The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 19, 1900, Image 8

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United states Lund Otlice,
Uosr.Biitu, Oregon, Mulch 1", 1".
nonce is m ii'i'j lo. ....... - ,
with ti e prv isieits oi the act of Congress oil
June 3. !'-"'. entitled " in act for tlu- saleol i
timber iniuls mine Mines i'ioiii,
Nevada, nud V a-'tlustoa Territorv, '
OtA-hUiiuJ. fount v of .Wiland, state of Wis
consin. h.i t.n day tiled ill tills oltice his Kvvora
aialeutentNo.N'O. lor the purchase .tth K',
-NW. l-otsl nn t2i fS,cNo. IS. in ipNo. SIS. h
No.'" W". am! will offer pioof to show that the
laud sought Innoiv Mi'.uxi'lo for iia ;iinln.r or
stone Hum tor putpows, and to es
tablish hisrlnim to -aid land before the Routs
frill d Receiver of tlilV oiliee at Rosebuiv. Ore
gon, on Tuesday, tlio 22nd .lay of May, lis v. He
minus if witness., s; 1.. DeWoH. of Wood
a d wic-hiAn.. Jmncs MeCully -Ilw II. "an
na. UuuielD. Kutucdy, iiU of Ashland, W iscon-
Si"'iiy iui.1 .l p. nous claiming adversely the
,-iove-ilcv".iie I lauds ore n-.iu'tcd to die their
i-l'iim- in this office on or before said 2.'ud day
United States Laud Office.
KosKin if;, or., February if. I'.W
Notice is herebv given tbat incompliance
with the "revision" of the sctot Conuress of
June S, ls;, entitled "An art for tlio sine of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore
son. Nevada and Washington territory,
Of Mtirshiicld, Connt of Coos, Stale of Oregon,
has ibis dav tiled in this oiliee his sworn state.
mctitNo.M.t. for the purchase of theW,'4of
w.Xrt. i-i,in Ti. No. 2oS. RNo. 10 W. and
will offer proof to show that tho land sought lis
j .low valuable for its timber or sume than for
ucrleitltural purposes, ui:d to establish hi claim
o said land before the lu Blstor and Receiver of
this oiliee at Ksseburp-. Or., on luesday, the Jr-tli
iav of Muv, l.i. He names b witnesses:
William W leun. Frank Rogers, J. loakam. K. ait of Mnrsbiield. Oregon, auv and all
persons claiming adver-ely the above-described
ami a ro rcim'sted to tile their ri aims in this
..;Uceoii or before silo 2t'th day of Ma v, I'M),
t, Register.
Notice for Publication,
t'KiTEr. St.'Tks Land Ofh b.
Koscbtinr. Oreson, Feb. L't, 1JWI.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Conirrtsa of
June:;. lsTs, entitled "An act for the le of
timber lands in the -states of California, Oregon,
Nea-la and V ashmctoti Tenitory,'
Of jlursiitk; J, Count v of Co. State of Oregon,
bus t.iis .lav Hied in ihisoihce bis sworn state
iuet:t No, siv, tor the pun base oi theKW'i of
te No.-Ji. in 'J'p N2 6 It No.M V.'. and wiipoiler
l.roof to show tbat the land som-'ht is more
valuabie for it or stone thafa for ari-v-iiltiiia!
pmi-oses, and toestaiilish hs C'.ntui to
a:d land Lvfote t!;e Keeisttr ud Keoeii i r of
this otiiee at K.-sel iirs oreioa. on lufwlay,
thei th davof Mav. lift). Ue uai:ies as wiuiesst s
Charie" A. Me'.iin. F. Halcy 1!. Wetdeu, Wil
iium Wreuii. ail oi Marslnivld, Oreeoo. Any
n:id nil person cliiimiiii,' adversely the
lauds are requested to tile their claims
in ti:is othre ou or betore said -Vth duy of .May,
J. T. BHUt.Ee,
p Register.
Notice for Publication.
R.isKiii bo, Ore., March K, i'At'.
Notice is nert-by Kiven that in comil:wice
v, i:h tin provisions of the act ot Congress of
juueS. Is7j. en ti tied "Au act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of California, Ore
cull, Neva-la and Washington Territory,"
oi Oakland, t ounty vi Douins. 8:to of Oregon,
has this duy tiltd in this office his sr. orn s'atv
iretit No. or the purchase of tnes. W. 4
of Section No. lu. in Township No. -1 S. Range
No. 4 . and will otter proof to show that the
land souirht is more valuable tor its timber or
stone than for agricultural puroses, aud t es
tablish hUciaim to said land beiure the Begls
lerand itecciver of this ottieo at Rosi-bunr, Ore
ion, on Tiiiusday the loth day oi May lfloo
He nanus a- witnesses: "E. E. "Thornt-iu,
Clirie Hunt, Grant '1, and If . if. Miller
ail of Oakland. tou!us County Oregon. Any
t'.nd all persons i adversely the above
o escribed lauds are rejue-ted to rile their
'laiius in this uttiee on or before said loth day of
Ji J. T, JtRlLiGES,
Notice for Publication.
