I - ft' .1 r )EA EIGHT PAGES. Southern Oregon's Leading Newspaper. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. Vol. XXXI. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1900. No. 28 HE IS A DEMOCRAT That Is all Admiral Dewey Would Have to Say. PIANSBY EASTERN DEMOCRATS . Scheme. Said to be the Work ot Antl Bryan flen Vlewa ot Eastern Party Leader. PuaAOBLi'uu, April 6. Th second and last orchestral concert in aid ol the families of tbe soldiers and sailors who were kilted in the Philippine islands was given at the Academy ot Music this evening. The overshowing feature, of lha nn'DiiInn was the breeence ot Admiral and Mrs. Dewey, who came trnn. Wa-h- inirlon for the purpose of lending! their oi, I i!.. ..! , ..rt V th' ir attendance. The c rtcort nm an nuouaiifi.-d ancriw, the liirue auditorinni tfiiJir tilled. Thu i audieuco was iimd up almost etitir ly td women. ; At th IlelleviH Htl, alter thocou-j C?rt, Admiral IVwey granted an in er-( !...- tn imarl f h ill m-ii new tii nu- r moo. ; n. ... Unt i., tecem. l,r...1!l''-''l-'l"--,!''"l'" Ki.umih City ceive the reiiorlt-ie, t'Ut aill. d Mini he bad nothing to Bay. At ttiiH moment Mr. D.;wey joroed her husband in the reception room, and nfler introducing her, ho said: "Mra. Dewey will talk," t which Hhe replied with u smile: "The admiral ban a uiind of hie own; he thinke for hiaieelf," "Are you correctly repotted to. be a democrat?" the admiral waa waked) and after a momeni'e hesitation he replied: "Yes, I think I can anewer that. Yrs, I am a democrat." "If the republicans Dominate , McKio ' ley and the democrats nominate Bryan for the presidency, would you ron inde pendently?" "I won't answer that." "The democratic convention at Harris bnrg baa indorsed ltrjan for 'he prual deocr," was auKfieeied by one repurlrr, to which the admiral replied: Pennsylvania utnally i repiiili:an doean't i' ?" Several qnealiona in jukk soct::ion as to any cooftrence betwea'i him and Orover Clevelaiid, Wdliam C. Whitney. or any other'jjiuliticiil n-.en d p'omiiienco were answered with the h.iiiio phrufv: "I caniu hern to attend the concert." , fi.AN OF EASTERN DEIOCKATS. Scheme to (Nominate Dewey the Work , of Anti-Bryan flen. New Youk, April 6. The Herald says: Urh-fly stated, this ia the story of the Dewey candidacy aa given to the Ilera'd laat night, by a pro.ninent party leader, who bas successfully manipulated etute aod even National conventiona: "The acbeiue to nominate Admiral Dewey at the Kansas City cenvention was carefully planned at a series of con ferences beld principally in this city and ia Washington. Arthur l Gorman, ac knowledgedly one of the moat skillful political managers iu the democratic party, was asked to take charge of tbe movement. Such conspicuous long-time party leaders as William C. Whitney, Daniel Lamoot. Kithard Olney, John K. McLean and Edward M. Bheppard par ticipated actively in tbe conferences. "They canvassed tbe entire situation until they became convinced that the movement could he successfully carried out. Admiral Dewey and all of his (rienda denied the reports that the hero of Manila Bay would run for Treatment under any clrcnmstarcea. They pro poked to spriDg the plan suddenly., not long before the assembling of the Demo cratic Nathmal Convention, aod on the wave of enthuslaam which Dewey's an nouncement was expected lo create, cal culated ou sweeping aside all obstacles and on making Dswey the party candi date. "Admiral Dewey' announcement of ' his csodldscy at this time wss not too-' temolatoil by the leaders In the move ment. Thov regarded April ai too early, That the announcement should he made by Dowey now Is due to the persistent re porta from Washington that Mr. and Mra. Dewey would no abroad. This lat ter announcement, declared by iho Ad miral to have twen absolutely without foundation, was regarded as an rffoit t forestall and sidetrack the Dewey bo mi "The exact wording of Admiral Dew ey's statement was nnder discussion for several weeks. It waa prepared with the utmost care and a draft of the statement waa sent to .he Admiral while he was on his recent visit to St. Augustine, Fla. "It was pointed out last night that Democratic leaders nf the prominence ol those mentioned wonld not hnvo con sented to the publication of Ainiiriil Dewey's statement at this lime unle-s they knew the exaet 'Situation. They are men to shrewd ami two experienced in political manipulation to fo'to Admir a! Dowey Into the position of a candidate without a fair a.BUranra nf nirri'n. "On the other hand,'1 the Herald's iu- j "'-t adjert. "it wna -pec.t.d I hit a f aJW of the. iilx'frt of t!l() ! Ilr nf le:nvrHtiir Natituttl coiumtttea I and thor Irjih-ra, vni.i into puaer In ! 