The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 09, 1900, Image 5

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W. 0 Bagtberd was up from Scotts
burrf Batuniajr.
Tlia coast rangs was whlU with snow
Saturday mornlntf.
WANTKD. A iitrl la Ho ysnsrsl liouss
work. Kiiqulre t thin nfllce.
8 colt Mornt, of (Urdioir, was pleas
cot caller at this offlcs Katardsj.
2ilis a (mat Aalimlar night, but little
or oo damage resolUd iu this vicinity.
TlieRaral Norihweit ami Bsmi-weekly
Tlaiukalbii bqtb one year (or only $2
l'lniplsa, eruptions, twenty band and
teet are cured by lludyan. All droimlete
10 cente.
Mm, 8. 0. Catch I nil and ion Itoy of
ttiddle are visiting Mr. It. F. Lotir, d
this city.
Dr. ond Mre. W. 8. Hamilton returned
Ut wrk from a three wests' visit in
Kan Francisco.
Messrs. Bert HfU end Chsrtes W.
Warns!? of Yoocaila, spmit TbU'sd J
Mtd Friday In tbl city.
I. J, tidier of Oakland, gnait
of til cousin, W. O. Conner and family,
in thlat city let day laat week.
Carpeotert ere luy repairing tbe resi
dent1. otstiupied by Mnrcbant Geo. 0.
Obilda, which wae to badly damaged by
fire recently.
Forjoti printing neatly end promptly
executed t reasonable price, patronize
tbe Xosburg Hook and Job Office. Work
usually turned out the eame day order if
II. Hermann Mlllsr, editor of tbe lraln
WaUhinsn, was a tMegate to tbe He
publican County Convention Saturday.
He remaindered u with a pleaiant call
while in town.
J. B. Kiddie u pleasant caller
till Saturday while in atlendanco at thi
Republican Ci'unly Convention. He
again asMnm-il the ttanaiiement of Hotel
Rld.lle, April Int.
Tbe latent in t-huloa at Uravre' iisllory
.Oakland, Or., iatheetamp or fuu pict
area, and the (Moron patml fr portrait
lift eome ol the fun plcturea and sur
prUe your friend with a smile.
J. B Riddle he fine mple of gtlJ
which Mr. Riddle panned out hernelf.
Hbe bus panned out eeveml buiflrrd dol
I. r. (rm the Cracker Jnck mine. Mr.
Riddle bi iplendld paring uiloe In firit
clan condition.
I. L. Mtlthewe etitanch repuhlicao
. of I--er Creek precinct, "we uoderbtaud,
eniov Hit diatinution tif being the can
didate of all three parties for road suprr-
yUorof that district. T-in i ccrluinly
a sunilatitiat BNaiirance that the Htoplr
of that auction fav explicit fith in Mr.
Malthuaa ability ns a toml builder.
The initial uurubnr of the t'akland
Owl reached our exchange table S.1I1H
Jav. It in a tery neat end alt-active
seven culuinn, four-paged iaper sod ih
l)ritil full ol local ud end spicy home, news. We heartily
connratulrtte IJro. Vernon upon the neat
oil suhetsntiiil appearuc of the tlret
iasue of hi paper and aiah him un
bounded euecoM.
Jan. Matheoy, of Myrtle Point, was in
attendance at tiie Bryan reception lent
Tburtday. He Has a delt-uato to the
populist statu convention. Lewis Stron
and Jn. M'lft of Myrtle Point, were in
town Sunday eiir.i.o to the democratic
t? cinventiou, while Col. Koca of and other x" enrculo to the
Republican Htuto "and C juKriMMOnal
(Jonventiotie. Cms -ill elect tho entire
; I'n kft tuli your.
Krnetit D ICnldlo, one of Ihu iurgi'Ut
priiim tfr.iurn of tho J O ';k valley,
wit u il.-J-;uit t ill, r at trin .!li t. Situr
day, Hhile In a'inni;ini:n ns h dtli';ite to
the republican county convmiii'iii. Mr.
Kiddle say there is evory indication ui
present uf thelt'trutt prune crop over
harvested iu South Douglua, providing
wo are not visited with uny acvero frosts
or late cold raiu. winch in iot proba
ble. There it some Ulk t Kiddie of the
prune grower couililniiu an J orectinu a
mammolh ateani evaporator in order to
handle their imuienfe product.
While In attend.iuce at Ihu Republi
can convention fiiinnliiy, Win. and B.
