ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Precinct Officers. New Spring: Goods The Mild Winter lias brought forth an Karly Spring and we arc now prepared to show you an elegant line of SPRING NOVELTIES in Grey, Castor, Mode and the New 1'oulc Plaids. We also have a very swell line of Silks, Mouseilliuc De Soic, lite. Come in and look them over. o v A -nhw V Our Millinery Department Will be quite a treat this Season as we have enlarged this Department and have secured the services of an Up-to-Datc Millliuer direct from the city. In Gent's Furnishings Wc still continue to lead and have received all the striking No cities direct from the Manufacturer. i mm I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor. i a A tare ful analysis of our Drugs and Chemicals Will prove them to be of Full Standard Strength and Purity. Our Stock is unexcelled in Quality and our Medicines arc absolutely reliable. i l Accuracy V i ; A. C. MAR5TERS & CO.j $ 1'rwHcriptioDH cum- I inr)-icf C 2 2 pound! Day and JN itftit ' &"-" r J. F. BARKER & CO. (I-ROXDiEiR'IES; 3 4 5 now 0- GRO.UKERY, Flake, Oats, 4 - - 'I' (l'LVSS,WARE'. Aw; i 7 MITCHELL WAGONS f J. I. CASE PLOWS. iO: S Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, F. S. Godfrey, Phone Main 353. Prop. llllM'lllll' FOR i PUD The Byron Horse. '!. i'.y none i;n owned by J. It. l'ix ni;i ui ikt tii'i seasonal Wilbur Wi ilmr- hu iiik' Tliiir.- I iy of each week. At R Hflnru Fri-J.t y urn I Saturday i.nd tho rem dnder of the time at the liomo of the owner on the North Umrqua. terms ren'Oinhle. Cape Nome Direct. Pacilic Const and Empire Steamship Co'h 12 firat class ateumers will eail from I'ortlnnil urn) Tat'oma between April It and June 1st. Guarantee to lam! pass engers mul lri-L-bt on the beach at Cape No in A. Each full ticket allows 150 pon u da baggage free. Applv immediate ly fur reservations. Joll.V F. GlVANS, Agent, Roseburg, Or. Notice to Stockholders. Aiuiuul uiet-tir k i f the Douglas County BtiHdtn and Loan .Woi iation, Rost.m Hi;, Or., April 2, 1900. Stock Holders re hereby notified that the Hnnual meelirg of the stockholders ot tho Douglas Count v Building and Loan Association, of Kane bur;;, Oregon, will he held nt tl.n Fireman's room in City Hall iu th city of Roseburg, Douglas county, on Wednesday April IS, l'JOO, nt 7 :'M v. m. of Biiid day for the purpose of electing seven directors, hij.I thr-e auditor0, lot the transaction of such other business :n niny legally come beforn mild meet in-j;. Jolts II. Suite, fecretarv. How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound t it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health $ if you have net got it you can get it by taking peon's paision You will find it just as useful In summer as in winter, and If you are thrtvingtipon It cWt stop because the weather is warm. yx. tmi $1.00, ll dfitgrfUu. tOOTT 09 WHE, Chtmlm, Ntw York. T. 'i. 1) limey went to Portland Th-'h-diy. Won. S jI Abraham went to fortltn l Tut'B lay. Simon Caro wan over from Oakland Tin-duv. Hon. T. It. Sheridan is in Portland on h.;uiiierfi). Mr. K. J. Stroud is vin'tin in Port land this week. It n fuaed by some that the fro3t last night nipped Home of the fruit. I). K. Vernon, editor of tin; Oakland Owl, wai (loinj but-ineH in tlir; city Mon day. Mrs. W, II. JamitPon and eonr. Liw rence end Harry, aro yieitinc in Port land. Mrp. Ilridgen and aunti'r, .Tiis Aud rey, caui9 in from a vltiit at Drain Mon day evening. Fruit in uuinjuied here. There wire two Iiht froatB, which did no harm. Ivoeenare in bloom. , r.ryan'a failure and the absence of so many politicians from town, makes the city seem very quiet. Mrs, Geo. Houtk, in company with ber mother Mrs. E. Y. Moore, have gone to Portland for a short visit, Kev. J. A. Townsend and I. Iton edict cf this city attended the I'resbytery' at (iranta Pups last Wednesday. II ih Excellency Governor Ger, pasted through Tue-:day rooming on hit way nortli from a visit in California. .Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Fisher cf .the Re view, went to Portland Tuesday and will visit other points north whil n sent. lion. J. C. Fuller;. ,n went north Tues day morning to attend ttm f '.publican Co t-rrroiia! ai.d Sti'.te Convention. F. A. Tczier, who h.i'i t;ten vitiitint; CiosKt.,1 Curry counticH in connection with t,i.fin.8 interests, returned Mon diy. Mi-i i M::nd Kramer of (irant.i Pass, is visiting in this city. Mies Kramer Las hrfen attending a medical college at Port land. Soineiliing new again in Ciinrchill A Woolle's in the new Panorama I'.ast man Kodak the very latent in photography. O. P.. Upright, of Tucoma, who ia rep resenting the N. P. railroad iu its land department, ia in the ci'y and made this olliee u pleasant yitit. E. A. Pout and family, formerly of the McCIallen hotel of this city, have moved to Portland. The best wishes of their many friends go with them. E. Morgau of Looking Glass made this office a pleasant business visit last Tues day. Mr. Morgan was on his way to Mayville, Oregon, for a two month's vieit. HoushoMer lias wheels to fell and trade. If ou have anything to trade brinj; it iu and feo him and he will treat you light. -Little yellow corner, oppo site posit dice. lr. F. W. has caught the epirit of improvement, and is moving bis eottaco from the hill at thu east end of Lane street to the. corner cf Kose and Pontius Mrccte. All the business men of thccitr who have bill t j put and dodgers to distrib ute, remembei- tbut there are l-o li censed bill posters in town. Unless they see cue or other they must p.iy tlu hue. A. A. Matthews, an aged pioneer of ttiia county, died at his home at Helton Sunday. He was at one time assess ;r of this couuty, and quiio prominent in poli tics, lie leaves a widow and a ttrown family. Orange Mattoon and family have re turned lo Elkton. It is reported that Mr. Mattoon will handle the stage this summer between Elkton and Scottmhurg. Well, it don't look natural down that way without Pete. Mr. A'.lio Ilouser called at the Pi.ais pkalk.u oflUe Tuesday and subscribed for the reliable news-medium of Kos Mug. There is a glowing impression that .i you want news that can be depended on you must look in the to find it. It pays to tell the truth. Eev. G. K. Arnold, pastor of the M. E. Church in this city, 'who lias oceu visit ing in California for the pat t AO weeks, returned Saturday inoruing. Unfortu nately Rev. Arnold w seized with an attack of lagrippe about the time of his departure and was quite indisposed dur ing his entire visit. We trust he may Boon fully recover. The Southern Pacific has issued a new time card to go into effect on the Kith, at The nortn-bonnd local will then reach here at 9:U5 a. m.; the north bound overland at 11:15 p. in. ; (he south bound local at 5:20 p. m., am! the souTi liound overland at 4 ;8,"i a. iu. All paxa enger trains will atop fieri :i minute, the aame a at present. Wo omitted to anno ni ce thorepobii c.n uorniii'TH for precinct officers fn our last ieuu for thn Itoei org district: Prof. II, J, R jbinetto wan nomiuatsd for jusiice of the p ' ace, arid Clay Slocutn