The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 12, 1900, Image 6

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    Ten Mile Items.
the Nebraska orator
We are sovrv to report that Mrs
aia Howard is ipiite sick.
Ksv. Hampton lias been .making some
Uini Improvement in the nay ot a nice
Ir. Twltchell of Kosoburg waa called
Uat Vpdn.sdav to see Mr. T. F. Church-
ill. who is o,uiteaiik.
Kev. A. W. Carter, who has been visit
in$ Bt Gold Hi'.! for the past two months
in search of IheaUh, has teturoed home.
It is reported that Mr. Cbas. Wilson
of Keston, has purchased the Eighteeu
Mile place. We wonder what Charlie
will do?
A telephone message last Weduesday
brought the news of the llluefs of Isa-!o-e
Irwin, who is attending school at
Train. Mrs. Irwin etarted for Drain
Driver VHey.
We welcome the Flaindeallii.
Will Maicy made a quick trip to Hud
sou last week.
Mr. Victor Boyd was. employed by
Seymour Qaant last weeK.
Mr. S. C. uaut was a guest at the
residence of Mr. Aaron Harvey Sunday.
Robert Ha. vey of Englieu Settlement,
.v,.-.-,-.,..). onr vallev one day last
IJUoecu i iii w vjf "
f, .1 M. if all. was visiting her duugh
lev. Mrs. T. J. Medley, Wednesday and j
Misses Edai llarvi-y and Maggie Kan
na and Kabei-t llauua were visiting in
Yor.caila Sunday.
Mr. J. C. truant, and Roland Cock
eraru, went to lloseUrg as delegates to
the republican couventicii.
We are all glad to hear of the improve,
meet of i'fl'.-le Johnny Hunt, who baa
been quite ill !tr some time.
Anion,; these who went to Roseburg to
hear Brynti'i n ch were J. K. and T.
J. Medley, aud'H. B. Manning.
Jack l"roat paid as a visit last Saturday
night, but we are in hopes that he did
not injure the peache.i and other early
Mr. H. U. Manning, cno of cur sue
tessful etockmen, has engaged Mr.
Frank Green, to paint hie house. Mr.
Greea is an excellent painter and any
who have painting to do, would do well
to employ him.
Honest Auk.
Roseburg to hear
last week.
Ma r. T. Nil of Green Glen and
Levi Wood and Mrs. Mary Wood of the
Gorslioo mill, visited Mr. and MriJ. Mil
ler on Sunday.
V.r. and Mrs. M. J. Kennedy of Hotel
Uletidale, served a very elegant dinner to
..,...,.. nf Dm mvatio Older of A.
V 1 1 V 1U( L'" ' " J
F. oi A. M. last Saturday night.
Th i:v. Oliver, lately of Cripple
Pronb r.iWiuln. who iaGlendale's new-
pastor, preached at the school house last
Sunday, morning an I evening, to goou
Sonueman &. Klingele. of the I. X. L.
ntnm. r receivine a tine stock of new
goods, and with their popular salesman,
C. T. Nail, are doing a very largo uubi-
ness at their store.
Mrs. C. V. Totten of Glenellen came to
Glendale last week and left by train for
an extended visit with Mr. aud Mrs. K.
. Garrett on D.ivs Creek. 6 were
made happy by a visit from Mrs. Totten
during her stay at Glendale.
D. B. Redfleld after an absence of sev
erol years, returned to Glendale last
km1' ant 1 in vigitina his mother t Bosky-
dell. We are informed that Mr. KednelU
has graduated as a I. D. B. aqd will op
en an loffice at this place, and as we
know him to be a very learned man we
am aunt he will make a success of hia
chosen profession.
i J IL 11UVULI 1 k-yiwiki-.
Good News From Scottsburg.
a u i t. imnn t on. .-mil umm Mun hi nmi
WVve Ihu new Pulley IVlls anJ I'ulley Belt Kings.
Onr lino of STRING CLOTHING cannot be surpassed, wo aro showing the proper i-'abrles and Desirous
.'iirnlnhinir (innils is nlllitht too.
. .. . ui.!.i w.i., ...... km.i U'l M.ititin'it will tloaae von. !-hlrl nista Hart
LftlJleS our enow nikj i'i trim t ui,nii.. . " - -
raise by easy stages to f'J.OO.
Ladies Belts madn In nil leather at popular pricin
prices are right. .,,...,
KidilovcB. We havo oil the popular shades. Our Dollar Glove is unmatchablo. o gmu.mteo them.