F. Nichols of Riddle in.i'te tnls ollico a
very pleasunt call. TlieNichiU llron.
uro now the leuding etouk rinere of tho
eounly and for aeveral yeara puel have
taken a pride In bredin up their Hock
until today they have mie of the vr
bent graded Block In ;bleeiioii ol ti
atate, their cattle Mug principally "I
thellerlord aud Uurhaiu tock. An
reault and reward lor their Uhr in ihi
direction wear Informed that ibey very
recently old a band of U graded Iwo-year-old
heifer at 10 caeh per bead.
A Mr. Llnetrom of North Dougla be
ing the purchaser. There wa no
muoklog of Bryanitm about that deal.
I. U on of ths reanlt of McKlnley proi-
(Oontinned Irom flrt page )
II. Wea'rrlr, Bcottaburgj J. B. Riddle,
RuldhsC IlKlng. Yoncalla. A R.
Mattuori, looking Olaaa; Simon Caro,
Oaklnnd; Jacob Rlchey, Drain. The
first ballot reunited as follow: Weatb
erlv, 22; Riddle. 41; King, 10; Mattooa,
10u ; Caro, 39 ; Ricbey , 38. Mr. Mattoon
wa declared nominated and a new bal
lot ordered for the other candidates, and
not oritll afier the flf h ballot wa the
nomination of Mr. Kiog declared, Himon
Caro and II. Weatherly having wiib
drawn their name in the meantime.
At thl Juncture Hon. A. 0. Maraters,
candidate for senator, appeared in tbe
rojm and wa called to tbe platform. In
a neat epeech he annoanc-d that be duly
appreciated the high honor conferred
upon him. He referred briefly to stale
and national affair aod wa frequently
Interrupted by applause. He alao paid a
high tribute to the lata lamented Senator
A, W. Reed, and eapreeeed hi intention,
if elected, to emulate the example set by
Mr. Reed and to merit the confidence re
posed in him that toe member of tbe
convention would never have cauee to
regret i hoi or they bad conferred on
him ttr tbe people of tbe conn j tbeir
euppori. Ai the cjuc!uIoo of bis speech
be was given three hearty cbeert and a
tigers, upou motion of Mr. Boitmsn of
Mr. Mattoon was called out and
thanked the convention for tbe honor
conferred opon him, ss did also Mr.
Hon. Geo. M. Brown In a most elo
qieul speech nominated E. L. Parrot t
lor enerifT, Mr, Brown being frequently
interrupted by prolonged applaue. Up
on motion of K. D-Siratford the nomine
it' n w rmtde ly suc-lamaiion. Mr.
Parrot I exprepsud his thanks to the con
vention lur tbe honor bestowed upon
i'oa CLKIIK.
D. R Sliam brook was nominated by
Uev.J.H Ssidmnre, who in a ringing
peech referred to Mr. Stiambrook'e
splendid military record with the Second
Oregon, iu the 'Poilippines, declarlna
mat be had carriad that grand old em
eleiu u( lilterty, tbe stsrs aud stripes, to
iiiimeroui victories in ftie. jungles of tbe
Philippines in tbe face ol shot and shell,
and would just as veiiaully carry our
banner to victory in June. J. II. Shupe
in a vigorous speech Hccouded the nomi
on' i ui. and Mr. Shambiook was made
the choice of tbe convention for clerk by
acclamation, amid a roar of applause and
enthusiasm. He erase and expressed
bis gratiiuJe fur the honor thus conferred
upon him.
A. Haines named W. Pimtnlck for
reabtirer an the only man "sated Irom
the wrtck of tao years sgo." Rev. J.
II. .Sktdmore came to the front auaiu
mid seconded the nomination. It wxs
uunlrt bv ncclamatioii, Mr. L'immick
iiiinin to the pint (or in and thanking
the convention. ,
Jecob Richey ol Iraln named Jae. A
Sterling and Jude Stearns nominated S.
C. Bartrum, whe voluntarily declined on
(he grounds that Ro-eburg already had
her full quuUfjf nominees, (j. K.tjuioe
of Riddle, noniln.tieil K. . UidtMe, of
Kiddle, and K T. Woodruir named O. If.
Flouk l .)llla. The llrnt hall it recult
ed: Sterlings:!; Kidille IS; Klook TO.
Sterling was declared inn nominee uirJ
tltiinked the convention 'or the honor.
