J - TO Jk EIGHT PAGES. Southern Oregon's Leading Newspaper. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. "ROSEIiURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY; OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1900 No. 32 Vol. XXXI. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET Men Who Stand for Good Govern ment, Progress and Prosperity WHO OUR CANDIDATES ARE. A Pew Undeniable Pacts Concerning V" the Nominees on the Joint' and County Ticket. HON. H. A. IIOOTII. Hon. H. A. IJootli, the lepnblican nominee for joint senator of Josephine, Douglas and Latin counties, is to well known to require an Intioduetion through thi columns of this paper, lie having gruwii to manhood-i estn'n in thU county while his entire active btiKin"" career bus been spirit In theco thrro counties, And it may i stated without fear c f con tradiction tUnt tio imio has J j 1 1 . us much to develop tln urMt renource id thin tec t lots of Or'-iJ-'ii. ertato employment f"r our people. 11ml inaugurate mi i r.i of pro gress and pruf.n-u'y iti liifi Hon. H, A. Booth. ItiiHi'ha feeling of pride that tliu I'i..mmik juiMs to tliB rupciior ability, indomitable otter price and energy iA this man, , throuxh whosa tltri :t and industry in the. estab lishment of Hits valuable lumber and other itnliiutrii.-f, Josephine, county owes her prjsp-'rity and comuierti.il import Hr' to a great decree, today. No lees can be fluid of Mr.'Baoth'a operations in Itiit L-ounty, whore bin brilliant achieve ments of tho pact few years in develop ing tier vaat timber and lumber resources ut tha same time giving a new impetus to lbs producer of tLe various producti of tbe farm, Lib Inaugurated an era of " process and prosperity neater than ever before experienced in that coonty, As is fittingly demonstrated by Mr. Booth's connections with the Sugar l'ine Poor & Lumber Co. of Graots Pass, and tbe Iiootb -Kelly Lumber Co., of S4glnuw ami Weudling, in Lane ccutity, it is characteristic ol the man that his Investments and capital ia in tin) field of productive industry, his great enterprises affording em employmenl and a chance of livelihood to a treat army of worthy . laborers, as well as creating a good home market for all kinds of products of tlio farm. In fact he Las dot 10 mors to eMablish a reputation and foreign market for Ore gon lumber than fcny one mau in the state, which has made Oregon' timber lands valuable and u investment eager ly sought for. Mr. Uvoih ia a man of remarkable bt;yteB capacity and foresight, posses ing an unblemished character, a student of thrift and economy and is in every way emloootly well qnalilied to fill the responsible office to which he aspires. II is innumerable friends throughout this district will see to it that a band, some inj jiity is rolled up for him at tbe pills Jane the 4th. B. D. 1IKUK1. ?.. D. Briggs, of Ashland, the nominee for Joint representative of Jackson and Douglas counties, is a brilliant attorney, a man who enjoys tbe reepect and es teem ol all who know him. He is a safe anil reliable person with whom to en trust the Interest of these couuties in tbe Oregon legislature. HON. A, C. llARSTRKS. It Is fortunate for the republican! of this county that a man of aucb strong personality, fine intellectual attainments and sterling integrity as is possessed by Hiu.A.O. Marsters, should be chosen to head their couuty ticket. We bave ouly been acquainted with Mr. Maratera for the pbt five or six years, but like all others w ho are so lortunate as to form his acquaintance, w admire hiui lor bis ability, many sterling qualities and sober industrious habits. Mr. Marsters is not anofBua seeker and be baa never aspired 1 to office, however upon tbe earnest solicitation ol bis cueny friend, be ao espied the nomination and was elected toa,orclthU city, which position be tilled foir snceesslve year, declining tbe .rioailoaiion for a third term ai (bp last municipal election. Vigilent and vigor ous contention for honest and provident expo'iditnrn of city funds earned for him a well deserved reputation for economy, In fact, nil public matters placed In his hands have always been handled with the same en refill buinees sagacity that has clnimcterir.rd tl.o management of his own private business affair. it is an undeniable furt that if clec'ed to tho Oregon Senate, no one would ex ergue more watchfulness over the finan ces of tbe state, defeat more extravagant anil ohjectional legislation and nrreoi;. plitili mere lor Douglas county generaMy than would Hon. A. C. Marnier. Hih Indotuitablo perseverance In any under taking; in which bo ouce embarks, hi fearlessness tA operetion public mat ters and unusual capacity for judging the motives and merits of men, maken bim an ideal mnn fur the office to which he now HHpires. The republican party and Houglas county will have cauttn 'to feci proud of Iho day Hon. A. C. Marettra ie sent to the Oregon f-enuto. A. H. MA'UOON, Tim republican nominee for county ri!ri bsn'ative, A. It. MmttaoD, in an en ti'rpriHins!, pronperdr.M tiller f lh R;ji! lllid 'c couiit'd ttic 'I-.: tin; to jet Ftlccew fj f irni'TB of Ivjalng J!ns valley. It id V( ry il-!