The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 26, 1900, Image 1

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The Plaindealer
Job Printing
HtAl., BILL r!EAD5
Na kctter field thas Southern Ore
job; M better median through which
to Advertise.
Executed as hrt aotka Bt price
consistent with good work.
Vol. XXXI.
No. 24
- i -- ll 1 livvl . - '
Nates Between Salisbury and
Krcger Related to frisoners.
Alleged Victory of Oliver Over Oat
ere No News From Natal
Defense of Pretoria.
London, Mar.-.h, 4 a. m. Ii Ins lea
learned that no r.ew peace overtures
Have been made to Lint Salitbury. nor
are any eicted at preeut by Great
Britian. Tbe tehgraphic correspond
ence bs been confined to the treatment
o: British prisoners. Lord S.tlUbuiy hold
iug tbe rresid.-ute of tbe South African
Republics responsible
Tbe q-ietio of the safety of Johan
nesburg and the veil mines tbi-r has
not lieen ri--ed. The corrtep .r.dence
t-xchantid between Luid Salitbu'V and
Preeideat Krotir iil ebortly kj giv.n
"f Again there is pertistent lauaor that
Male in, has been relit ved. It is even
a sea led that (he War Oihoe has receivtd
dispatch positively announcing the re
lief, bat that publication of it is withheld
, Lecaore the form if the m(.ae adnite
the p i-ibil n of mistake.
Tbe Wr Of c?, loaever, decisive that
there ie n confirmation of the tamor,
and that no further news cntlie snhj-c:
ia at hand.
No attention is paid in any qiarter tu
tbe vild Boer rumors of Command--!
Olivier'e victory over General Gatacre,
which ere only designed to revive the
drooping spirits f the bu'gherp.
It seems certain that Mafe-icg's only
cbancee lie in relief Vy the colazr n sup
posed t- be advancing from the sooth, or
in the possibility that Cjloael Baden
Powell is still strong enough lo attempt
eon is with a view of capforinjt the
Boer rod? at a time -hen Commandant
En j man has withdrawn his men to op
pose Colonel Planner's alvece.
All reports leicardias tbe Biitieb oper
a'ions in the Free State eootinae most
Nothing has developed, regarding Gen
eral Boiler's intentions; bat it roems
hard to believe that be ie again embaik
inz General Warren's division.
It is reported Iroai L"ureoco Marquee
that Pretoria is prepared to stand a
e'K-ge of two years, ana that the Boer
woeceo, fraalic at tbe reverses to the
Boer iw, are entreating to be albwed
to shoot the British officers imprison el
- i,i fretoria. It is also announced from
tbe Transvaal capi'al that the Italian
Government has dex lined to intervene.
recited sto have issued a proclanation j
if.laniu v a Great Brit wn is in dire
di Me8a i ! hut the Russians have oc
t'lipbd Loidon.
A Sprincfoutein telegram published in
t n see, n l idition of tho Times, Bays:
"The apparently submissive attitude
of Free S'a era ehould be accepted with
caution. The lare proportiou of obso
lete, inferior wpcns bting tamed ia ly
thnu to the Britiih is giving the imprest-ion
it. a 'ante stores of modern Mausers
are being conrealeJ."
The "Outlook" epecid correspondent
at Cape Ton eys:
"Feeling is ruuiiiug gtrong ag.intt the
leniency with wbMi the rebels of Cape
Colony and Natal are btin treated by
the British authorities."
Nkw YoiiK, Mrch Ti. A dispatch to
llf.Tiibuiid froui lo.idoa, Marbli 2J, 6
a. ni. ev; Ni t.n.tirmation has been
recvived cf a veiy een-a'ional niiuoreme
natiug from the Bj r cuiup iu KrooJEtad
that Get eral tiaUvre and his etatf with a
number of gii:s, have tx-en captured by
Commdi:dant Olivier. As a matter of
fact, a Nt8 telegram from Spritigion
tein shows tlu Briiih Gei:t-rl to have
bein there af & da'e er thnl of
bis alleged capture.
iue.Vu t li.iud ui ii v.l-i h to exliuiuo
tii-j n-ni i:i-, it w.i dc!led t' return to
Skauv.iy i d j alter the hodies today.
Vv H'dii i t i 'be uiiteesio:! uf ILiIlf-i-n,
the 1 1) d. hit -:'i-!y 'ii t i i ii t mur.ier
went dow i i! m.,.1 u t' O '.:-er 1 lokicg
for a U t I di iri .in ! ! 1 1 wit'.-. The 1 t
urn! wit i ro rt 1 itiv.-a di one
of tho.Kt!tH'hl:i -rly, :iu I Hie 1 .il
thought or '.'i-liev 1 the musiiiij o ies f
ATONEMENT f OR TWO INDUNS.!1 u m'u r!"' kil(Sl ;,tfif,!-
; whites. Am tig the I mum ! t'ie
Bert Norton and His Vouny and
Pretty Wife.
