The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 19, 1900, Image 4

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PiihllMied MoiKlxy and Thursday.
W. V. CONNER, Editor and Publisher.
K. I STRATFORD, Associate Editor
Sutncrlptloti R(ti
"Oao Vr- ...........
jjlx M-Mttkn .. ......
I'rireo .'-'imtri.. ..
APRIL 19, 1000.
J 00
1 00
' ' For S.-tuatur,
A. C. MARSTER!?, of Rosebar.
1 ' For riip'i'ciiiatives,
'V. II. MATTODX. of Looking Gls.3t,
C. BOSS KING, of Yonoalla.
For Sheriff,
E. L. PA R ROTT, of lioseborg.
For Clerk,
D. tt. SIIAMU'ZOOK. of Cm-, 14 Ferry
I Assessor,
J. A. STERL1 .of Drai...
F . Treasurer,
G. W. DIMMh C, of ElU-n.
' For Sch ul Superintendent,
F. B. HAMLIN, of R.i9-.hnrg.
M. D. THOMPSON, of Scottsburg,
A. E. NICHOLS, of Kiddle.
For Surveyor,
WILLIAM BRI'iS. of Cauyonville.
Far Coroner,
Mi. J. C. rWITCHELL, of Roseburg.
Roseburj Precinct Of ficers.
For J an ice of the Peace,
For Constable,
It is not enough in these times to say :
"I am a democrat." The addition neces
sary is: "I am also h pp, Mud a fusion
ist for pa:"cal purposee.'"
Willi- Duniway sueueeds Graham
lil-u-8 as secretary of the htate Repubii-c'-tn
Central Committee, wbila the tatter
K-u'leman will confine his energies to
tie. M-ituomah campaign.
"Cyclone" Davis will twig! the ele
ments arid make republican votes at
mversl country to'Dsirs thiscouuty next
hcci. This tenii-nuous gentleman is,
si iwever, out in the interests (lot con
sideration of ths fiuion for ;ioil' aiiirf-
Heboid the fusion candidate. Us com
ethnplikoa fliwer and retireth from
the racs hasted . His friends till 1.1m up
with falsa hows and atmosphere. He
swellelh up like a toad auJ thiaketh tl
earth's hU'n. He smilotit upon all uian
kind and eluppnth over with good hu
mor. He kistth the children and F:.t
tereth his microbes nmong the innocent
babies. He wearily cheweth a clove
when be tneeteth a proacher, and as h
converrelh with him in pious tones I
Stacdeth to the leeward and curbeth h
brea h as witu a rtroug hi!. He goeth
home la'.e a, night to his weary wile,
with a be.ny breath and cold feat. He
riseth ur hetitns and hiketh forth with
out bis br mkfast, saying, "I go to see
ma 1." Tne dead bar. win lieih in ai
then 1 u. 1 et li his 1.x 10 u queon'e tat-t
He "nailetli h lie,' but before electj.iii
day he runneth short of nails. H giv
etli liberally t ) the church, ho eubs:'r.b
eth a goodly sum lor 1 be baud; he i-oii
fibntetti to the tuan wtio-e, . turn wa
burned; he bestoweth alms ; hesiitteti
afiieud'a note ; he sendeth a small ktg
hither and a 1-ir.te keg thither; he yiebi
eth in h s substance with apparent
acrity. Af er elecii u he goelh out back
of the barn and kicketh himself and tear
eth bis ha r and oilleth himself a Rotter
dam fool. He retnrneth to the house
and addressetb tiimself to the wife, of his
bjeom: "Behold a driveling idiot; look
now upon a dod rotted fo 1
gaze upon a ioii-,;as:eu cirupi-ton
cast your eyes iij. jn a b -i!e
beaded dunce ; w rr an who held b.xt.lle
and spoils above principle, mi l hath not
brains euou:i t i;ive liim k headache,
Then his wife repbeth, "I told you ,
which caii'i-th hi.-n totto forth and droAD
his eorrow in drink.
There is many reasons why the repab
(iciiis of this county should vote the leg-i-1
itive ticket -traiht. and the same ap
plies to the corrnty ticket. Oregon
should by all means bare a republican
legislature at the coming se3sion, as there
is a United States senator to elect.
A prom cent Rosebnrger, who is so
jcorning in Portland, in sending in his
subscription to the Plai.ndeai.ek, adds :
"I wish to keep ported on local politice,
70a know, so that when I return borne I
Can help down the dearo-popocrat hood
ling combine, or do all I can in that di
rection anyway."
Whenever the Review is unable to
answer the arguments present d by the
Piaucdx-UJES, withqtn'a'.ioLS 'r .m Bry
an's speech, which it attempts to palm
off as something original, it resorts to
the boyish pastime of insisting that thin
paper is fuSftiner Creat heails tln-s
ieilowa have ou their KhouMers like 1111
vo a piw.6 of sjitih pie wit'i tbe pointed
On Mr. Bryan's advent into one of our
western towns on his recent campaign
lotir a large flaming poster bearini; J' be
following, met h's gaza on every hand :
"A possible president? Nit! V. Jay
rryan, discoverer of perpetual motion
with the tongue! Uncle Km'a jester.
