The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 23, 1900, Image 4

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Published Moti.lny nt Thuratay.
C. COXNEU, Editor and Publisher.
1) STUATFORD, Associate Editor,
Mutiftcrtptlon Hatr.
One War- -.. - I- 00
His Muurhs '. 1 00
three Muntha . . X
APRIL L'3, J000.
Ar-cording to late advices the brwch
rent in the great triple ahianc, fusion
for fpri!a aggregation, by the felflsh end
unreasooablj dictations (Tm Fishs' in
(he county convention, is growing wltlur
instead of being milled. It will no re
membered ttcit thin same self imposed
boss came near disrupting hi p.utt two
yeara ago by hie narrow, i!ic'atori l pol
icy and bis opposition to the nomination
of -Mr. Stephens for PhoriiT. However,
the Stephens' forcw ttiuinpLe I, the boss
being tet down on pood tn I hard, but
ever since that lime, notwithstanding
the fact that Mr, Stephens proved most
csmfietent, economi-ml mid faiihfat offi
cer, t'i bwhM8 Imh'ii laying wires to
carry out his wail laid plan of two years
go, and, regarillt'tH of the i rotes of
Mr. Stephens' friends from H parts of
the couuty, tin witi turned down simply
to gr.i'ifv 'he ne llsh purpose long nought
by the UoM'b'ittf hoH, who, emboldened
by his me p n cuts hiinoelf up as the
absolute dictator of not only bis ou
party, but tin o'her two panics wuoare
offering themselves up as a sacrifice for
the success of the democrats, more than
one of whom I. as hen hrard to remark
that they never expect to be able to
again hoodwink the pops and free silver
republicans and effect a fusion, hence
they would make the liest of this cam
paign and elect their men. With this
end in view a supreme effort will be pat
forth to elect Heck ley, Rice, Dewey and
Barzee, the rest of the ticket as far as th
boss and his followers are concerned can
g . .Mr. usher is young, nowevt-r, anu
bas a great deal to learn, lie does not
eeem to know that a politician, in order
to win must have a propoeition that
bo strong with the people, and so put up
la slate t bia own sweet will, taking it
for granted that all btf had tod wast
czpresj himself as favoriug the caudi
ditcy of a certain mun in order to have
that man turn out a sure winner. Ha
he is liable to hear from the people on
this cor.
The one reason aecribed for Doss Fish
er's displeasure with .Slier iff Stephens is
that the sheriff would not dance to the
dictator's mueic, arranged to the time o
Appointment of J)eputieH." Ujb evi
dently had no ear for music. Anyhow,
be failed to dance and the boss became
offended. Stephens must I taught
leexon. He uinst understand that Fish
er 8 sweet vcvl is law. o in onler to
defeat hira, another candidte for cherilf
The republican ticket is made up of hh prepared. Alter being groomed for
good sobBtantjul citizen?, uutuinted with A time, Mr. Dewey made bis appearance
J. f. Kullertoif Of loiit:l
O. F. Paxton Of MnPnnmali
J. P. Paily..... f Kenton
W. .1. KuniMi of I'maltHa
T. 'u',"Kiirt,T..!...... f Marion
FOR Kt l'nr.SlK 3 UiE.
' O. K. Wotaertnn, I't l.iin
J. V. Uile, f Mi:!imniili
Tbo. It. Tonga .....,...o Vdlilnic:on
tloo. M. Itrown of Iouk)i.
R. A. Ilnnth of .l,iM-liine
B. P. BriKps Of .l:ii kMn
A. I". MaiMter of Kosi-lairK
A. R. Mloon, ..Of,I.ookinir ilM
. Kosn Ktng..... Of Ynncalla
vou KI1ER1EF.
K. I- Purrolt - Of Rrv'buig
D. R. SliainhrnoU. Of l"mptiia Kerry
0.. W. Diniinii k... ..of Klkton
J. A. SterlinB of I 'rain
KOK .'1KiL I TCIllTrhl VT .
". B. Ititinlin ..')f Itmi'ljurg
M. I. Tlioinson, oi.'iiiruurg
A. K. Nfehnl .. of Ri t.Ile
tn-lfB EOR m'RVEYflR. 'H3
Villim BriKK of 'nnyinvi!!e
VOR coaoxeR.
J)r. J. I". TwiU'lu-U of Ko-ctmrB
'Tit rumored that Mr, Fisher's tecent
trip through Extern Ureiton wss in
quest of a new locatiou. While unable
to confirm the report, we must admit
that it has been very practically and
effooftmlly demonstrated to Mr. FMier
on eeveral occasion lcr!ng the p. si
year that his p puliiiy and Infliienco
is forover gono in this county, and ii he
remains until after June 4ih, he will he
given a flttiag and conclusive reminder
of the fact.
Roscburg Precinct Officers.
