f DEMOCRATIC STATU CONVENTION. Fusion liffected, but not without Opposition. THE SECOND OREGON. Hon Thos. H. Tongue Pays a Glowing Tribute to Our Soldier Boys. Ve publish the following excerpts iroai a speech delivered by Hon, Thomas H. Touuue in the House of Kepreeenta tives, March 27tb, in which he eulogizes the Oregon soldier boys for their indomi table courage and intrepidity during the war tn the Philippines: "The Sautiago campaign lasted from June 23 to July 17 in all 25 days. The Second Oregon anchored at Manila "Bay June 14, 1S03, and embarked for the re turn journey June 14, 1S9. It engaged in the first battle at Manila, February 5, 1S'X, and emlel its fighting career by the capture of Aryat at 5 a. m. and Taeig at it a. in. May. 2-', lS9i. In this fighting campaign of three mouths and seventeen days it marched 33S miles in rain aud pjud and throuuSi unbroken country I: fought, and it is needless to say won, 42 battles, skirmishes, and engagements; itlaicritid and received words of praise from every general who commanded it in tee tieid from Anderson, Wheaton, Merritt. and on three, occasions from the hravi-Bt of the brave, the gallant, la mented Law tan." "The quality "of the men who com- posed the second Oregon was inoicaieu by a brief order of General Wheaton at Melinto. "Orderly, overtake those Ore gon greyhounds oa the road to Polo and order them to Melinto. Go mounted, or vou will never catch them." When, af ter the glorious victory at Malabon.Gen ral Wheaton was asked, "Where are your regulars?" he pointed to the fcec ond Oregon, saying, "There are my reg- j ulars." "A volume would not record the heroic deeds of those boys. At Malabon those brave young 6oldiers charged across the ouon rice, fields, upon which they left many dead and wounded, in the face of a murderous fire from an entrenched foe and planted the f?tar and stripes upon the fortifications of a defeated enemy. No veterans the world over showed more tool, steady, and determined courage than the boys of 'he Second Oregon in that magnificent conflict." "When a railroad was captured, the Second Oregon furuis'jed an engineer, who had left employment at $150 a month, to maa the engine. When a town with waterworks out of repair was captured, the Second Oregon furnished the engineer to repair the waterworks and put them in running order. AVhen the cuEtom-honeo was organized, the Secoud Oregon furnished largely the clerical, force, as ic did for the quarter master's department. When an educa tional system was instituted in Manila, a private from the Second Oregon Le came superintendent xjI public instruc tion."' 'I present the record of these men as the tribute of the State of Oregon to flag and country. As citizens ol that fair young Western State, where "rolls the Oregon," we are prcud of tbem. We cherish the livinst. we honor the dead, and shall erect fitting monuments to their memory." Drain Items. (Watchman.) Hon. W.H.Byare, was vieitiug in Drain Hunday, being the guest of Mr. lienton M ires. Mrs. rrwin, of Yen Mile, is in Drain, caring for her son, Isadore, who is quite 111 at the McCahiMer hotel. Pete Mat toon was in town tie first of liin..M, Oregon, Aotil 13, l!00. As predicted the democrats aud popu list! of Oregon have joined forces There may be some friction on the in side, but the fact s of the delegates do not indicate it. The convention this morning indorsed Rrvan with a frbout, aud reaffirmed the Oregon state platform of ISi'S to satisfy the ' populistic brethren." Delegates go to Kaneas City with Bry an haudcufl's on, and will there vote lor tho silver speaker to a finish. F. V. Holman opposed fusion and T. II. JCrawford, of Union, fought sending the delegates with tied hands, but lry an'a friends were in the saddle, and no one elf e could ride. Judce Kami-ev of McMinnville, is again put up for Supremo Jndge, and Dr Bernard Dal),-of Lake County, will stand (or Congress ajainst Thomas II Tongue. The populists will name the man from the Second District. FOR C0NGKK38, FIRST D16TKKT. Dr. Bernard Daly, of Lake county. FOK 81 TREM.K COURT .11 DUE. W, M. Kamsey, of Yamhill. FOR MIES1UKNT1AL KLfcl rOHS. Dell Stuart, of Multuomah. W. M. Pierce, of