I iy R.'WILI-IB, Attorney and Counaolor at Law, Will twMtl la all the aoarta of tha BUIa. Of loa In MarsStra Balldlug, IonglaS aoaaty. Or. GRAflD MILLIttERY OPEfllttG 1 TUESDAY APRIL. 3. P W. BENSON, Attoruey-at-La-vr. R'v7wlBuUdlns. ROBEBURU, ORKWON JRA B. BISDLE, Attorney at Law, OlDce In Court Ilonss . With DUt. Ally. mosasB. nanus. 1 JOSEPHSON'S 1 oi and ao.? Jackson St. Roseburjr, Oregon. : Oeneral News. Mineral production in "he United States tbia year will reach a value of nearly $1,000,000,000. Denmark's islands in the West Indies cost ibe government $75,000 a vear more than their revenue. One hundred persons were poisoned, some fatally, by eating chicken salad at a church entertaiomenr at Litn, O., re cently. A victory for American ship owners is the Treasury Department's decision that American itoods shipped to Sksgway in Canadian vessels must pay duties. Five cents apiece is offered by city au thorities for dead rata at Astoria, Ore , where it is feared they will briag bubonic plague. The removal of a tumor from the brain of Mrs. F. U. Parker, of Chicago, Ul nae restored her sight niter seven years of total blindness. Rossi is believed to be mobilizing .troops and brushing up its navy for the purpose of making s desperate stab at the breast of Turkey. The American exbibit at Paris, repre senting over 4000 firms, will be a fair in itself. Hot leas than 16,000 Americans have been engaged for permanent, ner vines on the grounds. The state department at Waeb'tugcon has received an appeal for help from Al fred Robert, an American citizen, who claims that be is imprisoned sod subjec ted to torture at Monterey, Mexico. Along the docks and piers of New York City are to be found ample evidences of the great growth of our foreign trade. Ships are loading ibere for ports io every quarter of the world, and to rapidly are the goods being delivered that the facili ties for handling them are severely taxed. The Red S ar lini steamer Switzer land, which arrived at Philadelphia from Antwerp, brought nearly 200 Finns. ho are said to be tue first of many thou.tuia fleeing from tha cruelty o( ttie govern ment of the Czar of Russia, The paity will locate in Mioneeota, Iowa ami Montana. Omnious preparations of 'be Uu-sut'i and Japenee War Dipartmtuu n tinne. The Russians are making atrenu ous efforts to fill Port Artbur with x'-ii even at panic price, and iru . u .u quantities of wheat froin Norm China. Japan has called ut h-t nuval reserx for service during the approaching maneuvers, when the entire Japanve fleet will be engaged. The dam-dam ballet derives its name fftttt Dum Dam, India, where it was (i rat mads. Iu top is of brass, and hol low. V' i strikes its victim it be c..,n ,1.,. -r. ivhaped, sad tears its way ' i - ilesh, making a danger oua . uwod-poisoning sets In witi i .i. i.y minutes after the ballet tiu--. It is objectionable becsase it do--i- .ivs the man who is abet say vhai i- i . tils life. The most Artistic and Stylish Display of French Pattern hats in the new pastel shades, that has over been brought to Roseburg. Our trimmer has attended all the San Francisco Openings and is prepared to suit the most Tcfincd and fastidious tastts. A fine assortment of Sailers, Walking Hats, Etc. Everyone Cordially invited to call. Oregon Notes. Uervais is to bays a bank soon. In Linn County, the registration so far is but little more than 3000. Sheep shearing machines are getting into general use in Eas'ern Oregon. A man from Independence, Iowa, is to start a baking powder factory at Engene. Tbe contractor wants laborers at $1.75 per dav on Government rock quarry, no Coos Bay. Judge H. II. Hewitt ha, a solid dele gation from Linn county in tilts congress ional district. Geo. C. Br6wnell has the delegation to the congressional convention from Clackamas couuty. A panther,' measuring 9 feel, was killed in Ash Valley April 1, by Henry Laird and Frank Kubn. Grants Pass has voted to bond the town for $6,000 for sewerage, ami fG'J,- 000 for water and electric lights. The Bank of Ontario announces that it will take advantage f tbe new hanking laws, and organize a National bank Baker City is making extensive ar rangements for the mining coogress which is to meet in that place in June. Mr. Roberts, of Canyonville, was doing business in tbe :ity, Friday, and visited this office, bringing in a new subscrip tion for J. R. Pickett of Canyonville. Some farmers in Lane county are abandoning the grain fields and stocking tbe pastures. Goats are the favorites for the side hills and brushy paMnre land. . Instead ot "six logging camps ou the Siuslaw," as snni papers