The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 12, 1900, Image 8

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V lilted Slates Laud OlVnv,
KOskmko, Oregon, March It. UVO.
Notice is hereby etvedthnt in compliance
with the previsions ot
the net of Congress ot
.In ai t tor t tie alu of
.lunrS. lsTS. emitted ".In
Timber lands in tl e states .( California, Oregon,
Nevada, eiiil W nsl.imiioa Territory,"'
t..KOKt.r: 11. Met" 1. 01' l:
Of Ahluil, cwintv of Ashland, state of M is
ootndu, h liv. day Med iu this oll'iee Uis svvotn
statement No. D. lor tho liicluio of the h'..
NW" , Lots 1 mid J . f A'tSii. 1. iu TpNo. 24 S. K
No. -i W. ami will oI'.k" v-,v't' toahow that the
laud sought is utoro valuable lor it ticnlicr or
toiio than tor imticu'.tutai mirposes, and to es
tablish his clalm'to said land before ilie Rev-is-teratui
Recelv erol thlsomce at R.sseburg, Ore
1:011. en Tuesday, the if-'i.d .lay of May, I'.iV. He
iinmc r.s witnesses: I- O. DeWulf. of Wood
"aud. Washington, James McCully. --Has JI. Hhu-V-t,
lat)iclD., ail oi Ashlaud, lscou
in. Any and nil versons claiming adversely tho
nVK-veV.ccrilH'd' lauds are requested to tile their
elaitii isi this office on or before said -"ind day
oiilay, LAV.
J, T. Btiin;Es,
notice for publication.
'I'uitel States Laud Oll'iee.
1;oeiu ki Or., February it, I'.HV.
Notice l hereby given tliat iu eeiuphauee
"ri!h tU-.1 'rivisio!i- ofil.c m t of foiiirrei of
Jun 1ST-, entitled "An et for tUe n.e oi
Titnoer Uin! in the State of I'nlifcrtiiii. Ore
ou. Nevada and UR.-!iinfftuii Territory, '
Of M:irh6eld, Counfv oi Coos. Stut. of Oresou,
J thisdav tiled iu hi tTii e his sworn state
rieutNo. M lor tho j'Orcbaw of the oi
ee. No. 1", in Tj. No. .t. K.No. 10 W, ami
will oiler orool Id s'-ion tlict the land eoiiKbt if
wore raiuai'le tor it timber or stoue than for
ssrieultunii jurBoe, and lot stablish hi claim
o suid land before the Itegi-ter and lleceirerof
hi ofTice a. Ka-elutrp. Ot.. on Tuesday, the th
.lay o! May, l. He mimes as wimesaeat
Wi'iliam Wii tin. l'rauk' Rok'er, J. YoaWam. K.
Witfilen. a.l of Marlnieid, fivKOii. Any and all
erons eliumiiiK avivei jcly the above -described
:artdre re- tieMed to tile their claims in thin
oillcc or. or betore iii 2"th day of May, V.VO.
J. T. BKllXjKti,
p Kcgikter.
Notice for Publication,
TjJiTED St.ites Land Om B.
Roeburir. Oregon. Feb, Si, IMKK
Xqtiee is hereby given tliat in compliance
wiili the iiovisioiis of tlie netof t'oni;n of
June::, eni'.led "Au net for the Kale of
;i pit or lauds in the -nates .if t aliforuia, Orev'oa,
Nevada ami Vi'ahii.elon Teriitory.'
Of ii:i:ib! v"-i. Couii'.y of c-f. taie of Oregon,
iw. ti!iay t;i-l in thH cilice h; sworn atate
r.u:;t No, - i-. ! - the iun:bas9 oi tiieNW., of
c-se No in Tj N-' 0 . II No.lo V. and will offer
r-riH-i to s'.i- Vi t!;nr '.lie land socciit is more
yH'uul'.? io! its liiu'K-ror st"tie than for sri
Hh;:;i;:! lar-Mtis inj to esti.;i-h his eirtim to
said ,;:! t..;o!e :ho i:vi.-;sU.-r a::d Keeeicer oi
tills oiiieeHt Kov'.-nrs. wre.-.-zi, -n Tuesday,
i.ei'tti .iiiro: Mav. ..:. tie uat.ics us Wituesses
Viiar:. " A. Mv t::a
Ifata Wretr.i, :i
jiu-i r ; 1 1 T'0"so:is el
' -leserioed ian-is r.r
n litis o;e ell oi
i:0. '
I' .
1-. i i .i i - -- K. Ueedeu, 'il
f Mirsii: .;!..!, .ieirou. Any
ilir.iiiii niwtsely the atiove
' Te'tw.siod t- hie their claims
Wtore said tilth day of.May,
Notice for Publication.
iti -EBt B .., Ore., llarch ::, ltw.
' Notice W hereby given that iu conipiinnce
vti'.tk tj" pivvlsloc of toe act o! Congress of
Jutisa, isTs. eatitl' i -'Ati aui for the sale of
tici'-r iuadi in the stales of California, tre
joti, -vjvUi ruI V.'asiii.'.srton "Vrriiyry,"'
oi Oakland, County of Dor..-!a$. Slate cf OregotK
has this iii.y liled in this ottiee bis b'.vorn state
Kent No. rS, Uit the ,1'un base of tne ri. . i
sivii.ja No. I-', in Township No. iU a. Kange
No. W. an 1 v. iil orter pi.oi to show that the
land so u.'ht I-:uore v aluable tor its timber ot
tone then for agrtciKturnt purposes, and toe
'abiish his e;ei;;i to -aid laud before the Keiris
teraitd ;.veiverof this othee a! Boscbursr, Ore
gon, oa Titursdiiy the I'.-th day ot Iay Tah
He i;ir,,,"S a- v.itnes-: E. E. Thorntin,
t'harlt Hunt, Grant 'ia l..r. nod H. H. Miller
ail of Ofliia:) i. Dottiriis County Oregon. Any
and ail p-.-rsous clttiuiiug adversely the above
deeritci rj rejue-ted to lile their
;aim iu this otiiee oil or before said hub day oi
-Mav l'A-j.
p J.T. HEIIKiEs,
Notice for Publication.
