ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Notice. To whom it may concern : Notice is i a New Spring Goods The Mild Winter lias brought fortlran Karly Spring and we are now prepared to show you an elegant line of SPRING NOVELTIES O in Grey, Castor, Mode and the New Foule Plaids, have a very swell line of Silks, Mouscilline Dc Come in and look tbem over. X We Soie, also Etc. v have enlarged services of an Our Millinery Department Will be quite a treat this Season as we this Department and have secured the Up-to-Datc Millliner direct from the city. In Gent's Furnishings all the striking We still continue to, lead and have received Novelties direct from the Manufacturer. O I t'D IE I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor. A cnrcful analysis of our Drugs and Chemicals Will prove them to be of Full Standard Strength and Purity. Our Stock is unexcelled in Quality and Medicines are absolutely reliable. i Hoards and Pickets. I c:iu furnish snlit boat' Is and picket- on short noticH on my plaoe 12 miles west of Cleveland and I respectfully solicit orderfl for the panie. ii(nj:itr Hkydo.v. our A. Purity f Reliability I Accuracy C. MAR5TERS & CO.: Druggists. Wanted. titty good tirnbermen, wages J per dav. Fifty general laborers, watjes $l.o0 per day. Cami'iiell & Alexandkk, Comstock, Oregon. Proscriptions com pounded Day and Might iwa M,.a.. J. F. BARKER & CO. . Snow Fljikt'. (:RaE)R!lES$ MITCHELL "WAGOMS J. I. CASE PLOWS tit Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, F. 5. Godfrey, 'Phone Alain 353. Prop. utarilc liiiii Caro Bros, a Oakland Offer for sale the following goods at cost as they are over stocked in tbem : Mackintoshes, collarettes, capes, dres skirts and a large assortment of gents and boys' rubber clothing. 9 Attention, Please I The Uoseburg Exchange Hook Store can mve von reasonable rales on doiu new and second hand books. Alao au thorized cgent f ir the S. F. Call. A. H. Sk KK80X, Op. poet office, Koseburg, Or. The Byron Morse. The Byion b:rte now ono.I by J. U Dixon will m-ke tUi toison at Wilbur Wednedav and Tiuiradny of each week At Koseburg Friday am) Saturday and the remainder of the time at the home of the owner on the North Umpqua terms reasonable. Clyde Wodson and Lloyd Wise were in the city Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Kent of Portland, are visiting in the city. H. L. McNabb of Stephens was in the city the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mm. 'A. L, Dlrnmick, wers in the city Thursday from Oakland. Mrs. Dr. Little of Oakland visited her sister, Mrt. M Fickle, Thursday. Arthur, Harve and Paul Mahoney of Oakland, were in the city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Chenoweth were visiting friends in KoHeburg lata week. Mr. and Mrs. Hobcrt Ling came over from Voncalla Thursday to bear Bryan's speech. K. A. Cooper, of Elkton paid into this office, Saturday, one year's subscription in advance. . U. F. Billings returned Tuesday from a short visit at Koseburg. Ash land Tidings. J. Hal Beckley ot Portland came in on the local Thursday and returned to Eu gene Friday. Miisea Dolly, Mamie and Mertie and Del mar Dixon ot Deer Creek were in the city Thursday and Friday. Misses Joanna Hogau and Maude Thompson, of Oakland, visited frienda in Koseburg Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Bert Brown, of Wilbur, made the I'LAiNDKALEit a pleasant call Friday She was accompanied by Mrs. Dr. Kent. Wru. Wise, of Drain, paid thia office a pleopant business call Saturday, and left some irooii nonesi eosa coin in our rensury. Alva lse. A uncalla, who was m- j him! it few weeks ago be falling from horse, is now able to be around on crutches. S. Kail of Canronville called at this office Friday, and became a regular sub scriber for the reliable Southern Oregon newspaper. Jesse Clements, W. II. RedQeld, and O. F. Kohrer of the south end of the county, attended the democratic ccnveniion Friday. Ed Sherwood cf Myrtle Point, Cooe County, was an Ashland arrival, Tues day, and left yesterday morning for Klamath Falls. Aehland Tidings. P. A. Scott of Cleveland, called at the Pain UKALEB office Friday in company with his brother, W. W. Scott. Mr. I A. Scott becomes a subscriber for the Plaindealeb. A sheepman of Rushville, Neb., has been buying up all of tbe dogs that be could find for a car load shipment to Dawsou City. He haB found any amount of the animals and he has averaged nrice for them of $3 a head. He should call on Koseburg. ACKERS DV6PKPSIA TABLET are sold ou a positive guarantee. Lures heart burn, raising of the food, distress alter eating or any form of dyspepsia On" little tutilec gives immediate relici 25 cte. and 50 i ts. For sale at 51. F. Uapp's drug store. New subscriptions are rolling in for the reliable Plaindkalkk, since Billy Bryan uiude his nialislactory speech. Mott of our new subscribers are from the south pail of the county, where fusion haa heretofore claimed everything. How i that? hereby given thai I will no longer be re sponsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Patience Bentley. Datrd at Oak land, Oregon, March 22, 1900. 