I'd f.-et in
renter on iionueriy enu oi Muck il 100 feet
to corner No 1.
Thence H 26 degrees 30 uiln W.- Vsr M d,. v
l.VK) feet to cor No -I.
1 hcuce H 7,' deg E Var 19 deir E SCd f.-el to
i-i'iiwr isi on raiiineny end ot Buck Lode and
' v " " northerly end of Gold Standard
.... 1 in .or So. 1, and place of besin-
the Anrfare ground show n upon tfce official nlat
filed herewith the aaid vein, lode and m n.
ng prt.iiw. hereby nought to to paftnllvi &.
log bounded on Ihe North Wcterly endby va
cant government land. On the Kuat aide by In
cjintcrnment laud and the Oreson Inl Cat
i'S."",1' roftd J81"1- n the Routherly end
by rlght of way ofald rnil rond and on the
lion thereof, ao de-ribe5; "uey2d'Ph"ted and
AppliC4lfor .ro hereby notified tfiat tin l"t th?ir
adverae rl. n are ,uci , according to law and
the rcgulatirma thereunder, within 1 ?xty dav
from the date hereof, with the Keii er nf S
VniuA State Und OfficeT ui Ronton in the
County of Dougla.. State of Ore2.?he'y wU bS
t'.MTKl) STAIil'M Okfick.
Itowburjr, Oregon, April ?, 1900.
Noticn in licreliy jfivi-n that in rotnuli-
:tiiiM with tlic tiroviHiiiiiHj of llm act of
t'oiiri'i'M of Juno .', 17S, cntilli'il "An
act for tlir null' of tiiuIxT IiiikN in tlin
HtJtti-H of California, Oregon, .N'voiluanil
i iiHiuiiijton iirritory.
Of Went Scattli', t'oiintv of Kinc. StaUf
of W'a-liiiiL'tuii, Iiiih thin day fiI1.1l in thin
ollice liin Hworn f tiitfincnt No. 1128, for tho
(Hireling of tlio i, of Hwtioii o. S
111 Townshiii No. 21 .S., KaiiL'O No. 2 W.
ttinl will oficr proof to uliow that tho
l.'iii'l BuiiKiit m inoro vnliiahlo for its tiiu-
Ikt tir atom) than for nirrnMiIlnral tmr
imihoh, and to csliihl'Hli his claim to Maid
land Ix'foro tlm KogiHtor and Itoceiver of
this oilier nt loMi!hnri, Oregon, on Tucm-
dity tin? L'tith ilav of Jinn', l(K)0. JIo
IIUIIH'H IIH lIllCSK'S : M. 1". l.inililUHt,
of Si-atth', Wusliiiigtoii, A. Mattson,
of Soattle, Wanhiniftoii, M. IVU'ruon, of
vt'tt healths ,V nshuiKtoii, hdd Holiliy,
of West Health), Win-liiiiL'toil.
Any nnd all imtuohs claiming ;plvors
ly tin? aliovo-dt'iicriDcd lands nr roiiitt
in to iiiu tiicir claims in tinu idiiiir on or
U-fon- wiid filth dav of June. VMK
J. T. ISKllHiKS,
falilp) ItotfiKtor.
XT' A li-.IrWW
r" .aaiaaaa..'. ,
I1 ? UsnJ i
"Scanlc Line of the World"
The FavoritH Tranoconliiicnlul Kon'e
lint ween llm NurtliwPHt and all
l'oliits V.trt.
Ohoicn of Two Uouten
Through Ihe FamoiiH
Rocky Mountain Scenery j
And Four Routed East
of l'uoblo and Denver.
Ail Pasaenifora Kmnted h day atop-over
in Ihe Mormon Capital or anywhere he
twien Oudea. and Denver, l'eronally
conducted TouriHt Exciiraiiina t!iree daya
a week to
Kansas City,
Louis, Chicago
the liast.
tor Ticket end any Information Ke
KardLng Hte, Houtei, etc., or for De
aoriptiT AdyertlaloK Af attar, call oil
AjCuU ol Oreoo Kail way A Naigation
t't.'j Oreuou Hhort Line cr Southern
10 uompAuiea.
fi. K. uoopkb; v,
. WflttrO! ,
L'xitki) Status Land Oki-u-i:.
