1 J The Kind You Have Always in U9e for over 30 years, , and sonal 'CtGAttr Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex tcrhuents that trille with and endanger the health of infants And Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Sexiety meeUar. ROBEBCRQ DIVISION KO 476, B. OF L. K., aseeta every Kooud and fourth Sunday. WOMEN'S RRLIEF CORPS KO. 10, MEETS Bret and third Friday! in each month. TJKKOPOST, KO.29, U. A. R., MEETS THE Bret mud third Thursday oi each mouth, at x p. m. ALPHA LODGE, KO. 47, K. OF P.. MEETS very Wednesday evening at Odd Feliowt RaXL Visiting Knights In good landing cor alally iavited to attend. JOS JtK ELl.I. C. C. C, M. FISHER, K. R. S. LAD EEL LODGE. A. F. A A. M REGCLA B meeting the 2d and 4th Wednesday in sack month. SCUEKE L PARROTT W. M. K.T. Jiwrrr, 8'ecy. P OeSBDEG CHAPTER, NO. S.O. E. 8.. MEETS the lint and third Thunders of earn ssnlh. MRS.K.J STROrD, W. M. Ml CDS EAST. See y. XfOUEKS WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MEET oa find and thitd Tuesday of each montb in (he 'id Mamnic haL H. W. Muxes V. C. II. t M&Jcsteks, Clerk. WOODJIES OF THE WORLD. Oak Cac:p " No.L. mueta at the Odd Felloas' Hal! IB Resebunr, every 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday evening. Visiting neighbors always welcome. J. A. BIXHAXAN, C. C. S. T. JEWETT, Clerk. PHILETARIAK LOiXiE. KO. 8, L O. O. F. meeta Saturdav evening of each week al tbeir hail in Odd Fellow Temple at Roseburg Mbersol the order in good standing are invit a ta attend. cH AS. oLEiON K. G K. T. Jawgrr, Bec'y. Br.U. ELKS, EOSEBCRG LODGE. KO. X&, beM their repuiar communications at til f O. O. T. hall on second and luunh Thursday i each nonto. Ail member requested to at te4 rssrularlT. and all visiting brothers C"r aially lavlled to attend. DOUGLAS WA1TE, E. B IKA B. RIDDLE. BecreuuT- ROSIBCKO' LODGE, SO. U. A. O. C. V. Beeta the second and toarth Moodsvio! saah ssonth at 7 JO p. m. at Odd Fellows iiai '. slam bars of the order in good standing jv. o rttsd to auend. M. T. XcCULLLEX. Secorder. D. . WKST FinencK-r tort-Tire crL Dltm tTtnv l :eiicnt No. n, for the prebaj.-of thes.,inh IxOTlWC FOK PUBLICATION, least juan.r. of section No. 1U, In l'.nvnhip No. - rtb, Kjidl-o No. West, and will oiTer pr f Cmted Ttc i ilt Orr cr. I W show tta: lhelanj a-ntelit is Bun' valuable Roiebun:, Oregon, Kebniarv 1'.', law. lor " lia or t oue than for asrleultural pur liolice is berebv given that In cumpliauce 1 IT-8- !" vl -aj.:sh li:slauu to said land witk Ua Brovisioris of the at of Cor.eres ,,f u',rt '.be Roeuter and Hec-ncrof thitoCi.v JoDeSrd.lr7p. entitled "An aot for .he sale o! timbrr lands in the btates of aU'ornia, Civon Nevada and W ashintton T'-rrit'.rv '' OLAF M. OLMJN." OI Washburn, County of BaytieM Ma e of W is vensiw, baa this day filed in this oftiu hi tiura sttcnsnt No. 8. lor the pnnhaw or the Mt" of Section Xo.U. in Township No 14 south Manga No. 3 west, and will offer proof to show that the land songht Is more Mimnii'e for tie timber or stone than for agricultural purpo-.-s, and to estblia his claim to snid land before the Register and Receiver of this offiee at Kse borg, Oref on. on Thnrsdav the 3 day of May, 1ML Be names as mitue-s: Sivert Oie. of Uasbbnm W isconsin, Jacob Johnson, of W ash fcnrn. W isconaia, Oscar l.nudirreeu. of Wac- hnra. Wisconsin, David Itedland, of Washoum, Viatwnsin. Any and all persons elaimiug adversely the aboTS-deacrlbea lands arc requested w hie their claunsin this oftceonor Is lore siiid : day of May. 1SHB. J. T. BKiDJEs, mZp Ui-gUte Notice for Publication. Cnited States f JiuJ UUicc. RosEBlCi Ore.. March. 1. 13W. !(otic is hereby rriven that the following aameo. settler ha Iiks no ice ot bl. intention to snake final pi xf in support of iiis claim, aud that said proof will lie u.sde before Kevistcr end Receiver I ailed tsiatea Ind Ottiee at Kose- aiE, Orecon.on April 14 1"'. viz: KMILY J. CENTEKS, fennerly Emilr J. Thrash, n her H. K So. 711 for the N. W. l bee k, 1j. . rj. II. s W. Eh. namej the foliowine witnesses to prove bct continuous residence npon ana euitiva'lon ei saia lana. viz: J. rs. nusnn, n. a. itiomn sob, Frank Huntley and C. W. iiecum, ail of vans v aitey, urcgon. J. T.BRIIMjES, p Register. Points East. Tho "Potlland-Cbicauu S;xil,' vbich leaves the Union depot at 8 p. at daily ia equipped with atiictly up-to-date room Pullman sleeping cart, and free reclining cbair cars, !eam heated ai d lactric lighted. The Earopean plan dhtiDR car service is a special . feature of excellence on this lice. Delicate china, flowers, spotless linen, Grit claes cooking sad attentive servants add to the com fort of travelers. A new library car ia attache J to tinge trains. As the name indicates, thefe care are fitted op as s library and readitia- room Book cases containing all tho standard works, the current perodicals and daily pspers are at the diopueal of all first and second class passengers. Time never hangs heavily on the pan engere' bands while traveling on thie train, and before one in aware of it the train palls into the Union deiot at Chi cago. For full information regarding the auorement.of theee train", rates, etc., call on or addreee V. a Schilling, Portland, Or. Or J. F. Gi en. Iloseburjf, Or. "I am indebted to One Minnln (.'