The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 12, 1900, Image 7

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Prce-Sllver Han Rendu Himself Out
of the Party.
C. H. !!akcr, of WuHervillo, J.tto
ronrity, litis abandoned free nilver uud
!hi rualunftd a a member of tin' State
Cunt! Cummiltee of tlio Silvur-JlupHh-
lean party, Ha hit') written to Chuii
man Honcon tiinitli, toii'lorlntf. hi renin
nation, and bus unit The Orr-Koniau a
copy ol the letter with authority to pub-
Hull thy tame, l'ollo Iniz in tlio lot-
"Watervllln, Or , April 0. Hon. Sene
ca Smith, Chairman Sue Central Coin
miltce, Silver-Republican rrt Pear
Sir : Your ol March 2K, notifying me of
tlio moiling of the Statu Central Com
mlttee, Silver-Republican party, at I'ort
land, April 12, hat been received, la
reply thereto, I doem it my duty to In
form yon that in view of Ilia fact that, by
recant act of Congress, thin (iovern
nt hat beon financially firmly etab
tithed npou the gold standard policy,
therefore, in my judgment, the question
of tbe free coinage of silver hat been per
manently eliminated at a leading politi
cal iseue. I, therefore, return to the
rauka of tlio regular republican party.
Accordingly, I hereby tender my resig
nation at a member of the State Central
Committee, Silver-Republican party.
Very truly yours, '
'C. II. 13a k ii."
S"HP.k. M.i
1 -r-
The Cheapest
The Cheapest
I Cleveland Imperial.
1 1 """""iTTTi , v y 1 1 1 " , 1 iixassfBRaHOBEtBeama
Pertinent I'reas Commenta
Admiral Dewey's true friendt ahould
eay to him with ono voice kindly hut
tirmly: "J:m't." Telegram.
A diHtlnguiHhrd Kaunas populist leader
In now an ctlicer of a triml, mid hat the
tout. The pops can't eUnd prosperity.
Oregon will surety, go republican thia
coining June, f'ryait mudo volet while
here for the republican party. (J or vain
Stir. corn went ni in price
ctk and ti;i there ix nt much corn iu
the etuto n the railroad can possibly
tnanage. That means increased prni
perity for KanuH.
Tho tenatu foininitiee on elect ions do
ci.Jod iioauinioitHly in favor id thu tin
eeating of Senator Clark, uf Montana,
The report to di'lare tho nut of Clark
vacant and not expel dim.
There are from 1" to it) pri mer in
the Oregon penitentiary from lane
county, who have rieen primccnted and
convicted by Prosecuting Atlornoy !eo.
I'.rown and hit abl deputy, Attorney L.
T. Ilarrit of Kuen. At the luM term of
circuit court for Lane county eeven
CTttninil rases uere on the docket
No better reiotnnei.dation rouM le
kiiveti the prOHccuting uttoroey of this
district a'l-l Attor.iey Hnrrin than tho
foregoing. The prison rolln how tho ef
ficiency of llielr work tttid tho funt that
the entire criminal docket pleaded
guilty, ia conclusive that the average at
torney doea not with to take any chances
when I'.rownund Harris are the proeecut
orn. Mr. Drown hat indeed made an
able prosecuting attorney. Cottago
tirove Nugget.
'Pt, .1
ever while the price has wot advanced. Come and see.
All goods fully guaranteed and sold on the installment
plan. Hand Instruments, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins,
Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. In fact almost anything
in the musical line can be found at
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle iu good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. iSr,
for good goods and good service.
Tlie Kind You Have Always Jiougbt, and which lias been
In iiho for ovr HO y arn, lias liorne tho signature of
j? and lias been made under his per-
QZXrfflrtrtfrA, onal upcrvIIon. since its infancy.
. sjr. 'ccxv. Allow IIO on(J to decclvo you ,n tLig
All Counterfeit, Imitation and Substitutes arc but Ex-pr-rlinonts
that trlllo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a .substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mibstancc. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho 3Iothers Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Mrs. N. Boyd,
Desires to close out her large and select stock of China
and Glassware and will give the best bargains ever
oflfcrcp in the city. O and prove the truth of this
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30
Notice for Publication.
I'M III) hT.O'H I. A Nil IlKli f,
Kox.-tiiinc. OfK'in, Kijl.nmrv 10.