Lonujn, .M.rc'i 23 According to a
special iit-;itcli froiii Cape Town, dated
today, Gei eral French's cavalry oroide
is figh ii g eaet ard of Bl- emfontein.
Indian Converted by the Salvation
Army Confesses and Assist in the
Capture at Haines of Five Others
of Ih j Party.
Six rugged younu In.iians vi-re ptit be
hiud the Hereof ti '1 Sitagay jii! lift
iii:lit f-' ! crirt-.e -i u -uidxTing a limn
and l.ia wife of Sii:';tv. The victims
we'e Mr. and Mip. iVil Ilr:ou.
Cvld bloodtxi and unprovoked w:s 'he
terrible crime lor which th; Indians', il
leare, must
The diurder was i-.uiiiiitle I i t t K
Vter m( a punt o-i Lvrm final, I'.ii-ly
tnile- from Skawav. .Mr. an.) Mr?.
H.'rioti had gotm there "ii a cainpint;
trip. Mild the I:niKiis kit'.ed them while
he white man and his ife in thrir
vku caip.
Xws id Uie cri-.ii" was n knoii he re
nntil within ih- litweek, !eneol
the murderer maile a coiife.-Ki' u lie
recritlv beca'M converted in Skac'y
had a rill
pectin i
orJerv-l t
The i i: -V
and .s '
thr.: i
lben ii-
Ihjr o , a
i -. i ii Ii ii '.
I i ll.tri" !
e:ii ! h t i i
l'r jb ltd y s:is
. iirli 'r-. II irion
!(!- ii ; ;no ich.
an 1 joiued th Sjlrution Arinv. After
Will Hold Their National Convention , hja conver?in ihe cr mo in which he
London, March 23. Colonel Plamtr
apparently has retired to Crocodile Pools
and Male king seems farther eff than
ever from relief. This news was con
tained io a dispatch from Balnwayo,
dated March 19. and puWi'hed in
at Kansas City on July 4th.
Uilcth, SMcn., March 23. Cbairinan
Towne, ot the National Sliver Republi
cans has irgued a call lor a national con
vention to meet in Kansas City, Thurs
day, July 4 h, for the purpose of placing
in noojinatiou candidates for jwesiJeut
and vice preeident of the United States,
and for the tranacaon of sues other
business as may be prjpcriy brought be
fore ibe convention.
Oregon Notes
Knoth Xott atii Peter Molt)t.nrt.'l hie
pleadei gnilty at Eocene t bursaries
will be made.
The open eoteoa far trout fishing will
the commence April 1. Every nebermao
second edition of the Tim ie. These ad
vices add that tbe base hospital baa
been brought back to Gaberones, though
the correspondent lurtier says it ia
thought tbe object of the Boer demon
stration of March 15 and 16 was to cover
the removal of tbe siege guns Irom Mafe
kiog. -. General French's activity in tha
rng Free State may well be prelimi
nary to a foraard movement by Lori
oberts with tbe main army.
A diepatch from Bioemfontein. date!
March 22, nays that President Kroger, is
f ehould keep in mind this ciaose of tte
law : ' It ii nnlawfaL at all times to take
trout, char cr salmc a less than five in
ches in lesgtb. Tak tog of Eastern brock
trout and Loch Levea tront at any time
is probibiteJ."
Ii yon are not of t f.e cpinron that min
ers have money to barn, remarks tbe
Cottage Grove N'jtgjret, yoo ehould have
seen the jslly fellows from the Masick
toeeing sickles into the maJdy streets
the other day nod finding amot 'etnent in
seeing tbe small boys fall over eh'cb otb
ei in their effort to get tbe coin.
are made with Roya). Baking
Powder, and are the most appe
tizing, healthful an'l nutritious
of foods.
r -Hot biscuit made with im
pure and adultf crated baking
powder are neit'her appetizing
nor wholesome.
It all depends upon the bak
ing powder.
Take every care to have
your biscuit with Royal,
wThich is a pure crtaiu of tartar
baking j)'.vdvn if you. .would
was imphcited so pieyed npin hi- mTnd
tlmt he could not refrain Irom confes
eion. He firs: told A Ij. McGil! if tha
cruv, nd later told I'ni'ed S'att-s Mr
shal TanLer. 11 as ihen pet under
The name of ti e confessor ia Jim ll.m
eon. Theotheriwlo are under arres" ate
Ketchikoo, Va-k C aiet, Dave C atet,
James Jncke'eoe a t i Kikivoe.
