The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 12, 1900, Image 5

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over from
hr, Hoover it quite nick.
For (Irac-alnss dentUtry km t'i Dr.
I.ittlo or Oakland.
Dr. IJ. F. Fallin camu
Til yrtlo Creek yostcrday.
WANT!! I). A Rirl ta do uonr-ral home
work. Krqnlre at tl.ii office.
TusKural Norihot and Beml-wet'kly
I' i. AiNUKAi.itn both ono year for only (2
Mel Thompson, who has lun Id
Maraliflfit for tho pt fsv months, re
turned Wednesday.
I( you want fijulrrol poison that will
kill toth comma and kcii if, can on a.
V. Marsters & Co., for it.
Mr. Win. Ortli oim ol Jacksonville's
prominent business wen, and cltl.ons
CM doiiiK unMnus in the citv today
Tlio IruDk roiiUlnli'K tho trayfling
library ha arrived and it now open at
tieo. Kapp's Grocery near the depot.
Teachers' examination is being held
- thin neck, with a larun attendance. 19
lllA and -'3 kc ntleiuen being prsseiit.
Col. Hryao knew lie wssn't in it when
ho saw that Manser action, Winchester
takedown ri'le tha.t Churchill & Woolley
sell (or f'j 00.
The elate convention ot the various
parlies ere in session In Portland, today,
Oregon's metropolis la fairly swarming
with dlout?s and candidates.
Peter NhIi Jr., came over from Klkton
Tuesday evening to attend the teachers'
examination. Mr. NaHlt is one of the
boat educators in the county and in it rln
ing young man.
.1. M. Dillard, brother of our rity mil
ahal, in very nick at hie borne nt DilUrd.
Finis wan cullei over yesterday. I'eport
reaches im today that Mr. Dillard's con
dition I no b'tler.
ieo. M. lirownof noscbtiry. prosm.-ut-lug
attorney i f the Second riistriut, who
iias In- ri in uttoiidHtHii upon circuit
court, t (,'otv.ilii, was in the city l.ii-t
night on bis nay home. Albany Her
ald. Hon. A. ('. M i.-itori, republican nomi
nee for r-1 a 1 1 t" iitir, his been consider
ably iinli;(p.:-ed (hi tveek, it.e r'ilt cf
a ovimi cold. Wo urj piraaiel to n:te
fio in ok' iio a iln I ij rcHUtn'i hi oi l !.
C Jitomud place in hi dru Bt'ir'.
For J )' luin'.i.i a Mity ii l promptly
executed t rea-t uiulo price", patronize
tlte iiOi!iirg IVjiik uti I Job Ol!ii:i Work
uxually turned out the tanin diiy ordi'r la
revived. Harbv I!. Lovki.i., Manager.
Tho Itttu'.'t In photos at Uravpi' mllery
Oaklund, Or., is the stamp or fun pict
ures, ond the l'loron panel f r p irfraits
tiotnoiuo of the f in pictures and sur
;irie your friends with a smile
I.ngripe ( quite provalont in our city,
and while many 'if our peorVe Hro quite
w, I'm Fkillful aiilf our physicians,
who lnvo iuot rien well in hand, will
vu trust save from serious results.
In a coininitjle:ition from I'.lmor ( iaz
ley, a prominent fruit grower of Canyon
ville, this morning, wo were sorry to
learn that cooalderanio damage resulted
to tho frait in thtt vicinity from the re
cent (rests.
John&tnaday of Oakland, who has
been visiting in Southern California for
several moi.thr, passed through this
.ruorning on his return home. Mr. Can
iJay sh it N verv dry in Southern Cal-
Kurniit and tli-t ,roks gool to eoo the
liefeh verdure d Oregon.
"Hob Taylor is mor than a gouiotis
in hii way, and to'y e'.ands alone us
tho grrat porirayer, i.pon the lttcturo pl tt.
form, of the beauties of naturo nnd dc
'mentor of the humbler character.-?. His
is n heart ol melody an I n r.nuiM of
gold." ('tiattaoooa Tim", licioked
for this city April 24.
The famous Helena mine, Holieiniii
district, wh'ch was for u long time re
frained Irom operation through litiga
tion, ia now In full operation. The mill
was started April 1. The first TO hours'
run produced $7000. It was generally
known that the Helena mine wa a val
uable proper y, but this romarkablo
showing goes beyond all anticipations of
everybody excopt ita owners. Mr. Jen
nings states that from the preaent de
velopment! they have ore in sight for
two years' work, and its value runs vary
Bible Normal Institute.
Mr. James I'Mmu nda, Sunday Scho'.il
Missionary for itrii Oregon and
Washington vill conduct it llihlu Nor
msl fnititate in Hie llaptiat church, in
ttils city, on Tuesday and Wednesday o'
noxt week, the 17th aud ISth inat. All
persons interested lti Sunday School of
all denominations are very cordially in
vited to be present and participate in the
meetings at opportunity vhall otter. A
fine program has been arranged for both
Call on (inddM HroSf lor hay ami oatp,
at the llushey bnrn. L
Judge Hauiilton has returned from
holding court in llenton county.
