The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 23, 1900, Image 3

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A Winning Ticket.
New Spring Goods
The Mild Winter has brought forth an Early Spring and wc
are now prepared to show you an elegant line of
in Grey, Castor, Mode and the New Foulc Plaids. We also
have a very swell line of Silks, Mouseilline Dc Soic, Etc.
Come in and look them' over.
Si Our Millinery Department
Will be quite a treat this Season as we have enlarged
this . Department and have secured the services of' an
Up-io-Datc Millliner direct from the city.
In Gent's Furnishings
We still continue to lead and have received all the striking
Novelties direct from the Manufacturer.
I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor.
A careful analysis of our g
Drugs and Chemicals J
Will prove them to be of
Full Standard
Strength and Purity.
Our Stock is unexcelled in Quality and our
Medicines arc absolutely reliable.
The Byron Horse.
i Purity f
I Accuracy V
I'roHcriptious coui
pcanUt Day and Night
Snow; Flake, h
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
F. S. Godfrey,
Phone Main 353. Prop.
Subscribe Fiii
Tim Byron horfe now owned by J. U.
Dixon will uik tki season at Wilbur
Wednesday and Tnursday of each week.
At Roseburg Friday and Saturday and
the remainder of the time at the borne
of the owner on the North Unipqna.
terms reasonable.
Stray Horse.
One bay horeo, about 4 years did,
branded "II" on right tdioulder, weight
about 1)00 or 1000 pounds. Taken up the
0th of March, at my place in Garden
Valley, 2,' miles west o( Wilbur.
a30p ) " N. LaHait, Jr.
Atbiahome in Ha buret near Drain,
Oregon. Benjamin E. Miller, aged 45
years Deceased leaves a w ife and five
small cbt'dreo. The funeral was held
We wili send you I he semi-weekly
Plaindkalbk and the Oregon Poultry
Journal, the best poultry journal in the
Northwest, both for (1.75.
Roseburg Bakery
It is a well knowu fact that
our breadstuff's are the best.
Fine fresh cakes, pies and
other pastries kept constant
ly on hand. Jackson btreet.
and I am afraid I have in
herited it. I do not feel
well : I have a coueh : mv
lungs are sore; am losing
flesh, wnat snail 1 aoi"
Your doctor savs take care of
yourself and take plain cod -liver
oil, but you can't take it. only
the strong, healthy person can
take it, and they can't take it
long. It is so rich it upsets the
stomach. But you can take
It is very palatable and easily
digested. If you will take plenty
of fresh air, and exercise, and
there is very little doubt about
your recovery.
There are hypophosphites in it ;
they givo strength and tone up the
nervous system while the cod-liver
oil feeds and nourishes.
r. andfi.oo, Udruggtati.
BOWNt.ChemUu, HiW York.
Lyle Marsters is the proud possessor of
a tine new Kara bier bicycle.
J. I.. I)wey, of Gleodale, was in the
city the lalter part of last week.
Mrs. Rober' P.orth, who was visiting
lb the city, went to Saginaw Friday.
Prof. ISarxftA of Drain was shaking
bund with friends in Ibe citf Saturday.
A Hew cross walk was laid betweeo the
depot hotel and the freight tepo', Fri
day. A. XV. Murningstar, a prominent citi
zen of Drain, was doing business in town'
It is reported that the Mohawk brand)
of the S. P. will be completed by the end
of June.
Jobn Churchill was over from Oakland
Thursday, doing business befort the U.
8. land office.
J. L. ftbaruhrook and W. T. Emery o'
Umpqua Ferry were doing business in
town Saturday.
Judge Howell, a prominent business
man and politician of Ashland, was in
the city on business Friday.
Location notices of both placer and
lode claims and all other kinds of blanks
lor sale at the Plaindealeb office.
D. E. Vernon, of the Oakland Owl,
was hooting around town Friday and
Saturday. We acknowledge a pleasant
Judge W. It. Willis and Attorney Kice
of Rosburg, were here Brst of the week
on legal btiioegB. Grants Pass Mining
Miss Kdna Il.uvey, who has been vis
iting friends in this city for the past week
returned home on tho local .Saturday
Gale DoVore of YoucaHa, stopped off
be Wednesday on bis way to Marys
vi lie, Calif., where he will remain in
definitely. Al Norman is running into Ahtitand on
the freight and will move his mother
here as soon as he can secure a houso
Valley Record.
A. M. Baker, of the Equitable Savings
and Lojo Association, was in the city
Friday representing his company and
made this office a pleasant visit.
Housholder thae wheels to sell and
trale. If you have anything to trade
bring it in and see hkn and he will treat
you right. Little yellow corner, oppo
site poatcfQce.
are eold ou a positive guarantee. Cures
heart burn, raising of the food, distress
after eating or any form of dyspepsia
One little tablet gives immediate reliei
25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale at M. F.
Kapp's drug atore
W. C. Conner is again at the helm of
the Roseburg Plaindealeb. He is one
of the brightest country 'newspaper men
in the state and if given half an oppor
tunity, will be a great benefit to the
Plain Bohemia Nugget.