Kitchikoo ia ruspeit.d i f beini one of
Ihd chief murdere t.
Aside from llanua apd KiU-Likoo
there is no certain . tl a. the others are
really guiity of mnrd-.r, l ut they were in
a par.y with Kitchikcn and fliaeon
when the murder wj- committed.
IIanon bas coofesol 'hat Le h mself
hot Mr. Uo-ton, tnJitii alleged hat
Kitchikoo fired the slut 'hat killed Mrs.
JI-jTton I ot Kiich koi f'entej this.
Armed wi.h the ev'dence from tr e lips
f tbe coiifesfor, Marehal Tanner wis
Lot long in g-'t'rg the others neder ar
Five etorjv men, headed b the mir-
t-hal and accompanied by H-n-on, set
;nt from Skagway yesterday morcing.
(Jr 11 o'c'.oca last right the pirty re
CTned Vj tlie citv with the five other In
lians firm in th grap of thftliT and
'.entitled to coiu9 i tifote the 'judgment
Lir on the b'o.fy ihave of murder.
The Indian were captured by the
basse at r near ttieir Lome) at mines
or Pvrausid. JoJ;e SuhlbreJe w.'s with
4be capturing party.
The Iudlann were t.ikci wi'.hcutany
-bow of force or violence or resistance,
but at firet they tried to escape. Tr e
little steamer Alert carried the march..'.
and party on tha cbase, and brought
them back.
Tbe a'eamer put in first at II tines
and there two of the Indiana were fianJ
and put noder arrest. An Indian woman
who is a frier d of some of the men ar
rested, then accompanied the party ecd
the marehal and l is men proceeded to
Before getting to Pyramid, Mark Cian
et, one of tbe men wanted, waseepiel in
bis canoe oJthe shore returning from a
banting trip. The ii" tie steamer bore
down upon tha Ind: m and thi Red Man
began to pad lie aw ay. It w as seen that
be must bave suspected something, o at
least was determined t) prcctd Then
three shrill whistles sounded from the
Alert. It was a warning to tiie Iodian
to slow down. Clanet evidently under
stood the warning, and leir ug the firs
of the ofEcirp, stopped, lh f-teamer
approaibeJ the canoe ad was
taken prisoner.
Then the Alert, with the iriarehil ai.d
. .
posse, accompanied t-y iue tnaian wo
man proceedt-p in quest of Kitchikoo.
Kitchikoo proved the wili et tnd tnoet
troublesome tucmber of the rexUL He
was first espied iu a cat.oe cro-gics the
canal, and it was thought probably he
wanted to make Pyiamid or eonie i-hote
Md es:ape to Kluckwan or some ether
interior phc. He was given litt.ej
chauce to c.capj. lie went aahoro at!
Chilcat and preceded to a house in j
The marahui and po se followed to the
shore, and the worran went to the 1 o'.iee
in which Kitchikoo had'takeu refuge.
She advised him to give himtelf up, pay
ing the marshal and his men were th?ro
and it would ba uselesj to resist. An in
terpreter whom the maielm)
trio 8 it has l-Ve i ih- cir t i ou-s ler
a life ti ii! t'O ivjn for a lite, l'triw pa-ty
tlilnt-ini lh.. '(hi 1 1 nl iir.i'i i' V if lint
... - , . , .tk
actually kil i l their reia'ive. tetvr i-.ii. id '
to kili 11. rt hi an 1 his wife to even the
account. Th'-y hit i.othiog -ef-r:ally
agaiiibt 11 ji ion .ind hit wife, but nving
them on th-. ihire iu ti.e r camp, at-d
h.iv n,; h.-e.i u nii:ci'; I ill in 'lie icatch
for the mif sing i-nes, they put ashore
and approachi' I the whites th malice
i i the;r h. .cl .
HortoM, i". i ' mi ii i s' '.d, v Mliing on
a log WliC I ' i- l id i:n appmched and
that II in--T rii-. d IsUgun
1 1 !- .lii- I ullet paeeed
h -ad cf rtiti white man.
i' '.he other In.ii HlH F'l'lt M'S.
1 tiie 1 1 ciini- was Gnitih-
edat: ! I n n.o; t.'is remaia-d ancict.