-inyli Care for my health and life It curfd me of lung tronhle (ollowiiin K'llc." Thousands owe their liven to the pro.-npt action of this never fniliiii; remedy. It r II res mnirliR. iHilflu rrcmii. Iirnru liitiu pneumonia grip,-and throat and langj troubles. It eany UKC prevents CoU ' ' --- - i ' f , f earoptiOD. It is the only liaruiletB rem ' Ay that rives immedmte temlls. A. C.Marfiteis tc Co, 2 Bought, and wliieli lias beeu has borne tho signature of has been made under his er- supervision since its infancy. no ono to deceive you in this. Signature of Notice for Publication. VnitcJ Stale 1-atid Oflio?, Ko-Envmi, Oregon. February so. !'... Notice is hereby given that tho 'flio-iiig-nained settler has Hied notice of his ititcutio i to make tiuiil proof In support oi his claim, and tb;it said r.rooi wi'.l le made hetVre the Kfieter and Receiver. V S. Land C'llke at Roseburg, Oregon on M.iivh So, Usui, ir- MOTT LANDER Oil H K No. f.i r the E1. Sl.'. NW' KV SW. K fci , rv v T 20 S. K AV. He uamcs the fvlitw:ng witnessiT! u Drove Lis continuous roNdi-nee uimi aud t uliivati n of aid land. rtr.- William I. Lander. Archibald O. Koe of Melnise, Oregon, W; 11. Hunter of Wanilon, Oregon, Samuel Alexander of (.'level iud, Ore gon. J. T. KI!jT,E: P Rogiter. Notice For Publication. rxiTKti brTi Land Oinn Kuscburv. ire;iu. Februarv l.j. I;0. Notice is hereby piv.n that in troiiipUaiice viththe vroviious f the act oi Conpjvs of JuueS. 15. cotit el An act ior the sale of tim ber lamtiiin the htaicsof i alifomia, Oi-g.(n, Nevaaaaut V. avhinct-'n Territ.TV.' IXDIiEtt E KAKDKLL, tlf Marhtieid, couiitr of t ios. iate of Oniroii, has tbintUy tiiol in this office h suoin Mst.--ment Nn. sk.. ior the purclia-eof the lots :i, 4. f1 . KN o( ff-ction No. 2. iu Township No. South, kanze K. 10 West, auj ai.l oBer pmof to show Hist the land sotiiht is more valuable for its timber or stone than (or agricultural pur), and to eftabli-h hi caun to sai.l land ocfi-re the tlcfistcr and Kecerverof tnis ol&oeat Kosebonr, 'ixgon. oa s-aiuriuv. the l.'th Sxv of Mar, l;v. He ntm.- a witnesses: Albe- L. Bettys of MaiU8elil, Ornron. W. H. tmith of Maihliei.l. On-jon. c . H. Herron. of MarshficKI, Oregon. E. VV. Kardellof Marslitie'id. Orecou. anyainiau ifMins eliuntm advt-rselv the a'jove-deNCnbea Uuds are re-taeMi-1 to nk- their claims in th oflicc oa cr belotv said Uth lv rf May, ixi. J. T. BUIDGij!, Bcxistcr. Notice for Publication. I'SITID 5-T TI. LiM) wmi, Kosvbure. Crei-on, Feb 1", 1.. Notiee i hereby giveu -.iiat in ronipliaace aita the prjviion oflu- act of .'ongre of June 0. Is: entitled "An art for the sale of limb r lands In theta'.c of California. On son, Nevada, aud Washington TerTitmy, FRANK V. IVTTEK OlAhlanJ. Countrof Ashlaii.J S;.:. oiw . eon-iu, has this day tiled m thisoilio.- Lis mom I ' B.,,,k":"!rP' Oregon, ou I r.d.-.y. the27:hdayof April, l;.i. lie names a- witnesses Miciisel d.siad oi Washburn. Wis. J..in W. H. 1 IhdJ of W al:hum. : , Charlie r'. of Washburn, V is., L T. Deuoif of Woo-l:ir.l W is. Any ana aU t-rsoU vlaiuiius adxer-ely the a ive-n-scriO(r.i lands nn- re (uesiei to tue their claims in this oflicc on or before said JTth day of 1. T. BUI USES Kctrisier. il.p Notice For Publication. United States Land Office. Ro-tiii n-i. Oretun. March 1.1 l:s.i Ni.tire is herebv civen th&t in e.ini..ii.iwn nith the TO-ifiimsof the act of Congress of Juuc3, ls:s, entitled "An act f.ir the sale of iimuer mnus in tue states ol California, Oregon, Xcva'la aud V ahiiii:ion Territory. ' JAMhis ALJltKT STEMMERMAX, Oi Marslifieli. Omuty oi Coos, htate of on--'un, bas this day tiled in this oflice, his sworn etaic ment So. for th-- pim hase of thesr' ; Nr 1 .. M:4 HKJ4 ecc tV, i N W4, XWi; af- t" U, ia Ton uship Ne. 4 S., Raree No. il v.. and wnl oBer pro..f to siiuw that the land oueht it trntre valuable fjr its timU'r or stone than for nerieultnriil purrxiM't. and to estahn.h in. ciaim to said land before the Kegister and Ue- .-..ci v. hum unice ai ltoseoiirx, ijreeon, on Mnuday the .'in day of Mar, luiju. He names as n itnitses: V, illiam lurj.cn. of Empire, OrcK 'ii. fbaries Y.. Kdwards, of Empfre, Oregon, Ed .rd E. HinekWy, of Mar.btield, oreton, Jeu Ilans n, of Matsblield Ureitou. Any aud sit persons clauniug adversclv the above-described lauds are rcexted to liie their claims in this office on or before said il dav of Iay,l.i. J. T. BRIDGES. Keg is tcr. Notice for Publication. t'niied Estates lnd itlitt, KoEBt B(i, Oreiron. .Mareh. 