United States Lasd OffIi g,
Roscburg. Oregon, Februar l-i. l'XC
notice is hereby given ihat in toinpli.tice
ith the provisions of the act of Congress of
Jcne a. ls,s, entitled ".n set lor the sire of
timber laud-s lu the: States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washmglon Territorv."
of Wash burn. County of Rav ne!d. State of Wis
cousin, bus: this day tiled in this oiliee his sworn
statenieM No. st", fur the purchase of the Lou
i, i, : t.' i Oi Mctibii M). I, in l"H nshtp No.
it eotita RariL-e No. ;i West, ami will olt'tr uroof
M show that the laud sought is moie valuable
jor its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
' noses. an1 to cstaMiOi his -laiiu to said laud be-
.ore ibo K"-i.u-r und Rert-uer ci this ortice at
Kosebuii.-. jr'-i,"'ii, onFriduy, the.'Ttb day of
.ipri., i-.s.'. lie liaioes m w ii ucssft ; .uicnaei
N. ol.tad. of Washburn. Wis.: Edward i . fctev-
oils, of Ashland. Wis.; Charlie (ieisert. of Wash-
burn, W :.; .lames c. 1 uincy, oi i'ortlund, Ore
gon. Any and all ia.rsoiik claiming adversely the
aljove-described binds are requeaUMi to lii ,'their
c'iaiius in this otlice on or before tiTth day of
April r-'.u. j. i. BKiiiiii.s,
a-lfi' Registtr.
Notice for Publication.
I'sitWl SlATtS Lakij Omcg,
Roseburg, Oregon. Febiuary 15. IJiSi.
Notice is hereby given that In coiiii.liance
with the provisionsof the act of Congress of
jouca, ip.s, cutitiea - An act tor tlie sale ol
imlit-r lauds In the Stales California, Oregon,
Nevada.'und Wasbinglou Territory, '
-1111 IIAtl, A. IJ1K1AU
Of W'AShburn, County of liayheld. State of WU
Jansiu, In s this iiuv tiled lu this office his sworn
slateuient, No, b., for the purchase of the
southwest ijiiarterof isvctiou No, -J, iu Town
ship N it south. Range No. ' West, and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timleror stone than for agri
cultural purpo.-s, and to establish bis claim to
said miu oeiorcthe Register and Rocelverol ihis
oitiee at RoseOurg, Oregon, on Friday, the'J7th
lay of April. I'i. Hi- i.iin-s as witnesses;
Frank W. potter of Asliland, W i onsiii, James
'. Turney ol i'orllaml. Oregon. Kdwardl '. Sle
"us. of Ashluud, Wisconsin, John W, Uellaml of
v asiiijurii, vv tscousiu.
Ai,y and all person claiming adversely tie-nbove-di'M-rilied
lauds ure rciieslcd to ti lu their
claims In ihlsolhee on or before said 27th day of
April, l'.s.i.
i Register,
Ai7. -
Notice of Final Settlement.
N itie.i u in-reby given that the undersigned.
V C'jtoi . ol Hie e-tale of A. W. Reiil, liecea-s- d,
.'sal tiled their final account ti. such esi-ciilors
:n i In- County Couit ol i'oiielii- ( ounty, stale
oi On 4011, im l lout said oiirl i,s M-t 'l uexlay,
the l I. nay of Juv . 1si, ut the hour oi luo'idiark
a, in. of raid duy at the Court House -in hose
but.', Iloiiiilii. t ounly, Oi. .' -ii. us Hie lime mill
plwc fur beiiriiig obji-cti'iiis ihereto, nod lor the
I lllll seltlenielll of said 1 -slnle. ,
I in tiii this luh day of April, lis 11.
Hv'A A, RtED.
Exi'cutors of the Estat of A. W. Reed, Ie-1
aid. avt;)
V lilted Stale? Laud Oiliee,
Roseburg. Oregon, March 10, tWO.
Notiee is herebv given that in compliance
with the provisions of the art o( Congress of
June;!, DCs, entitled ",ln art for the sale of
limber lands fn the Slate" of California, Oregon,
NericSu. and W ashlngton Territory,"
(if .Isblnnd. County of Ashland, Htale of Wis
consin, has thiadiiy filed In this olllce his snorti
statement No. WJ, for the imrohaie of the K',,
mv1,. Lots 3, 4, of sts'tion No. IS, in Townsblii
No. al 8, Kaimo No. i W, and will oiler proof to
show tbat the laud souirht 1 mon- valtiable for
its timber or atone than for agricultural pur
mw s. ami to establish his clatin tosa'dland
before the Keirliter and Receiver of this ofllee nt
UosemirR. Orenou, on Tuesday, the ISind day of
Mav. two. lie names as wuticses: i,. u, lie
Wolf, of Woodland. WuhltiL'toii. Oeorire 11. Me-
Cloud, .lames Met'ulty, tliiis H. llanuii, allot
Astilaud, N tsoonsln.
Auv and all imtsoiis clatinluK aivcrsi lT the
nlKive-dem-ribed lands a'e reiiieatHl to tile thei r
eiatms in inis oinec on or nciore said :;iui uay oi
Mav, 1900. ,
3. T. BRtrxiKs )
I'pltcil States Lund titlloe.
Hoseburp. Oregon. March at, llX).
' Notice )s hereby Klveti that In compliance
with the provision of the act of Couuresa of
June :., p;, entitle.! An ai t tor the sale of
timber lauds In the Stales oi California, Oregon,
Nevada and Waslilnston Territory,"
tf Cleveland County of Uouvlas, State of Ore
Ron, lias this day tiled in this offlee bis sworn
statement No. w's.i, for the purehase of the M l,
N i4 of Section No, , In lovmishlp No. i 8.,
Raiiiie No. West, ana will offer proof to show
that the land sought is nioro valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish Ms claim to said land livf .ra
the llcsister and Receiver of this line at Rose
bur, Oregon, on Thursday the 7th day June,
l'Mi. He names as wituesaea; F.dward Von
l'cssl, Carl Keeker, John Ret ker, and Frank
Sherman, of Cleveland, Orcyon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tlio
above-deseribod lands are reiiestsj to tile their
claims In this office An or betore said 7th day of
June, 1V00.
