The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 05, 1900, Image 2

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Published M..mi ai d Thursday.
: t
Ono Year
Six Honths .
..$2 DO
J 00
- SO
rtsre Ifontaa..
W. C. CONKER, Editor and Publisher.
E, D. STRATFORD, Associate Editor,
APRIL 5, 1900.
A couLtv convention ot the republican
jotert t Dooilas county, Oregon, u
barcby called to meet at tbe Court House
in Rowburjt, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m
on Knuiuay April 7ib, 1900, for tbe pur
poa ol electing delegate lo iti state
convention which ineete at Poitlm.d. Or.
April 12, 1900, and delegate to the
Congressional ConvenMon allien uie-te
l McMinnville, Oregon, on April 11.
1900, and to nominal candidates lor the
various county stlite to be voted for at
Oia coming Jnoe ekuiicn.
The primaries will be held in the -spective
piesibcU on Saturday Marcii 31
The apporiiouuiew ior cam cum cm i
abalt bo 1 delegate at lare lor each pre-t-iitct
an 1 dtl-gal for each 15 votes r
fraitioo thtrcol ol 10 vott-e cast lor lion.
T. T. Geer for gowruor at tbe state flee
tkta ol lBttS, as follows, to-ait:
Precinct. No. delegates
Deer Creek.
Cmfxjna f
Veat Rufwbon:
. 9
. 5
. . 3
.. 3
. 7
. . 5
Cole? Valley
Xt. Kcolt
Pas. Creek . .
Myitis Creek
Oiril Bend
Wilbur -
x Millwood
i East l'a sua
Lacking Olaas
"Jniaa Valley
.. 5
.. o
. . 3
.. 3
.. 3
.. 3
.. 8
-Uburg . 4
iatal 13S
jLt was recommended that th voters of
. each precioct, nominate a candidate for
road eoperviaor, lor each road dis'rict in
their precinct, as well as candida'es for
Jastice ol tbe peace and constable, and
certify their names to tbe contention for
rali location, it is requested that tbe
voters of each precinct elert oo pt rsoo
( Mrve as a member of the County
- Central Committee, and that that per
asm attend tbe County Convention for tbe
parpoee of meating with the commtttee at
tta organisation. It is farther recom
eeBd4 that in tbe preciocts of Roteburg
West Roseburg, I'mpqna, Der Creek
Oakland and Calapooia tbe polls
be opened at 1 o'clock p. m. and
reaaaia open until 4 p. m.t and that in all
ether preciocts tbe primariee be called
U order at 2 o'clock p. in. aod remain
cpe aa long as those in charge may
throk proper.
Dated at Rosebnrg, Oregon, tb'n 6-h
day el March, 1W0.
E. D. STBATroao,
S. C. Fust, Chairman.
Secretarj .
Willi this ieeue of tbe paper 1 again re
tire from tbe actiYft editorial manage-
tuent ol tbe Pla ixueaixk. W hile I thail.
for tbe present, at leatt, retain an aeso
date relation with tbe paper, other duties
i and responsibilities will eoon retjuire .larRe
portion of my time. Tbe large and rap
idly increasing boeiLese ol ibis publica
tion makes it necessary iital it. "have at
its bead a man wbo can wive it bis aholc
time and attention. Mr. W. C. Cuuner,
who again take charge of the paper, is
well fitted, by reason of hia knowledge of
tbe boaineee, and hi wide and favorable
Domain tan cc with llie jteuple. of tbe
ecanty and etate, to maintain Tlaix.
dealeb in the pueition it bxi t-u long
held as tbe leading ne-f pair of Sjuth
rn Oregoo.
Oapn5o)of Bryan' book, "Tbi
rt R.ftl " ia f.uln.l fill 4 IUl,1jV at !
financial iosigbt and foresight: "The
gold standard means dearer money;
dearer money meana cheaper property;
cheaper property means harder times;
harder times means more people out of
work ; more people out of work means
more people destitute ; more people des
titute means more peop'e desperate;
mere desperate people airans more
crime." Aod more Bryan politics means
freih crop of predictions that l urn out
x;ctly th other way.
The rata at our elb wtae it is re
ported that when Mr. Bryan is exhausted
from a round of speeches similar to those
be baa been delivering lately throughout
Washington anitnL nu. be simply
retires to bis room, blows out tbe gas,
aod sleeps all night with a smile ol in
f Bible content upon his fare.
Dr. Em mens, tbe noted chemist, lately
claimed to bave made a discovery where
by be can make gold from silver, cays an
exchange. Tbal'e nothing friend, Mr.
Bryan's coming to Koseburg reminds a
that be baa heen doing that right along
lor tbe past three or four yeara.
Clear ibe deck for action! Bryan to
day; Fueieaiste county convention to
morrow and then tbe republican county
convention next day, Saturday, at which
time tbe winftilg county ticket will be
placed in tbs field.
lf Davie ie tbe Texas Cy lone, Bryan ii
CSjrtalnly entitled to be called the Ne
braska Typhoon. Oregouiaa.
Tbe registration of rulers will lie lively
hie month, tbe rush bariDg already be
8n. Tis well.
. The biggest trust in Douglai county i"
composed of tbe democratic aud populift
Tbis is Uie year, A. D., in which Ore
f on will cleaa out the ftieiouiets.
Tbe Boers seen lo figbt equally well
up bill or down.
5? . J
' 'Rah for Brine!"
The Nebraska Orator Will be Given a
Hearty Welcome by His Admirers
This Evening.
Hon. V. J. liryan, who is scheduled to
arrivrt in this city ou ibis evening's train
from the north, will be met M the depot
by a reception committer aul -r-c nicJ to
tbe McClrtllen 1 louse, where he will time
with a .telega'ioi. of leadii-g democrats.
As trcvioiit-ly announced special
Irate tckel we o placed ou falo st the
depot inrlndiiij; t.'ie round trip to Eugene
. . VI. 1. ...... .c.,..., l.iiv, l.llllili
1 kut W.. IO ,.,.-,.,, I
"l'""n "uv I -
availed ttiemselves of lhi opp.T.umiy ,
aud joined the excursion.
