The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 19, 1900, Image 2

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    Corporal Frank Prior Dead.
Era ens, April 15. Corporal Frank
Prior, of Company C. Second Oregon
Volunteer, died at his borne in Engene
yesterday, from consumption, which ho
contracted while in the Philippine Is
lands. The remains were buried today
with military honor.
Gun-Pointing Idiot.
Oakland, Cal., April 10. Annie
Nuoes, a ten year old girl, was shot and
instantly killed ymterday evening by
her brother. The accident occurred in
the kitchen of the family home.
The little boy pointed a gun at his
eteter, saying "I'll shoot vou" and in
Borne way the weapon was discharged.
American Victory.
Manila, April 1(5. Captain DoiM,
with a squadron of thirty cavalry, re
cently Burroi'ded a village on Renault!) j
prorince, an- 'irprised two hundred in
surgents livi a barracks, apparent! r a
recruiting on er for the piovince. The
enemy lost b" killed. Oor troops also
captored 44 men and burned the village.
One American was wounded;
Disastrous Storms.
. Topeka, Arril A heavy aind
storm prevailed through this portion of
Kansas last night. The damage done to
property is known to be heavy. No lives
are rnported lost, as a result of the over
turning of any buildings.
Denver, April 10. The snow and rain j
storms continue in severity today. For
eleven days this unusual storm has been
in force, and following a long and unusu
al dry spell, it is feared that the agricul
tural districts have Buffered more than
they will be able to recuperate. Floods
have caused moch damage and numer
ous washont are reported. Miuy trains
are blocked.
We have no bad storms of any kind in
Douglas county.
Oregon Notes.
Albany merchants hive efgned an
agreement for clotting their eftablir-b-ments
at 7 o'clock in the evening, rave
in the month of December and on Satur
days. The receipts for it.e town of Sampler
for the past two yeais have been $ I0,'i34
nd disbursements $10,890. The town
now claims a population of mora than
Cows were bringing high price) in the
outh part of the county last week, says
the Tillamook Headlight, in gathering
op a band of about 20 bead to eend to
Alaska a party from Portland paid from
f 55 to $70 per bead for them.
Miss Nellie Brown, daughter of Salm
'on Brown, of Salem, and granddaughter
of John Brown, of Otawatomie. ha
joined the Salvation Army, and will de
vote ber talent as a violinist to that or
ganization. She is 22 years old.
The ill of the late Herman Pickens of
Oervats, disposes of an e6tate worth
about $7000 to members of the family,
except that a half interest iq 100 acres of
land ig given to the Rev. Telepnore
Broulette and $500 to the Preebyteriari
Church of Gervais. Rev. Broulette is
well known in Roseburjj.
Patterson & Armstrong, the cattle
men, are preparing to discontinue their
feeding operations at the La tirutnle
sugar factory for the season, fur the rea
eon that the pulp supply U exhausted
Out of a band o 075 head they have
turned 500 prime beef cattle into mar
Varioui person who recently ma le
filing on timt er claim at the Eakeview
Land Office have discovered that they
were flim-flimme 1 by the party locating
them having tiled on worthless land,
which was purported to b valuable for
timber. Sibsequectly they ere notified
by "money-lenders" that iwdihipv
be advanced on their locations on ho-
coantol the investigations that art I e-
Ing made by the (iovenmjeni aems re
carding t be system cf acquiring tula to
some of thesM claim.
A meeting of mh Lane County Fruit
Grower' Awocittioii was hell at Eu
gene Saturday. Ths attendance was
CtOall, and no businect of importance
yfU transacted, although the principal
business for which the meeting was
called wa - decide upon joining the
North we. 'Td Fruit Association io
the maMer m n adling the crop of this
oast by 'm.i.ub'. Reports from all sec
liout are o toe effect that the crop thU
eeafou (.rora'tM to be the largest ever
produce! la the county. Frost has not
Injured the yonng frnit ln.the least, the
trees are loll c! bloom, and tbe yonng
fruit ii iett!n8 ttroog.
We pride ourselves on the fact that wc
1 tf" Wffl 1 ci" c?lliavc arffcst Cheapest and Best line of
Olliri VV dIfiLa4 shirt Waists ever shown in this city. Prices
from 50 cts to $2.50.
In this department wc show a very hand
some mcrcMrized Sateen Skirt, which cannot
UndCrWC3T be told from silk in a11 colors at $3.50.
Cheaper ones but pood ones at $1.25, $2.00
and $2.50. ,
QffrT1fT1r A complete line of Covert, Ducks, White
Pique Skirts in plain and appliqucd design;
lrtSe vary'uff n Price from 50c to $2.25.
- lf f j I a tbe rae fr swell summer dresses.
SllK F'OUlcirClSjWe havealinein the new gray lavcndar
and purple shades which arc trade winners.