J. T. BI.100ES,
United States land Office.
RosEiit rb, On gon, March, lo, I'MO.
Notice is hereby given tbat lu compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June J.
1T, entitled "An act for the sale of timber
lauds in the Statesof California, Oregon, Nevada
OI Ashland, Counly of Anhland, State of W is
cousin, has this day bled in this office his sworn
statement No. K'.d, lor the purchase of the NE'4
of irectloit No. is. in Tortiiship No. it S, Range
No. 3 W, and will offer prool to show that Hi e
land sought is more valuabie for its timber or
store than for agricultural purpose, and to e-
aoun ins claim to saw lanu la-tore the Register
and Receiver of this otlico at R'wcliuig, regoti,
on Tuesday, the !:id day of May ICS)) Ho
names as witnesses: L. (i. JieWoil, of Wc.d
tand, Wiisliingtmi, James C. Turnev. of Port
land, Oicgoii, James McCully, Daulul D. Ken
nedy, of Ashland, Wisconsin.
Any aud all pcrsoua claiming aderely the
above ilcscribed lauds are reiiucsied to file their in this otlice on or before said 'iiud dav
of May, i'j(o.
J. T. Bkiihiis,
Notice For Publication.
Roseburg, Orcgoti, February l'.i, P.sjo.
Notiee is hereby given tbat iu compllaiicc
wifb the provisions of the act of Congn-ss of
June .;pi, ISTis, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber hinds In tb states of California, Oregon,
Nevada And Washington Teiritory."
Of W ashburn. County of Bayfield. fUate of Wis
consin, has this day filed in this otlice his swoin
statement No. !sj7, for the purchase of the 's.i
of Section no. H, in Tounn.Ip No. 21 south,
Range No. 3 W est, nd will offer proof to show
that the land sought ix moro valuable for its
limber or stone than for agricultural purHjs s,
and to establish his claim to said land before the
Rcghtcraud Receiver of tbisoOice at Roseburg,
Oregon, 011 Thursday the 3rd day of May, laun.
He names as witnesses- Sivert Oie, of Wash
burn, W ifcconsin. Olaf M. Olson, of Washburn,
Wisconsin, Jacob Johnson, of Washburn. Wis
cousiu, Oscar Lundg.Eii, of Washburn, Wiscon
sin. Any and all (Ktrsons claiming ad verse! v he
alxive-descrllAU lauds are risincsted to (lie
their c'niins iu this office 011 or before laid tird
tllty of May, 1'JOO. ,
m.'lp Kcglster.
Notice for Publication.
Uoseburg. Oregon, February, 111, 1!J0.
Notice is hereby given that lu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June :;. Ihfs, entitled -'An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the slates of California, Oregon,
Ncv ada and W ashlngloii T- rrltory :"
of Washburn, County of Haylield, Stale of Wis
consin, has this day rlkd in this ofllee his svvoii
statement. No. ts, lor the purchase of the
of NW'i-i and lots a. t and t
of Section No. b, lu Township No. tU South
Range No. 2 W , and will offer proof to show
tbat the laud sought Is more valuable for Us
timber or stone than for agricultural puiposcs,
and to establish his claim to said laud before
the Register and Receiver of this office at Rose
burg, Oregon, 011 Thursday the ard day of May,
l'jt). He names as witnesses: lJavldajJedland,
of Washburn, Wisconsin; niv-rt Oie,l Wash
burn, Wisconsin; Olaf M. Oicsou, of Waabburne,
W iMtoiisin; Oscar Luudgreu ol Washburn, Wis
consin. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
abov e-described lands are requested U, nlethell
claims iu this office ou or before said ard day
May, l'JCO. 1. t. iJRIlMlErt,
4 nif.' Kigister,
Notice for Publication.
Cmtkb SiAtrs Land Owicic.
Roseburg, Oregon, February Ui, I'JU).
Notice is hereby given Ihat iu compliance
with the piuvisloiis of the act of Congress of
June .', lS7s. entitled "Au act for the sale of tim
ber lands In the Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud W ashington Territory;"
ol Marshfleld, County of Coos, Stale of Oregon,
has this day filed lo this oMiee his sworn state
ment No. Mi, for 'he purchase of the HK; of
Section No. .10, In Tou usnip No. 'Hi 8, Range No.
t W., and wilt offer proof loshow that the laud
sought is more aluabl for Its timber or atone
than for agricultural purocs, and to establish
his claim to said laud before the Register and
Receiv er of this oOico at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Saturday, Ihe Uth day of May. liiuo. He uamea
as witnesses; Win. ii. biiiilh, of Marshlleld,
Oreauii, Oeo. ii. Herri.11, of Marshlleld, Oregon
E W. Kardell, ol Marshlicld, Oregon; A. E. Kur
del'.. of Marshlleld, Oregon.
Auv and alt a.'iwuis cinimlng adversely the
abose-dese ribcii lands are le'i nested to file fuel;
cla ins iu Oils otlice 011 or before said 12th day cl
May, 1'juo. J T. UR1UOEH,
Administrator' Nonce of ile.