Cni-iko states Land Of n t,
Koscbnrg, Oregon, February io. l'XO.
y )Uee is hereby given that iu Compli.nce
- -.villi the prov isions of the act of Congress of
June U, l7s, entitled ".n act for the su e of
tint i-er lands in the states of California, Oregon,
NevuJu and Washington Territnrv.''
of Washburn, County of Ravi. eld, state of Wis
cousin, V.tif this .'.ay iilel in tlusothi-e htssworu
s late'. .nt No. , i, for Hit! purchase of the Lots
1, '., .-U NK', of -tctiori No. .'. in Tow nship No.
H '.a Kan-'e No. ,: t-st, and w ;il oiler proof
to show .i n', tl.e land - ,::.!, t is more valuable
for its .-I or stone tnan for agricultural pur
pose. :.-! to ei abti-h lti ciaiiii lo sai l html U
lore t to ib. -"I-ler aud R.-eetyer of this oilicu at
or-v"-ti. "ii ii:. ;:y, ti:et.'i!li ilay of
II.'.- name- as v.i'.te.-ses: ? lichee)
1 tVitsnburn, Wis.; F.dward . stev
::;'l. Wis.; 1 hailie dei-eit. of'Wash-
.lamt-s c. T.irtiey, oi i'oitlaud, tire-
as, of A -1.
Any ale! ti'.l persons clsieiiiig adver-eiy tfce
Bo.ive-.iew.-nl.ei lauds are ne'iest. ii to nl .'their
claims in this olhce ot: or i.-.-ie:e ''7ib day of
April 1'J.U. J. T. Bltli)(;ts,
ii-'.-P Register.
Notice for Publication.
Losehurg, Oregon, Fobr'iary bi, l-Jiii.
Noliee is hereby -,'ii n that in enuipliuuce
v.ith the provisions of the -ue; of Congress of
June::, ls7s, i-utitled Au net for the sale of
timber land- in the states California, Oregon,
NevadH, and Washington 'l'.-iriiory, '
OI Washburii, County of liayiicld, Slate of Wis
consin, has this iiuy hied 111 this oillee bis sworn
statement, No. for the purchase of the
Koutliwest tiuaricrof Section No. 'J, in Town
niiiji No. 1 sijuth. Range No.:; West, and will
oiler proof lo shuiv that ti e land sought is more
Valuable for its tiinberor stone than for agri
imliural purpose, i-ml to estahli!i hl claim 10
said land I eiore the Register and Receiver of this
ollice at R.iseMii'.'. Oregon, on Friday, the -Tth
day of April. Leu. He names as witnesses;
J-'iank W. Fottcroi Ashland, Wiseunsin, James
C Turney nt Poriland. ilrom 1-hlwar.lC. Sikv
ens, of AshlHii I, Wi-eousiu, John W. Hullaud of
Wahburn, Wisconsin.
Any aud all persons (.-'aiming adversely the
ttbovc-deseriU-1 lauds are requested to lile ihfcir
claims In thisoSiee on or before said -Tth day of
April, I'JOU.
Notice for Publication.
Illlle i I? I ales fjlll.i OUiee,
Ko-Elil'I'l, He., Marcll, 1 JW'.
Noliee is hereby .given that the fo'lowiiig
l amed selle r na tiled meiee of his lnb-utiou
to make linul pi jol lu sup.oi-t ot ins claim, and
that -aid l.Mof will he ncfre Register
Hi;d hecefver I tiiti ! Slate. Laiel Oilice at Rose
bnjg, Orego.i, 1 11 A ril II l'-.o, i:
liMII.V .'. ("EN-il.U.S,
i.iiiiw-rly H in 11 v .1, Thrush. -00 Inrll. K No.
Til for the N ; an: , 'J o. Vi, ti. II. s Y,
i-he liame. ih. lollow ID'' Vf tne-s-s prove
Iter continuous resi.leuci ?T) a ami ciiitiviJou
oi said laud. 1 ii-: J, R. IUJ-J, W, ii. Thomp
sou. Frank Huntley aud Ifi J. llccum, ail of
Cuiiias Valley, OrekOu-
i. T.URIDt.KS,
p Rejisiur.
l iiited Btate Lund Ofuce,
Roseburg Oregon, March W, l'.HO.
Notice in hereby Riven that Iu compliance
i with the provisions of the net of Congress of
! June 8, IMS, coililcd ".In net for t lie Mile of
timber lauds in me t-tntc oi eiitornia, Oregon,
Nernda, ami Washington territory.
Of .4 shland. County of .tshland, State of Wia
cousin, ha thladny filed in this olllec his sworn
statement No. SM'. for the purchase of Ihe I'.
SW'.,. Lots H, 4, ot sectlou No, 18, In Town." hip
No.' k4 8, Range No. S W , and will oiler proof to
how that the land sought I more v nltnihle for
its tlmlier or itone than lor aKrleulttiral pur
posed, and to establish his claim to mld land
before the Register and Reeeiver of this otllee nt
Ko.cDurjt, OreKon, on Tuesday, the land day of
Mar, v.w. lie names a witnesses: b. tl. He
Wolf, of Woodland, W ashtneton, Ocorge 11. Me-
t'loud, .lames Mct'ully, eiias 11. Hatina, all of
Ashlaud, Wisconsin.