Aain Hon. (ieo. M.l' atieuted
on iiiu platform and iu an oraturictil el
Itir t thai would have put Willio Bryan to
chimin, nominated Lieut. F. it. liamlin,
w ho lot hud an enviiililn iccord inuite
with the Second. Dregoo in the l'hilij:
( lui'8. .Mr. Brown Muted III it tho people
wt-ro trowig to elect .Mr il.unhn twice to
ihu ollico of school Ui'i'rintondelit that
ho uUKtit eervo once. K. I). Slrulfoid in
a m at and well received npcech eccumli-d
the iioiiiiiiittion winch was matte by uc
chiinatlou. Mr. liamlin thanked the
For tho term of four years A. F. O.ouf
liumiiirtteil M, 1). Thuinpsuu, ol ScntiK
tnirg, ami JuiIko Stearns and Dr. C. K.
Wmle seconded, the nomination. Kev.
J. 11. Kkidiunr iiominateil A. K. Nicb
oli, of Kiddles, for commissioner lor the
iwo year term. The nominations weie
then made by acclamation. Meters.
Thompson and Nichoi made the custom
iry trio to the platlorm ami thanked ttie
convention. Uoininiiuiioner Thompeon
ilrcliirnl in a brtel address that to the ri
iiitil!Cana lielonxeii theciodil ol econoinv
hluivwi iu the county administration of
the pan few yeara. tie paid a higb
compliment to J ude Lyons, and just aa
be mentioned the mime of Sheiitl' Steph
ens as a champion ol economy, the sbei
iff stopped into the couvent'ou ball, tbe
incident creuting great entbutiasin.
J. B. Riddle named W. F.V Brigg (or
survsror and he was nominated by ac
clamation. Mr. BrisK expressed his
ron 00 HON sa.
Dr. J. O. Twite-hall, of U barir. wa
nnmlnstml for coroner tir Or. C K.
Wade, anil on motl in of A .VI Crawf or I
he was nominated by aculainacion. Dr.
Twltcbell ww calls I on for a speech but
Delegates to stale convention F. W.
T T ll.l.l..... C ft D. ...,... I
A. M. Crawford, J. O. Fullertoo, i. B.
Kiddle, J. A. Black, C. V. Tot ten, It B.
Dixon. Geo. McDoogal, J. V. Hunt,
Frank Rotters.
D-degates to congroeaionat ronvention
W. B. Clarke. O. E. Wsde. A.
E. Nichols U. Moooey, H. L. Dil
lard. J. If. Bioth. U. W. Rid
dle, J. I. Cnspman, A. 0 Young,
u. L,. f ranklin, J, h. Htrailora, w. u.
E. D, Stratford was elected member of
be State Central Committee and J. T.
Bridge a member ol the Congressional
Com mi tee.
Tbe chairman and secretary of the
County Central Committee were instruct
ed to arrange for having tile ' nominees
for precinct officer printed on the regu
lar ticket.
Tbit closed ooe of the most enthusiast
ic sod harmonious conventions ever held
In this count, wbich Usn ati-arance of
nnaminttv of action during tbe campaign
and a grand victory at the polls in June.
t Resolution of Respect.
The following resolutions to the mem
ory of the late Hon. A. W. Reed wet
passed by the convention :
Whereas, Tbe Repoblicin party of
Douglas County sustained an irreparable
loss, and the people of Dongla County
in general, irrespective of party . affilia
tions, lost a most distinguished and es
teemed citizen by i be demise of tbe late
Hon. A. V. Kwd, and
Wiikukak, This is tbe first opportun
ity offered to Republicans of Douslss
County in convention assembled to psy
our feeble tribute to the memory ol oar
esteemed fellow citiren, and
Whkrrah. His many manly qualities
era ol such a character as to be Iwortby
of emolatiuu by evety man, and
Whrrias, Oar feilow cititen loet his
life while in the line of duty, serving tbe
interests of those whom be so ably rep
resented ; tberelore, be it
IitiohrJ, That we recognize the able
and valuable service w hich he so unsel
fishly rendered to our connty and our
Btate, and be it further
Remitted, Thst we shall always honor
and revere his memory, and though he
I Bleeping touay where the silvery rip
tiles of the Um pqus River and the eo ru
ber pines upon its banks chant a
lullaby that k sept him in eternal sleep,
vet shall bis memory liDger with oe us
long ss lile shall last, snd that tbe sincere
sympathy ol the convention is extended
to bis bereaved family and friend.
