the plaindealer -ii.,th.l M-.;.diy m.l Thursday . 1st ! LaimjEai ri: hi::shiko co. :tor aaa Publisher CONFEREES AQREEO. Accepted a Compromise on Puerto Rico Relief Bill LATE NEWS f ROM NOME Little Doioz In South Africa. Subscription Rates. OaeTeu- CU XOBUU rtmXoaUu l oo Survey (or a Railroad Miles Long. 110 London, March 21. Tue only news (torn South Africi, showing activity on either side comes from Werrentown, north of Klmberley, wber desultory fighting occurred all Sunday, resulting in the retreat of the Boers toward Cbriet i ania, under shell tire. The proves of the column toward? Mafekinx has eithet MARCH 22, 1900. appropriation to t he re venues collected , on l'urrto Hi cm importations until Jan uary 1 !.", xi d lettored the clausa in 25 rules Square A Oreat and Permanent Mining Camp. Wamiisutos, March 20. Tne cjntei- eee on the Puerto Kican appropriation 1 bid have ag'ted upon a comproiiit i measure. The Kenate caufere-a reeded ! Iioiu the Senate amendment li.nitii g the 4ooo Claims Recorded for a Space almost ceased or it forbidden to be men tioned in dispatches. .Nutlimu comes from Colonel I'lumer und Mafc-Uiiitf ar pareutly ill awaits reliei The Pre oria account of the skiraiii-h at Eourteeu Stream Much Id, lava that a Boer command was preparing to de- I a l t i r-rM.ii. rn!I-...l . rtnorlaliona from ; Vm. nn I.. Jn.rv ll htv. innt Mb K- "u? " '""'"an unue. . tie co., t......... i. i i im;i r.r ..:.... i ..... ,;11;, : ,i ruent uueu hall an Hour witti me rsuu ll.-! -I !,.,..(,. I, Iiw-H.i n. I trl.i.l. -M in al 11 ollt " " uurKiiur .III ouim exirfin lawa." ! over th, i.-e (.oil, X.rae. Walter Church Th8 Same dispatch announce. ll, ar.ival Tim i.rov-ision in ll.p Sor.ulH hliielid- ,f tdu KUouvi' law linn fit Chinch & t - -j .- - ....... i B..ifvii.L. 1 1,-., for which It.ts i. I,. svrilor. and Mr. Day the re- 01 u"'ttuurK" ,ruul the money sliall lie w 1 is retained, Mil cinient. The sm'er declares the camp Skuiway, March U Advices from A county convention of the republican , the 11 m e l.iii applying tc figure revc TOter ot Douglas county, Oregon, is : ,,. cadtrg follnrs: hereby called to meet at the Court Houre, ..rLlJ,e,UPr wiln tn, further nutoina m xvutjeuurg, vreKUu, at. v i.i on ThoredrT April 5th, 1903, tor the pur pose of electing delegate t- the a' " CODyention which meeta at Portland, ir . April 12, 1900, and delegate t the Congressional Convention which uieeta at McMinoville. Oregon , ou April 11. 1900, and to nominate candidates for the yahoos county otbees to le voted fur at tbaeoming June election. nddith.ii i made dec-laiing specifically i will he one o( the largest in the world, TV.. .MiM.ri.fl will la in Int. re- . ... spTVpredncU ion Saturday March 31 th.t it ehall be ior the aid aud n-lief ol iTlj) appomonuaeul ior bbiu courm.M iuo x ucriii undue, .in; i. ii., oo ! upon, reads as iollows: ' i i CARPETS y V And the place to get them is at ; Strong's Furniture Store. ahall ha l delecate at large for each pre dnet and 1 delegate for each 15 votes or fraction thereof of 10 votes cast for Hon. T. T. Oeer for govirnor at the state elec ta of 1S9S, as follows, to-wit : rncincU delegates Boseborg Deer Creek Cmpuna "U'est Ro:eburr Kellogg 3omstoek Toncalla Canyonville Coles Valley : . . XIU Scott Riddles rasa Creek .... Myrtle Creek . . Glendale OUUa.... Cm'. Bend WCbor Millwood ...... Blktoa Oakland 7 Calapooia " East Capons 3 Looking Glass 3 Cow Creek :. 2 CamaaVrller 3 Gardiner . . Lake. Ferdae Seottsburg . . . . i .... 9 . . 9 .... 5 ....3 . . -3 . . . . 7 , . . . 5 ... 5 ... i ....12 0 .... o G rtiat the Bum of f 2,0o5,-l , U i" the amount of customs rtveiiiie received .n importations by lh t'oi ed SUt.s frjiu l'uerlo Kico aince the evsc;Ui'.:n ol 1'uerto Rico by the Spiuish forces on lie lS;h of October. IS'JS, to the 1st vi Janu ary, 1900, logelLer with ui y loriher cut touis revenue collected on importations from ToertoUieo siuco lbs lit ol Janu ary, 1900, or that ehall hereafter Le col lected under eaitficg laws, iball be placed at the dipposal.uf the l'letiJout lo be used for the covernuicut uow ex sung, and whiih may hereafter be esUblisbrd in Tuerto B:tro, aud for the aid and relief ol the people tber.of and for the public education, .public works and other gov ernment! and public purpose tucrein until otherwiiw provided by law, and the revenues h?re n refitrd to, already col lected and to le ccl'e:ted under existing law, f re here'.y approp-iated for ti e put pote herein epeciti d oat of any money in the Tre isnry notorberwiae appropn ated." LEARY'S SUCCESSOR. Lieutenant Seat on Schroeder of the Navy, Y.I1 S.oa Become Govern or of Guam. Total 13S It was recommendel that the voters of j each precinct, Dominate a candidate for road supervisor, for each road district in their precinct, as well as candidates for justice of the peace and constable, and certify their names to the convention for ratification. It is requested that the voter of each precinct elect on person WA6UINI.I..N, March 21. Lieutenant Commander SsaUn Schroeder, at present secretary ol the Ntyil Iospection board, has