1,, l(vi. Notice is hircbv siven that it. -..i,,..i ith the jimvj.ions of the act oi foneres. of Junes, ;,, entitled -An act fot th- sale of timber lauds: in the Mates ol California, Orcg'iii Nevada and '8!iinon Terriior.'" WIU-IAM TCKI-EX, Of rmpire. County of Cmis. titate of On irou. lias tins day filed in this otliee Ins sworn mte fient No. Mt. ior the purchase of the S', BK1: See II, N', M.i4- of .-s-eiion No. -j.t In Tottnsiitp No. 24 H.. KangH No. 11 V... anil will nlli.r to show that the land t-iUKht is mure uliisble ir us iirriocr or Hone than for nrricultiiral iin.nes, jti l to csiablish his clu,i i,, sHil ind before the Kcziner nril l:....,.i, , t ,.i ollicc at ftosebiirir op-con. on Monday tlie 'Ist day of May, I'm, He numes us wiinesse.: Albert fcteiiiiiii niinti. :,a'l s K. I.dwanls. I d ward K. Hiii'-klcr. Jens lianw-n all .f fuh. lie-id, Oniron. Any and all oersoii. i-lHiminir ..t ir.i.- ,i. iiliOvtMli-M-riiH-u. lands me dii. ste.l to hie tl.i ir clniiiis in this ollicc on or ls t'or.- s.m! ui ,i... ... May, VMMi. I. T. liRl iiGKS, it'Kistir. Notice for Publication. Ciiiied ttsti - I slid Ollicc. K-..-KK1 l:'i. Or. ..!., Mie I::. 1h. No' ice is lii-r.-ii". em it ihni n. ...i. Hith the -provisions uf 1 1 1 . - j, -1 . . f oneros of June.;. s, euiiilnl ' An -n ior f t ... limber Ian. I in the Mali's "1 .1M..1 niu, i f . N' ll'la Hicl Wnliilll'lol! 'Vi ri li.re ' WILLIAM V II KI'l-N, l Klnnire. ..untv ol Co, s. i-tale of (ir. f...ii I .. . this iImv tiled ill this oliie..-bis i-woin stuli'in. itt o. s-;i.,, ior ine pnreiiHM-oi the si hitv1 , m -. i, S' j X ' , ol -n Hon No. ::. j 'I owiis.ii, X,,. j! -.. IllllIKi- No l ., mi, oiler l.lool lo f,OH that the lasul soulii i moi - u:iihI-Ic l ir it-tin'.b-r or umie limn for nfiiciiltiinil pniw)i s and to H.-ildi-li his Jaiiu to said n. the r.eifi.ti r lid llLCi f this otfi'-e at I!im I,imi!, iiii;;.-,u. oh ji.hi.ihv iiic I .'I ilHy of .Vny. I sm. II,. hhuh-s hh w itnesses: A ii tt siimiucriniui, h ps lluiim ii. Ivliml K llinvkli y, Imilch K. l.dimr.ls till of Mursh ..i.r .. Any mid persons ciaim,uir i.,ive,s. ,v ,. boe-dscrl!x-d lutids an- rMuesteil u, V1 llB 1,11,1 oillCL' 011 or before m id si lny ol May. iv. j T BKlU.'il'"-' itei'stor. int? POULTRY YARD Starting theTurkey Crop. Turkey hens generally mke their neets in a secluded place, aud some are vety elillful in evading and throw iog oft the truck one who follows to 11 nd them. By placing hoxs and la'rU lined with hsy about the orchards and field early in tho Feito:i the turkeys may lie iu- duced to ley in them iriFt'?. ol coinj; to j the woods. If they are covi red with brush and preMy well hidden from tight, hey are uioie acceptable to them. If compelled to roost each flight within a 1 tige epaoe eiM-loi-e I withw irx force or neltitig, and el. tit in rach (oreinon until all have eelectrd neste, hiyinj: in the woods and fields intiy he preventt'il. If the turkey hens ar eel w itl in put h hi. enclosure, the eir are nafe from Flunks or crows, an t w han ha ctiinn tie bon and theiryou-!g art) more ietilv con trolled aud car. d fo'. At this tim" it i best to f t d the turkey hn. on the nest, 60 that th- w tlll e cvii'cired and stay thre uut l nil that are likely to batch are hatchet' . Utile turkeys t ei d no l.ol for the litet 24 hours, and then ehotiid t e fed eouie tb:ns li;ht aud nutrition. Thev require coueiderable carer for the first eight or ten week?. Sju.e growers conGno tb hen turkey i'i a niovah'e rlat crate the first few days at. I allow 1I19 little ones foil hbeity. ( hi-is, ii tcud ofcoutiu iti,' the lieu, li ' o:.e of ii-r ftettoapei: driven ii tie iirouiit'. Auolhir plan miitrt iAtiAiiallv f. Itma-c.l in t., (nil II .1 little tll-k-v ilili!. -i lrit tilun.,1! u, pe'i and nive the lieu her liberty, Ihf pa i is move l Inij in l y to tush ground. Wh u the hltle ones cm jump over the' , . . . ,, ... l--iuch I osrd. ihey wmdtr at full liber ... . .. ty with the lien. ALbotitb confinement , ii.- ia usually n cetsny for the firtt ten aijt to prevent ll.eir celtin hrdra.le.) in the long, wet g ee?, or being llig caught out in abowere, ihty tb.