The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 26, 1900, Image 2

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One Lonely Vote Shut Him out of
the Senate, the Vote Being; 33
'to 3J.
Washington, April 24. Vote cn the
Quay case was taken promptly st 4
o'clock. The resolution which declared
Mr. Qnay "uot" entitled to hi tnst was
first laid balore the Senate. Mr. Chand
ler moved to strike oat the word "not,"
end on that tbe vote as taken. Quay
loses. The vote was 33 to 32.
1 ...HE IB ill... 1
Government Will Investigate Alleged
Illegal Landing; of Japs.
Tbe Japs f
coast as mi
in their pal.
thing Is done
Eleven hundred Japanese were tainted
in Seattle from a recent steamer (rom the
Orient, a majority ot them remaining
a menace to the Pacific
- so as were the Chinese
st days. Unless some-
check this growing im
migration, the country, and particularly
the Pacific cast, will shortly be overran
wivhin them.
Tbe Japanese are clanisb, they are
close, aid hve not ih leapt interest in
tbis country, eher than to make what
tbey can out ot it. To be sure they are
progressive, and derire to be educated.
Bot tbey do not come here to remain,
bat, like t ie Chinese, their aim is obtain
competency and return to their Mother
The time w ill come, and that shortly,
when the feeling against tbe Jape on
tbis coast will he as strong as it has ever
been towards tbe Chinese.
We pride ourselves on the fact that vc
QLji. 7l Set" C? havc Largest, Cheapest and Hcst line of
OIlirL VV dlbLabi shirt Waists ever shown in this city. Price
from 50 cts to $2.50.
In this department we show a very hand
some mcrcurized Sateen Skirt, winch cannot
UndCrWCclTe be tol(1 from silk in a11 colors at 53.50.
Cheaper ones but good ones at$i.25, $2.00
and $2.50.
lirntTlfBr A complete line of Covert, Ducks, White
Pique Skirts in plain and appliqued design
aSkiftSe vary'g in price from 50c to $2.25.'
, I - Are all the rage for swell summer dresses,
llllv aPOlllSrClS We have a line in the new gray lavendai
and purple shades which arc trade winners.
J0SEPH5015. 1
Washington, April 24. The Treasury
Department today decided to investigate
the rumors of the al'eged illegal landing
of Japanese cn the West coast. An in
spector baa been ordered to go to Seattl
and make a complete report on tbis mat
ter. He left Washington for that city
today. '
Bryan and His Ideas are Bound to Be
the Issue.
Nkw Yobk, April 24. The following is
a summary of the replies from 23 of the
democratic national committeemen, to
questions regarding campaign issues and
As to leading issue, Anti-Imperialism
21; Anti-Trost 21; Money question 16;
Anti-militarism 0.
Chicago platfo'tn reaffirmed, 20; non
committal as to Chicago platform three.
Dewey's candidacy not taken seriously,
11; Dawey'a candidacy would not hurt
Bryan, 12.
For Bryan by acclamation 8; Bryan
nnanimously or'on first ballot 13. For
vice-president, Schley two; no personal
choice 16; Commings, Salzer, Van
Wyck, Williams, I'attisou and Daniel
one each.
"Lincoln Republican Party."
Mjsxkai'ouh, April 21. Announce
merit of a change in the title of the .Sil
ver Republican party was made today in
a document setting forth tbe party plat
form, issued by Executive Aj:ent Corser.
Lincoln Republican are to succeed tbe
Free-Silver Republicans, and tbe Nation
al Silver-Republican party is to give way
to tbe Lincoln Republican party. The
transfer is to lake place at Kansas City,
on July 4, when tb National Coo ven
al of the Free-Silver Repub
licans and Democrats in in session.
General News.
Japan wilt take steps to slop the emi
gration of her coolies to this country.
Tbe Boer PeaceCorumissioneni mis-ion
baa been a failure.
China is growing mure and mure op
posed to tbe "open door."
Turkey's rply to thti UniieJ St 1 is
Tbe I at-1 statistics show lli'. tli
United Status lias cvrr 200,000 miles if
railroad, and leas ttiaii 20.U00 miles of
good wagon roads.
A peculiarity of tbe Oregon registry
Uw is that no opportunity is afforded for
r:gMr-t'on for.ths November election
!ttv ..',- have been closed for tbe
J un - 1 . iery one, therefore wbo
wiahen -. tor president tbis fall
must rei-ur before May 15. Tbe only
proviaiou under which voters not regis
tered can vote in November is tbe sec
tion authorized "swearing in" of rots,
which 1 u certain and at best trouble
.t-t. of Orwon for Douuhif County.