Other than nuuisr 'n? tint tiisr:;Ai-ts:
displ ivs iu the window- o! the husinesi
houses widi tlie ap;e.Araiice of an cc
casi'jr;al fljg an I drjH y of buiitin,
little chai se, from the iifcual routine is
noticed a b'jut loan. Mr. Schmidt, the
new prottri-jlor of the MfCla'.l- n lloust',
where Mr. 15:ja:i wiil lie enicrtai ied.
has manifes'td hie good tas-te ly t j 113 -
ly and aitiHiically dct-orutirg bis pnpular
hostelry with llspr, hutt:rg, ttc
The vacant njuaru a thorl distance
south of the opera house, Las been pro
vided wi ll a temporary roofed platform
for the speaker, iu front of which s.-ats
have been provided to accomoJite about
3500 ieople, which r.t present indic
tions will I fully ami'lo to ic-com-wnljile
I hit crowd, the local
train fro:o thos ju'.h ibis luruicg bricg-
iog less thau 20d peopU. lloacwr, th
weather beinj pleasant a gooJ many peo
ple are expected to arrire iatown f oni
the adjacent country ibi? aft-.-rnjoii. In
lieu of the lict that tho man wha n 0,-
500,000 voters preferred for p resident in
1S9C is to visit our town and oral? t j our
people, tr less interest and enthue'atm
is manifested than om would naturally
expect on such an occasion.
Mr. Bryan's lbwery oratory give him
the nomination for the presidency at
Chicajo in 1S05, but Ms overwhelming
defeat has required iuom than th it to
keep him ia asuen 'ency during 'he long
period of time io'etvning, which re
quirement bo hs fai'el to eopply.
hence bis wanirg pspulsiity
Tjnigbt wa may expect to hear lb
aam4 old declaration for free aud uulioti-
ted coinage of silver, and the arraign-
ment of the trusts; "criminal a.-ression"
j policy of tbe administration ii the I'liii-
lppinea; increase in oar Etauaing aimy.
and a lew kindred eabjecis cn wnicb Mr.
Bryan hit been qao'.eJ froai one e:iJ of
tbe country to tbe other and cri'.iiiied
until bin arguments bave become thread
bare, tint still, Mr. Bryan ia ejaebt
of an attraction and tbe pejp'e of our
county must see him and bear biui Uik,
and then tarn oat to th-3 po'U in Jane
and roll up tbe biggest KepuVicau nt-
jority recorded ia tbe coanty for yeara.
You came across tbe country
To tell os how to vote,
That trusts and corporations
lias got na by the throat ;
That tbetn who want McKiaiar
Mast be almighty blind.
We mast admit it, Bryan,
Yoo've been uncommon kind.
The workin' men was neevlin'
Jnst some eocb talk as that.
They've bee) so busy wot bin
They don't know bere thtj"ie all
They think because tbeir waej
Is bisted riht lon, -That
this Administration
Ain't doin them no wrotii;.
They can't see why McKiniev
fcbould get throwed down fur yoa
When wages is a risin'.
With lots o' work to do.
And so we need yon, William,
To tell 'em where they're wrong.
To start tbe big procession
An' make 'em come along.
We e'pese you've been persuadin'
Tbe voters everywhere
That you would make 'em proper
An' give 'em pelf to spare;
We s'poee you've done it tiiuply
Because you wanted to,
To eee the pcor ctape Lapt-y,
Was good enough fur you.
We e'pote yoa pay expecses
Far makin' this here trip,
And figured what 'twould cost yuu
Before your packed your gri.
Appreciate it, do we?
Well, ou juet bet we do.
Again we tell you, William, s
Tu'as awful gisd of yon.
A Colored Minister Who Tempered
Patriotism Vi:b Piety.
fiie following prayer of an old culjred
minister four years ai:o, on the t-ve of
tbe presidential election is gxul enough
to republish. Tbe fact that tbe prayer
was fully answered, sbows that tbe Lord
yet anBweie prayer. The eaid:
"O, Lord, Bave tbe couutiy from the
hands of litem mho ia trying to hus. it
op. Give us plsnty of work and ood
money for it, so we can take ear ii our
wives and children, and buy g Kd dread
aad meat and pav for i'. Wewant tokeep
politics out of cur cburch and out of our
prayer meetings, but we can't Le!p ask
ing Thee to tea? a look out for that poor
miserable sinner, Bryan, who we bear is
coming into this state band in band wi b
Satan. We ask Thee, don't let him do
no harm ; forgive bis sios that be is com
mitting every day, and then knock tbe
stuffin' oat of him next November."
Fusion for spoils was given a knock
out blow over in Coos coanty last week,
tbo proposition of the "uoion of the
democratic and populist forces, eimilar
to that of four years ago being defeateJ
by- an overwhelming maj h ity. The
populists of that county have learned a
lesson, though a costly one, and mean to
profit by their experience. Coos was a
banner populist comity until that party
was demoralized by fasion, aud r gained
by the republicans.
The republicans in their convention
Saturday will select a ect of candidates I
who cau go before the ptople with clean j
rnrA .....I I,... . ., t. 1
lWIU9 OUA 0,,IUC1 lium liU VOUJUlOllllO
. ' .
can be uttere I. W Kb such a ticket and
a united and harmonious party organ-'za-
tion success i as.'ure I f..r tho repuhli-
cans in June in tbis county.
Tr.'-r r ,
The botite lariti rtiil for ruerlj lti:o
after being amended in tbo Hi-mite hv the
. ,. . , , .,, ... . -
addition of Ihe liul providing a l inii '
civil government, ami by iuipjrtar.t
modifier! iou o' its laiMF
passed the st'iiate Tues lav l y a Vutu uf
40 to 31. ' !
teal poru
Ihe difference between
list anJ a fusionist is, tbe populist has a ! Puii,ie for auy dbte contracted by my
divorce from the old parti, s without hH- j wj,Pi i.iltiel)Ue teuirey. Dalrd at Oak
many, while tbo lusionist baa alimony j iaUljoregcri, March 21', 1'JOO.
i jjout divorce. Kxcbangc. 1 a02 I'kmikv,
Would Not Delete the Nomination
for the Presidency.
'iV.siiisi;to.v, April 4. Admiral George
Dewey today confirmed the interview
publish i this morning in the New
York World to the effect that he will se
ct pt the l'riK!deni-y ol the United states
Hhould the American people (Jefiro him
to fill thnt office. He refused to make
any further statement.
In his original statement ou the fuh
ject, the Admiral eaid :
"Since studying this subject, I am
. ....i.t Hint 11. A IH. nl tllA I'rMklilMttt
-""'"""" -
.. ., ...... . ....... ,i;n;..,.u i mi l. So
duties being mainly to execute the laws
'd Cwre?. Should I bo chosen for tlii"
exalted position, 1 would execute the
laws of Congress it a faithfully as I have
always executed the. orilers ol ray eu
Hr. liryan's Home lown (Joes Re
Om.iiia, Nub., April C:tits throng)
Nebraska held elections to.l.iy, l.inculu
tho home of W. J. i'.i yan, Rivea the larg
est if nn'.i'ican iu. j niv for vciis, and
iDiti's ; tli'aii San p o! lite iocad tickc-i
bouMi 0.n.i;i;i, lor lite lir.t'. lim-i in its
hietory, tlcct.-i a republic!! may r.