-ivj uiacii the beM ii lh?ycinbs Kiven full liberty fro'uthel Crat oa a dry pis'ure w here the rass is abort and there -o no tree. Samue! CusLsan. Uisrascs off Poultry. TheCorval i-i Agricultural Uul'etie bat taken up tb; s'udy of thi Jieaeesof pool try, aud i'.s ii ur.dertool the intention is to pursue this through expeiiujents and research, in order tuat practical beneQls may be derived by the tueo in Oregon and the other Pacific Northwest states who are engrgtd iu poultry raitiug. In view of the tact that this industry li al ready au important cue, and is growiog very rapidly if late, this is a piece of goco news. Only receutly has the United States Department of Agricultural given partic ular attention to the diseases of poultry. This work is low, buweyer, receiving the at eotion it thjj'.d. 1'rof. IV r not, of the Corvallis Agricalt uml College, has the matttruf the di sc. ses ol poultry in baud. The Home stead baa heretofore mentioned Lie d;a ccvtiyol tubercuke s In dieeaeed hens submitted to hitu for investigation. He, bas beeu workicg cn a ca tut mi ted to ! Itin, itw i :., ri ii i k - .r -. i ! s.,u view. v. uujuut, ui oaiciu, .ro prieter and ed.tur of the .Oregon Poultry Jourcal. It came frvni bear 31acleay iu Marion county, wt.cre a farmer has lost fifty or mare of his hens. Prof. Pernot has concluded, from the sample submit - ted, that thj trouble is tuberculosis. Tuere are several diseases ameng Ore - g:n fudWaa'aingtonchiikena the nature ci abicb are sot we 1 u-iderslood, nir the proptr melliotlj of preveution and cure. Thii in-luJes the i.i'b mortality of chicks, which espeoi ly is noticeable the! fint ie1 pre e .t to cn. J Some tijt on the fourth day, tome on home of the -eases are occisioced by j "je DD i ra 0Jr ru'e '&3 always been thew.utol proper care. We hope the ' on seTentb, it beiog the completion investiatiju tbat h been commenced j0' llia will reiult iu mucli gjo-J to the great and Could not rgs be adJed at d.tl.r.nt growing in Jujtry. Is trill probably rt-! - to the ir.cutator after it baa suit in t!,e enactaient of ecme lest'sUiiou j f taT for the lenefk of the poultry industry, So; the rggs won'J cbi: those a'reaJy similar ta th.it which exists to prevent the lutroduction and spread of animal di teases. Th-re is a "hen on'' in the poultry batint si t.f this tcctL'D. In some cares it ia a "wjoden hen," Tbe old timer ia g iaiz to l3 e trprised at the growth of the naltry industry in Oregon and Washington, and at the improvement in methoJe i'ncitio Homestead. tlggs for Incubators. It is a mat er of much importunes iu the success of iucubjtion as to the condi tion of the ei and when they should be placed in tbe it.cubatcr. It has been said that cpg, lilts ine, are better for a little rge. Ti e o!d theoiy was to tet tbe eggsseide for a day cr two after receiving them in a cool place, turning them often. Hens' eggs will be better if they are placed in the incubat jr tbe day they are ltid. When t :is is out of the question aa near to this as can possibly be done, will be the thing to do. Eggs of the duck and goose are sjid to not keep aa long as thoeo of the turkey and hen. Eggs that are teing kept fcr lutcbinj should be kept aa noar tbe temperature cf sixty de grees as possible; lower tban this will te ' preferable to higher tsmperatnre. tgga kept m a very warm place will soon ettr; enough to fpjil them and make nothing hut addlei egj when placed in the inc .balor. Sixty degrees will neither rtut nor chill the germs and will keep them ujod longer tban any oth er ttmj erature. i-.xiHTiiii -ut i-liownig eggs to have been kept at as low a temperature) as twenty-ei.ht have started to hatch, but the clicks from them lived only until ab.u the '.entii da;-. The best way to keep et'8 ia to either turn them oft mi or t-tand them on the small end. At one. lime it was thought best fo Bland them i n the largn end, hut later opiuious re the opposite ol this. Lark'-i and small eggs placed in the Bttuie incib.itur do not "ive the satisfac tion that nil j one do. This ie duo lo tha fact Ilia' the phiu com it ions :tre not found best for email eggs that the lar.e ones niiiire. A unull tyg has much mure shell furfaco in proportion to couienls than u larjie one, so that to run the iniitliitio lo Miit the Binp.ll ones! will bo too i! iinti Ion the larne ones . i . .. , i , . ' j where moiKluro in nsetl, ami vice vers.t. Somo iticiilia'or ex per n find the eauie llnii trm ol rj.'(ji uf yarious colored bliells. J'hcy i,o'. only vary in color but in H.ii.L .niu. ,.t l 1. n ) I ..n l ..su.oa si. rucii aim an tutjua vary- conilitions have to he (aken int fine nmls me drawn. Our own experience is lint we would prefer Mi em of all one ttet, and i we are not bolJiug out lir i;ertiii lrre we prefer the light shells to 'lie drown ones. racific Horaentead. Plums and Poultry. TLere is nu better tgrtnerehiji I i-iih-cr poultry KrowinR or fruit cullifo ihan plnuiHar.d pou'lry. An acre t plum trees 11 r.I itself worth wliilt An u r lo a iii.uitry yarJ and cut in i I ui z niK condition, ty tliu M-a ul itporonri i e roj.t , lit uUo a good tiling, ami li -n the c iinliitiiitiou of liie two ai-fS Ivc lines hI vantaeuu I h cni hardly Im a qie tim hut what it in a itood tiling to d i It) throw them together. The chief oh Maoles to Krowii K pliimi are the curculio and tl.f ?ouer. There is