The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 09, 1900, Image 4

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PablUhed Monday and Thtimlaj.
W. O. CONNER, Editor and Publisher,
B. D STRATFOKD, Associate Editor,
subscription Rate.
One Vear- - -- -W
Mix Month ............... 1 00
rhraa Month - f
APRIL 9, 1900.
Even the Orejronian concedes the re
nomination ol Hod. Thou II. Tunieue lor
cooicrets. Tillamook. Lake. Yamhiil,
T..n JiWulliGe. CooS.
JaCksoa ant DotitfNa county aVWatf
are Instructed lor Mr. Tongtie or known
to favor his re-nomination.
The republican coooty thke is tie
beat end strongest one iliat has rn-t-n
pat in the field in many yi-arr. It can t e
supported conscientiously not ouiy by
the republican" Nit by all ol the people
who dwrire to - iee, economical and
judicious ador. itration ol cauoty af
faire. It ia a ui j winner!
The manner ia which Mr. Fisher
garbled up the republic n platform in
hie report of Saturday's cooveutico.J
reflects little credit to hinisfil or the
Soviet. For instance, at th o?ginoirg
olthe platform be mtkm it read, "There
fore, we congratulate the republicans,"
when it should bave been, 'We con
gratulate the at ate of Oregon." etc.
Bryan has come and none and little
was the fusion cuee benefitted by hi
adyent to this city, indeed, so bitter was
hia arraignment of the republicans that,
if any thiog, the opposite was the result.
Owing to his physical condition
he was a disappointment from an
oratorical etandpoiu', t the lets than
3500 psopl who assembled to hear his
speech, tha majority of whom were Rose
burgers. Oar review of his speech was
crowded out f thin i woe.
With this im the I'laixdkalkh is
changed from au eight column folio to a
quarto, the change being made wilb
a view of giving our many advertisers
better position and better service, at
the SJtne time vnabltug uh to ryatrmis
OU' news and advertising mailer, and
putihe piper in a more convenient and
readad- form. Toe paper will be im
prove and enlarged from time to time an
oar rapidly increoaing advertising patron -ag-
deminds, and wilt not only be tuade
ti e beet county paper, but the leading
newspaper ol (Southern Oregon.
Many democrats will vote the republi
can ticket this year on account of tbe ex
pansion issue. The Bry unite convention
ia ctriain to oppose expansion, and this
will cause a bolt lu that p.trty as big as
the otiO produced by the repudiation
declaration iu 1806. A large portion of
the democrats of the country are on the
republican side in regard to the nccea
stone of territory made in t he past two
years. The flag-furling which the Kan
sas City convention will declare (or will,
be shown to be au unpopular policy
among the voters of the Uuited States.
Ia a lengthy arid very pertinent ad
dress our old frieud, J. W. Be:int-tt, one
of the very brightest legal lights of tbe
state and member of the Klunnagau &
Beanett bunking tirai at Mttrshfirld,
severs Ms connection with tU Demo
cratic puny and ;iui'nn t: B hiiu-clf in
harmony wi;h Ujh pitfcent udmluirtiM
tion. We heartily welcome Mr. ileuLett
into the fold and predict that Uju Re
publican of the state will s.jou recognize
in hira u aniahle ycijuiKitioij i the
party. It was Mr. iiei;nu t, h a.;;ii:jM
eoeb treruci d uh uM a fe -t.s
as a candidate tor fejirefedlitatlve id (J.oi
county on tiie deuif c'ic tu:ket, tied
Thoa. l'iv:kiuau, tin populist iiumli t e.
Mr. Bennett a aids aitju.tiritame
throagbouL the eiatx ur.u ia veiy popular.
Chas. St intu of Ir.d.-pendeiic- r-,r--seniinga
Montana Cattle firm u n !