have reported, the Florence West says the number is not f,KH than 30, with several more to (tart work this spring. Tf'CH'anriirig and packing plant at Ku gne, which cunt $20,00'! was o!d tl.il week to W. K. .Mien, f jt $4000 He will in. prove it and he ready to handle 800 bushels a day this season. That prosperity is overtaking the Klamath Falls Republican is shown by the fact that it carries 10 columns of land noiicts and is driven to issue a supplement for it local news, Monday evening Grants I'hh celebrat ed the success of ita "liomliug proposi tion" with music and fireworks. A sa loon juined in and gave out "free beer." The consequence whs that many young men became drunk. sn1 many citizens weie pit to a'niitie. And ii'iw they stier goals with a ma chine. Tore of thri contrivances hav been, with more or less snect-m, in oper ation iu Benton r. unity, aaya the Cor vallis Times. Out of them used by Frank Barager, on die Cress farm, hs been able to shear shout 50 goats per day. Another operate) on a bsnd of goats on Soap Creek had, at last ac counts, only rolled up a record of about eight per day. An eipsrienod and ac tive ess a can, is the old-faahioecd way, asakf dally revere1 of abool 85 goafs. Preacher for Governor, Woman for Congress. Boiss, Idaho, April 5. The state pro hibition convention, held hern today, nominated a full state ticker, and chose delegates to the naiional cuiiveution. The ticket is beaded by Rv. W.J. Boone, of Caldwell, lor governor, and Miss Amnda Way, of Bois, for repre sentative in congress.' Alaska Convention Dates. VicTOBiA, B. C. April 5. Both politi cal parties of Alaska will have conven tions in May, the republicans tbe 1-lb, and the democrats the 2th, to name National convention delegates. All representatives will go specially in structed. James Taylor, a pioneer ot 1834, wat buried near hia late home on Sauvie'a island, at 2 o'clock in the ulteroooo, tiumiay, April 1. and the aervicts were attended by a largn gathering ol his friends. Alter brief hliiubs, the old pioneer died Frid.iy, Mirth 3'), wnrround ed t.y all his children, al the age ol 80 years. It is believed that he lived long er in Oregon than any other pioneer in tbe stale, 1' haviug ien CO years since he came up the Columbia River on a ship and entered the employ of the Hudson' Biy Company, which bad headquarters at Vancouver, Throat Troubles " TfnrHtri.il Kt.. where I live, ia ill the ex treme webtern part of the State and only a lew nines ironi vuiru, 111., where the Ohio empties Into the Mis- tiiauippi River. It tnuy be thuttli.'outtrotihlu are common hero bo- f-aiiwe of looa tlon, but, whatever the reuDon, I find it wine to con bluntly keep a s u j) ply of Acker's Kng- lihh Remedy for Consump tion on hand. It U thu newt thing 1 ever came across J ?'y mmr for cougha, colds and throut troubles, and I have uwd it in my family for years. No drui-'Klbt lu re can he depended uou to have it alwuyn. ho I am writing this letter to W. H. Hooker fc t o., Ml liroadway, N. Y., to order u down bottles at a time. My wile Is bothered lately with sorethroatanddllllciilt breathing, but Jtint a soon a the dozen bot tles get here, I will give her a few doses, und she will certainly he well uguln. I expect to write another letter In a short time saying my wife Is cured, for I feel absolutely mire it is whut she needs." (Signed) T. A. Wuiti. Bold at 2fic., 60c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United Btalea and Oonuda : and in Eng land, at Is. 2d.. Ud., 4s. ttl. If you are wot satUtied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and gat your money back. We autlvirtM Ou alxne guamiUe. W. XL UiKJJCkM (XtH XrvyrUl M York. For sale by M. F. Rapp, MwcUtr nUsia-a DWIBUKO DIVIilOH KO 476. B. OF L. I., IS. bhii Terf aeooud and lourth Sunday. WOMEN'S RKLIEF COai-S HO. 10. MEIT8 firat and third Frldara la each month RENO POUT. HO.M. U. A. K., at I ITS TH1 Oral and third Tburadaya ol each moi.tb, at 1 p. m. ALPHA LODOE, NO. 47. K. OF P.. M"TII rery WadUMday STanlnf at Odd Fallow Ball.' VUtUnir knlsbu la good standing: cor dlaUrlnviMd to attend. C. II. FIHIIEK, K. K.B. T AO BEL LOIHJK. A. F. A A. M.. KEtJULA B Ld mniiinn tha 3d and 4lh Weduwdari In ach month. . N.T. Jswarr, B'ecy. pOHEBDBUCUAPTEK. KO. I. O. E. B., MEETS tha Unl nnd third Tburadara ol eM'b month. MRS. K.J.STROUD, W. M. MAUDE BAST, Soe'r. ObKKN WOOOMKSOK AJIKHICA. MKRT nn llr.t and thltd TntsadaT of eauh uoutb in the rid Monlo hull. II. L. MiBSTsaa, Clerk. lirOODMES OF THE WORLD. Oak Camn W bt. itu mecta at tha Odd Fcllnwa' Hall . .. u ........ ... ......... :wi ti i Ki K M ( i n I ft t evc-uiiiK. Milling neighbor always wulcome. J. A. nUC Ii A.N A."V, c. u. N.T. JEWETT, Clerk. PHtLETARIAN LOtXiE. NO. S, I. O. O. F. mneufealurdar erening of eah week al their ball In Odd Fallow Temple at Boaebuni. Memburaol tbe order In food aiandlnf arelnril ed to attend. CHAS. OLHUOS N. O S. T. Jawarr, Bsc'y. BP. O. ELKS, ROMEBURU LODOE, KO. WJt, hold their regular cotninunicaUons tt I ha 1 O. O. V. hall on avound and lourth Thuraday ol each month. All member roquuated to at tnnd rogalarly, aud all vlaltins brothara or dlally Invited io attend. DOUCiLAB WAITE, R. K IBA 11. RIDDLE, Becretary. ROHEBURO LODGE, NO. IS, A. O. U. W. mueta tbe aejnd and fourth Mondavaof each moulh 17.) i. m. at Odd Fnllowa llal1. Memboraof thaordur tu good atandlng are in Tiled to sttetul. H . T. McClALI.KM, D. WliSt Ke4'iiriler. Fllieneler Holnts East. The "Poilland-Cbicano Speiisl," which leaves the Union depot at 8 p. m. daily is equipped with strictly up-to-date roomy Tollman sleeping cart, and frte reclining chair cars, sleam heated and electric lighted. The Kurnpean plan dining car service is s si ecia I feature of excellence on this line. Delicate china, Mowers, spotless linen, li'st cIs'H cook inn aud attentive servants aJd lo the coin iort ol travelers. A new library car is attached to these trains. As tbe name indicates, these cars are lilted up as a library and reading- room. Hook cases 'ootaininn all the standard works, the current peroneals and daily papers are at ihe disposal of all first anil second claas paaaen uers. Time never harm heavily on the ihm seniters' hands while traveling on this train, and before ori is aware of It the train pulls into the Union depot at Chi cago. ' For full information regarding the movement. ol these trains, rates, etc., call on or address Y, A. StlllLLlN. Portland, Or. Or J. F. Giveni, Kotsbarg, Or. QEKOQE M. BROWN, Attorney-at-law Court Buaae DowuBUlra. BOSISDRtt, OK. J C. FULLER rON ; Attorney-at-LaW. Will pracUos In all the State and FaSeral Court OfBos la Maiks' Bldf ., Kosaburf, Oraaea. JA8. K. SAW Y ESS, r ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, Rosbhubo, Obeoox. Room S 4 4, Taylor & Wilson Block. 10MM0D0HK 8. JACKSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Alining Law and Water Rights wade special ty. Maxaters Bid. XOBEBURW.ORIUON john if. snurE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, KoHKBtao, Okkcos. Buxlnoa bfforo L'.H. Land once aud I'niba bulnea a apeelalty. Office Abraham llulldlng. BX. CRAWTOBJ), Attorney at Law, ooma 1 A t. Maralera Bldg., ROHRBURU, OR. Of Bualneaa be lore tbs U. 8. Land Office and mluluK eaam a apeelalty. Late Rooalrer V. B. Land OSes. JA. BUCHANAN, Notary 1'nbllc. Attorncy-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Room 3 Maralera Building. ROhEBI'EU, OK p W WAYNKS. DENTIST, Raview Building, telephone No. 4. KOHEBl'KU, OKKUON QR.(iKO. E. 1IOUCK. Pliyscian & Surgeon. Office font om-i Hiu. 1'huiie, Main Ul KOHE1IHKU OKfcUON jgJLMER.V. 1100 VEU, I'HYSICIAN AND SL'BUEON. lUnnuvna OiitooN Hprolal attention clvea to blaaaaee of the Noa aud TbroaL omoe-ktaln Ht., outdoor south ol City Uail Phone, Main Ml. Roseburg p. O. Hoars. Week days. 0:30 s. m. to 8 p. on. Sun days and bolidays, 0:30 to 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 to 7 :'A0 p. ra. STAUM HOl'TIS. 'v Itoeeliiiru to MarehfUld Departs ev ery day at da. m. ; arrives every morn iK. K(eiiirg to Myrtle roiut. Departs every day at (la. ni ; arrives every moruitig. Iloseburg to Millwood Departs eyery day except Sundays at 7 a.m.; arrives every day except Kundays at 4:45 p.m. Hosebnrg to I'oel Departs !daily, (ex cept Kundavlat 7 a. m ; arrives daily, (evcept Sunday ) at 3 p. in. Koseburg to Lurley Departs Tues days and Fridays at 1 p. no.; arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 11 :30 a. m. Three Dally Trains Between Odgen and Denver. The increase-In transcontinental trave by wsy of Salt Lake City in consequence of the scenic and other attractions of the ronto, has recently justified the KU) (J rands Western Railway in connection witli the Denver & Kto (iranda and Col orado Midland Kailroads says the Halt Lake Tribune, in establishing a triple daily fat pssseiiKer service between Og den and Denver. Ail of these trains are equipped with the latest appliances. Im provements and cars. This road now operates througo sleepers between Chi cago, Odgen and Haw Francisco, also a psrfect dining car service Send 2c poet age for literature, rates or other Informa tion to J. D. Mansfield, 203 Washington, Portland ; or Jo. W, Hslals, Oeneral f ssssDgsr Ateot, Salt City.