Cinuciuuatu'd city eleeii in M-mday
rvsuUeil ii a ciuan beei f.jr l!io rejnl di
cans' over the f us:oii-t J. Jviliui Kioisli
mat', a iiiilliuutiiie Hebrew, was elected
mayor over A. M. Cobeu iiv 8000 maj ir
ity. T.iledo rep'bliC4ii defeated Ihe
Jones poople and they, also, carried
Cl ve'a stl and Canton.
la U;a!i, Kiui, (J.:u.) waseh.c'.cd
j conrcteuian to SJcc-.ed lijbil'.f, ex-
pf!it-J, '.iy maj )ii'y over H.cnmond
Ia Montana th republicans carried
IIelen.1 and the demcrats Uuttft and
A .ac-jnd.
Mining Laws.
i Manv of cur readers will be interested
j ia the follow ins miuiig laws ;
I. The state allows nothing per day
i for doiug aees;uicnt work. Voder the
lawa of Oregon, a man is Ktiaired, with
in 00 Jjyg afier locating a claim, to kick
a 10 fojt shaft U'ron it, or run a 10-foct
tunnel, or ruike an open cut equivalent
toeiiber. This is all that iu rtquired ty
the eUto of Oreju to seenro a claim.
Theohjevt of rM nrii'g this work lo he
djne wi'.hin 00 days after the location is
male is to prevent people from staking
out claiais tli over a district.
2. After the sia'o law has been com
i plied with the general laws of congress
governs. Tiiii require that in order lo
held tbe claim 100 worth of work must
be done on it annually, beginning with
the fecad calendar year after location.
Tbe g'jveiuu.eut does not eprcify any
lanua)ar kind of work, bat simply pro
vides that atiiJ.tvit most be made that
$100 worth ol work has been done.
Shot a: the Prince.
ButaLU, April 4. The Wince of
Wales as ebol at fr!u the train at tbe
railway e'.a'.'oa here. The ballet missed
bim, but the affair caused intense ex
ciJeiccnf. urn:.
But!U. April 4. TLe would-be
atfaE.-iu of l lie Wince t ! Waics has been
Republican Primary at Gardiner.
G ALPINES, tre., April .1, l'.rOO.
A very enthusiastic primary was held
ut Gardiner oa .Saturday evening, the
largest on record for tbe precinct.
lr. Alex l'attereon called tbe meeting
to order, atd was elected chairman of
the meeting, Een K. Lye'.er bving elect
ctl EtcrtUry. I'reliminary to cpenine
tbe bnsiuess of She i;mary "Mr. Henry
Bultaian made a k-w interesting remarks
on the political eituation of tbe county
and state, which were well received.
Same 14 names were placed belore tbe
meeting, from which S delegates were
chosen, m follows. Dr. Patterson, W,
r. KeeJ, P " A. Brownell, Fed Earl,
Wm. Yost, Wm. . Smiley, Scott Monis
and G. A. Gentry. For road super v:eor,
Sulpbnr prini;, Richard Lyster; tiard
ner, Wai. buiiiey ; b'cboQeld, Geo. Bal
darce. For )i6lico of I he teace, Aug.
Sbullis; for cepstablct teo. 1'crkinp.
Dr. Alux 1'altersbU was elected aa cen
tral couimiHeeuiAD.
lit E. LblKlt,
Timber Locator Arrested.
II. G. McKirde y, a well known limber
locator, was erresiel in this city Sunday
night by Marshal'es upon a message
from the I.'. S. marshal at Portland.
Mr. McKiiil-y l.aa been engaged as a
timber locator in th Cascade range for
some time past, aud h3 located aiaDV
claims and I imher eeckers. U. . Mar
shal lluustr ciiiitt up from Portland yes
terday and took tbe defendant in charge.
A trial was bad before United States
(JoiumiKt-ioner L. If. Muntanye in (his
city and the defendant was held under
HOJ bond for his appearance, which was
furnished hy depoti ing (be cash with
The particular charge against McKic
ley is euhoruatiori of peijury in procuring
one mau by the iuuiu of Whitney ' and
auother by the nauiu of Drinkard to
make tli InvitH aslucatus fn a tract of
laud in the mouutaina up the Calapooia,
and Jh j 1 in 1 ws to be deeded to bim as
t . , . ' . .... ,
eoon as a pa'eut is eecured.
i ,t gaiJ McKioley u eiulpy pre.
j KUtia,, Kma invei,or9 ailj i8 oniy
j t!ieir umnt jn tLe luatt(jr McKiule,.a
; vertiou ol iho matter is that it is the
Nuithfrn I'acilio railroatl trying to down
.. , , , : , ,- ,.
i him. hj H localiiu patties oa
.. , , . . ,, ,, ,
some go j I l.uitl which tlutv ant to gralt.
' ,s uM,.v 1 1 r r ! 1
To whom it tuny cunctrn: Notice in
i i,i rtby i:iven that 1 ill no loniier be re
Mrs. Coats of Ten Mile is reported
seriously ill.
V. li. Shambrook of Uaipqua lurry, ig
in the city today.
O. F, Hohrer came down f rum ti leu-
dale on the local this morning. v
Jobu Weayer and Ed,wiu Weaver sre
down from Myrtle Creek today.
Today 's weather Cioudiu tho moni
es; high winds along towards 8 o'clock.
Surveyor W. P. lieyden, ol Cleveland,
was among our numerous call-is to
We are glad to lepurt that Kev. T. L
Jout-s. v!u has been very sick at his
homo in Forest lirove, is slowly 5 in prov
Among thoeo from Kiddie iu tow n (o
see Mr. Bryan, we noticed Jake Nicliole,
Nate aud Ivy Dean, Thos. ler, tieo.
Yokum and ott:erf.
Au.coj; our old Kiddle friends id re
UH'iniKr us with a plcican: ea:l lo.lay
were, Mvssts. JackavjU, Yokcui,,
Noah and Perry Coruult.
A . it'.lo eon of s.etion forcuian Mr
U'ilii.tute, recently tiicd ul lbdatd. The
jcarlfclt ej mputhy of friouda ia extended
tLe family in -UAr bereavement.