for constable, lirjtti ar exceptionally well qulifled ir.eii for thH portions and will be elected beond a finale doubt. The- (lemoc ratii; nominees ares For justice, E.G. Mi.::ii; constable, Sara Tooley. IlKf'Cr.UCA.V C'Ol'N'l V CES1HAL COMMlTiEB. A. M. Crawford, of Roeeburg, chair man. Umpqua J. W. Wright. Eoehurg S. C. Flint. West Rosebnrg ). S. K. Puick, Deer Creek S. C. Partrum. Canyonville Jno. E. I)ve. Wilbur E. E.Lalitie. Kiddle W. L, NicholR. Looking Glass I. P. Howard. Myrtle Creek Ed win Weaver. Cow Creek Grant Levcns. Glendale O. S. Goodr.ow. Camas Valley O. If. Allison. O.'alla O. H.Flor.k. Calapooia J. A. Underwood. Oakland A. F. Stearn.. Yoncalla A. W. Lamb. Comstoek F. M. Stewart. Civil Bend J, A. Ejgers. Pas J Creek Dr. C. K. Wn . Gardiner Dr. Alex Pattn-oi . East Umpnua II. Parke . Coles Valley V.'. W. S . Elkton A. B. Haines. Kellogg A. S. Peters. Millwood J. L. Churc! il. Scott9burg II. Weath Perdue D. W. Hmki . Lake B. F. Wiikca.; M ' Scott L T. B!ak. !. Death of Airs. Elizzbsth Hermann. Mrs.l-:iizabeth If.Tmann, mother of Hon. Binder Hermann, Commissioner' of tha ( Jeneral Laud Office, died at the old Hermann homestead on the South Fork of t lie Cjquille river, six miles from Myrtle Point, at 4 :30 o'clock a. m. April 2nd, U)0O, aged 79 years, 1 month and 1 day. Deceased was born i:i Tredegar, Mon mothshire, South Walts, England, Marca 1st, 1821, and came to the United States ia 1S37 with her father, David Hopkins, who built the first iron furnace in the United States near Cumberland, Md. Was married to Dr. iienrv Hermann in 1S40 and came to Coos county with a colony from Baltimore in May, 1859, where she resided on the o'd homestead until her death. She was the mother of nine children, these surviving tier being Bingei and T. M. Hermann, of Wsh ington, D. C. C. M., F. P. and K. W. Hermann and Mrs. E. Bender, of My rtle Point, and Mrs. J. W. Baker, of Phoenix Arizona. The remaius wert h.teired on the old homestead place April 4th, at 2 o'clock p. tn. the funeral t-etvices being von ducted by the Rev. Thcs. Barkiow, a large concourse cf pioneers ai d friends from various parts ot the couuty bein in. attendance to pay the last tribute of re spect to her who for forty years had teen a lesident of this vaoey and at had answered the great summons which is the common lot of al'. "!nH a loying mother, a kind n ijihbjr, full of years departed from u pi.uv among ns. the pain of parving n .t ho much beta cs that of those s'm left h.'hitol Myrtle Pcint Enterprise. Collins Gets Off Easy. Harry C. Collins, formeily of Ashland, who was arrested at Junction City, Lane County, January 2ord, charged with ob taining $25 in money under false pre tenses fro.n I. C. Hamilton cf Medford, and who was alsj wanted in Ashland, Grants Pats. Harrisbnrg and Marshfield for the same offense, had bis case before the circuit court at Jacksonville, Satur day. At his preliminary hearing before Judge Stewart, iu Medford, January 24, he was held under $300 bonds, and has since then been eotiliued in the county jail, where he lias been reported as ser iously ill with inflammatory rheumatism. On Saturday he withdrew his previous plea of "not guiliy" uad pleaded guilty, and was sentenced ty Judge IIuna to one year's impiisoiiment. Letter List Remaining uue.i led for iu burg in Htolliee : Bunch, Mre. Eva M. Ferkitoii, Mrs. Dolou Leighman, Mrs. Mary ihe Rue- Adoll Lindrus Marion. Frar Wool F F.r Persona callinn for these 1 please Mate tt, dato oi wh' advertised, April 0, lKO The letters will be rate of one cent eac' v