The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 19, 1900, Image 3

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$ New Spring Goods $
S -T.
The Mild Winter. has brought forth an ICarly Spring and we
arc now prepared to show you an elegant-line of
in Grey, Castor, Mode and the New I'oule Plaids. Wc also
have a very swell line of Silks, Mouscilline Dc Soic, Etc.
Conic in and look tl-em over.
Our Millinery Department
Will be quite a treat this Season as wc have enlarged
this Department and have secured the services of an
Up-to-Datc Millliucr direct from the city.
In Gent's Furnishings
Wc still continue to lead and have' received all the striking
No cities direct from the Manufacturer.
I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor
A careful aual3sis of our
Drugs and Chemicals
Will )rove them to be of
Full Standard
Strength and Purity.
Our Stock is unexcelled in Ouauty and our
Medicines are absolutely reliable.
4 Accuracy V
I'roMcripticiiH com
pounded DHy and Night
'w .ak Swat i.J wk4j.V.
Snow Flakr. 0
Kl.kfi (Ms,
1 1 pasf Pinws 1
W . 1 . V- 1 I A U H M . lift
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
F. S. Godfrey,
'Phone Main 353. Prop.
The Byron Horse.
Tlio Byron lior.-e now cm ne. 1 by J. U.
Dixon will luikth? peneon at Wilbur
Wednesday and Tnuraday of each week.
At Roseburg Friday an' I Suturday and
the remainder of the. ti ne at the home
of the owner uii the Nortfc Umpqua.
(crnih rensonablo.
Stray Horse.
Ourt bay horee. about 4 years old.
branded on right hhonlder, weiuhi
about ()) or 100J pounds. Taken ip the
!Hli of March, at my place in Gar-len
Valley, 2,'.; miles west of Wilhur.
nu(i ) " N. LaRut, dr.
At bis home in Ha hurst near Drain,
Oregon, Benjamin . Miller, aged 45
years. Deceased leaves a wife and five
mall chi'ilren. The funeral was held
We wili send you the semi-weekly
I'laindkaleh and the Oregon Poultry
Journal the bett poultry journal in the
Northwest, both for f 1.75.
Roseburg Bakery
It is a well kuowu fact that
our breadstuff's are the best.
Hue fresh cakes, pics and
other pastries kept constant
ly on hand. Jackson Street.
is a food medicine for the J
V baby that is thin and not v
K well nourished and for the
V mother whose miilv does
not nourish the baby. J
8 It is equally good for the v
w boy or girl who is thin and
pale and not well nourished tg
W by their foodj also for the V
V anaemic or consumptive
V adult that is losing flesh V
and strength. y
w In fact, for all conditions V
2 of wasting, it is the food
medicine that will nourish V
and build up the body and
V give new life and energy W
J when all other means fail. $
Should be taken In nummcr as V
well et winter.
w joc. nJ$i oo, ill JrugsiiU. w
yg SCOTT & BO WNB, ChtinliU, Ntw York. J
Mips Thoiihe Cu!ver h vifitiim in l',,iu- !
Ni.thnri I)cnti wns over 'rorii Uld'Ile ',
Til end u y. , j
i. , (Jurtiey was over from KeHton,
II in.. I. T. Ii:den reliirneil from Al
bany Monday niijlit.
Waller bni:t,en, ol Cauyonville, hh
a city visitor, Monday.
fheriff Btepiiens came in on the local
from the north Tuesday
Prorer ltice wa aitiuidin to lejal
t iiHiriff in (irants Cass, Monday.
G. W. Piiekett. I Canyonyille wan tin
in business in the city. Monday.
J. W, IWmelt, of Mar'hSoM is ifi th s
city stopping at the Hotd Willaruetre,
Niifem Journal.
We aro glad to announcu that Mrs. J.
C. Aiken is recovering from a severe at
tack of larippe.
Mrs. T. li. Foste,', of I'ortland, who
has been visiting fnondu in town, re
turned home Tuesday.