Job iViiuing, an old time fiknd cf the
I'l.MMnALttt, t i.s iu the city toJay and
uiade this idlico a pltataot busiiietS cu
leaving the col!atrjl for cue ytai'a nib
c('li)lU.ll in lUtVaUC !.
.(ii- v i tin- n.otl uuiqtie wiiitio tiu
playi'S in thecitt is at Iv. Sykea' iiaid
aara etorr, w l.ero thu window 1i.I8Ih.uu
lilltd with ei'yir haif-Jullir-, to the
amount of atxul ?C00, with at.ttdau
nouucii'g, "We accpl Silver for ail kiiid
of hardware."
The otbeers who l:ad iu elur the
Seat'lt bjnk roblx-r, wlio mi recently
caiture 1 iu ('.iMirnia, uiiuwed
prisuner ti tic.iie fr.uu the ,Ytibnd
trai i iu Cow Crtek ciuton, I j t i.iht,
bu: l.e was iccp'uri'd in time f jr theol
Ccers to crch U moming local for
Tie i p'.ical 1 i!i )U rtprece-miug a liv
ing ha'f lady in the Novelty tore thow
window together with a beautiful dit-piay
of ladies shirt waist aad waist materials
held crowds of admirer t jJay. This or
tistic display is the luntliwors of their
pjpnlr naWsmanal trimmer Mr. Law-
son assistvd by Miss Vivwn Card well.
Gardiuer Has itronr Candidate in
the Person of W. P. Rctd.
ttAEitiNKK, Or., April I'M'.
EiuToa lVi'Mini-Lit: Now that tiie
political Put is txj.ii.axi: to siuioier in d
nan es are appeariuK for the teveral oil
tes within the till cf tbe peopls of lug
la-i co' it tot be aaiist f . r Irot out her favorite sou.
Gardiner has aUays rolitdupa very
decent republican vcta and we rop i..U
cans downliere wenid like a place on the
representative ticket. Tue man we de
pend ou tj grace thit place is Warren 1'
lsed, nephew of our late fellow towns
man, Hon. Al KeeJ. icis young man
requires uo ecconium. The ( eople cf
Iou'!as county know him to b- an bou
ordble-aud upright citi.:n, cijc, w hoil
uo'uiua'ed by thi conyeution, will as
honorably reprcJci l them a did the
late Senator Kee!.
Lane County Republicans.
The Uepabi.CAua ul Lana cjUbly met
ia coirveutioa al Ltiene yceter day. TLe
uieetiug aa larg-, ctitliucidtiuc end
Larmonioua aud icsulieJ iu (lie tio niiia
ttuu ol tbe fo'.loain exceilcut ticket :
tor representative?, Jap. llemeuway,
ol Cottage Grove, Ivan Mc'iaetn, uf Lc
rane, and L. T. Harris, of Eu.'eue.
For coaa'.y jadjjt1, O. F. Kncx, ol Cot
tage Grove.
For clerk, E. I". Lee, of Junction City.
For sheriiF, K. 1. Hawley, of Creswell.
Cotuati99iober, J. L. Taykr, of Her
mann. 0:her teaiiuationa tint yet obtainable.
Cape Nome Direct.
i'aciiic Coa&t and Kmpire St-aaiebip
Co'a 12 tirat cUsa steamers will nail front
Portland and Tacotua between April Ut
aud Jnce 1st. Guarantee to land pass
engers acJ freilit ou the beach at Uipe
Nome. Each full ticket allows lot)
pounds bagae free. App'y imnicdiate
ly fc-r reservations.
Juii.N F. Givans, A(;ent,
Itofeburif, Or.
Plans Wanted.
l'lans for eniari;in the echojl lmii-t in
tbe city ol Kosebur by tbe udJition of
four rooms and remodeling the tUirway
will be rectiv J by tbe undersigned un
til noon of April 5, 1000. The plans
must be accompanied w ith tb probable
cost of bmldiuf accoriiitii; t 8uch pUrip.
By order board of directors school dis
trict No. 4, Doiulas county, Oregon.
CLAKA UlLl.Alill,
School Clerk.
Democratic Primaries.
T jleniociat piiuiaries werj held in
th 'jtir ci'y p-ecincis SatijrJay, But
li' i ; ititeieut was manifested thero be
ioir ess than 50 voters out iu the four
There ia more Catarrh in this nei.tiou
of (ho country than nil other ditfeasee
put together, and until tho lutt few
years wan Btippoted to tie incurable.
For a treat many years doctors pro
nounced it local diaeaee, and prescribed
local remedies, aud by constantly failing
to cure with local treatment, prououueed
it Incurable. Science has proven caiHirb
to t e a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, inaii'ifaclnred by
1? J. Cheney A: Co., T"l"ilo, Ohio, ia the
only constitutioiiul cureotCthe inniket,
ft is taken internally in tloieH from 10
drops to a tea.q oonful. ltat.tu directly
ou loo Ii'iim I an l lnucoilij surfaces of tbe
eVHieiu. 'J'htty ull'er ono hiiutlred dollars
lor any ctto it l.iila lo cure. Jvn.l f jr
circohir.1 and (cdlimonialit. Address,
V. .1. CllKNKY CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Driifigieti', 75c.
Hull's l ninily 1'illn fti- tbe l.ojd.
And the place to
Strong's Furniture Store. ;
We have never shown as elegant a line
of CARPETS as we have in stock and
on the road. See our Room Size velvet
Rugs. Also Art Squares. Our Mo
quette Rugs are of the latest designs
and styles. We can show you the best
line of Tapestry Curtains ever shown
iu Douglas County. Also a good line
of L,acc aud Novelty Curtains.
Our motto is Good Goods and Honest values.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Iriuest Gaudies and a complete Hue of Bottle Goods of
all kinds i
Our Stock of ; COFFEES, and
Are always fresh, as we are constantly getting in new
1 T t 1
goods Kciucmucr we can save you money.
Sheridan Hluck.
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. I'. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
I)rnj, Toiled Article!, Talent iledi-
cint. Cigars. Stationery, Toilet
Soaps, I'Hints itnl Oilft.
photographic uppIiE?...
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
.Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Cull and Examine them.
Tealer in
Ffour, Feed, Groceries, and Coun ry Produce.
Highest price for
Mrs. N. Boyd,.
Desires to close out her large aud select stock of Chiua
and Glassware and will give tbe best bargains ever
oiVerep in the city. C and prove the truth of this
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, aud to get them promptly
when you order them". Call up 'Phone No. iSi,
for good goods aud good service.
