The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 09, 1900, Image 6

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    Drain Items.
Mies Lela.Baird returned Thursday
from a visit with relatives at Rosebnrg.
G. M. Bassett, our popular S. F. oper
ator is confined to his room with la
Mrs. S. V. Bell of Kikton, was in town
Monday, going on to Uoseburg
II. F. Mires bas the nomination for
school superintendent of Wheeler coun-
There is at present stored in the ware-
bouses at lrain, in the neighborhood of
150 bales ol hops, waiting for a purchas
Mies Maude Baesett, one of Drain's
popular young ladies, and a very success
ful teacher, opened a school at Looking
Glass Monday.
Mii Susie Becktev returned borne
.from Ashland recently, where she spent
the winter months with her sister, Mrs.
Orange Mattoon.
School commenced in the Kellogg die
trict last week, and with this week the
ElktoD. Haines district, and Smith diS'
trict schools begin.
Xews co ones to us that tha party con
eisting of Messrs. Applegate, Cawlfleld
and Bridges, who departed recently for
the Klondike, has reached Skagway safe
ly, and gone ou over tbe Pass.
Orange Mattoon and family expect to
move to'Klkton soon. Orange intends to
tiVaeharceof the stace route between
Eikton and Scuttsburg. The:r many
friends gladly welcome them-back. .-.
The following officers were elected for
the city of Prain, April 2: Mayor, E. R
APDleeate; recorder, Ira VTiaibcrly;
treasurer, V. W .Kent ; councilroen, L,
M. I'erkins and C. E. llasard; marshal,
Ed T.rown. "
A series of races will be held at the
racecourse in Hayhurst valley.'May 1
llandsonie prizes wi 1 be given winners.
Races open to all. Also, picnic in the
grove and arrangements will be' made to
have refreshments served on the
urounds. Other athletic sports such as
hammer throwing and jumping will be
carried on.
Cherries and prunes are in full bloom
We are having May weather in March
.and April.
D. C. Churchill paid Roseburg a busi
ness visit, last week.
Jesse Toolev bas a contract (or Slash
ing one hundred acres for Wm Emory.
Several people of this place attended
Bryan's reception at Uoseborg Thursday
Mr. Sootl has purchased a wooden he
The chicken business is a kiod of a flat
tering business.
Mies Jennie Knarr, of Umptjua Ferry,
ii viaitiDir with her sister, Mrs. S. S.
Xegus, of this place.
Our school sUrted Monday with Mies
Lucy Byron at the helm. We wish you
a sticeeaiful term Misa Lucy.
Alva UibbarJ, one of Millwood's most
prominent youug men, passed throngh
here on the stane last Tuesday.
Rev. Iiochuier has returned from
Sehaleru, Tillamx)k county, where he
has been on business for soma time.
R. W. Marsterr, tfq., was called to
Roseburg quite suddenly last Monday
en account of the illness of bis parents.
Eddie Fairfield expects tj leave for
Fresco county, California, in the near
future. We wish voii a pleasant journey
Ed. '
Uncle Will Thompson, of Coles Valley,
nag-eJ tuto'MT here on his way home
from California, where
Iim hag beei
for Home time, recently.
The ball given at J. W, Hall's, laet
week, had the largest attendance of any
ever given in Cleteland. Music was
furnii-bed hy M. lliggleman.
M. J. Burkharl in going into the turkey
and Ktriuberrv bnsiijess. We don't
thin turkey and strawberries will
jrc on the s une ground together. D
you? ,
Jj. A. Man.lT, u prominent goat
nred-rot thiH place, is ' runnm opposi
tiou to Jan. li-rk'ey. the stage driver, in
the i liii'Ueii t' He gives 7 cents
per pound.
Tne liemocra's were bo few tbey livid
their primary in a h-nre corner, not a
vary good turn put of democrats. Their
delegates Adi'" Iljerner, E.,D.
,'DdIard nd Ch ra Ha tiel f, jivtt ce o(
peace U. llit'i'.'iil and roid eoj.ervisor
J, W. Hall.
The de'eaates from this precinct e
K. T. Woodruff. Kev. J If. Skidmore,
Wm. Kainp. Sherman F'irtiiie and
Henry Coon.
Csndidates for justice
and constable i R. W: Manners and s.
S. Yigna, and road aapervleor .E. T.
Woodruff and central committeeman W.
W. Scott, Sr. ,
Clbvbland Jays.
Another soul has gone , to meet its
kindred Ood; another suffering body Is
at rest in the grave; a voice is still, a
home is saddened, eartb made poorer.
heaven richer, by the death of little
Gl on 0, xV jf Biul Annie Coata.
Glen was born Jane 15, 1897, and died
after a brief illness March 30, 1900.
Dearest Glen tboa bant left as, 1
And the loss to as is great1,
But the hand that has bereft as,
Offers blessings rare and sweat.