Upholder of free trade, wreck, rnin and
liltol. Funniest thing in town. Com
Had ess it!"
The republican county ticket nornina
ed by a reunited party in a most bar'
ruoaiuus convention, is oue of the strong
est tickets ever put in tho Held for the
Barrage of the people of this county,
and especially are the republicans to be
coDgratulited upon healing their ticket
with tbe name of a man of such well
known at.ilitr, Hterlinic int-gritv and
untiring energy, as is posee-awt by Hon
A. C. Marstri". I lis accurate eHiimate
of men, his cler thought an I fnr-eeeing
mind, coupled with rip experience
makes hi.ii a v,iluabU counselor on
all public matters, being
naturally po.-tretseJ of genial and courte
ous manners he tiaci surrounded himself
with scores offiithful friends and ad
mirers, and from this fat, and this alone,
the less popular and f-iucea-l il leaders of
the opposing forces delight to hurl tucb
choice epithets as "bora," "dictator,"
etc., at him.
We Iia7e always found Mr. Marstera
evrr redy and willing to Usitn to, and
respect the opii.ionB and thiiories of otli
ersaod heis entirely (reafroiu any nar
row prejndice, or dictatorial cliuraeti'i
istics. He is u hhread, careful, econom
ical b'leines) man, strictly honest
and upright, and miy be relied up
on to do bis whole duty as a law
maker and conservator of the iiitrestx of
tbe people wtioiii hu will repteent in the
Oregon senate. Taken 'i 1:1 il there is
no reason why th entire, ticket eh mid
not ha elected by an oyerwhulmiiu! ma
jority ou .lu! 4'.H.
Sllverlte Paper Doubts That
Colonel Made Converts.
Sal cm Independent tJVp).
W. J. I'.ryan is a wonderful man from
any standpoint hois considered. H?is
a womier physically, becuusu he can en
dure more fatigue in a campaign than
any other ninn in the United States. lis
is a wonder intrllt dually. He has the
power of grasping strop points and tnak
ing them plain to tbe listener. Heis
Iramatic, recouiceful and forceful.
Many people whotuant 1). in tiers were
moved 10 tears by his pathos, to anger by
hi terriblo denunciati n of McKinlty
aii-l Haiiun, ard lo Uiik.M t.-r y his inim
itable sal ire. Yet, in Hptt( of his great
iiiagiietism, his excelled! e i'l the ait of
wonl-piiintii g, nmt all, we doubt that Mr.
bryuu shook half a dizesi lepublicaus
loose tit Salem from tbeir-nncient moor
inwN Men were swayed line iceds by his
ekquence; were ilaz-d by his Ihunder
bob.H of invective ; yet, n b.utti so fame
u.en recilied, la or 011 In the qui t of
th ir homes, tbe arraigmuent of
heir party. and its lenders, they per
eiated in their former belief, if anything
inr,re stubbornly than before. It is oue
thing to point out iui tvil bred by a
party, but it is quite another thing to
provida an aJeij-nte remedy for that
evil. Mr. Bryan denounced the trusts,
so do most of the people, but be offered
no remedy itr thoso evils unless by. in
ference it be tho trt i-rph of the Demo
cratic parlv at the polls 1:1 November ;
Men cinnot bi ridiculed nr drivsn in
to lli adoption of new poiitioai ideas.
Men, in spite of their superiority t i the
brute creation, neverthcleti possess
some of the cbuacteri sites of the 'heists
of tbe field over which ihey were ain-ient-ly
given d minion. You can toll a hog
through a gap in the fence with a little
corn ; try to drive it through that gap
and you scon burn the dotiuition of o'-
etiuacy by a pracical demonstration.
Aoim.iverting ti the question of cUeo-
tive and iaetfeciye political inethodsas
eyreliteto campjin speaking, tbe
old style of pti.itical haraogUM sti i in me
as in the day of "Tipp'-canoe and Tj-
r too," teems to b losing its power to
convert people, if, indeed, it ever bad
any. The nespapers A tody ho tho:-
oughly discuss the current political and
religious quest ions thvt there in
little left for political speakers to
do, unless it i;e to inform a class'
who cannot or will not read. Nine-
tenths of tho p-ople who came to aleui
came to Eea Bryan more than to beii
m. They were already for the most
part fami iar with hi atumeuta on the
great isstl-ts n-jw before the people.
Not 01.0 fourth of 'he 10.00J persons
prcnent heard more thin b)0 words of
his t-ptech.
Odd Fellows Home.
A '' tx: v v v - v:y;.v y.
And the place to get them is at
Strong's Furniture Store.