Notice for Publication.
I'MTtO STAti- I.iSD Orn. E,
Ki-setmrg, Oregon. Al ril. 4. 1X
NoUcc U hereby ;cn thai in compliance
rt lib the pwisinu of tlie act -f Coiigrew of
June l.t, entitled "An act f,n the mle of
lim'ter Iattil iu Hie t&xt of f Jt:iJoru?o, Ongon,
Nevada nd ahiiieton Territ'rr."
of Abt rtleeii.t'ouiity of Ctteiiaii, Mate ol WatU
ittgtoii, li' tbi ti.t T tiUtl iu this otlice hia .norii
(t.tenient No '.'It's for the purchase of the ?VV'
oi Sec So 4, in Tp No fc Kaucc No9W, and
wiU ot'.cr proof to h.if tiiat the laud aouglit i
mote aiuable for its tiiuti-r orsttmc than for
grictiiturnl purpoe, an J to establish his claim
to ii1 land before tho Kegisler and Revviverof
this ortiee at Koeburv, On uon, on Friday, the
l.'ithdavof June. He name a witiicscs:
Jainet II. Fuller. J. 11. Kathuer, 1'. M. Littler.
liettrKC li. llokiii9 all of Alenie-n. Chehatit.
Cotmiy, ahidi;toa. Any and ail petaotis
claiming adtenely the a'ove deeribed laudt
on or K-.'ore said 1 til tlav ol Jtitie. l.H I.
pn" Register.
Adniinistrator'5 Notice of fale.
tueainl in purMniues of an order and de
cree ol the 'utility Court ol l'ouglai County,
Oregon, dulv made bv the llnu. Joe Lyin,
j Jtiilse of f-aid Court, nut entered of record ou
tue oin tttiy oi "pieiiita-r. i ., tirufiiyn auuut
recting the undersigned admltiiatrator to sell
the real itrottertv her. itinft.T dc-erilel and I-
VliL-iiv t.) Ihe e!t" of Karl Kliiiinel, deceased, i
tlieaid admiiti trn'or w ill proceed U nell ou j
and aiier Miindny, May 7,.1'aW at private a!e j
for cie-li In liuii t er pai l eavli aud credit, uion
the said premises In otic body, the followiui;
tleseriiHtt real property, towit: kit s. bl.K-k I iu j
the tow u ol CatijuuviKe, iiotiglas County, Ore-t
O. V. I'AUTKR. !
(a:) Administrator.
Squirrel and
Gophcn Poison.
Prepared Wlieiil)
The Host Hint Cheapest lictncly
yet diseoi'i. red f. r the ikMruc
tioii of these orchard sud
rntit h pe-tv.
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists,
: :A;:,';rA'.s
get them is at
: i
. t
Coautry rroja.-e.
Notice for Publication.
I'nlted states Land Office,
Ko-sat a., Orvsoa, April 4. 1MP.
Notice is hereby given tial Iu compUaute
with the provisions of the ait ofCougrrsaof
June a. ISTss euutied au act for the ftile of
timberuiHd" lit the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington. Territory,"
of Aberdeen, County of Chehal is. Stale of Wash
ington, has this dar tiled ill this office his
worn statement No SIS, lor the purvha-c ol the
s . Nt'.aod lots I audi of Sec i. iu TpNoiS
K No 'J V. and will oiler proof to Uiovr thai tlie
land sought is more valuable for its limber or
tone thau for aKrieuil.iral puqtoses, and to es
tablish h.s ciaim to said bind before the Regis
teraud Receiver of thin ollice at Koscbure, Ore
son on Friday, the 1 jib day of June. l'.JO. He
taints aa nitucei: James 11. Fuller, U.
karshner, P. M. Littler, J. B. Kandiner. allot
Aberdeen. Chehalis county. Wash. Any and all
persons claiming adverolcy the above, described
lauds are requested to tile Uieir claims In this
oiltee on or before raid l.tthlnr of Jone.
A V Kcglater.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough.
Bears the
Sigafnra of
Gopher Poi
l.'.ilu A Htiito'. Jjind Ofliee.
Ritsfburi On-iron, Maruh It), It'.
Sotli'O is hL'rt'hy ttvfii lliat la compliance
Willi tht pruvisiiiim i,l ilt. act n( (;ontrui o(
JuneS, l)7i, ontiiU'l "An act (or the wile of
tlmrr lttrt'l In tht- hiaii-i ol CnlWornla, Orraon,
cVhaihi.,."; mid '.n tl fci' Torn
tatcment No. WJ, (or the j.archae of the .14,
HW.'i. Ltt:t, 4,ot tf-tlon No. 1H, In Township
No. i4 H, ltiinze Xo. 2 V, aifl will oiler proof to
show that Hit laud nought It more valuable (or
li timber or t tone titan for agricultural pur-
po"ii, and to CHtabltrh elaiin lo Bald land
before the Itcgiitcr aud Receiver ol thU office at
ICoseuurv, Oit;u, ou 'i uettday. Ilie ritid dy of
May, J'.Mi. ll nnmeti ni witneftcii: L. G. be
Wolf, of Woodland. Wa'tiincton, Ueorze II. Me-
ciou.i,Jair...H Jiei ii. iianna, all of
Anltiaud, Hiwiumii.
Any aui an perwms eiu:miu alven-l the
- 1.. A ill...!., l-.ul ...1 " l .U i .
claitnA in thin o;!ite on or llure laid 22nd day of
Mav, l'jijt.i.
Cn I. il States LB'I Offict .
U.-.-KitCB-i.UrvL'iin. March lt, lJt).
?."ilic" if li'p I'V irivcn that in cKiliancc
niUi tin: tip. n of the act of :iD''reI
Julie 3, ( uiiilt 1 "Aa net lor the dale of
timlier lain ti in I lie .state of California, Oregon.
Nevada anil hf :is;tjti Terr'torv ''
Of Ashlitn.1, t'ourity of AsbUml, niate of WiK, liHf thi day liied ia lint. oliit:e iiitt strorn
stiiemeiit No. ..s, i.,r the ftirein. of the N W ,
t.f r.'t Hon N'n. II. in T'jt uship N. li A, Kanije
No. J, W., itu.l v.iil ofter lirool lo ttiiow that llie
la:il nought i mor; valuable for it timber or
ttonc tliaa for agricultural itiirrKr:ew, and to c
tablixli M c'ltim l i -unl land b fura the Keeitt
teranil Beireivcrol l;n c:;lii-e at Kosilur. en
gm, on l'iielay, th'- Jj.-i.l lay of May, 1:W. Hn
naiiiOT u witiiere-: !..(.. PeWoU, r.l Wixlianl.
