.1, New Spring Goods .T. o Our Millinery Department Will be quite a treat this Season as we have enlarged this Department and have secured the services of au Up-lo-Date Millliuer direct from the city. In Gent's Furnishings We still continue to lead and have received all the striking Noelties direct from the Manufacturer. THE PLAIN DEALER. MARCH 22, 1W.. LOCAL BREVITIES. B. F. IVailey of Oaklabd, was a cilitr athU otfic yesterday. Porttnas;er I.J. Webb, cf L-itler, a3 in the ci'V, ToefJay. WAM tU. A pirl to Co perieiai lieu??- work. Euqaire at ti.is office. 'o; Shirts that are Whirls bclh in eiyle " . " . m h .1 -w w m i i ( m r ilia X. a t r V . Ir?in Gibson has retoroei! from San Francisco, bere be spent the winter. Tbeltoral Norihet and 6. mi-wetky Pijiicealek boib i ne year for ctdv $2 Mrs. G. K. CbiMs w.w called to Ta'ter Monday by the death of her auiit, Mr. H. L. Staples. Jndire J. VT. llamilton and District ... . . . . n 1 are baring a touch of the Urippe acd : eorne of tbem are quite sick. Chickens and turkeys zAore, batched J with m. twtalnma inenbitor. Talk with ' Auorneyueorge. trownBrea.ie,uiU8.w.!M; jt twjJ,z:n a solti j , court in Eugene this wetk. : , ,,.vn - .. Jnr ! Churciill & TooUeT about them. j One thowand hed-e rlanU for sale. , , , , . . j well rooted, $2.50 per hundred. Jerry Tbornton. o! Ashland, was in i . . the city. Tuesday, fie was on t way , Kosebnr. Or. toCoqniileto me bn family to Ash-: Tq ccore tfae origina, wUch W) land, 'salre, ask for IXiWiU'a Witch liaze M. B. Smith, Bufternot, Mkh , eavs,!', kDo certain cure for CeWitt's Little Euly Risers are theP!ea acd skm disease. Beware of very beet pills I ever used for entire- j nees, Iiveran'l bowel tronuus. A- C. Mareters & Co. . HeiTy snow storms weie reported throaehont the SDu hern states last j 8- headache, indigestion and constipa "Yweek, while Douglas county weather was g;on. a delightful beib drink. Ke wann snnebiny, sprin? w ather, all that , m0ve8 all ernptiona of the skin, produc coold be desired. ing a perfect complexion, or money re- Tbe latest in photos at Graves' gallery funded, --xts. and 50 cte. M. F. Kapp, Oakland, O., is the stamp or fun pict- ' dragsist. ores, and the Oloron pand f :r portraits. ; Get some of the fan pictures and er- prise yonr friends with a f mile. C. E. Sand-re, Co. L, Second Oregon e4Va Hartg'erink. Oveiisei, Mich. Volunteers, will lecture in Slooam'e hall '- Dig-jsts what you e.'t. Cannot fail to on the "Philipp:ne i-.rd Filipinos" text ' cure. Monday evening, Marth 2ti-b- Admis-i A. C. Marsters & Co. ion 25cents, school children 15 cents. ; t Lct.ir received on F May last fr.m C. Sirs. Henry Conn returned Wednesday B. Cat nou, at Kodidk, Alaska, give tLe morning from Eig'e Poin, where ebejncws (L-it Li'UEelf aud faiiily are well bad been called by the illness cf her j ad that they are we. 1 plea cd with their mother. Wnileher mother's health is j home. Bo:h Mr. and Mrs. Cannon have B-fi improved airs. Conn re urucd j Lcste cf friends in Hoeeburg and all n tcJT quite sick. ) joi'-e to bear of ibeir welfare. Mrs, J. L. Fenton, accompanied by her ; jLgT Bixxived. A large line of string dsugu'er, who has been visiting ela- j jnstruaiente, violins, mandolins, guitars, tires and friends in Eoseburg an J a on- j baojoe, also a large stock of smaller in calla, Donglas county, during the past ! 8traBenta. Violins from 1 up. Man Jo few weeks, returned to her Lome?n Aeh- lic8 tnm 7 up Accordions $2 to $10. lsnJ. Ashland Tidings. ;0 her instruments in propsrlion. Great Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says. "We ; value in these instruments. See them never feel safe without One Minute i ,t x K Richardson's. Cough Cure in the house. It saved my j little boy's life when he bad thepneu-j Thomas Kresan and a brother-in-law monia. We think it is the best medi-, fro Drain a furDitare acj cioe made." It cores cougln and all . . : . . . , ,, Inn dieses. Pleasant to take, harm ! turning shop in this ci.y about the less and gives immediate reeulte. A. C. Marsters & Co. It is eeidoa that people have the op of i;.0niff tn , ,i.,;t;n r,f ! .... . .. . , events hat make history and arrange . political maps from those who were the actors therein, such un ppp-jrtunity ; rill K nff.r.! r.nr i,rm.! nt Monday i eveninzat Slocum's ball when C. E. ; RnnAarm . momt., ffV, T. .prnr.fl I n x-.,-r. -;ii Tf,. mation at first band is very valuable and j it gives aa added decree of pleasure to ; t .u.n v,- ,Dr,n.. i.irii . are