No', niil.l IIi;sorii c intes-nMii iS
there !'nv rnpl -ion a t
r.irt Mjr! i.i -i ii b it 2H yais oi hc, a
hrigiit yon- f-!i'i", who became popu
lar from !i time ho I ,led he:- in rtb-
ruiryi llaB" i a-. He came
ceiic. O;?.. jr. I l.e broiiiht w
briilo oi Iff) etk- foui that
pl.tce. a .h iraiiiu' ".rl of IS. O i the j
tt,e ufull A l AShl
i hh'u, "-i IX ilsx
! -V- TEli
.1' 'J l jiri!'- 1 'ill t
way u i they b.'.'atn
i. :.. .i. t '. . i. . ...I cif .
M. .'5'.oa-i an I t i- a-q i.iti.ta :ces;.ip
tliu ' f jrms 1 grew mo a firm f-ieu-isliip j
anlcloi; in imt.y. Mr. Siin. j-.,
and Mr. II )rton, 0eiti of ei iiila' a; d
tastes, bei'iai ! p art fly at- icie-l
Hor:on a a tiu-tle-, nl a-xm .f er
he came h- pen d op a restaurant it j
the .Sjmmit, aa I ma t'.ii p.-ut itity ti'i- I
til Sop!tu-ber, hrii he and hi t'e;
came to aiwai i ey erileavite! to,
indjee Mr. es:j;s ta j .n tii-n in aj
catnt lag out ti", hu: he couM r. it l ';
away from : us ees s. so lhe onple 4
parted b ' ihem-t v in j y ni tin -t 1
tbe trip that hid en 11 s si II.-. Z
We.-ki piSSil ail jo:jig .-.up'ei
did not return. Twi-n1? ! t'm
tperulate l i:p:,n in a dis -.): y ..v by j J
the Seiii-1!: f inn y f r hit i s .
the Horio s d.d niti- jruu -i.-k ..;.d there i i
was not ev':j n ie v fr.-iu t' e.n they he- I
gn to g'ow an'i -us.
When Mr. 1. -s i)ni rMr .ed ir jt ( j
Jnaean fiv. wevk afco h-j i i.mJ;'e'y jJ
begia ami tit i tu i a ul tlwiu He ;
spen. agre 'tel. oi titu ; oi inn, an.i ai :
length d ? -v.'-e i whre tii'V :ia I cimp- ;
ed. Tiiii wa ah-ji tli miles t Oft cf
lIaui?? oa the im;.V.ii. .tnd i pji e to - ue coniuincu m tnc same pair oi
Sliocs, if correctly litted. Wc are prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown in our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe Fac
tories in the cast. We should like to have
a chance to make you acquainted with our
stock and prices as we feel assured that both
will please you.
Notice for Publication.
United Elates I ami lli':c
Kof.-t.'ir. -r . A'Ti:h h. 1U.
N'olii c ii hereby irivtu itial ice io!lo-ine
iianie'J telti-.-r hantllttl nniico o( his fntenliou
lo make tiual proof in mppfiri oi hi ciitnn, nni
Dial ail proof will n ma-ie before tlie K if inter
iintl Kei-iver, tniu?i RUt- Lenil Oftli-i; at
Kosebur?, Orexnr, on May 1,1. ,
On hi H. K. N H-. lor tli
yi XK' ; Isrvtlon li T. a ejn'ii. K. 3 nl. Me
nmnn the followiinr uitnewu'D Ui irov bi
continuoiK r.'iile-nce upon nnI rnliivaiiunot
Mil, I land, vi: Louis Armenia, ri. L. Enijie.
J. N. Everti, 0. P. W ililtmt, ail of feel, ijregon
j. i. DH1UUI..1,
United statts OCiee,
Kopebi ao;.Or;on. Mach 6. 1SU.
Notice i hereby iriren ibat lhe iolluwin?
naut'l aettler baa iilid notice of bis itiieutlon
to make final proof in tupoort of bifoUim, oml
tbat faid proof will be umde iIrc the -.ter
aid Receiver United i-tau, Ijtud Office, at
RoM-burg Oregon May I. Pj, vij-
On bit U. K. No. 7H7, f"r tlie I.t 1. ' j SE).4',
SE'i eE'v beetioa T. is., IL 3 W. Be Dailies
the' follow iug w i t nef to pr, ive tliu con ti uooat
re.idence upon end cultivation of "aid land viz:
louis Annnt, il. !.. tnnlei. J. . EvirtP,
Harry W illiams. ail ol I'tc, On-iion.
J. T. Biiit'.r.
Kee iater.
f. MclrU
- -joaeoo Biaf
iTboa. H Tob(u
nan of oasoo.
tj. a.Benatora .
eretexy of ilaU)...
vt:e Treaaurer
-ii).-.. Pub. Iuatrucllon
Htate Printer
tloroey lieueral
-T. T.r
I. lm-fcar
. C. H.
