The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 12, 1900, Image 2

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    L. WILLIS,
oU IIIUIIIIMUHHUUimmmmilUmillMimil ttornoyand Counselor at Law,
Will prxittflD In all tht cmirt. of tho But. Of
Dr In Mrtr.Uri HnilillllK, Dnul count, Or.
I 1
Mr. Jones Believes That Organization
Will Affect Prices.
Brook, March, SO. 1' is atwayi a
critics! time ior hopKrowers and other
farmers whefc from any combination of
c'reutuatanot'S or conihination of rpecu
lativo trust the .idueers are loreed to
accept less than cost for their products. a condition that h;s forced the
hopsrtower of the ether borrowing
states as well a of Oregon peek or
ganization in order to protect their mar
ket and preveut ao over-ipplr, thus
making it impossible for the ".indicates
and speculators to so manipulate supply
and demand as to reap all the pront of
this great special crop, at the expense t
tbe producers and consumer?.
The present outlook in for advanced
prices for good merchantable hops.
Many growers whose Jots were sold by
the Association, also thoce whose Imps
are unsold, a-- desirous of receiving the
proceeds of tl - indiyidual ealea rather
than proratii In any event the Kron
er who bad i.. ..n hops, and took care of
them so that kept in iioud condition
would not have 10 pro rate on the same
terms with lots for which reduced prices
had to be accepted on hmuiu of mid con
dition or on account of b?ing affected
with bine mold.
Tbe bopgrowers know enough not to
quarrel with eaidi other on account of
their mutual misfortunes. Many of t e
griwers who are sending in their conoer.t
to tbe change iu the plan of distribut
lag the money are leaving the option of
the priceto fit sales committee. This
does not pleaso Mint of the buyers, te
cauee they can usually work the individ
ual grower down about 2 cents per pound
lower than they can the Salem manager
of the Oregon IIopgrower6' Association.
The time is at hand when the producers
must get together and be aMe to act as a
nit to protect and build up their mar-
kets and their industries, or else they
must surrender to the tuxeaters and
epeculitive trusts who are too all-pwrr-ful
alreadv. M. L. Josts.
Chhd Scalded to Death.
J Wc pride ourselves on the fact that wc
Hlli WllQ"cflhaVC 'arScst Cheapest ami Best line of
OlllI L VV cULVShirt Waists ever shown in this city. Prices
from 50 cts to $2.50.
In this department wc show a very haud
some mercurized Sateen Skirt, which cannot
Underwear. ibc told from silk
in all colors at $3.50.1
Cheaper ones but jjood ones at $1.25, 2.00
Jand $2.50.
3UtTini6r I A complete line of Covert, Ducks, White
jPiquc Skirts in plain and appliqued designs
SkirtS.;var'in in Price from 5oc tc $2.25.
j2 1 A I re a ra r swe summcr dresses.
OllK F'OUla.rUSiWc have a line in the new gray lavendai
and purple shades which arc trade winners.
Itixuna 1 ami 2
Kmloir HullilliiK.
Attorney at Law,
Ofllro In Court lluuo
1111 l)ll. All) .
f'ourl Hmito
Uuwun air.
QliKdlil! M. MOWN,
Will pi milieu In all th Htatv and Fclc jNa onrli
Ollleo lo Malic' Uldf., Honcbuil rtlj'i.
KoStllLIKI, Ohm.on.
lioom 3 A 4, Taylor h Wilson Block.
Attorney and I'oinihollor ut l.uw.
-Mininir loiw uud Wntcr llkdit inmU
ft specialty.
Uantnra Uld. K'lSKBfHO. ORKUON
John 11. siiuri:,
General News.
one of Colonel
shlasd, Or., April 9. A distrewiug
fatality too' place on Wagner Creek,
three miles south l Td'.ent, Saturday,
the victim beiog the 2,'0-ycar-oH daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Low. Mrs.
Low had been arraoging to erru'j the
floor of ber dome, and placrd a gxid
sized tub filled with scalding water and a
pot of concentrated lye on the floor. .She
stepped outside the house to get a buck
etful of cold w ater to cool the scalding
water, and while so engaged the child,
Fanny, who was playing in the room,
approached tbe tub and fell headlong in
to the scalding water and lye. Tbe ag
oniziug cries of the child recalled the
mother, but too late to save the child,
who lingered in great agony for 24 Iioore
before death came to her relief. The
funeral took place today.