listening was an active End observ ing actor in all that lis relates. SPRING OPENING. o It is one thing to see what you waut. It's another not only show the very best for Spring needs, but reach. Whatever low prices can do in making the on easv terms that we have done. w A MILLINERY. Beautiful 1 na of ready trimmed HeJs call and tee them. AIhj child rens lion nets and Hat. Wrappers. Parasols The Mild Winter has brought forth au Early Spring and we are now prepared to show 3-011 an elegant Hue of SPRING NOVELTIES in Grey, Castor, Mode and the New Foulc Plaids. We also have a cry sw ell liue of Silks, Mouseilliue De Soic, Ktc. Come in aud look tbe in over. A. New lioe of iuiilin-ry just o;ieued at j the Xov lty St re. ! For lirsi flass il-i tis'rT k t'1 l . i Little of Oakland. j Blodjiett 150J R rubber, bras, co, P ':, aud e'e Cllandteebia.. j For tin? tdiotu ask for Pr. A Iteed'e nuhion FV.e.ht JosrphnV. Mrs U Ci.ri tisoa c.tuie over fronv M rU-'Cretk. Toes lay murring. . Spe i:il K!e of t k jdusbos for 35, 40, ' and To ce:.:e Pfr lard tt Jose.-hson's. i i ,, . . , , . . . .. i A. Ilju-sr. of Oatlai.d, lain tbs city I 3illV, S. L. li liid, ; he pcpu'ar DiiUrd iter-c!r-t ii 'U the I'laixdkalsb a pheasant cll yff-tr.iay. Word reaotied u bv wire Tuesday that ltv. T L. Jr.e- f Fest Grov9 i? dangtrouy'y sick at that p'ace. A bodJ ;cuSatjr like tba Tetalaiua : r.ever vies n: t;,.- mnu a iiuiuv. i Mis. W. A.Pearce and little daonhter ilVarl.wrtTuesdsv for Oak'and, where j : el.e mill viu hr "prnt, Mr. and Mrs. j Aaron Harvey. wortniesi connteneiis. toey are aan gerone. A. C. Mareters & Co. MOKI TEA POSITIVELY CURES ! ! "i U3j Kiji Dyspepsia Care in my i family wi:h woudcriul resul.s. It gives immediate rel:cf, is peasant to take and : i trnlv the Irmwnl i hpfit frienti." first of June. They have secured over fl50JwoitUcf ruac-uinery, which is doe to arrive aboa: the firtt of May. Tbey ' 1 e eit Ure b diog on Had street, near the litil chnrch, this work to com- i 1 . Dr. L. Du'iahdH been by a special1 order of the Adi.iant-Geiif,ral anujinted ' to conduct the physical examination cf i ihp nr.iiIii'Antfl f ir rtitii-tmpnl in t hn nv I ;. - ommr.v ,f Otp,.-.,. -.!i-.nt i:n,r.i : which is to be metered in at Korebuig i l?nd3 cIe" t1broul1 irom Jackeon t0 Thureday evening of this week, and all lUla 8lrett fnd l"en -utlIn la 8 cew t. a.H.lirp.ni (nr ..(.luimoni ,,,,; handsome piste g:ass front, giving them prenent themselves at bi oiBje prior to Ibnt date for examination. WASH GOODS. We are sure to pleapc you in this - une we euow a larKfr eeortmeni- ' New Patterns. The prices Fpeuk fur themselves. "'ilin Underwear. Hosiery. ...ROSEBIIRO NOVELTY CASH STORE. 1 o SII. m I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor Foct Form Stioes at the Novelty Store, Ca'l on Gaddii Dro?. Ilt hay an 1 oat?, at the Eushey barn. Frank Kent, of IrAin, was doing busi- ness in the city Tuesday, Mrt. Fred M. Z sIer .pite aick at her homa on Oak e:r tt Es-SberiS M:le', of l:irJ. xsado- ing ba9inesj in t'ie i Tut s lay. ,,. k-,h, Ml.,, r,v miller, ini,. - - - , .... I V m came ove Tuectlav mom- 0 . . . , Special sale of children a fcarlet all- .do 'nt.- per garment, at JosepbsaV. W. G. II.il, posi;uat;er of W.lb;r, came over yeEterd it tVMnint tnl re turned this moraii R. Mr. Geo. W. Priry, who brs Uen quite il: atiib'i iin on Md t-tr e', is reported tetUr tli's rr.ornicp. Win. Merchant Ins accepted a peruia- n - nt porftioa in IVanA CVg. general merchandise btore. Marsh tie!d San. Mrs. John Hamlin, who ha jent t'i? pj8t few, loctbe nt Mcl'hprssn, I .wa, rtarDed hocle 03 lh It never "clavkj" like a bm, but jast the urn it w ill b t it cut of rub; that Pe.aium. Iucuba'.or fo!J by Cuurcbill V Wooley. E. Duyas. M. L cieaiber Board of Pension Eaamimrj. Office. Marsters building residing corner Douglas end Jackson strait. DeWitt'e WiUh Hat-I Sake is un- j equalled for piles, injurien and ek:u jdiseasts. I: is the origuial Wiicb Hazel ' Salre. Heaa'eofa'I coutiterSt. A. C. Markers & Co. Ladies, ca:l acd fee our re line of muslin nnderwearl I'rawrrs from o ceats to f 1 ; chemise, kirt, c.-rsel covers j and Digit goa ns, all at rear-osiable prices, Novelty Store. ACKEttS' ENGLISH ItKMEDY will stop a ciuh at any tiun-, and will cur- the worct cold iu twelve hours, cr money refunded. 