Mrs. W. V.. Jacobs, who baa been suf
fering for some time with a severe hU
tack of lugrippe, is recovering,
Mrs. George Ites was on Friday
eveninu'it train returning from San
Francisco, to Roseburjj. Ashland Tid
mus. Something new again at Churchill &
Woolley'a in the new I'.'ii.orama Kas'u
tnin Kodak the very latest in photo
graphy. Mr. at-d Mrs. W. A. Kuykendall. left
Vi'.B morning for Eugene, where they
will make their future, borne. Salem
C McMakiti .'ind family bavt! locat
ed i-.t Dayton, Wahb. They were unable
to pr.'ieare a bailee in Wa!l.i Walla. Eu-g.-ne
hi the Albany IVmocrat Monday,
d. rectly under iIih uoiic .f the birth of
a h iy. wjis an advertisement which began
'Vitl wanted."
The : eason is Lire when it is so much
tnfcier for the boys tT lig argle worms,
than to iioe in the garden, and ibey
are not all small hoys either.
l'rof. J as. De.MoES has purchased the
Webb place near DeMoen Springs and
ays he intend to couvert it into a home
and fruit farm. Moro Republic.
tlousholder has wheeia to sell and
trade. If you have anything to trade
bring it in and see him and be wiil treat
you right. Little yellow corner, oppo
site postoflice.
Treasurer Geo. Dimmick acid J. I.
Chapman and families returned from
Wilbur Tuesday evening where tbey bad
been attending the funeral of Mr. Dim
mick'a mother.
lion. Robert Booth and sans were
visiting in the city Tuesday and -went
north Wednesday morning. Mr. Booth'a
election ss jjint senator is generally con
cedid by even the most radical of the
Dr. Loumis. special agent, J. T.
Uridgee, register at Rusehurg, and Law
yer Craw ford, of Roseburg, were in tho
city, called hero by the trial of II. G.
McKinh-y lor subornation of perjury
Albany Democrat.
Attorney J. A. Sawyera went south
last night to vibit Grunttt l'ass and other
points iu connection with legal business.
Mr. Sawyers is building. up quite a bnsi
i es-i ami bids fair to become one of
Douglas counties succeful lawyers.
Mies Edna Harvcv accompani-d by
Mrs, Wiil Hogan, of Graugeville, Idaho,
arrived in this city Monday evening, on
tlielcCil. Mrs. Hogan went on to Gleu-
dale to visit her brother, and Miss
Harvey will visit friends in Roseburg, for
a few days.
Monday night about 8 o'clock, the resi
dence of Dayid Thompson, at Civil lieud
burned. A defective flue was the cause.
The fire spread rapidly and only part of
the contents on the first tloor were saved
TLia is a grat calamity ae there was no
insurance, lots f 1200.
John LivingHtou of l'eel, waa a pleaeaut
caller at this ollice Tuesday He is one
of the itaunch republicans of the county
and says the prospects for the success of
the arty in this county were never bet
ter. He (ay theonlv charge preferred
Anoint! ftnr candidate fnr iT.nntv;
thus far by the opn. ution is that he is a ! 'f I'utterton,
Missouri!.. We forthwith nail thisP,, . do"
.unumi,,,. li-t Mr KImlir.Yik in. " l'llklllgtUI',
the County Court of Doujlas
County at the flarcli Term,
j At the March term of the county conrt
j for Dnna-lHt c urity, Oregon, the followirs
mils were examine), allowed and war
rants ordered drawn . ,
I W Hail, poor farm $103 00
J W Hall, poor farm ferry 15 00
JaineH Leonard, bounty 3 00
Harlan Stanton, " 3 00
Ed Moser, " 3 00
J H Kampe, " 3 00
Merviile Kenyon, " 3 00.