-'.roii!) tha' muirfinu in cLirn1 touch ul'h tl:ti Iruit and agricultural in-ten-sta of our oiiniy t-e Kent to th-s IctfiM luturti l' g.mrd tli" interests of t!.o fii(uor an well .m other county intereMa, snd in this ni'ptet Mr. .Ma::oon fillx the bill in every detail. Mr. Muttoon is a gcntktnnii of more than ordiuury ability, well informed 011 all public . i'ieitioiiH, byth statu and natioiul, and ia ready, fluent speaker and there '11 no room to doubt that the county's interests will be carefully unaided by him.' C .IIOM KlNi. Mr. King, a nomioee for representa tive on the republican ticket, Id a sucess ful youtg biminese mau of Yoncalla, having been engaged in tbe drug busi ness in that flourishing little city for some time past. He is a young man possessed of many sterling qualities and is very popular in the north part of the county wbere he ia well known. He has an enviable reputation for honesty, is a young man of abMity and in bis election the people will have a public servant who will te careful, painstaking and dis creet in all legislstive matters. K. L. TAKIIOTT. Kugeue L. Parrot t, republican nominee for sheriff, ia a native son of not only Oregon, bnt of this county a!eo. He has grown to manhood in this county and ia therefore In cloee touch with its affair and being quite an exteiiHive properly balder baa tho Intercuts of the county at heart. Mr. I'arrott is at the head of the substantial and. well known Loot and hoe Arm of I'arrott Bros., of this city, a business which has been built u p through economical and strictly business princi ples. While Mr. I'arrott is toot a politic ian and is practically unknown in politics in this county, he ia by no means a stranger to the people, who know him, and regardless of of party affillatiooa hold Lino in the high est esteem for bis ability, honesty in bis dealings and many sterling qualities. Id the commercial world be ia widely known, having been engaged in business of Considerable magnitude in this city for many years, making a dooided suc cess of bis priyats affairs, which is tbe kind of recommendation that counts. He is a man of sufficient years maturity and business experience to especially qaallfy him to serve in thi capacity of sheriff with exactness, decision and credit. Keally, no better recommenda tion for any man Is needed than the fact thahe Is sober, induatrions and bns made a decided success of his own busi ness. We have no hesitancy in asking for such men the suffrages of tbe sov ereign people. He Is no mau's pet. 1le went before the convention strictly up on his merits and tbe action of the dele gates in making him the' unauiuious choice of the convention for sheriff ie commendable in the extreme. That he will be elected there ie not 11 quention of doubt. u. k. siUMsaook. Tbs subject of this brief sketch, Djvid R. 8h amsrook, is also a native son of whom or stats tnd coonty may well (Ooiloi on Tags 0.) Tilt OLD DEMOCRACY Cleveland Warns His Party Against False Leaders. BROOKLYN CI IB BANQUET. lix(Jovernor Campbell, of Ohio, on the Errors of the Chicago Plat form; Bought in by Popu lists. New Youk, April IS The Urooklyn iMtnucratic Clnl gave a dinner tonight at tlie i Tiiinnia Club to commemorate the 157tl anniverenry of the birth of Thomas JefTeMon. About 130 persons rra present. At tho gnli-' tuMe were ex (iovernor Jame V..- Campbell, of Ohio; Joseph J. Wille:t, ol Alabama, and o hcr prominent public men. fI.f.VKI.A.VV i.i.tiki:. llt l'ri Hldfiit Cleveland sent a kUt-r .-. areititig I.! in i'iili'v t l.e i re-ent and i'siimi h'n oviniont on tbe present d"iiiocr.ii ". Ilia Istter was as follows: "riiici:ti;i. N. J.. fpril 12. Louw I". Buikiird Ivur rMr: I r.