2o ct. and 50 c'S. orsale a'. Itip'.i d-a; Rtirj1. Lswia A.kormau, Gohi n. Ir.d , stys ' De Witt's Little Ea'ly Risers al-.vys brings certain rsli.:f. cures my l-ealach and never cripe." Tbev gently rl ane and invigoute the baa els and iiv. r. ACKERS' DVSPEPSIA TABLETS are sold oa a positive guarantee. Cares heart burn, raising of the food. dUtress after eaticg cr any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relitf, 25 cts. and 50 cte. For sale at M. F' Itipp's drug store. Dr. C. S. Evans, occuiist optician, of Grants Pass, is at the McClailen acd will remain a few days. The Doctor is a member of the Oregsn Optical Associa tion and comes highly recommended. Consultation and examination of the eyes irce. Call and see Lien. yin. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, Pa., eays, "As a speedy care for coogbs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Coogb Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant for children to take. I beartiiy recom mend it to mothers." It is the onlv 8te results. It cures bronchitis, nneu uar.uieba reineuy mat produces immedt- monia, erippe .and throat and lune dis- It prewn COD8U31 ,io A. V. Marsters oc Co. . biTlet X. Co . ara miking a great im- Povemeut in tUeir business boil ling. '' laalOg OU. tllO partition aud brracg in8 tIjeir main business room so that it j ne d lhe ueate,t busineu rooms in Southern Or.g; n. thing to possess it. We we put it within your newest aud best, yours SHIRT WAISTS. It is the tcagnetiKm of the values we are showing in Shirt Waists that causae the people to come here. Foot Form Shoes. Hen's Wear. ' V : t 1 ih i,rilrr in the ti . T - 1 liny ight. fori Tuesday nialit. ' Alton. ev Cooliow wai h ' ntliiw ba ices 1 in R'.ddle, Toi sJay. A C. Marsti ra & Co.. have the tit e j uiiiirrel p ii.son i-vit tii-iunfaC'.tita.l. Trt ! ii- Mi-s Miiiiilis Hi"', wlio luis lii n visi' ii j; in OAluiM, relumed huiuc laftj la i!g"'. , C5- All kiuda rei.iir:itr. upholteri g, key ' -tilting and etc? , :it lilui'otl o HewLd- hand store. j jra Holiest cash piico puid for all kirn's, I ot a 'iror.d hand furniture at WUkin.i old j 1 8'nnd, It', ebrri!, 0y 'ii. Martin M-.trk", Mm lOiutii rcial lrj.V'1- tS er f rni-riy n ii'.-,i.lt i.t i f this ti'y . eunit 10 0:1 t'lo loc.li l.tor liill'. - Ii you want a iiuin-l p-ji-i 1:1 Hut tvill kill Ii c-cn ii t in d Rtii g, mil in A.j C. M itst-m A Co , f .r i'. Ktiiliin.: in car;1, noi tM in hettl,! titclii;ij! if cyel: l!;ilan cures' Fifty tents. All i!ruij:i-ts. Tin- l..uii l'.roliiuiy lijllad & Oiiera C.Hi.piii-.v Ail! iipiii ar at the Hueebuig Ojn-ra Honve. Ma rob 27th. rVnialo complainte, pale, sallow com plexion?, he.nl iclio, nervous dyspepsia. Hudyan cures. All drutsts. Over one hundred tickets fold for tl. Louise llretiany Opera Co. Call early and eertire Feats at T. lv. Iticliardun'e. K-p-'it n-ach- 8 us tli.tt several families fio n A'ka if.u w ill come to locate in the yiciaitv f Boebnrj!, within a few week . Louie? M. Brebaiiy, the f iniou prima donna, will appeir in an act cf Rraud opcr-i ;.t th ltiseb'jrg O, era Home March 2T.b. IV. Cheudle, t tie deiitt)', in li'.ile brick rpp.iiite Slvuia'd hall. Go and se. 1 iru alien vru wan' B ynl work. Ili pricps are re ?rn tVe. We will Ffi;d you the eeua-sctk'y j IVxisi'tALtit Kid il.e O-egjn Pouliry ij .o i. l. li'-f in i Tiy jmrn-lixih" I North i loth forfl.T'-. Mr S H Mur.s -in i i(uie tik i!li U trrii'p ' at bis borne in Edenboaer. We had niijetHl Mr. Motison'it gei'ial fac an 1 hepe S'on to s.e him ti h m ngai:. Taolrother by the name o' Lund came in from Cliloiuia this morning, locking f.-.r a locati'it:. TLey will o to Coos lomuriow. California people make g0l Webfooters. Thi.ss who have chr.-eof the streets ara to bj comnrndd for the way in whic'i they hav j u" tb. rr in excellent order. There will be no more trouble wi.h uiud bis foi on. The family o' Geo. Fessendon ft iveJ this morniiu from Los Augelos, Cal. Mr. Fessi-n Ion arrived sometime ago and rent d ilia Appelhoff place on iVer Creek, where tbey will reside. We want r.o sacet c arity bisiceiS, if youdj.'t get your mocey'a worth at the ectertainmect Saturday i ijLt, you get your money back by asking for it at tte box office. General admission 25 eta. 11. G. Hol'SEHOLllER, M:s. Hiirkt Eyan., Hinsdale, I'd., wriiee, "I never fail to relieve my chil dren from croup at ome by utiug One Minu'e Couh Cure. I would not feel safe i'.bou: it." t-.ikkly cures roughs, colds, grippe and vli throat and lung diea es. A. C. Marster &. Co. Gen.W. II. Dyar of Saltu, was in the ci y Tot' la ; an 1 uiile this of&ce a Call II? was on bis way to Javkfon acd Joeej'hiae cinnties wbtre be kOs to Ixk