ben aelectel to tuceed Captain Leary as Naval G jvernor of the island of Guam. Schroeder expecta to relieve him before July nxt. It is stitel that Leary it c.miog home and will not e ehoit-lived. tie gives news ol the mtvey he'nj; made there al ready for a railroad, and says tow ns w ill stiiii up a, many places on Hrhriug Si a. lie ejvs, in par 'A compjLy has surveyed a railroad from l'ori Safety, : mil. s Itlow, to Port Clatence, 75 itiles above. The company expecs to tuunel Behrioic 8ja, and to run .1oh the. tuaM far en.ngh to have a winter baibur. "Ihtve had i: d unnt't-d d late 'hat il.e tuudia I r mil. a t.iJe fair to be is s-id us (he leach. The tundra was a.l beach omv, a. d n no til e iu fioin three to live uiilee back to the hi. la. It lovki like the bikes', mining -ropoail on on earth "This is net a one year etand. Beb ring ea will tie the lUnio e-f fie West, and iiiiuinrf touM w::l U rt t tie elitrea lor 2l0 rutie, ll is ditlicult lor tne who has uot t ee u here ta realijj the ou;lovk V h.te gww property tor nr syf rtieate. and 1 arsnre you we have our piie heie." The mail hiings a copy of the Nome News of Dec m'.er 30, giving an account cf bit g)!d ttrikes ou Sla'e river and Myr le River, 050 miles up the Kpyokuk Jot ii Itjnolda. Jack Webster and John McLean had just arrived iu Suine with the cewa, which they got at Nulato from C.ptain J. M. White. A partner ol Webster was staked and dispatched to tbJ Ci-w ttrite. The other man did uot go becUM5 they were short ol irovis iuti Captain White sai I the Klondike is a grubttake country as compved with the Kpyekuk. A n.u.'li ol United Sta'es nail from Ya!d s arrived at Eaton by w ay of liagle The Government begin cutting a trail The second edition ol the Times today pub'iehea a ditpatch from ll'.oemf ( ntem doled Monday, which says: The blowing up nf biidges by ;h- Uacre is au evident sign that theTiant.- vaaleis intend to uhuiidou the de.'cute of the Free Stite." All is quiet in tie Sou'.b and WeKl. A corpi ofyoung lioer Irom tho l.r.i I surrounding lSloomfontein, coder an im perial oflicer, has been detailed fer police work and to prevent the further looting of the abandoned fat ing by the Ktli-s. It ia said that wbeu I'ro:-iJei.t Krng-r left B'ceuifontcin after his Vt-it there, Hteyu'e pariirig reuiark wat: -Miid that the lritiih do not catch you or jtu will get better qnarUrs at t. Helena than I." Rudyard Kip'ing has gone to Uloem- fontein . Ti e Boeri at Aliwai North are repotted to be still holding a ro'ition in the big hills on the Tree Stato side. From a Pretoria dipstch i: appears there is some misonderstacdiog regard ing Lord SaL8t.urj reply to the Ameri can offer ol me litation exi-ti there. It hid been quoted o the effect that bait- bory said he could accept the interven tion of no other power, which leads to the belief that Ametican representatives wonld listen to the tinal ettleroe:.t. Private Cole, thd Canadian whom the Queen visited t Nettley Hospital, re turned to Sauth A'rica ioday. " S ' ' We have never shown as elegant a Hue of CARPETS as we have in stock and on the road. See our Room Size velvet Rugs. Also Art Squares. Our Mo quelte Rugs are of the latest designs aud styles. We can show you the best line of Tapestry Curtains ever shown iu Douglas Count)'. Also a good line of Lace and Novelty Cuitaius. Our motto is Good Goods and Honest values. B. W. STRONG. Roseburg, Oregon. V . . . ; AAAA v . ..;v i 1 s. i ''a A i s i Notice for Publication. United Bute Ijinil filllce, . KoaCBi'Ru, Oregon, February n. r.M). Notice tf herebr nlven that (be folloivlug named aettler bu tllel notlc vf 111 intention to make linal pfoiif tn mpport ot liU i-IhIoi, an J thut tuM t'nw.t will b niada betin Iliff Kt(I- . . .'fher, 0 a l.nud Ofiii.x at Uocburs, C . .. .j March :ft, V.W, . iz: Wil.MAM J I.ANOKR cm II. K. ISO. 3, lor the N'i Ni; HK'ISW; --c. r,, D( o ... nam)', inc lollowinK vitiie-n to prove his continuous residence npon anil cultivation of tald land, vlas- Hcott Lauiler, ArcMbald O. lime, of MhI. roac, Oron, W. II. Hunter ol Wanltou, Ocuon, Samuel Alexander ol, Ori-Kmi. J. I . liRllx.K.-. Kegnter. Uoseburg Academy NOKMAL, Classical asd CocitsE. Busikem A apeeial teacher for eacb deputmcut. Kew ilodcnta received at any time. For particular adIrv9 the piincipai. C. T. VilITTLE6EV. A. Ii. lloHebnr, Or. KesiJeuce, Cor. Donglas and Chad wick Sts. Notice For Publication. LMlU. MAH IjVDDfHU. Koebrv. Oreirrm. rehrn.rv l-n Notice is hereby given thai in eouipliarce with the prorisioni. .if the act ol Colore a ot Janes. lsTH, eutiti.-. -An act lor .he ol t'm ber lands in tbe hlaUn ol t.'alilorniu, Orcron, Ncvala anil Wn-shlnKton Territorv." OEOKliE 11. IURROX, fit Manlifleld, County iiH'ijw, ftnUs of Orc-Koii, 1.. s llu ilay hied in tuh ..lliee his v)rn late meut N.. M4, lor li e puichase ol tbe fc' Si.' i, S', NW1;, ol i-. et on No. -, m Township No. 