The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 29, 1900, Image 1

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The Plaindealer
il II d H l!
11 A
No better lield than Southern Ore
gon; no better medium through which
to Advertise.
Vol. XXXI.
N9 ction is Probable During the
Present Session.
Quay Hay Not b: Seated But Will
Probably bs Elected by the
Washington, '27. The present
indications are that Y. A. Clare will
bold bis sen Jorial eeat as a representa
tive o( MdLit.iiii until the first session c(
thin connives is ended.
It seems to ba ;he disposition t delay
final action n tbe Clark case iu order
th it the iculu-aiiiiioDHiie from Montana
will bave h-d a "iiltle run for his
money " The supposition i that he
paid any wher- from tl,t(k,COJ to $2,
000,030 to eecare t is election to t;e Ui i
ted States seuaU. This rumor rosy or
may not be tr,ue. That his immense
' s wealth baa given him sn3i2ient power to
br.i about delay on bis cas b said to
- jrh? a I.ct by those who know the exset
That he will retaiu bid eeaT fur t-ix
years as .a recator is considered doob-iul.
If he is not" nnsea'.ed fefore the eud tf
the first cession of ibe Fifty-?ix'.h cou
gree?, iti certain that same litre next
Dceilr, Iclore the Montana legi.-la-tnre
tueet'l Mr. Clark aiil be ousted
from the senate. Thia will g":vt the next
legislature an opportunity to elect a man
to fill the vacancy caused by the forced
retirement of the Montana copper king
from the United States Senate.
In connection with the case of Senator
Clark there seems to be a disposition oa
tbe part cf the majority of Unitel States
senators to dodge a vote, not only on tbe
Montana case, but aisa on the proposi
' tion o tive Matthew Stanley Qaay a
senatorial seat by srace of his appoint
ment by Governor Stone cf Pecnlvania.
There seems little likelihood that tbe
senate will reaca a final vote on Mr.
Qaay's case before congress adj jurts for
its usual sorcmer recees. Tba case will
be poshed as rapidly as pcgsible by S-n-ate
Penrose and other friends of Mr.
Qoaju bnt it is denttf al if enough speed
can be bad to get a vote on tbe case at
tbe Bret session of ibis congress. I have
heretofore pointed cat, too, that if Mr.
Qaay is r.ot given his seat before the
summer adjournment, be will cot be at
all an lion s regarding the action of the
senate on tbe opening days of tbe last
session of tbe Fifty-sixth congress.
Mr. Quay is perfectly satisfied and
. . . whether or cot the present senate acts
' favorably on bis case be will be elected
fenator by an overwhelming majority by
tbe Pennsylvania Legislature at next
winter's session. lie has so arranged
matters in the Keystone State that, if be
lives, be is absolutely certain to succeed
Limeelf in tbe upper branch of the Na
tional Congress.
For Opening Oar Mail nacrum
vestigation Will Soon Begin
and Will Be Public.
. Xrw Yoke. March 27. A special to
-ibqournal and Advertiser from Wash'
ington says : Tbe statement that Eng
land bad apologized for the opening of
Cons a 1 Macram's mail in Pretoria a as
made by Secretary Hay to Representa
tive Berry, cf Kentucky, one of tbe Dem
ocratic members of tbe Honse foreign a'
fairs committee. Representative Berry
called at the State Department today to
talk over the charges made by Mr, Mao
rum, and it was during this interview
that Secretary Hay made the confession
"I saw Secretary Hay today," esid
Representative Berry in talking cf the
proposed bearing, "and be said that tbe
whole groundwork of Mr. Macrom's
charges rested upon tbe fact that three
letters bad been opened by British of
ficals in South Africa. Secretary Hay
said that England's attention bad been
called to ibis violation of inter nation la
and that Lord Salisbury bad made an in
vestigation and then bad sent an apolozy
to this country. The apology was deliv
ered at the Suite Depart nent by L?rd
Mr. Macro m called npoa Chairman
Hitt and consulted with him as to when
be would be ready to appear before the
committee. As a r salt of the confer
ence, the committee will be called to
meet within a day or two. The whole
committee wi.l hear tbe testimony and
tbe proceedings will be public instead o
the charges being beard privately by
Mr. Hitt, Mr. Adams and Mr. Berry, as
was originally intended.