after b'i ir.ess rnxttirs. The General ic formi us that Mr. P.yars. nha has let n spondin the wmtr in California, is rucih improve 1 in health. li.v. W. E. Sitz-r, W. Caton, X. V., writes, "I had dyspepsia ot twenty yeais. snd tried dot tors and medicines with-mt benetit. I was pers'iadej to nee Kodcl Dyspe3ia Cur and it helped me Irouj the start. I believe it to be a pan acea for ell forais of indigeston. It dt gssts what you eat. A.C. Mailers & Co. In the preliminary examination at Riddle last Tuesday, Jackson Monroe, who was cbarg-J with hiving shot a miner by the Dime of Coats, was held to appear before the circuit court for trial, with bonis at $250, which bare fusel to give. Deputy Sheriff D. A, Crosby brought lbs prisoner in, Tuesday night and delivered him to the sheriff. The trouble grew out of souio claims to mining ground, on which it is asserted that Coats and bis associate were tres- pa'-eere. List Thursday afternoon a grim lelic of the Spauisb American war, direct from Manila bay, passed through Ash land on a northbound S. P. freight train. The relic was a G inch Krupp gun weigh ing 10,830 pounds end occupying a flat car by itself. It was addressed to tLe mayor of Fargo, Ncrth Dakota. In i s present condition the gun as an instru ment of death and detruction is value less, as it ban teen damaged l y the Sl'sui.m!. As a. relic, however, it mill f jrever attract attention in tLe city park of Fargo. Acrosi the Irei'h.i'i white paint was dimly t-ecn the word "Ca tilla," ehowir;); that tbc tun hid liecn a part of fie srmanient of one of tN Span ish fhet that Drfwey eiiittotiie t utloiu of tl.e bay. Ashland Tidings. Samuel JwSephBon entertained thirty- two of his friends la t night at bis ele gant home at the corner of Jackson and Moeher etrest. The rooms were table, lully decorated with choice flowers and vines niikia escb room a perfect flower garden in itself. Cirdi were the princi pal game in tbe early part ol the even ing. The first prizes were won by Harry Love l and Stellu Hamilton, and the consolation prizes by Elmer Wimberly and Helen Post. Lunch was served at midnight alter which darning was en gaged in until a late hour. All present are loud in their praise of Mr. Joacpbeon aa a thoroughly accomplished host. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs, J. A Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wharton, Lena aud Carrie Kearney, Hennah Wol lcuber(, Grace ISeckley, Maude Hast. Elva Wimberly, Ljtie Stcrey, Neita Vera and (irace Good, Helen 1'o.st, Geor gia and 1 V 4 icobfl, Stella Hamilton, Ruby Gordon, Lillian Collier, lioee Josuhsou, Mrs. M. Josejibuon. llar.y Lovell, Leo Thornton, Kluier WimU rl, Hhcll Carrol!, Will and Joo I.twson, Warren McWilliama, Fred '.V right, j Nathan Fnlli'rion, Irving Gibs in, Iuis Kizenstnin, Horry Siaplelon, IiaCob', I Vi-o.l Mmltti. ninl Snni Jasenhsnn. - iinnmmnmmmnimtmimiinmmmiimimffliimifiiiK As E 301 and 303 Or. Darria Cures. The following ar a few of the great cares p rformed by the doc or daring : las.wiatr ml tears tone by. .hUb , , . ... i g far to show lb permanency cf bis , cures: J. H. Wil-on, Mist, O-., piles 2o i era ; ; John Savenson, Farai ).-, Jeif-: n , ' 1 ' ness; F. U . Miuch i, Dan loe. O-., d;s-; charging ear; liev. J. E Coeaour, Pott land, Or., skin disease; Jair.e t'a'.l.-, New York hotel, dei!n ss 15 year ; I. K. Taylor, Pendleton, Or., sirictu uml years ao; A. Pool, Eale Pou t. Or.. heart ami livvr trnntrle: IakC ThoiDDcn i La Center. Wa-h . .le.fne.a cur I i:, fir- ! , - i miouie; Mr. A. E. Patee. Alba -r, Or., j ovarian aud womb liouM ; Mia. Mai-' ba Dai y, G irdiner, Or., M l rbenni for ( 24 years; J.S. Jenoini, Hjlltj i:, O., ecxjma cr skia Hi, I ) years Dr. Dan in n v.-s (re ronuliiii in ai ' the ho!el to Aprd 1. All co.fMe cl.r on- ic, aca'e and private diseast-s c-inri lenti ally snd suocenslully treated. Circulars a : d q'lee'.i m b'aoks sent free to aijy ad - drew, and corietp induuct clioiied. Most cases can receive home treatment arte one visit to the doctor ' vtfice. Dai.'erie and bebs furniebed whh full directions for ibeir use. Dirhrul; surgi- cal operations scientifically prrf rmed - Crjea eyee, rupture, tumors, varicocele, hydrocele aud stricture cured an I gu u aateed io every case. Diseaer oi worn en an irapjrtant specialty, tuch as weak- ncas, displacements u c.ra-.ion, P-inful. . , , . irregular anl suppressed menstruation, quickly relieved. The poor treated free, except medicines, from 10 tll dailv. Thos.. able