Wahi:ii!tt.n, tjeoreo II. McClotiS. iiai II. Han
Iis, Daniel p. Keliuniy, ail ol" Aelilantl, W ir.wa
any nut all iiersoi-a claiming a.lverw-ly the
aboiuKleacribe! hint are ntinesictl to fi iu
their claims in this ofliceon or leIore aaiJ Hai
tJa of May, 1-M.
J. T. Laicx.t-.
Notice for Publication.
I'mted States Land Ornel,
K. lors. Orctcoa, Kebroary L !.
Nolitv i bereoy giveu that ia cmiplianee
uiilitli.- vnvii"ii- of tiie act of Cou-rt.-s of
June- :i, crttit'.eil '-An act or the aie of lim
Ijr laiitlx Iu the Stai. s of (. aiiforii :a, Ores.a,
Neva'laani Wafbirjtrt'tti Ti rnlorv, '
Of ahuuri). Otonty of Kay !ie!J, State of Vi
roiMln, haj this flay liletl lu thiitotiice hiorit
statement No. K5, (or the ptirehaf--of the l.u
3, . t! , NV; i.l ef-:ion So. 2, in Towrtiip N.
2INntii Rn;i: Ko. 3'I will oa'cr proof
to show that the land socght i raluaLIe
forib t;uiUr or stone tiiau lor arietiilural
I'urpo.', and
land befof' lie
to etablittii hi. elan to aiid
ltegis'.i r and v' of Ibis
office at Kox-.burtr. Or.-te., in VTi.lay th' UTih
dar ol Apr;:, v.'v. IK timut i witnesses:
Christian U. Uahl Va-hbnm. Whtcoosin, I.
T. IcWo:fof Wo-iJIan l, Wa.biRton. John W.
HeunD'i 01 tU' nuci.iuio, trul Yi.
l"ott-ref Ah;anl. of Vio3in.
Any and all per-out cia.mir.e adtem lr Ihe
above-i'''ribtJ land; are reineteJ to hie their
claims in thUoCiee ou or before aid -Tth day ol
.pm, mv. t. l. bk.lxjL.-s.
aJt'p Kegiater.
Notice For Publication.
lUTtebunr. Orwron, February 13, l'.X).
Ntlieo i faervbr pien that in compliance
with the TtviKjne ot the acl of Coesrew of
June Int. IsTtt, entitietl "An act fur toe vale of
limber !acr.g in the .-'.ateti f i aliforcla, t.Tgi'n,
Netrada at J ahiron Territory,"
Of Waliti;m, County of Bay rie'.t. State cf Wis
consin, ba ti l tlar r !ej in tbis o.t.ce bin fm
? tat- men t No. ..i, for ihe poreha-e ot the
Lota 1 anil J. anI f'j of XE.!4 of
e-.ii.'ii No. t".. in Tot:M No. C4 '4lb.
Range No. J Wst, and wiil oiler pnf to how
that the lurid s..u -ut is nioe rajtiable Ut iu
timber or nc than for agricultural purr.
anl to ettnbiish h;5 claim tittaid land before
the Kti-tr and Kciieivcr 'f tow of5ce at
Kibur Oregon, on ThundaT the ."td. da - of
Hay. l'.". lie ua.!!-a- nri:nes: Isatid Hed Wa-hbtirn, V'iiC"'Uin, Jarob Johntuii.
Uafhburu. W:-conin, tar l-ncizTeo. of
Wa.hburn, W iscnisin, Oiaf Olyjn, ol Wasiscrn,
W iMMUi.n.
Any and a perftnt claiming adversely tha
above d.-ser:3d lands ar rcni- sle-i to !'.'ie'thetr
claims in tbis on or belor sid 3rd day of
May, l.o. J. T. BBJ1)j--.
ik p Uesi'ter.
Notice for Publication.
RnKbur. Oregon, February 17, 10.
Noliee Is hereby siven laat in complimnct
lth tae prov itioc the act of Conn-s ot
June . lr. viitnled -An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of Cali.'oniia, Oregon,
Net ad aad Vahinstnn 1rr.torr:
of Vabburn, Coanty of Bay held. State of Wis
counu. has this day til.1 in thisoiliee his sworn
suteio. r. ; No. xi I. the purchase of the NF
of Svcti ta No. 12. ia Ton-b:p No-il S Bine
No. 1 W.. and iil offer prtxif to show that tee
lande.-tight is more taluabie lor its timber or
st.ine than for aru ulturul piirptu. and to r--tabhsfi
1.: a.:.i to -aid land before the Kc-;:-terand
t.ttntru! ti.:s ortiee al Kunibur?, Orv
eon, vi .Thurtday. the wir-l day of May, l.w.
Ho r.a:uv-t t wiiuivev la :d lleti'.an-l. of
w oshfcur'.i. :H.--:i:it; divert iie, oi Wabburn,
W-oajo; ' tiat i. K'lf ti. of W-hbtirn, Wjcjn
siu; Jacob Johnson. d ashbtim. l iH.-onin.
Any an-1 a 1 ptron eiuuninc tdeT?;y the
alKve-de-er:cl iaad are icu,-u-d l 1 !e their
tiaim. in lb. office en or be:ore veid Srl day oi
May, l.M . J. 1. lJKlla.,E3
iu:;p ' KeglMer.
Notice For Publication.
Cttilcd SUM taad Of.-.v.
Ko.-n ao. oregou. Manh lo. IAV.
Not.. t ben by g:en itt cmpiiaiicc
with the i r i?i.;; ,. tlie acl ol Cou?reMOf, cntitW ' Aa act fer tiie aie oi
timber land ia tiie states oi Caliiornja, On.-sou,
Nevada and Wahi::i. :i Tetritorv.''
sILA- H. ulN'Si
Aihlan.!, County of Ah!aad, State of Wis
con -la. ha this duv dW l in tlii oiUce l.U v.vora
s'.ateuicut No. .vi, for the pun base of the NE'4
of Sh'Uoii No. ii. ia Tohumiid No. il S. Ranue
No. 3 V. and will oi!er pr.if to show thai the
ianasot:g:it is more t a,tiable lor us umber or
stone than for agricultural purites. and lo es
tablish his claim to aid laud before the Kegis-
ter ana Receiver oi tm ouice at ttosebun;. O re
coil , on Tueday, the iSid day of May, lXo Ho
names aa witnesses: L. ti. "DeWolf. of Wood
land. Washington. Jaiues McCuIly, Ueorce H.
