The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 12, 1900, Image 4

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Bryan' Visit to Roseburg.
: vr.v. v; st ;- : ; :
Published Monday and ThumUy.
V. 0. CONNER, Editor and Publisher.
E. D STRATFORD, Associate Editor.
Mobacrtptlou Rate.
Oao Year. 2 00
flit Months .. ...... 1 00
f hnt Months .. 60
APRIL 12, 1900.
For Senator,
A. C. MAKSrERS, of Roseburg.
For Representatives,
A.R. MATIOON, of Inking Glass,
C. ROiS KING, of Youcalla.
For Sheriff, '
E. L. PARROTT, of Roseburg,
For Clerk,
D. R.SHAMBV.OOK, of Umpqu Ferry.
, 1 r Assessor,
J. A. STERLI ..of Drain.
Fi Treasurer,
G. W. DIMMh ;C, of Elkton.
For Scbi.l Superintendent,
F. B. HAMLIN, of Roseburg.
M. D. THOMPSON, of Scottsburg,
A. E. NICHOLS, of Riddle.
For Surveyor,
WILLIAM BRIG US, of Caoyonville.
For Coroner, N
DR.J.C. TWITCHELL, of Roseburg
Roseburg Precinct Officers.
For Justice of the Peace,
For Constable,
From the picture of Win. J. Brvau,
appearing in Tbnraday's Review, it is
difficult to conclude whether tbe fellow is
posing as a statesman or a pugiliet. Tbe
attitude and expression are more typical
of the latter. After the November elec
tion he will feel like shaking bU fht at
Cue whole state of Oregon.
Oae of the novelties at the republican
coaoty convention was to sac Cieo. K.
jine, a former proruiueot democrat,
walk op and east his ballot I ke a little
man with the rest of the Ilid.Hn delega
ton. We always thought i. K. was !
riijht. Now we know i: and there ari
Too re-nomination of Congressman
Tt.os. II. Tongue on the first haliot at
jMeMinnville last Tuesday, was a Cue
compliment and a Gtting tribute to our
able, efficient and justly popular Oregon
representative. Mr. Tongue, we pre
dict, will be elected just as easily as be
secured tbe re-nomination. He is one of
.the ableet congressmen that Oregon ever
Lad, and we are proud of tbe Douglas
county delegation which steel b7 him to
As to Bryan' "gifted" oratory the
following from tbe Woodburn Independ
ent is about correct : '"We can now
nudersUnd why Bryau generally I wee
the states throughout, which be speaks.
The people ars led to expect a great
orator tbe greatest in the United States
bat tbey bear an ordinary speaker
with an auctioneer's voice, playing on
the passions of th people tunning
down Mark Hanna and England, and
enlightening bis f.earers on rtu new
point relating to public affairs."
The country is always safe in the
bands o' the republican party. It is
only under such an administration M at
order reigns; a sound and staple rioime
is tnalntaind, and prosptrity is general.
Io choosing between the parties all con
siderate men observe tbee hcs. A to
local politics it is always be?', to xiect
men to oflice who stand for go-d Rivera
znent and good times, tucb men aro to
b fojnd on'.y on the republican ticket,
in tbis county. You will make n mi
take in voting that ticket ins;i t I :tie
fusion (or spoils, triple alliance imuj- ir-n
Tuesday's Review, full of nvy
jealousy because of th rapidly u-r eat
ing popularity, patronage and circulation
Of the Plajxoealeb, alleges that the pa
per is retrograding and that its patronage
it waning. Poor old Review, having
eeen It best days, is growing crau ky and
rV-tpondent and imagines that every one
-e shares Its anlucky fate. However,
we wilt " """t never in its history has
t! .. l i um. . .. a een more prosperous
than - t time, si a glance at
our ad r '-i.. cwiamna and subscription
book w i jovetoeyen the most skepti
cal. l h paper is forging; rapidly to tbe
front ai i now In position to back op
its claim f "leading newspaper of South
ern OregJu.'S
As we announced in our lust isen
Bryan's coming to Roseburg was a ilisna
pointmcnt even to his rao.-it ardent n
mirers. As was announced iy the It
view as well as the 1 lainiik lkr, sent
were provided for about oU-JO people or
the vacant square w-ar the opera hone
and wuou we state that tin so peats to
a little lees lhau half occupied durin
Bryan's address, e make an a;crtio
that cannot be denied by anyone in at'
tendance. Thus tuning Into considera
tion that tbe larger porti u f t tie) pop
lation of our city, inen, women and child
rrn turned out to hear hint, it will
plainly teeu thai the ttttenJaiico ir j:
other parts of the county was decideuly
small. The speech was a typical Brya
production, his argiimi-ntn, true saviors
and illustration being the same ol
chestmva putilibhed lima and aitain from
ono end nt, itio country to the cthc
One of bis very great hits was to the e
he: ttial "the republicans bad revise
oue u! :bo ten eomiiiai'diuori'. to read
'thou ii : eteal on a small sesle.