- t
. i
Wc Ji.ive never shown as elegant a line
of CARPKTS as we have in stock and
on the road. Sec our Room Size velvet
Rugs. Also Art Squares. Our Mo
quctte Rugs arc of the latest designs
and styles. Wc can show you the best
line of Tapestry Curtains ever shown
in Douglas County. Also a goo line
of I4ace and Novelty Curtains.
Our motto is Good Goods and Honest values.
Roscburg, Oregon.
Can he combined in the same pair t
Shoes, if correctly fitted. Wc are prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown iu our store, Having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe Fac
tories in the east. We should like to have
a chance to make you acquainted with our
stock and prices as we feel assured that both
will please you.
rc pay for this....
To let you know that
Staple and Fancy
44 A A
we have a fine selection of
The democratic party cannot ,v 1
jribe a siniclf motto of achiemeui i it
banners from the dark days oflsOjlo
iha present time, which will iuapir its
followers with enthusiasm. What v,n it
3? to tbe young men just coming Into
active life and dntv? Tbe less the bet-
nr, Ii it could blot oat tbe past, the
eent and future would glre larger
, rotrd'e of n.cees.
Win. F. Steele and wifH of Chicago,
were n-givtered at iri 'Jentrnl Hotel,
Monday. l:i ilisnnsing tb cmditions
of the coin. try Mr. Sir-elx taid : "f am
constantly on the road, and I toll you
that the condition of I lie country have
changed -o wonder oily in the pihl thrre
years that Bryan, with all his oratory, or
Dewey with ail bis glory, will no-, tie
alde 10 change Uih vote of the Eastern
latwrer in their favur. For where nndnr
the democratic rule, poverty was wide
spread and destitution prevailed in all of
the great rnaniifactuiing centers, in w
prosperity has returned and no laboring
man can be iiid.icil to vote it awy."
Mr. .Steele is a democrat. Puyallup Independent,
A promti-fii -"soger ft om San Fran
' .iseu w 'nrvugh Wednesday moro
ing was t, uprised to learn that Bryan
i d i i' have 8 or 10 thousand to hear
Dsa l bf). It Is bard to make some
..eople '-''HS tbe fact that bat a small
ud fi .i.appolnted people been) Ihe
J- .4.4 boy orate in this city.
Tbe board of directors of the Odd Fel
lows' Home will visit ftose'jurg tbia week
with a view of looking over tbe proposed
site for the home and proposition and
inducements for its location here.
Astoria, Portland ami Eugene are alo
making a bid for the I ;cal;nii of this
valuable institution and it bohooyes our
people to set forth clearly the. many ad
vantages which Koietjurg has lo oiler
and manifest their public spirit and liu
erality by ufleritiu nori.e Miilwt.irilial in
ducements to si-ctire; this i'Mtitution,
which besides u lin in bringing Jtose-
burg into greater promiuerice, will be a
source of orihiderable revenue to our
town. We cm point with prid.t to the
Oregon .S-jldi-rs Home hi a tlui'jg ex
ample of tue many advantage allordti
such an institution in this favored sec
tion of tbe Ma'e. The ioard will report
their tiudip.'H ant re:ommendation to
the ktran l loditn which meets t Astoria
in May.
W. C. Conner is again at the helm on
the It'jseburg Pla'ndkaixk. W, (.'. is
one of the lively newspaper men of the
state and hia name at the head of the
editorial column means that Koflebuiy
has a first class republican paper in its
midst. Daily KegMier.
There are at present many stranger in
our county locking lor locations. Nice,
Intelligent and prosperous people, and
these are but tin forerunners of the tide
of emigration coining thi way. This i
Our stock is being constantly replenished
enlarged, hence our goods arc always fresh
new. .
given with every cash
purchase which entitles
holder to a selection from our handsome decorated
porcelain china. A chance to get something nice for
prices at
Come and sec. Kverything at the lowest
Jackson Street,
'Phone 253.
M. V. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drnga, Toilet Articles, t'atent Medi
cine. Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soaps, Paints snd Oils.
photographic piipplie?
J. 8. Diller, 1 be U. 8. Geological nr
veyor, ba Ihe tiiuuka of the I'laimikal
cit for a most interesting pamphlet put- !
licatlon entitled "The Bomemia Mining a good country for them to discover.
Region of Western Oregon," with notes I tmrnrS
on tbe Blue River mining region nud on A bill bat ben introduced for the ei
He structure and age of the Cascade tention of the provisions of the laws re
Bangs. Tbe volume also .contains a re-1 iatDg to t0e soldiers homes of Ihe state
port on Ihe fosil plant associated with : amj territories, so as to include soldiers
tbe lavas of the Casnt le rsnge by F. II. 1 Wl)0 participated in tbe Spanish war and
Knowlton, the former putilicatioa being u, war soccee lirm, and also to those
by J. 8. Diller. participttiog in the In li tn wan.
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Cull and Examine them.
Dealer in
Flour, Feed, Groceries, and Coun ry Produce.
Highest price, for Country Produce.
Roseburir, - - - Oregon.