Ntl'o 1 Imtm'iv i(l vim that In .iiiipliuni'c
with lli! ini ll'iliK ol tin' net of L'.itiKri'M! n(
Jiiliv .l, InVit, cnlltlixl "All .:t lor tlio al ( iilu
Iht lamia In ! stalcK of t'allluriila, Orr'L'un
N-ul mij Wiuliinu'toil Territory:" .
KIMS Akli :. SI KVKN."!.
( WnHliliiirn. I'niiiitv of IliiylluM, stulo of Win-
liln. Iiii til In iIhv lilri) ill lliU Milieu III nrn
nIjiUmiu'IiI Ni. K..7, for th iurcliaK of thn north
I'Knt ittinrtfr nf Ft'Ctlfiu No in, in Townhlilp No.
l Hoiuli Kuni( h'l. a N i't. mi'l 111 olli'r rKif
to nlioiv timi ilxInl Mnuht nmro inluali'e
lor It lliulif r or tniM tlmn fur sirr isulturul inir
O'xfn nixt to larill'h lil.r:lm to Ininl Ik.'
t roliii! K'')jMit ito'l Icchit of tlil ortl'-o at
Kowliiinr, in-ijoii. on JriiUy, the 7tn duv of
April, 1'AO.
Ilu iiam it I ttiei: I'hftrlin Ui'lpt, of
Wlliini, Win. ; Mlrhm iN. oi-tuil, of Witili
tiiirti, VI.; Juiim v, l urtii'v. ol I'urtlnud, Oro
gou; Frnlik W. 1'oltor, of A-iiluml, W it.
Any ntiil all tnoii lithniiiK it'll jr-ly tin-aliovu-d'i.tMilie.1
Innits an reqiustoil to liUj thtlr
Or Cbrortt!
c-inmaln IliN ol!. re oil or ln-foro al'l -Tth
ol April, 1'joj. J. T. BKIDUhS
Notice For Publication.
tTMTEII BlTr I. AND Oirii K.
Krlmrf, Oivkoo, I Vhrnary 1',, 10.
Ntt!r Im hori'hy giviu that in ooiiinlfnuro
with tht prounioiiK of tin" art of CoiiKn-.K of
Juno Ik', cntlllcil "An a!t for tin.' Kftloof tlui
Iht lmnli in tint Hcuton ol California, Ort'gou,
Nvvcla, ami VahintUin l orritorv,"
Of Wushburn County of liayiirlil, Hlate of Wli
rnnulu, liai tiila 1uy II li I In thin olUi Ilia nw.irll
ilaliini'iil No. Kft, for tho ptiniiax" of thu HK'j
of rl'- lion -i. 'J,. In lowniililp No. .'4 aoutb,
Hantre Nn.ll, am will nlli-r mx)f ti nIiow
IIihI the laml noiikIiI la inon- valunlilo for It
tinilx-r or toiio than for aiirli'iiluiral iirM'S
an.l toelulllnh hi. claim to nulil land livforu
the Ki'ftmtvr and Hivelvur ol thiaofllco at Koui
ImrK, crvgon, on rid ay ths .'7 Uuy of April,
J'tjo. II" namiM a wltnennua: Jainua O. Tnrney,
of I'fvrtlnn.l, i in-iron, I T. In-W'.il, of Woodland,
SViihlntttoii. Kduard C. Htavrn-i, ol A.ltlamt,
tt InoiiiiiIii, Frank W. 1'olU'r, of Ashluud, in
I'unaln. Any and nil nnraoii olalmlnir nilvervly tho
alxivu di'MTlin-d liindn am ri'Miiooh-d to Mix ilii'lt
i lalniK In il.ln oilnu on or heiore aid -7 day ol
April, 1'Jon.
J. T. llKIIn.KS.
(aJf-p) Kt'iiljilvr.
"Scenic Una ol the World"
Tim Favorite Trtnecontinoutal Koute
Uutween the Northwest and till
Points Kaat.
Choice of Two Iloulea
Through the Famous
Rocky Mountain Scenery
And Four Routos limt
ol I'ueblo and Denver.
All PaBBcngura grunted a day atop-over
iu Ilia Mormon Capital or anywhere be
tween Oxden and Denver, l'ersonally
conducted Touriet Kicursiuns three days
a wpek to
Omaha. Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago
and the East.
