The Kind You Have Always iu use for over 30 years, Allow wary. usccu All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. : What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops 4uid Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms . and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ," The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS T XT P! i - f : - X7 scaio me V raaaaBSBB The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. r A Iswctelv SleeUaura. oesBu&a DIVISION NO 7. b. of ul, a&Mta Trf iMnnd tad fourth BundAT. tTOMKK'B &KL1KF CO HI'S KO. 10, MEKT8 first and third Fridays in each month. T KKO POST. KO. 09, U. A. lUTXTS TBS Ant and third Thursdays oi each Booth, at t p. aa. A LPHA LODGE, KO. 47, C OF P., MEKTS every Wednesday evening at Odd Feiiowt Wall. Visiting RuiKhts In good atandint cor ilalry tn Tiled to attend. JOS ltlCELM. C. C. C. H. FISHER. K.R.S. T ACKEL LODUK. A. P. A. M ., HEGULAa Bteetingi the 2d and tta Wednesdays in aca month. lTUESE L. PABROTT W. K. K.T. Jiwrrr, S ecy. P OFEBCRG CHAPTER, KO. 8. O. K. a. MEKTB taa first and third Thursdays of each Blh. MRS. E. J. STROCD, W. M JIACDE BAST, - r.. - rODKRX WOODMEX OF AMERICA. MEET a on (tret and third Tuesday oi each month ia the rkl Masonic hs-L H. W. Muxes, T. C. H. L. M-iamas, Clerk. "VrrWDMEJI OF THE WORLD. Oak fair. t VV yo. ui. mcli at the Odd Feilows' UaU Bescbunr, every 1st, Urd and 3th Monday evening. Visiting neighbors always welcome. J. A. BCCH ASAN, C. C 3. T. JEW ETT, Clerk. TtBlLETARIAK LOiXiE. KO. 8. I. O. O. F. a snmta i fturriav erenfne f rsi-h week al tfcet hall ia Odd Fellow Temple at Rosebnrg. Mnahersof the order in pwid aiandine areinvit d la attend. - t,HAS. OLlON X. G K.T. Jiwktt, &x'y. BP.O. ELSE, ROtrEBURO LODOE, KO. S. hoM their regular communication at tne f O. O. P. hail on wcond and fourth Thursday ' rip month. All members requested to al ien rqraiarly. and all visiting brothers f tiailr ta riled to attend. DOCOLAS WAITK, E. K ISA B. RIDDLE, Secretary. pOEXBURO LODGE, KO. 16, A. O. O. W meets the second and fourth Monday, of eeh moath at 7JD p. m. at Odd Fellows If al. Measbaa of Uw order in food standing are in aitad to attend. t . T. McClALLEN, D. . WE.-T Recorder. Fiiicucicr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Cmted sr.Te Lasu Oft. . Roseburc. Oresun. Februarv 19. lwl. Kotiee ia hereby given that in compliance witb ts fotiiish 01 uie a-.t ol congress 1 June ird, 1STS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber hud in the states of California, , reron Havaasi ana w asutngton 1 cmtor-. OLAF M. OLSON. Of Washburn, t ouutvof BsTfield Ma r of Wis consia, has this day filed in this oftice his sworn arattaasnt No. K6, for the puo-base o! the tT Ki oi Section No.U. in T.wnship No 24 south Maaaw No. 3 west, and will offer uroof to show that the land sought is more vatuab'e for its umber or stone than lor agricultural nunoes. and to establish his claim to said land before Cbe Register and Receiver of this office at Rose- bare. Oregon, on Thursday the 3 dav of May 1). He names a. itne?s: Sivert Oie. of Wasnburn Wisconsin. Jacob Johnson, of eli born, VViaconsin, Ortr lindirreeu. of Wash bora. Wmconain, David Itedland, of Washburn, Wascoaaia. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-deserloed lands are nciuested to Die thci ciatmsin this office on or before said 4 day of May, 1903. J. T. BRIDGES. aan Register - Notice for Publication. I'd iled stales I.aud Ofhec, KosEBl s. Ore.. March, I. l'AM. Xotice is hereby siven that the following named settler has bled notice of his intention to Bake final pi xf in support of his claim, aud that said proof w ill be nade before Becisier . ana Receiver 1 nited states Imdi oniee at Bcw bttrgi Oregon, on April 14. lm, viz: EMILY J. CENTERS. , formerly Emily J. Thrush, on her H. E. No. OS lor the N. w. i bee t. Tn. Z9. t. K. 8 w. She namej the following witnesses to prove her con tin nous residence upon aud cultivation said land, vu: J.K. W ilson, w . 11. Tliomp sob, Frank Huntley aud C. W. Mecuiu, all of tamaa v alley, Oregon. I. T. BRIDGES, V Register. FolnU East. Tbe "Portland-Chicago Special, which leaves tbe Union depot at 8 p. m. daily is equipped witb strictly up-to-date roomy Pall man sleeping cart, and free inclining chair cars, steam heated and electric lighted. The European plan iintnt; car service is a special Jeatnre of excellence on this line. Delicate china, flowers, spotless linen, first class choking and attentive servants a. Id lo the coin fort of travelers. A new library car is attached to these trains. As tbe name indicates, these care are etted op as a library and readioir room . Book cases "ODtaintriK all fbe standard works, tbe current perodicals