'M oiith, Kime No. II weal, and will oRer prmjf to how tbat the land tsoiinlit In more valuable for us umuer or none man lor agricultural pur iws, and l oiubliin his claim to mid lauil te forc the Bci;lter and lLcclvcr ol this office at Kcacburir, Oregon, on Saturday, the Uth day of May, I'jiw. ilu imnc as iiiit:M k: William II rmith, ol Mar-hl. eld. Oregon, Albert h. Helm, of Marahlicld, Urrgoii, K. W. Kardell oi Mr-ih-tield, Op'gou, A. k. Kardell, ol MarhBvld, Ore- gou. Any and all pen-on claiming a'lvrclr tbe aliove-dcx riln.-l lauds are tv.iue.led lo nle'tbeir eUlim iu Hum (lice on or betoru said l.'th dai ol May, l'.M. J. T. UUIlHiEo, Kegisttr. Watch our Window Wc will keep constantly on haud a l;rcsh aud Clean Supply of asrf"2 Confectioneries. Fruits, and Vegetables. We have just what you want. Call and see us. Sheridan Black. VM. CURRIER. Notice for Publication. Roseburg Pharmacy ZZrZ'Z VTS .henTt, hi. own reone.t and tbe charg.H.l. Itntral Committees, and that that per so in conformity wru tne po.icy oune navy department to make f-eqient changes in command of these uavsl sta tions in the interest oi heihh ard spirits of tbe officer?. i 9om auena iDeoouniy iHinvfr.uuo lunue pnrposs) of meeting with the committee at its organisation. It ie farther recom mended that in tbe precinct of Roeeburg TV eat Roeeburg, I'mpqia, Deer Creek Oakland and Calapooia the polls be op)ed at 1 o'clock p. m. and remain open until 4 p. ni-. and that in all tber precincts tbe primaries be called to order at ? o'clock p. m. and remain . open as locgai thoee in charge may tniok proper. Dated at Roeeburg, Oregon, this O h day ol March, 1900. E. D. Stuatford, S.C. Flint, Cbairman. Secretary. Toe Portland Chamber of Commerce baa notified Senator Joseph Simon by wire, tbat his position in opposition to tbe Puerto Kican tariff bill is approved by tbat body, and tbat they hope tbat he will continue tbe etand be has taken. Lt every republican voter turn out to the primaries and do his duly, by help ing to elect delegates to tbe oroiog oonoly I convention who will attend tbe convention and assist in the nomination f a ticket made np of repre entitire re publicans from all paita of tbe c nnty. Tbtra are a wbo'e lot of people in this county who think th-.t Geo. Dimmick sboold be requested to stand for either sheriff or clerk at tbe coming republican county convention. There ii no doubt bnt that George can mop up and ring oat iato bis own bucket, as mucrt support for a county office a- any in Douglas county. CHARGES TO BE INVESTIGATED. Ex-Consul at Pretoria Has Been Sum moned to Washington to Appear Before a Congressional Com m ttee. Public fleeting. Theriill b- a meeting o! the Mc- Kinley fcepubl ou Clib cf Ki e'.ur.', held at Slocuui'a hall ro Tuesday tven iog, March 27, l'.KX). at 7:30 p. m., for tbe purpose of transacting tome import- from Woa'e to Cjok Inlet, 370 mile?. last an', business Addresses will be made Ootobtr, and ahou'.d have it complied by local epeak rs. A l i re cordially ic- bv this lime. Tited. M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist. I)rngj, Toilet Artidtf, t'atetit MeJi- ciuis Cigars, Stationery, Toilet Soap?, I'aiuts nod Uila. IMiKOaTATKa Lasooimci, KM.'burir. OreKoD, February 1 . N-)tic.j is licreoy giieii that iu compliame nun id.- provi.ioiis in me net ol CoiiirreM. ol June 3. is;.. eutiUe.l ' All act for tbe Bale of lin:- tr r Laiuls in the Man s of California, Oixoa Nevada and Wafbiosioii T- riitorr,' t HAkl.IKI.EIsKKV Of W atiburn. County of BaTtieM. Slate of Wis oiKin, liaf tbia day tiled in this oilicc hi oru lal' iueiil Nu. b-.i, lor th- fMircbaw of ttie L-.U 3, I. K'j SW'lj of e'ctioii No. 2. ill Tuinhip No. i soniii iun( So. t, and ill oiler pioof that lue land .ugbti more valuable iorii tiiuw r or stone ttiaii for agricultural panKWf, and loeMabli-b bi claim to nd land bifore the lUiiter and Uereiver of thi office al KoMburir. Oreeou, on Friday th-2;tb day of April. 10. He tiam- aa Kiti.tssei: Cbratiano. Uablof Washburn., L. T. JJeVVoif of VVoiMiland. Wa-liin;oli. W. Hi Hand of vVashburu. Wisc nMD, Frank W. Fotb r of Abland, of Wisconsin. Any and all tieion ciaimiuz a5vei-lT the above-d..-ritea laud are iviuetteii to tile their claims in thia office on or before said 2Tth day of April, I'.MO. J. T. BSIlXiK.-, P KevUier. Three Daily Trains Between Odgen and Denver. The increase in transcontinental travel by wsy of Salt Lake City in consequence of tbe scenic and other attractions of the rooto, has recently justified the Rio Grande Wen tern Railway ia connection with the Denver & Rio Grande and Col orado Midland Railroads says tbeJSalt Lake Tribune, in establishing a triple daily fast passenger service between Oj den and Denver. Ail nf these trains ara equipped with tin latest spplisnces. im provements and cars. Tbis roid tv operates through sleepers betweeo Chi cago, Oden and Sam Franciaco, alfo a perfect dining car service. Send 2c poet age for literature, rates or other informa tion to J. D. Mansfield, 253 Washington, Portland; cr t'eo. VT. Iieintz, General Passenger Aiteoi, Salt City. koseburg Market. Egga 12; iC per doz. Butter Country 25c. Poultry Chicken?, mixed, $2.50$ 4.0O. Prunes Italian 35; silver, extra choice, 5C6 per lb. Wheat 4'Jw 42c. Oat-25COc. Millstuff Bran, $17; miidiimte $22; shorts, $18 COrchop. $16.00 per too. Hay Timothy rJ'$U ; clover. $7ft3: Oreeon wild hay, $tf7 per ton. Wool 16V3 20c. Potatoes 55(5 GO per ba. photographic Supplies... WAeniNoTvs, March 21. The House committee oa foreign affairs has decided to investigate the allegation made by Charles K. Macrom, ex-Contul to Pre tona, relative to tbe opening of his of ficial mail by the British authorities. Macruui had been wired It come to Washington as soon aa possible to appear before the committee. TONGUE O.N PUERTO RICO. Explains His Position in Regard to Tariff. Wa desire to ag ain remind tbe voters o each precinct of their dutv to nominate a candidate for road supervisor in each road district in their precinct. At the coming June election the voters of precinct voting together wi 1 elect one supervisor for each road district in their precinct. The nominations may be made by tbe wbo'e precinct or they may ba made by the voters of tbe different districts, bat as tLey will be elected by tbt whole would perhaps as be wall for the wuole precinct to joio in the nomination of all. if there is more than one district in the precinct. These nom inations should be certiSei to the ounty convention in order tbat they miy be ratified and placed on the county ticket. It Is a hopeful and encouraging aign for republicans, tbat oo single person is poshing bis claimB(or nomination on the republican ticket. There is an absolute absence of strife and a desire to have all farmer factions and all localities in the county equally represented on the ticket and to throw the rerp jnsibility of mak ing np tbe ticket entirely on the delegates to the convention when tbe convention meets. Never before, perhaps, ia the history of tbe county, have tbe republi cans been so harmonious and so deter mined to nominate strong men men who will poll tbe full party vote and lo heartily and earnestly support the ticket when it is nominated A continuation el tbis determination will place Douglas county solidly in t lie republican column where she belonge. Representative Tongue says: "The Washington dispatch published in the Oregonian of the loth des not properly represent my 'altilude on the Puerti Ricin b'Jl. I voted in tbe caucus and in the House to reduce tbe tar: J from 25 to 15 per rent, and to limit the operation of the bill to two years. I was one of the uioit strenuous advocates cf the latter amendment. But it is assert ed by the oppeneuts of tbe bill that this small tiriff upon the neceeepry food products io Puerti Rico will be oppress ive to the poor people of tbat island. I have raid that if this is true, it might lie well for tbe Senate to consider a proposi tion to admit such articles duty free, and increise the tariff to 25 per cent on sagar and tobacco, as the entire crop of these article, it is said, has bee a bought by the trusts and speculators. Tbis provis ion wonld relieve ths people and place the tarll upon tbo?e most able to be..r it, the trusts and speculators. "Tbe only leuon that justifies tbe Houee bil or that reenred the votes necessary topasii', including my own, is ths necessity o! railing revenue to maintain government in Paerto Rico, temporarily, nntil tbe people can recover from tbe r present dis!rees:d condition. With normal coaditions re tared, and other revenue meuures enactel, com mercial intercourse between Paerto Rico and the United States should and will be as free rs between Oregon and California." PRIMARIES IN MARION. Claud Gatch For Congress Carries the County. THE CREAMERY. Those persons who have charge of tbe J 8Ullding in Uie C0Ulrx)uuity. Salem, March 31. The repulilu'au primaries S'e being held today in tbe several precincls of Marion County and there is considerable interest manifested although there are very few con'ests j beard of. In most places only oue ticket . dependent upon them for support, $G a : has been put out, tbe manipulators be- week. I iog forced by pu'olic opinion to name for j 'delegates men of respectability and Tbe Nome Kewa further say : Nutnbfra of claims will be open lor rt location January I, anl kence many people are itoing out of tbe tow., in all directions. S-sveral have gone to Go'o- viu Bay. "Three to four hundred o.en are camped lor.g the Noire River and An vil Creek. Sime are doing a little piot- JOQN II. lllTK Secreta-y. J. A. Evcua.vas, Preeidet. Looking Glass. Spring has owe ait 1.8'. Rev. lioxsrd of D.l'.atd, did nut preach pecting, and watching claims which they I here on tccsuut of aa appointment nt may jump New Year's Day. About oJOtlaims have been &tjktd in the Nome district this year, and at- eeeftneht work has been done on oOO claiois, affidavits of which haye been fi:eJ with tbe wViog recorder. . "Sii.ce tbe district was organized in lb''S, O.K) claims have been recorded. The district iocludcs an area 25 a ilea fqiare, extending northwesterly ftolu Nome." The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. Cull nod Examine ihem. -- (O ) Notice For Publication. UNITED pTATES LAND OFFICE. KoKbunr. Crezon. February 19. l..u. Notice Is bcreov (riven that in compliance with lb provunone ol the act (A Conner of June :ird. is;, entitled "An act lor tne sale of timber iancj in the .