'lie P.iyan ( m im i,:u , Viidd r. pndia'e Admiral Dewc-v'a rend. ditrvr ami wu d jad n-iif i' n e r.iniii) of Wiiii.ir.i .1. Hrvan. 'Thu plct-int Xa'i'jiinl committee, having ! Wen choteu at the CK"iro convention lin:!i in.idti Hr.nll itt candidal) , will l'X- con vent iuii. They aie llrvan'a friends. Mauy chniiueH, it tiin pi '.ni il Ailmiral Dewey's friend da not mincarry, will bo made in Him new National copunlttee, which will have great influence over tlm work of the Kansas City convention and which wili conduct the catupuiu that will follow." Kanaaa Ci y Fire. Kakhas Citv, April 4. The mammoth and superb Auditorium In which the democratic convention was to have beeu held on July 4, waa burned to the ground by a Gre that started at 1 :10 p. m. Within a few minotee after it caught tbe whole structure, taking in a half block each way on Thirteenth and Central streets, was a maMoflNmm, and "0 minutes after the first alarm waa turned In tho the mammoth roof fell in with a crash, throwing-showera of burniug embere in every direction. It will he rebuilt. Southern Pacific Meeting. San Fkanumco, April 4. At the an nual meeting of tho e'.uck holders of tint Somhern Pacific Company todv.y the fol lowing director were elected: C. P. Huntington, II. K. llintirnjton, D. O. Mills, Charles II. 'freed, John W, Mac kay, Thomas II. Hubbard, John E. Searles, John IS. Hatpin, John L, Probst, August Jielnrint aod Edwin ilawl-y. It was given out that 'Jo ptr tent of the 1200,000,000 stock was voted. It was stated that the proposition ot declaring a Brat dividend ou tho stock was oot dis cussed. A statement of the gross earn ings tor he first nine months of the pres ent fiscal year was submitted. It was said to show receipts averaging over (5, 000,000 for each month or a t tel of 4(i, 000,000 in round numbers. OHiceis of tbe company will be elected at a later meeting, to be beld lo New York. Large Shipment of Locomotives. Nkw YottK, April 5. The German steamer Wilbelmlna, which 's about to ssil from Philadelphia for Yokohama and Vladivoatock, will carry one of the largest shipments ot American machin ery ever forwarded to tbe far East, being no less than 0000 tons weight. The principal part of the cargo will consist of 31 Baldwin locomotives for the Chineae Eastern Railway Tbe Carnegie Steel Company will for ward sorae'liOOt) tons of steel rails for tbe Formosa Kailroad and the Pouuoid Iron Works will ship 400 odd tons of bridge material for Japan., Is Mrs. Dewey glog to be Presides! ot the United FtsUi? Telegrsm. A WINNING TICKtT. Nominated by the Republicans in County Convention. . . RINGING PLATFORM ADOPTED. The float En huslastlc and Harmon ious Convention Ever Held in the County. THE TICKET. KenatorA. C. Maratera. 1 Representatives A. It. Mat toon and 0. It. King. rMiorilf !:. L. I'lirrnlt. Clerk D. K. Miamhro. k. AswBaor J. A St-r!tru. Treumiter G. W. Dunmick. Si:!n;ol .' up! F. H. Ibiiiim. C'iumihionmf. M. D. Tin'mipitm, A. E Nichoh. irvevor Win HiiuV". Cornii -r--Ir. J. C. Twi'chvll. Tin- ie:iiiblii'an (MUntv oonveiilhni C'i.i riui'l hi ihn courc )io;rti lai't Satnr duV, ul 10:1") a. in., and vjb rulixltti unli?i by K. l. Stra'f ird, chairmuti of tlio couuty- ceiitr.l connnitte-. Mr, Stratford adiln-fieod tlm C niveiitloii briefly, iuatructirig Hie linlcgHtes retfirJ iug their reiliio- i fair ceriific ntes, selec tion ol central commlttoemen, precinct nominations, and other preliminaries. Hon. A. M. Crawford nominated W. it. Clarke, of Millwood, tor temporary chairman, eulogizing him as a pioneer republican cf tho county, who had tu-cn ev ir )yal to principle and trim to hit convictlotiH. In taking the chair, Mr. Clarke said: "Gentlemen of the con vention, I thank you for the high honor ctMibrred upon me, for I always deem It an honor to preside over a republican convention, large or small. 