The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 19, 1900, Image 5

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Mark Munson Is d)ln buloeii in
For first eliisa ilitntiHtry l' )r.
Little of Oakland.
lion. A. M. Crawford rdtiirnod from
Albany Tuesday evening.
The Morrow Colter brake on Hamh
4r Mnvole In not an I'Xiierl merit.
Miss CI m Dlllard In slowly recovering
from a sveru hIIk k of la gilppa.
Mr. ami Mrs. John K'chardsun wont
to Drain yesterday for a visit with
If you want a sjuirrd poiton I hat will
kill ttoih uomiriix and Kuinif, cull on A
('. Mustnrs A Co , lor H.
Th lrfKt!ipo is no roipedor of person,
and SHVersl e f our doctors liavn hcen snf
ferlnu from sovore attacks.
Mr. and Mm. (. K. (ioodnow came
over from Oltindilu Tuesday and are visit'
luhi-the cily. Mr, (ionpnow la in
poor tifiilih.
Hev, Kk Minora of Ump'ua. Frry, was
dome hnslm-st in the cily yesterday,
lln tv the pi'oplo n-neriilly wltli whom
hu iX " are very Uvornhly impressed
-'witltl. republic in 'icket.
The f')l!oitii marring licenses were
lsud rontly by County Clerk d'szley:
Henry I'yriiiDnd Minnio M. York, bath
of (iar linnr, Or,, mid '!.. Nmrie and
MiS K. A. I- 'imbrnks, of Oakland, Or,
John Iliiulu mi cmploya of the Dooth
Kelluy I .'i mi I it Co., at Venliinf , was
trutk T i'ljy by Hinds from a falling
tree mid die I from injuries received, the
next day. I In wa- lately from (he
ant and was a single man about 4) years
If. ( i.U.)iiliul.lT dininm l announce
that he has Naeed the li x-o Orovi) and
bli ) l trm k nnd w ill Hi oiumi I nprove
and tioMiitil;' tbo mum ai.d mnke it a
favorite retort ' r thou Bfekinij r'Kt and
rccrofttion. A siiiull f.m will he chitrgtvl
for admission t; tha grounds, including
010 ol trdflt, hini;i", hum mocks, etc.
A. It. Mattcon of f.oolann illase, re
publican cm. II bite itr n-preientotivo,
ininltithi' ol!ii: a v-ry pleasant i:all tho
arly prt of the week. Mr. Mattotm m
a very K-ninl, wid avkitk lemon
and the peipl of Diiijtlus .ointv will
tiiikt no iiii-tak" when Ihny wml turn to
tho lodinbitnrc, M'. Maltoiti
liiuisi'K u !x'in' iwirli c r . i I i o I with the
j r is flu ( )' Mm mwiii'nt 'f tbo repnhll
citn tii'ket in Juno.
Tim funeral of tho late .1. M. i'lilard
which wcured t IKtlard Tuesday, was
largely attended. Tlie Hev. Khande,
preiidm elder of the M. K. church,
h nit ti. itoadiiutiuit the servicer, boing as
siMed ty Ksv. CiMou ol Ibis city.
Anion tho-e who attended irom Uoe
b'lrtfvu'io; Rtirh Ilroekwav, J. F. Ja.
. y, Ib-.iH. U.I"-n, Win. VanDuien, C.
it. Cavender, J. 15. Cawllield. John
i look, llsrry McCMlen, W.T. Wrltflit,
J. HeiteiiMtoiu, K. W. Vautle, L. A,
Sanctuary, F. K. Hand and II. B. til
rite. .Mrs. Ueo. aud daughter Ilartha
cantu In from the south Tuesday nhjht
and Mr. lMea is expected toiiitflit.
They were dtflightid with their trip
especially with tbolr vlsh at New Orleans
us tber were special attractions in that
city at the time of their yiait. Mr. Kites
bus lmvtiiH oui'o prominent in the rail
roud world mi I I. hi) aplendid suu:ees
in c.Tineclion wuli Out work entrusted
j I it V by the Ure n imber uf railroaJ
employes ol the went and aouth, has
achieve.! fur hlmse:i .in eiiviablo repute
riou wtiich is very jtratifyina ti his meny
frionda. Mr. Kites in Intelligent,
itioiiulitful and loi:l nnd his address
before tho railroad otlicUU st San I ran
cinco was said to have been a master
piece of eloquence and sound uruuiueiit,
and the employes nttribn'e their success
to Mr. Ketes utituiorf and able work.