and daily papers are at tbe disposal of all first and Second class passengers. Time never banga heavily on tbe pas sengers' hands while traveling on this train, and before on is aware of it the train palls into the Union depot at Chi cago. 0f fall information regarding the Movement of these trains, rates, etc. call on or addrefs V. a. Schilling, Portland, Ur. Or J. F. Givens, Rosebutg, Or. "I am indebted to Oue Minnie Conuh Cure for my health and life It cured me of lung trouble following iriippe " Thousands owe their lives to the irou;it action of this never failiuK remedv. It cures roughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and limn troubles. Ita early, use prevents run ssmption. It is the only harmleFR rem ly I hill f iwa iiiimedialn results. 33 MA Bought, nud -which lias been has borne the signature of . and lias been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. no one to deceive you in this.- oit nature vi 31 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Tnited States Land Office. RosERra;, Oregon. Feb. L'l, I9u. Notice isherebv given that in compliance with the provisions e-f the act of Congress of juco,.sn en tinea -ad act lor me tale oi tiBibcrland in lite states of California, Oregon. I Kevada, and Washinpton Territory, a. vt Kt.. Of Marsl- lei 1, I'O'intyof Coo. Srlate of Or. g'n, has dar tiled in tbin offiee liisnrn siaieiaeut No. s-.V for the purclitse of the st' ( of cc. So. IV, in T So. 3ti S. tt No. 9 V. and n ill olTer vroof to nn that the laud t-ouch! 1 more vaiuaUlc for iu timber or cikiic thaa for agricnltural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before the Rcg'lcr aui lieeeierof this office at Roseburg. Or. on Tucxlay the JUIhdsy of May. 1AX. UeaHUiesan wunen-ek-Jofcn Yoakam, John Herron, Cbarlen A. Met lin, Fraua Roccrs, all of Map-hlieiJ. Oa'cou. Any and all person; claim uitr adversely the abdve-desiriliej iand rc re-Ueted to tile thi-ir claims in tlii; otllce ou or Lielore sail Xlh day of May. isco. J.T. BK1DGF. P Keuittcr. Notice For Publication. rsiTKO fiim Lno Orricr.. Ko bure. Oregon, February lo. 1'jiidu Notice u hereby gicn that in conipliauce lib the vroviMons .f the act of CoiiKrer of Juuei.l?.N cntil cl An act for the sale of tim ber lauds in the stales of California, Oregon, Ketadaaad Vashinrton Territory." ANDREW E. KAKDLLL, tf Miuh&iiJ, tountr of t State of Oref-n, lias this i!.y nled in this oHice h sworn state ment No. Mi, lor the purcha-eof the lots -s 4. s'. NW',, of Section No. 2, in Towusliip No. T. South, hKOge No. W West, and will oder iroif to hor that the land Bought is more valuable for lis timber or stetie lhau for agricultural purposo, and to enabli-h his claim u said land before the Register and Keccivcrof this olfieeat Koseburg. regun, ou Sa;unlay, the lith day of May, UiO- lie names as wiliK-ses: Albert E. Bettys, of MarhticM, Orcvon, W. II. Siniiii of Marshoeld. Onion. C-. H. Herron, of Marsh liel.l. On-eutt, E. W. kardellof MarslilicM. Op-c.ii. Any aud all iierMis cuiimin: alverseiy tin- i above-dewribeJ lauds are rviaested lo tile tlieir , claims in this o&cc n or before said Uih dv cl ' iiar, tAW. J. T. BKI JGK?, Register. Notice for Publication. I'SITEtl ST.vrt-. LaM) Orruc, . , Roseburc. Crecon, Feb Xn.'i. .oii'-e ts nercoy given that in compliance with the i,r.ri. ,m. 1 II,.- .... .1 . ... I - - - v. -" - w., ... V V - . . " - VI Junes. ISTb. entitled "An a. t for the sale of timb-r lauds in thcetaiea of Caliiornia, On-con, Nevada, and W ashingtou Territorv, FRANK W. roTT'Ek Of Abh'.iad. Couulvoi Ahland. Slale of tt is. cons.n, has this day tiled in this ofliec his sworn slalemeut No. SS-.i, for the pun base of the 'Utu eat quarter, of Section No. 10, in ronrn-dup No. H south. Ran ire No. J West, ami will o:Tcr pr..t 10 snow mat tne land sounutis more yaluabh for iu timber or stone than for agricultural pur los -s. aud to establish bistlaiiu to said laud ueiore the Ketnster and Receiver of tbisoffiw at Rosebtirg, Oregon, on F'ridsv, the Kth day of April. y'. lie names as witnr-em Mici.a.-! K OisUd of ttashburn, Wis.. John W. Hel land of ttaMiburn, Wis, Charlie 'eis-rt, of W ashburn, wis., l. T. iewoif of Woodland, I Any aud all pcrsous claiming adicrselv the lUove-deaeribnl lands are reouesicd in tile their claims in this on or heft ore said LTiU day of J.T. BRIDGE. Keiri'ler. I2bp Notice For Publication. United HtaU-s Land OBlec. . . Ro-ibi k-;, Oregon, March 1.1. l-jm. oii.-e is bere' y given that in compliance with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of Junc3, lsTe, entitled "An att for the sale of iiiuvei awn in me oiaies oi (.auiornia, Oregon, JAMK.