to pay treated for half foronr . . , prices for another month. Charges br treatment low a'id reason- able, according to ability to pay. Most cases can be treited at home aft- er one visit tube doctor s ortice. All i u-ir.ers relations with Dr. Darria are rticiiy eouujenuai. inqoiries ocs- wered, circulars and qieetioo l'!ai,ks ire. Otfice hoars 0 . in. to 8 p. m. KEraiK.N;E. This h to certily that my daughter, Mr.. Pengh, baa tako : real mint of Dr. Darria at the Wac Hovl for a severe c-e o! lalirrb which tl.e has been all! ctel with f jr some tiue I consider her about cured oi the sa ue. Can be re (erred to at Waeeo, Oeycn, Mas. HaocUFr. February 23, 1&9 i. Dr. Darrin will le at Kiddle Ilonse, Riddles, Or., April 2 to 1G, and in Can yonvilie at Bnggs Hotel April 10 to May 1st. Boards and Picket. I can furnish split boaids and pickets on short notice on my place 2 miles west of Cleveland and I respectfully solicit crders for the same. Robert Hkvdo.v. Spring Millinery Opening. We will bave our opening in dress bats, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 22, 23 aud 21. Pkoi'LEs Store. Uet.diches, sallowness, falling rensL tioos, liver troubles. Hudyan cures. AH drugi(ists, 50 cents. I . . . . . . a a . a , i w.r w e e1 'e -. . . 1 Does the Baby Thrive; If not, something must be wrong with its food. If the mother's milk doesn't nour- , ish it. she needs SCOTT'S EMULSION. It supplies the t elements of fat required for I the baby. If baby is not a iwuiuiivm j .w - W food, then it requires Scott's Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired i effect. It seems to have a x magical effect upon babies and children. A fifty-cent bottle will prove the truth of our statements. Cw,..f A,, ialrrtn III summatr MS well ss winter, r n.l )i so, all druftltts. X aCT f ii UOWNh, Chtmhit, Nw Yurk. JOSEPHSON'S 1 a special inducement to cash customers we will give $25 each month to the one holding the lucky number. All amounts settled wthin 0 days will be considered as cash. Each purchase en titles you to one number. Our reputa tation for selling the best goods for the lowest prices is owing to the fact that we buy for cash and in large quanties, which enables us to; maintain the same low figures JOSEPHSON'S, Jackson St. DUFFY'S RESTAURANT. A nrst class restaurant hn been opeued oa Cars a-reer. op n i the ', T . , y "'t'' "yZ tr, ch'cken, steaks. Mews, knebes, and nde meiU at all bonrs. regular meals are served. Lunches and quick meals for railroad passengers a specially. For ""'f ,ee,i,.' bf M, nd Daffr i restaurant, prices reasonable, Attentloo, Please t S j Tl UcaeW Exchange U-wk Store jc,u Rive -vou w..W rates on btb new ana eecona liana nook. Ai-wao- HWixe I agent for the S. F. Call. A. II. ScvKuaox, Op. post office, Koselurj, Or. Now is the Time. To loik out for yo-ir PJJ bi.yi:le, and ; as we are having our tirat lot of wheels i come in a car kt wiib the other ag-ut, ! these fine Iinptru!s and C'evtlacd will ; arrive in a few dais; any one purchasing one or two wheels oat of this first lot we j H gie a discount t! ., j-ist the saviug of freinbL H-uolar prices on these wbetls ar Js to $40. j T. K. Kicuabisox, j Koee burg. Ore. i , : J VOUR FACE i Shows the bia'e i-f yt-nr feeliuis and tte ! ' J8" ?Ub '"P" blood makes I'se'.f apparent in a pale acd fan J9 vompLxion, pimples and skin eruptions. If yoo are feeling weak and orn oat and do not have a b-aitbv ap- Frnce:, 'ou th" ry Acker's fcood .hiixir. It cure? all blcod diseases whera j.heap SaraaparilU an J so called partners j fail ; anoa ing tbii. we fell every bottle ( 00 positfve guarantee. j g NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, . K..e!rt imvnn, aiarca J. 190. ,s .tf .'!. Tb,r ".'L ,h" '? ""ar-"" Junes. Xn51hKM ".id Utr lot mlc ot liiuiirr uni in iik n:ai nt iw ti.ksnta e !. aii l v' mirton Territorr. D.I.MEL D. KENNEDY. Ot .ltilatitl.l'.iiaiT ill .4-bland. ( of 'ls co:ui!i, liu Hut Jhj B!eit la Ibis ov bin tworn !lcment No. s, lor Ibe pun-hae nf itie t',. Li!3,4, of e'lion No. 1. in Tonhip No. . S, Kn No. l w. auJ will otter pr-.ol to bo tint Use laiKl wmsht la more valuaole t T iotloiU-r or iti. ne than f.r agricultural pur poK'i.anJ to eUbhh hl rlaim to taM laud before the R'H.Mer and Receiver ol this .ifflce at Kowourc. Oivcou. on Tueolar. the land di of May. l-M). He namea a. witne-: L.U. De VVoU, ol IVoodlaud. WaahiiiKton. Ueoree U. Vo Cl.iud. Jamea McCuUr, tilai II. Uanua. ail of Arhland, Wlrrtuia. Aoy and ali persona claimiuu alver ly the bo e-dewribed laudtare reueaU-d to tile thei r claim in tbia office on or before raid 2!ud day ol J. T. Ebid.E! KeglstKT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. fuilcd Statea land OiTico. RiiKnL'mii. Omrnn. Mn'h in tthi Notice it hen-br rtven Uiat in ciim'nh.ne with the provisions of the act of Confnva ol June 3. 