Any and all persona claiming alvcrscly the
above-deacribed lands are reiiestcd to tile the! r
claim in this otllee on or betore stiia I'Jiid day ol
.Mav, r.sjti.
J. T. EniooK
United Mtatcs Land Otlice.
. lioseburit. Oregon. March aB, 1W,
Notice is hereby itlvcti that in compliance
with il.e rjrorislon of the act of Oonuresa of
June :. ii.S, entitled "Au art for (lie sale of
Umber lands In the States of California, Orciton,
Neva la aud W ashington Territory,"
Oi Cleveland. County of liouirla, State of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this office his kworu
statement No. sis.), for the purchase of the
NVV'i of Section No, 8. ioToH Uhip No. 27 ..
Ranee No. 8 W est, and will offer pnxif to show
that the laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural puttKisee,
and to establish his claim to said land bel ire
the LcKiM'-r and Ki-celvcr of this ilicc at Kosc
burg, Oregon, on Thursday the th day June,
l'Ajn. He names as v. itnesiK's: Kdvrard Yon
l'essl, Carl Heckcr, John Becker, and Frank
Sherman, of Cleveland, Oregon.
Any and all persons clalmiug adversely the
abovu-dcscrlbcu lands aru reiuestetl to tile their
claims in this otllee on or before said Tth day of
June, l'Mi.
United Stales land Office,
Koskiii BO, Oregon, March, IU, I'.KX).
Notice is hereby gi en that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June
15;.S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber
hinds in the Htatesof California, Oregon, NeYuda
aud Washington Territory,"
Of Ashland, County of Ashlmid, State of Wis.
cousin, hns this dav likd in this otllee his swom
statement No. Kd, ior the purchase of the XS'j
of ection No. in. in Township No. 2-1 si, Langc
So. 2 IV, slid will oiler prool to show that tn e
land sought is more valuable for ita timbcror
store than for agricultural ur'Ses. and lo es-
tatili-u Ins claim to sal.) land betore the Kegister
and Ilcc.chcr oi this olhc at low-burg. Oregon,
on Tuesday, the ilnd day of Mav. l!m He
names s witnesses: L o. ifc-Woli, of Wooil
hind, Wiisiiingtoii, Janic" C. Tutnev. of Port
land, Oregon, Jmues McCully, Daniel 1). Kin
uedy, of Ashland, W iscersiu. r
Any oi.. 1 a'.l ersoiis cljiining ndver-cly the
above-described hinds are reiUesled to tile their in this office on or bciorc suid ti.'nd day
of May, ixo.
J. T. Bbidok-,
Keg later..
Notice For Publication.
Roseburg, Oregon, February l'.i, ltai.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
w ith the provisionsof the act of Congress of
June ::rd, 17H, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in Ilia states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and W ashington Tetrltoiy."
Of Wasbbuhl, County of Uayfleid. Ulate of Wis.
cousin, lia-j this day iilcd in this oflice bisswuin
slalemcnt No. b-7, for Lie purchase of the &K
ot fctclion No. 12, in Towusnip No. 24 south,
Range No. West, nnd will oiler proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable for its
nuiM-ror sione man lor asrrlcullural nuniosis.
and to establish his claim to said laud before the
Regisleraud Receiver of this oriice at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Thursday the uttl day of May, PJMi.
He names as witnesses- Slvert Ole, of Wash-
1. nrn, Wisconsin, oial M. Olson, of Washburu,
isconsln, Jacob Johnson, of Washburn, Wis
consin, Oscar Luudgren, of Washburn, Wiscon
sin. Any ami an persons claiming adversely iic
Rbove-devribecl lands aro reuested lii tile
their claims in this otlice 011 or before (uid ilrd
oay 01 Slav, j'jijo.
m-'p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Oregou, February, Vi, ltSX).
Notice is hereby given that in compliuucc
with the provisions of the act of Comtresa of
June ;;. ISIS, entitled "An act ior the sale of
timber lands in ifu: Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington T-'rrltnry:"
of Washburn, County of Bayfield, Stale of Wi.
eonsin, has this day in this ollice his snoii
statement No. S..s, (or the purchase of the
eh', 01 Nv;i and lots ;i. 4 and C
of Section No. t, in Township No. 24 south
Range No. 2 W , and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural juirposes,
audio estaill.-h his claim to said laud before
the Re'-'lster and Receiver of this office at Rox.
butg, Oregon, on Thursday, the ard day of May,
l'jou. He names as witnesses: David iledland,
ot Washburn, Wisconsin; Kiv Oie, of Wash
burn, Wisconsin; (;luf M. Olcson, of Washbiirne,
Wisi onsiu; Ost-iir Luudgren. ol Washburn, Wis
consin. Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abov e ilesi-rila-d lauds are requested to Die llieii
claims tn Ibis olh.'e 011 or betore said rd day
May, lts.O. J. T. RRIDUK-i,
m-p Register,
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Or gon, February pi, l'JUO.
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions ol the act of Congress of
June t, 157.1, entitled "Au act for the sale of tim
ber lumis in the Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington 'i"rrltorv:''
ALBIiRl 10. hUTTYii,
ot Marshfleld, County of Coos, Stale of Oregon,
has this day filed In this his swoin state
ment No. St., for the purchase of the hE1 , of
reetion No. .'Ai, in Towii.-nip No. 'Jt, 8, Range No.
ti U ., and w ill oiler pioof to show that the laud
sought is more v aluable for lis timber or stone
than for agricultural purpotcs, uud to establish
bis claim to said laud before the Register ami
Recelv cr 01 this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on
Saturday, the l.'th day of May, l'joo. ifu nainis
as witnesses; Wm. it. Smith, of Marhbticld,
"reiron, 00. H. Herron, of Marshfleld, Oreeoir
li. W. Kardell, of Maishlleld, tiregon; A. FO, Kar
del,, of Marshlield, Oregon.