X'OTH'i: IS HKKkBV tllVEX Tfl 'f BY VfH-
hie and 111 piirsuunca of anorler and de
cree oil he County Court of tioug as County,
Oiegon, duly made by Ihe Hon. .Lkj L..ou,
Juiig.: 01 .aid Court, aud entered of record on
the "Hi day ol M.pteinla-f. Ih'.iV, ordeiing ami di
recting the undersigned administrators to sell
thereat property hereinafter described aud be
longing to theeslale ol Karl Kiiuuiel, decease.!,
tbesald administrator will proceed to sell on
und alter Monday. May 7, I Hue. at private sale
for cash lu hand i r pai l, cash aud credit. iioii
the satd premises in one body, the followiiie
described real roa-rlr, lowil: iota, block I lu
me tow n of CHiiyoiiviiie, uouglas County, Ore
gon. .
() Administrator.
United stales Laud Office.
tlosKiu iui, Oregon, April 4, I'.HiO.
Notion (a lis-rehy given that In compliance
v llh the provisions id the act of Cougiess ot
Ju m II 1V,M, entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lauds In the Htates of Calllortiln, Oregon
I Nei ada ami Washington Territory,"
.1 .i r s ii. n u.i-.t;,
of Abi-rdecn, County oi Chidialls, Slale of Wash
ington has this day tiled til this oiliee his sworn
statement No '.lit, for the purchase of tie h'.j
N Wi, and lots 3 .iml t of Set lion No. 4, In 'low u
.hlpNo.'.iH. Range No '. W, antfe. w 111 otler
pMot to show that the land nought l.ihioro xaiu
able for its timber or stone than for agiioullurul
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land befere the Register aud l!ee. ir of this
olllce at Koscburv, I'r.igonon Frldav the l'ulay id
June, l'.W. ll names as w Itm -srs, (inugo II.
Hopkins, i". M. Littler, O. Karshuer, J. II. Harsh
ner. all of Abcnleen, Wash. Any and nil per
sons claiming adversely the above-described
lands are requested tu ille their claims tu this
olllce on or before- said Kith, (lay of June, two,
sp Itcglsicr.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Ofllee,
Kof i nil, Oregon, March 10, 1 .-()'.
Notiee is tiereby gheu that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June a, IS.7, entitled Au act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, On gon,
Net ada aud Washington Territory,"
Pilars II. 1AAA
Of Ashland, County of Ashland, State of Wis
cousin, has this day tiled ill this olllce bis swoin
statemetANo. c.i.', for tho pun base of the NE'
of SactloW No. '.'I. in Township No. 'H B, Ranite
No. :W, and will offer proof to show tbat the
land sought is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to rs.
tabllsh bis claim lo said laud before the Regis
ter and Receiver ot this ofllee at Itoselmrg. Ore.
gun, on Tuesday, tbu Wild day of May, Hh.ii He
names as witnesses: U O. fieWolf, of Wood
land. Washington. Janit-J McCullv, Oeorge It.
Mi-cloud, liaulel I. Kennedy, all of Ashland,
Any aud all poisons claiming advcrsi-ly tho
above-described lauds are requested to Ille their
claims in this oltlceon or hclorvsnld a.'nd day of
May, Pun.
, J.T.URHx.Ks,
Notice for Publication.
I Itost bnrs, Oregon, February 17, i'0.
I Notiee Is herebv irivi-n that lu i-omiillniii-i
w itli the provisions of the net of Congn-ss ot
Junes, Lira, entitled "Ansel foi the sale ot
timber lauds in thestales ol Caltlomla, Oregon,
Newidiiund Washington TeTitorv:
of W ashburn, C- iinty of Ha held, State of Wis
consin, has this day lii' d In thlsoilieo his sworn
stat'-meul No. so4 for I he purchase of the NF'j
ot kiHttlou No. I'.', In Township No. Il H Range
No. W.. and will offer proof to show that tne
land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purjioses. and to es
tablish his t laim to said laud before the 1: i n
tcr aud Receiver of this ofllee at Rosebntg, Ore
gon, on Thursday, the third day (d May, l-joo.
He names as witnesses- liavid Hediand, of
v ashburn, Wisconsin; Slvertole.ol Washburn,
Wisconsin; Olaf M. Olson, of Washburn, Wlscou
sin; Jacob Johnson, of W ashburn, W lacousin.
Any and ail i'isons claiming adversely the
almve descrtbed lands an' rcoucntcd to llio their
claims In this office on or before said Hrd day of
iay, r.sjo. j. i. jikiimiks
map Register.
Notice For Publication.
Rosebur,'. Oregon, February 111, l'J),
Notice Is herebv given that iu compliance
with the provlBloiie of the act of Congriss of
June ard, l7tt, entitled "All act lor tho sale of
timber lauc.g in the States of California, Or-gon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,'
Of Washburn, County of BayOeld, Slate of Wis
cousin, has this day bled in this otlice his sworn
statement No. moo, for the purchase of the
Lots 1 aud 'i, and si, of NE1 , of
Section Mo. r, In Township No. '' south,
Range No. 'i Wast, and w ill oiler proof lo show
that the land sought Is more valuable for lta
timber or atone than for agricultural purscs.
and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register aud Receiver of this ofllee nt
Roseburg On-gou, on Thursday the ard, da of
May.i'.sn. Hu uama as witness: David H'-d-laud,
of W ashburn, Wisconsin, Jacob Johnson,
Washburn. Wisconsin, Oscar Lnudgn-n, of
Washburn, W isconsin, Olaf Olson, of W ashourn,
Anynud all personi clulmiug adversely tlia
above dcscrib;d lauds are reuuesteil to tile their
claims In this olllce on or bclure said ant day of
way, rjiu. j, t. BRiuug-s,
in3p Register.