-tain of aiifornla, Oregon, .i-,Boa nj nasoivnn 1 .TTllory, DIVERT OIL CM W aihturn. County of Bayfield, Male of Wis eoDriu, fc.u U.i day kl in this oriice hi rworn tatcmeut No. J, for tbe parcha- ol the kou i auu ana ol ol ffectiou o. i. ia TowncUin No. il fain. Ranee No- 3 W nt. aad a lL otfer r n..f to (how that the land foucht j uio e valuable for its timber or atoDe liiau for ajricn'.turai panw4, and toentab isli h s claim loaaid lurid before tbe lUgltter and Receiver of this office at R-ebur Oregon, on Thumlar tbe da of ay. lino. He nai.i.i. as r uu: Oav.d Ued land, of Waahbum. Wisconsin, Jacob Johnson. unburn Wisconsin, Ojcar Lnu.lcren, ol atnourn, w ijcousJn, Olal Olon, of athcern VVicuosin. Ant and all t:rMin cluiiuinr ibMvpr tha above decribi land are reiueted to tile'lhetr ciaiiiia in ims ouice oa or hetor said ;:rd day of jiay, uu. J. J. BBJV itr. inp Kecister. A GREAT JATfLE. Machinists' Strike Hay Call Out 185, 000 Hen Chief Battle Ground Will be in the New England States. Olall.. Mrs. 1. M. Ultk'aid was on the sick list latl week, but ia improvicg new. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morgau wete look ing after busisers matter in Roseturg a few da) a age. Rev. Hampton of Ten Mile, was here j laet week. 1 ll. Martin o! Roseburg was in this eec- j lion last week looking for tetf cattle. ; ! Mr. I'i Buebnell of Teu .Mile, was j j among us Sunday. j Kveryoua that wants a bright and j newsy paper, should eubscribe for tbe I'LAINftALaB. Who? DO YOU WANT Good Service, Good Goods, and Good Prices During the lioljdays? IF SO. Have us call twice or three times a week for your orders, if you arc within the city limits. Drop us a postal card or 'Phone 201. jCall in and33 our Fancy Decora ted jHaviiand China and other ohina Ware. J. F. BARKER & GO. Cmcuio, March 20. Representatives of the lalcrtiaUooal Association of Ma chinists say that tucai conditions In the Triou cititS where the machinists are dissatisfied will govern tbe calling of a general strike. Tbe president, Mr. O'Connell, and hie five assistints have left for tbe principal centers of industry to confer with their men before issaing orders to go out. Cleveland, Philadelphia and Paterson, N. J., where the men are said to coming restless under the delay in the strike order, will be visited as soon as possible. As estimated by IVesidect O'Connell, 1S5.000 machinists will ba affected by a national s tile. Iu the New England states there are 5J.00J men working at tbe trade, and it is expected th'u section of the country will be the battle ground. Tbe lead-rs' say tbe strike will extend only to tbe factories and shops which manufacture mining, pumping, electric and printing mf'hinery. Railroad shops wil! not be included at present, nor will large corporations, such as the steel com panies and ihe haryejter ai.d reaper works, the plow factories, the bicycle factories and posib!y shipbuilding. In many of the cities where strikes sre threatened there are tirins which have contracts with the unions, and these will be lived up to whether or not strikes areral'ed. For strike benefits and othes expenpea of a great strike, the International Asso ciation o'. Machinists has a fund of $15, 003 which has alw.iys been kept in re serve in the nationa' tieiiry for emer gency use, and a reierva fund of $109,003 in the various local treasuries. For b-rnefits the c institution provides that single unn ate to be paid $1 a week, and mirriel men and single men with others i Al the Opera lloJe tonight wiil Le j eeeu over otrJO ted ot moving pictures. Dewey's land (urade contaimcg over 2700 phutcgiapbs. New records for grapophone grand just received. ROLAND AG EE, Notice. To whom it may concern: Notice ia hereby given thai I will no longer be re sponsible for any debts contracted by ray wife, Patience Bentley. Dated at Oak land, Oregon, March 22, 1000. a22 B. F. BestLuv. Pcalcr in Plour, Peed, Groceries, and Coun ry Produce. Highest pri.-e for Couctrv Produce. Roseburg, - Oregon. fiosebnrg creamery interests are very Mcc'i tncoursged at the outlook. Our ba;ness mei are taking hold of the mat ter with commendable ioterect, and if tbe famare will guarantee tbe necessary eupport the creamery will surely be built. Nothing conid be undertaken in a biHoees line which would benefit so many people both in town and in the coontiy, as the erection of a creamery al UoeebJrg. The benefits to accrue would not b confined to a few men but every man in lbs city and surrounding co-miry would be lierebtied. Let there he no besiia ion or holdirg back by anyoi.e Push tbe undertaking along aud let it be known tbat Roseburg and Douglas coun ty are ei tioyra!v as an? other pnrt of the state, Io the Salem preciucitths polls o;eiied at 1 o'clock p. ro., and will be kept o;cn nn'i. i o'clock. The general oinplexiou ol ti e delegations liere in uulaV'jra'iM fir Senator Mcllride, with no eeriaimy ' for anybody. It in pudiclcd that the! ALASKA BOUNDARY QUESTION