He r.'ia'.d in. my o:lier such uiedit-val
eioiie for illu-trations, the origin
which baa teen traced back by antiquar
lane to u! and that the aiu'ieuce was
prevented from stampeding when sue
stories were told shows that they were
a verv docile and patient outfit. Io fact people go to bear him us tbey go t
hear a light comedy for recreatiou
while a treat many are drawn through
simple curiosity.
While a great .io.-tl ul his tune wa ila
voted to a deuuucutuiii of tho record
the republican party it was a noticeable
fact thai he did not point with priuo to
a single achievtnent ol tbu dumocratic
or populist party. It was also notice
that a no practical remedies were eug
treated for the evils he claims exist in
state and national republican politics
On tbe "money question," which he
makes prominent by briuginif it forward
firet and discubeing it lor half au hour
be repeats tbe old, exploded :irunieuts
of IStMj, but with JiiL'lelie.t vim an 1
acction. He talks glibly snout "the
dollar and the man," ''hituetalisiu" and
the deceptions of the republican pariy
he ilenouuces tho gold Nttwtd.ird, and
thereby pleases and hoida his 0 uli-t
und free Bilver republican supporters;
n:it he was careful not t j say thut we
must hayo freefciiver at ki ti 1 in thi
country. Ho knows that if t Ir-cttd presi-
deiu be could no: cualie "Ire- t-i'ver at 10
to 1" tbe American system.
An to trusts, Mr. l;yai) itoea propose
one specific remedy, which be says would
Ktt rid of the trustw. But we only have
iiis word for it. The courts aro to be
heard from, and even if Mr. Bryan were
president be ooH uy. at i!i same time
be the supreme court. No doubt Mr,
Bryan would crush the. trusts if he could ;
but bow much t.-lre would he destroy in
doing tbis? Tbis is a question as to
which people have some doubt. A man
who would make 50-cent dollars a legal
lender, ajd who luih. not protect prop
triv against lawless moht judgin) ly
bis general talk Cannot cany this
country unleHS the grievance and bur
dens to be lant upon ins opponent are
very heavy am) itullintt indeed.
Neither does Mr. Bryan tell us what
we are to do with the I'iiilippines. Ad
mitting that in some respects it is a bad
job that we nave gotten Into, what are
we going to do about it? Mr. Bryan
proposes nothing; be only accuses and
abuses tbe administration for what it
has done. We are not going to oppress
tbe Filipinos. We are pledged to give
them, practicaUv, bit-goverument: but
all this cannot be Joue tu a day ; or per
baps in a year ; and, first, the authority
and tfcuiinaucy of tbe LT kited .States,
under the rircrnstancep, must bo estab
lished theiv. Tuat in the dec-land
policy of the administration, and it
would have beer, Mr. Bryan's policy
if be bad t-e.ii prei-ident. This l the
real and practically the cnlv "isitue" in
tbis year ol l'KJl), and Mr. I'.ryau will
learn in November what the decision of
the people is. He will Ijh beaten to a
pulp because the prosperity of the coun
try has utterly discredited hiui as a
political prophet and siiginati.ed bim as
nothing but a vociferous juack and tire
less political tramp.
In going to Oregon lotalk, Bryan is
preparing for his umul ill luck. Here
marked just after his deleat in IH'M that
be lost nearly all the states in whlcb he
made spettche in t'.ai year, while he
carried all which lie kept away Iro n.
Tbis is a particularly bad time for him to
appear in Oregon. That state has i.u
election in June, and bis present speeches
stand a chance to add a little to tbe re
publican majority which was likely to h
rolled up in any event. A reverse right
at tbe outset io bis canvass is not the
sort of thing which a wise candidate
would in vi'r. Globe-Democrat.
loan article unler the abovs caption
appeuing in tbe last In jo if tbs Review
we expected to find totucthini relative to
the achievement of tho Review editor
and his Oakland pall (uho, by the way,
's the democratic nominee for etate sena
tor) in turning down the present incum
bout for the ronotuin.t'lo.i of sheriff, and
their wiloy manipulation cf not only the
democratic, out the populist and free
silver republican conventions. How
ever, we were disappointed. It wfas not
bis owu brilliant ( ? achievement of
which Mr. Fisher was boast in it, but that
of an alleged republican boss, the wild
and fratuied conclusions at which Mr.
Fitdier arrived (urnishiuK much mirth
and amusement far (ha delegates
visitors who attended tho republican
convention. Thn Met that Mr. Fisher
personally attended and reported tb's
most enthusiastic and harmonious con
vention after witnessing the stormy and
dramatic scenes euacted ii the triple al
liance conventions of tbe day before, was
enough to turn the fello?;'s bead. But,
ju6t think of a man who sets himself up
as the absolute dictator and self imposed
boss of not only his own party, but also
the populist and free silver republican
parly and who insists on ruling accord
ing to his own narrow-minded dictates,
we say, think of tueb a roan pretending
to combat bosjism in tbe opposing party
It Is a well known fact that not only at
their recent convention, but heretofore,
Mr. Fisher, through his dictatorial poli
cy has come near rendiog his party, it
being only through the val'iant iff irts
and timely counsel of wiser beads in the
party that the breach was etT-ctuaily
united. However, at tbe presem time it
seems as if he had precipitated a rumpus
that will not be ro easily quelled.