22 B. F. Bjentlkt DUFFY'S RESTAURANT. A first-class restaurant baa been opened on Cass street, opposite tbe neot, at which may be had fresh oys ter, chicken, steaks, stewa, lunches, and besides meals at all hours, regular meals are served. Lunches and quick mals for railroad passengers a specialty. For that hungry feeliDg be sore and call at Duffy s restaurant, prices reasonable. Plans Wanted. Plans for enlarging the school houe in tbe city of Koseburg by the addition of four rooms and remodeling the stairway ill be received by the undersigned oh- til noon of April 5, 1000. Tbe plans must be accompanied with the probable cost of building according to eucb plans. By order board of directors school dis trict No. 4, Donglas county, Oregon. Claba Dillabd, School Clerk. Cape Nome Direct. Pacific Coast and Empire Steamship Co'a 12 firet class steamers will sail from Portland and Tacoma between Apri'. lit and June 1st.' Guarantee to land pass engers and freight on tbe i. 'hch at Cipe Nome. Each full tickp allows 159 pounds baggage free. An! irrjtuetliate ly for reservations. John F. Giv .vs. Agent, K'!-ebu2, Or. Bicycles. Ten dollars, $12,$15 and $16 all in good condition, these prices are good for IS days. We want to make room for our large stock of new wheels, Imperials and Clevelande, which we will s?ll this sea son at prices from $25 to $50. Just think - of a wheel like the Imperial for $25. They don't need any recomoiendation, tbey recommend themselves. We sold 54 last season, and tbey are all yiving good satisfaction. T, K. Richardson, Rot ebnrg, Or. Now is the Time. To look out for your 1900 bicycle, and aa we are having our first lot of wheels come in a car lot with tbe other agents, these fine Imperials ana Clevelands will arrive in a few days; any one purchasing one or two wheels out of this first lot we will give a discount of $2, just the saviag of freight. Regular prices on these wheels are $28 to $40. T. K. Richarpso.v, KoBeburg, Ore. Notice to Stockholders. A Brutal Assault. How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to cain a pound a day by taking tn ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL SION. It is strance, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound t it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the gain i; made. A certain amount of ilesrt is necessary for health ; if you have rot cot it you can get it by taking ffiOH'S pmislon You will find it just as useful in summer as in winter, and if you are thriving upon It don't stop because the weather is warm, yx. oJ i .oo, all drufguti. MTT EOWRB, CfcUa, Ntw Vara, The- hobos, who are now flocking northward, are givirjgmucu trouble at the vaiioun points alougtiiuliue ot tbe railway where they make their stopping places. Yesterday morning, a tig burly one, who had all tbo characteristics of the con firmed voluntary tramp, who gave the uitme of Ed Hart, brutally assaulted a fellow uegro "louiist," bitting hira on the head with a rock and knocking the colored brother eenpebss. Tbe scene of theaneault was one of the camps near the S. P. stockyard. Urt was anested on complaint of the negro, Win. l.jwis, by nuui, takeu before Judge lierry and tilled $25 or 12 dvys iu the city jail. The city maithal is bavins ronsldeia- blu trouble i'b Ihefe touiioia nowadays. It u peara that moot cf tt em hvj a little money, and some of them fair turns in I Hoir r oae8H'.in. ami work is the last thing they think of wmilin. Til" rai; trainmen have been much annoyed l.v ttieiu oi late, i p on f a Si.k lus contractors uavo oeeu huut mis und advertising for nieu to cut wo. d m $2.25 aud cun't yet iheui yet thee hobos pas along Work being dia- tih (ul to theu. It WAS reported tui-moruin that there are over lou ot mesa uooos now ou iu lino between Ashland end Dunsmuir, bound mrih after a pleasant winter tea ou among the flower aid tunshioe of 1 California. Tidings. Anniuil meeting f the Douglas County Building and Loan Association, Koskuibu, Ore., April 2, 1900. Stockholder are hereby iiotined that the annual tueetii g of the stockholders ot the Iouglaa Canity Building and Loan Aesociation.of lNseburg, Oregon, will be held at tt.e Fireman's room in City Hall in tbe city of Kotteburi:, Douglas . ounty, on Wednesday April IS, 1000, at 7:30 p. m. of eaid day for the purpose of electing seven directors, and three auditor', for the transaction of such other business aa may legally come beforn said meet in 4. JoiIS It. Slll'PE, Secretary. There is more Catarrh in thia sectioa of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the latt few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local d.sease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Science lias proveu calatrb to be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires cousiitutioual treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure. luui'fuctured by F. J. Cheney it Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutionol cure onjthe market. It ia taken internally in docea from 10 drops to a teaspountul. It acts Uirccily on the b'ood uu I mucous surfaces of the system. Tbey oiler one hin.dred do. lard lor aoy caee it to cur.-. Snd for circulars and testimonial. Addr.-f -t, F. J. ClIKNKY A CO., T.did.-.O. Sold 'y l'riit'gisis, 7"c. Hall's Fa mil? IV I r ibe I si. ACKERS' ENGLISH KF.MF.DY will stop a cough at any time, and will cure tbe worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 eta. and 90 cti. lorsale at Rapp'a drug store.