V. Ii Y.innir. A. (i. Youim itrnl io. J
stLfirns. i;irtnr under tho lirm name of
1-:. (i. Young & Co.. PlaiiitifTd
.lam.- K. M:iniii2 ii ud Minerva 1.
K. M:iniiiiiL'. Defemlanti".
To James K. Manning tunl Minerva
L. K. Mainiinis. above 'named dcfeml-
wits: lathe name of the State nfOiv-
gon: You sir hereby required toaviKMir
and answer tho complaint tiled against
von in thv :iliove entitled action on or
before the first dav of the next regular
term of said court, to-wit : n or fieforc
tlnllth dav of June. liMIO, ami if you
fail ho to answer the plaintiff will take
judgment against you us prayed for in
their eomnlaint. to-wit: For the sum
of tftH5.45 with interest at the rate of 10
iter cent tier aiinuiu from the lt day ol
February, I'.HX), for eur-li attorney's fe-s
as the court shall uijuip; reasouaoie
and for plaintiff's coMs ami disburse-
ments. ant for an oraer 01 saie 01 me
following dcscrilxil attached real prop
erty, t--wit : W J.j, of M'. .'4' of See
To 23 S R i W, Will. M.-ridian. lxts 1
2 and 3. the SK of NWi and S.j o
SFM of Sec 5 in Tl 25 S R 5 W. have
and :u:cfptig therefrom acres hereto
fore Ieodcl I niixiua jKii.i! .i i.
V. Als excepting a strip of land :0
feet wide besrinnini; at the southwest
corner of said land sold rruixiia Lodge
'.17, running north to sotitli line ot 15a
ker Donation Land Claim, tnciico wes-t
along sail lino 8 rods containing 2
acres. Also exceptim; 1 aere in th! .
K W of said Sec 5 heretofore sold C. I.
Manninu'. the deed for which is of re:
ord on page 14, Vol 5 Record of Deeds
for Jiouidas county, uregon.
lliis summons is imhlisheil iiv order
of Hon. J. W. Hamilton, judge of said
court, which order is dated April 2:!,
1IHJO, and the tune prescrns-i 111 huk I or
der for immication is once a week lor
six weeks preceding' the first day of said
term of court, and the eiiv of the first
publication of this summon i April 1M
Attorney for I'laintiffn.
Oregon Notes.
L iiia county fir'iors "iuch in'er
eated in cretrnnrie".
Corvailis mn will tak 2000 spring
chit kens to C4 Nome by an eirly
A ForfMt rrnH man ban Pent a bill to
Brvn Hfaing p-y f-r chi'ka killed by
the s-lu'e fired on ' Ii H-i'a;i')ij :i his
recent visit there.
Laim county has oyr 40 H) reitered
voir- up 'his itute, utiJ liaker count
ats-iit 1000. A' 'he 'ast -l-eiiii In
Baker county there wero H00 voIhi
throw i:. This tear that number t-hmihi
be increased by 1500, but U increase
has not. be. n ivgitp'. to if nothing
of the origioall'iiiintier. The same condi
tions exist in DohkU county.
sick headache, Indinettion and coiifctipa-
sleti. A deligbtlul her I. drink. Re
moves all eruptions of Mi in, prodwi-
A Mother's Plain Words
" I suppose you will bo astonished when I tell you that six years ago I was
in a most dangerous condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because you
can see how well and strong I am now. The attack at that time caused terrible
pain in my chest and lungs. I could hardly move, and to stoop caused intense suf-
tennp. Someone aaviseu Ack
er s t-ngiisn Kemeuy, ana i u ii Rr I I '1 11
thought I would try it, although fYslI LrV 1 I 11 1 liil
I confess that down in my heart A 11 Ivf .if I I'J'flf
I had little faith in it, Tho OT?ila"J7 '3lL LI 1l1t ,
first bottle gave ereat relief. ftJCVTT I P'Vfc??
and the second bottle made me -n V rtJiiii i u vAj
the healthy woman I am today.
My husband's lungs are weak
also, and be cured himself with
the same grand old remedy.
Our Hrtw nnrl tyirl hnvn fvith
been saved by it from death
by croup. I know this is so, for l
when they were attacked in the L'.
:l, I u.. 1 .uni.i.ii..M...i
i u.. l.l.. r-.,i r.:'.t
malady was easily overcome, (ir I
We always give it to the children
when they have a cough or cold,
and we would not be without it
for anything. My sister will
tell you also, if you ask her, that
it is a medicine that can always
be depended upon for all the
troublesof the breathing organs.