. ,. i.. m....i; i'nj.,...9i. iin- ISmk l rnmnletu and embraces; everything that is
J.adK", WO Will IIHert'tl JUfl m wnmnu vuw."v.. "
aud Desirable.
. . 1 f t I .u .....I L't.i, I'lwlMrivnit I
. Ave are showing exceiieni values iu i.ui:o iit,, nllu . ......
Our otferiugs In Embroideries, Allovcw, Insertions aud Rubber Tucking aro exceedingly attractive and at pleas
ing prices.
Fpccbl values in Percales, l'rints, Ginghams, Dresa Goods, Whito tiooda, Lawns, toweling', Ltc.
Sav' The next time you want Shoes come to the Novelty Store and buy a pair of 'HlLnKBRANDS F(Hr
1-ORM ifo Ladles and c'nirt, Thev are the In-st sh.s in the world lor tho money, Stylish. Comfortable, Duiab o
The value o? these gods Is nnmiestloned. They are perfect tltting an-l hnndaome. 2.W hits tho popular fancy , and tta
bed-rock prico too, for a Good Shoe.
. r r 1 1 1 1 nrnnn un nnnn T
i vv. L. niLULDnnnu. rnur
cri ipp HF MHTW S
UU1 VI I J m i m e)
Mr. Emtok: I am rtijueeted to in
Inrm cur rennblicau friends that they
have all reason to be hopeful for success
in tbie part of the county, as many oi
the pops have refuEed to register and tie
republicans are coming in to a man.
There are also several pops leaving the
place tind lepublicaus coming in and
gotd healthy ones at that. Anew cno
came to gladden tho hearts of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Weatherly ou theSrd of April,
weighing 10 pound!. Goml lor you,
Fred. That is what we need.
Pi (6
Democratic Alonoply.
Looking Glass.
The prospects for fruit crops are very
good, as their has been no frost heavy
enough to do any damage.
;d Morgan, of MayviUe, Gilliam
county, who has been visiting relatives
here since Thursday, started far home
R A. Fellows, of Col., who hao been
l.inL' after property interests here,
started for his home Saturday, by private
conveyance. Fred Mattoon accompanied
biui. We with them a pleasant trip,
i mite a number cf ur people went to
the'ci'.y U hear Mr. Bryan's speech, and
of course the democrats thinks it was ul
rvbt, but the republicans talk different.
They tay that he gave the "faults" but
no cure." A democrat waa anked "Why
did he not to-'.l how they would do or did
do, instead oi makii. McKiuley his
eubject?" "Why," said a republican,
'he didn't do anything that's why."
Mr. A. A. Mathews died at his houie,
iu'Vlouruoy Valley, after a lingering ill
ness, Sunday, at 5 a. m. Graudpa
Mathews wag 77 yeais old. He came to
this country from the fetate of Vermont, ao. 'His death niark'the
close of another piocier life. He united
.i. T.ati.ikt . :mr'ii whrfn 17 years
old. and has ever been active and con-
scientious, liberal in Christian character,
faithful and benevolent in the cause of
humanity. Attended by a large con
course of renewing relativea and fiieds
he was laid to ret in the Looking Glass
cemetery, Monday at 1 p. in. The ter
vices were conducted i-y Rev. Miller, of
LllTLK JlMM.t.
The following is an expression, of u
prominent citizen ot South Douglas, rela
tive to a Democratic trust recently in
augurated in that section of the county.
Glendale, Or.. April 10, 1900.
The Democratic primaries held at
Glendale precinct proved to be decidedly
Tirior.tal" iii manv respects. The first
tendency being eucb a preference for
fh(.ir "cousins." in distributing uie
offices to be filled in this locality, and it
seems really unfortunate that there was
not offices to go around the whole set of
relatives. One of the family for justice
of the peace, anothe' for road supervisor,
and ail of the delegates instructed to
nominate another member of the same
clan of relatives for sheriff. The voters
of this precinct who object to Eastern
monopolies should consider well this
tendency to "monopolize" lhat the foie
;nrr i n ni it B 1 1 1 ft lndlCatO. X. .
Gopher Poison, ..'rVv' ; ; f ' - ' U ' ' fV : '
Squirrel and
S . el)-
nl Kttt-epial (ii'ttriic
1.0:1 1 1
yel dli-cvf ml ! r I lie ilt.lrtic
IVOIl OI IIH:I' liu iili. .iii
mm h lRlf.