Father, mother, do rot wee
For your darling anymore,
For he only went to sleep
Waking on tbe golden shore.
God bas promised lie would help you
Bear your heayv load of pain, -Only
trust Ilia), snd in heaven
Meet your darling boy again, .
A Fbiind
Ten Mile, Oregon.
Cut the Bellrope First Said to Have
. Had a Confederate.
The following is the particulars regard
ing the bold escape of Collins, tbe Seat
tie bank robber, from the overland train
in Cow Creek canyon laet week, and his
subsequent recapture
John Collins, tho Seattle bajkrobber
in cbargeof Deputy Sheriffs McLeod and
Frank Brown, on tram Jo. 16. entered
toilet-room near Union Creek, last Tbura
day. A confederate opened another doo
at the rear end. and Collins cut tbe bell
coid and jomped off shackled. Tti
train ran three miles before the guard
could signal t stop. They returned and
cautured Collins under the section-house
at Union Creek. Cow Creek canyon, and
took tbe next train for Portland.
J. C. Collins, who is being taken to
Seattle from San Francisco, to answer to
the charge of bank robbery, arrived in
Portland last evening, and was lodged in
tbe city jail oyer nigbt. Collins, who i
in charge of Deputy Sheriffs J. W. Mc
Leod aoi Frank Brown, of King County,
Washington, escaped from bia guards
Wednesday nigbt near Roseburg. Ac
cording to a man on tbe train at the
time, Collins noticed that the guards
were both taking a light sleep, so be
stood np, pulled the bellcord once, tbe
signal to stop, and tben broke tbe cord
so as to make other signals to the engi
neer impossible. Somebody on tbe rear
platform of the car a tourist cai opened
tbe door for the robber and be jumped
off tbe train, which bad by tbia time
slowed up slightly. It was afterward
found that bis right knee first torched
the ground and was painfully 'bruised.
Acting upon Collins' signal, the engi
neer of tbe train put on the brakes, but
the cars traveled about three miles be
fore coming to a standstill. It was then
too dark to make much of a search, but
the officers left the train, and early yes
terday morning went back to the place
where Collins bad jumped. A thorough
search of tbe country was made, and
Collins was at last faund in the section-
house, actively engaged in removing the
ehackles'from his feet with a hammer
and chisel.
Collins savs if he had three minutes
mure be would have been free and eluded
purjait. The officers retook tbelr man,
and came through on tbe following train.
After the "incident" they went to sleep
one at a time.
Jimmis Sterling, prominent io this
county, was a pleasant caller at this
office Saturday
A. (). Mattoon, one of Drain's promin
cut citizens, was in the city Saturday
yibitiug with J. L. Stratford and attend
ing to buviness matter
The department and other large stores
in the big cities have been worrying the
life out of the government to coin ball
cents, and it in thought the treasurer will
permit iheni to bn made. It is the wo
uieu choppers who do tho Miking
They Bay they must have their.
i.ev. Air. nueiuuii b piuu if mq wrcni
( IT- 4..1...I.I t.. . .. i .. I. .a .. ...I, of
veui ue III ClirlHllau J orn.ill-mi Ii. In.
Iek Hie figure'! xt between tin und
tvn niy thousand tlollarn. Ilia said the
r.-vi-rend gentleman ia to improve the
haiillalioiiM i f a neifro t-etileuient in To
peki, which Ik miirouii led by tbe J homes
Of arit M-ratic ciiieni Tho Hrivtocrattc
citi.fiis have iried to buy out the negroes
lipjf have been U'lablri (o do so. unit Mr
Sheldon will prP'e- to atalrt Ihe uuil
auie by tenti'jn g lbs homes of tbe
colored peepls. .
Our line of BPUING CLOTOINW cannot be surpassed, we are showing tin proper Fabrics and Desirous Styles.
Mens suits 3 60 and up. Our line of Famishing Goods Is slrlght too.
Ladlea bur showing of Shirt YVaista and Shirt Waist Materia' will please you. Shirt Waists start at HBo and
raise by easy stages to $2.00. .'.. .
Ladles Belts made in all leather at popular prices. -We've Ihe new galley Belts and Pulley Belt, Rings. The
prices are right. ' '
Kid Gloves. We bave all the popular shades. Our Dollar Glove Is unmatcbable. We guarantee them.
Ladies, we will Interest you in Muslin Undst wear. Our line Is complete and embraces everything that is new
and Desirable.
We are showing excsllent values in Ladies Hosiery and Knit UnderweaJ.
Our offerings In Embroideries, AUovera, Insertions and Rubber Tuvkings are exceedingly attractive and at pleas
ing prices.
Special values in 1'ercales, Prints, Ginghams, Dress, Goods, White Goods, Lswns, Towvllngi, Etc.