-rct that I am utmbli) to acc-pt your uivitation to at tend the dinner to be given by tbe Brook lyn Dwnocmtio club on tha 18th ins'., to commemorate fbe birth of Tboniaa Jeff erson. When thoe who prof-BS demo cratic laith meet to celebrate the birth of the niiio who flrt gave their fai h a dis tinct formulation, ttioir pride in the achievements and triumphs of tho party which he founded should not entirely displace all thought of urcecnt eituatioua. and tbe conditions wh?ch Vrf the light of experience, appear to be essential to ita success. Though tbe faults of the party in power are many, and though its of fenses against the political health and safety of the country are flagrant, these things should not encourage os to base an expactation of success and a hope for the restoration of wholesome admit ietra tion upon the eliorteoraings of our adver saries. We ahould too well understand their ability to ultach to tneir fortunes ti e powerful contingent of selfish inter ests to place confident reliance upon tbe weakness which ought to be the penalty of their misdeeds. "Beside, none of ns can clooe our eyes to tho fact that the democratic party ia only formidable in ita own strength. Its power to win victories has always oeen found to depend upon a sturdy and con siatent adhoreuce to ita tiraa-honore 1 principles, which havo proved suffici6ii to meet every emergency of our National ife. Whatever successes may have at tended a party of opportunity with sails spread for every transient breeze of pop ular sentiment or excitement, experienc has abundantly demonstrated that dem ocracy is so constituted that it is only strong wheo courageous in tbe right, and only victorions when ita forces are mar shalled nnder its old an 1 well-organizad standards. Our principles are so Bimple and they accord so well with the honest American disposition, which loves free dom and cares fox the public welfare, that they are eaBtly understood by the democratic masses. As a result of this, tbere has never been a time when false leadership of our party and a departure from simple demo cratie faith have not been quickly dis covered and ruthlessly rebuked by list less support, prouounced defection and bitter defeat. These consequences have thns far beau so inevitable that the lea sons they teach cannot be disregarded without iuviting calamity. , "The healthfulnees ol our party may well be questioned when it sh.ioks fr u such au examination of ita position a will enable it to avoid disaster by keep ing in a course of safety, under tbe guid ance of true democracy. Therefore, those who claim lo be followers of Thomas Jefferson will fail to diaeharge a solemn duty if, in this time of doubt and temptation, they neglect such so exami nation, and if Ibis discloses a teudency in party control to subordinate tbe prinei ' pies tA pure dsmocrary and to distrait their conquering power, then conditions should nOt ontinne without a brave and early democratic proient. I have ad dressed these wordn to feilow-democrate in the full consciousne's that I am now far removed from any influence in party oiari;ui m "fit, but I love tho democratic Prty, and have written under the sanc tion of that freedom ol speech which 1'hoinas .T-flVrBn placed among the car- dirml factor of our democratic creed. Yours very truly, "(illOVJiK Cl.KVKt.AKO." A letter was read from ex-Governor Bu'i-s, of Iowa, in which he advocaten the freedom of Cutia and the giving op of tbe Philippines, (ieneral Joseph Wheel er, also sent a letter of regret. Joseph J. Willett responded to the toast "A Century of Democracy." C-GOVEBNOR CAMPHKLL'S fjl'EECH. In responding to the toast, "The Res toration of Jefferaonian Democracy," ex- Governor Campbell declared that tbe party of Jeffereon could not survive half democratic and half populists. He re pudiated tbe socialistic theories brought jnto the p.irty by the populH's. Speak inaoftlj Chicago piriform of IS'JO, ho declared that it enunciated many great and endiirii:.? truths, but coupled them to r.t least ono fatal error Hie "mi Jcf fetJ'ininn and under exi.'tin ruining and commercial ccn ;r;e; th? irapj'sible prop) itioti ot 1G to I." Tl.e. Speaker sdd that a majority cf the elect ir of the country were tdmetaliets, but that they had been forced to ctioo?u between the tw o forms of monometallism, and they hvj cho?en gild, but in doing so they had been saddled with a finan cial bill which created the most powerful and dir'g-;roii8 of all trusts a money trust. It was sufficient be said to know that "10 to 1" was dead, and that jast so long as tho democrats proclaimed their intention to resurrect it, just that long would their own resurrection be post poned. Mr. Campbell declared that tbe army oj working men had plenty of work at good waxes. Continuing, he said. "It will be hard to enlist their co-operation to destroy oppression in Paerto Kico or stsy imperialism in the Philippines un less we first abandon tbe menance to their own prosperity." Our Cuban Subjects Counted . The total population of Cuba ia 1,572, 797 iocludiui; S15.2J5 white males and 4G2,'J2G white females of native birth. Foreign whites number 115,700 males and 2,453 females. The.e are 111, SOS male? negroes and 122,740 female negroee. Mixed races number 125,000 raalet? and 145,305 females. There are 13,001 male and 163 female Chinese. Tbe- popnl.ition of Havana city is 235,931. Of the