In token of their appreciation Mr. Ksies
was tendered a tiaoquat und pro-ented
with an elegant koM watch. The friends
ot the family in this city are -glad to wel
come thsm home, but learn with reret
that Mr. Estes will only remain a few
days when he will return to Houston,
Texas, whre ha uoes on business In con
nection with his office.
5. P. Employes Change.
The new S, I', time-card which noes
into fleet today the 10th will caiue a
readjustment of the runs of some of tne
posseoKer nduotors. Oeo. W. I.ynde,
who has been rnnnlnn bet ween Ashland
and Puosmuir, has been transferred to
the ran on the overland between I'urt
and and Kosohuru, HucxeediiiK D. 0, An
ler, who has been uiven ubarueofthe
Aloauy local runuinu tietween 1'ortland
am! Albany. Oeo. W. F.nwlcht bus been
i ransferred to the overland between Ash
land and Dunstnuir, and will be suiieeed
ed on the local by Frank Dickey,
llrakeman O. V. Bush has been trans
ferred to 1'ortland and his plane on Con
ductor Knwicbt'a crew will he Ailed by
J). W. eitone. Ashland TidlnBS.
II. .1. Wilson wentto Drain this morn
ing. W. W. Waddle, of Kugeno, is doinK
business In the city. .
Call on (Jaddis KroR. for buy aud oatu,
at the Jinsbey t.nrn.
The aiiHwer to the question, "Are you
going to Alaska?" N'omo.
The Kitidehaker wiikoii Is the bunt,
flee them at Churchill A Woolley's. Fok It km'. Five-room cottage,
furnished, for rent. Apply to I). H.
Hsricains In (uukor I'.ath cabinet.
Factory price $ escb. I'rice this week
while they lat f'l each, at Itapp's Iiriiij
ieveral soldiers from Mlnoeapolie,
Minn., passed through yesierdsy even
ing; to Kn Fiaiicisco on their way ti
The new time card went into eflec on
tho Southern I'acjllc Monday. The lo
cal between Alt any and l'urtland nVlo
Its first ran, leaving Albany at 7 a. m.
There are l'l lioinoerats sn l populists
to 1 republican uoing to Alaska after
gold. Oold! gold! K"ld! that is their
cry, but if you talk politics with heto
they don't want the uccureed stulf at all.
Forjob rlntin( neatly and promptly
executed at reasonable prices, patronize
the itosbnrg Hook and Job Office. Work
usually turned out the same day order is
received. H wikv K. Lovri.i., Manager.
Tbo Oregon Hop ( Jroweis' Association
has made a iitimher of sales recently,
and It is evident that tho whole supply of
hops In the United Statfs will be pretty
well cleaned up heiore fall. Oregon
A very lare lirey meteor fell la the
vicinity of Sprinylleld, Kane county,
Monday evening. T e Kuueno Register
suggests Unit it might have been ono of
thOJO death-dealing1 Coer shells that had
overshot the enemy.
The new oran f r the Methodist
ICpiPcopsI church lias arrived and in now
in a sidetracked car at the depot.
I'artinj will arrive from Portland Wed
nesday and be,' in work of putting it
in pbiC' which will reipiire some littlt)
timo. ft w:il probably hi ten d.iv before
it can le nn-. I. This will be
! the tinent org 'in in Oregon outeido of
I'ortlund and purchased nt a cot of
fl.'MO. F.ugenn Kegisler.
ied of paralysis at er two days illnees
at Wilbur, April H, lillK), aged OS years,
5 months an I 20 days, Mrs. Jan Oim
inlck, widow of Mr. iba Oimmick, who
preceded her to the bettei world 11 years
Minn Jano Ilewett was born in Ireland,
Octo!er 18, H3I ; her parents having died
while she was yot young, she came to
tho ''oiled Slates with her grandmother
and uncles, settling In IVoiln, III. On
July 21, 1S52, in Hureau county, III., the
was united in marriage with Mr. .it a
Dioimick. The following year they
crossed tho plains and settled in Kellogg,
Djogla county, Ore., where Mr. Dim
inlck died Nov. 10, 1878. Tbero were
born to Mr. and Mrs. Diinmick l.'t chil
dren, ID of whom are still living and
were with her in her last hours of illness"
It is nut enough to far that Mrs. lllm
mick was a kind mother a. id a good
neighbor; she was a Christian and a
tried member of the Presbyterian church
who hnd proved faithful.