tio hetter da-it.i-e aditiBt thfsi ciieiuiee to tho vlutu than to keep a link of poultry in the plom orchard. The keotwye.l foi al Id i.o ynilty eneiuy of the plum i'j es cape, liiletlie ilropiiinnn (r un thoiieea and the ehadd and pr.lec'in they Hurl are a decided hen Ik to the pouhrr. Tl.ose who are looking f jr iiicmiis f.i c-n a profit hy niakiui; "ot:e hand W4mIi the other" can hardly tiud any llml j:ll )rl belter proepecta of eui-cesa tlian tln io.n binution plum otclurd and p'jtiltrj-jvr I. l'.tcitli: HoiiH-btea J. Profit in I'oul ry. Tin f.iniK i wh. ilet-piecs the l.i'us is ;ki . a tit lai titer ui a uauj man. Appeal nets it'e deceitful an 1 (he last fea ' yetrt ;,fs, fur iiuuy years the breeder ; of f !! Im tuado intir.itclv more money : , r , i !' H-e aii.iUht i.I moiiev. care and I , ... , , . ih'jiil t lii Iiks put into h:a bntinee era. 1 till l:Ot ft-Ort lltat !lit iirli-a f.ir .. , ...... ... . ... , . . ... iii'iir .i n,i ( uir iuh pule i nirii and oat.". Wtern fjttnets hat I et'er convert nn re . f f.is grain intJ po'.l rr proluc t. M .. i,Ucture tli raw (rain into the tiiiieh-t! pouhrr ciumodr i-e. Mai.ufa.tire.t ait'c'es raturallr brinjf larger prices t!i..n tl.e irnier product. The treat poii t in proltiiin poultry produj b fiii cri i. I i ity itinrkets is to raise the l.e-t. A t-r ar.icie hi a ay ? lisappjitit tKih buyir and eelle-r. i:.,.! i . .1 ... I... !.., ... ,o.. j ..... :s tt.e putpoao you nave in view r.v- mouth Hocks and Wvandoltee aee su per li tireeJa to cultivate for market p -ttl-Iry. LegliortiS sre Gee l.yera tut cf f mali value for cix kioif in a pet, save as briolerj. Tbe Auerieao WjauJolie o( a healthy strain d niblleee comes as near a gMxl liter anil a lii market bit J a any o her sinl-tiirJ. If a man 14 to make a specially of civini; the market tret-b tg, let biui be sure the eggs are freab, aud reach ti e ruaiket fresh, too. K hetelie dreretd f a. let Lira be care tbey are fat, plunip arid well Jreeeed. Id this war tra le will gro us one's j hand. Maine Farmer. I Questions on Artificial Incubation. j The folloaiug are everyday question, j t-o nnion-sei.fe answer?, for which credit the Iowa H jrutft?ad : I When should egtts be turned for the 1 G1"1 time? I K t?in Ibt recoa J day. ' When do ycu qiit turains eggs? j On the e:bte?nth d&y. When di joi Lein cooling the eRs? About the fourth day When ia tie best true to. make the etarteJ Is tjbacco smoke injarious to hatching egge? Some uritera claim so, bat wa gener ally have a pipe in our mouth wbile in the iocubator room, aid do not think we have any worse hatches than those who do not smoke at all. Should the iocabitor rojm be ventil ate i? Yes ; bad hatches are very often occa sioned by a poorly ventilated room. Does sunlight oa tbe iocubator do any damage? Yee, avoid the suulight. et the In cubator so that tbe sun does not reach it any time of the day. Ia there auy uiflerence in hatching duck eggs from tbe plans as given for chicken agt ? No, with the exception that duck egits requires more air. because they are larger. Cool a little longer tban you would hen eggs. What is tbe best temperature to begin young chicks in tho brooders? Ninety degrees, and a gradual reduc tion a I he chicks grow older. What causeschic.s to die in the shell? First, improper ventilation; second, t o much moisture. Cooper, of tbe l'rairie 8 ate incubator company, gives these additional reaeons for chicks dying in ''.e shells: ' Over-heat, running at f- :oss a temperature, bad air in the io i ib iter, bed air in rocm, too much d ; pneES In a cellar, dryness in iccu bt.: ir when hatching, small air cells, ex tr nely large air cell, old eggi, chilled e. zi eggs do not have to he frczen to kill them over-led breeding dock, dis easod slock, inbred stock, ill-fed stock, and in fact anything Hint will lower the vitality of the breeding stock or tbe eggs before and after incubation." Why does moietu.e show on the glass door of tiie incubator? If the incubator is run in a cold room the moist air of the machine will con dense on the glHK?. lirge turltevH will excel in weight, but the emaller, plump, fitt turkeys eell at a histlier price ptr pound. The quality and conilitioti arc prime (adore. I ho fanner ia iu pobition to tuakepoul- try pay holler thiin mut-t any one else, f'jr his expetiBCri are no low. lie Ims re fuse! it tul wi!ri!c 1'iu.liirh fiom threshinir hti.l harveatinccropM to almost keep thetu considerations when in feed ciinlintially. Practical Ponllry tnnn. M. II. Smiili, r.iiiiernoi, Mich., saye, l.'e Witt's Littlo Kmly IcibtiM are the very hest. pida I ever ut.l for coslirc ("tt , Ii vernnd bowel IrouhkB." A. C. Marfttera & Co, . 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ; v D A Tradc Marks Designs AnrnnA sen 1 lug a nkotrh and dewTinttnn may qtilrklj iisr-ortnin our optiiUHi free whniher a i tnvptitioii in prnbniiljr jmUnitablft. i omniunl. 