IIosi'lmrK', Or., April l'J, liKH).
Xoti is hereby Kivon that in compli
uictt with tho lirovisions of tho act of
I'onifnvs of Juno 3, 1K78, entitled "An
net for .it1 Hiilo of tinilxT lands 111 tho
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
uxliinytnii Jerritorv.
nils a. vkii:i:n.
Of Seattle. County of Kimr, Statu of
WuwIiiiiL'tuii, has this day liliil in this
oilico his Hwom Htatement No. ilL'5, for
tho jittrchaso of tint S'.j NW.'j, Lots H,
4, of Suction No. 4, in Township No. 21
S., K:ini.'( No. if V., itml will offer proof
to show that tlm land sought is nioro
valiiahlo for its tiinlier or stone than for
unririiluinil, and to establish
his claim to mi id land before the Resis
tor and Keeeivor of this oilico at Kosc
burL', Oreijon, on Tuesday the L'llth duv
.luni', 11HHI. lie iiuiiie.H as witnesses: h.
r.olinj;, of Seattle, U'uHhini;ton, K. Von
Noriiiati, of Seattle, WtiHhitii't.iiii, J.
Oardiner, of Hosebur, Oregon, J. A.
l'.ni;ilahl, of Now, Washington.
Any iiinl till persons I'laimiuk; adverse
ly tho iibove-ih.'scrihod lands nroreouest-
ed to lilo thoir cluinis in this olllce on or
lieforo Hitid L'lith dav of June, ItKKL
.1. J . JJIMDtiKS.
(al'Jp) Ueifister.
Notice for Publication.
United Hlaic Land (llllee.
Itiiaeltuig. Oregnli, April l'J, 19U0.
Sotii'O 1 hereby given that In eoinuliaueo
Ith tho lirovlHliina of Hie ael of (longrena of
June .1, lh7rt. cntilled "Aii act for tho utle of llm
her .'mid In iiih Slate of Calllornla Ori'gou,
Nevailn illld WaKlilnglon 'lerriUirv, '
Oi Seiittle, County of K lug, Hinu of Wanhluutnil
Una tin nay men ill 1111a oi'iee iiih sworn stale
incut No. for the puieiin-ool the NW. of
SeetluU No, H. Ill Toviin1iIi No. 'J I S,, HailgO No.
1 V.. and "ID oiler urimt 10 limv that tho land
nought la innro valuable fur iia timber or alniio
lliau lor aitrleuitiiral purKiea, aul 10 ealaullali
bla claim to aaid laiul before the Kegiiiler aud
Itcceiter of thla olllee al KoNcburg. Oregon.
00 Hlouday tbe 23th day of Juno, 1900. lie
name aa wiiiiujuea: Aiuguua r. i.inuuuiai, 01
feWtattlo, Waabliigton, . K. tundgreu, Add
Holing, m. reierwiii, 01 neat suaiuo, naauiug
tun. Auy aud all puraona cUiluilug advtrtely
Iht unt demirloed laud are renuld to ttla
tluOreiaJuialn Uila ollJoe uu ur b fur aald l!Mh
CxiTKii Status Laxi Omen. .
Hosehurif, Or., April 12, liKH).
Notice is hereby given that in compli-
ance with the provisions of the art of
Congress of June 3, 1H(8, cntitli'd, "An
net for tho sale of timber lands in the
States of California, On'on, Nevada and
Washington Territorv,"
Of Oakland, County of Doimlas,. State
of Oregon, has this dav filed in this
olhce his sworn statement No. !I24, for
the purehaso of the XVM. of Section No.
W, in ToWlihiii No. 24 S.,"nan).'0 No.