Mrs. Dimmick .was a Ooliy und pray
erful woman, who was found in her
home discharging thedujicH of a wife and
mother, and (lie death Mimmone found
her fully prepared and with a hope that
maketii not ashamed. .Mrs. Dimmick
hud four ste(-cbildiou who shared her
motherly love and counsel, but it was
not i-oseible for all of them to be present
at the funeral and only two were there.
' Mrs, Dimmick was well known in
Douglas county and beloved by all who
knew her. In the community, the hme
and at the sicklied she will be missed.
The funeral services were conducted
by the writer, and Mrs. Mary Short led
the singing of soma choice hymns. Tlie
services were held at the cemetery at
Kellogg, where the remains were laid to
rest beside her husband. The great
throng of people and the beautiful collec
tion ol llowors were tokens, of sweet
memory of and love for, Him decease. J,
The church mllitbint has lost a faith
ful member, but the Church Triumphant
has gained one more. Tho bereaved
friends have the ayirpathy nt a larun
circle of friends.
We know that Heaven is brighter,
Because our mo tier's there;
' Hat oh, this world seems sadder,
Without her to lighten our cares.
N. J, Hahsit.
Aide a Rambler. .
Mrs. T. K. Richardson is visiting rela
tives In Portland.
Mrs. J. It. Jones, of Roseburg, is In
Portland this we k for a short visit.
Portland Telegram.
Wai. llurd. formerly ef Myrtle Point,
bus taken up his residence in this city
and will engage in teaming.
E. Duties. M. !) member Hoard of
Pension Examiners. OIHco. Markers
building residing corner Donglas and
Jackson street.
Dr. Cheadle, tho dentist, in little
brick opposite Slocom's hall. Oo and
see him when you want good work. His
prices aro ressonable.
We are glad lo report Mrs, A. O.
Marsters and Miss Minnie Stanton, who
were quite sick, aa much better and
ijrandma Marsters slowly improving.
Mrs. Rostwick, representing the woll
known City of Psris Dry Ooode houso of
San Francisco, is at the McOnllen Hotel
for the balance of this week with an ele
gant linu of goods for the ladies.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. C. Flint went to Sa
lem this morning to attend the funeral
of their nephew, Mr. Frauk Dearborn.
Mr. Dearborn was 37 years of age and a
former resident of Ihia cily, but has re
sided in Sileui for many years.
Rev. Jus. Moore, pastor of the M. E.
Church at Myrtle Point, made the a plcufaut call Tuesday. Rev.
Moore was on his return home from a
pleasant visit with relatives and friends
in the neighborhood of Creswell, Lane
county. Ha reports bad roads.
City Recorder D. S. T. West has been
suffering reverely from an attack of la
grippe this week. Dave has such a cold
in bis head that when he washes his face
it the water. It is said
that he contracted his tevere C3ld from
weaiing a largo "snowball" for a button
hole hoqtiet.
Miss Addie Black, daughter of A. II.
Rlack, the Myrtle Point merchant, made
Ibis ollice a pleasant call Wednesday
evening in company with Mm. L. U.
Trnver. Miss P.lack has been attending
the Asblai.d Normal school dining the
past winter and is just en her return
home to spend vscstiun. She i-peakB in
very coinpiiinentiry Urms of Aihland
and the Normal school.
m ;
Fifiv uond timtM.rmt.ri. wutrea i? iter
day. Fifty general laborers, waes $l.'0
per day.
CvMi'iiKLL i. Alkxa.ndku,
Comstock, Oregon.
(Jovernor Bob Taylor.