11. J. Robiuett,
t'Uy Sloenm
f t!n lVni
liruacdage is all that remains of the
insurrection in the Philippioen and the
hndit are disi'ouraued over t'i Amer
ican siylc of putting down organized
iaimotaiity or intemperance, mi'l is
worthy the eupport cf the people of the
; :unty regardless cf to'ilice.
Cycfooe Dayis, of Texas, will not help
the cause of good government at Port-
iaad oneemilhereen. All such uatiouul
issue agitators only stimulate blind and
bitter partisanship. Capital Journal
. Congrees has apparently made up its
tnind to pass the Nicaragaa canal bill at
this session. This will be the greatest
popular public measure passed in recent
yean, and will make tbis session of con
gress historic.
. Among tbe official titles of the ameer
of Aiabanietan is "tbe prince of Hare."
A man don't have to he an ameer to ob
tain that title in this c unty. All that is
aecessary is to become tbe editor ot a fu
tion for spoils organ.
Here is a problem : If after a whole
year's vigorous cumpaigntnir wi'.h "miti
public schools" as bis watchword. Mr.
risuer, oime ueview. commannea jun
three votes, bow many voiee will be be
. able to marshal in a month's campaign
with "anti everything'' an hie wat.-h-w
ord ? '
on tbe course. anJ Mr. r;cMt:en was
roled off the track. Mr. Dewey 'liasaid,
enjoys Finder's music, and tbe boss
knows bis feet will beat in responBiya
rytbm to his sweet tones. And there
are others who stand with him. among
whom we might mention a certain dem
ocratic nominee for senator who resides
at Oakland.
All this eouuds very well aa ( as tbe
boss and the ring is concerned, t.ut bow
about the people? There if naturally
bad feeling exieting between Mr. Sseph
ens' numerous friends and l ho Koseburg
ring and toniething out of the ujual
course will have to transpire in order to
bring tbe two factions together. . All in
all the fnsu n scheme is not nearly as
satisfactory as two years ago the many
populists who hold principle above spoils
having declared their intentiou In holt
the ticket, and many free silver republi
cans becoming weary u( Doss Fifcher's
boodle scheme are letnmintf to their
first love! The fusion for epoils combin
ation has a rocky road to travel and we
predict will bump up againet a regular
Waterloo Jane 4th.
In the absence of the editor, the
"rooat-a-bout" on the Heview, attempt
ed to squelch the Pr.Ai.vogALrt:, how
yer, little to the discomfort of this
paper. Wt have no ammunition to
waste ob such small game, t.iu u w
since the "boss" (politically and ther
wise) has returned borne we have ed
onr decks for action.
One of tbe best things that baa been
said ia congrees tbis season it II m.
Thomas II. Tongue's tribute to the valor
of tba Second Oregon io the Philippines.
Forest Grove Time.
Pshaw, that's easy ; the material and
f "4a are there to dp it with. Capital
-Journal (Pop).
' i campalgo begins in
)),i. ... yii'i grand rail ia liid
die, ..ut 70 p. m., and at
Ci v April 28, at 2 o'clock, p.m.
lie. .1 'f. Bkidmore and other epeakert
will the roters) on the Issues of
ii n . I nomber of oandldatee will
Tbe populists and democrats in Mar
ion county have fallen nt, and ua a re
sult tbe union of these two parties for
"reform purpose" has been dfeuted.
The populist ceutral committee Friday
refnsed to endorse th nominations on
the "Citizen' Ticket" for the offices cf
county judge, clerk and recorder, but like
remainder of the ticket was ratified.
The democrats rent a committee to pre
vail upon i he populht to ratify the en
tire ticket for the sake of hanuooy, but
their requetta were not uccntr-d to aitd
as a consequence their is a great amount
of dissension in the two factions that tb
leaders fear cannot ne Vtiitihictorily
abiidged. At a consequence the eucrtM
of the entire republican legislative, and
probably the complete county ticket,
which was never very much in doubt, ia
now safely stmrl.
Attorney Geo. M. Itrown, of Dong las
county, was re-uomiuated at . the
republican urate convention for
pro.eculiug attorney. Mr. Brown is
the bigg fst liuie Uwyer on earth and he
hai mods a record for Imus lf and bis
party while survi'ig the stale as pro 'ecu
ting attorney second to none on t ho Pa
ctlli! He ;a one of tlie most tlior
ough rrimiual lawyers known lo the
Xortliwe.'r, and his reimtatlnn Is sue
that when a "crook" ts bohind th
bars and ii told that ho will have to go
through Ilrown's ewest h ix, he Ijolds u
bis hands in horror and straightway
pleads guilty. ohemia Nugget.
' 7"
And the place to jt .them is at
I St ong's Furniture Store.