Youug Girl's Suicide.
Lakeview, Or., March 22. Emma Mo
ran, commonly known as "Dollie Bene
be!, aged 13 years, committed enicide at
Old Fort Warner, 50 miles north of bete
Tuesday night by taking etryebnine. N
cause is assigned for tbe act. She lived
with her mother and step-father, who
were employed by W. S. Dent, a baobe
lor, to keep house lot bim, end tbe hue
band to do chores on the ranch. Most
raocbrrs keep strychnine about the for puiiiooicg coyotes, and Em'
ana, upon seaaliog herself in tbe silting
room ajout 8 o'clock in tbe evening
showed that eoruelhing was wrong, and
was asked the trouble. She simply
staled that sho had taken strychnine
and in a few minutes was dead. The
child was I light and cheerful up to the
time of committing the deed, and the
anm of the death is & mystery.
Defense Waived Examination - An.
other Republican Was Arrested
Fkaxkfokt. Ky.. March 27. The
fourth day of the trial of Republican
Secretary of State Powers began with the
courtroom cleared cf all pe pie except
ing attorneys, newspaper correspondents
and officers of the court.
The attorneys for tbe drfeusa held a
consultation, hicb Governor
Brown, for the defense, announced that
no testimony would be introduced for tbe
defense, and that they would waive
further examination.
The pardon issued to Powers by Gov
ernor Taylor was Rendered by Brown as
a bar to prosecution, and he asked that
tha defendant l? ilianiwed. Coloml
OsrrpVll e iid the. c La;iionwe.,lih denied
Tyl -r'd rilit t- a pardon Brown
moved i hat the prisoners be dismissed
upon tt.e evidence-. The motion was ov
erruled. Biil was at-ked for. Judge
M Miie said
'It i ::. my bli--f that Powera fired
thei-h-t wlitcii killf d G -be(, hut on tbe
evi-lcu-e, i' is mv ounlo-i that be was
conr.ecteJ with conspiracy to kill bim.
1 fclkill t!erefjre order ihat ba be held
ov;r without t-ai tj tha Franklin county
Gra:id Jury, theca?e may te furth
er iriYs i.MteJ."
After the Powers c-tie bad beeu dis
poW of, t'ie court r-'ctsed nn'il 2 p. m.
Who Gave Murderer Key
Power's Office.
FfiASKyoKr, March 7 II. E. Yont-
By, republican auJitor and Sweeney's
private secretary, was arrested today as
the man ai.h the black mustache whom
Golden mentioned in las testimony as
the man to whom John Powers gave tbe
ey to the office of Culeo Towers. Yoat-
sey is a halt-brother ci John L. Craa-
fotd, a prominent r-pnblican of New
Cape Colony Dntcb Declare England
Will mke a Mistake U She De
prives Tbem of Independence.
Lokdox. March 27 Advice- to.ia !
from Cape Tuwn say : Rain are general j
tbroogbout South Africa, and rivers
bich bave been dry for years are being
.... . . '
flxded. Many camps are transformed
to swamps. This will still mote militate
against any Immediate British advance.
Sickness amocg tho Boer prisoners on
tbe transports is increasing; trpboid
lone claims ICO victims among tbe pris
oners, and tbe population of Simonstown
fear an epidemic.
A meeting of the Bund wis hel l at
Paars, March IG, and was. attended by
several members of tbe Cape assembly.
It passed resolutions regretting that
the Cape Government was not consulted
before the war, and declaring that any
settlement which did not respect the in
dependence of the Republic would be
detrimental to tbe highest interest of tbe
British Empire.
Mr. Grove, the chief speaker, proph
esied another war within six years on
e's independence was granted and As
semblyman Mariase characterized this
war as a continuance of the Jamieson
It is stated that Roberta is going to
Cape Town to meet Lady Roberts.
Michael Davitt arrived at Loureoco Mar
ques March 24.
A dispatch to the Times declares the
Boers are using natives from thi
mines to construct tienehes around
Johannesburg, adding that the mines
are expected to shut down, owing to the
military demand for Kaffir labor.