-? ALliEKT STEM.MERMAV, Of Msrshfield. Countv of rnm. Kiato ..l i,r....,. has this day filed In this office his sworn state' uiciu .o. lor tne more t aiuabic l-r its limber or slone than for agricultural ourDost-s. and to , hi. tmou loiaio lauu neiore tue lU.-gl-l-r and Ke-ceiv.-r of this ofliec at lioseburg, Oregon, on "" me -hi uay oi ay, iati. lie names as witnesses: William Turtam. of t' .n Charles E. Edwards, of Empire. Oregon, Ed ward E. Iftnckk-y, of Marslitleld, tircgon, Jen Any aud all tersons claiimtiir ti... s Wc-descnbcd lauds are requested lo file theit V aims in this office, on or belore said 11 day of iay,i!s."J. J. T. BRIliGES. Register. Notice for Publication. I ui led stales Laud Otlice, lUVEIit eo, Oregon. Jlarch. 1J. l;jn. Nollee Is bi.-tie 0ivtl -.a. in II aith.thff provisions of the act oi Congress of Jane 8, is,s. tntitled "An act f.. the sale of timber lands in the suites ol ralii'.jniia, Oregon Nevada aud Washington Tcrritorr.'' V1LL1AU TfKI'KS- Off.nipire, County of Coos. State of Oreirou has this day tiled in this olbr-c bia KW.ina Hint. nieul No. fc'.U. for the purchae of the BK'.' 2,ec 11. N'j NE;of .Section No. z: iu Tounshin No. 'H fl., Kaiics No. 11 V. ., and w ill oiler proof to show- tlml tbe land S'liicht ! ,n,,r.. , ut.,ui.i.. for Its timber or store tban for iir.riculLuial (iuri-ose, us-l to establish hi elaiui to said and beluic the Bccister uml itet-clccr ..I n.u ollicc at Roseburi; Or-it(u. on Monday the 21t day of May, imm. He uumes ns wituesses: AiDert Stemiiiernian, Chn'les E. Edwards, Ed ward E. Hinckley, Jens Hansen all of Marsh held, Oregon. Any and all ncr&ona rlaimiinr i.tvur.i.i. ti... above-described. lauds arc euuvsted to lilc their claims in thlsollice ou or belore i-aid lal day of May, ljoo. J. T. RRIDGEs, Register. Notice for Publication. United tute. Land Office, ll'i'iBi Ki, Oregou, March 1::. laun. Notice i hcrelj) given that in .vompliauee ith Ibe provisions 'f the net of Congress of une ;;, 1,. eutitied An act for the .,. ,.i itula-r lauds ill the states ol aiiioitiia i ir. Neadaauil Waliiiurton Territorv." ' WILLIAM fe- Tt Rl'EN. Of Empire, County of Coos, hlalc of Oregon, I. hi, thisilay tiled iu ilnsolliee bis snoru stateuieiit No. Kr.i, f.,i .r pureba-M.' of the M2 fc,v'4 see. J , N W 1 , ol S-eiioti No. in i owlish ip No. '.'I s , liuugt- No 11 .. and will oiler t.rool to show that the laud Mjiiulit is more valuable lor il liuila rot stone tlian for iiiicuHiiiul iurios-s. and to efctnl.lih his elniin to said I lot belore the Register and Keeeiicr "f this office at Riiseburg, Otceou. on Momlnv the '.'1 day of May, 1'jno. He iiriih-k nt- wiIiii'kk-s: A ilH'it rileiiiine.riiiHU, feus IIhiik ii. Ivhwinl K. Illli'.t I' V. t haiics K. Kdwnnls nil oi Munh. field, Oregon. " Any aud all ietsons cluiniiug adversely tin nliove-descrtb. d lauds are requested lo file ilieir claims lii this otlice ou or before saidl-.'l iiy ol Msji, I'kii. ' J.T. RRIIHIKH. purenascot the SI.' . N t 'i. 14, in Tow uship No. 24 8.. Ranee No. il tt ., and will offer proof to show thakthe Uml UNTERED QKIZZLY'S CAVE. How The End of the Lake County Bear Was Accomplished.. L.VKkViuvt, Or., Marrli 7. tjtorge fSiuull crtmo 1 1 1.tkeviow lu'lay from SiU ver Luke, ;m.l brought wi ll liitu a claw auvl a iiKitti n( the f unoiia grizzly bear ki!lel near Silver Lkt a lew Javs ko. Mr. iSruttll waa one of the huuters, and give hii iutereeting nccoui.t of the hunt. There warn sis ia the pirty of hunters. five men ami a boy 12 years old. The bear, whirl) hl heen cjmajittioK di pre datioos ou ttock in ihut couimni.ity for the pat 15 or '20 yea re, had be -n ecprci ally troubUs)ine reueiitly. William Vaudurvert, who lu at iho DoM-liutes, 100 niilot awjy, ;t:id hue tt slate reputa tion aa a tiuuier, was sent for. He ar rived last week ilh his deg?, and the bear's trail waa euon located about eight miles from iiver Like. After following it about eix rui!e, (he docs "freed" the nioueter in a otve in a uuuniain on the headwaters ol Silver Cr.--k. Tha trail that led to ttio bear'a deu was along tde ebelves of a cliir bei.ejtli Hie, and there was hut ine way of uet:iog to it. The hunlei8 f llowtd on, c!iuibiog along the piojetning rockv, and reached tbe uuctb of the tave. They found a a email entrance (u tbe dark cavern, and the dj9 relueod to enter. They tried to emoke the gtiizly out, but he refused to coitie. Then Jell II .ward, it n ol t ntideut of this county, ami a hunter and trapper, EQgfSt.d a plan more datit g limn that of Israel l'utiam, and proceeded to carry it out, iy peer inn nuo iiie c-ive lor a long lime, he discovered thai ibere were two apartment?, and he could fell from the growls of the bear that he a iu the larger one. il alto discovered thai the walli that separated tlietaocavrs were of shell reck, aid ihat there wero rrev icep and