1 ton hi i u-f ty mnttdem iul. 1 1 undtMHik on fatenta sent fnwt. (!itf( nttoiwf fur cuniii' patent. rntnuia lukon Hinmirh Munti 4c Co. recelre $lcuU notice, without chwrgp. In the Scientific JItncrican. A hantl:'omclr IlinstrntM woklr. I.nrcpst rlr itlnti'itt tif arty fwienndf Journal. irnn, $-t tk vivir; fniir mcntUa, $1 toM by all nuwiuloalcra. EM S Co.3G,B- New York lirai-.ch tMTtiv. 15 V Ft. WnaMnuioii. D. C Notice for Publication. TNm.U STATES LAND OFFt'K ',,,. i Ore , F. liruurv, lSdtl. :.' li.in ,'rrc,,,'r, .'Yl" ,bt tho following ik-I senior lias lilcd not ce i.f In. ii make final iir.Mf In supMirt of hi claim and hat MM iiruoj will l. ,,', Uf.,re the . . . o-.iun i.aiir u InirK, OreRon, 1,11 Atril H. jum, Vz: . ;unt SMITH, ti l,i If L V-.. .i t- . . ' KEL HtN K.BMITII, . No t.'.;i7, fur incS. C. H F i-ijii, nul I K 4 W. '."!!'"'' "Ie f,.,II,w'K "itliMy-s t, prove bis c. i ii.nou, rci.tem o n.ou ami cultivation MxhluTr I' K" Mi"";,-""' BrowD. John Ongou Brewer, nil o( Myrtle Creek, np J. T. BRIIXjKS, Kesistcr. Ii the result of repeated, acuta atlackj. The ltTcr and splucn are principally affected. They act as torehouei for ths malarial poison and the I.I . takes It from them. The Olson must be driven out of 'hesysteiu. Ul O V AN iU destroy the action of the poison and eyent ii.nlly drlreout the last particle of it from the system. In addition to j this. U I U 1 A wilt restore the ' loat app e. It will bulk, up th weakened system. II I'D VAN iU wake new blond and new flesh. The pains in the bones w.ll disap!.-ir. III'DTAN has cured others and It-will cure ii. We desert be the symptoms. j Study them careful!. Thy ars yours Dj not d.-Lir hia--, but taka tll'UVAM now and you a ill be cored. HERE ARE YOOR SYMPTOMS: 1. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND sorsrmrTsr r, & tit rs. ininw, m : "Ba'J- ' " " " nvsii and tour headache wilt disanwar. 3 S. PAI.E 03 YELLOWISH COM PLEXION. MUOYAN will establish a free eirvaistioa of pure biool aa 1 caate the rheek to assume their ni'urit! color. j 3. L033 0? APPSTITE AND GNAW- ! INO IN THE 3T32I1CU. HUJYAN j will rs:ore the a;;i?:i!c anJ thedigesUoa oi : foo-l wilt become perfect. 4. FEELIXOO? WEIGHT OVER THE ! LIVER. This is da; to the eniarjement of j theiivcr. It Is H.U I with thi poison of ma- j Uri.t. III'DVAV nuldrireout the poison an4 j cause theorem t? a-um its natural slse. ' 6. HE WINE33 IN THE EEOION ! OF THE SPLEEN. Ti.e ;,Un becomes ! rca:! eniargeJ. HUOYAN "1 !c.s;a Ua coi!S".i.cn and a'.so the heaviness to disap pear. YuU art u.t riue from Chronic Malaria and you can be curwj. Ill or N will reliete tour everr srmptom act miU tou well. Bl l j TAX enn be i.oaine. o ail JrncUtt for aoc. j per pai Lr.ae. or 6 j ai kaires for Sj-ou. It your ! Iri'.ss-.st iW nt keep it, sen I dirss-t to tha HI Ul AN KKMEDY COMPANY, tun Fran- cisr.s, t's':ifirnis KeniTmber tbsv tou ran j consult the HtDYA.N DOCTOKH f HBB . ' Call til see the d.xrtors Voa oat esU and j aee them, or write, aa tu aeaire. Adslrssi ' HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Car StscMsa, Marks! sad EJIU Saw sa Frsactsos, Cat. j Tt!K DIKECTtROCIKT Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. (jives choice of tao; favorite route, via the j CNIOX fAClKIC fat Mail Line, or Jthe ! KIOtiRAXDEi-cenlcLinc. j No Change of Cars On the I"or;;.ind Chicazo Special, "(he finest in j the West." ) Equipped W'ltb Klfp.Mtit Stamlarxl 5;ltH.'iH.'r.-' Fine New Ordinary tTourist) Shu-jn-rs Suja.rb Lihrary-Uiiifot Car Sl'lciulul IiiKrs (meals a la carte) Free Hoc lining I'hair t'ars C'tiinfortable Cuachca ami Smokers Kutirv Train CVnuilotcly Wt-tibaled Fv. fuilher iuiuruif iei fppit i J. F. UIVANS, Agt., Ro.veLcig. C. O. Terry, W. E Coman, Tri Ps. Agu Ul Tftird St , Gen l"ot l s i q l'r. AKt. : II if i We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, . s ir : . ." 3 XT l-5-TrT7 1 H 1 , 3 II . t' -s. irfi" beeu the recipient of One Hundred and Twenty-nine First ing the Supreme Recompense, The Cross of the Legion of pcan Award ever given to a Piano manufacturer, aud The The Greatest Award of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago. CLEVELAND, SPALDING CHAINLESS, AND IMPERIAL BICYCLES. Prices from $28.00 to $60.00 for Spalding. - All wheels fully guaranteed. -v All goods fulh' guaranteed and sold on the installment Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. the musical line can be had at if"" I- 5v M'. K t t. Mi Em, of Micco, Fit ri pit;waa 150 x 2'h fce. Mted coct fO.UO.ltue Ull wa4 tbeinrat tinie.I u. !;h. ANKT JK."3(Mo 4,..mbind Hill and Diill heedet) and I made clear $IS0 IH) ar.d fiinnieh left in ito me ontil I can (!t uru'lu-r cop." Vnn ran do as well if ion nf the 44Planet!'JrjQardenTooIs.,, Churchill & Woolley. Distributors for Southern Oregon. SEND US ONE DOLLAR nCUR $38.50 o WONDER ' I: - jOet your- SCHOOL Welhave aJComplete stockjof TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought tolthis city. Our Prices are Right. ... A. C.TB5TEI.S & GO P. Benedick. Any Job Work done at Reasonable p" - Cass Street Market . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and F. 'Phone Main 353. uteri including CHICKERINGS, WEBER, KIM BALLS, NEEDHAM. Besides these we have other good Pianos but cheaper in price but not iu quality. While we have the highest grade Pianos known, and recognized the world over, The Chickering has T. K. l, wr tee S I. A'l- A (- ; M eirdfo $10 00 F.riizer $!).(i0. . Help altogether THIS a. sn KITS sa aouua. "i;r SPECIAL HICH GRADE $38.50 STOCK SADDLE y IVrlskt f. O. I. wbjcei t sslaalsa, YOU CAN EXAMINE IT "T-T?':t At-vU ana If tmmmd crlcci I . atliactr, csaetij aa ripusialij. n Extra Fine High Crade Saddle jirt th eual of sartulet ""'-I e-rerywher at fr-m pmr Ibe frrurl.t b-'rut OUR PRICE. S38.S3. lra Iks ILHiiiWl, sv MZ.M, and Imcht eharrs. This Saddle is made on a 1 554 or 16-lnch Genuine Ladesma or meison Heavy bteel Fork.... rvr:rrLLV kklkcte kawrimk rarcKn Tlll.fc. lKM.n4or roil eaolla.Mcel Iwvr (nisial sorraix cr x-uica uzdow urw. Doaaa, as mailMI WHi cmO. ..1.W ..fcM.lM ..Sn. TREE tS WADE EXTRA STROXG Jf lioeo. iika wo iar fUrmp iMtAcn, 1 Inrh trtitnpa, exlrm lortjr cn ttxr m1, Mn-b to bockie oa oMe, hy totvm rwitd WrTirn t-ltrh frnat rlnrk. bmtt mmm twit in? ftm&cciorh. cuanccUac f.rsvpL 1 nnp Mf, m1 m jjcmj aw fwrrrv. ELECANT HAND RAISED 8TAMPIWC as tllastrated. rlbt f ftaaalr aWat a ama raek4 for sh'peveric L, u MSMS f SSM.ai B SSLI UM1 fl. sua sa IIU WRITE F0i FREE VEHICLE. HAR4IESS AND Cinnt r CATALOGUE, shsainf a hill liaeat Css.lM.sna Raacawr uwims ai in iswen prices ar amatea. Auurea, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. On:.) CH1CAS3, ILL TT-r-r, -i-iit Ti ir inmlj ni.n isnsiij SUPPLIES JMarsters. 1 Tin 7 it i InTrnvf vintf ssTmYsTmmf' W j Game in Season, S. Godfrey, PfOp. FOR. E 111 4 ' .?l.'-4'feff'-2' Medals and Awards, includ. Honor, The Highest Euro- Crowning American Triumph, plan. Baud Instruments, In fact almost anything iu RICHARDSON'S. I tuiTSB Stats Lai OrncR, " ' B- n w,110"'' VW, Jan. -a, 19CO. Bjr Qonorabl Comm.s-louer letter -X" of NoTerntxr 2. 1i,i9, Uianf&ca waa directed to or der a hearing' to determine the character ot the following described tract ol land, to wit: the 8v. A ,ndW ot 8ee.TC heretofore ailjodfed to be mineral in character (decUion of Oetoher 5, 17C) bnt now ailered br tbe Oreaon and California Eailroad Conpan, to be rwentiaiiy noa mineral in character all mineral (If and were contained) harinc been. I nee .aid decialon. extracted or taken from aid tract. Wherefore, in conformity with tbe inatrnet tona of aid letter a hearing ia hereby ordered, the tf-Umony to be Uken at this office, before the Lea-inter and Receiver on Frtdar, April a. lino at 10 o'clock a. m., and :he parties hereto are hereby summoned to appear at said time and place and fnrninh testimony In support ol their respectlveclalms. hah! bearins to be conducted in accordant with paragraph 106 et seq oi the V. . Ulnlns Laws and Regulations. i. T. BRIDGES. Knrl.ter. i. U. BOOTH. Receiver. Notice of Finn'ttlenient. tonASUCoyan:"J 0t 0re" Jhematter of .be fu oi Ilromai Wiley. Xotlce is hereby gUuu that the undrafgnd adminutrator of th above entitled estate hae hied hi flnaJ account therein, and said Court baa made an order appointing Monday. Mar 7th 10 at tbeconnty coart house inRosebirv bon Coonty, Oregon, atlOoeiocka. m.of said day as the lime and place f..r bearing obieetion thereto, and lor the final settlement of said estate, and any and all persons baring any ob ieetion to said final account, or any part toere ot,are hereby notified to file tbe same la the a bore entitled conrt and cause, on or before tbe time set for said final settlement. JEFFER.rO 3 8. WIUY, Administrator. Notice for Publication. Ubitsd states Laho omen - . RcneburK, Oregon. March 1900. otiee is hereby eiren that thr foUowiiur. named settler Baa filed notice of hi lntesuoa nke final proof in up port of b is claim, and thatssid proof win be made before tbe Regie. terand Receiver, United btates Land Office at Koaebnrg, Oregon, oa April a. 1), rix: r. KAML''' A1.IXASDER. On II E So 96. forth S'i KW';, Lots tand. bee i. T 26 8. R f W. He names UtoUowina witnesses to prore bis contlnoons rtdenee npon and cultivation of said land, ri- A. O RbiVrJreg' S D,ler- Ca' .'. T. BRIDGES, . Register. CHL'RCH SERVICES. 3fTHowrr CscacH comer of Main and Lane ""V saeeta. Sunday Berrlce: Preaching, U a. am -' and S.0O p. bl; Rabbet school, M a. sa.; L. A. Walker, Snperintendent: Claaa Meerlna; at Close oi the morning serrlce; Zpworth Lan 7:00 P- a. T- 8. Godfrey. President. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, at 7:39 p. n. G. R. AbxoLB, Pastor, Panonage, eoraer Mala and laae. Uarrar. Barraau CHrrmca-on Fowler street. Bondsy serrlce. at U a. m. and 7:30 p. m. pray, er meeting. Thursday evening. Mrs, Leer X. CcTUr, Pastor. &T. Giobos s CBCaca-Corner Casa and Main street. Berrices on second aad loortk Sunday morning of each month and every fs evenlng. Special services annonnced froaa Imatotime, Bar. iosrx Davaos, Kiaaiooary. M. S. CaxacM, Socra.-eerviees every Soaday . orning and evening. Rsv j i c ottos, Pastoi ' Bajtist Che sen coiner of Lana and Boat tteeta. Sunday service: Preaching at 11 a. m ' and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m., O. P. Coahow, superintendent. iTayer meeting t 7:30 Wednesday evening. K. A. XXxtglas, Pastor it caaimaji Cavaca Corner of Pine and Woodward street. Bondsy services Preaching both morning and evening, gaoday school sties, a. Y. P. 6. c X. at tJO p. sa Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening st TJ0. AeordU rJcosae and greeting awaits ; W. A. Woo. Paster - Piast PaaaamaiAS Cavaca Corner ol Casa anl Rose sbveta.. Sunday service: Pnblie worship, 11 a. nu, ant a p, bl; 8abbaUi school. 10 a. m. X. P. 8. C B. at 7 p. nU--Prayer meetlnr, Wedrcsday evening 7;jo I J. A. Towxsaan, Piator j Taa W. C. T. C. will hold it regular meetinr on every Jlonday evening at 7JD p nv. 1 the Zpworth Learn room of tho V Chore O.RAfl CQ CClUl'Ui Aaaar fast Mail s p. 1U. I Salt Lake. Denver. r. Pt. Kan- I Psat Mail aatyi. Louis Chi in ua. " "'i 111 ii cago and East i Spokane Walla Wl!a Levistoa. Spokane Spokane, Minneapolis, Flyw bt Pan', Unlnta. Mil- 8a. sa. riyer 3 ti p. ra. . t an cie, caicago ana East. 8 p. m. Ocxas STaasRHir 4 p. ! All Sailing dates subject tocnange. ' Far 8a Francisco I UDec 3.S.U.18, 23, J?, and every i days. Dailv CoLcxau SiTta 4p. a. T A&toria and Way- f Landings. Kxanday ap. m. Saturday lip. m. a. m. WiLL-imrra Rivia '4:S0j. ii Ex. ijar Ex.8nnday j Oregon City, Kewbcrg, . Sewberg. ay-Land s i raiexn x ft ay-c 7 a. ni. WiLHnrrrs ao Ta-i3 Tuea Thnrsl mu. RiviB. 'Mon.We and Sal Oregon City. Daytoo and Way-Laiidings. and II. m. WiixAwnra Dm. Tues.ThuisI U p. v and Sat. 'Portland to Corvallis and aad Fri jion. : and Way-Landings. -4r Leave Biparia 1 JO a. m. Daily S.UH BiTia Ri Paris to Lewis Uin Leave Leviaton DaUy 8:3Pa,B J. F. Qivans, W. H. Huiiburt. Agent. Roseburg, Or. Gen. Pass. Art.. Rutland, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, v . . Raaiao, Oregon. March 5,1900. notice is herebr aiven tnat in Kinnii.Ms with the provisions ol the act of Congress ol Junes, 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale ol ..iuuer iau.is iu me states oi taiitornia, Orcgoo. Nevada, and Washington TeTitorv. ANDRIIV J. niNsnv Of Ashland, County of Bayfield, State ot Wiscon sin, has this day riled iu this office his sworn statement No. iter, for the purchase of the S'ol Jection No. 4, in Towualiip No. S4, Range No. S W, and wUl offer proof to show that the laudso isht is noro valnahlo for ii. Hmw stone than ior airrieultnral pnrpoees, aadtoes eimim io saia lana before the Recta. ter and Receiver at. this office at Bmshnr. w Son, on Saturday, the lud day ot June, 13C0. c names ss witnesses: J. C. Turaey, L. O. De wolf, of Portland, Oregon, L. Pardue, aud Ed ward Rone, ot Oakland. Orecrtn. Any and all persons elaimios fch-ersrar the above-described lands are Teatreattd to ala their claims in this oflice oa or Wore said 2nd day of June. 19C0. J. T. Bairssss Register. Notice for Publication. Tuitsd Stated Lanb Orries, Kusebnrg, Ore-,xiu. February 16, 1XWL Nctiee la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Ongreas of June 3, lss. entitled '"An act for the sale oi tim ber lands in the State of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory;'' EKiC W. KARDEIX, -K. of JlsrsbaeUl. County oi Coos, State of OreST has this dsy a lot in this otlice his sworu su ' - -nreut No. for the purchase of the lots 1.2. W NK:H', of motion No. 2, in Tonnehip No. at f, Kan ft No. Id W., and will offer proof to shiw that the land son x-at is more valuaMe for its timber or stone than for SKrk'iiltnral purposes, and to establish Ma claim to said land before tho Kecister and Receiver of this oflice at Kosu burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the l.'th dav of s(av, 1-..H). lie names as itness: Albert E. Betty's, of Marshtield.Oteinin: A. K. Kardell, of Mhit.Ii- iiein.urvgntr. . it. Miintli, of .Mnrshlield, Ore- ;'. ... iiern.11,01 ..inrsnueill, t iregon. Any and all ieroiis claiiuins: adversely the.. aUive-desenbe.l lauds are requested n liie their eiiiius in this ofliec on or before said l'Jtli day of My, 1"U J. T. IIKIDUES, Register. y 4T ; f