Portland Presbyterian Minstcrial As
sociation Passes Resolutions.
At a regulation meeting of the Presby
terian Ministerial Association of Portland
bell yesterday, tbe following resolution
was unanimously adopted :
'That we, tbe Presbyterian Ministeri
al Association of Poitland, in seat-ion this
2t3thday of March, are in accord with the
expression given by the President in bis
last message to Congress on the Puerto
Rican tariff question, and on the ground
that it is a gross injustice to impose each
a lax upon a people under tbe constitu
tion and under the protection of our flag
do hereby expreas the hope that our rep
re'en'atives in Jbe United45talea Senate
will do their utmost to defeat the present
bill proposing a duty npon our commer
cial traffic with that island."
Replying tj the telegram of the Cham
ber of Commerce, indorsing bis stand on
tbe Puerto R'-co bill, Senator Simon
writes from Washington, under date of
March 21 :
"lam yery much pleased to learn that
my coarse regaiding tbe Puerto Rico tar
iff measure lias the approval of tbe
Chamber of Commerce, and I hope that
tbe free-tradc-with-Puerto-Rico senti
ment will prevail."
Harney ie one of the most prosperous
counties of Oregon, or the entire West,
sxvg the Burns Xewe. We have not ex
porting manufactories, and we have use
for our own cereale. But our old cows
and our cheep bave eaten their fill of
green grass in summer and of Harney
bay in winter, and vast Las been the re
suit thereof.
are sold on a positivo guarantee. Cures
heart-burn, raising of tho food, distress
after eating or any form of dyspepsia.
One little tablet gives immediate relief.
2-1 eta. and 50 cts. For sale at M. F
Rapp'fl drug store.
No Agreement on Puerto Rican
Tariff Men Believe the Free Traders
Will Vote for the Bill to bs Amend'
ed by Foraker.
Wasuixoto.v, March 2G. Tbtf rojrubli
cao ixembersof the penate i?peu' two
aif t Kulf li.Mir j i Hr'tlS !..! V 11 nil
.ffrtto reacha.. ue-.uer.t r.p-,n the . Too Uakcr I),mo, r,t has ircreased
Poe-tollkau leSi-:-..ii. . pending iu j lU e 2 ' to H :s B's 1 c amn
thcfenate. Thscauima- apparently, j The O. B. t X. if about Jo expend
however, wttluut result, tin j a111 Ii.Cih) in iuiprovins tho track be
only accouipl thment b.-tr.g a dei isi'-n toM;; ';,'''! a' d L'rua ilia,
proceed w.tli ttio t.iI t ill as it i;o J. V.'. Mc-; ii .r and 1). C. Ireland
etai.d, without :epartiiiii tanfl i 5u;'j p nu's in the aregate,
feature, :i.t m discharge tiro unrm-ioy ; p iv il:i M h i O iserver. Meengcr
comutitteo from furstiur illorlc. j eliir.i- ) . 1 hut 215 pound.J,
During the sitting, the fr.-e tra ;cra . n j A j, u ; ... j, y,n, circUtl at Fossil
the one hand and h irobond ' a i J ;
men on lit other, wer qaite as otnior-i
ate as thiy bad been a? the . previ- f.
meeting. Thia of affiirs a -
uia-le so tiiat Senaior '-isn,
acting a-i cua;rtua!i ol the cjaoa, ;
dared at tbe cloee of lhoui et: tliat
thre was i: oeco.-rity .'cr pU;tiiv' ni
li 'ii to cou?:uct on ps- 1 ei, a.i it ;
vry etijf r.t that n other our.e w.-.s 1
practicable. j
Sd::aor l:orker was instructed bv tiic ;
caiicui t'j n-3 tbe Pu 'tt j Bican bill u j
t It nriir itai!ii i'i.'rrrfir.r in-'
cjrpora'e I a itU the tiriu measure, to cs
speedy a vote as possib'e. Trie nr.der
etaodkg at tha time this iustructiou was
civen was lhat Sanator Foraker would of-
! fer en am?ndin;nt to tho tariff feature ol
tbe bill, adding the free list nam?d ;;y
the president in an execu'ive order to
the exports going from Xbs Uni ed States j
to Puerto Kico duty free, but that the 1 j I
per cent of the Dingley law carri.d in i
rota i
Puerto Kico to the Un'.it-I States wou.d 1
be retained.
jopposs tbe bill even with the amend-
meat recommended. They are. it is j
staled, Senators Davis, Beveride. Hoar, i
Wellington. Mason. Simon, Proctor and
Nelson. It a as also said that Senator
Mie, who t:ere:oiore ns aciea ana me ,
Republicans, and Ssnator McCon.bor, of
V...L Tl l . : ; I .. WAtA I a U .