Notice for Publication.
C.MTKh fil.lTKS L vSlJ OlKCt,
Rosi'burg, Oregon, February l'i, l'.OO.
Notice is hereby given that tu compliance,
with the provisions of the act of Congressof
June , 1S7S entitled An act for the sole of lim
ber lauds in the States of California, Orcgoti,
Nev ada and Washington Tenitory,"
Of W ashburn, County of Hay held. Stale of Wis
consin, has this day tiled iu this oiliee his sworn
ataleinent No. S-i.',, lor the purchase of the Lots
8, i, S'J K'i of Section No. 2, lu Township No.
21 South Range No. H W est, and u 111 oiler proof
to show that the land sought Is more valuable
for its limber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
laud before the Register and Receiver of Ibis
office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday th 271b
day of April, )J. He names ss witnesses:
Christian O. Dahl of Washburn. W isconsin, I.
T. DcWolfnf Wotrfllaud, Wastiiugtou, JohaW ,
Hellatid of Washburn Wisconsin, Frank W.
l'oltcrof Ashland, of Wisconsin,
Any and all persons claiming adveisely the
above described lauds are reiiicsU-d to tile their
claims In this otlice 011 or before said 27th day of
April, i'.l.i. J. T. BBIDOKS,
atf;p Register.'
United State Land Ofllee.
RoskiiI'bo, Oregon, March 10, l'JWI.
Notice ' it hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of thu act of Cougres of
June 3, 17M, entitled "Aa act lor the sale of
timber lands tu the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada und W ashsuiton Territorv,"
Of Ashland, Couuty of Ashland, state of Wis
consin, has tills day died l:i this office Ids sworn
sUternent No. as, for tho purchase of the NW'j
of Section No. V-l. In Ttiwiisblp Nj. V4 B, Raugu
No. AW., and will viler proof to show that thu
laud sought Is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish liisc'alm to said laud U fora the Regis
ter and Receiver of tin oiliee at Rosebur. Ore
gon, ou Tuesday, the fjud day of Mav. I jcu. He
names 111 witnesses; L. O. DeWolf, of Wiaalhtiid,
Was ilngti n, (ieorge 11. McClout. Hllss II. liau
na, Daniel 1). Kennedy, all of Aslilu-d, W lscou
sin. '
Any and all persons claiming adverse'? the
above-described luii'N are reiucstcd to ii lu
their claims tu this oltice on or before said '.'.'ml
day of May, latu.
J. T.,
t Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'NITfcO hT v1s Li Ml OKI lit
Roseburg, Orcgou. March . lllbO.
Notice is hereby given that th following,
ninneil settler has filed notice ol bis Intention
H make liual proof lu sufiporl of his claim, and
that sah! proof will be made before Ihe Regis
ter aud Receiver, .United states Lniul ortice at
Roiehur, Oregon, on Ai.rll vs. linsi. tI:
Ou II E No 'J.M,. for (Ii S'.j NW !.,, Lots S and i,
Sen I, T 24 H, R t W, Ho name Ihe following
wltncsaei t prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said laud, vis: A.O.
Ruse, W. J lender, B. louder, N. Cuiry, alio!
Uuacburx, Oregon.
.'. 1, BBfr CiES,
Notice For Publication.
Umtkii St ergs T.ANn time.
Hose burg, Oregon, I ebruary in, l'!).
Nidlcn Is hrreby given that tu compliance
w ith the provisions ot the aeVof Congress ol
June ;i, ls7S, cnillled "An act for Hie sale of Um
ber lauds In the Stales or California, on urni,
Nevada and WnsbliiHtou n errltnrv,'
(ik'OROK II. HKIlRoS',
Of Mnrslifleld, Couutv ot Coos, Statu of Oregon,
hss this day filed In this otllio bis sw.irn sinle
incut No. M4, lor the purehase of the S'j M.i,.
S'i NVVJ J, ol S.-ethui No. Vs., in Township No. jn
Couth, Katitro No. V west, and w HI oiler proof to
show that the laud sought Is inoro valuable for
Its timta-r or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said liiiul be
fore the Register and Receiver of this olllce at
Reselling, Oregon, on Saturday, the l'.'lh davof
Mar.l'ANI, Hu iiaiiics as wltiicMi's; William II.
Miiilh, of Maishlli ld. Oregon, Albert I). Hettys,
of MnrsbllPld, Oregon, E. W. Kardell o Marsh.
Held, Oregon, A. K. kaidrll, of Marshlleld, Oit
Roll. Any and all persons claiming ndercly the
hmo-Ucscrlbvu lauds ate reiiiesled to rile their
clalma lu this otlice on or bcioro nild li!th dn
of May, I'.IK',
J, T. lllillHil'S,
United States Land Ollb c.
Ross;m no, Oregon Fob, at, n.