Say' The nsxt time you want Shoes come to the Novelty Store and buy a pair of "HILDEBltANDS FOOT
FORMS" (for Ladles and Gents). The? are the best shoes in the world (or the monev, Stylish, Comfortable, Durable
. . , . . . .1 1 IT!..- -an. I tLniUim. Kl Kll t. ..nn.ll..- l.niW anil ll
bed-rock price too, Tor a Good Shoe. '
itriiniMmc t-frT' r?rrri
(- niLUUuKrtiu o r uu i i uii jiiwuj,
a r u ii pcdd oNn oono
iSauirrel m
Squirrel and
Gopher Poiso
(Pn-Tiuv! Wheut)
Ttic Bent auit Clu'iirx iit Remedy
jrclilcovirel ler tlc detnic
tlun of thine, on hanl ami
ranch pet.
A. C. MARSTERS & CO.,ijDrug;g:ists,
How aptly that
aacred type of
womanhood the
gentle Virgin
Mary is depicted
in religious art
as the Mother of
Sorrows trans
fixed with seven
swords. Some
times when we
stop to consider
ihe sorrows and
sufferings which
are continually
borne by so
many thousands
of our American
vvmicn, it seems
as if the rentier
sex had lecn particularly chohen to
ndure the most poignant miseries of
Countless Mifferiiitf women throughout
this land will feel an eager sympathetic
heart -throb in reading the frank and
earnest letter of Mrs. Josie K. Clark,
of Enterprise, Mo., addressed to Dr.
R. V. l'iercc, of Huflalo, N. Y.
" Yotir kiiidns to mr I can never furjrrt." line
ay. "I cannot cxprcM half my ft clings of
Kralefiilnri to yon. I hart lrplrel of eer
EcttiiiK well, I hail lifen in linrl health far twelve
yeari Hail cli ull through mr, numb hnU,
coM fect. rrcrythiiiK' ' l ilinfrotttd mr; toy
bowel were ixjnirtiiiatfd. I w yrry neTTou,
depreiwed and desiwmdent. When I firt wroto
ywi I thoiii'ht I cruilil never lie cured. I have
tnken nix Ultleol Ur. I'ierce'i fioldeu Medical
Iicovery. and my health U now V- Vou
have my hoiient reconimendiition to till wirTrren.
I think: there i no medicine in the world a
good a lr. 1-ierce n."
This matchlean " Dicovcry " contain no
alcohol like many of the " namaparillaa "
and tonics which are o freely aold. It in
duces no morbid craving for false stimu-
lantn; but given true and lanting trengtn.
Vv.iv iLTim.'in Hhmili! noftHciM a conv of Dr.
Pierce' trreat tliriUHand - tviee, illustrated
Common Sciue Medical Adviser. A free
nailer bound conv will be MMit for 91 one-
cent (damps to pay the cobt of mailing only;
or a heavier clot U-lxu nil copy lor ii iainp.
If nufTcving from any liiiK-ring obtiiiate
disease write to Ir. 1'K-rce mill tetl ninau.
vice. It will coht you atHolutely nothing.
Addrcua lir. K. V. Pierce, Iluffalo, N. Y.
Grants Pass Hotel Sold.
Cuanth fAs, Or., April &. A con
tract has jus' been finned for the sal of
the Hotel Jos-fhir to ueo. h. Uood ol
K seburr, formerly mningur of the Kel-
vederp, of I'nrilnfid. J ). I'moth, Ihe
present nwrinr will n inain in chargn un
til May I (Mr GooJ, for tbs past Jr
bun been aiMuciateu witfi Mr. i'ost, -.hi-der
tbfirm name of Uood A i'o in Km
uiiiniueiriHiit of thu ver imi'iiUr lioicl
McUlalleti of lliin idly,' an wern nle
lately miecexded by Mr Keliutidr, i.f
Corvallii". Mr'. (iokI is a fir" butel
mn, a genial veiiilrman hikI lie and his
e-limable family will be rtir mlrsod
by their many friend in this city, who,
however, wish ihsm fuccesa and hsppt
nesa iu tbelr new home. Ed,
. ....
-"lit .
Mr. Koht. MiKweu, of Micco, Horida, writes S, I.. Allen A Co. ; "Mf garden waa 15U x i'7& feet. My need cud !0 00, Fertilizer I).UU, Help altogether
I'l.OU. Tliis fall ws4 the firnt time I lined lh "I'LANKT JK." (Mo. 4 combined
llill ami Drill Seeder) and I made clear $IS0 00 and enough left to do me uutil 1
can get another crop." You can do us well if you use the
"Planet Jr. Garden Tools."
Churchill & Woolley.
Distributors for Southern Oregon.
Fiuest Candies and a complete line of liottle Goods of
all kinds .
Our Stock of
. Are always fresh, as we arc constantly getting in new
goods. Remember we can save yon money.
J P. Benedick
Any Job Work done at
' J
eiiARe i '
fici'ly nint Kir.'Oiiinl In, line
, t Ion or
fYlPPPPS. oiirV
Underfcaei1 End Embalmer.