Cottajie Grove and vicinity Kitw-iiiy.
and Suuday buyii.g cattu . Mr. S:a t j
authority for the Htattruent tha' -
lings are now mrh lr u, to (20, ni
not very pienufu! that, t'omparing
tbia with fO, ui.'l (I1), tbe price
and aiz jeais uo, it n.ight be well for
Mr. Bryan to sort 'o weave it into bis
"crown of thorns" speal as another jib
Nrin tbe face of bonie comfort and
pl.-uty. No doubt tbe farmers of.tbia
a. i! lor who "- ry year bave a few bead
'.iy-h . off will be greatly
oi ia- . . : m forsny information
.i . i,w subject. Incidental
ly . . .i. might find it convenient to
pal tin ! wool lining out of the crown
tu- " hich wu made out of S and
in fen wool in '06 and pnt In a new one
iroi I j .-at fleece of 1900. Nugget.
(Continued from 1st page.)
tng medium, do akin it totally Inade
quate to the ever increasing demand of
business, and depreciate the attempt ol
the republican party to substitute a bank
currency isued solely upon the credit ol
the banks
We further i.eclareour unrompromis
ing oppoiiin lo the Imperlali-tlo ten;
denclee of the present republican ad
ministration which would hold as oolon
ial poatesfliona foreign lands annexed lb
opposition to tbe wishes of the Inhabi
tants thereof, and conquered at an ap
palling ttoet of public revenues and blood
sned. This policy of imperial conquest
has iucreaaed our standing army upon
the land several fold and trebied our na-
vt neon the seat, growing evidence on
every hand that tbe enormous expenses
attt tiiiant npou tbe increane of army an!
armament mint, under this policy, be
come permanent only to be met by the
ever obnoxious stamp taxes that only an
emerging of foreign wai should justify
We further charge against the policy of
iinprrialitim thut it ia contrary to all tbe
time houored, uud time tried principles
of,cur govern men t. and violated alike'
the letter hh. 1 the spirit ol the declara
tion of independence which asserts that
all governments derive thtir just powers
from the consent o.' the governed. ,
We pledge ourselves o wage an on-
ceasing warefare against all the trust
the money trust, tbe industrial trusts
and the international landgrabbtng trust
We are in favor of tbe immediate con
struction, fortification and control ol tbe
Nicaragua canai by tbe United States.
We favor such control, supervision or
ownership by the government ol rail
roads and telegraph lines as in the due
progress of time may be lound necessary
te protect the people from outrageous
and unjust exactions in the shape of
freight, fares an 1 tods.
We favor admendmenls to the federal
constitution, specially authorizing an in
come lax and providing for the election
of tbe United States senators bv a direct
vote of the people, and we pledge our
legislators to vote only for a candidate
lor United States senator who will pup
port with bis voice and vote such amend
We oppose government by injunction
and the blacklist, and favor arbitration
as a means of eettliug dispntie between
corporations and their employes.
In state and local matters we would
call especial attention to tbe following:
We pledge our legislative candidates
to eapport an amendment tj the state
constitution providing for the enactment
of that system of direct legislation
known as the initiative and referendum
and the imperative mandates. We be
lieve that thereby much vichus legisla
tion might be nullified and many good
laws placed upon our s atuie hoots.
We denounce the republiciu party of
Ortjcou for repealing the mor't.ige tax
law, thereby exempting a large
amount of foreign money from taxation,
and corref pondiuly increasing tluu al
ready heavy burden upon resident tax
payers. We demand the immediate en
actment of said mortgage tax law, and
that a deduction of indebtedness where
thi-re ia a corresponding taxable credit
be allowed in acsepuients !or the pur
poses of taxation.
We denounce as an outrage upon th
taxpayers, tbe district attorney' salary
bill passed at th last eesMon of the
legislature, fixing tin calary f r the
secon I judicial dixtrict at fQ0i per en
naai. This measure was lobbied through
h legislature by a combination tf llioe
odicuU of tl.e f tale who neglected ttu-ir
dutieo that they might bring undue pres
sure to tuar upon the ! gielaturtt iwcl
tbui legally rob the taxpayers wbo-.s in
terest they ha I e"?rrt to t ro'-i.t a fid -If
fend. And we pl-"dg the union candi
dates for Bur.ator and reprerenlntiveH,
from this county, if eleded me ail
honorable taeaoi loaecure the reduction
of Iheir salaries to a fi'ire c iminetniii
ate with tb- ulficial ' servient renderei.