I tell sm our ncignoors about
rt .-t - .4.
Ai-i-fr't P.ncrliKh Rpmrdv whenever T rrt n thance. and there are olentv of DCO-
ti'.e around Mechanicsville, N. Y.. where I live, who would nomore think of go
in.; to bad at night without a bottle of it in the house than they would of leaving;
their doors wide open. As I look at it, parents are criminally responsible when
they allow their children to die under their very eyes with croup, because here
is a certain remedy that will conquer the terrible monster every time."
(Signed) Mrs. Floyd Fowler.
A-1 :-r'ii r.r.nllsh Remedy l iwld by all druKi(lt under a positive (uarantae
that v..i r iiiom-v will lie refunded in cam of failure. ;c, nc., und l a butt la ill
L'-',ntl s-.a: , and ( una'la. In ICnKland, is. :d., a. 31I., and 4. Cu.
I'.'t cufliuriir ttu ulmvc 1nariuUc. .If. 11. UOOKEB 4b CO., ProprletOTi, Jim l'tfr.
For sale by M. V- Happ, Druggist. K
Mas (lot 'Em Bad.
Tli umlutii'l -n of hariult-si tuakea, i
with which the lionks of KUmnth rivt-r .
are favored. tiKvp, act ua'ed by the wartnib i
of apriug'iinr, b-vuri making their up-
pfaiance (rom ilm crevices of the rr.cks .
au 1 crucK Iuth i lift y have wintered I
amidnt the luxury of e.isa und ijuietildc.
Acc.orOiDe to iippearamiei ttiey have
Milled through the winter in belter con
dition than usual. Couiing from break
fast this morning, we met a bevy ol
snakes on their way to I'ald Knob to
bold a sunritM prayi-nneiing, und no
ticed that, they moveil with healthy
agility and ha. I ttm IuMhi- of joy and con-
toiitmeut in their fyttr. With due de
fernce to tmcli a uorihy uHiherimr. e
itrred to one ei le im ihey, and
afterwards, with tender HolicitU'te, shook
the lining ol oor trousers to make sure
that none of th youna-wr members of
tbe company had got oil' the track ami
lust. Tuhhh RUrikett hav none of the
venom belonging to rittilesnuk'-H aid
may not ho ho cnmdng and brain a ths
latter, tint are turrillc slid fata! i-m-minn
to auy i.jiiiniiM aprtc.i')-. Tint ii i.Iih
reason thern itu't a rattlesnHkn in KUm-
ath county lvlamath raid Itp.i t. Il
ea ii.
iai aa i i. c . t
Alttorney and Counselor at Law,
Will orasttM la all tha aourta of lbs Btata. ()
te In Maratar HaildliiK, l)oulaa auantf, Or.
Roomn 1 ami I
Rorlaw DulldliiR.
Attornoy at Law,
Odloo In Court lloimi
Court Hniiiti
tluwu Nialra.
Try a box of Chocolate
Creams and lions Hons
jmy -v
and you will understand
why our CANDY is so
popular. 5. CARROLL.
J. A. Yoakum is pur h.oiii;g calve in
this section for California dairy men, pay.
on $8 per head, tells tbe Marahfield Sun.
iaa lrffrt commVxum, -r iamey re Af. Yoakoui ears CaliforoUoe rcognla
faaded. 25ct. aul W i f. M. F. Rspp, the auix-riority ul wir nilk a' k aol are
4regX(sf. mt'i i u iFi- i ti ' f i i i U J -.
Go to
Barber Shop
Will piarlirc In all thu NUtu uud fVduial lourU
Ottlco In Mailt' ItUlg., Uoncburx, Oroton.
ItosKiaHo, Omuok,
lloom 3 A 4, Taylor A Wilson lllock.
Attorney and Counsellor at .
Mining Law uud Water nights made
a sjiecialty.
Marttrra KosKBCRU, OlttOON
John ii. siiuri:,
Ihipiltic'i b(riro t'.hi. Land umovanJ I'
bUflurM a J-ciullj.
Ofllco Abraliam ltulldiuv.
Attorney at Law,
oorua 1 it . Maraters Bids., ROBB0R0, OR
sr-BiilnoM liefora tha V. M. Uud Offlcs aud
Lata Rocvlrer 0. 8. Land OSes.