1S7 cDiltled "Aw act for tbe naleo! nnuifr.an.i. in tne Mate ol raliforoia, Oregon, Ne ada and a-hnun Terrilore," JAMES M.-Cl LLYl Of AxhlnuJ, Coomr ot Al land, tal of Wia conm. baa thi da tilnd in tM. nffir. hi. .n-.u. f utement No. N, for the parchaao of the SW. of tfi-ctloa No. . la Townbin K x 34 6, Range No.aV.,and will offer proof tonhow thttbe laud aoiiftbt i more valuable for iu timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to ra tablUh hue' a Ira to aaid land bofoM tbe Recia Kr and Receiver of Ibla office al Koseburc. Ore eon, on Tueadar. the lnd darof Mar. l'OL lie names at witncsseii: U U. DcWolf, of Woodland, n i.niuiicsi. witw a. .mcvioui, ama H. tian. na, Daniel D. Kennedy, all ot Aahland, Wbcou tin. any and all irsoiis claimiuz adversely the abovc-deM.'ribet landa are rviuetet to rile their claims in this ofljee on or before said 22nd aa; of May, i t. J. T. Bridge, - ResUtex. nifi "I NEW IDS. i, We Lave now opa aa elegRnt lioe of NEW WASH FABRICS consistiriK of Fancy Zephyr GiDgbams, Fine Silk Striped Cling hanie, Fancy l'iqaes French Percale?, Crerman Calicos. Whit Goods Ftc, Etc., Now Embroideries and Insertions, Laces and Insertion?, t. 1 match, Allover Enibroidories, Tnckings, au 1 Apliquo Yokius. AU : kinds fancy Dre88 Triuiminga. IN S We have everything thHi is new will repay vtm. A new line of Ladies Silk Dress j DRESS RECIVED ALSO Tho swelleat line of Metis Neckwear in th city, C. I. K. STORE. FISHER & BELLOWS. Roseburg, Oregon. Notice for Publication. Csitfo srvitfii LajtD Oi rn a, Riraebnrr. Orrcon. Kebmarv II. lx. Notice la berebf c.ren that tbe followine- i to make Sua' nrnol in aappon ol bia claim, a ad that aaid proof u ill be mad- tiefore the RecUtcr and keceirer V. A. Land Odice t Rosrburi Oregon, on, Karch 23, Ijw tU: JAMES R. BCT1XR On H. K. So. 783, for the lot 1, 3. X X 't sV';. t S''. C ISTp. tl B, R. J W. He name lhe following wimeuea to prove hi continuous reaidetice npon and eul livaviou of aaid land 'rl: C I. Beckler, C B. Franklin, John Binder 'and r. w . cccaiey, au oi .itn, onon. J. T. BlilDOLe. flP Rexriater. NOTICE FOft PUBUCATION. I'nited iiate Land Office, R"l(ica',, Oretron, Feb. 21, 19U0. Notice ia hereby riven that in compliance n iih the troTiioc of the art of Coombs of June2,;K!, entitled ' An act fur the tale oi Umarrlandain the states of Caluonni, Orejou. Kevada, and Waahlnson TerrUory," ILXJaJa A. Kfc.N Of Varih field. County of Coo, late of Or.- gon, haa Ibia day bled la fiis otfiee hianrorn tateaentXo.Ho. for tbe purchaee of Ihest'a of aee. So. J, luTp So. 2 6. R Xo. 9W,aca will offer proof to ano that the land touzht is mote valuable for iu timlier or 'lone thaa for I aurKOitural purpose, and to e4tablib hia claim to aid land ue.'ore the Register and Reeeirerof thi office a! Rosebnrg. Or. on Tuesday the Xlli day of ilar. 1 A. He um aa iiue Jobu Voakam, John Rerron, Cbarlee A. Met- lin, Frank Knre. all of IfarahnelJ, Oreiron. Aiijr and a!l penmna claxmma; advemly tne abdve-'iraciibed iaaI- n. requested to lilt Ihelr clasaaa la thi otfice on or before Mil i'th day of Mai', l'- J. i. VKiubL;. ' p Reeiswr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nited State Land Office, Rosast n. Or-, February Si, 10. Notice ia hereby riven that iu eompliauc with the proviaiotu of the aclol Conre ol Jane 3,1., entiUed "An act for tbe rale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon. Xevad and Viaahmcton Terntory," llliKUUi A. Mt.lLl.N Of If anhSeM. County of Coos, eiate of Oregon, ha tbia day filed in tbia office hi aworo state ment So. for Uie purchase of the V of sec So. sin Tp. No. X i, R-Xo. W W, ard will offer proof lo show that the land 3tght is moie valuable for ita timder or stone than for acricultoral nurpow. and toetLl'.h bi claim u said land be lore tbe Register and Keceirer of this office at Roo-tu'K. Or., ou Tuesday, ir.e SOth day oi May. !'. He names witnesses: h.iam nrenn. Frank Rowers. J. loakss. R. Wceden. all ol Marsbueld. Orecon. anv aud all piTsoos claimiue aleeraeiy the above oewribed land are requnled toli.e their ciaic: m Uiis office on or before said ?'lh dav of Mar. 1 e J. T. BRIKiL". p R.