W view with alarm tin; incioai-iiig
extravagance of the legislature. cnoiiig
high taxation ami rendering more bm-
(ie!!8'MIII) I flB expeilen in u'i nn-n'i
ernraerti. We believe that the, prsciicuj
of a rigid economy in publ.o exjit ridi
tnres would have a liolewirnn fll'e:t in
etiu. ulating industry and t-ule'prise, i o J
iliHco'irm.'e' I ai:d hainp-ie I un m -uieafeural
iv high sta lax. umde il'er
sary by a reckleas waBt r of ptjliiii: fuiid.
And in tujui'liiifioii, we cjiiraiulate tl.u
people nf iMunl w ro'liity UpOn (hu cleuu,
compctei t end c inouiical mlirriuitrz
lion given them during the pant two
years by the ouiou m unty dflchtU. Tint
outstanding debt ha en reduced ma
terially, taxation lesaeue.l, aixl the pu -lic
credit raised o the highett aiainlard
ever attained, as evidenced b? the pre
mium paid for county warrants. In
viewing the resalu aliesdy achUved by
a i4ty of aiiiou on pert of the reform
lorvea, we feel a prtda of party aohiev
ment that Is the well earned reward ol
them that do their duly well and taitli-
fnlly; aud In the future we louk with
hope and confidence well assured that
tbe experimental stage of our triple alii
aoce for good government la pant,
feeling that all those volcra who place
their country's good name above blind
and onreasotilng party fealty wilt rally to
our suoport.
Respectfully submitted,
; Com Mima.
We, your conference toinmluee, ap
pointed by the democrat, populists and
niiver republican., met in the office o I
V. C. London, and organised by elect Inn
Mr. E. D Howell, chairman; Mr O.I
Cneuowetb, eecre-ary t ami agreed to tl e
various county titucea:
Joint senator.
One representative.
County clerk
One county commissioner.
County asseeeor.
State senator.
One representative.
County sherifT,
County survevor
County school superintendent.
One cnnntv'rominisioner.
Ctnntv treasnrtr.
Joint representative.
Respectfully submitted.
C. II. Fisher norolrtitted P. B. Deck
ley for etata senator ami on motion of
Judge Lyons tbe. nomination was made
unanimous. .
For eheriff. R. L Silin, J. L.
Dewey. T E Singleton -nil Frank Reeil
ere named. IVter Nelson witlilrew
tbe name of Mr. i-tephns and the bal
lot reenlted : Dewev,85; Singleton, 6 ;
Reed. 24.
F"f rhool superintendent, ITou.G.
W Wcnacott nominated Prof. Thormai
Chaney, of, Mvr'ln Creek, and Jn lge
Lyons .named Pr"f. Loi Barzee, of
D'ain. The ballot resulted: Rarxee.
HO; Chaney. 30. Prof. Cheney aro
and moved that the nomination of hie
competitor be made una' itimtia.
Dexter Rice, .of- Roebiig. ard F. F.
Welle, of E k'on, were placed in nom
ination for representative. Th ballot
resulted : Rice. 80; Wells. 30. Mr
Wells moved that the nomination be
rtmde onanimnua
The nomineen of the p pnlints and i'
ver republicans were then formally nom
inates! by the democrats.
D. W. Crobv. Peter N-laon. Joe
Lvona. C. H Fish'. F. R. Wait. .
V Wonacotr, B W 8rmna R. 8. Sheri
dan, J. L. Cloth, V C. London. J C
Hntcbineon. Wm. VanBuren, Dexter
Rice. . ' '
A rommitteecompoBpil of Joe Micelli
and A. A Siui'h was atrpointed to notifv
the popnlisfs and silver republicans of
the nominees of the democratic conven
The Populist Conntv Convention mnt
at the court uone at 10 o'clock Fri
day and elected II. A. Champagne
chairman and F. A. Mr-Call, aerre'ary.
On mo'inn tlm following cornmiltees
were appointed:
Cre lootinls. L T Tliompnon, A. I!