op:ciaii between them. He bad the live hu titers climb upuu the projecting cliff atove, so as to be out of danger, and where they could cover tbe entraoce of the cav with ibeir guns and he took a laige pole and ebtered the cave. Gropicg in the darkness, ha discovered the eutranro that led into the smaller cave and entered this one and got in tbe rear of the grizzly. He then begau to prod tbe monster, aud soon made it so uncomfortable for him that, with a fe rocions bowl, the animal tuade for tbe open air. The minute Le reached tbe cliffs, Billy Ball, the Indian, shot Lim through tbe neck Irom above, and a lew mote weil-directei shots completed the work. He proved to be a monster plantigrade genus tear, aad a conservative eetiaia e placed his weight at 100 pounlr. Some thought Le would weigb considerably more. His tkin, which was prime, weighed 60 pounds, and waa eight feet in length, iie carried four inches of fat on tbebick. Oae of bis claws. tbe middle one -i.ea6uted 0'; inches in length and one iocb in widtb. Conn, oce cl tha huotere, paid fJO (or bis kid. Tte amount of tbe reward di vided between tbe hunters was $95, and Vandcrvcrt was paid $10 for cjiuing. llclipse in 1900. In the year 1'AX) there will be three eclipses, two of the sun and one of the moon. Tbe first will b total eclipse of thesaa May i0, and wilt be visible tbrongbout the United Stater. The first j eclipse will begin about 7:28, and con i tin ue about two and one half boors. jXhs fin.i ia XQB SeCOUa IS par is! eclipse. The third is an annua' eciipje of the sun, in visible in Anirri-.-a, November 21. Tbe total eclipao of tit-j bjo on Mv 20 will be a very interesting sight. Oregon Notes. Xewbjrg, in the lower Willame'.te val Iey; ia about ta secure a beet-sntjar fac tory. A new Me'.bodist Episcopal Church is to be erected at Cottage Grove to cost 13003 A AVallowa man brought back from New Orleans a live alligator eight in ches in length. M. Van Cleve, of Indiana, has par- chased ibe Crabtree place, on Mary's River, in Benton County jt a newspaperman was witb the crowd of Astorians wbo recently made tbe excursion 16 Tbe Dalles. A carl tad of Cascara bark was shipped batnrday from Corvallir. Its destina tioa ia Hamburg, tiermany. D. 8. McCUreo, of Brownsville, has eoM -100 acres near that place to Burl Calloway, of Corvaliis, for T0000, A California man got tbe contract to carry tbe mall between Alpha and Msp- leton lor fdSo a year. He has been try ing to sublet it for f 373. The contract commenced to run April 1. By a vote of ii to 20, the property owners of Lakeyi w havt decided to bote tbe town for f 10,000 lor a water system and electric-light plant. It is expected the improvements will be com pi? ted by No vember I Tbe sacrilegious pastor of a Bapi-t Church at Albiny took the following for his subject. Sunday evenine. "Would Jesus Vote lb1? K 'publican or Democra tic Ticka?" The vice of Sheldonism is spreading. William l'rolich has sold bis farm uear Crabtree, on which he has lived for 12 years, to James Hart and Cbarlea Thompson. Mr. Frolich aud family will eoon remove to Kansas. He has been in Oiegon for 23 years. The 3-yeai-oid daughter of Sheriff HolJer, j( fSherman county, was playing with a kite "and matches, last Wtdesday, when she hnr clothing a fire and wai coi.sidciably burned. She is expected to tecovcr, with little disfigurement. New Creamery. A. C. In Kill North's ald.'eill L'lkons departed Sunday to tint erection of T. A. rt-amery on tha John loti ilnt:e a couple of tulles below Uiverton. This will greatly en- t o;irait- the dairy Uitn " iu that section lo improve mid enlarge (heir herds. Mr. North ia a lira',- Us creamery man and wi I no- doubt work up a large patronaixfyr hm plant. Cyqoille Bulle iXj'Jr kin pla ln r- PEARL HARBOR TO BE IflPKOVED. Hawalin Islands Are a flenance to the United States. Nkw York, Apiil 3 jpeci il to the Tribuue Iroui Watthiogton says: The Naval authorities want 1'earl Harbor, which thtr regard as the uiodt import ant pout of the United States in the Pa cific, made available for naval purposes without further delay and au'uppeal will be made to Cougress iu a few da a to an tbonze the ueueeeary improvuiu ntr. Tlio board which has bdeu studying plans for the harbor lia compiled its work and recomaiends tbe purchase of certain lauds inttide tbo harbor lor naval repair pl.uir, dockyard and btoreliouso, as well as sites for the erection ol tli Kns ive works. They fat or the iinuiediute expoi.diture of $51)0,000, which wi I make the harbor acce.wtble and provide all the hind ri quired for tar her improvements. IVail Harbor is the only hxrbor wurtby of tbo iiaiua in he Hawaiio group, the other latidiug places, including that at Houuiulu, being utteily iudefeusible against ait enemy, l or military pur- poties, the Hawaiin group ii regarded aa a meua celo the United Stale) ia time of war until 1'earl Harbor can bj entered and ied aa a reudezvoua for war v-e-eU. Scoltsburg. I. U. li-itler has returned fr im Port land aud the Cuwli t. l, 1".