Messrs. Phillips, Jas. Benson, Harry
Wynne and Calvin Wallace, prominent
citizens of Cottage Grove, made the
Plaindealeb a pleasant c.ll Friday
while in town on business before tho
register and receiver of the U. S. land
Rv. D. T. SujimerviMa ieit this (Fri-
day)eve.iing for Roseburg, where he will
Bpeud Sunday. He will then leave for
the East to attend the general conference
fiat tikes place'at EvauBton, III. There
be will inest his wife aud his eon, who
witii Johnny Booth, hoe teen attendiug
college. Miring Journal, Grants Pass.
Staytou'a enterprising broom unnu
fac'.urer, W. E. ITbouaas, has ordered
seed enough to plant twenty acres of
corn and offers to donate it free to any
one who will plant it in one acre tracts
or more. More than that, be will pledge
binis -If to pay $103 a tan tor the crop
next fall, or the market price, whatever
that may U Mail.
President McKiniey has signed a
proclamation opening to settlement the
northern half of the Colville Indian res
ervation in Washington. Thejproclaraa
tion will go into effect October 10 next.
The land opn to settlement is all that
part of the reservation which ha not
been alloted to the Indians aud com
prises about 1,500,000 acres. It will be
disposed of under the homstead laws at
f 1.50 an acre. Valley Record.
George A. White, the popular S. P.
conductor, is laid up with a badly bruised
right ami, the result of rujuriee he re
ceived fiom a "slinking up" in bis ca
boose, yesterday morning about 7 o'clock
George had just brought his freight train
in from the aoutj and the caboose was
standing on the track itear the water
tank. A switch engine bumped into and
derailed the caboose throwing every
thing lneide, including the genial con
ductor, Into much confusion; but Mr,
White bad hia usual good lack with him
ana fortuna'ely escaped with uo mora
serious iijurlaa than Ll badly bruised
aim. Tidiugs.
The following letter shows the estimate1
placed on the Republican ticket by a
prominent Douglas County Republican,
now in Alanka:
Skaoway, April 10, 1000.
Hon. E. D. Stratford,
Roseburg, Oregon.
Dear Judge: I have just received the
Roseburg papers in which is announced
the result of the work of the Douglas
County Convention. As a resident of
Douglas county and a member of the
Itepubhcan party, I wish to nay that I
am glad to know that the Republican of
old Douglas have nominated a winuiog
ticket. -The ticket it seems to me com
bines all of the elements of good Repub
lican strength and with good manage
mentBbould be elected "without the lore
of a man.'' The watchword with Re
publicans should be, "elect every man on
the ticket, or elect none." This is not
the year to scratch or trade. If there is
anything that I can do to help the mat
ter of Republicanism along, let me know.
It is not likely however that I will be
able to get to Roseburg to vote. My wife
and eelf ate well. Iam still kept very
busy, and don't have much time for out
side matters. Give my regards to
friends. Sincerely yours,
C. A. Sehlbbede.
Douglas County Crops.
Sol Abraham, one of li wborg's well
known citizens, is in tl n city visiting
relatives. He thiuka Douglas county is
going to 4iave the big-t crop of bay
and grain in its-history, hs the season is .
very forward, and the fields are waving
as they usuullv do i. May. Douglas
county fruit men are i t worrying oyer
the result of frost eitli r, as no damage
lias twen dune the pro t or peach blos
soms whatever. Oreg aian.
Gov. Bob Taylor, Tuesday Evening.
"His very tone of voice is enchanting,
and his aptitude at catching the spirit of
his auditors and taking them close to bis
heart is wonderful." Nashville Ameri
can. The graduations of his lecture were'
beautifully illustrated with the most
amusing anecdotes told iu an inimitable
fashion. New Orleans Times-Demt-crat.
"No effort at word-painting could at
tain a sublimer h'ijjht." New Orleans
"His fun was sandwiched in when
least expected, and it sent his audience
into roars of laughter." Dallas News.
"Gov. Bob Taylor will never ee the
day when bis jokes will fail to reach tbe
hearts of men and women." Atlanta
"Bob Taylor is more than a gedius in
bis way, and today stands alone as the
great portrayer, upon the lecture p!at
form, of tbe beauties of nature, and de
lineator of tbe humbler characters. Hia
is a btart of melody and a tongue of
gold." Chattanooga Times.
This world is a hanging garden of
beauty to those who love; it lis tbe
harp of a thousand strings to those who
laugh and sing.Gjv. Taylor.
Gov. Bob Taylor at the Opera House,
Tuesday evening, April 24. You should
net fail to hear him.
Fighting Near Karee
LosooK, April 0. A dispatch froaa
Blormfonteiu says that firing is reported
south of Karee Siding, six miles north of
London, April 20. The report tl
fighting at Karte Siding may be the firsj
news of the progress of the British a
vapce on Pretoria, and there are othat
indications that Roberts is either start
ing or has already started for bis norths
ern goal.
A dispatch from Capo Towu says:
"Censorship restrictions have bee
great'y increased, owing to the move
ment! of troops."
The Boers south of Bloemfonteiu are
reported retreating. Large commandos
were veeu April 19th uear Thabtncbu
moving north.
From Pretoiia tomes the report that
fever 'ii decimating 'the Mafeking garri
son, and a letter from tbe mayor of Mafe-
i king says that General Robert baa
! uutil May 20th.
: II. G. Housholder desires to announce
! that he has leaood the Rose (.trove and
I bicycle track aud will at once improve
and heautifv tin- ame and make it a
favorite resort ( jr thoe seeking rent and
recreation. A small fee will be charged
for admission to the grounds, including
use ol track, swings, hammocks, etc.