For Tickets and any Information Re
garding Hates, Koutes, etc, or (or De
ncrlptlve Adyertlsinfc Matter, call on
Agents of Oregon Railway A. Navigation
Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern
fecifk Companies.
S. K. 1I00PKK.
Gen ml Fast. 4 Ticket Atfect,
Denver, Col.
Nstlccfor Publication.
L'MTtn Si ATKrt I.ANO Ol Fill,
llont hurii, nn'Koti, Kvhmary 10, l';0.
S.nlio le hi'irhy mvi n that in I'oiniiliniK'H
with the provl iliiim of tho art of Cotiuiwin of
Jiinu 3, isx.eiitltlt'd "An ' t for tho milt' of tlm-
li.,r himlK in tho ntalea ol alilorniu, Uii'ifoil
N.'Vjila nnd Waililiniiin Territory:
Bi-.ijiii.M ri.i N,
of .Wilund, County of Ashlnn.1, ptntcof WIm-oii-aln,
lim llil" day lllodl:i thin olliw Mm FWnrn
utiHi-inont No. Ml, tor tho liuroham-of th
ot .Sct tloti No. 12. til Township No, '.'1 K. liullxu
No. :i W.. and will ollur iiroof to ahow that tho
land aotik'ht i moro valnahln for Ha IiiiiUt or
Htonethan for Krleultnml purpose. and to c
t.hliah hla cluliu to aiild land lirforo tho K.-)-tor
aud Ht-ci'ivor ol thiaofllu! at lOrn'Oure, Oro
goii, on Friday tho 27th day of April. I'.i'iu. Ho
liamea wltiK-asva: T. V. I'ottiT, of Ashland,
V li:oinslil ; Kilwanl 0. Hlevttm, of Washhurn,
Wlaconaln; J. t". Turncy, of i'ort la ud, Orison;
L. 0. lleVVolf. of I'ortland. On gon.
Any itnd all pcraona clalmlui; alvornely tha
ahutu-duarrlljcd lauda aro rt:.juuUd to tllu thrir
I'laima In thiaolliuo ou or hcloro tnld 27th day of
April, lMUi). J.T. 11K11K.HS),
a.'Cp Ui?gUtc'r.
Stray Horse.
One bty tiorce, about 4 years old,
branded "It" on right t-houlder, weight
ahont (H)i or 10)i pounds. Taken up the
ntli ol March, at my place in tiariten
VallHy,2'u iiiilH weHtof Wilbur.
;ui.) N. LaHaut, Jr.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Haia Als?s Bought
Bears the
fftgntre of
InflainniHlloa of thu Kldncyi If a
very common ailment.
Ul.ii nil rhronli' dlacasof
ktt nyniptoni come on
insidious ly. if proper
treatment I nhtnined In
Im early stR.', llrlK'hl's
Msiano muy bo cured.
HfDVAX will enra it if
It Ulukcn In time. Hl l.
VAN will relieve all the
symptouii. Do not delay
too long. ton't wait un
til your caao becomes ln-
cnralile. Ili'gln tha use
of HI IVAN now, while
yon may he cured.
HEADACHE. HUOYAN takeuasdlm ,M
will relievo Hie headache iualaully.
UNDER THE EVES, due to aoollectlon of
Quid -In other word-. DROPS V. HUDYAN
wlil rauae tho extra amount of tlui l to 1
taken up by the blm. and be eliminated by
the Kidney".
ION. HUOYAN IH rcMorethe circulation
to Its uoiuial condltlou and cause the cheek"
to become, red and roay.
HUDYAM will MreliKllicn in-rves and
hnin.-lfs of the heart and make It ati'img and
rvculur In Iih hexll'iH.
HUDYAN wlllcatp tlje l.l.lnes to ifi.nn
their funeCoiu proM rly, thereby rvlierint; thu
paiu and wenkuers.
(jet III 1 VAX hi once and lake It regularly.
III DVAN it told by all drtiKuistK for :a-. per
ackuire,or 0 aekHi;ek for I.'.,"!. !f your iltug
Bint iIik- not keep II, tend tliieet tothelll lt.
tal. Ileiiieuiber Hint you can call aud consult
the III DVA.V UOCTOIIS t'KRK, Call and
aeethem. If you cnuiiot call, write to the doe
tora and they will advUe you. Tbe advice will
be a-lcwi free. Addrcaa
Cor. Stockton Mark.t a ad Elba SU.,
Saa Franciaco, Cal.
