The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 09, 1900, Image 7

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    We Have the Best and
Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS,
r r-r
M M vs. r m WSB a. r aa. Ta. a W H si
. . y
been the recipient of One Hundred anrf .Twenty-nine First Medals and Awards, includ
ing the Supreme Recompense, The Cross of the Legion of Honor, The Highest Euro
pean Award. ever given to a Piano manufacturer, and The Crowning American Triumph,
The Greatest Award of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago.
Prices from $28.00 to $60.00 for Spalding.
All wheels fully frtiarflntcets.
All goods fully guaranteed and sold on the installment
Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps.
the musical line can be bad at
i;!TtHTAT i.AXDOrriCB,
ltoM-bur, Onon, Jn. Ii.l, 1WO.
My Honorable CominisMonur s letter "N" ol
November IH'JU, tills o flic was directed lo or
der a bearing to determine the character ol the
following described tract o( land, to-wll: tli.
K !,il XW t and W H ol NK li, Beo 3, T 2J,
N K 4 W
Heretofore adjudged tobomlneral In character
(decision ol Octola-r N, IMti) but now alleged by
lh Oregon nl California Railroad Company to
be essentially mm mineral In character, .11
ml mm I (ll and wcro contained) having been,
sine said (LxliUiD. extracted or Ukou Iroui
" Wherefore, In conformity vlh the Instruct
ion i.l MM luitcr hearing is hereby ord-red,
the tmtimotiT tt be taken tit this office, before
the Rexlsler and Receiver on Friday, April .
llsj at 10 o'clock a. in., .nil :hg parlies lirrrto
are hereby summoned 10 appear al said lime and
place anil furnUti testimony In support of their
Hald bearing to l conducted In accordance
with parauraph Meet wi ol the V. H. Mining
lwa and Regulations.
J. It. KooTII.
Notice for Publication.
I'NITCb Stats l.sgl.Ormr, ,
Rowhurg, Orvgon, February 1. HW".
Notice la hereby given tbat In .ompllauce
with the provisions of tho art of Congress ol
J una 3. l"7s. cutliled "An act fr tlio salo of tim
ber land In tho mates ol California, Orcifon
Nevada and V sshiiiKton Territory:" ,
of Washburn. County of llaylleld, Hlato of Is-.-.iii.ln,
has this day tiled lu thlsomco his sworn
statement No. M7, lor tho puruhaneof tbo nurlli
,.....i..-ntu.uiiiiiiKa in. In Tnwnkhlu No.
.' Mouth Item. No. H nt, and will ollur pr.Kif
in ihnw that tho laud aonalit la inoro valtiaba
lor lt tlmU-r or nlono than lor aidlcullural nnr
....... mn.i 1,. i-aiulillah lilnclalni loaald land )'
i irutiiii Kt-KlHler and kwnver of thlaom-e at
UoaRbiiru. rt-ion, on hildaj, llie'iTin day ol
t 1 mUt
a.mri aa wltncaaea: ChHrllo Oelao't, ol
w..i.i...ri. ui. Mli-haal N. Ulntad. of Wab
burn. Wla.; Jamca a Turney, of fortlaud, Otv
lion;rraiih W.I'otlor, of Anblaud.Wls. ,
Any audall clalmln wlverajdy ho
abovo-duaoilbad land ftru ruqucMed to fllo Hiulr
ilalma In Ihla otlUfonor n.for.aald vrTtri day
of April, 1M. " J- T. BKUM.t".
.Notice F-ir Publication.
Oxitkii briTi.x Land Oitii .
RomIiuii, ori'iin 1. February 13. l'JU).
Sotlou la hereby given that lu ooiiiplJuiiee
with the provlalona of tlio aet of Coligrma of
June S. !, eniltled " 11 aet lor the telo of tint
bxrUudalu the MlaU l Calllornla, Oregon,
Nevada, and WaMiiKton 'I'ernlory,"
Ol Washburn County of llaylield, Mlate of Wia--onalu,
baa llila day riled In Una ollW e hl aw.lrii
tab-muiit No. i.W. lor tho j.ur haol the hK 4
ol nvetioii No. 2, In Towihlp No. '.' aoulli,
Raiute No.3 Wet, and will oiler prool t j lmw
that thu land aought la mom valuable lor lu
tlmlxT or aiono than for uiirlculmral puriMim-a,
and tufalabllalt bla claim lu ald laud beloie
1 he Ui'glaUiraiid Kei-eiverol thlaoflliio at lloic
burK, Oregon, oil Krlday the 11 day 01 April,
IsmO. Ho naiiioH aa wltiieaica: Janiea O. 1 iirncy,
of 'nrtland,regoil, l. T. ImWoll, ol Woodland,
Waahingtoli. Kdrtard t!. HtavtMia, of Ahliiild,
Wlx'oiialn, Krauk W. Toller, of Aahliuid, Wla
' 0Auy"and all peraoiia elalmlng adversely tho
above duaerlorii leudaaru reUBleil lo lile thell
elaliua In tbii olheeou or Ixiioreaald il day ol
April, 1W,
1. T
Njtlce for Publication.