Any and ull peiuons claiming adversely the
above deti-riocd lands are le-q lies ted lo tile Ihei:
da ms in Hits olhce on or before aahl l'Jlh day cl
May, ltso. J T, UttlDOKi,
Notice for Publication.
Rosftiiraii, (lie , Fciuuiiry, JH pi ii.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
U11m1.1l settler has filed notice of bis inteni.on
10 make llual luoof in supart of his claim, and
(but said proof will be made before the Register
slid Rot liver United Stales Land Ollice at Rose
burg, Oregon, 011 April 14, lt, vl.:
RLL IiliN F.. HMiTH,
on bla if. K. No. (Wil, for the H. II. '. H.V.'A,
Sen C, and the N, . J. N. K. i, bee. 1, Tn, au, 8.
R i W.
He name! the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon and cultivation
of said land viz: Ell Miller. John Brown, John
Miles, and T. L. Brewer, all ol Myrtle Creek,
op j. T. Bridges,
notice for publication.
United State Land OlVleo,
Hum: lit nil, Orotroli, Atu ll 4, 111).
Notice la hereby uiven that iu compliance '
v illi tin. i.iiiv oi. nl Diiini l ,,r r,,
v iintm pro isions ot uic in l ol t ongtvss or
IMIIIMll iiec
luiu 11, !,(, entitled "An act for the salo ol
... .an ..f
timber lands In the Stales of Catifoniln, Oregon
iSCMiua anu vi asiiingion territory,
James it. ki;.
of Aberdeen. County of Cheilitis, State of W ush.
melon nas imsuar iiicu 111 this ollioe hlssuotn
stalemcnl No. IU4, lor the purchase of ihe S's
N W ' and lots A .mil i of section No. 4, in 1 own
hip No. VMS. Kange No ! W, ami will oiler
proot to show that the lau-l sought Ismoie valu
able for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, ami lo establish his claim to raid
land befere the Keitlsler imd Itecclver of this
olhce at liosebure, Oiogoti on Friday the 1 . day of
June. itw. lie names us witnesses, lieoigc li.
Hopkins, P. M. Littler, O. Karsbner, J. Il.kai-s.h-ncr,
all of Abenleen, Wash. Any ami all per
sons claiming adversely the above-described
lands arc requested to lib' their claims In this
otlice on or before said 1 . t ti day of June, p.mj,
J. T. Bill DUES,
a'p Legisu r.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land OHlcc.
Koskbi ho, iregon, March lo, l ion.
Notice i hereby ghen that Iu compliance
w ith the provisions of the net of Cougri--t of
June H. 1S? entulnl 'An act let the sale of
timber lands In Urn Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory, '
qf Ashland, County of Ashland, (State of Wis
consin, has this day filed In this olllec his swum
statement No. Wi, for tho pure haw of the N t!i
ol Section No. VI. iu Township No. ill H, Kamie
No. : Vt , and will oiler proof to show that the
lands. night is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his calm to Mild land before theltegls
ter and Receiver of this otllte nt liosebun;. Ore-
gon, on Tuesday, the '.'nd day of May, I'Xn. He
names as witnesses: t.. neuoii, oi ncm.
land, Washington, James McCully, Ueorge H.
Met h. ml, Uatilcl I). Kennedy, nil of Asblnlid,
W iscousin.
Anrtuid all Tcrons clalminir advcrselv Dm
abeve-dest-rlbeu lands are rc.Ucstt d to tile their
claims In this office on or before said '.-Jn.I dav of
May, V-'W.
J. T.Baii..t:s,
Notice tor Publication.
liosebun,'. Ort gon, Ff-bruary 17, Ivm,
Noliee Is herebv given that in coiuilinm-i
with the provisions of the net of Congress i
June 3, 1S7S, entitled "Am aivt for the mUu oi
timber lands in the stales of ('a'lioniia, Orvjivi,
NeMidaaud Washington lerrltore:
o-nCAk i.i'ni.;i;kN,
of Washburn, Countv of liavfiel-L Slate of Wis
consin, has this tiny filed in this otlice his sworn
sliiteiiient No. S"'J for the purehiise of the X i ' ,
of s-ei-lioii No. li, in Township No. '.'I S liantre
No. -l W .bii.I will oiler proof to show the
land sought Is more valuable ior Its liuils-r or
stone than for agrleuittiral and to es
tablish his claim to said bind before the i. ..:
ter and Recicivi r of this nflic c ul Ko-cbiirg, Ore
gon, on Thursday, the third (lay of May, 1..
He names as witnesses- David Itediauil, .f
Wushburu, W isconsin: Slvert tile, of Washburn,
Wisconsin; laf M. Olson, of Washburu, l.-nn-
tun: Jacob Johnson, of Washburii, Wisconsin.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aboi c-deserlljed lands are re'iuesud to tile their
claims in this office on or before said itrd day of
m::p Kegister.