J. H. Arkm
W. H. LaM
P. A. Moor
I. Woinnoa
R. a. Bean
aacoiiD rvDictaX nurraicr.
jotly.e W. BamitfiHt
Pniteeoting Aliornejr lieo. M. Bro
v. s. laud ornca, Boaaaoi,
Ruceirer , Henry Booth
ileiriaier... 1. 1. Bride-
'iji reme Judgea ........
United state hand Osfice.
. Ro-tBi ac, Ortson. February J, l'.0.
Nonce it hereby pre'n that lhe ioilnwicg
named M iller baa filed notice of bit intentujn to
make final proof in uf i. rt of fcia claim, and
lbataid proof will be mnie before lhe Keg-ner
ai-d Recei'-er. U. H. Land Oiilce at Koseburg.
Ore-gun oa March "is. 1'j jU, via:
On II.- E. No. 8. l,r Hie NE'i, see. It. T 26 3.
K'JW. He names the fnlloiviL e ilutel to
prove bis conllnuout residence ii(oa and calii
valion of id land, viz: William J. Lander,
reolt Ltnde-r. of Meiroc. Oreeon, W. H. Hunter
of Wajviton. Jre!on, fauiQel Alexander, ol
Cleveland, Oregon.
XP Kej-jier.
c. a. wiitdii svaaAO.
Tbofc. Hi,
DOOOLaa cocirrr.
KepreaenlatiTiai .
lerk .
In .-urer
Siboul Superiutendent.
.A. W. fc-rd
.G. W. Wonataxt
'W. W. Wlitor.
Ii. W. CMn
J. F. Gazi-
K L. 8tphe
O. W. lnmaitca
(uwinij J'iiige.
Coutnuaaioneni ..
Surveyor ,
Owoner , ...
-b.t'p Ixmpeefair ,
raccmci ornrKa.
' Ui-.jiltte
H. B.Gil1ef
Joa. Lyoaw
IM. D. TboaaiB
IJta. Byraa
..-Dr. E. V. Boovet
Tbaa. tmtf
.H. W. MirM
.. p. rtt
Ul Ward.,
lad Ward...
it or aoaaacae.
A C.Mm
W. m, Eraicr
coc velum.
Ird Ward..
- VIA-
or THE
Southern Pacific Co.
Traina lea- Rosebor for Portland and ay-
cauov at IU a in. and U.-io a. d.
2 A careful analysis of our
.;v i:i l ill
A, c J.tsi J-riV.- in : .:ivi e in went
down t'.i.r., o.-,u u-.'tr I j th tp-t mJi
caelj us p-;-i; !e io;u iirc'.iob8
givea a the rci-ilt of bin ini'i:ric, hut
the enow w '9 detp arid he could lir.d no
trac 1 1 tht io.
He h:l givou u.) ir;v a uf Hading
them whru h? iic.ird of lhe confession of
Jim H.uia ;it liie .M'va:im Army.
Wh-n h : 'tarn d that it had rezsrJ to
the n.urj r of a yuUD wiiiie man an I
hia wifj he : t , i c usptc'ed it I. a I ref
ercn "e t ) Mr. tn J Mr.-. Hortoy, at. I Le
haa ri-ce workel with the marshal in
finding their 1 ine'y nvoj and ia briai
ii g their muiderera to junlico.
Drugs and Chemicals
Will prove them to be of
Full Standard
Strength andPurity.
Our Stock is unexcelled in Quality and
Medicines are absolutely reliable.
Accuracy V
l'rcripticns coin
jQaJ.vl Day and Xij;Lt
h Wari
Tanrr ,
city tocyciL iimw.
Tbe Coimon Council of tbe city of Kotehars
Direta the first Uundaj ia each uoaiai ai
cioca p. in.
cocar laaaiuaa.
tbe Circuit Court fi Doulaa Cooaitv aim
three time a Tear a folio v.: Th Id Mm
dxj in March, the I lis Uordav la Jon, a4 fjM
Ul Monday in tfeotsibtr. i. W. HjnilM M
hmeiMrt jiutze. Geo. M Brown, of BoartMrg.
proe-u.u alKuuej.
cmn'T io-:rt mceu me Ul WedncdaT mft
ine Lit Mnu.iay of January. March, Hay. raty.
Vv'-emuer and November, Jos. Loi. ii
brain. Judge; a. D. Taompaowal BeotubaB
antl jaa. tl;. no. ol Olaita. rom m iarimw ri
rroiwu? oon : in aeawoai ewntiBBooair. Ja
Lyonn mde.
kI. M. Lv. - Portland - Lv. T.aer.