- will soon go to 13 hernia for a while. It has b 'en decide I to plat the ceme tery t'ir in Sots uiid otherwise improve the snuie, which is : mova in the right direcli n. 1 1 were ho! I attended and the delega'es cb vs-n are: A. E. zouf, T. V. Andrews, II Weatl.e.Iy and M. I Thompaon. -Ed Mj irie carried t lie u.ail to Klk n ! on one of the "rips of the past week. ! Hazel lUmf had the misfortune to eel I a fall while .li iri which knocked out j two front tce-h and otherwise l.'ni ed j her face. 1 Mia. Mar YV.Uou and her daU2lrr. Miss Eva, will ake up their residence in what is known at Mr. raltner a old store during t';e ti n- Mra W. is employe I .". tiv but u ni oVAJf to teacher of the school ! and yo-.i will le . :ir-d. W O rub..eweot,oGa;d,nerSaturjIERE YOUR SYMPTOMS! dav to furnish munic for a dstice at that I I. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND Plale' j TROUBLED EltAIJf. Tal; HUDYAN John Jblitnmon of liirdiner, -was in and your hea.lche will disappear, town last week shaking hands witb num- 2 2. PALE OR YELLOWISH COat erous friends. PLEXION HUDYAN will establish a free Cir. 'Hia!:-:i of i n:; b)l an! csass the checks 1 - t to assume tb-ir ns'ur;il co;or. Albany Elks will give an open-ssaeion j 3 loss O? APPETITE AND OHAW and bati.iuel April i IN3 IX TIIS SToatCH. HUDYAN ,,. . , i ,i ,. i . ! will re'."r.- !'ri- ;p.-t::i and tbe d.geslioa of Misses luce and Hacker. Ibe two Ltt- i (- . comb girls who were reported to have- 4 rEELtxa0F WEIGHT OVER THE been poisooea several weeks ago, have j liver, t.i-.i daj to the enlargement ol not yet recovered, anJ the Lbinon Lx- j m-iircr. it t r:.s-i ni tu poison of ma. r-raaa Adanr sava it is now the ceceral i MVMVAM aiUdriveoat tbe poises aa belief thtit they were given some kind t f , 'dupe ' j Poultry Motes. Une of the important itemiia r.cur iog tbo Host results with youn ducks is not to allow them to get wet. If ycu want to mate op puileta for nest yejr's breeOinif, put iu a gojd, vig orona 2-year old cock with them. KowU running at Urge in an orchard do much good in tho destruction of lar vae, worms, beetles and bugs. Keep your poultry tame. Lvt them know yoo are their friend and returns will be much mo;e satisfactory. No ona can make a specialty of fresh . in rininmiiri with ml tikioz extra ! S" pains tbat every egg soM is fresh. The heavy eittera should have shallow nest boxes and ratter flat neels, other wise there will be too many broken eggs. Among wild birds, the greatest egs proiuceis arethce tbat subsist more largely upon teeds than upon animal food. Ia milk abuudaut at your bouse? Warm a pautal, put a little salt in it and set it before voor hens early in tbe morn ing. Winter layers depend upon early pul lets, early pullets depend upon early sit ters and early sitters npon tbe winter layers. Let tbe children have charge oi tbe flock but let an older head look after tbe cbildaen in a helpful and encouraging manner. Egg production generally pays better than tbe raising of poultry (or meat, ex cept where early boilers can be pro duced. To breed poultry for the early market we should select rapid growing breeds, such as Plymouth Hocks or Lsghorns. Feed three times a day, giving at each meal all that is eaten up clean of a sufficient variety to keep them with a good appetite. April Weather. The following data, covering a period of 22 yeare, have been compiled from Weather Bureau at Kiweburg, Oregon, f. r the month of April fur 22 years. TEMIJRATVHE. M-m or normal temperature, 61 do" ; tbe warmest month was that of 1 -i, with an average of 60; the oldest ni'i b was tbat of lS'.kj, with an average of 1'.; the highest temperature was !J on , lS'J, ; the lowest leiupera.ure was 2'i n 12, ISO); average dale on which firtt "killing" frost occurred In autumn, Oct. 14: average date on which latt killing" froet occurred in spring. May Precipitation (rain and melted snow. Average for the month, 2.C3 iocbes; average number of days witb .01 of tin inch or more, H;the greatest monthly precipitation was 5.14 inches in 1832; tbe least monthly preclpatiou waa O.lio inches in the greatest amount of precipitation recorded in any 21 consec utive hours was 1.1 4 inches ou Ititli 188ti; the greatest amotiut of Enow fall recorded iu any 24 conseculivo hours (record extending to winter of iS84-85 only) was trace iuchen ou 14 lS'Jti. CLOfDS AND WEATIICIl. Average number of e'esr days, 5; partly cloudy days, 10; cloudy days, 15 WIND. The prevailing winds have been from tbe northwest ; the highest velocity of tt;e wind was 3S wiles from the southwest on 23 and 25 18audl8U4. , . ' TllOH (tlllSON, mw;mm aii.J"tl,pr Jj,,, 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description ma qulrkly nscertani our opinuin free whether aa Invent ion Is r.lall patentable. Comrminira. tlonantrtcttrronUiiHntfnl. Handbook on Patents sent free. IIMest apency for securing patents. I'titents taken tnrouKh Munn A Co. receive tptruti notice, wllhnut clinnre, in tha Scientific Jlmericam handsomely Itlnstrated weekly. 