W., and will offer proof to show that
the land bought is more valuable for its
timber or Htone than for agricultural
puriiosos, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Krister and Ile
ceiver of thin oilico at Hosi-burg, Oregon,
on Tuesday the 2lth day of Juno, P.hkj.
llo nanies as witnesses; 15. Jfunt, of
Oakland, Or., (r. Tavlor, .of .Oaklan-1,
Or., IL A. Miller, of Oakland, Or., V,
liariliner, of Koscburt;, Oroton.
Anyancl all ersons clniminn adverse
ly the alx)vo-ilescril)od lands nre re
iiuesti'd to file their claims in this office
on or Ijoforo said 20th day of June, liMKl.
fal!.ii) Hofiister. .
f II RY.
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Give, choice of two; favorite routes, via tbe
UNION 1'ACIKIC Kast Mail Line, or !;he
ItlOURANUEwicculcnnes. ,
Uniteo Statks Land Offick.
Hosebttnr, OretMii. Anril 17. 19oo.
Notico is hereby uiven that in coninli-
nnco wiui 1110 provisions 01 tin; act ol
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
net for tho calo of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"
Of West Seattle. County of Kinir, State
Washington, has this 'day llled in this
ollieo his sworn statement No. H44, for the
rchase of the SW,1 of Section No. 34,
Townshiii No. 23 S.. Kunafi? No. 2 W..
and will offer proof to show that the
land nought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stono than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Keceiver of
this olllce at liosehltrir. Oroiron. on
Thursday the 2Sth day of June, PMK).
Ho names as witnesses; William T.
Nesbitt, of Maehias, Washington, Swen
Johnson, of Mairhias, VViishington,
tirant Tayler, of Oakland, Oregon, John
liariliner, of Hoseburg, Oregon.
Any and till persons chiiming adverse
ly tho uljove-describtil lands aro ruiucst
ed to file their claims in this oilico mi or
before said 2Xth dav of June, l'.HK).
J. T. imiDUKS,
(uli'p) Register.
Notice For Publication.
I'NiriD htatk Land OFrii g,
Itoieburg, Urogou, Kebrnury 10, luoo.
Notice bi heri'by t iven that In compliance
with the provision of tho ael ( Coiiurcu of
Jui e Srd, 1H7K, c urlilad "Aa act for ho sale of
Umber land ill ibeHlalo of California. Ore
rou, N'ovada ati4 Washington Territory."
Of MuriUilleld, County of Too, Slate of Oregnu,
haa thla day llled in thla otlleo hi aworu slate
ment No. Mil, for tho pun base of tho H'i UK'.',
N'aW'i.of riecllon No. 2S. Towiiahlp No. 'aj
Soulh, ttange No. Weat, anil will oiler proof to
allow thai Iho land aougbt I uiore valuable for
Its timber or atouo thau for agricultural pur
poaea, aud to catablUh bia claim to aald land Ih'
fore Ihe Itegialer aud lteceiver of thla orlieu at
Roaeburg, Oregon, on Uaturday the 12th day of
May, lttM. Ho name aa wluie.nea: Ueu. H.
ilerrou, of Marshlleld, Oreaon. Alliert K. Hotlys,
of Marabtleld, Oregon, K W. Kunlell.of Mat ah
tleld, Oregou, A. it. KardvU, of atambileld, Ore
gou. Any and all pentooj clainilni adterly ib
atMvadiMcxlbed land am roquwied lo tlia their
laiuul Ui ttOa office Ml vr belure aald Ulh day
bf Mary , l?w.
t. aaibOKri, .
Teglnning at cor. No. 1, identical with l,ca
tlou eor, and cor. No. 2, of Hack Lodo of thla
survey wuenoc -4 i-e. cor. not. Si'ca. .'7 and is,
Tp. ;ii 9. K., 7 W . , biare S. 41 degree 15 minutes
v. loui leei.