MtrCloud, Uauiet D. Keusedy, all of Ashland,
Any aud all dcimmis c'.amiitic adversely the
abeve-dejaTtbed lands are reouest! to tiie their
claims In this orhce ou or before aid iiud dar of
May, 1S.
J. T. BaiiHiis,
I'nited stales Land OtTice.
I'.otBi ao, Orecon, April 1).
Not:cc is hereby g-vca thai iu"cinip!iauce
wiih-the provisions ot the acl of Congress oi
June 1?, entitled "An ai t for the sale of
timber lamts iu ihe ii:es of c aliforniu, Oresou
Nevada aud N ahi:!-.-!ou Territorv,''
JaMF H. Fl'LLKli.
of Aberdeen. County of Chehaiis, State of Wash
ineton has this day Clel in this ortiee his sworn
statement No. 914, for the pure time of rt.t8;,
N VV . aud to'.s .! .ind 4 oi Section No. 4, in Town
ship No. Jl S. Ranee No t W, nat will ofter
pPKit to show that the land soaiih t is more valu
able for its limber or stone than for agricultural
punes. and t estabUli his claim t said
land betere the Kcnisler and Keixivtr of ihis
orliecal Hots bun:, t'l.voii on Friday the loiiay of
I Jiiui', liw 119 ttauicn as witncvies, l.eorgo B.
Hopkius, P. M. Littier. ti. Karsinie.', J. B'.K'arsh
ner. a'.l of Aberdeen, Wah. Any and all per
sons ciiUmitig advereH- the above-de ribod
lands are nvitiestc-.i to tile their claims iu this
oflic.6 on or before said l.H a dav ot June. lA'X
aop Kegis;er.
will stop a cough at any lime, and will
cure tbe worst col,l iu twelve Louro, or
money refuadeJ. '25 ct. and 50 etB.
rusale at Uapp'd dru store.
OK 1 11 K
f peedy ;.ud Eilccuuil lAstnic
tiou ot
Roseburg Academy
A special ttracber for each tit purttnunL
-"vcl at any lime. For tarUo,!
! nrlilroua tt n .t im.i
C'.-T. Vi" HITTt.tE e y. A. V. ,
lleeidence. Cor. LoagIaa and CJuiv
'Three Daily Trains Between Odzen
j "
and lienor
V " T V -
The ii;craasein tranpcoatiaental trare
by way of Salt Lake City ia consequence
of tbe st enic ami other attractions of tbe
routo, has recently justified tbe lib
Grando Wtitcrn Uiilway ia connection
with ihe le- yer li Il'-j Grande aad Cot-.
o-a lo Mi J!a:i 1 liailrosua saya tbe Ball
Like Tribtnif, in efctaUitbinj a tip6
daily fa-t pa senior 8-rvica be'tneen Ofr
den and Denver. Ail rl tbes trains are
equipped wi h th-j Ijtttrt appliances, im-
pr-jve't-at and va:h. This r0l inr
cperale - :Lr .cj;",i flte;- rs between C:ii
cago, Ut-n an l y .ui Frrffjcifco, alw a
perfect tiiniii,' t ar tervi-:.-. S"iitl 2c poet
for ii.erat'jre, ratoj or other iiforun
tintoJ.,D. Ma-sSi'!'.!, l53 AVasltiogton,
l'or:iiU(l; cr t tV. Ileintz, General
Passenger Atnt, ..,;; City.
Cm'. .1 -ta;e Laud Ofliee.
Ko.-ebur. Oregon. March a, l'.JU.
. Nutict! is berjbjr uiren thai in compiiaiiev
with tLe Troi.-iom of the ai t of Coaxnm of
June", W i-utitl-I "An a-t for t!ic nale f
ttinlnr !a:ils in the !i:.iie of Calilum:a, Oretron,
Netwla and aM,uj:t.,;i l'-ntury,"
: C'.evelariil fJo'irite tf !' isla., State of n.--
jeoa. bat ttttff iIat tlietl iu tbU office bii aTteri
"ateio "tit No. v", for the purchase- of tbe Vt'j
S!iu.te.,!"inJti., ia lowiuiiip No. 27 b.
Kaugit No. West, an'l v. i.l oT- r ir-Kf to ihou
tliat the lari'l a-tai;i i more vaiutLW for in
Umber tr st.tsc than for agricultural puroae.
ami to enabluii Ma c'aun to "ai'l Itmil bef t
tae Resi.M -r and Kcirer of thm tux at Riaa
tur, (jroiv.i. on Tturvlar the Tl'a xy Jun
1 J. lie names u t.itac-?: Lianl Vot
Feaal. Carl Bw.ter, John IKvier, anJ WstAi
hermao. oi t'leveiaml, Ort-ma.
Any t..l ail !era elai'niii? alverwly -Ul i
abo e-ieser. teJ lanj. are re-idcjled Us fii ttir
e.ainu in o:I.ce ou : I ;nit laid Tth doy of
June, VrMi.
i. T. BLIDSE, '
rsilid StatL-s land OJice.
Bot-EBi a. On "ti, March. 1J.19U0.
Notice is hereby given tbat in compliance with
the proTiionsof tae act ot Congress of June 3,
lala, entitled "An art for the sale of timber
lands in Ihe t-la'.esof ' atiioiia, Oregon, Nerada
and Washiugon T-rrrit-irT,'"
of Ashiaad. Couu'y of Athiand, tute of
couia. tut ti;l nay :iI ia this office his sworn
staieuient o. s--i. lor tie prehase oi the NB'
rt ection No. Is. in Toun--iip N . 54 S, Range
No. 2 W, and will oJer tw- to show tha: tae
km! n..'!it is more vsli-.'jlr foe ita timtiervr
soce than for azrieuiluril purtes. and to es
tablish h.s ciaim t said Ianl heiore the Begister
and Ib.retver oi this odic- at U--ebur2. Orwon.
on Tocsiay, she ir.d day of May Us
names as wi:neses: i. O. lKol;,of Woud
land, Washiuston, iartes C. Tunnry, of Port-
ttO'i, ortt-ii. Junie iicv-TLiiy, ianiei U.
nedr, of Ata:tud, vv iM..-r-ni.
Any aad ail persons Ciaiaiirje adverwiT th
abore-describii laud r? rsuestcd to fiie their
cla ms in this office oa or before said 22ad day
of May, VJy.
J. T. Biioct-,
Notice For Publication.