Bryan's Exit a Blizzard.
If the entree that Colonel William
Jennings Bryan made into Oregon was a
frost in tbe reception accorded to him,
what shall his exit be called? Friday
morning he arrived from the north, en
route to California, where he is ti epeak,
and although his coming had been
heralded, and be was at the Ht alien for
over 30 minutes, one lone democrat wag
there to welcome and npeed the parting
guest the national leader of p jpocrac; .
On tbe arrival of tbe train Uih orator de
scended from hi car uiid wag greeted by
"lioaa" Leonard, bo heemed to be ihn
only representative .f llryars poli'icil
view present. After engayiug in o.u
veraaUoo for u few taiuu ea Bryan
walked t j the ticket window wh ere he 1
wrote quite a 1-Dgthly telegram an 1 or
dered forwarded to ita destination. Iu
the meantime a few populibta win were
. . 1 . . 1 .
uie iwuaii Bcrewea ineir couraga up
to greet tbeir rational leader. A cmi l
of ladies look snap nhot photo apt.H of
Mr. Bryan, and after engaging in c .nver-
astion with bis very few faithful adioir
srs, me pereoniai presidential cai'piat -
ought the comfort of hm I'ullmau wv.
. r tin ,, w . . .
uuu. oout jvunaru euierea tti. car
With him and in testim ony of hi fidelity
to hit party's chief, Mr. Bryan preaeot
6d the local boss with a Ikxjui of
flowers. The lack of interest shown in
Bryan's presence was evidently painful
to 'he leader. Some of the democratic
an I po-vrtfc leaders explain their
aSo- .ti -.!- that they wanted to
give i . i 1 earned rest. Well
he '.. v-maud Tidings.
Boers have captured
Pinmer'a Lieutenant'a.
Thousands of horses for K'jherts' army
will be bought in America.
Toronado is said to have wrei k'da
I'exas town in (he flooded district.
Kngland is killing about COO ho'srs per
moo'.h in her South African campaign
Thirty Boer prisoners r-c.ipe.i Imm
Simoustown, instead of H, as at firh' re
Jlra. Uewey H s.iiil to have become an
Episcopalian, leaving the Cutholic
Boers claim t j have captured 11 uiib
at Bloemfonteiu waterworks, instead of
stven, as at first reported.
ieneral 0ti3 ha been relieved cf com
mand in the Philippine? ut tin on 11 re
quest and will return hocia at onre
Genera! McArthur wiilbucceed him as
military governor.
TLe meeting of the jjri.'vance comaiit
teos from the various railroad orders and
Collie 1'. Ifontinijtor" in San 1'ranv.inco
last week, icsulted in the S. 1'. Co. with
drawing tbe Relief aHsociation which was
so Kenerally objected to by the em
ployes. Tbe bursting of a dam in the Colorado
river ut Aastin, Texas, during flood peri
od let down a volume of water thirty
miles long, one mile wide and sixty feet
i)ei carrying death anu destruction be
fore it. Forty people are said to have
piiisiiedand the damage to property is
In the mail from Manila, w!iic has
just arrived at the war departmen, there
were at lea! two comni'jiiicaiions ex
rreHxing conviction that Aguiuuldo
hiding in that city. One of these letlers
ia from a United States Secret .Service
official, who haa found conclusive evi
nenco rnac rrw itg.ii JJ,?r had be.ri in
Manila sinco tUn reh?l armies in Lu.on
weie di3perned, and who was ati.?!icd
that. a hi had not escaped by water, be
waa probably Hill concealed iu the na
live part of the town.