Unitid HTATH I.AKD OlTI' g,
HoMtburg, Oregon, Kcbiuary lo, 9(X.
Molleo ! hereby given that tn compliance
wilHthe provlMlotiaof the aet of Coligreaa of
June 8, 1H.H, eiitlth-d -An aet for tho anle ol tiiu
brlaud In tho rtlalea of California, Oiugou
Nevada end Wellington Territory:"
of Aihland, County of Anulaml, rlato of W laeou-
In, baalbla day Hied l:i ihla olllco hla aworii
M.i lul fur 1I01 loiruhaaoof the N'i
ol tteetlon No. U, lu Townahlii No. Ii4 M. Ituiigo
No. 8 W and will oiler proof to ahow that tho
laudaougbt la moni valuable for Ua timber or
lone than lor agriuulturel purponca.and to ea-
t.bllah hla elalin 10 aula lanu oeioni n
ler and Receiver ol thlaollioo at Koaeburg, Or;
gon.ou Friday tbe I27lb day ol April. TM. He
uaiaeaaa wltneaara: T. W. I'ottur, ol Aahland,
Wlaoonaln; tdwanl 0. Blevena, ol Waahburo,
W laoonaiu; J. C. Turney. ol Torlland, Orvgon;
L. U. l).Woll, ol Portlauo. Orugou.
Any and all pvraoiu claloUug adveraely tb
boje-dii rlbed laud are reuueatod I to Ul 1 tbolr
olalfca lu tbii SOU. wa .( before aald 7Ui day of
Besides these we have other good
Pianos but cheaper in price but not
in quality.
While we have the highest grade
Pianos known, and recognized the
world over. The Chickerintr has
T. !(.
Popping the Question.
Soma one, according to aa eochaoga
wilb a weaaoeaa for tatiatica, baa waded
throDKQ one baidred standard 1ot
aturiea and tabalateJ tbe various ways
in which lovers bebave lo popping tbe
quwition. Briefly slated in one hundred
canon where tbe propoaal aa accepted
no leea tban nistyaeveo gentlemen
klaed tbe lady and began "all of a sud
den." Kighty-one declared tbey could
not live without her, while revrDr-two
held tbe girl's band, and thirty-six look
her in tbeir arms.
Twenty-six lovers sat down to put tbe
question, four fidgeted about with Iheir
handkerchief! which afteward re
quired to wipe away the tears of joy;
three stood on one foot, and Ibe same
number "reclined on tbe grans"; only
four thought It necessary to go down 00
both knees, but twice aa many knelt on
one. In thirty-two cakes klnslng took
place. Only four kissed tbo girl on the
cheek, but ten saluted Ibe fair one's
curls! Three kieeed her eyeM, two her
hands, one tbe top of ber bead, one ber
nose (by mistake) and one ber sbawl.
Tbe behavior of the women ia equally
interesting. Eighty-seven knew some
thing was oming and sank into tbe
gentlemans' arms, sixty-eight cushioned
tbeir besds against bia manly bosom,
while twelve preferred his shoulder.
One sank back Into a chair, no leee than
eleven clapped tbeir arms around bis
oeck. The eyes of seventy-two were full
of love, seven bad eyes moist and limpid
and the optics of two were dry. Forty
eiiiht wept aloud and six shed silent
tears of joy.
Twenty-seven fumblod withtlieir
gloves, fan and flowers, twelve buried
tholr.faces in their bands and one strug"
gird not to bo kiftseri. On the other
band six girls kissed the man first.
Nino rushed from tbe room to tell some
body and five giggled by hysterically.
Onlyttiree were pule aud stiitated, but
eighteen were flushed. Three told their
lovers "to ssk papa," nnd one actually
net-zed (shades of Von us) and one (a
widow), said: "Yes, but don't besilly."
l'hiladolphia Times.
Heartburn, coated tongue, bad breilb,
constipation. Hiulyan enree. All drug
gluts, 50 cents.
The first Indian schools were estab
lished about twenty years ago. To day
thore are over 200 of these schools.
The Rock Island road ha added an
other fast run to its record. A remarks
l.el lung distance freight run was finished
Wednesday, in which the 1,110 miles
from Chicago to 1'iietilo, was covered in
tbe short space of 37 hours, or at an
average of more than 30 miles per hour,
continuous running.