5 r.u. i Lv. - Bot,ur - Lv. i tii) r.
12:W r. . I Ar. - Athiaztd - Ar 11:?a.m
5 : T. W. I Ar. - Hcranentr - Ar. j 4: "j . M
":t a. . ; Ar. - eaa Francis.-) Ar. hili a.
o . A. M. i as.
9:U a. M. i ab
7iir. A. M. 1 a a.
:l a. M. i ar.
li-.icn tt. 1 11 l' A. M
Denver as. A. M
Kan.Clv as. a. M
( bk-rso as. 7:.W A- M
l.iOP. M. I as. Lo Aneeiet
6tJP. l ; ae. Ei Pao as ,
6 m A. M. I ab Fort Worth as.
" a. M. t a Ctrof 3Jii'-o AS
Hi)'. M.i as. Hou.:..n AS.
s.':j, l. as New Orieam AS i
ft tl A M.
12: ti P.M.
. as. Waiibinalon as. .
as. New York as.
; d- p. m
i. eO A. M
6 . P. M
S:ib a. M
4 A. V.
6 !S P. M
S-i A. J!.
12 tt P M
Profeaaloaal Card.
Attorney and Couiisellor at Law.
Mining Law and Water Right ana.
ilarrlrrs BhL EOHllCKG.I.kltliK
Pnlinitn and Tarit nr. on t-otii t!iii
Chair cart eacraiaento toOeilen an 1 EI
tnd tourirt cart to I lilcaiio. M. Louip, e
Orleant and W a'b-.nrtoD.
Bnainea beio.-e U.S. Laud Office and Pr. J- .
ba-iaeia a pecially.
OfCce Abraham Buildjnc
t'onnertinc at San Frant-ix-a with ev-ral
teanihip lie- fi r Iloneltti'l. Jtixn. Cbiiia.
raiuppine. teutrai ana eou'.n asirca.
?ee Mr. Ge, Etet, a?ent, at iition
o: a '.drem
G. F. 4 Paaa. Axel t.
A wcc'.-lurnii g iLi i is lobe started
at Co; i I ''.
Yi:iia n Brownie, the Eugene boy ar
revel a ?ho t timj eg j fur larjeoy iu an
office liik n tJ.'Jj from Heorge Crow's
safe has en:ire i a plea of gttiliy.
Tin ,11'hco wiil ruu its train j
fiom Lsbanon io Albany an hour earlier
than ceual oa the 2i:h, t j;ive Mi.t Mil
ler and others a chance to bear Dryac.
Hou. Matthew Stewart, of Talent, who
recently r-c-ivel a. appointment a a
clerk iu the Census Bureau, at Washins-
ton, has concede I not to accept the .o-eitiou.
I '.
Tl'.erc is no truer, kind
lier ; pirit than that which
prompt a woiium to aid
in the comfort and tiplift
in of her own sex nicn-
2- t.ii, itiom.1 or physical.
Wc admire ns heroines
ilium- unmcn who make it
X a life's puqxisc to rescue or
I nurse or tcacli llicir iiiuort
i unatc istcr, hut crjually odinirable
is that spirit which niix ls a woman
v.-ho hu found help and comfort in sick
lies to i;e all her inttuence iu hnnyiug
the r-i-.tie relief toothers.
-I slui!! tie t!ad." wnte-a Mrs. Bcnj. II. Fair- ot lino'lum:,
Hr.iTii.'in Co.. Vt., in $
n cer.iml I' -u-r to i
Name it? Why, spell it backwards and you
have it Nice fresh stock of Staple and Fan
cy GROCERIES constantly on hand. Fine
Teas aud Coffees a specialty. Cauued goods,
Flour and Feed. Kine fresh goods at reason
able prices. Give me a trial order. We
make a specialty ot fresh bread.
! Staple and Fancy Groceries.
"Stentc Lhw of tbe World"
The Favctite Transcontinental Rou'.e
Between the Northwest and all
Points Eaet.
. Choice of Two Routes
Through the Famous
Rocky Mountain Scenery
And Four F-outea East
of Pueblo and Denver.
All Passengers uranted a day atop-over
in the Mormon Capital cr anywhere be
tween 0rden and Denver. Personally
conducted Tourist Excursions tbree days
a week to
Omaha, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago
and the East.
avoid iiid:cstifiii.
hOVAL LAKitlG powu.r. cc. YORX. ,v
t- i ' A tirr- i"?f
had taken j ,;:',ivin. n.' v . "if
aimj visiieu uic iiyiir-e; viiu uuiic.u ivu, , siicre s "f "i.r iri -t-
ikoo to Rive up. Tbe hunled Indian
touk tho advice SLd was laken in charge, j with ti? i1st-;.e peculiar
Kitchikoo, had when airested. Mr.
ilorton's watch and souie j-welry w hich
belonged to Mrs. Horton.