Itev. T. 1', Ford, D.J)., of Ivigeuu has
been quite sick for the past few days
The Slate Prohibition convention
nominated u ticket at Portland, Tues
H. A. Uowe of I'ortland, has received
the republican nomination for mayor
the Oregon metropolis.
All weather signs and sayings have
misorably fsiled in Southern Oregon this
spring sod only the unexpected has hap
We have received many compliments
on the neat Hpjie&rauce of tho I'r.AiK
dkalkk in its now form.
Southern Oregon has been visited with
warm heavy raine for the past fort)
eight hours ami vegetation is msk Ing rc
msrkablo growth.
We will'send you the semi-weekly
pLAiNDKAMCit end the Oregon Poultry
Journal, tho best poultry journal in the
Northwest, both for f 1.75.
A postolflce has been established at
Allegbany, Coos county, Or., to be sup
plied by special service from Marshfleld
Charles E. Edwards has been appointed
Among the new ails in this issue are
thoso of Mrs. Josephson, C. I. K. Store,
Kaudy Kltcfcen, F. II. Woodruff's bar
ber shop, and T. K. Richardson. Watch
our advertising columns.
Dr. Karl Koro of Dayton, O ., is In the
'ate looking for a location for a beet hu
gar factory and is raising tho hopes of
several places. I). Sol in Cohen of Port
hud, Is one of the movers In it. A g
of 5,000 ucrt-s of lind is wanted, when
faenrr ron'ing f"iKI,0K) will ho erected.
A brief sketch of each of tho republi
can county candidal'! will bo given in
our next it-sue. That they are all good,
capnble men, and the ticket is as ex
ceptionally rtronjr ono. i" evident frcm
the hearty enuor.jpinerit it is receiving
from all Hections of tim county. It's a
1 ne Rcriinitile tor timber lanJ got s cn
witu growing ijtcreHt and scons of ti.
ingn uru tii'in,; mmJo in tlin t. .v. lanJ
oilica In tht j city. Tins reiu',5 will be
that tlK If.r!.." piirt of thii timber will ho
put -jti th '3 market in tho neir luttiro, and
that means labor for thousands of men
in builditig millet and road and bundling
lumber. Itirre.iaing prosperity is bj?oio
We wera thown the plans Tuesday for
remodeling and enlarging tho public
school building, drafted by II. l'tir'gratr,
the Salem architect nnd adopted by tho
school board. While providing four
moro rooms in tho school huildiog, full
a hundred per cent is added to the gen
eral appearance of tho building, while
slavery moderate ccst. It is in order
for Mr. Fisher to have a photo taken cf
the old building to hang in his sanctum,
before it is thus mutilated and defaced.
IlOReburg will have reason to feel proud
of her public school building when ru
modeled a designed,
(irants Pass was tho i-ceue of a wed
ding out of tho usual, last week. Two
brothers named S. E. ami J. It. JJobin
son, whose homes are in Wilderville,
some time since made the acquaintance
of two sisters named Mahala and Matilda
McColom, who lived in Nebraska and
were yimting in Josephine county. Af
ter the young ladies departed for their
homes a corrcspondenco followed, and
nisrrluo wae proponed by mail. Last
Tuesday the young ladies came In re
sponse to the pro pom I. and they were
mot at the train by their loveis. Licen
ses Here at once procured and the con
plea united in wedlock by Justice Orr
Wanted, a Wife.
Woi.if Cukkk , Ore.
Keariie Hotel, Feb, 22, 1000.
Wauted, a wife by a drat class cook
and baker, liest of reference furnished
by present employer and four different
railroad superintendents of dining car
service, widow without children prefer
red, Muat not le over 2-1 years of age
and not to weigh more than 135 pounds.
Applicant is ftrictly sober and steady, 35
yoars old and n widower, Address,
Tuos, H. Ward,
Wolf Creok, Oregon.
Fifty good timbi-rmeii, wages 12 per
day. Fifty general, wage! $1.50
per day.
Cami'iikm. A Ai.kxanusk,
Comstock, Oregon.
W. O. Winston was '. islt'n In Oak
land yesterday.
W. T. Emery of Umpqua Forry, Is
getting ready for a trip to Caps Nome.
H. L. Kruss writes us to chanare the
address of his paper, from Ashland to
Oakland, Or.
J'.. DuOas. M. I) member Hoard of
Pension Examiners. Office, Marsrers
building residing comer iJouglan and
Jackson street.
.Vis. I). I). Levins in company witb
Miss Anna Weavor and Miss (isorgla of Canyonville, woro visiting in
the city, this week.
Cnas. J'.. Comstock is in tho city to-
usy, and made this office a visit. Mr.
Comstock is representing the Penn
Mutual Li'e Insurance.
Or. Cheadle, the dentist, in little
brick opposite Slouum's hall. io nnd
see him when von want good work. His
prices are reasonable.
D. E. Vernon, editor of the Oakland
01 was in the city last night attend
ing a lodge meeting, and made
this office a brief visit this morning.
Among those in attendance at the state
convention are: Hons. J. T. Bridges, J.
II. ttootb, J. C. Fullerton. A. M. Craw
ford, E. I). Stratford, O.W.'and J. B.