Notice is herebv aiven that in eotiiiillaiii
with the liiovislons ol the net of I'oiiwn .s of
June a, lhV.s, entitled ' An act (or the sale of
limiioriauda in the sttcs of California. Oregon,
ni'vaua, ami nasitiugiou 'lerrilorv,
Of Marshfleld. Countvof Cihis. hlnto ot On
Ron, lias this day lllvd In this olllce bis sworn
statement No. M., (or the purchase of thohK'i
ol Si-e. No, Jl), In 1'i No. tfo S, R No. W W. ami
V, lit oiler Proof to show that Ihu laud louelil Is
moie valuable for Its tlmlar or stone than tor
agricultural PurHies, ana to establish his claim
lo said land la-lore the Register and Receiver of
this olllce at Kiwchiirg, Or. on Tuesday- the
jiuiiiajr oi may. r.sjo. lie names as witnesses
John Yoakain, John Hernm, Charles A. Mel
lltl, Frank Rogers, all of Marshlleld, Oregon.
Any and all orsoiis claiming adveisely the
aUIve-deserllKHt lands re rc'iucsied lo nl
their claims In this olllce on or belore said 20th
day of May, l'JOO.
.I.T. BKIIK);.i,
P Register.
Notice For Publication.
I'Mi Ki Si ats. Lino OrriCK.
It'.sibun1, Ori'gnu, lelirnarv In. Psu).
Notue Is heieby given Ihat in compliance
w lib the provisions of the net of Congress of
Junea. Is, a, entitled Au act (or the n,v ot titu-t-r
lands In the Stales ot California, On gon,
Ncv ada and Washington Territorv,"
of Marshfli id, 1 ounty of t oiui, Mali- of 1 in on,
has this iU- lu this office hi sworn slate,
iiient No. n., lor Ihe piircbuseof thu lots a, I,
S'i' NW 1 of riei lion No. 'J, 111 Township No.
isouih, ImngeNo, in W est, and v. lii idler pt'xif
tosimw Unit the laud sought is more valuable
for its timlH-rfir stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his chilm lo said Intel
hi-fore the Register and Rccoiver of this otllroat
Roseburg, 1 ircgoii, ou Satuidav, J.lin lilh dav of
May, l.hii. He names as witnesses- Albert I:.
Hi'ltys, of Marshlleld, Orc.'oii, W. It Smith ot
.Marsiincld. tlreiroli, I . 11. Hernm, 01 Marshlleld,
Oregon, K. W . kardell of Marshlli ld. Oregon.
Any ami all iK-rsons claiming advcrselv the
alaive-ib serlbed lands are reiUesed to llh- their
claims In this oiliee 11 or before said IJtli dav cl
.May, I'.wi.
J. T. BIll'.H.F.H,
Notice for Publication.
Cmtid STATgs.
Lanu om t,
R iseburg. Oregon, Feb 1'., lsti'J.
Noliee Is hereby given tlsat tu compliance
with the provisions of thu act ol Congressof
June a, is,',, entitled "An net for the sale of
limber lauds in the Slates of Caliiornla, Oregon,
Nevadu, and W asbinglou Tcrrluy,
OfAvhlaud, County of Ashland, State of WI
constu, mis this day tiled lu this olllce his sworn
statement No. Kf.i, lor tb! purehase of the r.outh
east iiuarter, of Scctlou No. IU, In Township No.
'ii South, Range No. a Weal, and will oiler proot
to show tbat the laud sought is more valuable
for Its timber or stone thau for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to said land
before the Register and Receiverof Ihisothcc
at Knacburg, Oregon, 011 Friday, the 27th day nt
April, 1'Joo. He uamea as witnessed Michael
N Olstad of W ashburn, Wis., John W . 11. 1
latid of Washburn, Wis, Charlie i.clscrt, of
Washburu, W is., L. T. Devvolf ot Woodland,
Any ami all persona claiming adversely the
above-HescrilA'd lands arc reiiuestiil to hie their
claims In Hits olllce ou or before aaid27lh day ol
April, I'.hki.
Notice for Publication.
fMT.oST.nas LaniiOiihi,
Rosehurg, Oregon, A). til. I, 1 0.
Notice Li hereby given Ihat lu compliance
with the prov Islou of the net of Congress of
June 11, ln7a, cniilb'd "An net foi the sale of
tliul r lands in the Statss ol f iillforn'ii, On goti,
Nevadu nd W ashluglon Territory,"
of Aberdeen, County of Chehalls, Mate of Wash
lugloii, has this day Hied lit this othca his sworn
l temeiil No "111, for Ihe purclsasaof tho tY'l
oiSecNo 4, till p No 2KB Range NoltW. and
will oiler proof to show that the land sought is
mure valuable for It limber or slope than for
agricultural purposes, an J tu establish his claim
to sit Id land before thu Register and Receiver of
thlsoltlcu at Rosehurg, Oiegon, 011 Friday, thu
Mill davof June, RSKi, He names as witnesses:
James II. Fuller. J. it. Karshuer, 1'. M. Littler,
(ieorge ii. Hopkins all of Aberdeen, Chehalls
County, Washldgtoo. Any aud all persons
claiming adversely Ihe above described lauds
ou or before said 1Mb day ol June, Mm.
paS Register,
Notice for Publication.
United Statei Land Office,
ltoscuiiao, Oregon, April 4, t'.NAi.
Notice is hereby given that in conipllauce
with thu provisions of the act ol Congress ot
June a. Ib'n, ttillilcd an act for Ihe rule of
tlmbcrlaiids In thu States nt California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Tenltorv,"
of Aberdeen, Couutv of Chehalls, State of Wash.