General News.
British Government expenditure is
rnnniog now $7,000,000 a week beyond
There are more than 102,000 Free
Masons in good and regular etanding in
the jurisdiction of the grand lodgo of
New York.
There U a marked leniency in Austria
toward the formation of trusts out of in
dustries competing in the name line of
The woaieu of Pretof ia gather at vacti
other'j houses in Being parties, Jiak
ing clothing for those of their family on
the firing line. .
The Jewish population of London has
more than douhW during the laet
twenty years. It is now estimated at be-
tween 100,000 and 120.000.
The King of Sweden i:ever touches a
gun. The King of Belgium ha- nhof
only once in his life, and the Sultan of
Turkey can not bear to see a gun.
Gov. Murphy, of Arizan.t, kvk that ho
thinks the proepecm f r tht territory
becoming a state next year are g'xxi.
He has been in Washington for some
time urging Arizona's claims. upon Con
grestimun. Through the operation of Bob'oh'm Sun
day cigar law, people who wanted to
smoke there last Sunday wer compelled
to buy a chexp b)x of matches at a Inrit
price, and receive the tobacco, or
cigarette as a pre eeut.
The Rev. J. S. Bit'er, a Methodist
clergyman, of Missjuri, is h
company to develop gold mining ;Uimt
at Cripple Creek, the proceed of which
ure to he devoted to a fund 'or evunel-
istic work in largti citi-s.
tjueen Wilhelmina, of Holland, i
much uneveo over the vr in South
Africa. Both ehe and her mother un
constantly contributing futidrf in aid of
the Boers. She is fully persuaded thai
ths English people are in tiie wrotu.
On a train running b -tween Ghent
and Brussels a fierce discusion ab'mt ihn
South African war aroteam ng the
eengers. An alarm was given, the tmin
stopped and the dirpatants were forced
to finish the dispute on the ground.
Winter is cocuiog on in South Africa
and there are suggestions that Bloe n
footelu may be another Moscow. The
fearful retreat from liussla, however,
happened before the era of railroads.
The official Republican majorities in
Cincinnati range from 985;i to 32G0. Aa
the Democrats carried tbe city last fall
the straw indicates that Ohio is ready
for the presidential year.
William F. Horner, of Seattle, who
hta b?en serving as a private in the 14th
Infantry in the Philippines for the past
five months, is ths rrui possessor of a
mM i t niwan Kim t.. u.i tia.n t .
, , .V. f-'.D 1 lour times at her huaband with a ravolv
tonforhUbrafdefenisoftbelir.tR.- ,t0n, .,niiet ukln effect in bU arm
serve Hospital at Bacoor o the evening 0 rious lnjurr was done, and bo ar
of November 27, 1899. reals have ta tn made.
New Train Service on the O. R. & N.
The double train service to be estab
lished he'.ween Portlmd and Chicago,
April 22. in which th O. R. k N the
Union Pacitlc inid ilia Oregon S'lort Lice
are interested, will shorlen the through
time 11 horns. T.ain
Portland at 0:15 a. 111.,
No. 2 leaving
t f ginning on the
date iiamrd, will he known a tin Ctiica-uo-i'oriiHud
xpn-ial. Its eri'iipmunt will
tin iihw, making it fully the eiual of any
irainno- in service from the Pacific
:oit to tlie i-A-t. ft will consist of a
mail car, baij.g-.:ar, a library -composite
car. a t1rt-dua Pullinan aleeer, a
There will b-hnt one change of
cars to nil E i-trn points. The full time
will be three d.wn through to Chicago,
or four days and two hours to New York,
Theeecond train, known a No. 0, will
leave Portland at 0:20 p. in., connecting
'. Earft Poriland, itii thu S juthi-nj i'a
cific'a overland train from San Francisco,
and will carry through cjuipment to
Chicigo via the Union Pacific arid the
Chicag') & Northwestern, ami alao tle
ei)uiimeir f'jr the Waahingtori divnioa
of the O. R. & N.t in connection nith
thetjreal Northern for St. Paul. Tuis
train will reach Spokane at 10 a. m. A
dining-car wid be furnished for breakfast
into Spokane, and for dinner on corres
ponding train lenviiig Spokarm at 3:45 p'
in. The new rcheduhi us arrHiiged, will
supply the moi cirnplein crvi(;e ever
furnirhed on the O. R. & N., is prc
vid s increased service in EaH'trnOre
iioi-, where it is greatly needed, and
itivea iiiniiHdiaiii eontiectiori with the
Washington li.vifiiou at Pendleton. At
t'lie point there ia a largo interchange of
lra:l, on ttimmii' of the various miiiirig
dsNtricta of Baker tomitv, the Cueiird
Alunc, ihe Repulilic und Kootenai 111 ir.
irig ramp-, l'oftl.ind ia greatly tiene.
lilted tv 1 hit i-oiiue, in a iuui:ri as in
creaxel nervine is given from EaNlern
On goo and Idaho.