1nrirrt rlr-Torni-. t: aa "iiittnoti or an srieniinc lournal. f'"ir mimtbs. IL ASld by nil ner1(lnp old by . & Co,"-1-8" New York ni.'.ueu uiiiit. r rt. Yrasciutftun. iJ. i;. Nctice for Publication. t'KITED tSTATE.-i LAND OFFCK. Ro.ikiii no, Ore , February, 2S. l'joo. Noti'.-o t" hereby Riven that th'u following uiuneil m tiler has tiled notice of his intention to make finul proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the Kcgihter and Ret elver I'niled Htntes Land Otlice at Rose burR, Oregon, on April H, i;i, vl: KEL liKN K.BMITH, on his If. E. No. .M7, tir IbeS. C S K ',' N O mid lliu X, E. 14 X. E. 1 Sec. j, Tp. ..' A. K 4 V. lie nanu s tbo follow ins wiUio-en to prove his cintiimoiis residence upon and cultivation of Miid land v : Kll Miller. John Krown, John Miles, aud T. I.. Brewer, all of Myrtle Creek, Oregon. tip J. T. BRIDGES, Iglsler. mm ww Is the result of r-eaicd acute attacks. Tha liter and spleen arc principally affected. They act aa storehouit for the malarial poison and the 1.1 -1.1 takes It from them. The ilson must I driven out of thesrstera. lll'D Y AX will destroy 'ho action of the iion and event ually drive out the last particle of it from the system. In addition to tht", Rt DVAX will restore the lost app e. It will buil-. up tha weakened ije.em. IICD VAN will 3 5 make new Mood i " ""-w r. -s u The pains in the bones will : "-!;;"- It tv 1. 1 e::rc Hf iVtV has cured others and .i. tva describe the symptoms. tiii'iti r';ii;:t. Th?r it; ynurs P- Ctis? :Ue.'4 m ti assume IU natural site. 5. HEAVillESS IM THE REGION J OF THS SPLEEM. The spleen becomes j frcatty enlarged. HUDYAN wi less-a the torj A'.nn and ca ue the heaviness to dlaa- I lull ii. u?-:risg frri Chronic M.Iaria and you mn i-e c :,!. lit DV t. will relieve roar ewry symptom and maso roa well. II I I VSi nil) l: ub:ainei of s'.f dr'vit ;s for ivc per p-isee, er packsgiis for I. VC If your druKgi.t l'v-s pet krp if, send direct to the III lit AN HKMKI1V COtlHAM, San Fran cisco, Cal-.lornta ;uerutrr that vou raa consult the Nt UT UOCTOKS VRKK. Call and see th9 doctors Vo l may ralf and see them, or write, as yaw desire. Adilraaa HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Car. (tecVtsa, Market sal t!!a) Sta. (aa Frsaelsom, Cat. i ;n nr. TUB l)IRF.CT:F.OCTET Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Oivcs choice of two favorite routes, via the UNION r.U-IFICFast Mail Line, or ?he RIOURANDE .-"ceulc Lluca No Change of Cars On the Fortlmid Chicago Sntxial, "the liuvst In the West. Equipped W illi Eli-';int' Mandard kvperf Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) levtvur Suivrb Library-Buffet Cars Splendid IiiK-r (iiieiilr- a la carte) Free Kcclininir Chair Cars Ctiinfortable Coaches ami Smokers Entire Train Coiiiph'tely VcstibuleU Fu fiiitbcr infonua'iorCspply to J. F. UIVANS, Agt., BoteLcig R. Nagelj W. E Coman, . Tres. FaM. Agu Gen Act. U4 Third SC. Pet I : a Or. Mil OR We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, I i L i sr-ij .Liij.aga?aT3 a been the recipient of One Hundred aud Twenty-nine First ing the Supreme Recompense, pean Award ever given to a Piano manufacturer, aud The Crowning American Triumph, a The Greatest Award of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago. CLEVELAND, SPALDING CHAINLESS, AND IMPERIAL BICYCLES. Prices from $28.00 to $60.00 for Spalding. - All wheels fully pnar.inteed. All goods fully guaranteed and sold on the installment plan. Band Instruments, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. In fact almost anything in the musical line can be had at Mr. li d t. McEaep, of Micro, Flcrida, writes K, I.. Allen & C .; "My garden spot was 150 x 27i feet. My s td cit T10.00, Fertilizer !.00t Help alto2ether 0.00. This fall w4 the firnt time I o,d the "PLANET JK." (Mo. 4 combined Hiil end Drill Keder) nd 1 made cletr jfnO.OO and ecougb left to do me notil I Csn gt t aco!h-r cop." You can do as well if you ne tbe . "Planet Jr. Garden Tools." Churchill & Woolley. Distributors for Southern Oregon. ."TV SEND US ONE DOLLAR '. -I ' sj.W Get your SCHOOL We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Prices are Right. . . . A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Our j P. Benedick ... a Any Job Work done at f Reasonable m iwwwt.Vtrts Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Dealers Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and F. 