-elter. Notice for Publication. rwrriD Sties Loco Orrn a. Rosebune. Oregon, Feb. 24. 1 Xntice is fcerebe riven lb it in comp.ianre with the provisions of tbe art of CoLirrw ol Juoei, lvs entiUed "An act for tbe stie ol timber lands la tbe Mateo! ' anlornla, Orcxoa. Sevada aud WhiD(ton lerritorr." FRANK t. ROOtKf Of Varblk-ld, County of Cooa tate of Orveon, tiiv tniauay niea ia tnioaice uissworn slate rr.ent No, 6f . tor the purces.f lbeSW'4 ol be So iu Tp S2 S. R No. 10 W. an t ill oiVvr proof to show tbat the land sousht ia more valuable for its timber or sloce than for aari cultuial purposes, nd to establish h' claim to said land before the Reriter aud Receiver of tins thee al R-iseburr. irevon, on TwrMlay, lbe .Vta day ol Mar, 1V09. Uenainraaswimeiwes Charles A. Met'.iu, F. Ualey R. rYeeden. il- liam Wrenn. ail of MarshtieM. Orosron. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in thia office on or before said JOth day olMav, U0O. J. T. BRIDGES, p Register. Notice for Publication. CSITED STATES LAN 0 OFFICE, R.iam ao. Ore., March 3, 1av. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of toe act oi Congress of Jans , 1ST S, entiUed "An art for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Wahiiurton Terrilorv," FBASK. M.MARION of Oakland, County of Oour'as. svste of Oregon, haa this day riled in this omce his sworn s'aie mcnt No. sisi, for the puivhase nf uie . W. i of Section So. K, in Township So. 24 S. Kanie So. i W. and will offer pmoi to show that the land sought U more valuable tor its timber or stone tpan for ancullural purtoes, and to es tablish his ciaitn to said lend before the Rers teran l Receiver of this office at Roseburr. Ore- Bon. on Thursday the 10th dav of Mav He name as witness-s: K. K. Thorr-tvu. Charles Hunt. Grant Ta'lor, and II. H. Miller all of Oakland. Douglas Couuty Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above ueserioea tanas re rejuetteu to me ineir claims in this otOcc on or before (aid I'Jlh day of May 1S00, J.T. BRIDGES, Register. and desirable, Au examination ) Skirts aud Wash Snitp, T Notice For Publication. Ckitid fttAira Lank Omn. Roaebarr. Oreroa, February U, 190S. ia hereby Siren that la eoBtDllaaea Vniir. . vt.r ,h, i wua ue proriaiona or ine aci o Mngieai as JuoeSrd.lsT, entitled MAa art for tbe Mia f Umber lamia in the Stale cf California, Ore gun, Xevada and Waxhinrton Terrilorr," WILLIAM H. tMITH. Of Marsbfield. County of Cooa, Stata oi Oregs ha this day filed in this office hia non aua meat No. M.'t, for the purchase of the k'U SEW, N';sWof Section 'o. 2, Townahip Ke. U South. Ranee Xo. S Went, and wiliofler proof bow that the land Muxm m mora Taiuabie tat ita timber or atone tbau for aricnjruml I por od he- poM'i. anl to eslatilin bu claim toaalO it lo ore the Reriaier and Receiver of thia office at Raeburr. Oregon, on Saturday tb 121h day ot May, l.l'K He names aa wiineet: 6eo. al. Herron.of Maxhoeid, Oreeon, Alber t E. Kettra. of Man-btitld, Urefon, E. W. KardeU. of Uarfii. field, Oregon, A. . KardeU, of Maimhheld, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming adreisely Uw aliovedraeribed land are requested to file their claim iu ibi omce on or be lore aaid Klb oar of May, L0. J.T. BRIDGES. aXetiatet; N)t'ece for Publication. C;TtJ!TaTiLA!cDOrrica. " Roaebnr. Oregon. Febf uaiy IS, Sotice is hereby given that la eompUane wlm t lie prowions of the act of Cooarew ( June 3, l-;. enriiied "An act for the sale of tlm br lands in the tiutea of Caiifuraia, Oregon. Sevada and Wahinctoa Territory:" Ral'RKS C. PtCK. of Abiand, Connty of Ashland, .-Ute of Viacoa la, has this day filed ia this office his sworn ; statemeet No. for the porchaseof the SWi. ; o! ew uoa Xo. 12. ia Township No. 24 S. Rang . No. i W. and wiil offer proof to show that ta land sought is more valuable for iu timber or I stone Hub for agricultural purponea. and t r I tsblish his claim to said land before the Reruv- ter and Receiver of this orT.ce at Roeeourc, Ore gon, ob Friday lhe 27th day of April. fJJ. He names as sninesss: T. W. Potter, of Ashland. U icousia : Ldward C. Stevens, of Waahbora, Aiseoaain; i. C. Torney, of Portland, Oreaoa; L. T. DeWoif. ot Portland. Oregon. Any and ail persona claimlDK adreneJr the above-d'nbMl lands are ie.iafr.led to file" their claims in this office on or before said 27th day of April, la. J.T. BRIDGES. P Register. Notice For Publication. Orrio Siarrs Laxn Ornca. Rawborf. Oreroa. February li, !. Notice m hereby gncn that ia eompliaacc with tbe provrs'ons of Ibe art f f Congma of June i. lr, entitled "An act for Uw saie of lim ber lands in the btate .f California. Orecoa, Sev ada, aud sInTton Temtorv, ' CHkIriAN . DAHL. Orw-hburu CouDly of Bavneid, blale of c.