Notice For Publication. STATES LAND OFFICE,
Roft burg. Oregon, February la, 1:),
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the prnv isionc ot the act of Congress of
June ,;rd, l7s., entitled "Au net lor Hie salo of
timber lanes iu the Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada a"d WushitiKton Territory,
Of Washburn, County of Rayflcld, Hale of Wis
consin, has day Iilcd iu this oflice his sworn
statement No. hoo, for the purchase o! the
Lots 1 aud ami S'; of NE'4 of
Section No. fi. In Township No. -I south,
Range No. if W'ost, and w ill otter proof lo show
thai the land sought is more valuable for Ha
limber or stone than for agricultural purtssscs,
and to establish bis claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at
Roseburg Oregou, on Thursday the tlid, da of
May, ltso. Jl namos as witness: David Iled
land, of Washburn, Wlseousin, Jacob Johnson,
Washburn. Wisconsin, Oscar ! nudgren, of
Washburn, Wisconsin, Olaf Olson, of Vt ashouiti,
Any and ull im tsous claiming adversely the
above ilescribsd lands are requested lo tile their
claims in this ollice on or before said Srd day of
May, l'XO. J. T. B&IDUKs,
':1P Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'NITKhfiiATAtS LxSli Oi l leg,
Roseburg, Oregou, February ).", IMi.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisionsof the act of Congress of
June fi, isis. entitled -Au act for the sale of tlin
ber lands In the States of California, Oregon,
Nev ada and Washington Territory,'
Of Washburn, County of HaylicIiL. Klato of W is
cousin, has this day filed lu this otlice hi sworn
slab-mem No. feS, for the purchase of the Lots
a, I. h'-jSWii of Section No. 1', 111 Township No.
21 South Rbiikc No. it M est, and will oiler proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its limber or -stone than for agricultural
purpose, and to establish his claim to said
land bclore the Register and Receiver of this
ollice at Ro-cbtire, Oiegou, on Friday th Kin
day of April. P.0. He numca as v. iinesses:
Christian O. Dahlof Washburn. W isconsin, L.
T. IieWolf of Woodland. Ws,ington, John W .
Holland of Washburn Wisconsin, Ftank W.
Loiter of Ashland, of Wisconsin.
Any and ml jiersons claiming adveisely the
Blanc desi rlbcd lands ure rc.iiitcd to Hie their
claims In thin olhce on or before aald '.Tlh day of
April, lJOO. J. T. BRIDGES,
nap Register.
Culled Stale Load Othee .
KohmtiKo. Oregon, March 10, l'XO,
Nonce la hereby irlvt II that In coinphaiioe
Willi the provision of the act of ( ongre of
June :t, lhl, entitled "An act for the saiuof
timber lands In I he states of Callfon Is, Oregon.
Nev 11. la and W ashsngtou Territory,"
Of Ashland, County of Ashland, state of Wis
consin, hns this .liiv Iilcd l i this olhce sworn
stl-m. iu No. ssij, for tho purcharv of theNWi
of seel Ion No. !, In Towlisblii Nj. Vl b, Range
No. : W., and will oiler proof to show that the
laud sought Is more valuable for lis timber or
stone than for agiiculliuat purposes, and locs
tahlhih bisc'utiu to said laud bcfoivt (he Regis
ter and Receiver of Una cihee at Ros.ebuig. Ore
gon, 1.11 Tuesday, the iijnd diiyof May. ltssi. lie
names as witnesses: L. O- lieW'olf, of Woodland,
WashiiiKteu. (ieorge H. McClou I, Sliss If, Hau
lm, Dunl.-l D. Kennedy, all of Asliinttdi Wiscon
sin. Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ahow-tlcsci inc'i land" are rc'iucsled to tile
their claims In this ollice on or ltfore said ii-'ad
day of May, Its l.
J. T. JlltlUl.ts,
Notice for Publication.
Roscbuig, Oregou, March a. RioO.
Notice Is hereby mil n Unit lho following.
Iiuiucd settler has filed iiol lee ol bis Intention
to make final proof li su..oil of his claim, and
that said pKKif will I made before the Regis
ter ami Reeeiver, I'l.ili-.i stales Land ( Mhci. nl
Rowiiut;, (iregmi. on April s. J'.s.n, viz.
On II E No ii.Ss;, forth" S1 ,t N W ! , , Lols H ami i,
H"-e 4. T -0 it s W. He names the follow I mi
wIIuosm' to prove his continuous resilience
npouaud cultivation of said land, ita: A.O.
Rose, W. J 1-audtr, H. Lander, N. Cutry, allot
Roseburg, Oregon.
Notice For Publication.
t'NITKt) tiTtTK l.AXD OfFH .
Hom buru. iireuoii, l ehruarv 111, I'.mn.
Nutlcn la hereby itlven that iu coiniOlain e II... ....... 11. ,1 ..
" no ne enp, mn.iiH ,n wiv h i oi i i.iiRn-j Ul
i..,. lsi-H ..nni e.l oa i. n,,. .i ,., n,.
. .... .-...w
ber lands In the Mates or California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Teriitory,"
Of Mflrshflcld, Coun'lv of Coos, Mule of Oregon,
lias tins uay liieu in nils oiui-v Ills su nru siaic-
mt-nt No. M4, lor ll'e pinrhsse ol the s1,, NL1
S's NW'f. ol Section No. as. in Townshlii No.
Hoiuh, iitinuQ No. west, and will oiler proof to
show thai the land sought Is morn aluahle for
ils timber or stone than
for agricultural pur-
t.oses, and to establish his claim to said Ian
d ta
foiv tho Register and Receiver of this oltlee at
licsebitrg, tiregoli, on Saturday, the l'Jlh ilay of
Mav, P.Ss). lie names as wltticssss; William II.