Umatilla. Circuit Judges Multnomah, No. 2 C Will support Sears); Multnomah, No. 4 W. F. Efbnger. Sixth District Circuit Juditi A. D Stillman, Pendleton. Prosecuting Attorney 1, A. IC Keamee, Jackson; 2, S. II. Hazard, Coos; 3, goes to I'opuliBts; 4, George E Chamberlain, Portland; a, C.Schuebel Oregon City, Populist; G. T. J. Haley Pendleton; 7, goes to Populists; 8. Sam uel White, Baker City; i. Will R. King Ontario, Populist. Joint Senator Douglas, Lane and Jo- eephine, Ii. M. Veatch, of Cottage Grove; Coos and Curry, Dr. K. A. Leep Myrtle Point. Joint Representative Douglas and Jackson, Albert Abraham, lioseburg. i THE MOVELTY STORE. ' "THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY." The careful Conscientious Service. Tim Sterling Values, Tho l'milco to Exilianu MotcbntiJihi;, rnl many othor conveniences, uro making otir storo pun!ar. We wnnt your GVulideno. We can only got it ly deserving it. Sew UooiK Low Prices .iml courteous treatment aro our nttrnctioti". New and excellent MicwiuKs in: ' 1 USUI W m f Elkton Notes. Miss M. M. Bacon returned from Cot tage Grove Friday. Pitzer Beckley made a business trip to Portland last week. Phil Weatherly has gone to Gardiner to work iu the mill. Capt. Cornwall of Gardcer was in our midst one day last week; Joo. Compton and wife have moyed into the Jno. Nash house. Miss Mina Weatherly is visiting friends in Dodge's Canyon this week. Mr. Fred McNeel spent a few days with friends at this place laBt week. John Woodson, hr., is visiting relatives at this place at present writing. IJev. Gordon filled his regular appoint ment at this place last Sunday. Mrs. Peter Nash, jr., was visiting friends in Kellogg vicinity last week. Miss Luella Iloisington went to liose burg last week to attend the teachers' examination. Mr. Al Smith brought a load oi pas sengers tip from Scottehurg last 'Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Barker of Loon Lake, passed through here Friday enroute for Spokane, Wash., where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. O. Maltooo, who Have been residing in Ashland, have returned to Elkton. Mr. Mat toon will take charge of the etatte line from this place to Scotts burg. Mr. Chandler and daughter, Miss Neva, passe J through here last week. Mr. Chandler has a position in the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. , ' The ladies cflheM. E. Church gave an entertainment last Sunday evening for the purpose of raiting funds for mis sion, tjaite a lengthy program was ren dered consixting of songs, recitations, etc. Who? , CLOVES, fit farms in m mm IILlllVVi LIIILIIU) LllVb VUIIIIIIIIV) llihlebrunds "Foot Form" KhoPH for LaliP8 anil dents. Why ar Ihey "Foot Form?" llecnnna they aro mail tho riht shape to lit the foot and comfortably they '"do" lit. They Lave ppocinl fontnrpn of Construction not found in other shoos and if you will pay ni n visit wo will show you just how aud why this is. Stylo and handsome appearance have not been Hiicrificod iu the Blithest decree Hud us to wearing qualitiea they cannot be excelled. Our name ou every pair, l'oupuiar prices. Jiihlebrands "Foot Form" Rltoea can be obtained only at 4 ...ROSEBURO NOVELTY CASH STORE. t W r HIT TIFRRANn PROP I w WeWlIMMaWWIWItlSsllWI SURE DEATH g qui rr el Gopher Poison. i J- (i (PREPARED WHEAT) ' ) SURE DEATH - foW?? , Gopher Poison. tf'jftM W'W'f The B-t anl -h-t--t K uxily V' "... '.. '',..v?C-r, : . - ! Mi 1 UK Hi i jy iiinl K (! .-1 tin) I.' l i i;c- lloil i'f tiun ol tlii sc (irchanl an RATS. IOI'HI lt. MICE, CROWS ETC A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists, ROSEBURG. OREGON. J MM.&MMMMMJbj&j&Pjp. 9J9b&j&j&j&j&j9j9, 9j A- A AAA A A A AAA A Notice. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby itiven that I w ill no lontcr tie re- the week, on his way to Elkton to take BT.0nibe for any ilebta c-i.t-Hii.l by my .haruR iA that end of the tae line. ! Hiic Patience Hetitlev. I.'U at Oak- A. . , ! laud, Oreifon, March T. )!. Married, at Llkton, at the home t ri. V. Hkmi uv. the bride's patents, April 4, Miss Agms Waioscott and A. U. Haicea Jr., Itev. A. ! ACKKKS JiY'ril'KI'SIA TAULKT If. .Mulkev ofliciatinii. Their friends ! -Ie mA ou a nositiv uuarautee. Cures with them a t appy voynge tn the sea of mj'riui' n . Mrs. J. T. Kedford returned home bun day, from San Francisco, where she hat been witiu on her sitter, Mrs. Etta lloberte, who u much improved In heart burn, raising of the fnod, distress after eating or nv form of dyspepsia One HuIm talilet Kiyes iminvdiate relit-i 25cts. and 50 eta. For sale at M. V. Kapp't lrug store. We will send you the mi-weekly I'LAiKiiKALix and the Oregon Poultry Notice for Publication. rnltrd StuU'S Laiirt Olllre. KiKiii K"., 1)(vkii, April 11, 1110. vmii-c u lii-n b ffivi-n that In ouinnllau-'i' with the provt"ii of the art t CnKre June:!, , vntlllud "An act lur thi- al of tlm- b r lamu in inc niaiea amuruia, 'rn-u. Nwaila aud VIiinKto!i IcrniorT. AMjLo CAMi'KKI.1. Ot MoiiU'miuo, fount y ol CheliaJm. ftalu oi W RhhltiKton, ha thh) 'lay lllcl In thin olhce hit worn tiati'ineut Ko. '.'It, for the purcliae of tno HKJi ot Hccllon . vs, iu jownaiiip .i. .-v o.. KaiiK o. sv..aiiu win oner nw , uw ih.i n. ml i,niht Ik mon- rnliiahlo for IU liinU r oritone than for aKrii iiltural puri-Mitu, and to vatHhllMi lil claim iu nam iimu oj-iorc ik. w..F..ti.p and kii-i'lvrr ol thm oltic,.' nt none- hurt.', OreK,n. on Weiinewlay tlie Vlh tiny of; Jurif, i'J. He nuin an wHiie: KOicr Mc Neill, ot Atx rcUtu, Wablus"m, (,'liarli-a Li-avltt, of Montc-iiaiMi, Wali.. . I., uium. in uowiiurx, Orft'on. Any anil all )t-rwn cIkIiiiIiik ailvem: Iv the ahovi.-ileacrllt lamia ari' nUfted lo file their i-ialmn iu thla oil Ice ou or hufore cahl JUth day of June, 1'jOO. (ah,) J- T. BKiiHjr.s. Notice for Publication. I.'nited HtatCK IjiiwI Otllcc, I(ut.KHi'a Ore., Aj.rll 11, 11'. Notice l hereby (flven that lu coniiliaucc with the provision of the act of tenure" of June !i, ID'S, entlllrd "An act hr the wile of timber laud in tho HUte ot fallfiirnla, Oregon, Nevaiia and Wanhlngton Territory." CUAR1.KH J.KAVITT ' Of Monuwano. Coouty of Chihall-, Mate ol Wuhlnxton ha thii day hied In Oil olhc hi worn kliiU-inent No. IMS. lor tin purthaac of the NKJiotBcctlon No. Ki, in Tonhli No. 28 H., Kaiige No. 0 W., and will ol!r proof to ho that the land ioiir-IiI I more valuable for i' timber or Htonetlian lor agricultural pui-po-". and to entubllah hla claim to auld laud before tlie KcRikter aud Hecelverol tbiaomceat Kim burg, liretjon. on Wedueday the ith day ol June, mo. Hu name a wltaeanca: iioger Me Ni lll ol AUrdeen, Wellington, Angua Camp. Ixll, ol Monletano, Washiugtou, U. L. Oulld, of lUineburg, Oregoo. Any and all peroni claiming advewely the alMTS-dencrllMd land are rciutlcd to lile their elaiim In tbl orlice on or before laid 'JUth day of JU"l''U0- J.T.BHIDOES, (all.) hegiMor. School Report. Mr. Kobt. McEwen, of Micco, Florida, writes I.. Allen A Cj. ; "My gardet spot was 150 x Tib feet. My seed cost flOOO. I'eriili.r 'J.(K), Help altogethe i.0O. This fall wal the first time I used the "PLANET JK." (Mo. 4 combine' llill and Urill Heeder) ami 1 made clear llhO.OO and enough left to do me until ' can got another crop." You ean do as well If you nss the "Planet Jr. Garden Tools." Churchill & Woolley. Distributors for Southern Oregon CURRIER'S GROCERY. Finest Candies and a complete line of Uottle Goods all kinds. Our Stock of TEAS, COFFEES, aud t OTHER GROCERIES health. Mrs. Koterts will fpend the journal, the best poultry journal in tn summer In Drain. 'ortbwest, both for 1.75. Following is the report of the Eden bower scho ol, f r luontll emliri: March 2, 1900. Those that averagel above 00 are as follows': I'ercy North 0!), llorton Hunt initiou, Al x Fi-'uii""'!, John Johnson, Irene Hari.ou, Fio)d 8tephens, John Miinc6n, Casaie FnriiiMfiii. Jennie North. Willie Johnson, Kate Hanson, Wilfred l'entney, Hector Ferun IVarl North, Annie Ferguson, (ieo llm i-ui , Echo Kruse, Felii and Vi sr Hner-, Emms Schroten and Hsrley Nor li. No. of davs taught 0. No. oi days atieodance. 03. No. of pupil eortlled 25. Eui IIakvky, Teacher. Are always fresh, as we are constantly getting in uq?; goods. Remember we can save you money; Slicridan lilock. AVM. CURRIEU P. Benedick. . . Undertake? end Embalmsp. Any Job Work done at Kcasonable Pntft r