Ingtou, bus this day rllei lu this otlice his
sworn staterneut No Vl"), for the pun has,- ol the
SiNEI jand lots 1 and 2 of Sec C lu Tp No m
R Soil W, and will oiler proof to shoiv that the
laud sought is more v aliittbio lor tls timber or
stone thau for ugrleulCiral puriaises, aud to es
tablish his claim to said hind before Ihe Regis
ter and Receiverof thin office at Roseburg, Dra
gon 011 Friday, the li'iih day of gillie, Its!. He
nanus as witnesses: James It. F'ulle, O,
Karshuer, I'. M. Littler, J, 11. Kaishutr, allot
Aberdeen, CbehaliHi'oiiiity, Wash. Any and all
persons churning advetsley the above descrilasl
lauds are rc'iuesled to ille thelc claim lu tills
olllce 011 or beloru raid lo'h day of June, I'.sn.
A',1' Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Slates Laud Oiliee
Roseburg, Or . March P, I'jisi.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
loiuake llnal iiiiaif iu support of lilsclaim, and
that said proof w ill lie made laiforc the Register
ant) Recalver, United stales Land otllco at
Roseburg, Oretioti, on May l.lissi, .:
On bis If. K. No 71KI. for the Nt.. NW 'f,
Wi NEM Secllou 1. VsBouih, R. i W csl. He
name thu following witnesses Ui prove his
continuous resldenca upou and cultlvationol
aid laud, vU: 1 JiuU Armeiita. H. L, Engles,
i. N. Everts, U. I'. W llllams, all of Feel, Oregon.
Register. '
Notice for Publication.
United Hlnles Lunl Ofllfe,
Kosani 110, t'legoii, Mnich 1.;. I'm. ,
Nol Ira Is heiebi given thiit in coinpliaiici
with the prov isions of the act of Conxicsii 01
.luiinH, Jv.s, entitled ' An ai t for tho sain
limber binds lu the Mules ol 1 nlitur 11 In, Ori gi n
Nevada nild Washington Ton llorv," '
WILLIAM S- 'it R I'fc'N,
of Kinpir", ( ounly of Pm.,i, Hlale of Oregon, Un
this dsy tiled lu this nlhca his sw otii sliitcuu 1,1
No. K'a, for the purchase ot the s1 j Hw , M e, j 1
N i, N' ol Section No. "."I, III Toniishli No. 'A
H , liniig.' No. 11 W,, and w 111 oiler Moot tnhm
that the land souiilit Is more valuable for lta
timber or stone than for agricultural ptnpnsi ,
aud lo establish bis claim to said l lot beduo
tno Register ami Receiver id this oHim'
at Roseburg, Orcgpn. on Momlav Dm
Jl day of May, l'.ssi. o names us witnesses;
A Ibcrl Sieuimernian, li tis Hansen, Edward F.
1 1 liiek ii-v. Chatlcs K. EdH'attls nil of Marsh!
Held. Oregon.
Any ami all Persons claiming adversely in,,
above described laud an- n iietc, p f j , ,
their claims In this oiliee oil or before said tl
dny ol May, lsu.
J. T. D U 1 1 Kl k'S,
UM-rrt) statks f. vNii Ori ti .
Hosebina;, Oieaon, Februnry l'.i, I'.ssi
Notice Is hereby given tliat In compliance
with the provisions of thu S'il ot Congress ol
June aril, 1S7S, entitled "All act (or .be sale o
timber lands tu tho Slates of I alllornla, Ciexoh
nevaua ami asunigion icrniory,
4H.AF M. OI0N, '
Of Washburn, Count v of Haytlehl Stair i ivis-
coiiHiii, una whs oa- hum hi 1111s omi'O lui - 01 11
ststcm nt No. Kill, for the purchase 11 the
HU'4 of Section No.1'.'. In T ow nship No VI south
Hang No. 3 west, and w ill idler proof to show
that the laud sought Is more valuable for Its
tlmla-ror stoiio than for agricultural ninnon.-.
and to establish bis claim to said land Im Ioih
Ihe Register aud Receiver of ibis office at Ro.t
burg, Oregon, oil I hursdav Hie ,1 day of Mac
I'.shj. 11 uamea as witnesses: Hivcrt Ola, of
WasliUiirn W Iseousln, Jacob Johnson, of Wash'
bum, Wisconsin, Oscar Limdnn-'u. of Wu.n.
burn, Wlscousin, Dav id lUdluiid, of Waslihutu,
Aiirand all la-rsons rlalmlni adenru-Iv 11,,,.
nlaive-di'serllNNl lauds are rcoiu-tcil to II n'llu ir
claims In this olllce on or before snld a iiy v(
Jiay, j. 1 . lilt MI.1K
map Register
Notice for Publication.
1'MTr.D SlAlt s l.iM, orio s,
Loseliurg, Oregon. Febriialy pi,
'Atn,t 1. Iiereliv irn , 11 Ihu, 1,, II.......
-.--, ..- ,., ",,,'iiiii,v .
w ith the prov isions of ihu in t of Cougiess of
I t U ISTh ,,,,11, I. , I t, ... (, ....... .
....... .., .'-. . ru .o,e oi 1 1 iu .
!cr lands tn the stales of California, iirrs'on
Siivada and W ashtnvtoti Terrllmy; '
ot Marshfleld. County ot I on., htate of On gop,
has this day liliil tn this othen hlsaworn stiitc
meiit No. al.i, for the piircba'e of thu lots ,;; fi
NF'i, ot Section No, 2, lu 'township "(l. j, (.