An Astonishing But True Story
' My home is in Sidney, Ohio. 1 hnve been nearer death with consumption
than any other living person in tho world, and I want you to rend thin, so you
can tell others. I took a scvero cold and ncglocted it, 1 grew worse all the
lime, anu at me tail ct
two years I had ran into
consumption. 1 coughed
terribly, !o.t Holi. could
not sleep, and became so
dreadfully weak that I
had to take to bud. In
the following eighteen
months I gradually
reached the la-t stages )
t)l C" 'TlSlimp'IOIl. All loss
than fcvcn
trcatvd 1110 and
'.'sil tans Ji
ill gava V
ucaivu niu aim iiu K:'V3 s jum'TT
:ne up raying I w.-.s in- ( "yw
curable. 1 was absolutely ,)6-f
1-elplcKS. The whole fa:i I ( 'iV:
IvOMfciumi, Oiitiiox.
Bmlu.'.i iM-fcire l.'.H. Utj.l oniceainl I' a
LiiMi)c a Hliili.
OUlo- Alirutmiu lluiMlnit.
Attorney at Law,
oom 1 a. i. Maratim Bld.. KOHIUUKO. 0
lWBulti.-M ta-Inrotba IT. H. ln.l iiiiiu ...
mtnliiK . a ftpvclalty.
Lain Km'elvor V. H. Laud OlOcs.
JA r.rcllANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
ltKim .1
sler Uuil.lluc. l;0-KUri:.,)H
KU.-Ellt ilU, OKKliON
Keview IhiltilliiL.-.
I'ulvuoii So, 4.
QH.r.v.o. V.. UOL'CK.
IMiyscian Surgeon.
OHc J'.it (lllicr Hid.
riu.iii'. Main ::l
1 ; y wore tucii:sc:vcs out
c'-in, fur me. ire da y
:::v.hcr and sister came
o :uv bedside, and said
t r.aa but a day or two more to live. Tears rolled down their chcolsr, an they
v:l,bcd the news. Tho doctors had declared 1 waa in tho last stuge. and no
i.:::na;i ueing couia Favc me. I was willing to rlic, but before going to the cruel
icrnve, 1 ".-anted to go out and see niv dearlv beloved town of hidncv once more
'i'hev told mo Such a thini' w:i tnuxs;ihlf.tli.-it I u-nnld nr.1w flu. In furn I
hack. Hut 1 insisted, and to gratify my dyin;; wish, a carriage was titled up MRJI-MKU V. IIooVKII,
ith a bed of pillows, and to this I was carried und slow ly driven around Court
- "use square. 1 got home more dead than a'.ivc. Through the mercy of Provi
1" . rue, someone brought a trial bottle of medicine said to be a consumption cure.
one imagined for an instant it was worth trying. Hut as a drowning person
iiMis iu a hiraw, so 1 irieu tins meuicinc. 1 waa better alter taking two doses,
Mother got more of the medicine and I took it. imnrovintr all the time. Todav I
am as well as any reader of this paper, and tho medicine that cured mo was
.icc-i j.umi iwiiicuy ior vunsunipuon, 1 ucciare uciore uoa anumaaxnat
every word hero printed is true."
This remarkable ti-atimonia,on fit In tlie ufTloe of Metur. W. H. Hooker A Co., New York,
"'"s"' r. nufr ciouraicu r.nguiii Kemouy, is voucei: lor iiy tliem, a well as o
proinnent drujctflHtsof Sidney, Ohio.
A-Kr-i Knlili K-uif.lrl eolil hy all nrnKii nn.lfr nolll Biinnini that y.tir money will he r.
itiudl : ui luilur... wo.Um;. ual 51 4 lwtu. iu L'. H. uml CuiuiiIa. In k.uulmud Ik. yd.. . U.. aud te. eU,
llohHlirilU OlllOON
Hjieclal mt. niliiu irtreo la Dlwiin of i),.- N'o.o
and Throat.
Oflico-Malu Sl .ouu d.Kir nult ut City If n'.!
f'liono, Main u4l.
For sale by M. F. Rapp, Druggist.
5. 1. Travel Increasing,
State News.
Hr. i vwey Lai mad up tbe admiral'i
mind II... the office of President imot
Hicti a ' in ilt one or ber to fill. Capi
tal Jo rn 1.
Salem's new creamery started yesti
rauerewskl, tbe great pianiet, gave a
concert in Portland Wednesday evening
Uilcer City Chamber of Commerce will
raise ilOOOto entertain the Miners' Con
Eogeni. Register: Tbe other day L.