For Infants and Children.
Tltt Kind You Hw Always BsugM
Bears tbe
lguwr of
plan. Band Instruments,
In fact almost anything in
Or Chrmde lnflam
matlonf tbe Kidneys U a
vary common ailment.
Like all chronic diseases
tbe symptoms coma on
Insidiously. II proper
treatment Is obtained In
Its early stages, B right's
Uliu-ase may be cored.
UI OVAN will enre it il
It is taken In time. Bi b.
YA will relieve all the
symptoms. Do not delay
too long. Don't wait un
til your case becomes in
curable. Begin the use
ol BI D VAN now, while
yon nay be cured.
HEADACHE. HUOYAN taken as directed
will relieve the headache instantly.
2-3. mriNCSBor the skin
UNDER THE EVES, due to acolleetlon ol
fluid-lnotber words, DROPSY. HUDYAN
will cause tbe extra amount ol fluid to be
taken up by the blood and be eliminated by
tbe Kidneys.
ION. HUOYAN will restore the circulation
to Its normal condition and cause the check
to become red aud rosy.
HUOYAN 1U strengthen the nerTes and
muscles ol tbe heart and make It strong and
regular In Its beatings.
HUDYAN will cause the kidneys to x.-rforin
their functions properly, thereby relieving th
psln and wcakue.
Get Ut'DV AN et one. and take it regularly.
IIVDVAN 1 sold by all driiKh'iats for Wc. per
packtge, or 0 packages for li M. If your drug
gist ilo-'j not keep it, send direct to tlio III l
YAM HUM I 1)1 COMPANY. Hau Francisco,
( ol. Kcniember that you can call and consult
the lll'DYAN DOCTOHM KKKK. Tall and
see them. If you can vot call, write to the doc
tors and Ibey will advise you. Tbe advice will
be given free., Addrcaa
Cor. Stockloa, Market sad Ellis Sta.,
Saa Frsneiseo, Csl.
Lst year sixty-two new silk mills
weiM started in tlin United states. The
raw material must ln imported, but
American workmanship if producirg
great result in it manufacture.
Fears tbat Loid Roberta may be soon
caucbt in the Transvaal in tbe dead of
winter are premature. In South Africa
tie warmest month U February and the
coldest in Jnly. The temperature is not
as trving ss that of Central Europe. Tbe
rainfall for the Tsr is liuht, varying
from 6 to 20 inches.
Thert have been 12 Haw mills started
up in Lane county within less than a
year, says the Junction City Bullet io,
and probably tbe least has a capacity
not less thau 5000 feet per day, and up to
100,000 feet per day, and there will be
even wore mills erected during tbe
isasoD, lumber is io great demand.
Wonder If Bryan made sole et tb'i bet
)rtre M aa Jsst wt.
The Kind Yoa Hare Always
ia um for over 30 rears,
and has Deen maue unaer nis per--gyz.
sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
CUCUU AXitm no one to deceive YOU in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. '
Castoria Ss a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms .
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ;
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation!
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Notice For Publication.
United Btates Land Office,
Roecbarg, Oregon, February 16, l'3.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
wilb the provisions ol the act of Congress ol
June Srd, 18.78, entitled "An act lor the sale ol
timber lands in the States of Calllornla, Ore
gon. Nevada anrl Washington Territory,"
Ol Marshtlebl. County ol Coos, Btato ol Oregon,
has this day Hied In this office bis sworn state
ment No. Ml, lor the pnrehase ol the NJj BE'.
N'jMW'o ol Si'Ction No. W, ToHriinhip No. Jii
South, Kanire No. It West, and will offer prool to
show that the land sounht Is more valuable (or
lu timber or stone than lor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to said Und be
fore tbe Kesistcr and Receiver ol this office at
Rosebunr. Oreeoa, on batunlay the Lith day of
M. l'JIH). lie names as witnefnes: (joii. H.
Herron.ol Marxhliuld, Orein. Albert E. Bettys,
ol Manthlield, Oreron. K W. Kardell, ol MatMh
field, uretton, A. E. Kardell, ol Marsbiield, Ore
nn. Any and all persons claimins; adversely the
abovedescribod lauds are reiuested to tile their
claims in thisoOice on or before said l-'lh day
ol May, WW.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Conrtol tlio State ol Oregon
for Douglas County :
In the matter ol tbe estate ot Thomas Wiley,
.. i i h.-.-vhv Iven that the undtrsiKned
au. ..niktialor u ibe above entitled estate baa
111)4 Ids final account therein, and said Court has
msdo a'J order appointing Monday, May 7th.
liJO at tlicjconnty court houso inRowburg Doug
County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m. ol said day
as me umo ani pintH1 lor uvarmg uujkuuui
thereto, aud tor the final settlement ol said
estate, and any and all pvrsous having any ob
jections to said Una account, or any part there
of, aru hereby notified to lilo the same in the
above entitled court and cause, on or before tho
time set lor said iinal settlement.