Many of tbe ountry delegates to both
the democratic and popu ist convention:
becoming weary of the dictations of the
Roseburg ring, over which Mr. Fisher
presides a "boss," resolved Jo have a
voice in tbe proceedings, but were us
helpless to ciry cut their pt ins in I in
pendently as ibey have been heretofore.
Thos cf ihe de'egat'S who had come to
tho coavfn iiii instructed for K. I..
Stephens for eherilf, will not soon for.'.'t
tbe ruthless manner in which thin true.
and faithful officer was turned down )v
this Roseburg rim?, when above all th
ere, be was the ono deserving of re-nom
ination and re-election. It is a bad mud
dle into whicb Mr. Fieher finds himx.-lf
and one which willcist him and his pary
the los of the support of many for. -nor
etaunch friend-?.
In conclusion, we would like to inquire
how long the populists and free silver ra
publicans are to be hoodwinked and
made catepavrs to assist this unprinci
pled monteback to win tho oflice of sher
iff, a-. t';e sacrifice of the rest of tho ticl:et
if necessary, so far ai he U com-emed, in
order that h may Bfcure the linn's share
of county "pap." II Mr. J'isher desires
to niako "bossiitn" the iswj o! this c itn
pawn we ur with him.
A tentkmen writing from J train de
clares tee i:eview to tie in e rror when it
averts thai Sterling was ateosor at the
iniH Judgt Uiddh; was involved in con
troversy wittittie S. I', cotnpanv. He
says that W.II.CoIh was at! but time
steeptior; Knblle, j'uiKti; Alaujnii (ih-m;
and Irelacd 'rep; co:nioisioners. Any.
no attemptim: lovorrect '! tlr'Vrroraud
malicious falshoo-ls uppnurin in 1'ie col-
mnsof the Kwien from lirne to lime,
has a job on haiid that will bring on pre
mature old age.
k 4
And the place to get them is at
Strong's Furniture Store.
We have never shown as elegant a line
of CARPETS as we have in stock and
on the road. See our Room Size velvet
Rugs. Also Art Squares. Our Mo
qucttc Rugs arc of the latest designs
and styles. We can show you the best
line of Tapestry Curtains cvr shown
in Douglas County. Also a good line
of Lace and Novelty Curtains.
Our motto is Good Goods and Honest values.
Roscburg, Oregon.
Can be combined in the same pair or
Shoes, if correctly fitted. We arc prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown in our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe fac
tories in the east. Wc should like to have
a chance to make you acquainted with our
stock and prices as we feel assured that both
will please you.
wr v,- i.:,. a m
To let you know that we
Staple and Fancy
have a fine selection of
The republican party of JJunglas
county is in hetttr shape thun it has
been for a de'.-adn. J 'or the first time in
many years harmony reigns supreme.
The same general harmony that ple
aded the convention hall inn' week and
was so conspicuous throughout the pro
ceeding. Tho ticket nominated under
such favorable au-pices i naturally a
Strong one and the democrats will seek
n vain to find a Kindle weak candidate
on it. While it contains th ) names of
several old "stand-bys," it also presents
those of a number of comparatively new
men, thus giving uw and fresh vigor to
tbe party and tending to strengthen at
11 points the entire ticke'. The ticket
will be successful almost to a :naii Is gen
erally conceded, even by many democrats
nd populists.
Pointed Paragraphs.
Now will the anxious caudidate
Degin to wonder why
Such small and lewly offices
Can come so mighty high.
A man was banged at Spokane the
av that JJryan arrived there. He hal
reaaon to feel happy over his fate.
There will be an eclipso in tbe United
(Mates on May zs am! another ol a po- i
Utical nature ou November 0. iiryan I
ill emerge from tbe penumbra a few j
I days after aitb a manifesto for "tbe third I
ejjattle." 1
Our stock is being constantly replenished and
enlarged, hence our goods arc always fresh and
given with every cash
purchase which entitles
holder to a selection from our handsome decorated
porcelain china. A chance to get something nice for
nothing. Come and see. Everything at the lowest
prices at
Jackson Street,
'I'lioue 253.
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. V. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drngs, Toilet Article's, I'atent Medi
cine. Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soaps, Paints and Oils.
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
j C Cameras. Triumph Cut lf ilm Cameras. . S
! Call anJ Kxnminn thntn.
photographic supplies.,.
Dealer In
Flour, Feed, Groceries, and Court ry Produce.
Highest priae for Country Traduce.
Roseburg, - - - Oregon.