Thence N. degrooa ftl minuts K. Var. 19 do
greei K. 1VW feet to cur. No. 2. Ttu'iiCi N. 75 de
gree W. Var l'J degree K. :PX feet 10 center
post on Northerly end Hoosier Lole, t'w feet to
corner No.
Theneo 8. !I2 degieea .(6 minutes W. Var. 19 de
gree K. i;a feel 10 corner No. .
Thence 8. 75 degree K. Var 111 degree E. '00
feet to center pimtol Southerly end of HiHisler
l.odeand Northerly end of lluek Lo.lo ol tula
aurvcy mo feet to corner No.l and pHeeof begin
mug. !!l!OWN HEAR I.ODE.
lleginuing at eor. Nn. 1, Identical with loca
tion cor. and cor. No. 2, of tho Hoosiir Lode ol
Ibla survey.
Thence X :U degree E Var. l'J degM s E. 1103
feet to cor. No. 2
Theneo N. 7.5 degree v. Var. l;i degree 2i
mluutea K. SIM leet to center post on Norther
ly end of Urnun Bear Lode.
Thenee N. 7.5 degree!. vV. Var, 20 deglwa ;W
mlnutea K. .m f'ti tncor No. :i.
Thenee H, ;li degree W. Var. l'J deureeu rw
minute H. i 'Mi leet to summit of main .levl.ln
t' K AiW. Var. l'J degrees K. 1105 foe- U eor No. 4.
Thenee S. 75 deirreea K 'ar l'l l.frrM.a v
feel lo center pout ol Souiherly eud of lirown
Hear and Nortnerly end 01 llooaicr iklii f,Mt ii
cor. No. 1 and place ol beginning.
lleinning at cor. No. 1 whe nen a nln. lo
Itiebea in diameter bears N J degree K. .55 fen-t
biaxed and acribed C. 1, M. S :!!. H. T.
Thence N. .'Jt degree K. Vr. l'l .lur... M
mlnutea K. I.'H leel to eor. No. 2.
Thenee N. itideiiroea W. Var. Ill deirreeu V :ii
(eet to center post of Kaaterh end of Hlaek Birr
Lode, bich i a Cedar atuh. 12 inehea In diam
eter, blacd ud acribed M. t. S8;l, tloj fi-et to cor.
No. a.
Tlicuee S.'iK deirreca V. Var. l'l ,l,i-p....a V' i.vvi.
feet to eor. No, 4.
Thenee S. ;I2 degree E. Var. l'J deareea io
minute K. IKHiftto center noal in 1 enleroi South
erly end of Black Hear and center of Northerly
cud of llrov, u Bear of thin survey UXI feel to eor.
No. 1 and place of beginning.
Net urea Plaeovery lHle go. si ai'rea
Net arcutuild Hlandard l.oile 20 til acre
Net area lluek Lode vOSMacrea
Net area llooaicr Lode 19.;W aewa
Net area Blown Bear Lode H.K7 ai'n-
Net area Black Hear Liale 19.W aerea
Total 116.29 acres
The aalil mining e'aim and notice of location
being of record lu the orllee of the I'ouuty Clerk
of Uougla County, Oregon, in Vol. C, of records
of mining loeatioua.
IHacovrry al page j.57
Hold Hlandard at page imi
Buck at page 40
llooaicr al page 4;i
Brown Bear al page ; 4;;
Lluek Bear at page ..04
Tbe pn aumed general course or dirvellou of
the aald Itabeil Couaoltdaled HuarU Miue vein,
loda or mineral depoalt being ahonu upon aald
?lal aa noar aa c.u be deteriniDioi
roiu yresaol deTelopiueula: Ibis claim
bclDf lor Vi5 linear twi t be root, together wiitt
Change of Cars
On the Portland-Chicago tfp,.clal, "the linest' lu
' tho West."