C. Whipple. W. W Wii 'on
Conference Oeo Wjlaon, J. M.
Howler. H A. McLaughlin.
Order of B"it'ea anil Perinafient Or
ganization. Perry D'lncari, W. i.
Friend, J. II Wliitae-t.
Pl-tform. C. W. Uice. L. A Ken,
F. Ford.
At the afternoon sesion tlio report ol
the platform and conference committees
were read and adopted.
Nomination were then made as fol
lows :
Kep'e'tnta'ive. W. W, Wilton of
County clerk. J. F. Gazley, of Can
yonvdle. Awneeor. II B. (iiieite, of Un elmrg.
C(imrnfninner. A. I. C. Whipple,"!
Camai V-illey.
f!nrorir l)r. E. V. Iltaiver, f How
burg Delegato.H to H'a' convention; Edgar
Waller. A. B C.Whipple, J. T. Long,
H.O Brown, L T Ttionnioii. J. J.
Ileddfn, Jas. RicriBri1, Dr. I . A.Kent,
E 8. I.owe, f. If Whitaert, f. L. (Jbno-t-eer,
W C. Winaton, J- F. (iazlcy, 8. It.
UtiKtin, (ieo. Wilson.
(hairman of central comnjittoe, Ray
C lirown.
8ii, i:u itEruui.tcANs.
The eilver republicans met iu V. C.
London's tdlicn aDfl organlzeil by the
election of K. D. Howell, chairman; E.
II. Letiox, secretary.
(orrniiitteea were aptxiin'cd ns follows:
Platform Albert Abraham. P. P.
Palmer, W. It. Well.
Conference E. l. How II, (ieo. M.
Prior, W, 8. Riddle..
At the afternoon sefnion the rnporls of
the conference sod platform coiniuitteH
were adopted.
For uomineea the following were
unanimously cboeen :
County Commiisioner .1 M Uobinsou.
of Elkton.
Treasurer. E. II. Lenox, of Civil
Recommended for Joint Representa
tive Albert Abraham, of Urnpqua
Delegates to Sta Convention W. R.
Wells, J. W. McFarland. II. H. Conn,
P P. Palmer, (ieorge Bennett, J. M.
Robinson, X. L. Grimes, W. II. Abeene,
T. R. Fortio, Albert Abraham, D. A.
frock, E. II. Lenox, E. D. Howell.
Mr. Cyrue Smith reported to the other
i-onvft.tlone the work of tbia conveatlon
sod adjnurnrtaot waa taksa.
And the place to get them is at
Strong's Furniture Store
Wc have never shown as elegant a line
of CARPETS as we have in stock and
on the road. See our Room Size velvet
Rugs. Also Art Squares. Our Mo
quettc Rugs are of the latest desigDS
and styles. We can show you the bct
line of Tapestry Curtains ever shown
in Douglas County. Also a good line
of Lace and Novelty Curtains.
Onr motto is Good Goods and Honest values.
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Can be combined iu the same pair or
Shoes, if correctly fitted. Wc arc prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown in our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe Fac
tories in the cast. Wc should like to have
a chance to make you acquainted with our
stqck and prices as we feel assured that both
will please you.
-vfvvveve'evvev. -vv sm
Wc pay for this.... J i
To let you know that we have-a fine selection of
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Our stock is being constantly replenished and
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CC TDHIVQ given with every cash'
holder to a selection from our handsome decorated
porcelain china. A chance to get something nice for
nothine. Come and see. Everything at the lowest
prices at mjam ' j
Jackson Street, 7fil FR?S flDnf FDV t
r 'Phone 253. liullii ks unu vi-ii j
(Roseburg; Pharmacy
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drugs, Toilot Articles, Patent Meeli-
cuii'H. Ciirn. Stationery, Toikt
fionpe, l'uinta and OilH.
photographic Supplies...
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Cull and Examine tbem.
Pealer in
Flour, Feed, Oroceries, and Coun ry Produce.
llixbeNt rice for Jountry Produce.
Rosebur, . -.:. - Oregon.