North Dakota, will not vote for the
Honse till until .-.mended, but it is be
lieved tbey w:ll yote for the amended
proposition. Two Senators named in the
list of tbe eight first cbeu are claimed
by friends of the taiitf measure as almod
sore 'o vote fcr tbe amended bill, leav
ing no Republicans cbo wilt vote Caaiiy
against the measure. Il is claimed that
two or three votes will be secured fcr the
tariff measures from the ranks of the op
position parties in the Senate, and that
in this way a majority will be srenred.
While there has been a great deal of
discussion among Senators as to what tbe
Honse will do when the amended bi 1 is
sent oyer there, the only result has been
a decision that tbe Senate must act as
seems best under tbe circumstances, and
the bill, if it passes, most take its chances
in tbe Honse.
A Bill ProMdiog for Free Trade With
Puerto Rico.
Washington, March 2J. Senator Da
vis has introduced a substitute for tbe
Puerto Rico and extends the internation
al revenue laws, with amendments, over
the island. The act is declared provi
sional, and shall col continue longer
than two years. The bill in fail is as
follows :
"Section 1. That Puerto Rico is here
by made an internal revenue district.
That the laws of the United Slates pro
viding for internal revenue taxation and
collection, cot locally inapplicable, are
hereby extended to, and shall remain in
force in Puerto Rico, excepting as herein
otherwise provided, for the term stated
ia this act. The President, by and with
the consent of the Senate, shall appoint
a Collector cf Internal Revenue for the
said district, who shall receive an annual
salary cf f 4000, and whose offics shall
be at San Ju iu.
"Sec. 2. That excepting as herein cth
erwiee provided, 15 per cent of all the in
terual revenue tax imposed by theUuitml
States shall be collected in said district.
No stamp taxes imposed by mid laws
npou written or printed documents shall
ie collected in said district. T. e Secre
tary of the Treasury is hereby author
ized and directed to mate all needful re
ulaiions to carry this act into effect and
to prescribe tbe compensation of all offi
cers and agents necessary for that pnr
Sec. 3. The amount of all taxes ro
collected, less the necessary expenses of
collection, are hereby appropriated and
placed at the disposal of the President to
be expended under bis direction ior the
government of Puerto Rico now existing
and hereafter to be established, and for
public works and other governmental
and public purposes therein.
"Sec. 4. Upon tobacco not grown in
Puerto Rico, and upon all manufactures
thereof, and upon rum or other distilled
snirits nroduced from Bubstancea net
grown in Puerto Rico, the full tax pro
viued by the internal revenue laws of the
United State? shall b8 collected. Upon
tobacco grown in Puerto Rico and the
manufactures thereof, and upon rum an
other spirit a distilled or made from sugar
cano or other agricultural product grown
in Puerto Bico, or from tho product of
such sngir cano or other agricultural
product, the eaid lax of 15 per cent (-1 all
be imposed, tho name as upon othor sub
jects of internal revenue taxation.
"8ec. 5. That the President, when-
iter be si a' I b ratifiel that a local
seli'-g y rnment hs been futablisbed in
Puerto Kii) adcq'i:ito to inise und collect
l.ixo! bj in oii legiidstinn, fhall have
the tor r from time to limf! by procUnna.
tion to (lecrioe the pyr rcntum of tax
a'iiiror boli h tl.e e.inip.
' S o. C. Tuat no Unties on imports or
j cxprrt J thai!, r.ner the pa;9ai;e of this
j, ba lovi d or tolloc t d 'n any articles
I import . I fr.nn the UuteJ St-.ttcs ii:to
Puerto liii-j or f rt. m Puerto Kico into the
I United Sts't'8.