J J Lone, " 3 00
W H McKee, . 3 qq
W T Emery, 3 00
U 1) Harvey, 3 00
K O Hojian. 3 00
G T Ledger wood, " 3 00
W A Pearte, " 3 CO
Walter Hurd, roads 6 CO
K. C. Miller, roads, Dit. No. 15. . 10 00
Jamen ()vertreet, bridge lumber,
Dist. No. -J5 15 CO
Walter Itodenberger, road No. 43 4 60
E. V.Parsley, bridge work.No. 43 1 00
G. W. Puckett " 4 60
J. A. Caste, " 3 00
Geo. Robineon, lumber, No. 43.. o0 30
A. E. Stiith, roads, No. 10 23 SO
C. Hedden, R. & B., No. 0 ' 30 75
J. R. .Sawers, It & B, No 21 73
S L. Dillard " 100 00
S. K. f-ykes, R. & R. C. II 22 90
Review Pub. Co., publi- hing de
linquent tar li?t 130 CO
Review Pub.C'j., printing and sta 173 00
Pacific Po..tal Co, fcberiir'i) e.... 4 GO
K. W. Veatch, servint fcnbpoenas 3 00
J. F. Wright. inJir. u1--.. Halter.. 10 CO
J- V. Rhick " Dilly... 31 00
J. M. Wbitesteii, oru: 'n et noor
farm . L'4 00
Mra. KatelJoward, indt:. a?6t....
Helix Collins '
A. F. Rahrke
A. Willard,
Wollenberg Eros "
C. II. Croker, sheriff's supplies
J. F. Galley, expressage, C. II...
The Irwin Hodson Co. clerks CII
Carl Hoffman, C. II repairs
Roeehurg Plumbing Co, repairs..
The J G.FIook Co, book rack CII
Roseburg Water Co, water fcr
Feb. and Jao
Roseburg Electric Light Co, light
to March 3, KK)0 U 55
R L Stephens, board of prisoners
J S Lane, jury list
J S Dunnivan, jury list
F M Gabbert,
G W. Benedict. "
C W Huddleeton,
W A Cooper, '
BJ Bovingdon,
Joseph Gray,
C L Cheuowetii,
Barker fc Co, livery, icsaoe ..... 3 CO
Dr E DuGae, exam iusane 5 00
R W Thomaeon, road sup.. No 33
E V Hoover, county physician. . .
Emma Tutbill, rebate of taxes. . .
O F Tuiel, couuty surveyor
J K tjkiffington, inq. Gabbert. . .
S Kutherlin,
38 50
30 0
42 15
7 10
7 85
17 00
1 55
5 83
10 00
2 35
18 50
15 00
70 SO
3 00
2 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
3 CO
2 CO
2 00
24 00
20 00
Samuel Knight,
Chas McGhebey,
Wm Gallop,
Claud Fallio,
Ferd Gabbeit,
H Gabbeit,
Mra M McCurty,
Mra F elig,
Ir Bjgue,
E V Hoover,
Roy McCiallen, Dist Atty 7
L. . Sanctuary, C II repairs., 1
D. Davidson, cutting trees, etc. .
W. T. Lady, jury list
J. L. Caeto
Geo Carter "
H. W. Miller, St. vs. Patterson.
" Berry...
F.W Dillard " ...... 3
Clarv..,. ,9
II W Miller, St vs Sullivan, et al 7
Arthur Beckley " 1
Frank Brand " 1
Elmer Howard " . i
M E Hoover 1
20 r
20 '
20 ,
20 '.,
20 f
70 j
2 e
3 00
2 ca
2 cc
5 5
t o?
7 !
II W Miliar, st v Harvey 10. t
11 5
- 11 I
n it
' -1 I
........ !2f
1 :
;is i'
Winnie Thome
Wm. Thorne
Mrs. Wm Thorne
Geo Hall
J 'V Vail ;h 11
road supplies. .... . .4 1'"
!".. I - 1 ! ..!. i : . . 1
live son of Oregon and Douglas county cVaa HinVs.
and has a foot on him all the same h a jlt) ,allH O-ihori.e, "
duck. Dave will make a good, cumpc-; Dr Geo O B DeBir, "
lent, obliging and painbtaking clerk and ; Jo Lyons, iiu'g ., ciimiual and K
his election by a good nmjority will oulv i.i-i i. ''.
, - . ' . . M " 1 hompson, Co Coin
bea filing recogintiou of the laithful , 1 iM 'ri1,jen.1 i,.,nti. .
his CUhh 1 iiti)
services not
party, 'but his comiiiy in u tiour 1 J Zig'er, .iut bailill'
when loyal nieu were neede.l to defend ! .',! vr;.;kw.y. iv" 1 1, 1 - .
' , , , 1 Diinmick. Dimmick ferry to
our II in agnl'iM the i.s anlia of a foreign Varch U, 1900
foe. B W Strong, C II supplies
50 .!