Kqulpped Willi
Klegant Standard sleepers
l ine Ai u- Ordinary (Tourist)
Suivrb Library-ISuffet Cars
Splendid Diners (meals a la carte)
Froo Keeliiiing Chair Oars
Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
Entire Train CompleU-Iv Vestibule.!
tin further iuforinilpp apply 10
. F. GIVANS, Agt., Koeelcig.
:. Nagel, W. EJ Coman,
Tniy I'a-s. Al. A
l-'l Tbinl St . Pcil at u (Jr.
Notice of Final Settlement.
la tht? Cotintv I'nnrt .if tl, vi.t. ,x
for DoughM County V '" " "rlso"
In the iiiartor iif'j h. niiat.i.AfTi.,,,. ia-.-f.
deceased. w"'' "lll-
Notice is hrrvhv
dminiatrotor oft lie above entitled esiaie"ba"
tiled Ills tll'al aeeonnt tl.or..i,, .i ..u . "
J!'.-!1". ordl'r PPoiuting '.Monday. Mav 7th
1'JiiO at the county mum Ii,... .,,... ii
r.,oUly;,Or0:"n5 Wo-elocka. lu. of said dav "
as the time and n ace fo- h.ri,,,. ,.i,i.,i7,..-
thereto, and lor the final .- ..1.1
estate, and any and all ikjisouk ha ing anv ob- '
jections to aaid linal account, or any part theiv- '
1 . 1 "aa '"Hie the same in the
-"v.i-viiunHi niiiri ami eaue.
louesei lorsaia linal M'ttlem
ou or before tin.-
UN .S. WI1.EV,
Notice of Final Settlement.
of 1 :cson in
U th'' Cimuty Ciui''t "I I! -j
and for 1 1 niclaM 101110 v
111 the mailer 01 III,' ,'Mii"'.. .,t ;,.., u 11
Icci'kKVd Notiee i her. In Ivi.n tl..,i ,!,. .....
likillCil llillMinwlrn'riv '..i" ih..
itiove iiatncii Oeeed.-nt. h.w t ; ? ... t o, ..i.i .
her account in it tint seiilein.vit .0 .........
and thai the Mild eouit by order mail,, on i.
Pith day 01 April. I m i. aud emeivd 011 ihe Jour
nal of said court. ha lixed Monday, tliei'nd dav
of mly, pi at in o clock . m. ,'or hearing oi
jeetiou: 11 'any there tie 10 said linal account
and to the Settlement of ald estate by oricrof Hon Joseph l.vniis. Judge of
aaid county court thi. 1Mb il.n of ,.rn 1 1,
Notice for Publication.
, . ISoagiu it.., tire , April U. bice.
Notice N h. ieby given that J 11 coiiit.liam..'
with theproviainnaof the m l of Congie-a of
June :!, is;; entitled -An act tor thebaic of
limber lands tn the stales of California, u.-evtoii
Nevada and Washington Territory.'
KoiiKli MeN K'li.i;
Of AiM-rdeeii, County of ChelialU, Slate of alt
IngUin, tux thidav filed in tins otlice hia nru
statement No. Wu, for the piircha-.- ol the N".,
S1 .... of seel ion No. S, in Tovuiship No. "j
Kaiige No. i ., an.l til ollor to ahi'W
lhat the land nought ia more valuul.lo ior its
timber or atone tin. u for tigricuUural piirpos. .. claim u ;iid land .(,.,
Ihe lteglater uud Rcelver ol lliia oillca at Kox
burg. Itic'.im, on Wednesday the 2oth dav of
luthi, l.KAI. Ilo nauiea a ultuctsea: Ancii
Campbell, of Moutcaano, Wash.. Charles Lcavtlt
ol Monu-sano ah.. ii. L. Huild. oi lloa.-bui-.'.
Oregou, W. l hompsoti, of Camas Valley Oregon.
Auyaud all puraous olaliuiu adversely t,e
aboe-d'4cribed lauda are reo nested to lilo thuir
e-Uuna lu ibla ortico ou ot beture mid 2uih day ..f
) J. T. UB1DQKS,
4. J. ni