' "S.-. 7. This act f )iail ba t.!;eii, snd
j Iil-M t.) iu1 provi ioiial iu in purposes,
a:ii '.!.t;t;ileJ to meet a pressing preser.t
n oil for riwnua f r the IalunJ of Puerto
Kii:i, a:vi slu'.l not continue ia force
alttr the Vint duy of March, 1002."
Oregon Notes.
wii !i a v c
f r. i-'irrcei-ii tho Fosil and
;i ail route, whivh wa iiis-
j cotstiuu-ii scv
';frull Ti-k-..
:ai weeks ;o au.t a line
In-; to Wa'ermtn cobsti-
Pen ii- ii -a i ordi isi cs against
Si'i 'iu o'i (i.- -id wal thai wtnl into
elTe t T i'ir !iy. A. fin of 1 p;-r
oJen 'n ;.rov:Jtd Kr, a d it is Siid the
Pcr.d'w.o . i:i.'. ra iil enf.r.-e il.e law.
Tii-- Will i-aette i r-ow t.-eiived to be
t a 1 -ver p'tj; t'-an it has l e-n at tl.ia
6?.-:rn in ro aiy u ye..r, says theCurvallis
Tiund. I'. i ta' L.ur fett nlove law
water, hti t t:;5 rtea.nt oit people are al
ready tinritis; eu pnttins a littlit draught ;ii rho run.
Ills rn;urf 1 abut Arllsglon, says
the Isr.e Pot, lhat tiuro i amove on
f-jot to tak-.- olT anotl er slice from the
so Jt ti erd cf Giiliatu c.tiuty, and add it
o Whcier. thus assatitg FoSfil ecfEti-
ent s iron,
ti ti f't th county feat ol
county ai d b !.! ". This
' e.-.Jr
a oV5 i; r"1'1'1 t. rttoni opjofttton
in Gilliam to-inty, a' d i!efervts to be
Th-., potittt.n ol' tin i s i?.e:.a f John
iiJV, ;-f kit g tbtt ti e town te allowed to
i.;Corpoa e u: d-?r the Lvis'a ive set cf
ts .p. VAi . v the Crant rinniT
court nt is 'as', meeting. Tn court ur-
de ed th .t an e'nt o r be l.tld for tbe
ciiO' eicg i f city otEi eri', end fix.l April
2nd as tho day. Ttiis, it i l-2ievel, is
th firs'. ton in Orou be incorpxr
ated w.tho it f icoiil act of the LegieU
tnre. Another Fast Train.
The Ri tiranJs Western Railway,
"Tbe Great Sjlt Ltke Bouts" has re
suired its fa;t train eeivi-c to th?,
making the run Lorn Portlan 1 to Chicago
in thr-e Ca.Ts and a half, Xj layover is
necessary, snlouly en" chargi of cars
is ai- dc. Thcc who desire i. have the
privilege, Lcvsever, cf a dajliht etopav-
either at Soil Like City or Denver.
Three daily express trains are run leav
ing Oden, Utah, at 7:15 a. in. end" 1 :15
nd 7 p. tn. The uiorriin- train rarriej a
throng!) stan-iar-d sleerer to Chicago, via
the Burlington' route i-td tbe nuht train
one via the uurim ston, Chicago, Kocfe
It-land & Pacific.
Tl.e tourist sleepers and chair cars run
daily as forme riy through frcm Portland
to Dcnvtr. Twice a week tourist excur-
ion cars are run tl.rccgh from Portland
o Boston. Ail trains carry dining cars,
making the trip across the Ccntinent via
The Great Salt Lake Route," moat de-
irat le. The Rio Grande Western Rail-
cay is tho enly road running through
Salt Lake City, and with its connections
the Denver & Rio Grande and the
CcLradj Midland takes tl.e passenger
through the famoifi Rocky Mountain
ecenerv of Colorado.
For rates and a 1 other information,
add re? 3
J. J). Mansfield, Gen. Agt.,
233 Washington St.,
Portland, Oregon.
The Dread of Death.