Anglo-American Joint High Commis sion flay Reassemble Soon, Prob ably at Canadian Capital. Died. At Have, Mont., on Match IS, l'JOO, Mrs. Clara Day, wife of Rev. John Day. Tbe many friends cf tbe deceased al Roseburg, where she was known and highly respected, will her with sorrow of her death, and will join extending their sympathy (o the bereaved husbiud and friends. Services at Pine Grove. Rev. ('. R. Arnold, of too l. E, church, will hold services at the Pine Grove church, on next Sunday, at 3 p. ro. Every one will be made welcome. Mrs. N. Boyd, Desires to close out her large and select stock of China and Glassware and will give tbe best bargains ever offerep iu the city. Call aud prove the truth of this statement. Hints to Housewives. Lost. I' ve tickets for tbe Louise Brehany C ' ; ert and Opera Company, three of th 1 marked Sec. It.. Row 11 ; 5, 0 and 7. Kinder will please return to T. K. R 'lardson and receive reward. These ticaets will not be honored at the door. Plans Wanted. PUus for enlarging the school house in tbe cily of Roseburg by tbe addition of four rooms and remodeling the stairway will he received by the undersigned un til noon of April 5, l'JOO. Tbe plans must be accompanied with the probable cost of building according to such plans. By order board of directors school die- I trict No. 1, Douglas county, Oregon. Claim Dili.ard, School Clerk. Half the battle iu good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when you order them. Call up Phone rso. ibi, for good goods and good service. C. VV. PARKS & CO. temper of tiie couuiy convention wil' he iu oppof-itinti 'o pledged icpreiu tilaliv if. Aside hum thet-;e oiiii-ef, Ihe uieal con tests in ihe convention will tie on conn'y judge, Khenir and County .Sup'rinieiid-ent. ft inuy l e Hai l t' the 011U i'-em J tuition would reHHeeinhle at a date to be upon w hich ui! delegVi'inH in ibis c oin- j yi .'en out ehortly, mi l that possibly Ot- Ciin'Aiio, March 21. A special to the Tribune from Oiiawa says : In Ihe houae nt coiiiinoiiH today Sir Wilfrid Lauricr, in reply lo a UePtiou liy Sir C'hailes Topper, made Ihe announcement that il. Aiiyli.-Amt'iicHii Joint limb Cow- try are united ia the cm I dncy of (Man I Cta'cli for Coilirro-'H. Mr. Tong'ie has uiauy frieridn here, but .Mr. (iat'ch will hav a lii'arly :n.d niii'i'd snpixul. j I bu t tie wene of the Confer cue '. I lie pieiiiier added tiiat he hoped in a few davit to Btato the position of tbe V.lli'l!l pt'lliM 'tlf. At the Opera House Tonight, KdUoii's piojtfcloscope aud grapho phoiie graud. Battle scenes, comic. Dewey's parade laud aud sea. Calcium light. Over (i0 moving picturts. Outfit Ihe lates. HegiHtralioii is filil! ;lnly. prrgreE6ing very There ii 11. ore Catarrh in this section of the c miitry than nil other diseases put tig-ther, and until the hut fw years was supposed to be incurable. F01 a great many yiara doctors pro nounced it a locil d scare, aud prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronouticed it Inccrable. Science has proven catarrh to le a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catanh Cure, manufactured, by F. J. Cbeney & Co., Tuledo, Ohio, ia tbe only constitutionol cnrnoiuthe market, It is taken, internally iu dotes from 10 drops to a teapounfu!. It acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system They ofl'er one huudred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Snd for ciiculara and testimonial'. Addrrs.4, F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. SjM by Druggie! e, 75c. Hall's Family Pills er.i the beBt. Goats for Sale. I have a fow Call i r addrese, Angora goats for sale. L. A. Mahsiijus, Cleveland, Oregon. NervouHiietii, wcakueus, exhaunted nervous vitality, rhentii:iiini. Hiidyan Iriigg inlH, -r0 ci'lill'. Throat Troubles "Bard well. Ky., where I live, is in tbe ex treme western part of the State and only a few miles trom Cairo, 111., where the Ohio empties into the Mis sissippi River. It may be thattluvat troubles are common here be cause of loca tiou, but, whatever the reason, I find it wise to con stantly keep a supply of Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Consump tion on hand. It is tho nest thing I ever came across for coughs, colds and throat troubles, and I have used it in my family for years. No (lrusBi-rt here can he depended upon to have it alwavs. .-ol am writing this letter to AV. II. IkK.ktr A Co., iS) Broadway, '. Y., to order a d.i.:i 11 bottles at a time. My wife is hot hen tl hiroly with sore throat and ditlicult brealliinir. but jul as soon as the doacn bot tles x In le. I w ill sive her ll few dose.', and the w iil e. i laiiil.v lo well a'ain. I expect to wriii' 11 ti it her letter in a short time saying my w ile iseiired, for I feel absolutely sure It fwhat she m-'ds." (Signed) T. A. White. Sold at -.,e.,.V. audjl a bottle, thrtiujrhout the I'nite.d Stales aud Canada ; and in Kug P. 2d.. IN. .'Id., -Is. lil. If you are not Eatilii-d alier Inning, return 1 tie but lie to your h if.'Kt. and jret your money bark. HV H.itim, th" urM.iv iii.noif.f. W.U.JUu.khK a; 'roi'i-ittj' loit Vox sale by M. F. Rapp, Notice for Publication. fXITED STATES LAND oKFU.E. Rost tan:, Oreivn.FebniArT 17. 