Range No. liiW'.,and wiil oiler proof t shoiv
that ihe Isii'l soiig it !s inure viiluabln fur lis or sione than lor aci leuUtiiiil purpoi
and to establish li s claim losiild laud fa-font
the Register ami Rii elvi r o( this ortu n at Lose
burg, Oiegon, on Saturdav, the 12 h dav of Mnv
1:. Ha names as wltiii m-s: AUm rt E )b ttv's
of Marshlleld, Oiegon; A. I . Knolell, ot Mursh'
Held, Oregon. W. II Sinl'h. ol Mtirshhebl, ore
g. liiUeo. It. Ileiroli.of Marshfleld. ( in goti,
A:,y and all p'-rmi s claiming ndi r-ely
aUive-descrlUMi lauds are reiiii-tr-d to tile their
calms lu this oltice on or befole sahl lyth dav p
May, ljte. j. 1. hrhigf.-i,'
United Statea I. an.) Ofllee.
KosKBt no. viree.uc Mi, I, r, i.,
Notice Is herebv given that In compliance
with Hip provision of the ai t ot Cougiess of
June.t, is, a, oiiIIIUhI "An net for thesalord
limber lands lu the Slates of California, Oregon.
Nevada, nud W ashtnu lou Teiritory.
Of Ashland, County of Ashlaml, Stale of W Iscun -sin,
has this day hied lu this olllce bis sworn
statement No. S7, for Ihe purchased! the HH'iut
ruction No. , In Township No 21, H., Range
No. 8 W , and will oiler proof to show that the
iand so ight Is more Valuable lor In tltuberor
tune thau for agricultural puiiK.w-., audioes
lablish his claim lo said land ladoie the Regis
lerand Receiver of this ofllee at Rosehurg, Ore
gon, ou Saturday, the 2nd day of June, Vjixj.
ile names as witnesses: J. C, T urney, U tl. Dc
wolf, of i'orllaml, On-gon, 1. i'etd u, and Ed
ward Rone, o Oakland, Oregon.
Any und all la rsous clalnilug sdver.elr the
aliove described lauds an reiii's,a iu pi,,
their claims In this oiliee on or befotc said 2al
day of June. 1'jou.
J. T. Biilooiis,
Notice for Publication.
I : tilled Stales Land Ofllee,
ItOsiiUl an, Oiegon. March, la, llajd.
Notice Is hereby fiveii that lu compliance
with the provisions ui Hie act oi Cougiess of
Juno a, is s, tniith d -Au act fo Ihe sale ol
timber lauds lu the Slalis ol California, on gon,
Nevada and Wasluugton Trrmoi ,'
Of Empire, ( ounly of Coos, State of Ongon.
has this day tiled In this olhce his sworn state
ment No. s".'l, lor the purchase of the s', SK'j
lee M, N1 i N K'i ot Seeitt No. 2:i iu low riilp
No. 21 H., Raiigo No, II W., and will Mler i.ol
td show Ihat the land sought Is more vaiitliln
for Its timber or stone ll an for airrlt nltura1
l.uri'osfs, und to establish his claim In aald
land thu Register anil Receiver ot Oils
olllce at Roseburg On gou, on Monday the 2 lot
day of May, I He unities a niiucsses:
Albert titrminermall, Charles K. kdwatds,
ward E. HlmLluy, Jells ilauseu all of Mursh
held, Oregon.
Any ami all person claliuliig adversely the
alivu-df scribed, land aro ciuestud lo tile their
clallns n this oltice on or betore said 21st day ot
Mav. IVU),
3. T. llBIDOE.-i,
Notice For Publication.
, United Stales Und Office.
Busiiii'ito. Oregon, March lit, RKHi.
Notlca la hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tho ai l of (,'otigtes of
Juneg, lh78, eulltled "An act for tha sule ol
limber lands In the Status of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington 'lerrilorv."
Of Marshlleld, County of Cihis, htatu of Oregon,
ha tills day tiled In this olllce his sworn state
ineut No. yul, for the pure husc of the Sk1 .' N K'v,.
M Eji hk; i ec i. s w;; k w NW'i se.
14, ill Township No. 21 H , Range No. 11 W , and
w ill offer proof lo show that Hie laud sought Is
more valuable for !l Unil-ei or stone thau for
agrluultuial purposes, ami to establish his
claim to raid land betore th Register aud Re
ceiver of this oltice at Rosehurg, Oiegon, on
Monday the 21st day of Muy, l'.sm. He names us
witnesses; W llllam Tureen, of Kmplra, Oregon,
Charles E. Edwaids, of Empire, Oregon, Ed
ward E. Hinckley, of Marshlleld, Oregon, Jen
Hansen, of Mtiishlli ld. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverselv tbu
abov e-rlescrlbed lands are reuuested to Ille theli
claims In this olhce on or biloij sld 21 dm i f
May, Raw.
J. T. IIRIIrtiEis,
I'll! ted Mtulo l.tiiul Oltice.
ItoMgiu'liu.orcgoii, Match 0. Rifsi.
Notico Is hariiby glvcu that the following
named settler has llled notice of his Intention
to make II mil prouf in support of his claim, und
that said prool will lie uui.-lo la-fore me register
and Receiver United states, Laud oiticc, ut
Koseburg Oregon May t, i'.'io, t :
' m his H. JX. No, 71-17, for theU.tLS'iNE'i',
N Ki SE(.,. Sectlo 2 T. 2a S., it, II W. lie Dailies
the following witnesses to prove hi continuous
residence nsiu and cultivation of said land vis:
loula Arment, II. I,. Knglcs, J, N. aivcrl,
Usrry W llilani. all of Frvl.Oregou.
" J.'X, BMOlils,
' Register.