Smith, of Marslilleld, Oregon, Albert K. Mcttvs,
of Manhllcld, Oivgoii, K. W . Kardell. id Marsh,
held, Oregon, A. E. Kardell, of Miirshlleld, Ore
gon Any and all nersons claiming adversely the
ahtoe-duserlbeil lands are jssiiuested to Mlo tbelr
claims in this olheo on or before said l'Jlh day
of Mar, 1'.mh.
J. T. lIlillKiEM,
. Reglstet.
United Slates Ijind onice.
Rost niiHi;, Oi-egon, Feb. -I. I'Aiu.
Notice Ishervby given that in compliance
with the piovisloiis of the act of Conurcss of
June :i. JS,S, cntitlcil "Au net for I he sale of
limiH-rlatels lu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
VI I1.1.1A.M A. W llh.V.N
Of Miirshlield, County of Covis, State of On-
gon, has this day lllt-.l lu (his ollice bit sworn
statement No. Md, for the purchase of theSK'-,
of s.-c. No. i!0, in To No. IfO S, R No. U W. and
win oner pmoi to aiiow mat the laud sought Is
mote valuable for lis 1 1 in lair or stone Ihau for
agricultural, aud to establish his claim
to saltl land before the Register anil Receiver of
this oflip,. nf Roet,urg, Or. on Tuesday the
.mil iuy nl liar, r. lie names as witnesses
John VoHkiitn, John Hcrroii, Charles A. Met
tin, Frank Rollers, all of MaTshlield, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming advctsely the
abilvc-desi rllied lands ru.iiestel lo lll
their claims In Ibis oltiee on or before sat4 :i)lh
day of May, lAv.
J. T. BItfliOES,
P ileglstir.
Notice For Publication.
I'MTitii Si cri.a Lvsn Orncr:
Itosel iirii. dregon, February P., 1'JtSi.
Noliee Is hereby given that iu compliance
v, llh Hie provisions of the net ot Conines, of
Juncti. Is"h, enticed ' An act for the sale of tun
I r lauds lu the Males of ( alllornla, On gnu,
Ne.a.iaati'l V. a-hltigloti 'I errilm y.'
of Marshlield, ( oiinry of Coos, Stale of (in-mri,
lis. ihW!y bleil in this otllee h.s sv-orn Mate.
M. nt No. M ., lor Die pin. In,-.-o! the lols ,., 1.
s' . NU ' :, id j. etinii No. In Town, hip No. 1'7
Soiiih, Range No. 10 West, sod vvii! oiler pi. ad
loshiov thai the laud sought is morn vnlnahle
for its timber or alone than for agricultural
purposes, and lo esiulillsh his claim to said Inml
be lore the Register uud Receiver ol I hl olht eat
llosidiiug, Oregon, on Saiiinlny, iho 121 Ii liy of
May, iv.o. He mimes us witnesses Allw ri K.
liettys. of Marshlield, Orisnui, W. II. smith of
Marshlield. Orefon, H. Herron. ot Marshliehl,
Oregon. IO. W. Kardell of Manhllcld. Oregou.
Any mid all ix-rotis claiming adverseiv tlx
bIhivo discrllRil Ikiidsare reiiiiesleil lo lile their
claims In this olhce 11 or before, said Uth dsv cf
Mav. WW.
Notice for Publication.
La .vp orrac,
Ri.scburg, Oregon, Feb V, lvj.
Nolb e is hereby given that lu compliance
wllh the provisions of the act ol Congress of
June 3. Is78 entitled "Aunt for the sale of
limber lauds in theSiatesof California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,
Of Ashland, County of Ashland, State of Wis
consin, has ih la day Iilcd In this ollice bis snorn
statement No. MJ, for the pun base of the south
east quarter, of Section No. lu, In l on n-blpNo.
iil South, Rauge No, West, and will oiler proot
to show tbal the land sought la more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
("osea, ami to establish his claim to said land
a fore Iho Rcirlster and Rceciverof this otlice
at Roseburg, Oregon, 011 Friday, the 271 h day of
April, Its... He namea as witucssosi Michael
N Olstail of Washburn, Wis., John W. Hol
land of Washburn, Wis, Charlie i.elserl, of
W ashburn, W is., L. T. Dcvvolf of Woodland,
Any and all jhtsoiis claiming adverseiv tho
alxive-ilescribeil lauds are reoiiesu d to lile their
claims In this ollice on ur before aald .'.ih day of
April, I'.-OO.
" J. T. BRIDGE.--.
Notice for Publication.
CsiTito siAigs La si Oup 1,
Roseburg, Oregon. April, I, l.. )h.
Notice Is hereby given Hint lu compliance
with the provision of the act of Congress of
June ::, lsis, cntllltrd "An act for the sale of
li 111 Ik r Ian. is In the .-tales of Callforu'u, Or. gon,
Nevada and W nshlngton Territory,"
of Aberdeen, County of Chcliatls, state of Wash
ington, has Ibis day hied In this olhce his sworn
si dement No I'll., for the purchase of IheMV1.
Of Sec No 4, In Tp No'.DSKuugc NoVW, and
will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is
more v aluable for lis limber orsiouo Hum (or
agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver o'
thlsollieu al Roseburg, Oregon, on Filday, the
l.'itb tlavof June, l'.'Oi, lie names as witnesses:
James H. Fuller, J. II. Kanhner, 1'. M. Littler,
Oeorge II. Hopkins all oi Aberdeen, Chi hall
County, Washldgton. Any and all . persons
claiming adversely the above described lands
on or before said 1 4h day ol June. Pxo.
J. T. lliUDOF.S.
pal Keglaler.
Notice for Publication.
liiited Slates ljind Ollice,
Rosbi;bi, Oregon, April 4, piou.