10. Notice i hereby K:eu tbat iu rnmnluocc ith tne T:tA ii.'U .. the act of Cooctvkw ol Jane 3, Is7!. entitled "An act for the sale of Umber Ian Is ia tbe Kates ol Ca;iiuniia, Omoo . i . ... . . - . -. . of Wa-hbarn, County of BayneM, -t!e o( Wis consin, bas til; dar tied in tbia oiTice his atiom statenien; o. o r.-r the uurfha of the Nt' of secli-m No. 11, is Township N'o. H Baccv No. 3 Vt . ami mil offer to show lhat Lae Uui-lroucht ii more v,iual.k for ita t:mtvr or atone inaji lor asrleultu-al vuri.WM. aud to in- taoasii ms.;aiui iu.iil :ana oetore Uie Be--.-Urand Keevitcrof thit office at Koebnrc, Ore ron.oii Thurvlnr, i&e thirl day of Mar, llM. He names as wttucrsev L'avia tlctl anl. ot Wasbbuiu. VV ic..n-in; s:trt Oie. of Wahiara, Wiaeouaiti.oiaf i.Oifon.ul Wacburn. Vion- sin: Jacob Johnson. Wasbbtiru, itou;n. Any aol ail tvrD ciuimi!ig aJverse.r th: abo e-decnljed lands are reiuvUtl to h'e lheir claims in tb:s office on or before said Krd day oi May, 19fv. J. T. EKIUGEf UC'I- KegiiUT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Cnited states Land Office. Boebi bu, On-jron, March. 10. 1300. N'otiee is hereby eit en t iat in comDliance with the proTilonsot tne act ot Conffre of Jane 3. lsTS, entitled -An aet fr the aie of timber lands lathe slates of California, Oregon, Neya'la aiwl W ashinjrt' n Territorr," NEVILLE P.'MOWATT. Of A-h.and, County of Ashland, Blate of Wis consin, nns mi '1st toea in una omoe aia avorn etatemeni No. s'.'l, ior tbe purchase of the NS' of section No. In. in Township No. 14 S, Rafiae No. 2V , and will offer ( root lo show thai tne land otKht ia more raluank foe ita timber or toe than ior atmcultural barpnses. and to ea tabli-h his cladm i. said land before the Scsjister and Receiver of this ot!ice at R.eotirg. Oregon, on Talay, the iu.l day of Mar ixa. ii names as witaesito: 1 o. ieoir,ol wood land,, James C. Tarney, of Port land, Orat'.n, Jatn McColly, Daniel D. Ken nedy, ol Ash'and, WUconain. Alt and a.1 nenou elaiminc d creiy the abore-describtsi lands are re-iaesied to file their ia this ot oa or before said 22nd day J.T. SBtMBs, Register. V "itu Si at a? I ami Orrics. Kosebar?. OrtRon, Jan. 2 l'.V". By Houoralie Commissioners letter "N of November Js. this office was directed to or der a bea'in; t" determine the character ot the iollowirirdi-Hrit'ed trtrt oi Iaift. lo wit: the E. '-of N W and W of NE sve i, T 2. S a I VV. bcietoforv adjudged lo ts; mineral iu character (decision ol October ", IsT.) bill notv alieved by the Oreyou ard Caiilvrcia Raj road Couipdry lb bo essc-iii-aliy noa in character." all mineral 'it and were contained) baring been, tinee said d-.t.on. extracted or taken from said tract. Wherefore, in c.niormity wi'U tho instruct ions of aid i. tier a hearing is hereby ortlrrcd, the testimony to be taken at tiiis othce, before the Keiter and Receiver oa I riday. April 6. lMalld oe".oci a. r.i., and :he partes hereto arc hcrei'r summoned to appear at said time and place and furnish testimony in support of their rc-pectiveciainn. said bearing to be conducted in accordance with j'araxss h li et tej ol the I". S. Mining Laws ac.l Kes-lauon;. J. T. BRIDviEs. Ker'ster. J. II. Bt-OTH. Receiver. life Notice For Publication. Cnited states Land OiTice. Rusaat kg. Oregou, Marcli 10, li-OO, Notice is hereby given Uiat ia compliance with the provisions id the aet of Congress of JuneS. Is7s, eutitietl Au act ler the sale of timber land in il.e s'.aics oi California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," bILAS h. sann.v Ol Ashland, County of Ashland, state of Wls contn, bas this d.-ty hl"l iu this oiSiee his sworn statement No. Wi for the par base of the NE'i of S-ctiou No. I'I. in Tow nship No. 21 8, BaPve No. 3 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than fornvrricultural purposes and to es tablish his claim to said laud before the Regis ter and Receiver of this office at liosebttrg. Ore gou, on Tuesday, tbe irnd day nf Mny, 1 .o He mimes as witnews: L. tj. PeWolf. of VVo-.M-lautl. Washiugton. Jaiucs McCully. tieonre H. Mis.'loud, Uauiei 1). Kennedy, ail of Ashland, VV isetini. Any aud aU persons claimius adversely the abeve-descrlbed lands are re.)uested to file their claims in this etnee on or bclorc :aid nd day ul May, 11K. J. T. Bkiih;e, Register. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Baugh) Bears the Signature Caro Bros, at Oakland Oiler for sale tho following toods at cost aa they sre over et. cked in them : Mackintoshes, collarette, capes, dreaa skirts aud a large assortment of gents and boys' rubber clothing. Bicycles. Teu dollars,? 1.',1j and $ lii all in good conditiou, these prices are vcod for 13 days. We want to make rooui for our lar,to etock of new wheels, Imperials ami Clevelauda, which we will s 'I I this sea son at prices from $2oto$o. Juat think of a wheel like the for LM. They don't iierd any rcconiiiieiitl.ition, they recoumieud thetust lv.