No. 2 will arrive in Chicago at0::!0ti.
in.; No hi 7:15 a. rn.,aH at preHeul.
The weit tuiuud train out of Chicago
correnp jiiding with No. 2, is No. 1,
This will arrive 111 P.irthirid Ht4:00 p. in.
The 'raiu corri-ap iiiding o'ilh the eat
hound No. ii is No. u, out of (-'hhao.
Ttiis will reach I'onland at. 7:IJ) s. 111.
Weiitbouud train No. 1 will levei Chicago
at 0 :.'J0 p. m., and Omaha at 8:20 a m.
the following day. The time a i'l he re
duced two hour ami 4) minutea. No. 3
went hound train wil! leave ;i,ioigo at
10 :60 p. m., and Ooiaha at 4:25 p. 111
the next day.
The ervicn 011 the Union p4i:iU' on
all ilhe trains iuc!ule Buffet eoioltinif
lihrnry cjrt, and dining cum. '., (1
aillcairya daily oniinury rleeper lo
Kai HHH City, with change en mute to
ordinary cata to Chicago,
(VitiMllll. flwt fkenrefct llf'Let hv.iiI frir
! detailed information.
W, II. Ill 111 Ml KT,
General 1'i.a enger Agent.
As a result of slight family row Hwi-
obv el naiMQi irs. joaepu naiey snot
EJ... 3
Saved Her Life
"About two niilcn from Yasnar, Mich.,
where 1 keip a ilrug More, live .Mrs. i. 5",
15rntt. Mie was very
rick and hopeless
with consuniptioii.
1 Wiitched her (iiw
with inlercMt niter
hhe Im'.-iii Hiking
Acker's Knglish
Hetnedy lor Cnn.
MHIII.lion, l)ecan-e
niiiili iilxiiit
its wonderful
la womlerlnl at ti
urea. Wi ll, (f 4 .
ir. i-rhai
O 11 will iTJZ f-
iloilbt it, hut
with mrowii
cyi-M 1 fuw this woiiiiiii cet well and fctrnng
011 that remedy, in a very Khort time the
ruuuh Mopiasl, Jier luiiga were healed up,
the sorene-s went itwiiy, mid hhe Imv:i tak
ing on (lesh. She herself Muid: ' .Mr. llulhird,
I owe my lilo 10 Acker a Knulisli i;cmsjy
Jt i a certain cure.' In Mrs. Jirutt'.
ne:chloi IioimI her rs-overy luis iHrnsiornd
iiiik.Ii comment, nt ymi can easily under.
M'tid. llcr ns' ua.siinii w hen-cvitvIkkIv
tli'Miuht ii was only a oue-linn of a little
while until hlio would die. 1 feel H 11 duly
as n lriiKist to write this letter, ho that there
w-eil he 110 more ilcntlis from isiiihuinption.
(Signed) K. A. Hi i lako, Vasnar, Mich.
Sold at 25c., Wc. and 91 a !xt tie, throuchout
the I'nilisl States utid Canada ; and in Eng
land, at tt. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Oil. If you are not
mtislicd ufter buying, return tho bottle to
yourdruc'ixt, and g'-t your money back.
H nuthoriv Hit nttort pnaraulre.
H 1L UttfJKUt ie CO., J'rvprietort, Sew York.
For sale by M. F. Rapp,
Try a box of Chocolate
Creams anil Uons IJons
RftBY -f
and you will understand
why our' CANDY is so
popular. S. CARROLL.
Go to
Uarber Shop
For a prompt and first
class shave or haircut.
Baths in connection.
418 Jackson St.
yy n. WILLIS,
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Will prwtlM la all tka court of tat IUU. Of
Bet In Mnnlrri llttllilliiH, Douf Ua mastf, Or.
Itrwinn 1 ami 2
Review lhilUlliiK. KuHKIIl'KO, ORELiON
Attorney at Law,,
OUtee In Court llonao
Willi DM. Alt) .
Poiirt Hunan
fRUrtltntlRCI, UK.
Will piaotk-o In nil llio Htato nml Kcilural l onrt
Olllov III Maika'HI.If , HuM-burif. I
Hootn 3 A 4, Taylor A Wilton Work.
Attorney uiid Coiiiiki'llnr at . .
Mining J.uw ami Water Rights made
a fM'clulty.
Maratcra BM. ' tKllt'Kl. OltKJo.N
Jons n. suite,
RohKlltllli, OlIMiO.M.
llusllics. Ix-tyro I'.S. I.ti. unie.-u,l Vf,b t
buiur a liiliy.