Noliee Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
June 'i. IHTs, entitled an act for the sale of
(Illlle rial. ds In the States ol California, Ongmi,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
of Aberdeen, County of Chehalla, Slate of Wash,
lngtou, bus this day filed in this ollice his
sworn statement No '.!.'., for the purchase ol (be
S'aNE1;. and lots 1 and t of Heu 4. lu 'Jp Nol
BNo'J w, uud will oiler proof to show Hint the
land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or
slone H11111 for agrieult.irul purposes, audi') es
tablish hla claim to said laud before Ihe Regis
ter ami Receiver of this ollice at Roseburg, Ore
gon on Friday, Die 1-iih day of June, p.saj. Jfo
nanus as witnesses: James II rullc, U.
Karsbner, 1'. M. Littler, J. H. Kaishut r, all of
Aberdeen, Chchalls county, Wash. Any ami all
persons claiming adversley the abovo tli-sciHied
lull. is ore reuiicstcil to li lo their claims lu this
ollice on or before nil. I l,.ih duy of June, 1'so.
A.'d' lieglstir.
Notice for Publication.
United SlaU-s Land Ollice
Roseburg, Or.MHrch 0, ItKKi,
Noliee Is hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed notice, of his iiileiitloli
lo make linul nroof Hi support of lilsclalm, uud
that said proof will be made before the Register
ami Receiver, Culled slates Land Ollice el
Roscbuig, Oreifon, oil Muy 1,1'. Ml, vi:
llAbltV WTLLlAMri.
On hla II. E. No- 714tl. for the N'-, NWif",
ti'A NE!. Kectlon Vi T. ai 8011th, R. 8 Weal. He
namea the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
aahl land, viz: Ixiula Armenia. H. L. Kuglce,
J. N. Kverls, ti. I'. Williams, all ot I'ccl, Oregou.
Notice for Publication.
United Stales Inn. I Olliiv,
RotKlit no, On gnii, Mnich I I. HUs',
Kollce is herebv given thiil In t imipllatii e
w ith the provisions of the net of Congress of
June II, iv.n, cnlltled "Au aid for tho sale o
timber In lids In the Stales of (all loin la, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Terrliorj ,"
Of Empire, County id Coos, Slate of Oregon, l.n
this day llleil ill Ibis olheu his sworn statement
No. s;i;l, for the purchase of the S'v Hw1 , hh. 11.
H'.K1! of Section No. INI, III Tomishlp No, J4
S.i Range No. 11 W., and 111 oiler nroof tn show
that the land sotudit Is moie valuable for Us
timber oi lone than for agricultural purposes,
ami to establish Ins claim to said I ml bel. no
tho Register and Recclir of this officii
at Roscbuig, Oregon, oil Monday I he.
jt day of May, l':. He names as witnesses;
Albert Slcmiiu rman, feus Hansen, Kit ward K.
Hinckley, i hiirks K. Edward all of MarsU
liel.l, Oregon.
Am-mi. I all persons claiming adveiselv the
tibov e described lands are reipiested lo nlo
their clnlMis In this othee on or before said ill
day ol May, l'.u.
J, t. Bridges,
L'MTi:n ST.crgs L.vxp on 11 a.
Roseburg, Oregon, February P.', nasi,
Nollci- Is hereby gleuii thai In coui.llai u
tvlthlhc provisions of Ihu ant ol Ciaig'is-rn
June 3rd, 1K7N, etilttlud "An art tor vl.e en'v 4
tlinla r lands In the Slab s of California., ls,-,!) '
ftcva.ia auu vt asningioti ii rritorv,
Of Washburn, I ouutvof llayliehl Slate of Wis
cousin, has this day hied In lhl olhce his "worn
tatcutMil'No. for the purchase ol tho
SV of Section No.l., In 'low tmlilp No S4 son Hi
Rangn No. :i west, and w ill oiler pioof to shon
that Hie laud sought Is more valuable for ita
llinU'ror slotio than for agilcultuial puriHiss,
and to establish bis claim to said laud before
tho Register and Receiver of this oflice at H010
burg, Oregon, oil 1 hliisdav Iheildayof Mae.
Pu. He namm as witnesses- Kivert Olo, of
Washburn W Iscousin, Jacob Johii-oit, of Wash,
btiju, Wisconsin, lisear l.niidgreeii, of Wash
burn, M, David Itcdlaud, of VVaslimun,
Any aud all persons claiming adversely tho
alsive-deserllifd lauds aru u-pu-sted to Hie their
claims Hi this ollice on or la-fore said : dsv of
May, l'JUi. J. T. BRUM KM,'
l.lUp Rcglslcc
Notice for Publication.
j OilKn I-taii;s Lam Orm k,
Ko'ihiliK, on 1:011 hchruaty Hi, 1 '..'.
Nothe Is l.crel.j- given that III coiiipllauce
Willi the provisions of tl.e m I nf long res. of
Illlle li, Is'.s. l-utitl'sl "All ae! for the sale nf
be; Inn. Is in the Slates of Ciilihirnla, Oe ;ou,
-1 vuda and Wiishinitton Terrlto'y"
l ltIC . KAIIHKI I.,
of Marshfleld. County of Cos, .".tun, of On gon,
has Ihlsduy I, led lu Ibis ollice bl .sworii slut"
inept No. Hi 1, fni ti e purchase ol tl.n lols I.'.', ,M
NK'e ol cecuon No. J, In Township No. T, S.
Run (;t No. luW.,atid will o!'.,r pns.f to sln.e.