1 will not attempt to make a speech, and only hope and feel ensured that harmony will pre vail throughout tho proceeding. Nomi nations for secretary are in order." Dr. F. W. Ilavnea nominated Ernest 1). Ulddle, A lliddh-, tor sectary, who waa electv ' by ao-Un-nllon. Atty.J. E. .Sawyers was nominated for araiatant tiecrttarv by H. J. Itobinelt, but declined from the t.tct that he wa" not a d-divti'e. J. I. Ctiupmuti was then lioiiiitiiited by S. C. Flint, ami tlcrled, rp'u mot toil the chairiuitu appointed I h f allowing cummitteej : On Credentialn. A. G. Young, I!. E. Lynter, W. V. Kent, II. W-cuMi.'rly and John Hamlin. On ruaolutioiiH. ,t. 11. K'liduiiire, A. M. Crawford, J. A. litlchitnan, J. C. Fullerton and IV, C Underwood, Order of buairioas. J. T. itriilgun, C. L. Franklin, J. 15. Kiddie, Win. Kamp and II. Gallup. On Permanent. Organization. K 1). (Stratford, Simon Caro, M. O. Thompson, M. D. Moore aod E T. Woodruff. Upon motion of E. 1). Stratford, the convention then adjourned until 1 o'clock to allow the committets time in which to draft their reports. ArTtKNlK)! BKS910K. E. D. (Stratford chairman of the com mittee on permanent organization reported In favor of making the temporary organization perma nent, and ulso that A. F. (Stearns and J. A. Black act as tellers. The report was adopted and F. H. Holers was appointed assistant secretary by the chairman of tbe convention. ' KKSOLUTION COMMIITKK KBI'OHT. Itev. J. H. Kkldmore, chairman ot the committee on reaolutiona, presented aod read tho resolutions in his usual elo quent and forcible manner, and almost every clause of the documeut was re ceived with storms of applause, especial ly that part retering to the election ot senators by direct vote; eudorsmentof the administration, aod reference to the Second Oregon TUB 1-LATrOBM, Wjikmkas, There' it bat one great political party before the voters ot this ration today that from its blrtb bas been sound and true to tbe nation, to the con stitution, to national progreslon, to na tlonal finance and to the whole people. Therefore : We hereby declare rur un shaken confidence in the. present admin istration and the grand old republican party. We congratulate the (Stale of Oregon on the fact tht whet a ship of the American Nsvy, freighted with tinman life, waa In the most dastardly and In human manner deetroyrd in a Spanish harbor and scores of brave Americans hurled Into eternity, her tons were tbe first to respond lo the nation's call to arms aod lo leave tbeir homes and loved ones to follow the flag where dot? called. We are proud ot the record of Douglas County's sturdy sons who did tbeir full absre In making a name for tbe 2nd Ore gon Volunteers, which will be a house hold word while the etato "exists. We sure the returned soldiers (hat ths peo ple will remember them for tholr coor age and heroism. To tbe families, rela Uvea, and fricndi of those w ho gave up' their Uvea for the honor of the (lag, we ext-nd our profoundest sympathy. J!rnhril, That our nominees for iiiembars (I the state legialaturo he pledged to support no mi.n for Unit St jtet Senator, who will not plu.lgo him- f 'a do all i:i hii p iiver to have sub-nii"-d to tlm p-i'ple, an iioiendiuetit fo tho United States Constitution providing lor the flection of l S. r-'enatnr by din r.t vr.te if the pHj,lo. Jflrerl, That the ItopnWIcnn party ol D'iitnUin County hi in f.ivnr of the ernctiiii'tit of whittle known as the pri mary election law in order thut tho peo ple may at tho primaries select tho men ttiey doeoi ruoet suitable for nomination (or the various. oIlkeH and l'us do away with the interference of M'lt-Mnking poli ticians and seit-coiiHtituted leaders. WitaiiKAH, Aa Kepublicni wo are a great part of the people and in favor of all tbe people, therefore, be it K( tolvcd, Ttiat we are in yor of aub milting the iniuativo aud referendum to a Vote of the people. lirmlvtil, That we are In favor of a graduat-d state income Isx. Wukbeah, Eternal viuilaoce ia the price of liberty, we, the Douglas County Convention pledge ourselves to unceas ing efforts to securo the success of the ticket we today present lo tbe voters of this County. Respectfully Submitted J. II. Hkidmork, A. M. Ckawkjkd, J. A. lU'CIIA.NAS, J. C. Fl'lXXHTON, W. C. Undkiiwooij. Oil 1)1. UK lll.HIM.KS. Tim coimnittei xi ported uj follows: S iiiui'ir. Two Kuprx-mitui we. SiurilT. Clerk. Treasurer. Awie-aor. School Super in tmidctd. CummiHuionera, Surveyor. Curonnr. Twelve delegates to atate convention. Twelve delegates to coogreeelonal con vetition. Report adopted. Foil STATIC SKNATOU. For State