A man bound htnd and
foot upon a railway
track can see the ap-
proacning aanfjcr wun
open eyes and re
alize now actual
-X Bn1 tcmble it s;
. . DUl WHCll loan
faculties are
lJ. Jjound about
j Obv cords of
- u disease he
t feels only
Vj by a sort of
. naiuiiii iii-
danger that
is cominu
"upon him
UTinnch be cannot actually see it
That awful -tense of dread, the feeling
that death is near at hand is UescriDea Dy a
South Carolina jrentlcman, Thos. O. Lever,
I- art 1 1 f Lever, kichmond Co.. with a truth
that everyone who has ever experienced
it will immediately recognize :
"I had what the doctor called nervous iudi
fretion," he avs: " I took medicine from my
family phvsician for it. but of no avail. In look
ing over one ol the Memorandum Hooks isnucd
by Dr. R. V. l'icrve, of Buffalo, N. V I found a
case like mine described exactly. I wrote to
lr. fierce and made a statemeut. He sent me a
descriptive li-t of questions, also hygienic rules.
1 .rirritd these out as best I Could, but I
thought it almost impossible, a I suffered so
much with pain umlrr my ribs nnd an empty
feelinir in mv stomach. At mum I woulij huve
cold or hot feet and hands nUcriiately. 1 was
otiinir verv nervous and suffered n crrat deal
Wltn Utteaftincsif hm 10 my cifimumu, uiuimui;
that death woul-1. - in claim me: always expect-
ing something e
a preat dreafl
11:11 to take place ami navint;
.-y mind. I was also irritable
-. was (greatly rt-ductd in tlcsh.
.i-elv ativtliiu? that would not
and nnpnticiit
" I could c -t
proiuce a t'.t '
aome hesitp.t:
patent nu-ilii
of lr. l'ier.- s .
'Pellets.' Alt- i '
clinir in my ntomach. After
--.i-ini; to my prejudice ocain.,t
1 ilecided to try- a few liutlles
-Men Medical "liiscovrry and
:iim? several iMittles of each I
found 1 was imp:
nt tunes as t" .
.viii. I bave to be crttrful yet
. li.-.t I cat. iu order that I may
rl i-.hkI snid sirom:
I fullv lielli-ve if unv
who Miller with imlis---
iiou or torpid liver or
,1,,. ,1,1 would Like Hr. l'leiee's i.ol-leu
Medical Iiiscovny iiu-l ' I'l nsant Pellets' and
i.trrw n lew ' ininle livtficuic rules tliev would
wKiti Ik Kfeutly bemliieil, and with little per
wrvciaiKv woiit-1 be entirely enrol
It is a vtrv : iintile mattei lo write to Or.
Pierce. No "charge uliatver is made for
iidvice; which will be sent you (in u plain
Beakd envelope) promptly by raaU,
Zr -Wl Vl
- - ' r. I l
uua . v.
V s ww-.; wj v. :,
Can be combined in the same pair oi
Shoes if correctly fitted. We are prepared
to show the most complete line cf Shoes
ever shown in our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe Fac
tories in the east. We should like to have
a chance to make j ou acquainted with our
stock and prices as we feel assured that both
will please you.
A careful analysis of our
Drugs and Chemicals
i Will prove them to be of
I Full Standard
I Strength and Purity.
Our Stock is unexcelled in Quality and our
S Medicines are absolutely reliable.
j i Purity
j Reliability
I I Accuracy
I'rescripticns com
pountle.l Day and NigLt
Name it? - Why,
have it Nice
Teas and Coffees
Flour and Feed.
able prices.
make a specialty
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
We have a complete line of
Which will please
Price. G've us a Cal
To let you know that we
Staple and Fancy
. Our stock, is being constantly replenished and
enlarged, hence our goods are always fresh and
holder to a selection from
porcelain china. A chance
nothing. Come and see.
prices at
ickson Street,
li rii o r
i 'i:
A 1 J il V a a
spell it backwards and you
fresh stock of Staple and Fan
constantly on hand. Fine
a specialty. Canned goods,
Fine fresh goods at reason
Give me a trial order. We
oi fresh bread.
you in both quality and
pay for this.... ( i A A J J
have a fine selection of
given with every cash
purchase which entitles
our handsome decorated
to get something nice for
Every thing at the lowest
Notice for Publtcat
United Static;
Krucl-iiru, r.ill
Notice Ik hereby triven tbat t'-j
named neltlc-r han fllcl nntit-e of I I
to makf tinal tmmf in fur-rxrt of M
that nan! Drool will be ma-le before I
and Receiver. United 8tate I
Kosebur?, On vnv, on May vj
KtKKl I l.l.l A .Me.