A C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists,
In an article written biuce returning
iio n tho I'hilippines Gen. Wheeler re
marks that Aguinaldo was fiiihtina for a
wi urize and "had he won he would
Luff, tit-en a
iinwerful emperor, a mighty
dictator." The true imperialistic movt-
m,..,t located bv tins statement, iia
head W88 Aguinaldo. The Royernment
1 . i,. tender! to form would have been a
.i...r.,.i;.m .ml forced u non fifty unwill-
ixrji'iuci" - . t
trihB. Ilia only schooling was in
Spanish, forms of government. He
1,0,1 a mate church. His
...tif tR would have been supreme. Large
accumulations of products had been
gathered by his ayeute at various ports
to fill hi treasury.
Spanish prisoners were held for ran
som. Hates of taxation would have de
pended on a stroke of his pen, and his
method of collection is with a file of so -diers.
Jeo. Wheeler baa Keen the is
lauds aud studied the eitualion for him
self. He believes 'hat Aguinaldo would
have been an Oriental dictator, an em
peroi. Instead of piitsumg a eouiee of im-peruli-iu
the United Htatts hs struck
down a Malay imperitlisthr toii.picy .
Yet a larnn port i 111 of ton .l-un . ratio
. ..!.i .1.... .1 ..1 rliiu
I .i ty lavora me '
ie. iii.'uy Irom the Fbilipp""- tbe
Itiauhler of the r.-ius of g v lume. t. lo
I Aiiuii.aldo and the Taala.
Tnt-re is not iPe klirft.teBt that
01 .
A Rock of Suftty In a Sea of Trouble.
... 1 t ...vr:Kii. i-.iictVi Kniwihinor over
1 UAKl a 11111111. , -
a year atro and could uml notliniB to "top
j. ... 1,. 1r, tin- a nartiLle of srood. I
chanced to see un advertisement of yours,
and forthwith bont'lil a bottle of your in
..i. .!.!.. ij-,.1.1.... M..ilif-;il liUMlVlTV.' lie
fore I had Utf:i half a bottle I was entirely
wfll I. SI fair, iv.q., oi vu"";."".
Co., (.a.
Screven arda for an empire in the Pacific,
1 .li..-ilv in our oath of intercourse
wi-h Mlt. Hut theyhaye lost, and the
1- 1 rn ttr Ulnm nroiiosed has gone
7UI --'
d w.i with them.
Mr. liobt. Mcllwen, f Miceo, Flcrida, wriua S, L. Allen A Co.; "My garde u
np,,t wu lot) x -'7fi fi-it. Mv seei! oit flU.Od, l ernnzer .uu, neip aiiogtuuci
tti.Wi. This fall wa4 ihe firnt timo I usel the "i'LVNhl JK." l.lo. -t commnen
Hill and Drill reeder) and I maou clear fiNMiu anil enougu ieii 10 uo mo uon.
can gi-t another croji." You can do us well if you use tho
"Planet Jr. Garden Tools."
Churchill & Woolley.
Distributors for Southern Oregon.
Finest Candies and a complete line of Bottle Goods of
all kinds -
Our Stock of COFFEES, and
Are always fresh, as wc are constantly getting in new
goods. Remember we-can save you muucv,
linm. kt Glendaln. April 8'h, to
pud Mrs. J. A. Jones, a daughter.
Born, ou Day Cieek, March -JTtb, to
Mr. aud 1 J. warren, . u not U,B iWhtBt i -. u, "March 22. UMIl).
Col. Wm. J. Maitiu, who baa been i (t(J 'ratals would or con M forma fee ' ' 15. V. l'-
vjuite ill, is now cot.vale.u-tog ai d is able goverolLeut, or that they wold consei.t
to be out again. to be instructed or "protected tlie mc-
liorn at the Hamlin mine on Coyote j u,et tbe America-i flax waa pulled down
Creek 20tb, to Mr. end Mr-. Ld ihe laH of . ur troop, .ailed away.
Ralph Hamlin, a daughter. Not one of the Ta-al leader, ever lived u
Mr..ndMr..A.r.Langenbergof tbe". republic or wa. trained lo
Cadar.wer. amopttboa. who went to epoblic.n Idea.. The, b. played
To whom it may conetrn: Notice is
beroby given that I will no longer be re
sponsible for any di-hta contracted by my
ii .i.... ut (Ink.
wile, raltence nnin-j. '- -
re tuild on a positive guaranie. Cores
heart burn, raising of the food, dtatre.i
after eating or anv form of dfpepaia
On little tablet imuiediata relief
25 eta. and 60 eta. For sale at M .
Kapp'l drag store.
Sheridan Hlock.
P. Benedick
Undertaei1 end Embalmer.
Any Job Work done at
Reasonable Rates