-. V,' nold 54 List si'ii.'oii, and they arc all Hiving jood (alielat-lioii. T. K. Klt ll tKDSON, llo.-ehnrj(, t)r. Notice For Publication. CNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Ko-barp, Oregon. February 13, Isu. Notiee :s hen by eiven lhat in compliance with the provision- of ttie act of Congren of June Jrl, lTs, c!ititiel "An aet for the sale of timber lands in th state of California, Oregon, N ad and W at:nir.on Territory.'- UAVIU HEULAND. Of Wtoh'onra. County of Bayfield. State of Wto eons.n. ha this day Cled in this oree his s-wcra stateutent No. (oT. ior tie p jiefcase of the- 6E' of eection Ko. Ii, In Tow as Kip No. - south. Range No. 3 West, nd will offer proof to show that the la n I sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural porpose. aud tocstabli-h hia claim to said hand beiore the ku-r.ter aud Kecetverof tbis omce at Roseoarg. Ort.Tron,on Ihumlay the3rd day of May, lao. II iiatnes as witnesses- divert Oie. ol Wash bum, Vt iscvnsin. Olal JI. cison, of Washborn, Wuronsiu. Jaojb Johnson, of ash burn. Wis- e.n5ia, Oscar Luudgren, of VVaahburn, nioo' sin. Any and ad perscus claiming advcrsjly ha above-de-c-ribed lands an requested to tile their e' .-tires in this oee on or before sajd 3rd day of May, lxV. J. T. btULKiKs. uUp Regicler. Notice for Publication. L snail Slants LtinOrnt i, Rcsebare. Oregon, February, 13, 1300. Notice t hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tho act of Conjrres) of June U. isTS. enatied "An act for the sale of tiiaiier Um-N In the states of California, Oregoe, Nevada and Vahiui:ton T- mtory:" JACOB JOItNsON, of W ashbiim, C.-uoty ..f Baytield, state of Wis consin, has ibis day tied in this omce bis swot a statement No. (v.-, lor the purchase of the st;, oi Xiv;., and lota a. 4 and 5 of sectiou No. iu Township No. 21 sooth Range No. 2 W . and will offer proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than for agricultural poxKosx-a, and to esta ilish his claim to said land before the Register aud Receiver of this omce at Rose burg. Oregon, ou Ihnretlay. the 3rd day of May, l.3. lie names as w itnesses: David Hedlaod. ol Washburn, Wisconsin; sivrrt Oiv, of Wash buru. Wisronsiu; Olni ii. Olesoo, of Waahbarne. VVicou-in; O-car Lundgren. i Washbarn, Wis consin. Any and ail persons claiming advenwly the above-desrriacd lands are requested to file thei: claims in this otln c oa or beiore said 3rd day of May. liUXX J. T. BRIDGES. mp Scgixter. Notice for Publication. Cmted statks Land Office. Roseburg. Crcgon, February Its l'JOO. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with tbe provisious of the act of Congress oi June i, IsTs. enniied "An act for the sale of tim ber lands iu the States of California, Oregon, Nevada aud Washincon Territorv:'' ALBKRr F-. BST1 oi Marshfleld. County of Coos, state of Orevon, has this day filcl in this ofrieo his sworn stale ment No. Mi for the purchase of the 6E'-i of seeliou N.. X. In Tonnsnip No. " 8, Range No. 9 W., aud will oiler proof to show that thu land sought is more valuable for iu timber c stone than ior agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. t'regun, on Saturday, the L-th day of May. 1X. He names as witnesses: Wm. 11. smith, of Marshaeid, Oregon, tieo. H. Herrou. of MarshSeld, Oregon: E. W. Kardell. of Marshneld, .regou; A. E. Kar deU. of MarshiieM, Oregon. Any and all persons c'aiming adrersviy the above described lauds are requested to hie thei: cla iu this office ou or before said I Jth day ci .May. 1'A.o. J. T. BRIDuEj. Register. NOriCE FOR PUBLICATION. Cnited. States Land Omce, Rossbcko, Oregon, March 10, 10. Notice is hereby givetl that iu compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. IsTS, entitlesi -4u aet for the saleot timber lands iu ihe states o California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territorr." OeORC.E 11. MeCI.OCD; Of Ashinnd, tvtinty of Ashland, State of Wis consin. ha this day tikxl iu this otrice bis sworn statement No. SA ir tho purchase ol the E1. N W 1 j Ixts 1 and i of sVcN'o. IS. in Tp So. M S3, it No. 2 W, and will offer proof to show that Ihe land sought is more valuable for ita timber or "tone than ior agricultural purpose, aud to es tab'.ish hiseiaiiu to said la nit before the Regis terand Receiver oi this orliee at Roseburg, Oro gou, ou Tuesday, the hid day oi Mav, usjo. He. names as witnesses: L. O. DeWolf", of Wood land, wiishin.-ton, James McCully, silas H. Uan na, Daniel D. KcuncUy, ail of Ashland, Wiscon sin. Auy and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to tile their claims in this ollico on or before said hid day oi May, UW. J. T. Bkidoi. Kcgister. i V Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat Itartiflciallydigeststhe food and aids Nature iu strentheuin and recon structing tho exhausted digestive or pans. It is the vest discovered digest ant and tonic. other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in Btantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea SlckIIeadache,Gastialgia,Cramps,and ,U other results of imperfect digestion. Prtparad by E- C. OaWitt Co.. Cijicag. A. C. Marsters & Co.