W. Wheeler living in Pleasaot Hill coun
try brought to our office a bunch of peart
of last year'i crop, mixed with this
year's bloom.
Holdups are of frtquem occurence in
Portland, tbe very bean of tbe city be
ing tbe scene of tome of them. ' A print
er on tbe Telegram wai "touched" for
$30. It would probably be very embar
raatinz U be waa forced to tell where be
got to much money.
The passenger traffic over the H. P.
Co.' line bai increased heavily during
tbe past week more particularly tbat
going north. Tht overland trains now are
coming in and out of Ashland in two
sections; and the local through trains are
also c-owdd wi'h p.icnipim. Through
passenger traifiv is v-ry heavy and local
traffic cplendid for this reason. Kvery
indication pointa ion (-till ureitter in
crease in ihe number of passengers arid
thW year will prove to be the banner one
in tho hie'ory 0 pasi ji-r trallio over
the S, p. lines in Oregon. Tidingn.
Sheridan Croy, who residea on the
Sheep ranch on th Middle Fork, met
With a peculiar and paiuful accident last
Saturday. In company with John Wilev
he waa hunting and tbeir dogs bayed a
bear ou tbe ground. Instead of dia-
patching bruin at ooce, they closed in ' n
bim toencoarave a pup to take hold, and
tbe bear seized Croy bv the trouserx.
ust below the kne, Croy pointed hia
gun at the bear'a head and fired, but ti.
bullet missed the bear and went through
bia own foot, inflicting quite a painful
and probably, erioa wound. Wiley
then carried bis wounded companion on
bia back to tbe road a distance of four
miles, whence be was taken to Kweburg
for treatment. Myitis Point Enter
Try a box of Chocolate
Creams and Hons lions
. -m PROM TH2 "
and yon will understand
why our CANDY is so
fourth, tfuuda?.
Aral and third Vrldari In mmin. m.mih
flrat and third Th urkdara ol u k montli.
at t p. tu.
erery WcdiuiMlar evouliiK nl Odil Kelluwi
Hall. VUltlDz klilirhti lu umid
dlalljloYlled to attuud.
JIM, mii ki.i.i, c. 1',
C. II. FISIIEit, K. U.K.
LAUREL I.01HJK, A. F. A A. M , Klii.l LAR
tnoetlllKa lliu ill and 4ih W.l,,...,u , 1,1
each moulli.
N.T. jKwatr, H'ecjr.
SOHKBO RJ Clf AHTKR, NO. S. O. K. B . M Kie l's
1 tha lirL ami lhlr,l Tim ...1 u .a ,.f ..t.
Mltfi. K. J. KTKOL'I), W. !1.
MA DDK KAriT, Mun'y.
iA ua flr.t and thlid Tiu-ul.. ni .... i, .,,,,.,11.
In tho rid Ma.oulc hall.
. II. W, Milikh, V. C.
L. MaShtkmh, t'Wrk.
No. li'i, iiuuta hi tho o.l.l I..H....-' Li..'ri
I ID RoMrbunr. i crv lat. lint aud :.n. m. ..,...
veulOK. VitlliiiR neighbor, alway weltomy.
N.T.JKWKTT, Clerk.
maaia tiMturd&v .vhh n. ..f t ...
thalr ball lu Odd Fellow 'J amnio at hJZ,,
1. O. O. Y
net a
kemberaof lbs order la ood tandln( .re luvi "
N. T. Jcwarr, Hec'jr
Go toN
Barber Shop auvi-AVtlJi'. vUUIU
i. h. v l.b",'ir tvuliu couimunleationa at tho
I O. O. V. ball ou lauoud and fourth Thuradai
of oach mouth. All uiu.i,r. .,....f.i . .'
For a prompt and first
class shave or haircut.
Baths in connection.
418 Jackson St. -
IK A fi. RIIjDLH, Uocrotary.
inoeUi tbs aeooad aud tonrth Moudaynof
tt!uu.rMtv- . l Wwa Aa
.T. WoCtAI.'t l.S, l). r. WKjiT
Korordi-r. KlmiKl-ir