"Rob Taylor is more than a genius in
his way, and today stands alono as he
great portrayer, upon the lecture plat
form of the beauties of nature, and de
lineator of the humbler characters. He
is a heart of melody and a tongue of
gold." Chattanooga Times.
At the Opera House April 24. An
event extraordinary in the lecture field.
Of Interest to Ladies.
The City of Paris Dry OjxIh Co. of
Snn Francisco, have on display at the.Mc
ClalleriHouaelor the balance of this wek
an elegant line 1 1 millinery, tailor made
suits and rea ly nude ekirts, many nov
elties iu new summer drees guoils, neck
wear, gloves, hoiiery, corsets and a gen
eral line of funUhing gooiln for ladies and
children. Mrs. Kostwick. representing
the houso invites the buiuM to call and
inspect the good.
Successful Applicants.
' The following is a list of those who
wero successful in tlie regular examina
tion (or teachers certificate, for Douglas
county, which was concluded .Satur
day :
Ueo. II. Wilaon, Rrockway; Hairy
Hill, Wilbur; Addie Ellison, Wilbur;
Katie O'.-diea, Maiveout; II. J. Robinett
Roseburg; Sadie Hatfield, Melrose; Elsie
Cannon, hurley ; Oeo. A.Crane, Dil
lard; E. L. Cannon, Lurley ; 11. E, Agee,
Wilbur; Emma Agee, Olide; Maggie
Bishop, Wilbur; Wm, A. Bourn, Win
ston; E. Rhoien, Roseburg; i a s soil But
ler, Oakland; Jennie Page, Oakland;
Maude Dixon, Roseburg; Nellie Wilson,
Rosetiurg Kale Chapman, Olide; Fred
Rinebrake, Roeburg; Leslie Miller,
Draiu; Anna B Clarke, Millwood; Thou.
L. Rice. Myrtle Creek : LuelU Hoising
ton, Oakland ; Anna Hunt, Drain; .las.
K. PatWraon, Myrtle Creek; Peter Nash,
Jr., Eikton; Cynthia Applegate, Drain;
Lulu J. Hughe, Glide; Annie M. Donl
ey, Roseburg; Thurman Chansy, Riddle,
Number of applicants. 30.
Choose Ramblers because they
h(ive tone and style, as well
as all good points which , go to
make up a wheel of very high
est grade. The latest models
Rambler Bicycles
are the very best built wheels
on the market today. The
last. The good reputation gain
ed by the Rambler builders, dur .
ing their 21 years' Experience
makes the Rambler a safe and
profitable investment for both
the novice and well posted
wheel buyer.
t C. I. K: STORE.
Newr (loods Constantly Arriving. Stpp in. Glad to show tLem
to yon.
lust received onr spring lino of
Men's and Boys' Suits.
A splendid line, it'fl do you good to se thui. whether on
wnnt to purchase or not. They vr rualtj by F rip a J lire. v Co..
of Milwaukee, Wis., and aro v'Hllwi tho '"Perfection ClotLm' they
lit as if your tailor had mado thetn for yon. .
Our stock of Spring Shapes m Men's Hats is now complete.
Wo are agents for the celebrated "(JOHDON HAT." They come in
all Shapes and Colors and are worth ?:J.0O.
Our htock of
Men's Furnishing Goods
Was never letter or cheaper. Jn fact every department of our
bosinesH 19 now n perfect shape. We carry everything in 'he Dry
(looda. Fancy Goods, Notions and (rents' Furnishing ( Line?,
H. iis Shoes, Hats, od Caps.
Our business is growing. Kvery month it is larger, and why ?
Iiecanse we gtvo good Goods and Honest Values. No misrepresen
tation. Everything as represented or money back.
Phone Main 18.
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
We have a complete line oP
Which will please you in both quality and
Price. G'veusaCall.
Name it? Why, spell it kickwartls and you
havj it Nice fresh stock of Staple and Fan
cy GROCKR1KS constantly on hand. Fine
Teas and Coffees a specialty. Canned goods,
Flour and Feed. Tine fresh j;oods at reason
able prices. Give nie a trial order. We
make a specialty ol frejdi bread.