Mrs. Sarah Clevenger, of (Irants Pass,
the efficient president of tho state con
vention of Hebeksh degree lodges, is pay
ing Jacksonville an official visit. She is
accompanied by Mrs. C. V.. Harmon ol
the same city .--.Jacksonville Times.
J. T. Oear, a banker of Puyallup,
Wash., made us a pleasant visit today.
Mr. dear is looking over Southern Ore
gon with a view fo establishing a banking
btsiness and will viit the CojuiIle val
ley in Coos county, with this view before
returning home.
C. C. Chan Jler, the gonial editor of
tho Puyallup, Wa!i., I dependent, made
the Pi.aisiieai.kic a pleasant call Thurs-
lay morning. E titor Chandler, in com
pany with a few frieudp, it looking over
this tuction of thn st ite and in very fav
orably impres-'l with the country. He
reports times lively in hi pe::titn of our
meter state.
(ieo. P. Jcht.-r, S. P. ft at ion nPnt,
will arrive here n t:g!it'a overland,
having beon absent over a mouth at
tending the conference of tho ditfeient
railroad orderi with I'ncleCullis Hunt
ington concerning tho piopoeed "relief"
insurance sc'Iiorne, which was dealt a
knockout blow in the conference. Geo.
Eetes, general chairman of all federated
orders on all S. P. lines, will accompany
him and will spend a few days visiting
in (irants Pass. Mr. Estes was spokes
man for tho railroad men at the recent
conference and was an active Hfent in
delivering the death blow ta tho pro
posed measure. Courrior, (Irants Paes.
Olalla Odds.
D. 8. West thinks
Iiooki about the best.
Reii liner's line of
Yes, we heard "Krine." Away out
there, well ! En.
Prospects far a magnificent uuit crop
are very favorable.
We are sorry to hear of the continued
illness of Mother Coats.
Mr. Asher Ireland tnd his trusty Win
chester reduced tho coyote population by
one, a few days ago. The cash he will
receive as ftintv on the scalp, added to
what Iih be.s n I 4nd, gives lima stake
for Cupe Nome.
Our school U progressing ai der ths
efficient insiiirtgernent of Miss elia Byr
on. Tho upper school is preiJed over
by Miss Masie Walh, both experienced
and competent teschera.
1. F. Well, our wide-awake young
postmaiiiur, la expecting orders to pro
sed to tho Philippine Islands, whore be
has an appointment in the mail service.
His many friends will regret to sec him
go, but their host wishes will go witb
The Keview'itTen Mile correspondent
making quite a reputation aa a ro
mancer. .No responsible citizen ol len
Mile will over his own signature, make
such statements about the county court
and the voters of Olalla in the matter of
moving the polling places aa are made
by "Annie Laurie." And we kindly
suggest that misrepresentation Is a poor
weapon to use in charging on a position
fortidsd with truth and justice.
To Mr. and Mrs. Juv.nsl is accorded
tho honor of successfully conducting the
li rat Sunday School in our midst. Both
being cnod singers makes the bonra pass
swiftly with pleasure and profit to all.
May their success be as great as their
earnest efforts deserve.
Our candidates for precinct offices are
all good, competent men, no matter who
wins we will have good officers.
Choose Ramblers because they
have tone and style, as well
as all good points which go to
make up a wheel of very high
est grade. The latest models
Rambler Bicycles
are the very best built wheels
on the market to-day. They
last. The good reputation gain
ed by the Rambler builders, dur
ing their 21 years' Experience
makes the Rambler a safe and
profitable investment for both
the novice and well posted
wheel buyer.
New (iood.s Constantly Arriving. Step in. Gla 1 to show them
to you.
Just received ottr spring lino of
Men's and Boys' Suits.
A hplondid line, it'll do yo'i good to see them. whiLer ou
want to purchase or not. They wore mad liy Friend Bro?. A: Co..
of Milwaukee, Wis., and arc .ailed the ''Perfection Ciotbtna"' they
lit as if yonr t.iilor had ioad them for yea.
Our stock of Spring Shapes in Men's Hats is now con.plete.
Wo aro events for ths celebrate ! "CiOHDOX HAT." TLey como in
all Shapes und Colors and are worth ?3.(X
Onr stock of
Men's Furnishing Goods
W'.is never I ttter or cheaper. In fact every department of our
business is now "n perfect shape. We curry everything in 'he Dry
fJnmK Kancy (Joodst, Notions and Gents' Furnishing (rood Lines.
..!.-. i;.K.--, Shoes, Hats, and Caps.
Our business is growing. Every month it is larger, and why?
Because we give good Goods and Honest Veln. Xo misrepresen
tation. Everything as represented or money back.
'Phone Main 185.
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
We have a complete line of"" B!9
Which will please you in both quality and
Price. G'veusaCall.
Name it?
Why, spell it backwards and you
have it. Nice fresh stock of Staple and Fan
cy GROCERIES constantly on hand. Fine
Teas and Coffees a specialty. Canned goods,
Flour and Feed. Fine fresh jjoods at reason
able prices. Give nie a trial order. We
make a specialty ot fresh bread.