They then went to the ecene of the
murder. Etrlier in tlu dty, several
canoes were seen Koini from Skaijway to
Haines and it wai thought patbaps they
were going ts spread the alarm.
Huwe.ver after tho five Indians had
leen arrested, the Alert steamed to the
scene of tho murder. There, nearly op
posite .Sullivan's island, Hanson pr inted
out the spot of the tragedy, lhe scene of
his crime. It was not lar from tho wat
er's tdjje and nearhy waa the epot where j
the victims still lay.
The murderers had
shallow rift iu the earth and there placed
., ,- 4. ,i... u.. ir... ii ..!.,... I charirc.
ine ihiuics. ..vurm.w.n.', .w; -r.b,,unl cot.v of Doctor
acauvas, with a Btoiut at each corner., tiKms;mil ,,;lut. illustrated Com
t Over the canvas was thrown inoas and; .,,,, vn.,t. Medical Advi:-r will he sent
1 i- ...ii. i r..- ii ..m,-.i'i ii. stninns. to nav the mere
Mouse eii in. - .,. '
.. . ...... ..,..i ,,r iii:.i ni" : or for stun ps,
heveral ,'eel ot hiiow wa.t ov..r tu, y. , - KxllM doth-l.oiui.1 copy will
(tertlay, aud lito Hour oi n.o visn nem )k, i
into in thfldayand llmro heins: no implc.
to our wx. to write you. i
mil n'.:i 1 ta be ntiie to let I
vouol the prent pk1 your
ineilii-iiu- lnvc d'nc r;.
1 h-i-l tif ii trmit'led wtl
nlrci-iitioii .ni t it- attend
ant aclies mid jiiim and
mrvoii-m-v. NH.-..1 linu-s;
ami fuiii'lv ni.i'le worse by
a mi niniii-. 1 wrote you.
1 io -k 1 r. I'l.n-c's I'avor.
itc -ri M.-ri;.'i',n nnd the
'C.ot.leu M- 'lie .it l'i-cov.
crv ' for iiliO'it three or lour
i, c .1...I n.i IruK- s::v.
ili v cured m-. 1 nall never cease to be grate-
4.. '
No v.oitian afllicted hy such aKOntzing
an'l dt ouraj'tii complaints need hest-
,(,. i,. eeriii- to Dr. l'lcrcc. Mie may
feel i. ,,r. nil. no niatier what her cireum
..........u .ii iv !. of his respectful, earnest
f .ih. rK- '.vim nit li v and It st professional
I ...r,,. )., ;,, n, r hchalf. He -tatiits aimiiiK
ilio iiuv.1 i-i'-iiu-iit iractitioiiers of the
found or dug a t-t.iuurv in this t-pt-cial held, and bin
1 ulvii-c' vili-!K- -iveii absolutely without
We have a complete line of
Which will please you in both quality and
Price. G'veusaCall.
.... --r--J
To let you know that we have a
Staple and Fancy
We nav for this.... 4 4 A AJJ
fine, selection of
For Tickets and any Information Re
garding Rates, Routes, etc., or for De
scriptive Advertising Matter, call ou
Agentslof Oregon Railway & Navigation
Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern
Pacific Companies.
General Pass. .Sc Ticket Agent,
Denver, Col.
' General Atert,
251 Wash St. Pottland Or.
Roseburg P. O. Hours.
lV W S Li
Our stock is being constantly replenished and
enlarged, hence our goods are always fresh and
CC TDrIJQ given with every cash
wUr Wil0 purchase which entitles
holder to a selection from our handsome decorated
porcelain china. A chance to get something nice for-
nothing. Come aud sec. Everything at the lowest
prices at
Week days. 6:30 a. m. to S p. m. bun
dava and holidays, 6:30 to 9:00 a. m
and 5:30 to 7:30 p. in.
Roseburg to MarsbhV.d Departs ev
ery day at 6 a. m.; arrives every mom
Koeehurg to Myrtle Poiut. Departs
every day at 6 a. m ; arrives every
Roseburg to Millwood Departs every
.la- exeeit Sundavaat ia. m.; arrives
every day except Sundays at 4:1" p. n.
Roseburg to Peel Depaita !dai!y, (ex
cept Smi'lav) at 7 a. m ; ariivea daily,
(evcept Suudayl at 3 p. m.