Henry Holtuam,
A. C. Marstxrs,
J. T. IiKtnOES.
O. b Rohrer was over from Glendale,
Saturday. ,
Hon. P. P. Palmer was np from Scolts
burg Friday.
For first-class dentistry so to Dr.
Littlo of Oakland.
Cull on Uaddia Bros, lor hay and oats,
at the Busbey burn.
Wesley Nawland. an Empire City
man, was in the city Friday, on busi
ness. J. M. Leeper, of Calapooia, at
tending the republican convention, Sat
urday. Ceo. Frater of Riddle is a guest of his
parents, Postmaster and Mrs. Frater, of
this city.
W. W. Waddle snd family have moved
to Kngene, where they expect to make
their future home.
Oscur (iorrell and Edward Kllie.'in, i.f
Calapon:n. spent the latter part of latt
week iu Itoteburi;.
If you want a rtiirrel poison tint will
kill both cominvr and tlni' V, ctll no A.
C. Maifitei-s A Co , for it.
J. (5. Jloliis kindly remembered lie
PI.AINPXAI Kit, Saturday, wiih cash in
sdvance lor one year's suhtcript jon,
MifsLillie C aw ford who has been visit
ing with Mit.fiSl.-IU !!rinonrM)turiied
to her Imine nt Albany, this morning.
E. DuOas. M. P., member Board of
Pension Kxaminers. Ollioe. Mar-ters
btiilding residing corner Douglas and
Jackson street.
W. II tirav, of Comstock, payed one
year's subscription in ml vance, Saturday.
A few more Bryan speeches, and our
circulation will reach 1000.
5tray florae.
Ore bav horse, about 4 years old,
branded "H" on right tdionlder, weight
about I KM) or 1000 pounds. Taken up the
tith of March, at my place in Harden
Valley, S.'a miles west ol ilnur.
;;op.) N. LaKaut, Jr.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notloo 1 licri'liy rIvkd Hint thi uuilfraianed,
I'Xi-vuton ol llii" i'laU' ol A. W. Kii'd, di'Ui'Bw'd,
lime IIIikI tlii'ir final arcouiit auvli -x ecu loin
In ihu I'oiinlv 1'otirt ol liouiilaK Countv, llaU'
of Ori'Kon, iiikI tluit wild Court Us wt TuexOay,
ibentli luy ot May, at lli liour of 10o'i lo k
a. ui. of mid dny ut Hit' Court llou Iu ltoiu
burg, DoukIik County, Oregon, tlio tinio mid
iUri' lor tmirliiR objlloim tUrn to, uud lor I hi'
llnul HetUfiucnl of mild iKIutc.
liBU'd ttila Vib day 01 V A A1K K E D
Ssrcatani ot tb Skiius ot a. u . hd, tx-
OPOIIIil! Of ID ffll. '
5 i 1
We have now opea nn elogunt line ot NEW WASH FAB it ICS
consisting of Fanojr Zephyr Ginghams, Fiae Silk Striped Ging
hams, Fancj French Percales, Ojrmn Ci!i'?4. Whit
Ooods, Etc., Etc.,
New Embroideries and Insertions, Laces and Insertions, to
matob. Allover Embroideries, Tockings, an I Apliqae Yoking. All
kiods fancy Dress Trimmings.
'We have everything that is new
will repay yon. . -
A new line of Ladies Silk Dress
The ewelleat line of Mens Neckwear in tbe city.
Get your.
r At Marsters.
We have a Complete
stock of TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.
Our Prices are Right. ...
13 :
Staple and Fancy
We have a complete line of"
Which will please you in both quality and
Price. G've us a Call. ,
Name it? Why, spell it backwards and you
have it Nice fresh stock of Staple and Fan
cy GROCERIES constantly on hand. Fine
Teas aud Coffees a specialty. Canned goods.
Flour and Feed. Fine fresh goods at reason
able prices. Give nic a trial order. We
make a specialty of fresh brul.
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to l.:;ve good
fresh Groceries, ar.d to gej their, promptly
when you order them. Call up 'Phone Xo. 1S1,
for good goods and good service.
Mrs. N. Boyd,
Desires to close out her large and select stock of China
and Glassware and will give tbe best bargains ever
offerep in the city. i and prove the truth of this
and desirable. An examination
Skirts and Wash Sails.
thanks to Lb convention.