OtllCi. U.rnlmiu lliillilliiu.'
Attorney at Law,
oom.lA W. Marnier BMic., ROHSHOkO, oil
mtuluc caiwii Kiollty.
I.ate KnoelTor 0. H. Und 0c.
JA. HI CHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Koim 3
Maniera UulMlin:. HOsKlU lKi. ok
1 i:risr.
Oltiee III llhtnli.ini t) i , ,
lllk.mer l'...t.,fli.-e lO.SClltrjr, Or.
J? W llAYNEH, "
Ruvlew KiillilliiK,
VIU'IJIJUIi jii. 4
JR.ii:o. e. hoick.
Physcian 6c Surgeon.
Office Pint OIIjcc Ml. 1.
1 tm nu, .Mai 11 :;1
rilYSlClA.f ANH Sl.IKiEON.
Dperlal atu-iiiluu riven to .,( die N.,.
ami 'lhroi. ,
Odlce-Mnln St., one Uuor tniilh ( City Unit
mono, Muin ?ai.
Notice For Publication, ff
Kmel.urs, UrpiMo, lvtirimry l.'i. Ijoj.
Notice in hiTfltv ifh..i it,. 1 , V,:
... :, ' ."'illinium w
with the liffik In nu. ..I 11,.. .... .
, . ........ ..... . , viiiiKri iij
Jtllio ,1, ln.H, enilllr.l "An net Inr III,' null) el tlm-
Mr Minimi, mi) Htiiten el Cnillurnlii, Oiesnu
.Neviela, una nanhliiKhin i crnluri . '
I II U IS'CI A It I. 1. 1 III
01 Wi.slihuru Cmii.ty ( llsyiiel.l, 'Amie of Win-
v tlll, ,lav .u , 1, j,,,, (,ni,.B ,(, ,w,,r
Htmcmeiit Nil H r. . f I ... .., I ...
; .... .... ,,,.1 , ,, v UI 1 no Pl.'.
i.l ceclliin Vi. in Si,, -m kuiiiI
.1 . .. 1 T V ' " ' t si,,v
tlint tlie Intel koukIiI i,,.,,,. valuable. Mr It.
- .limit m,i uviiruifirai lillllMi.C
aii. loealHlillali lila claim l ,Hl,, (m.1,
..10 a, 1, 1 ivcieivcrni tiiiatitilco at Kme
bnric, Oregon, on Krlday Dm '.'7 lay ol
l'mii. lli, iihiiiihi ... ...ii . ...... ... . 1 '
. .. , " Jaiiienii. lllrlli'V.
ol I iirUaiid, or-Koii, . Uv.,l, , WiKxIlauil'
- nunaru i, novella, lit Ali Bil l,
n Ueiiiin n. Kriink VV. I'.,fi..r .. i.i.i , .. '
fOt.alll. "......., ...a-
Any ami all imtwui clahiiiiiK a,lveri,y thu
alhlle fll'tUTlli.ll lulllt up. ... 7..
I I I . i , ,1'iiTiiiril 111 IIH' 1 1 1 ! I r
c-inliiia In ll.liulll.'i, li r hemie asld J7 dav nl
April, I'.ioo. '
, , . i.l'. IIRllKiKS,
Notice for Publication.
I'M tan ktatik Ijni.Okhc r
v.i. ,tt,MK,,'"rK.Oresiiii,lfLrury 1... ljort.
with Uio irolaloiia nt tliu net of CuiiarcM ol
Juncil, laTa.u.itiilea . Au set fr tl e .i l oHl,' .
berlniiUa In tho Histea ol Callltirnla, oAv a
.Nevutla ami aalnnirttm Terrlliiry '
iv ,. r:iMVAkU t;. rTKVtflS,
...... i..t. 1.1-, .j'..i": v.''"vm'."i' 01
..... ., , una oitieij Iin iwoi u
latciiitmt No. M.17, f, ti,o jiuroha.0 ol the m.r k
I,;, V . " 1 ' " " .uU ,""'t l mow valiTah's
.w. ... , ,.,,, i,u lor aKrioultoral our-
i . . .. ... . .u .rirvr hi iniaoDii'o at
KoMburv. Orumii i.n v.i,t. ............ .
Al.rlll..aal. " n'V-.Hl uay Ul
Ho iiauita an wlliii.,t.(: charlla OelMot, of
Wa.libiiru, WU.: .MU liael N. Ol.lutl, ut V.U
burn, , Wl. ; J.nie. 0. 1 urncv. ol l-urtlaiid (Vrii.
luo; Frauk W fottcr, of A.IiUbJ, Wis"
Au- aud all tiieraoui claiming mlvatai U tlK
ol April, law. j. T UHlDuM, J
'H Kegl.teT.