JA. HCCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Roiiin '.I
Marntfnt Uulldlni;. HO-iKUL'Kli, OK
Olt'.vi- In llhruliiiiii TJ-1
mi,. vrr i'om..m.v Koscbu rg, Or.
Review BulidlDjr,
lolephouo o. t. KOSKIII RO, OKKUOX
JQR.ii:o. k. iioi cK,
Physciau Surgeon.
OOlCfl 1'iwt Olliri- Hlil.
l'lionc. Main HI
KoHi:nt:iia Ouccion
Bpeclal atn-lilliilt ,-lrin to Uliuaix'l of tin- .V.o
and Tbruit.
Office-Ualu hl.,uuuiluor (ulitbof i'ltjf Hall
Notice For Publication.
Uniikii Btxtf.H l.xn Oiru .
RObur, Ortnon. KebrUarji li, IwO.
N.illci; la li.-ti-by Rhi-ii thai la ooinphulitu
tin tint iirovmliina ol the m-t nl f '..n r... ..
J ll nil ;;. Ii, n, fiiiUU-d "An act fur the tain ol tl l:i -
'i iaiiij in Miu bihkh, i t.aillurvin, urcsxii,
Nevada, und WnNhiiiKton 'lerrilnry,"
C11KIS11AN ii. 1j A II f
OfWiiHhburn ;omity of layili-ld, Hlntc il Wl
c mill, haa tlila day llli-d In tlua ultli-i. Iili .w,lru
tUU-niunt No fur thu itiin-liaui n( iii
of wcllou No. hi l(inh1p .o. V4 noiill
nniiiiM .MI..I una will oil, r uroof la nhuvy
lluil IIil- land whikIiI U mom valubli fur l!
tlinU-r or Hour lliau Inr Kiirli-uliinal nil num..
and lneatHlillkli lilat-lulin to u.l land U-lurd
inu ivi-KinwraiMi iK i ein roi luiaiimco at Kuu
l.nrK, On-Kuii, on hrlilay Ilm r, day of April,
It.. I Hi. i.iiiiw . I ' n .... ' '
iwai. Hi- iiaini-a aa m llnraan: Jamoa CI. Turin y
of rortliind, Un iiim, f.. T. poWoll, of Wnoillan'l.
Wablutbill, Kdivard ) Hlavcm, of Aaliliin l,
,n uuniu, luna, u. l unur, Ol AKIIIallll, w l.
Auy and all poraoni clalmliiK advam-ly lint
aio drwrllxil landa am rr.iiiitli,l to i.l.-
c-lalina In tliia fitlloii on or belurv laid T, dav id
A ..v. I lUful '
J. T. llltlDtiKH,
Vox a prompt and first
class shave or haircut.
Baths in connection.
418 Jackson St.
Notice for Publication.
L'nitki ktatsk UNtiUrniK,
nuai-uurx. urcgon, n-bruary li, J!H)0.
Niitlco la ln-rehy Klveu (hat In ..mii.lLu.-f
with Uiu prm ialoiia of lliu act of Coiinr) of
JunuH, ln7, entitled "Au act fur Urn aalu of tim
ber landa In lliu Htatca of California, Uri-KOti
Ncvuda aud U aatuuKtou Ti-rrllorr;'
ii mi aa li v. rii-.vMSM,
of Wiinliburii.Couuty of Jlaytliild, Ntalo ol Ult
coualli, luia tliladay llli-d lu llilaortioe liliiwnru
inu uiini ru. ior me iuruaa ul lue uorih
i-nt iinarli rol H. ciion No 10, In Townablu No.
'1A Hiiutli Uiiniii No. X Hi.if. ml Kill niiu. ... ...1
to allow that Ilm laud aouglit la murv valuali'n
for Ha tlinUr oratnue lliau lor axrlcullural unr-iKi-ea
and 10 cataullah lila claim lo aald laud lm
f rutliu Ki-Kikti-r and H'.ilvcr of Hi La office at
Kowbuiv, Urugou.un Krlday, tbo'J7H day of
April, luuo.
"', aa trltueasi-a: Charlie OelaiTt, of
Waaliburu, Wla.; MlcbaiU N. Ulatad, il Wa-3-
Lliril. W'lm JmimtmH 'I'.i.hl. ..f It. A ti-..
""'"'" uruuy. 01 romaua,
goo; rraiik W. foller, of Aablaud, Wta.
Any aud all parauua olaluiiof atlvarariy
auwva-at-Mriiisij lands am raguaatud to 0l (In Ir
uiaiwa In ItUa ic aa or twfort aalf ihk.y