Senator Judge J. C. Fuller loo nominated Hon. A. C. Maratera, eu logizing him aud calling attentiou to the fact that after many years of faithful and valuable services rendered the republican party by Mr. Maratera this waa the first time he would consent to accepting uuy recognition whatovor from his party. Reference waa aleo made to bis able, economical and butinens-like administia lion of the municipal afl'alrt of this city during his four years service as mayor, he having proved himself a safe an emi nently well qualified man to entruat the interests ol our couuty in the Oregon sen ate. Ilia nomination waa eecouded by Hon. A. M. Crawford, Henry Itultm.in, of Gardiner moving lo make it unanim ous, mid he was declared the choice of the convention for state senator amldat the greatet enthusiasm. Upou motion the follow iug committee was appointed tooooduut Mr. Marsteri before the con vention: Oeo. M. Brown, Dr. K. L. Miller and E. D. (Stratford. roa axj-aasxNTATivxs Tbe following' osmse were presented: (Continued on psg fj. FIJSIOMSTSCONVENTIO.V Held By Democrats, Pops and Silver Republicans. .' a- GREAT LACK OF HARMONY. Little Enthusiasm Manifested, but Nominees Came Cheerfully lip to the Slaughter. THE TICKET. State Senator P. B. Deck), y Ilepresentailves W, W. Wi n, Drx- ter Itice. Clerk J. F. (iazloy. Sheriff J, L. Dew,jy. Coramiaaloners J. M. '-' -uwr), A. B. C. Wh;pi-le. Asuecaor II. U. Gillct! . Treannrrr K. II. Leno . School Supt Louis Ca a; . Surveyor O. F. T'lil. Coroner Dr. E. V." IIimvi. Tli i:n-at triple allai. j i 'i'.n i.jr epulis avgregati-in met id u.. . oiiiiou in tldi city Friday (an tiulurky day to he gin with) and nt.wiitiatanding the prces aimonncement that it w.io u "moot har moniotiH meeting," tliero waa eoiuu very lively and int. -riming scenea enacted, bordering at tunes on the dramatic or der. Thi waa the condition In Un democratic ai well as tlm populiat con Vi'tition, tho free silver republican wing being somewhat of nn exception on ac count of ita limited number. The tuata fliiht of thiv democrat wai over the nomination of u candidate fur sheriff and a lilitcr c iiitet nsued ll.oull i ut side cf the convention hall, r'inlllng ia a victory for the Komburg ring In turu ing down the present incumhenw for re uomioation, who, by V wy, is today one of the very t irongest men in the party in this county, but who baa been too independent, coi.jtcinntious aid economical io the administration, of his ollicial duties duriug his term iu office to receive any further indorsement, recog nition or favo.-e .t ih t hands of the ring. However, tho m xuy frieuda of ll. L. Stephen?, Mood by hi n uobly lo ttie laet, or until hf vi;h r,.,v from ttio en -JeKt, many of wt.um openly t-xpie--a tiiemfielvea ad unwilling to euppoit tiio S'icreaaful cau-lidatM fo,- ihe nomination owiur to tho iu inner in which tlm nun. illation w.i.i l,r xt;it a'oui. In th populist convention there was a clash heiwci) tho fuMonist and imti fufionirtt" bii, I tt nun very warm words wero exchanged, ri-ultiii iu the Sutter eleinont either declining to participate further in the convention or retiring. tub nx.MocuATit: i-onvi;stiox convened in the opera. houot 10 o'clock a. in. and organixed by electing B. W. Strong, chairman J Ira Wimberly, secre tary; E. W. Diller, OBwi.taur eecrelary; the fol lowing committeea were appoint ed: Crjdentials Frank Clorrell, H. L. Engels, W. A. Webber, Douglai Waite, II. B. Challenor. Conference V. C. London, C. L. Chenowelh, J. L. Boyle. Order of Business and Permenent Or ganizttlon G. W. Wonacott, O. T. Nail, F. F. Wells. Platform 0. II. Fisher, Peter Nelson, G.G.Guth. I'llK I'LATKOHM. We, tbe representatives of tbe demo cratie, populist aud silver republican parties, allied in one common organiza tion, striving for a single purpose, under the name of the union party, do submit to the voters of Dmiglaa county the fol lowing declaration of principle; We re-aUlrra the cardinal plnnka of the national democratic, populist and silver republican platform nf 1890, emphasix lug oor loyUlty to the cue of independ ent Avaiicau bi-nielaliem which is based upon the free -coinage of silver at the ra tio of 16 tuL We believe tbe constant falling away In-iLe prices cf the nroducts of tbe farmi Is due lo the so-oalled "sound money" hglnratlon whicn it cn stSntJy decreaslag the volume of clroulat (Cootinnsd en pace 4.)