Roseburg to Ltuley Departs Tues
days and Friilaya at 1 p. m.; arrives
Tuesdays and Fridays at 11 :30 a. m.
iF T Brewa
,:. W. Parka
l K W. Benana
)W. K. Wilts
I A. Fields
- ,W.J. LsBdet
F. W. Wooiiey
JlLC. Siommi
U.8. West
l -O- Ca-T
t. W . IlUlai
ts e .a WYEhS.
A T f e hN EY-AT-LAVH.
ROSLBUEU. Intnnll.
Roo i- 3 6c.i, Ta . Iur;ji Wi km. B c.
Will .rs-:ice in ad tbe Se sad Federal Conrt-
OHut; in M.k. Bi.U-Bot--bnr5. Oreioa.
Q.Kk..hK . i;hOWN,
Attorney-aUt-La ,
Con rt Heue
Uuvra jinn.
Attorney at Law,
Offi.-v !n Court lloutc
W Ub L'tst. Altv.
Rooms t and 2
iieview Buil1ui-
yy B. WII.T.T3.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Wl pnetiee ia ait ike enra af tke Stalae (
Sat LB Itarafa rs Uailuina. Donrlaa u.l, !.
Attorney at Law,
oomt lit Marstera BIda KOSXBCB.8, OB.
fr-Busiue-. before lb r. S. Land oaw ...
uuica cj-es a specialty.
Late BeceiTer D. 3. Land OSrw.
A I LCHANAN, Notary Pnblle.
Collections a Specialty.
Maxste Bn.l'iiiis:. BOSXBUKC. OS
p WT HVYNK-;. -
Review BuiMine,
reiephoae So. 4.
Q t.tiFO K.
:. &. Surgeon.
Office i",t tli
I'!. I.:-, v. i: 1
KosKiuro Ocegox
f-peciai attention Ktve-n lo D;.'ea?ea of lhe Hoot
and Throat.
Oitice-Mai.i St ie d.;or a utkof City Hall
Phou.-. Maiu ;ui.
; 1
L .Olatf-T------f-a-as----ssaaSy
r i
B ot?r . (r.
1 H ! s At a -
:1 v. . i V;.i!rt ltr. I . .':aiV.4-'-'V
I'.v.i'. stti.uis ;-.
t Tin
i- ,t Wiue.MrJ-riir H t, Oi.:ti Ol" old WtMJi euiif
ii: ik,Uit'l t.t 'f .-H!tsl i-imr. icia'lY
l,- "i l v , 'i!i-1.f ifl-t'i tih r"'n, taiHit
... tti.uh in. THIS ISA IE0UU S8.00
V i ji'JI. ' .tit:U iutt ul. tiitzU - P"Mi-..f4.w itb tvr
d. ,.''aa.i.?. "ii.t N '" ith arts Hraall mmd I wr
n U. i I . irs W -IhnrH a . BM-W VMlia
fT n-aian aJ ftl MM-Mtra-t
, :" , t . ir 1 -"Tnl (A liv ta lfl.-titV 414
t .rvJi. ,i r fc-artl f (y th T-
.1 erl 3tt? 5 1 tht.-it WttXas4
t . ,.rr-- it -rtia-., t Ih txttlt K votr.
,!,., I. . . v.l .UFrrk."! rhrl. V liiell CWU Im
I l. v i..,m u . l.aii.-.i.iC tlie ilulru
:t ill ;.f" . it . :l'i..i'.- e-'ti'ie l. l.'iiuirr..iHl
I Jt!l, . V t he 1 1, 'm-i.l I" I llUrNMlAl -.r..
I ,lns fi.ul ,1 Ii.uiHl eiiln ;v,,liii in ry
cl-'e t. I dl'tiTiiM . Kit ..r riOT.A I. ML
,uo uiiLunfv i. pii iliu- ri.:..M
I li MIPVTrfS tl'll """- Oecn... oe.-ie,v- . j
A. Vj, JIAUMtM V 1yJ (.',.11. . Jkl'l raMtkliMltU.. J.. .
If yen stiller from tenderness cr full
ness on the riijht side, puius under
shoulder blade, constipation, biliouetess,
sick headache and feel dull, U-eavy and
sleepy your liver ia torpid aud congested. ,
DeWitt'a Little Early Hi: em will cure
won iir.nnntlv. nh'.k?aiitlv and 1'crtmi-
J I ' - " j
tientiv by reiuoviii' tho orii'Mion and '
causiu. tho bile duct to open i' nil How
naturally. thy auk hook i ii.t s.