-nin, has Llu day bled ia this office his sworn :a;e mem Na 6., for tbe purchase ol lae of recitvtn Si 2, in Towcbip Xo. H soou, R slice No. - West, aud will offer proof tj show that the iaa i sousht ia more valuable lor its timber or stone than for aaricultural porposes, ani toeslabah his claim to salt land be for) the Recisterand Re.'eiverof thisoflice at Rov bnre,OrerMn. on FnJav the 2T day of April, l"o. He naioea as witnessee: James 1. Turuey. of Portiand, On-con, 1 T. DeWolf, vf Woodla k1. Waahinatou. Kdward ; M-vens, of Ashland. W iscoaain, Frank V. Pot.er. of Ashland, Vis const u. Any and a'l person claiming adriv lbs above descn ud laada are reiUw-led to fl.e'theli claims Ic tUs office on or bc'ore said 27 dav o April, l'JOU. J. T. BRIDUES. (a26p) Regiasrr. Notice for Publication. I'stTtp States Laud Oftk, Roeburr, Oregon, February 11, HOP. Sotii-e is hereby given that In .omnliaacw with lhe proviMons of the act of Conarreaa of June 3. lrTs. entitied "An act for the sale of tim ber 'auas in tbe states of California, Oreaow Nevada and Wa.hinirton Temtorv:" EDWARD C. STEVES:?. ol Washburn. County of Bayoeld. State ot Wlr cousio, has this day filed in this office hia rwova statemeut So- K7. for tbe purchase of toe aorta east nuarter of fection So 10, in Township So. -4 South Raage So. S West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuab'a lor i s t-.mberorsbtne tsan tor arrtsnirorat PO'CM and to establish his claim to said lan. ral nur- ea and to establish his claim to said lana - (re the Rerister and Receiver of thisomea at t se! Rorebnnr, Oregon, on Frida;, tbe 27 in day f Ann I rn, i. lie names as witnesses: Charlie Belse-t. al Washburn, Wta: Michael N. Obtad, of Wash burn. Wis.: James C Turner, of Portland, Ora gon: Frank W. Potter, of A -bland. Wis. Any and all persons claiming adversely tb above-described lauds are requested to file their claim la this office on or before said TTth day Of April, 1A. J. T. BRIDGES, aS-p Ragiatar. Notice for Publication. Csitid Statm Land wnci, Koseburr, Oregon, February 15, i0. Notice is hetvbTgiv'U that in comrilianca n i Ot the provisions of the act ot Osnareaa oi Junes, ls, entiUed "An act for the sala of timber lauds iu the states California, Oxegoo, Nevada, and Washington Territory, ' MICHAEL N. OISTAD Of Wabbnrr, iVMPtT of Baytield. StateolWI consin. U- in ...t. rilel in thiaofBce his sworn statement. Nvj. tis for the pnrcbasa of the soutbwe! ijiisrtcrof Section Sa i ia Town ship N . ;4 m'U h, Kanire No, S West, and srlll olTcr vroof li. that the land sought ia more raluaMc lr it limticror stone than for agri cultural punw's. and to establish his claim to a;d land before the Keaister and Reoaxerof thia ottkv at Rosebuiv, Orccon, ou tnday, tbelitb 1 of April, l'.x. Ho names as witnewea: Frank W. Potter of Ashtan.l, Wln ousin, Jamea C. Turney oi 1'ortland. Orvgon. F-dwardC. 6le of Ashlan 1. Wisconsin, John W. Holland ot Wahburn, Wisconsin. Ar.y and alt iienons claiminir adsvrsdy the a ove-describcu lands are reiucstci to hie their claims In this office on or beiore said 27th day of At nl, 190. J. T. BRIDGES, Register. A'Tp Notice for Publication. I'SITED STATUS LAXD PrrH'B, Kosebunc, Orwou. Febnary Is. Notice is hcrebv glvcu tbat in com vU ace with lhe provisioiis of the act of Congress of Junn a, V.S, entitle! "An act tor the sa'e of timber lauds lu the States oi California, Oregon, Nevada aud Wasbinrton Terrilorv:" JOHN W. H EI. LAND, ot Washburn. Countvo! Pay Held, State of Wla consiu, has this la filel in thixoilii-e bis sworn statement No. Mo, for the purchase of the Lota 1 ". SU N E' ol Action .No. a. in lowusnip no. .itM'Utlj RaiiKe No. SWest, aud will offer proof t.irhow that the laud sought is more valuable ! for ir timber or stone lhan for agricultural inr 1 iHises. and to establish his claim to said land be i f,ir; ttio Register aud Revelerof Ibis office at i KoM'hurv. ureaon. mi FrUae. tbe -7th iae ot prit. I."1. He aiiies as witnesses: Micnael i N Oinad.of Washburn, Wis.: Edward C. St ! rn, ol hiiid. Wi.: Charlie lieiwrt. of Wash- Imru, Wis.; James C.Tuiiivy, of Portland, Ore- Anv aud a'.l pcrsous claiuiiu diversely the alHvi"-drM'ribed lands are requested to filo their claims In thisoffloe on or lierore th day of April IM . X. r4Fi ' i. daXsaaae) )).).),.)