tu'.al pjpul Ui on of the island, 1,103,700 are set down a3 single ; 240,351 as married, while 131.7S7 live together by mutual consent. There are 85,112 widowed persons. Tho Spanish by birth number 120,240, Of the children 10 years of age and over, 49,410 have attended school. Of tbe to tal population, 443,426 can read and write, and 19,158 have a superior educa tion. Elkton Notes. Phil Weatherly has returned from Gardiner. J. M. Uobinaon was assessing in tbe Kellogg country, last week. O. Mattoon is driving tbe stage be tween this place and bcottsburg. Judge Bennett, ot Marshfield, passed through on trlday s stage. Teamsters are now busy hauling freiKht from Drain. Arch McUulre, of Drain, is visitiug friends at tbm place, this week. Mrs. M.M. Bacon has a floe display of millinery goods in town. V.rs. Addie Suraguo returned from Marnhtield last week, wbere she has been to see her sister wtio.baa been quite II. Born, April 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. t'heever a sou. U. T. Moore wilt soon take hie depart ure lor Gardiner, where he will find em ployiuent in the logging camp. A very sad funeral 'ook place at Mr. aod Mrs. It. II. Dimmick whose infant daughter died Monday nieht. The little one onlv a few days old but none the less dear. While onr hearts go out in sym pathy to tbe bereaved parents, we feel to know that the little one is safe aod hat scaped Iroin walking tbe tnoroy path ol me. RENEWED ACTIVITY Boers and British Lighting at Several Points WEPNER SIEGE NOL YET RAISED Relief Column Engaged the Burgh ers Near De Wet's Dorp Ar tillery Duel in Natal. London, April 22. Dispa'.chers arriv ing from tbe seat of war, though mea ger and unsatisfactory, ci 'arly indicate renewed activity at all po uts where tbe British and Boer forces e in striking distance of each other, t.iterest for the moment centers at De VS et's Dorp and Wepner, wbero fighting evidently is in progress. A diptcu r : ived from Ali wal North, daUiTl'P ' 21, eays that there was bravy litlng previous day between le Wet's D and Wepner-, and around Wcpnir r- mrday, bnt that no particulars Laye i n received. A' special from Maseru, .alcd Saturday, says: "The invehtmfcot of Wepner continues. The Boers .eetn determined to do their utmost to capture the garrison before re lief arrives. He"ere fighting appears im minent." . . The activity Jof the Boers at' ElandV; Laager apparently has failed to draw ; ; General Buller, if that was its object, in to doing ptere than repel the attack made on bis advance posts. A djttaU'b from Warreotoo, dued Sat ujiay, eays : "There has been intermittent and ia- effective sniping by Boers, who also tired L:v .shells, both daring tbe day and tbe nigJt, at the station the past two days." ' A special dispatch from Zwanki'p, Josfontein, dated 21, says : "This morning 1500 Boers made a de termined attack on a convoy returning to Boshof. The British succeeded in re pulsing the attack, and tneir fire became so heavy and well-sustained that the Boers fell back with considerable less. Tbe British casualties were 16 killed and wounaed. The convoy reached B.ish.jf safely." Nearing a Settlement. Nkw Youk, April 11. A special- to the World from Washington eays: Unlets the fSuitau of Turkey acts very promptly. Alt Ferrough Bey, the Turkish Minister, will be given his pat a port, and diploma tic relations between tbe 'United States and Turkey will be suspended until the Sultan pays the , 100,000 due citizens of the United States. It is understood that an oltioaatuat. stating tbat the diplomatic relations will be severed unions tbe claims are paid, (a ready for presentation to the Turkish government. It is known at tbe depart ment tbat the Turkish minister advise4 his government yesterday relative lo the situation, and tims will be given far the Sultan to act before tbe ultimatuai wll be issued. Will be Settled. Bkb.un, April 21, The Foreitru Offiee says it has information indicating tbat tbe United States' difficulty with Turkey will be settled amicably in a few days. : Tbe Foreign Office does not believe a naval demonstration will become neces sary. (Questioned as to bow tbe Euro pean powers would regard such a dem onstration, a Foreign Office official re plies that uo exchauice of views ba yjt . been made. Washington, Ai.ril 21. Ali Ferraugit Bev, the Turkish Minister, bad. another conference with Secretary . Hay at the State Department today, which in his opinion, tended (till further to eubaooe the prospect of a complete and amicable settlement of the disputed American claims on Turkey. Tbe Minisier refuse to discuss the conference, beyond ex pressing tbe belief tbat tha negotiations respecting the American claiass sr tost nearing a Istlsfoctory conclusion. Id ! & d d