Hint ihe land soiurhlls more viiliiahle for Its
ttuibnr or stone tlum I.u agrli uleirnl pu;j-s .
autl to eslahlish loscUim losuld land before
ll.e Register mid Recelv . r of this oflii e at Ko -burg,
tircKon. 011 Saturday, lh Uih dav of Msv,
ltso. Ha nniiie. as wltiii ss Allx-rt F. p. tin,
of Marshlield, Oicgon; A. I.. Knob il, 11 Miirsh
lield, Oregon, W. II Smllh, of Marshbeld, On-.
gon;(ieo. If. llcrroli, t.l Marhflelil, t "rcgi.ii,
Any and all p rums claiming adversely Ihe
alov desi rllei lands are re.Ui sli d to file their
calms III this nfhec on or Kfote said Pith day cf
May, Lho. J. T. BRlDliKs.
Culled States Land Ollice.
Rosi.ariiii, Oregon, Mnttli A,
Notice is lieicty glvi4i that in eonipliance
with Die provisions of the act ol Congress ot
JuiieS, lh,s, entitle. 1 "An net lor lite rale of
t i.e. hi r lands In the Stab s of California, Otegop,
Nevada, and Washlia-'ou Iirritorv.
Of Ashland, County of A-hliuiil, Mate of W iscou
sin, hns this day bled iu this ollice I. Is avvorn
statement No. as", for the nun base of Ihe HK'ol
S-ttllon 'o. 4, lu Township No. 'Jt, b Range
No. 8 W.and will ofler proof to show that the
laud sought Is mure valuable lor Ita timbcror
sbiii". than for agricultural purposes, audio es
tablish his claim to said bind la-fore Ilie Regis
ter and Re" elver of this olllrc at RoMdiurg, Ore-
fon, on Saturday, tho '.'nd day of June,
lu names as witnesses: J. (,'. Turney, L. O. Dc
wolf, of l'orllami, Oregon, L. I'eiduc, and Fd
wait! Rone, of Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all claiming adieix-ly Ihe
above-described lands are iciictcd lo luc
their claims iu this office "in or before said 'Jnd
day of Juno. VMs.
J. T. Brtinocs,
Notice for Publication.
liiited States Land Office,
LOM.Ii llo, On gon, March, LI, Psai.
Noliee Is, hereby given that In coinpliiilii e
v. llh the provisions of the act 01 Congress of
June li, is, a, entitled "'All act f 01 Ihe sab ol
timber l.illils In the Mules 01 California, Oicgim,
Nevada ami Washington Territory, '
Of V iu; If, Con iu y of Coos, siatu of On .eft a.'.
Las Ibis day tiled In this olhce iis svv oru sin'.. '
meiilNo. hill, (or the purchase 01 the si hh' t
S.-e I I, N1-. NK1.; ol Si-t lion No. Vi In Township
No. '.'IH., Ilatigu No. II W, ni,d v. Ill i.lllr piool
to show that the land sought Is more valuable
for lis ttinher or stoiie tlisn for nrileultural
l.iiri.oses, and to cstnblish bis ciauu 1.1 sntd
laud before the Register ami Receiver ot this
othee at Roseburg On foil, on Mouiluy the itlst
day of May, l'.ssi, 11.' uanxs as witnesses:
Albert Hlrmmcriiiaii, Charb s I.. I.dwards, Ed
ward E lllnekley, Jens Hansen all ol Maralt
Held, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely ihe
above desi llh.-.i. Inllils ure citiestol to lile their
claims In ibis ollice on or before said "1st day of
Mav , RiiiO.
J. T. 1:111 Ik; li.-
Notice For Publication.
I ti.Ued Slap s Land OtBce.
Rosani H"., Oregon, March l:i. Won.
Noll, e is heichy given that iu compliance
with the provisionsof tho ail of Congo-. of
JuiicH, DiTH, cutitled "An act for the auln ol
timber lauds in the States of California, Oicgon,
Nevada aud Washington 'I -i rilorv,'
Of Maishlleld, County of Coos, Stale of Oregon,
no in is ilay uiea in nils ollice tils sworn stele
vtii"oinev 111s Bnoni ntiitc
e iiurchase of IhvSl-.'i St1,,
.V'i NW!4. ' '., H-e.
. 0-IH.. Range No. 11 W ., and
meiil No. 'AH, for the 1
Nl !isE ;-( 1",SW'
14, in Township No.
will oiler proof to show that the laud mi null I Is
more v aluable for Its timber or slime than for
agricultural purnosi Oand lo establish his
claim to laid laotl before the Register aud Re
ceiver of this ollice at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Mouday the Jlst day ol May, l'.-n He names 11.
wilneascs: William Tnrpeii, of Lmplre, Oregon,
Charles E. I'.dvvaids, of Empire, Orcgiiu, Ed
ward K. Hinckley, of Murshlhiil, Oregon, Jen
Hansen, ot Marshfleld Oregou.
Any and nil persons claiming advcrselv the
Hboie-dcscrlbcd lands are rcniiiisU-d to lile llleir
claims In this olhce on cr belou asbl -i ilay "
May, 110.
liiited sinus Lnnil Olliie,
RosKiH-nu.oiegou, Match fl. P.ilsi.
Notice Is hereby given Unit tho following
named settler baa tiled notice of his Intention
to mako final prouf iu support of his cliilm, and
that said proof w ill he made before the s-egistcr
ut.d Receiver liilled Slates, Laud Office, at
Roseburg Orrion May 1, p.siti, viz-
NEif s E' Hectloa'.'T. 2hS., R. II W. He'liauiea
the following witnesses to prove hla continuous
residence upon ami cultivation of said hind via:
Ioul Ariiionl, If. L. Fugles, J, N, Eicita,
Harry Willlama, all of Fee), On ion.
J. T, Bmnofs,
Reg la ter.