On M.i n. H. Ko '14-. for liiJ
Si NF'i Ktx'.tton 12 T. IWPon'h, K.
oauiea the follow Ine witnefiw-s to
continuous rti-ilen.- upon and cul
ni l land, viz- lmli Armenia, n I
i. X. Everts. G. P. Williams. !! of Fi
J.T. iiKi
I'nit'-d Mate Lsr.d f
Ro.EB-KG.Or-jton, Mart
Nolic ia hereby pireo tuat tbe
narnrd nettlcr baa filed notice of bi--to
make final prouf in stinnort of bit
thai tald proof will lie nuuie before lb
ai d Receiver United t-taU-e, Land
Kotieburg On-Kon May 1. viz:
On hi H. K. No. 7M7, for the Lot 1,
SE'-f SE'i. w-(io 21. ft tv. li. 3 W.
the following witnewo to prove tiber,-i
residence upon and cultivation of said
Lou 18 Arnient, H. I.. EngU, i.
Harry W ilUanis, all ol Feel, Unm.
J. T, B;
Dnited .State Land O
ROf-carao, Orexoo. F- binary 2
Notice ia herebr riven that the k
named tettler ha fl'.ed notice of hi inn
make final proof In fnpport of bi ci
tbatid proof will be nin-le b-fore tbe i
and Receiver. V. H. Ind Oitice at U
Oregon on Marrh 30, l'XO, vii:
If.tUiDAUIO. Kll;t
On IT. E. So. the E'i. &tc. li
R9W. He name the foilowiu witr
prove hi continuous residence upon ai
ration of aid land, via: WUiim J. I
Scott Lander, of Melroae. Orefon, W. H. 1
of Wardtoo. Oregon, Sainuei Alexan-t
Cleveland, Oregon.
T 1 BDT r U T
- VIA -
Southern Pacillc O
Train leave Bobebor; f -r Po rtlicd
lauou at ia a. m. ana Li:si an.
b:.a. a. Lv. -S
jo r.H. I Lt. -
Portland - Lv. I
Koaebara - Lt. i 4iu
13:33 r. M. j Ar. -
Ashiaad - Ar I U .0
Sacramento- Ar. 4:S5
Saa Fracel?eo Ar. S:15
r. a. Ar. -7:iia.a.
J Ar. -
5.V A. M.
I A. Orfea a a. I ll: A. SI
j li Denver Am. j :-J) A. M
I . Kan,CtT il. j "zl A. M
I il Chicaso it. ! Ta A. M
I it. Lo ADgeles I 7t' P. M
I it, 1 Pao IL 6 U A. M
I ia Fort Worth i. 6 SO P. M
! ia Cry of Mexico il 9: a. M
I A a. Houitf-n ab. 1:1. M.
ab New Orleans ab I I 5r. M
1 ab. Wanbiruitoa ll. i -1, Ai A. M.
M a. if.
7:Si. M.
?: a. il.
l.M P. M.
A. M.
A. M.
4 (OA. M.
bii-.b A, M.
a.. A. M.
U li P JI.
ab. Vew York ab. 1 1J P. il
Pnllinaa and Tourist cars on ro'.h tri:ii.
Cbaircars ScrmeHto toOsden and CI Paso.
an-1 tourist can to Ctuuua. 1st. Loci. r
Orieasaantl W aihineton.
Connecting at San Francisco with several
ilejimchip line for ilonoioiu. Jian. China,
rniuppioes, central and soma Atcertea.
SVv Mr. nn. Esti-. ACeJlt. At Rfwh-nre slAion
or address
O. F. Pi. Agar t.
"Sunk Line oi the World"
Tbe Favor ita Transcontinental Hoots
Between the Northwest and all
Points East.
Choice of Two Kootes
Through the Famous
Rocky Mountain Scenery
And Four F.oates East
ol Pueblo and Denyer.