Rc-o'jurj, Oreean. February 13, laia
Notice is hetvb? civen that is eoniDiiai
witii the nviiosof l!u act of Conerm of
June 3rd. l?.s. entitled -An act for Vae sale of
titkiber laudf ia IS states of CaUfonua, Ctcgon,
Nevada aad W a?h:ngton Teiritorv.'
Of Washburn. County of Ba de.d. iLate of Wia
omsin. has Ui.s dav fi'.el in this ofijee his swrwai
itatemeni No. Utr toe purchase of the fcE'i
of li.ta 'o. )-", la Ton caaip No. 24 sontli,
l.aii'-e No. Sc!, nd will oiler proof to show thelaad sotiijhl is m.-ru Taioab'e for its
Liubrror stone than for arrk-iiltural parvwea,
una w cstaiOi-h his claim to said land be lore tbe
tM.cij.ler and Kevvii erof this ocv at Loebury,
(rvgon, oa Thursday Lie Jnl day 't ilar, Un.
lie nai-ies as uitneses- divert Oie. of" Wasa
l urn, Wisci'Bsia. ulaf il. vison. of Washbaru,
NVi.J4x.usia. Jac'b Johaoa. oi Washburn. Wis
consin. c-Msir l.underen. of Wachbum, Wicwa
s:n -Viiyaut ai! persons ciaiaiing adversely ae
c-tilteril'etl 1,-iii'l arw rfjuested t tle
their ciiius in iliis oiliec ou or beioro said
day cI5Ii:v, v..V.
m;.p Kcgv-tcr.
Notice for Publication.
I'sirm sniE- LiotFrit t,
i'.o-'- bt.r'-. Ono.ii, February. 1.', I 3a
Noli' c i" hereby pit en that in ouiptiaaee
with the provt'ioas ot toe act of Com:re of
June U. 17 . cntit'.eJ "Aa act for tiie sale, of
timber '.an.U ia the Mate of Caiifomia, Oregon,
No ada aad V ahia-"ou T- rrltorr "
of W ashbnrn. County .. Bayiieid. s;ate of Wis
consin, has t :i-s day Bled in'lhis orliee hi" swoti
statcuient No. !c, fw the purchase cf lie
St1, oi MV,1, ant lots 3. 4 and c
of :-ectioa No. t, ia Tcwushi Not 2 Math
Kange No. W , aul will offer MOuf to shvw
that the land sotitnt is more valuable for ita
limber or storw than for agricultural purpoacs,
audio cstajiish his claim to said land bctvt
the Re-ister and Receiver of this orBee at '
burg, uregon. ou Thurs-iav. the 3rd .lav of Mav,
fciO. He names as ui;nesies: David fletilaad,
ol Washburn. W ac-asin; Su m Oie, of Wash
burn, Wisconsin; i!af M. Olcsoa. of Waahharae.
H iecii.ia; Oscar Laadgreu. oi Washburn, Wis
curisia. Any and all persoa claiming adversely the
above-described lauds an- ivsjuested U file tueti
claims in this ollice oa or beiore said Srd day
May, 1A0. J. T. 1-KIlKiES."
m.:p Kesater.
Notice fnr Publication.
Vsr. to Stats- Ijno Orvtcs.
Koacburg, Ur.soa, February lt;, hi.
Notice is hereby given that in cvunpiiaace
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June. 1STS, eatitled " Au act for liie sale of tim
ber lands i: the States cf Cai.iornia, Oregon,.
Nerada and Washincton Territorv; '
A LB h R 1 K. EKTiV.s,
ot MarshSeM. County of Coos, State of Oreeon.
has this day tilevl in this oTiee his sworn stale
meal No. for the purchase of the sE' . of
ffeeliou 5,. in Tow nsnip No. il S. Kange No.
V., and will oiler prtinf to show that Ihe land
sought is more v al liable for ii timber or stone
thaa for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land beiore the Retrister and
Recoil er of this ofii,-e at Rosebiiiv. i'regon, on
:iltird:iy. ihe l.'th day of Mav. r.w. Ha names
as witu-.-sscs: Win. ti. smith, of Marshneld,
Orexti. tictv H. Herrvta. of Marshfield, Oreeou
E. W. Kardcli. td Marsh'ie'.d, vrt-0-on: A. E. Kar
del'.. of Marsh?.cld, Oregon.
Any and all persons ci.viiuiug a trer'tly the
oUne-descrihcd lauds are veiuestel to ttle'tnei:
i UiUis in this oa vr be ore said 12th dav cl
Slay, 1AV. J T. BKlIXiEs,"
I'uiivd States Laud OiKee.
Koebi it... Oregon, llarva 10. 1AHX
Notice is hereby gived that in compliance
with the provisions of theaettjf Congress of
Juuo !. l:s. eutnle.1 .'.m a,-t tor tho sale ot
timber lauds in the Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud Wahingtoa Territorv.'
tir.OReiE II. MeCI.OL Ih
Of Ashlaud. county of Aihlnnd, state of Wis
consin. ha this day nled iu this ortiee his sworn
statement No. sw, tor the purchase of the E' ,
S!4 Lots 1 and2 of SeeNo. 1. iu TpN'o. 4 K
No. J W, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone thau for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before liieKegia
ter and Receiver of tlits otiiec at Koscbure, vp
gou, on i'ues.iav-. tbe fnd dav ot Mav, ljui. Uo
imuies as witnesses: L. O.'l'eWotf". of Wood
laud. w:ihin.;toii, James McCullv. -ilns H. Uau
n a, Duuiel 1). Kcuucdr. ail ot Ashlaud, Wisewu-
9111. i
Auy ami ail persons claiming advervty
abovc-desv'ii-d lauitsaie requested to i.lo thcir
claims in this otiiec ou or Kiore siiid iaid dav
ol Slay, 1AV.
J. T. BnitHiBs,
Ten Jo'i.iriI,l.,,l3 anJ all iu good
conditio!), the?o prices are ir-qJ for t "
daye. Wewant to maka room iisriiifa
lar(e stock of new bee!, IttttT'ais rinl
Cievelaud.t, which we will s 'tl thieea
8tin at prices from $ Jo ti 3J. Just think
of a wheel like tin' Iinpe: ia! f ir JJo.
Tiiey il r:'; nee. I any ri iiiiiuicinl.ition,
they reco:n:iieiil thi'n,s;!i- . We 8;. I it
ol l.ial se.uou, iiii'l tlu v ire ;t!l ivip"
t;ood Baiisfactioii.
T. K. Kk ii ii:1
. JiOdeblf
L :