Administrator's Notice of Sale.
tueand in min-uiineeof an order aud de
cree of the County Court 'ol Douglas County,
Urvgou, duly made by Din Hon. Joe Lyous,
Juile of said Conrl. and entervd ol ni'ord on
tbe oth day of September, 18'.i, ordeiinc and di
recting tbo undersigned admlniMratuni to Sell
the nal proiK'rty nereinafler de.-crlbed aud be
Kiugiin; to tbo estate ol Ksrl kimmet, deceased,
tbe said admiiiNtratur will pioeeetl to sell on
and after Moudav, May 7, ltMOut private sale
forcasbin hand cr part fash and credit, upon
the said premises in one body, the following
described real procrty, lnwit: loth, block in
tho town ol Cauyouville, Douglas County, Ore
(ut) Administrator.
Roseburg Academy
Normal, Classical axd
A siteeial teaeher for each department. New
students received at any time. For particulars
address the piincipal.
C. T. Whittlesey, A. B.
HoBeburg, Or.
Residence, Cor. Douglas and Chad
wick Sts.
Shows the stale of your leeliniis and the
state ol your health aa well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a ptlt aud
sallow oomplexioo, - pimples and akin
erupt loos. If you are feeling weak and
worn out and do not ha? e a baltby ap
pearance, yon should try Acker's Blood
Klixtr. It cures all blood diseases where
cheap 8areaparilla sad so called purifters
fall; knowing this, we esU every botiie
ea a pevtUe (earaatee.
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature of
Signature of
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Gives choice ol two; favorite routes, via the
UNION PACIFIC Fast Mall Line, or phe
. RIO GRANDE Scenic Lines.
No Change of Cars
On the Portland-Chicago Special, -'the finest lu
the West."
Ksiaipped With
Elegant Standard Sleopem , ;
Eitie New Ordinary (Tourist) h?lwpcri
Sinn'rb Library-l'uffi't Cars
Splendid Diners (meals a la carte)
Free Keclinini; Chair Cars
Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
Entire Train Completely Vestibuled
Voi further inlorros'iop apply lo
J. F. UIVANS, Apt., Roaelrjig.
J. R. Nagel, W. E Comaii,
Trsr Pass. Agi. Gen Aict.
l Third St . Foil si a Or.
- VIA -
Southern i'acllto ( .
Trains leave Roseburg fr Po rtluud and way
Ntations at lUa m. sixl !.'::' it. m.
H. I Lv. -
a I-. m. I l.v. .
:x V. M. Ar.
." :M r. s. I 4r. .
7:1'A. M. : Ar. -
HiiiilHii.i j 7:.1 1-. M
RoM'iuirs l.v. 1:M) r. K
AhUnd - Ar 11:;HA.M
Steramento - Ar. I 4 :!." a. M
Sn KraueiM-o Ar. I S:li A. M
r.4A. M.
M'.IH) A. M.
7i.A. M
7:4i A. M.
1. J0 P. M.
6 .10 P. M.
li -M A. M
t):4 a. M.
4:01) A. M .
!ii:S A, M.
42 a M.
1.'.4.-. P.M.
ah. Ogden Alt. I
ah beuver ak. I
1 in. Kan.Cly K. I
I ar. t'hieiign AR. ;
I ak. l-o Anceles
Alt, Kl Pam AK
I ak Kort Worth ar.
i a a-t'tyof Mexico Alt
Alt. Him ton in.
AK. Vew OrlertDS I
ak, !iini.m AK. I
ak. New York ab.
U:4o A M
J:Ull AM
T:2i AM
- :W A M
0 PM
00 AM
i ;.v p ,M
V : A. M
l:A. y.
li J P. M
l'.:l. A. M.
i : 4 i p. m
Pullman and TourUt ears on both tisitis.
Chair cam Sacramento toiinden ami Kl Pao,
and tourist ears to Chicago. St. Louis, Sew
Orleans and Waahiimou.
Connecting t Sun Kraueisi-o with several
steamship Hues for Honolulu, Japan, Cblnn,
Philippines, Central aud South America.
See Mr. (ico. Ester, agent, at P.oseburg stuUcm
or address
G. r. A Pam. AgtBt.
sick headache, indiiieUioi) and congtipa
sioo. A delightful herb Jriuk. Re
moves all eruptions of ibe skin, produc
ing a perfect complexioo, ot money re
fuadsd. 20cfs. and 5 cte. M. F. lp:.
' . ....