Notice For Publication.
trtiMrv lit lail
Kotleo iii hereby eiv-en that in i-nn.'i.lini V...
with the provisions of tho act of Conere..
.luce 3rd. JUTS, entitled "An act for iho ki.. .-.f
Ihnlier hiniln in theHtutei nf Culilnmi. nr...
Sou, Nevada and Washington Territory."
f)f Mnp.hlield, Comity of Coon, Utate of Oregon,
,n""j iii'uiii iiii. iiiticu uin pnuril Male-
meiit No. M."., for thu purchase of tlio S' , .St'-'
N'iMV'.'.ol Section Ko. : t.iivm.Imi. Va
riouth, kant'fl No. tfWiKt. and will oiler prom to
show that the land souuht is more valuable for
Its timlM r or Hone than fur iicilcuiturul rmr-
i. and to establish his chilin toniid Knd bc
Ihe iti'L'ixler and Riwl ier of thin mi'i.'i. ai
KoM.-burv, On'con.on riattirday the Uth day i.f
May. l'X'o. Hi naiiie. a. n-trTi..KU. c... ii
... .... ii, ,m ..lar-iiuciu, I'retzun. AIIMrtr.. Ketra,
of Marshileld, On'Ron. K. V. Knrdell. of Marh
Held, Oreiron, A. E. Kanlell, of Marhiicld, Ore
gon. Any and all rH-monK claliiiinir ,.tv..r.ii. i.A
alHivedeicriU'il lands are re.Uititi-d to tile their
cinimsiii im-oinee on or before said 1'ih
of May, liM).
.1. T. BRIIKiK"5,
i iii nr.
THE Dir.Ec T;KorTET.)
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Civ, choice of two: favoriit- route
fXIOX PACIFIC Fan Mail Line,
KIO iiRASDE .-ecnic I.h:, a.
via tlie
or ;the
Notice of Pinal Settlement.
In IheCouutv Court of the Sirm of fir....,.
for IiourIvi County :
in ine matter ol the estate of Thomas Wilev,
. o - I vele- u'lven that the midtrsiitned
ai.. . : 1 1 1 1 ml. . i o. the alove entitle etale has
hied iiia (lnal account therein, and said Court has
made all order appoiiitiuit Monday, .May 7lh
1'-hI at thejeouuty court liouso InRosehunr Dotie-
County, tin-Ron, at lOo clock a. in. of said day
ns the Mimo and place for hearint; ohjeetioiu
thereto, and lor the tlnul aeitlement of said
estate, aud any aud all i-rsons Imvuor any ob
jections to said limil account, or any part there
of, aro hen;ly notitled to tile tho ameinthe
aUne eulitliii court nml cause, on or before the
lime set. lor said li mil settlement.
Oil the l
Change of Cars
ortland Cliicuco S-eiiil, -the tin
the West."
i:auiped Will,
rie'uunt t:inii;ir.l Sl,., .rs
Vino ,'w Onlinury ,'T.itinM SKvi-tr,
Stilt-rlj l.ibr:iry-Ii!itY,-t C;trs
I' Him-rs uiK'uls :i la carlo)
I"rot Iltx-litiiuur t "hair Car
Viia-..rtal.I- C.,;U1.S an.! Sniekers
Kilt in. Train C.,t,11,I,.,,. v V,.,tibul,-J
Koseburg P. O. Hours.
Week days. 0:30 a. rn. to ii p. tn. Sun
days and holidays, 0:30 to 9:00 a.m.
and 5:30 to 7:30 p. m.
Koseburjr, to Marsbfleld Departs ev
ery day at G a. m. ; arrives every morn.
Iloeaburg to Myrtle Point. Departs
every day at 0 a. m. ; arrives every
Roaeburif t Millwood Departs eyery
day except Sunday at 7 a.m.; arrives
eyery day except Sundays at 4:13 p.m.
Itoaeburg to Peel Departs ?dally, (ex
cept Sunday) at 7 a.m.; arrives dally,
(evoept Sunday) at 3 p. ni.
Ro,eburg to Larlsy Departs Tues
days and Fridays at I p. m. ; arrives
TaesJays tad Fridays si HO . m.