'Phone Main 353. including CHICKERIXGS, WEBER, KIM BALLS, NEEDHAM. Besides these we have other good Piauos but cheaper in price but not in quality. - While we have the highest grade Piauos kuown, and recognized the world over. The Chickerintr The Cross of - Legion of T. K. rrr this is. oiisssstsa to is wrra oss aouaa. sad w. will scad yoa our SPECIAL HIGH CRaDlT $38.50 STOCK SADDLE by freicht C. O. I. aakjees ta esaaslaaUMaw YOU CA1 EXAMINE IT JO?TBr2,7?Z ! , depot, aad If farnmA prietij avsuLa4jart4Brj. cudlj mm KprMcaftesl, An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle lnri t equal of nifldjarK ncti vtmtmrm t trma tit&ZJrjZi OUR PRICE.- .38. 53. In. the Sl.seacsrit, ar SaTUM, aaat traitt This Saddle ia made on a IBttor 1 6-inch Genuine Ladeama or Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.. rtRFTCLLY atLECTEB HAWRIItE rstCira Tltft-K. bound or roll eaot.stl Inktiaer cored Krrap or Mors oiaow aiaf. aonao, umim. .ui mm s TREE IS MADE EXTRA STUOIUS J2S?toot hatd, Xiach wul la Umip iMLTaatra. ltt-tarh Ueftnp. trTtotvca tmr j4, Mrv-h to bdts on oflatde. brtrj ronton twvtd MrXKaui S-tarl. trant riaefcL, kamTj roctoa. bt?w uur rinrK, cosoecuaff sUrmp. Loop feat, tml tad joc&ry ui our ihcv. CLECAWT HAHD RAISED ST M PI WO aa tmtrsiM. w rlst mf s&aie imi aa for snMstent. si poonda. I BXkJtl m iu aaatt turn roa sra aiurs. WRITE FOI f REE VEHICLE. HaRHESS IKD SkDOLE CATALOGUE. sHewinf a lull liae ef Cawbsy and Rancaer uuinis a ib fewest prices ever sootes. Auorcss, a SaHS. RCEEUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL tasara, aii.aia ukanacaij waassii as ) SUPPLIES .At Marsters. Undertake!1 End EmLalniEf. in Game in Season, S. Godfrey, Prop. FOR. D ill has CJi- Medals and Awards, includ tlouor, The Highest Euro RICHARDSON'S. ;il . I'jiitid Htatbs Lano Orrits, Uosebura:, Oregon, Jan. aa, 15Ci. By Honorable Commissioner's letter "N" of ! November at, W, this office was directed toor- der a bearing to determine the character of tbe , following described tract of land, to-wlt: the h a i'vv' X W ""d W l ' NK T h heretofore adjudged to be mineral in character ' (decision ol October .", IhTt.) but now alleged by the Oregon and California Railroad Companv to lye easentialiy non mineral in character, all ! mineral (If and were contained) having been. since said decision, extracted, or taken from ! said tract. Wherefore, In Conformity with the Instruct : tons of said letter a hearing ia hereby ordered, j the testimony to be taken at this office, before j the Rerlster and Receiver on Friday, April . . ls at 10 o'clock a. m., and :he parties hereto j are hereby summoned to appear at said time and t place and furnish testimony in support of their res pee 1 1 ve claims. 1 Haid hearine lo be conducted in uiMtiim with paragraph l'Xet soj of the C. U. Mining ard Regulations. J.T. BSIWiEa, Register. J. M. BfOTII. Receiver. .Notice ot Final Settlement. In tbe Countr Court of Uie Bni nf nrM.. for Douglas Count : Ia the matter of the estate of Thomas Wiler, deceased. Notice l hereby eiveii that the n nri.mtrru-H administrator of the above eii tl tied estate baa tiled his final account therein, and said Court haa maue an order aupointina; Monday, May 7th, 1'JjO at tbe'eocntr court house inRoselmrr Tlnti.. Coauty, Oregon, at 10 o clock a. m. of said 4ay as tne time ana ptaer ir hearing objections thereto, and for the final settlement of .!! estate, ai.d any and all persons having any ob jections 10 saia iinai account, or any part tbere ot, are hereby notified to file the same In tbe alove entitled court and cause, on or before tne timeisei lor saia nnai settlement. JimSLsOS H. WILET, Administrator. Notice for Publication. CaiTKOSTsTCS I.1D OrTItaT Eoseburg, Oregon, March a. 1300. Notice is hereby giveo that the following named settler has filed notice of bia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Regis ter and Receiver, United Mates Land Office at Roaebnrg, Oregon, on April as IA, wiz: HA Ml EL ALRKANbEK. Ou II K K for Hi- S W!4, Luta3 and 4, Sec , T X 8, U (. W. He names the following witness.! t prore bia continuous miiiemx npen and cultivation of said land, viz A. O Rose. tt'. J Lander, 6 Laodcr, .N. Cuxtt, all of R use burg. Oregon. .'. T. BRIDGES, Regis le. CHURCH SERVICES. MaTNouisT Cue am-eomer af Haia aad tane slreeia. 6an4ay Service: Preaching, II a. am and M p m.; Babbalh school, 0 a. aa.; L. A. Walicer, euperintcntut; Class Meeting at cltav ol the mom lug aerriee: Xp worth Laagoe 7p. m. t. S. Godfrey, President. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. C. K. Aasou, Pastor, Parsonage, corner Haia wad Laae. C.siTaa BtATaaaa Cacaca-on rowier street. ouadajserTice, at 11a.m. and 7:39 . sa. Pray, er meeticg. Tharsday evening. Mrs. Lcct M. Ctirur, Pastor. 8t. (iavaoa's - Cacaca. Corner Caaa and Uaio streets. Services oa second and fourth. Sunday morning of each month aad every Sun crcning. Special services announced froaa Ime to time, Rsv. Joks Dawson, Miaalonary. H. E. CacacK, Sort a. act vices every gonday .-urning and evening. Re J t Cottos, Pattot Baptist C'ULaxH corner of Lane and Rose treeta. Sunday scrr ice: Preaching at 11 a. at and 7:30 p. m. cabbath School at 10 a. at, O. P. Coshow, superintendent, frayer aieeting t 7:30 Wednesday evening. . A. DuCcLaa, Pastor !taT CaaisTLtw C iu aca Corner of Haa and Woodward streets. Sunday services Preaching both morning and evening, goads swismui.111. i.r. . u. e. at 6:30 p. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening a 7.30. A cordial wricome' and greeting ana: ai W. A. Wooe. Pastor I Firsr PKKaBrrsKiAS Chcich Corner of Car aad Rose streets. Sunday aerriee- PaoU worship, 11 . m., anl a p. at.: Sabbat school, 10 a. m. If . P. 8. C. E. at 7 p. m Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening 7:39 m- J. A. Towssairo, j Pastor! Taa W. c. T. C. will hold its regular meeting on ever jJonday evening at 720 au i i the IpwoRb. Leagxia room of tho If Chore O.RAfi CO! Ltiitr 1 ecataiKtas ;' Asaaz' t ! t m. fait Lake. Deawr. Ft. Faa I V ' Hort- Oxana, Kaa- ! Mail J P-Vt as City AXouia Chi- :iop,m cayoaadKaat j Sjoaane Walla Walla Lewistoa. ookaua Flyer Spokane, Minneapolis. 1 ilver St. p.a., Duluth, MU- Sa. m. ; waukie. Chitaso and j ' East. ! ! i 8 p. OU i IICUS STtUBiHIl I AU Sailing' dates subject l to change. For San Francisco . fraU Dtc 3, is U IS, 3, 2S and every & days. j Dallv .Cou-mbia Rivrjt STIaJtaRS Tv) Astoria and Way Landings. Ex.Sundav ,Ex. son Sp. m. Saturday 10 p. m. i a. m. EtSundav WlLLvaiTTK Ritss i-gvn Cit. Sewberg, s'em k Way-Laud a m. Ex. gun WtujtsETTK And Tax- 3 30 n. ra Tuea.Thorsi BiUKiTBas. lion. Wed and Sau Oregon City, Davton and aD-i nav-Landings. 6 a. ' IU. I " WlLUHSTTK RlVt . J -M m Tues.Thurs lmrWi aud Sat. Portland to Corvaliis and and Fri. ! and Way Landinss. . Leave Riparta ' 1:JD a. ui. Daily ; s.NaAa Ktraa Ripaiia to LcwisWn r Leave ; Lewiatoa ' DaUy S:A' a. m J. F. Glvans, W. H. Hurlburt, Gen. Pass. Agt-, PotUanJ, Or. Agent. Roseburg, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Cnited States Land Office. RiKBi a.;, Oregou. M.wh i. 1300. otfce is lierebv sireu that in mnnii.iuu wtta the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, lsTA, entitle.1 "An act for the sale ui timber lands iu tho States of California, Oreeon. ovada, and t ahinetoo Territorv. ANDREW J rtivs.iv Of Ashland, County of Ashland, State of Wiscon sin, bas thia day tiled in this office his sworn statement So. So7, for the purchase of the SE'iof section No. s, in Township No. 24, s., Ranms No. 3 W, aud will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita timber or s,n!- Jhaa for ajtrkultural purposes, and toes- ciaim to saia lanti neiore the Regis ter and Receiver of this ulriee at Riwhi.n. gou, ou Satunfay, the lnd day of June, 1900. He names as witiiesaea: J. C. Turner, L. G. De wolf, f Portland. Oretxm. L. Penln a-uf va. ard Rone, of Oakland, Oreeon. ' Any and all persons claiming adversxlT the aoove-aescribed lauds are reuuetid to nia iheirciainisiii this omce on or belore ssjL.'-.d day of June. I'M). J. T. BainaEA Register. Notice for Publication. rsiTKD Siatks Land Ori n a, RusebarK. Oregon. February Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with tbe provisions of tho ad of CorHfress of June 3, 1. entitie-t "An act for the ale tim ber lauds in tho Slates ol California. Oresrou. Nevada aud W a.hitncloii Territory " KR10 W. KAKDEli, rf-3s. -of ilarslifleld. County of Coos, State n;- . Mat has this day tiled iu this oriiee hisorui te ment No. S, for the pun'ha-e of the lots I7li . NK;, of Section No. i, in Township No. 27 s Ran se No. low., ami will oiler proof to .vaow that tho land soii'-ht it mora valuaid for ita timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish Ii is claim to said land beioro tbe Keisu'r and Ki-colvi r of this otlii-eat Kosu bur?, Oivgoit. on Sal unlay, Uie Itlth dav of Mav. lisi. He names as witnes.-: Alert K 'Rt ttva. of Marsl-ti-.-lil, Orc-n; A. K. Kard. ll, ot M.irn noM.Oivgou: W. It. Smith, of Marttue!d. Orr Kn;tiiti. it. lteiron.oi Marlniuld. hex.. a. Inv anil s i iuh.mi. i'Lini h . . . w .. al4vu-itacribei laada arc muffed t. it;,- tjiair ' i iims iu tabs oiJke ou or before iaid lutU ila o C .vi7aaasi. j. i, m:nn-irs.