H. A. Booth, the republican nominee
for joint senator of the sixth nenatoria
district composed ot tho counties of Ltne
Douglas and Josephine, is a man of pro
nouncod ability and ho possesses tbe
necessary push tc make his mark as
useful and industrious member of the
senate. He is a member of the Booth
LKelly Lumber Co. and is manager of the
Sagioaw mills. While bit home resi
dence is in Josephine county he has ex
tensive business intercuts in this ccucty
as his company own", and opera'ea the
mills on the Mohawk and alio at Coburg,
He enjoys a very exteniiive acquaiotanea
throughout the district aud will run
away ahead of his ticket in each county.
Junction City Times.
Brother L. t. H ooley.of ths Cottage
Grove Leadiir q'i)tes an item from the
Kogens Register reizrdiug a sMtetuent
that laborers are wanted in that vicinity
at fJ per day. Mr. ooley he-ils the
item "On, What a Lie," and infers that
such u-thicg id imporieihle. We desire to
call the attention of tbi- apostle of Bryan
Um to the notice in ibis is-iue for Cauip
bell & Alexander, i f Cinetock, only ten
miles boait of Cotfage Grove, who 'have
been advertieiai tor the p;ist month inr
timber uieu at 2 pur day and can't tt-
cure the-n. Th litths men who pron se
to butt the prosperity locomotive off the
track are the same ones who predicted
national calamity in case of the defeat of
Bryan and his hobbies.
To the Voters of Douglas County,
The Review, cither purposely or
through ignorance, eays I war Assessor
July 1, 189.'. I was elected at the June
election of lS'j2and took cfDce March 1
1SJ.J, atid that term lasted until Jan. 1,
IS'Jj. when the law was changed. In
1894 I wn re-elected, and filled tbe
offvai until Jan. 1, 1397. The term of
Assessor never has teen to commence
same as rest of oOicers. I hope to see all
elections iu November sod ill officers
commence their terms on Jan. I aud not
cauee so much needless expense us two
elections iu each year. Our roads need
the fundi, more than do a few Judges of
Election cr Cleiks of Election.
Jak. A. Stkhush,
Drain, Ore., April L'O, 1909.
from the Albany Democritt. Mr. Bryan
hould send Bio. Nutting a copy cf bis
late Western speech in which he iusistt
that such ihiiitf't "crnot was": "In
the town of Kruley, Ala., eighteen
months ago there wete 500 poople. "Now
bere are 5,000. Tney weio brought
there by tbe steel mill, the rod mill and
other industries. Look out for Albany
hen it gets its saw iniil and severtl
other institution that will also come."
- i
? i
We liavc never shown as elegant a line
of CARPIiTwS as wc have in' stock and
on the road. Sec onr Room Size velvet
Rugs. Also Art Squares. Our Mo
qucttc Hugs arc of the latest designs
aud styles. Wc can show yon the best
line of Tapestry Curtains ever shown
in Douglas County. Also a good line
of Lace and Novelty Curtains.
Our -motto is Good Goods and Honest values.
Rosebursr. Orecon.
y V-..V-N
. i
Can be combined in the same pair ur
Shoes, if correctly fitted. We arc prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown iu our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe I-'ae-'
tories in the cast. We should like to have
a chance to make you acquainted with our
stock and prices as we feci assured that both
will please you.
AVc pay for this.... if
To let you know that wc have a fine selection of
Staple and Fancy .
Our stock is being constantly replenished aud
enlarged, hence our goods are always fresh and
given with every cash
purchase which entitle:
holder to a selection from
our handsome decorated 2
porcelain china. A chance to get something nicc forJ
nothing. Come and sec. Everything at the lowest s
prices at
UucleCurrin of Cottage drove.
A numbei of nominnees have w itb
drawn from tbe populist ticket over in
Cooecoonty, At this rate there will
eoon be no pop ticket left in tbe field over
there i will amount lo tbe same thing
Jone the 4th anyway. Tbis is what
fusion baa done for the pops in tbeir
banmtr county la less tban (oar years.
CuTTAUk (iitoYK. Or., April U0.
"I'nclo Billy" Currin, the oldest settler
of this end of tun valley, tiled at his
hniiiH near here this eveniug. He came
10 this place iu 1841, aud has resided
here ever since, "Uncle Billy" has been
an honored cilixen, and Tiis word was
always aa good as his note. He had do
political aspirations, though alwavs al
lied with the democratic party. He was
born iu Virginia iu 1919, and was un
married, lie leave a large farm and
other valuable property to relatives.
Cyclone Davis will not speak in Marlon
county. Tbe republicans will r ate to do
tbeir own campaigning. -Capital Joorn.
aKFop.) ...
Jackson Street,
, - -..-V
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drugs, Toilet Articles, Patent Medi
cine. Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soaps, Paints ami OHh.
Photographic upplie...
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call and Examine them.--
Dealer in
Flour, Feed; Groceries, and Coun ry Produce.
Highest price for Cbootry Produos.
Roseburg, r - - Oregon.