Administrator's Notice of Sale.
tuo and iu iiursuniice of an order uud ilo
creeofthe ountv Court "of IhiiicIhs County,
Oroiroii, duly made by the Hon. Joo Lvnns,
Juilvie of said Court, and cuteivd of nx'oril on
the 6th Uny ol" .-eptcmlH-r, is:k, onlerimr aud di
recting tho tinderaiuiiiM administrators to sell
the n al procriy hereinafter rtccrilcl and be
lointiiii! to I he eel ate of Karl kiminel, deceasotl.
the said admliiMrator ill inoceed to sell on
aud alter Monday, May 7, TJou at private sale
for cash in hand cr part I'ush and credit, upon
tho utld prcniiM-a In oue bisly. tho t'ollowinu
iIcsitiIhiI real pron riv, lowil: lot K. block t ill
the town of Cauvouville, DoukIh County, C-n1-Kn.
ti. W. CAKTLK,
lU Adinitiintrator.
Roseburg Academy
Fo. futiher inforn)iir.p apply n.
J. F. UIVANS, .Vj-t., Rot-eluiB
J. R. Nagel, W. E Coman,
irnT Fass. Auu
l-'f Third t-t . Foil at u Or.
Southern Pacific Co.
Trains Km, i;,t.l,ii : ,,
MiMiou ai Ma in. ;1M,j j .
II. id.
1 1 ii'i.i trav
.!'! a,
V.'sl v
1 -::; i i'
M. I I.V.
I I.V.
M. ; Ar.
i. r.
' Ar.
i'oiiiand l.v. 7: i r. M
K"w:,i;, . i v . .,.sd f u
Ashuua . Ar i n.:x, A i(
iCl.ini,.;:t,, . .,r , K M
Mil Francisi o Ar. ' li i' jj
Classical and
A aieclal teneher for each deiiartuicitt. Now
atudenti revolved at any time. Kor partieiilura
addresa tho piluelpal.
C. T. WllITTLESEV. A. li.
UoHelmrg, Or.
liesiilence, Cor. Douglas and Cbad
wick Sts.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice la hereby alven tluil the undeniiirueil.
executor ol the estate ot A. W. Rinl, dee. axil.
liae lihsl their final account a Mich I'xccutoni
in thu Couuty Court ol iMUitla Cuuntv. State
of On (on, and thut aaid Court ha set Tuesday,
the nth oay ol May, lu, at ttie hour ot 1U 0 clock
a. m, ol said iluy at tho Court House iu Koae
burnt, Douula Couuty, OrcKon, a the tlino uud
lace lor tieariiiK oiic'110un llicrcb), uud lor the
nal settlement of sniJ cntnto,
liated lblathda of April, 1S00.
DIM t. i. 1 STf li.
KMnU ol A. W. Heed, W-(avti)
'l i A. M
: a. M
7.' . A .: M
"7. 1.. M
l.-JO I'. M.
r.mi c. m
il::n A. M.
H I.". A. M.
4:00 A. M .
M:'A, M.
r.A2 a. M.
U li I' M.
O.- leu A K . i il o A.M
I ik Henvr ar. A M
I Alt. Kan.Civ ia. kjj
, . Ml. t hieiio ak. -:':Ie A M
! K. Us Aiiicdc ' U I'M
I Alt, Ki I'aso ah j c AM
I ah. rort W orth ak. ,i..;o 1' M
: AR Ctynf Mexico ak I ii;.V v. Vl
All. HOII.'.Hl All. 4 j,
I Alt New Orleans ar j ,',:.') c M
Washlnittoii Aa. il u . .M.
New York u. 1 4.i y. M
I ullman and Tourist ears on both tiaiim.
Chair cara Sactainento toOaden aud El l'aso.
and tuuriKt car to Chieusto. St. l.ui., Neiv
Orlcuuaaud ushut,ui.
t.onuectlna; at San Fmncisco with several
atcauiship lmea for Honolulu. Japan. China
Philippine, Central mid South America.
ti uUr ot the
See Mr. !eo. Kstes. aeent. .it I:,.... I.
oiaddn-na , a..-.."..
'i. f. h faaa. Aneut.
eira headache, indi.tiou and constipa
eion. A delightful herb drink. He
moves all eruptions of the akin, produc
ing a perfect complexion , or money re
funded. 25cts. and 50 era. M.F. Kapp,
drnj?i?Uf. '