All Passengers granted a day stop-over
in tbe Mormon Capital or an v here be
tween Os-len and Denver. Personally
condacted Tourist Excarsions three days
a week to
Omaha, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago
and the East.
For Tickets and any Information Re
garding- Bates, Routes, etc., or for De
scriptive Advertising Hatter, call on
AgentsM Oregon Railway & Navigation
Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern
Pacific Companies.
General Pass. & Ticket Agent,
Denver, Col.
General Aaert,
If tou suffer from tenderness or full
ness on tbe right side, xsAaa under
shoulder blade, constipation, biliousness,
sick headache and feel dulM.hcavy and
sleepy yonr liver is torpid and congested.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers will cure
you promptly, pleasantly and perma
nently by removing tho conation and
causing the bile ducts to open and flow
naturally, thky ark good rats.
y 1 1 in ! RfTERS A CO
i a
i fa lwmi W V
1 11
. ,1 .111
aMava-I M
Attorney and Cctnnsellor at Law.
ilinice Law and Water Risrhta
Winters Bid. ROSEBCfce. iihsai
Bosebiku, Oaawojt.
Budnea before C.S. Laad Ofl5ceand prob e
ufiasi a specuitr.
Office Abnbaai BuiJdiBz.
r.Cai.BlBti, fiimnv
Eoorn 3 A -J, Ta)lor;i Wjleon Bltick.
Will pracjce in all lie state and Federal Courts
Office ia Ma.iy Bldj., Rweburg. Orefoa.
q.eko.;e m. blown,
Court House
Dow a blAurs.
BA b. riddle;
Attorney at Law,
OS.iv tn Cmirt Houe
iia Dist. Ally.
Kooms 1 and 2
Eeview Baildius.
Attorney and Ccunselor at Law,
WM pcaetiee ia '.! tit mvrtm of tha Stat. (f
to in Xanters Bauding. DoaKUa cumarr, f.
Attorney at Law,
oom 1 1. Marstcr Bldg, ROSZBITEa, Oi.
fwBasiiM$befc.n th C. 8. Land Offlea saw
auiuuf case a specialty.
Lata Receirer C. 3. Laad oaca.
JA. ECCHASAS, Notary Public,
Collections a Specialty.
Harsters BuiM'n?
Review BuitdiDc,
Telephone No. .
Phvscir.tvcc Surgeon.
V R SwtiiS-v
Sis ii. 5-. . j .; r. T
c Atr".t Uii Vlolm Outflt r? ':i.i, -, I
T7e-r- I". O. 1'. Ul-je- 'j
l.v-..nitmati-iit. T'(3vi..lm
i MrJtrt nulla ol i-M ood. eurr,
n.-le Uii taml sKle.toi r -ned pin. "Peiiily
,-. t,-l I T i-.-'.lttt. ral.UKli M''. smUij
v.v .Uka Irl.mlM THIS ISA REtjiiUI 4S.OO
I0U leiil:tuli limine-! lnnlny t-i lt-hea. with n
.d imr .uu.. ( uni'lte Ith s trmmlmt BruU ! TiMIl
I.O.M w, I lr vt .1 . -mum
r..f. I.rit f rli, ,k k "
u-riUH. ko. ii.i!.ba. iivs nxaaixaiT stveas H l-Mnd fclir a rvur5Mi ami
lh- rrl. H.i-n i-M, rr rt. br.r pay the
l.r.. Kieiit S3. 75 lewtl:rnUpMt,
e t p-v. ,bneTill.llroliIIlI.,-.
towylal. hy tul la
full mc itl Mr n-t.f4 anThaari hrl, hiClfUl !
a will .iwaiiti tU intiimvtttT opef urnmiar tera
i' tlittl If Imt loumicnurriT Pawi7"rw m twj
HdJrrsE ARS. ROEBUCK CO. "9Cj;hra80.
I Office Post ifiiee hid.
1 Pii -iv. :;:!;-: l
nPf.v.EU v. n.invKn
ociai attentiou ci. en to D;eaea ot the Soj
I and Throat,
y.iee Main St., otic dcor a-uthof City Utit
I Photr.', Main J-ll.
I " ' ' ' - i